OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! 1 ALL OUR SEASONABLE AND HOLD OVER COOMUSLCJJECARDLESS of COST. This is your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced proces. Our bargains are too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call and inspect our goods at this Bonafide Great Sale. c must make room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not tail to grasp the opportunity of buying useful articles at less than the wholesale cost. Do not fail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great they will not last long. For those who can not get to tow n to attend this great sale, we shall pay special attention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash must accompany the order. YOURS UP TO DATE, I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURG, OREGON. THE PEOPLE'S STORE THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES. Proprietor Rates $1.00 per day and upward Meals served from 6 a. bl to 7 p. m New Brick. New Prompt Services. S. P. Depot Grounds Furnishings. Opposite the Localf and Personal. Hfvmnl rain. April sresnher yesterday. For guaranteed dental work go to Pearson. W. B. Atterbury was down from Ulide Tuesday. Putting up the wire (or the tilide and Peel telephone system from this city will be completed by today, he thought. Dt It yon wish to have your health re stored, see the Osteopathic physician. A. H.Origsby, representing the Sim plex type setting machine company of San Francisco, was conferring with the Plaindealer Tuesday relative to install ing such a machine in this office. Home Comfort steel ranee for sale, neariv new. K. Harness. Roseburg. fltip Osteopathy cures la grippe, stomach trouble, rheumatism and female diseas- G rants Pass Council has passed an or dinance that provides for the arrest and lining of all train conductors who let their trains stand for more than five minutes across Sixth street in that city. The thermometer Saturday afternoon registered 70 above. W. L Cobb, the real estate dealer, waa transacting business in Wilbur today. Dave West has the carpenters at work building a large veranda addition to his residence fronting Cass street. Miss Kate Fuller ion returned Tues day evening from a visit with relatives in Portland. S. N. Wilkina left Tuesday for his home in Corvallis, after a short visit here with his brother, H J. Wilkins. Miss Maude Dumbleton ami Mrs. Fred Uettins of Winchester, attended the B. of 1.. F. ball in this city Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. F:. W. Stephens and two children of Portland, are visiting with relatives at Kdeubower. Mr. Stephens is a son of 8. 1). Stephens. County Treasurer U. W. Dimmick went to Oakland today to look after business matters pertaining to the Kit ton coal mine property in which he is interested. Borne are so certain that the season tor damaging froat is over that they have planted potatoes for an early crop as well as all the hardier varieties of vegetablea. Nathan Fullarton of tbe depot drug firm of Fuller ton a Richardson, left Tuesday night for Portland on business. I'pon his return he will be accompanied by his wife, who is visiting with her pa rents in that city. Mrs. W. EL Prennan of Portland is the guest of Mrs. W. EL Jamieson of RoseUirg. A TDIIT TC O T ' 1 1 u n r r i H(CViM I II W k. I 1 W I tftf'Sz'; wwv.vwv.v.v.v.'.v. -TAW Nres nniflnaninnu in S3S ouiYirAmoun 10 IHOLIDAY CANDIES Our candies are the highest grade goods in town. Comparis n is the only true test and the one we always win out on. When it comes to high grade ad de licious go.xis we have no competitors. WWAWAW.V.W W ' I.ittie Ruth, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. M. F. Wright, is reported seriously ill with pneumonia. Oregon patents granted this week, re ported by C. A. Snow A Co. patent at torneys, Washington, 11. C, Franklin Kirkpatrick, Riddle, clothes pin. Oda ville Yates, Portland, non-renllable bottle. A grand ball will lie given at Wilsons ia!lat MetaoeeOie. Feb. 21, IMS. EL E. Wilson Mgr. The liet time to henin your Osteo pathic treatment is NOW. So ve peo ple wait until it is too late to get results. W I Lynn, representing the Pacific Prin'ers Supply Co., of Seattle made the 1' air.. I aler a pleasant 1 usinss call Weiii. esdav. B. M. Armitage, of Myrtle Creek re turned home from a trip to Portland Monday where arrangements wert per fected to commence active development work on the Little Chieftian Mine near M vrtle Creek. Et is a well known fact that Osteo pa'hy is a specific for rheumatism, nervousness, stomach troubles and fe male disorders. Richard and Orover Cocoran of San Francisco, f rmer residents of Koeehurg and nephews of M. F. Wright, etoped off here Tuesday on their way to Harri son, Idaho, where they expect to remain for some time. A. F P.ahrke was in from Melrose Tuesday. A number of people there are busy clearing more land and putting it into cultivation. The Sunset Restaurant serves meals at all hours during the day. Table sup plied with the beet in the market ; all home cooking. Sunday chicken dinner a specialty at only 25 cents. Fat at the Snnset Restaurant. County Surveyor C. E. Roberts and County Road Viewer K. B. Dixon left Wednesday for I'mpqua Ferry to locate a road through the N. T. Day place. They will be joined today by County Road Viewer Morris Weber. Gill Meadows, a prominent mining man formerly of the Bohemia district, but who for the past few months has been prospecting in South I kuglas coun ty is in Roeeburg. lie is well pleased with what he saw of the mining district in the Siuthern part of this county and is exhibiting a fine gold nugget contain ing particles of wlute .juaru as a souve nir of his prospecting trip. White Pine Expectorant This reliable Expectorate Cough Cure ia hard to beat for the winter ronghs. It has both ex pect orating and sedative qualities, checks exces sive coughing yet promotes expecto ration and therefore help" the re spiratory tract to throw off any of fensive material. A fall 4 oz bottle ior 25c, F. .1 I'.iakel v left Monday night for Toll io, Ohio, to remain a few weeks on business connected with his Douglas county enterprises. Woodruff Bros, have opened up a two chair barber shop near the depot and are prepared to serve their friends in their line of business. A company introducing Williams soap has bees irivinu some creditable enter tainments in the opeia house this week at 10 and 15 cents admission. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richardson oi Los Angelas' who have been visiting relative- here, left Tuesday for Portland, where they will make there home. Mr. and Mrs. (i. H. Churchill, who have been visiting here for a month with their son, F. EE. Churchill, left for their home in Portland Tuesdav. Mrs. J. M. Davis and children left Tuesday for their home in Junction City, after a few weeks visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Strader. Miss Oolly Heftv is one of tbe few young lady editors and newspaper pub lishers of Oregon. It is unnecessary to add that the Gardiner, Douglas county, Gazette is a clean and patriotic news paper. Salem Journal. The editor of the Glendale News is making a hard fight for roads to the mines. The development of the country depends more on good roads, electric trolley lines and branch lines of rail road than anything else. B. A. Worth ington, tbe new general manager of the 8. P. R. R. lines in Oregon, passed through Roseburg Wed nesday in his special train of four cars, on his first officai trip over the road in his new capacity. The train left here at 4 :30 a m and reached Aishland at 9:40 a. m. Supt. Fields and engineer O'Oon uel were in Roseburg Tuesday on offi cial business. Censured Roosevelt Washington, Feb. 21 In a 10-minute speech, Baker (Dem.), of New York, criticised the president yesterday in congress for sending the czar it telegram expressing horror at the assassination of Sergius. He ottered a resolution to this effect which the chair declared was out of order. Maddox of (Georgia declared that the Democratic side of the house did not approve of "this damnable assassination." To Advertisers. The judicious Rose bug advertisers should not forget the twice-a-week Plaindealer. It circulates throughout the length and breadth of the t'mNiia valley and it is capable of helping wonderfuly in extending the trade of Roseburg business men, which will be good for all the people of the c itv. Whoae Is It A. B. ftfott, agent for the National Art and Crayon Co., of Chicago, in receiving and delivering en larged pictures in this county, has re ceived a photograph and enlarged por trait minus the local address. On the back of the photo appears the name "Nancy Oliver," and the photo and crayon picture may lie secured by call ing at the Plaindealer otlice. U County Treasurer's Notice Notice is hereby given that all parties holding county warrants endorse! prior to, and including, July 2S, 1902, are re quested to present the same to the coun ty treasurer as interest will cease there on after the date of this notice. Dated Roseburg, Oreg., Jan. 1906. G. W. I ' : v .fit, Countv Treasurer. ChcmberUii's Cough Btmedy the Mother's Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere. It it eepeiallv prized bv mother- oi small children, for colds, croup ami I whooping cough, as it always afford j quick relief, and as it contains no Opinio or other harmful drug and may he given ' as confidently to a bat y as to an adult For sale by A. C. Marster- A Co. REMNANT SALE For the past two weeks we have been busy invoicing our immense stock, and now that we have finished, we find in all departments hundreds of remnants, which in or der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures. The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col ors and descriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus liiiH, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin ings, ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths lrom i to io yards. These are marked at about one-half ox two-thirds of their value. Remember that although there is a large as sortment now, they will not last long, so come while the line is complete. JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE Notice to Creditors. All person- knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will call at the office of R. W. Marsters, Room 5, ' Marsters building, and sett e the name - "7 efore Feb. IS, H05. & la p C. P. Davis. The new gasoline car of the Southern Pacific, to make frequent trips between Portland and Hillsboro, may point the way to a new method of handling tbe local passenger bueinesa. But there will also be room for the proposed moter lines. Leater V. Hutchinson, recently of Woodburn, and formerly of Iorane, on Toesday purchased of J ease V. Thorn ton his cigar and confectionery business located next door to the post office and will take possession the first of the week. Mr. Hutchinson's mother will remove from her home near Oakland t o this place to reside. Besides making additions to the stock Mr. Hutchinson' aaya be is contemplating the installation of a soda bottleing works in connection i with the business. Bohemia Nugget. City Treasurer i Notice Notice is hereby given that all rtiee holding city warrants endorsed prior to Feb. 23, 1H0.;. are requested to preeent the same to the city treasurer for pay ment, as interest will cease thereon al ter the date of this notice. Dated Koeehurg, Ore., Jan. 4. W. H. C. Butcra, Citv Treasurer. OREGON'S EXPOSITION IS DESCRIBED IN SUNSET MAGAZINE MARCH NUMBER Has a finely illistrated article on the tireat Centennial just the thing to send east. Manv news article, some good short stories, clever verse and interesting miscellany. Vigorous work by entertaining writers. SOLD BY ALL NEWSDEALERS Society Meetings AF. & A. M.-Uarei Lodge No. 13'. Holds regular meetings on second " and f nrth Wednesdays of each month. J. T. Bridges, W. M. N. T. Jwjitt, Secretary. Washington's birthday Wednesday was observed in Roseburg by the clos ing of t lie banks and public buildings and a grand ball given by the Brother hood of Locomotive Fireman at the arm ory in the evening. io in any direction and you will find new houses being built in Roseburg. And the building season is scarcely opened. It is going to be a year of growth. SHOE REPAIRING Sbop one door Bouth of Mr. East man's Jackson St. Nothing but the BEST LJEATHEB used. L. GOODMAN, EASTERN SHOEMAKER Mis Delia Moore of Roseburg, a disci ple of the "art preservative," employed on the Plaindealer, is visiting Medford, the guest of L. E. Hoover and family. Medford Mail. Mc Namee Bros, are closing out their stock ot groenee st cost. Ihey are compelled to vacate the building and everything will be sold at actual cost. Opposite opera house. Mrs. A. G. Hamilton, who has been tbe guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. B R. Hamilton, in West Roeeburg for the past five months, left Wednesday for Rangoon, India, to join her husband, who is staticned theie in the capacity of a civil engineer. Glendale is awakening to the necessity of good roads to tbe mines and a citi zens' meeting waa held at the city hall 1 uesday evening to consider the matter and to take some action in that line. R. K. Montgomery was chosen chair man and Wm. K. Homme secretary of the meeting. W. A. Burr, the genial and enterpris ing music dealer, who recently return- .1 home from a trip to Kansas City, where he went to visit the bedside of his father who was quite ill, states that the winter in the middle west has been an unusual severe one, which will increase the already great exodus to Oregon and j tbe Pacific Northwest. Mr. Burr save he would not have the best home in Kansas City with a large salary and ' nothing to do, if compelled to remain there permanently. Oregon is good enough for him. Chess lean. Vieeews ti NssMmp. Sykes A Carroll have moved their plumbing sbop from the old Hook building on Main street to No. 219 Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. K. Hands Cigar Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the plumbing and tinning line. Phone No Ml. Carta lb Mother of tacaaunia "My mother was a sufferer for many years say W. H. Howard of Husband,. Pennsylvania. At times she was un able to move at all, while at all time walking was painful. I presented her with a lottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional appli cation of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerely troubled with." For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. BP. O. ELKs Roeeburg Lodge No. 326. Holds regular communica- tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend rra- larlv and all visiting brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. C. B. Canon, K. R Rov McClallfji, Secretarv. CO. D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALLION O.N. G , meets at Armory Hall every Thursday evening, at 8 e'clock. F. B. H amlib, Capt. O. o. F Philetanan Lodge No. 8. 3 Meets in Odd Fellows Temple, cor- , oer Jackson and Case streets, on! Saturday evening of each week. Mem-. bers of the order in good standing srr invited to attend, H. O. Lewis, N. G. N.T.J witt. Secretary. j Kof P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet every Wednesday, in I. O.O.? , Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members in: good standing are invited to attend. Js. A. Psrkt, C. C. M. F. Wnaaerr, K. of R. A s. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Notice ran under this head will be charged tor at tbe rate of one cent a word for two insertion. No adTeiUrcmects taken for leas than ten cents TV PEW (LITER- Son Tvpewr.ier in root con dition for uie ior ton US. Call at Plain dealer office. WANTED 1 to 4 lou in Bosebmrx, central, "1th or without improvement ; price Boat be riht ; cash. Address K O. box Si, stoseborg. Notice to Teachers A meeting of the teachers of Douglas County is hereby called at the court house in Roeeburg at 1 :30 p. m., Satur day Feb. 18, for the purpose of consider ing the matter of an educational exhibit from the county for the Lewis and Clark fair. F. B. Hamus, Cunty Supt. Schools. Call for Bids. Title Guarantee & Loan U. I. u R(WEBfKli. ORE'tOS D . - - Praalrii-m C. H4BUTOS, Secy and Trea UIBce in the court H.nio. Mare the only com piee ml ot abetrwrt feeefeS In Doufiu CodD't Abstracts and Omacaus ot Tills fnrniahtdo! DsagsM county land ind mlninc cUlnu. Have Jao a complete tt of Trarlnn of all township plats ta tbe Roar bunt. Oregon, C - Land Di trtct. Will make bine print copies of any town htp Bids will he received for the construc tion of a sewer, on Oak street letween Main and Chadwick streets according to plans and specifications now on file at the City Recorder's office, Roeeburg, Oregon. Bids must he in the hands of the city recorder by March, 6, l!.v. The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, by order of the city council made the 6th dav of Februarv PKV H. I.. Marstess. f'JOm'J Citv Recorder. LILAC CIRCLE.-No. 49, W; men of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdavs of each month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members in good stan Hag are invited to attend. Mr. A. B. F oki f. Guardian Neighbor. Belt Morian, Crekk Second and Fourth Tharsdays. OE. B Rose'wri Chapter No. 8 Holds their re go ar meeting on th first and third Thursdays in eai h ninth. Visiting members in r d itanding are reapectfullv invited to at tend. Maude Rat. W. M. Regina Raet. Secretary. UNITED ARTISANS, Ump-iua As sembly No. U. meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month, in Native Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Marsters. M. A. M'.ssie Joses, Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Came No. Meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Roeeburg. every drat and third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors alwavs welcome. J. M. Bridc.es.. C. C N. T. JBwsTr. Clerk. ATtaia sf fcrsag Meanae Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains, and prefer to do ee rather that take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not know ing that quick relief from pain may oe had simply by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm and without taking any med icine internally. For sale by" A. C. Marsters A Go. paornnm and BtrrNBtB.'" - IN ALL COUNTRIES. ribart tad rfnsgwssst encbes txemshery. BP U V H WASHINGTON, D. C. MRS 9 H. EASTON is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of tbe very beet a quality, leas aad coCeee are J specialties. Tour patronage solicited. Roseburg a ao5 Jackson St. . VSVfAW At a meeting of the board of directors of the Wm P. Johnson Lumber Co. of this city, Tuesday night, it was decided to enter into a contract with the South ern Pacific R R. Co , whereby the latter is to construct a spur track about 3,000 feet long at Myrtle Creek to connect with a platform at the end of the John son lumber rlume. Work will com mence at once, but two or three months will be required to complete the job, in cluding llie long trestle. I lie company lias secured a large contract to furnish ties and timttera for the S. P. Co. and this improvement and enterprise will prove a great benefit to Myrtle Creek. Wood and hay for sale, with J. F. Barker & Co. Leave orders tf Bluuianer & Hoch of Portland h. ve tiled a suit in the circuit court here against Adam Johnson to recover 2S1 l.r, alleged to be due for goods sold to defendant while he was in the saloon business here. DO YOUR PARTIS Call and we will show you through the largest stock of QQ HOUSE EURNISHING GOODS in Southern Oregon in HI IRQ fact the most up-to-date line ever shown Poath of Portland A LOOK AT OUR STOCK AND PRICES will convince the most skeptical that we sell at a very close margin tnd that we are in a position to save you money on anything in our line : : : : AT $3.75 III AT $6.50 AT $3.50 we will sell you a bed- a bedstead w ith full a bedstead that can't stead that will cost bras rail, head and be duplicated at any 16 at any other place foot, which is worth $S HUire on the coast A $1.50 DINER FOB ONLY $1.00 RICEfcRICE THE HOUSE FURNISHERS Representative H. G. Sonnemann has returned to his home at Glendale from Salem. He made a fine record in the Oregon legislature of which Douglaa county may well be proud, it being principally through his efforts that the Bohemia and Ixwn Iake districts were saved to Douglas county. Ben Lurch, one of the leading mer chants of Cottage Grove, was in Rose burg Wednesday looking over the Ma bley tract, lying west of the Soldiers' Home, with a view to accepting it in exchange for Cottage Grove property, a shingle mill which he owns near that city. The Plaindealer was favored with a pleasant call. A large gang of Greeks were in Cot tage Grove Tuesday on their way to the operations of tbe steel gang, which will replace the lisht steel with the heaviest supplied by the 8. P. company between Divide and Roseburg. A probable force ol JUO men will be employed on the work. Bohemia Nugget. Kditor and Mrs. D. F:. Vernon, of the Oakland Owl, and Rev. A. C. Vernon, of Looking Glass, were in town Tuesday The former reports everything prosper- : i , , , . - . . . ouh iu uaaianu ami vicinity, und says that prospects are good for the carrying out of the proposed big irrigating scheme in that vicinity this season. Rev. T. O Carroll is in the valley in the interest of tbe new hospital to be erected at Roseburg. Four acres of groun.i nave been secured in that city and work will probably be commenced within the nest thirty days. The hos pital is to be called Providence hospital and will be conducted on the same gen eral pian as mat oi St. Vincent s at Portland. Father O'Carroll wilt be in Medford the latter part of this week . Medford Mall. Death of Mrs. Kribs A telegram waa received from Port land this morning announcing the death there last night, Feb. 22. UTO, of Mrs. Frederick A. Kribs. Deceased was the wife of the well known titnberland buy er, and was well and favorably known in Roseburg. She waa of a kind, gentle disposition and was possessed of many noble womanly attributes, one of her chief pleasures being to relieve the wants of the poor and needy. Mr. and Mrs. Kribs came from Minneapolis, Minn., some years ago and had decided to locate permanently in Portland where a bewutiful home is being provided and ia now almost ready for occupancy. It has not been ascertained whether the remains will be interred at Portland or shipped back to the old home for burial. Mr. Kribe haa tbe sympathy of a host of friends in Roseburg and Douglas county in his sad hour of bereavement. The funeral service will te conducted at Portland at 2 o'clock p. m. Friday and the following named citizens of of Roseburg and friends of Mr. Kribs will attend : T. R. Sheridan, F. E. Al ley, J. H. Booth, Dr. K. L. Miller, J. F. Givaoa, Ben McMullen, A. T. Bests! and G. A. Signaleas. " Before coming to Roseburg to trade, readers are requested to exam ine the Plaindealer advertising col umes. It's the active, wide-awake business man who advertises, conse quently he is the most accommodat ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the most liberally in every way. Dry Fir and Oak Wood. J. H, Hoi lis haa purchased Geo. Collins wood yard in this city and gives notice that he Is prepared to supply either dry Fir or Oak wood on short notice and at re asonable prices. Phone main 1076. flop STANLEY We have opeued a high-gradV Stock of Men's Furnishing goods in Roseburg, occupying the room re cently vacated by Flint's Shoe Store, next door to the new post office. Recently we bought three targe bankrupt stocks of Clothing, Shoes. Hats, Shirts, Underwear and a general line of Furnishings. The stock more than filled our Eugene store and we were compelled to open another store, selecting Roseburg as the desirable point. We mast unload this surplus stock of goods and to do so quickly we will for 20 days sell goods at a fraction of their real worth. These goods were bought at 45. 47 and 50 cents on the dollar and during' this 20 days sale anything in the store can be bought at half price. MEN'S SUITS SHOES FOR MEN SHIRTS FOR MEN Men's n.00 Suits $ 2 f0 A good stock from which to make a selection. Golf and Negligee Shirts by the hundreds. Men's T.OO Suits, all wool, will go at . . 3 TiO t H to 15 00 Shoes at 2 78 LM Shirts will sell at $ 1 00 Men's $10 to $12 iu all styles at 6 00 $3.00 Shoes will sell at 2 00 $l.5 Shirts will sell at H Men's $15 Suits, many to select from, at. 7 50 $2 50 Shoes will sell at 1 7 $100 Shirts will sell at Men's Better Suits, all half-price, $S.00 to 15 00 $l-r0 Shoes w ill sell at 1 00 75 cent Shirts will sell at 45 Man's Trousers at Half Prica Boys' Shows at a guaranteed saving of l-3d M t Shirts will sell at 30 CHILDREN'S SUITS LAMES AND MISSES SHOES HATS FOR MEN AM BOYS Kne I'ants Suits, ages 3 to 11 years, will go at A few pair Cut to Half Price, as we do not $2.25 Hats will go for $ 1 50 Half Price. continue handling ladies goods. gg g g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 g 75 cent Hats will go for 50 75C a SUit and Up Socks, Handkerchiefs. Neckwear 1-2 Price 50 cent Hats will go for 35 This 20 Days Sale will Dumbfound the population of Douglas County Be quick to call at the store that has no competition, for we will sell for less than other merchants pay for their goods. STANLEY'S NEXT DOOR TO NEW POST OFFICE ROSEBURG