The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 20, 1905, Image 3

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This is your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced proees.
Our bargains are too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for yon to call
and inspect our goods at this Bonatide Great Sale.
We must make room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not
tail to grasp the opportunity of buying useful articles at less than the wholesale
cost. Do not fail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great
they will not last long.
For those who can not get to town to attend this great sale, we shall pay
special attention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash
must accompany the order. YOURS UP TO 1 ATE,
- ' -
HARVEY JONES. Proprietor
Rates $1.00 per day and upward
Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m
New Brick. New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds .' ." .' .
SS? uumrrtmoun 10
yc'ij sVWwVVVYvVVvVWvVw
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparis -n is
the only true tet and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
'A - 1
ri 3 .V.V.VAW.V.W.SV.
' ! 8 5-'
White Pine
This reliable Expectorate Cough
Cure is hard to beat for the winter
coughs. It has Iwth esectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive coughing yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full i oz bo'tle for 25c,
Shop one do r south of Mrs. Eastman';-
Jackson St.
Nothing but the BE -T LEATHER
Wood and hay for sale,
with J. F. Barker A Co.
Ieave orders
(.-. .
Call and we will sl ow un throneh the largest stock of
HOl'SE U RNISHING GOODS in Southern Oregon in
fact the most up-to-date line ever shown onth of Portland
will convince the most skeptical that we sell at a very close margin md that
we are in a position to save you money on anything in our line : : : :
AT $3.75
we will sell you a bed
stead that will cost
$5 at any other fttM
AT $6.50
a bedstead with full
bra-8 rail, head and
foot, which is worth $8
A $1.50 DINER
w w -w massa
Local and Personal.
Trak at home.
Patronise pacirhawte who advertise.
s birthday anniversary
li the report te true, Canyonville is to
have a newspaper.
If you wish to have your health re
stored, see the Osteopathic physician.
Home Comfort steel range for sale,
I'.earlv new. K. Banna, Koseburg. fltlp
Osteopathy cures la grippe, stomach
trouble, rheumatism and female diseas-
A grand ball will lie given at Wilsons
hall at Mel rote Ore. Feb. 21, 1905.
H. K. Wilson Mgr.
The lest time to liegin your Osteo
pathic treatment is NOW. So re peo
pie wait until it is too late to get results.
Mr. and Mrs. C K. Caveiwler left
Saturday morning for their home at
A-hland. after a short visit here with
Make a note of the following. Dr.
Lowe will le id Oakland Feb 20, Drain
l-eb. 2: till noun only. Have him tett
vi ur eves.
It is a well known fact that Osteo
pathy is a specific forms rheumati,
nervcusness. stomach troubles and fe
male disorders.
Engineer and Mrs. J. B Waite con
template going to Albany to reside soon,
Mr. Waite having taken the position of
engineer on the Albany local.
Msrshtk-id Mail : Al. Crouch and
Ben VcMullen, timber cruisers, of Rose
burg, left yesterday to look up some
timber claims on Willanch inlet.
Rev. Robt. Christensen and wife are
making arrangements to remove from
their home in this city to their tine little
fruit farm a: Mvrtle Cr?ek this week.
More than 700,000 gallons of Scotch
whisky were consumed by fire in Aber
deen recently. No wonder the fire was
very much put out the next morning.
Dr. Lowe's superior glasses cost no
more than others liesides you have the
benefit of his skill and over eighteen
years experience. At Roseburg, Feb 21
and 22.
Dr. Lowe is the only eye sight epecial
est visiting Koseburg who has taken a
course in medicine. When you consult
him you do not get glasses unless you
reallvneed them.
Miss Emma Thompson, of Coles Val
ley, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs D.S.
West, of this city a few days last week.
She left Friday for San Francisco to
visit with her sister.
Mr. lames Inman came in from I-ook-ing
Gbus Friday for treatment for his
right wrist, which was dislocated by a
fall frdm a load of hay Thursday. Dr.
, lu iae attended to his injury.
I 1
John Alexander, of Glide, has filed a
suit in the circuit court here against
Albert Wilson anil wife to recover $i5.
47 alleged to be due for merchandise
sold to defendant, and f 1 1 .9S on an
account assigned to plaintiff by J. F.
Barker A Co.
Tillamook Independent : If our pro
hibition friends could have examine! all
the packages that came in on the El
more Thursday, their contents would
hve tieen a revelation to them, a great
many of them tearing the address of
, well known prohibitionists.
AT $3.50
a bedstead that can't
lie duplicated at any
store on the coaBt
FOR ONLY $1.00
LfiLM t
T. K. Bledsoe, of Drain, was a Roee
burg visitor Sunday.
New definition A laundry
where shirts are exchanged.
i a place
Roy McOallen returned home from a
business trip to Portland this morning.
Prof. Oempeter, of the Drain Normal,
was in attendance at the teachers' meet
ing in Roeeburg Saturday.
"Xettie the News Uirl" was the beet
melodrama which has been presented at
at the Koseburg theater this winter.
Geo. C. Stanley, a Eugene merchan
diser, is looking over Koseburg with a
view to putting in a stock of merchan
dise here.
Volney Dixun, the young sketch art
ist, went to Kugene to accept a position
as artist on the University publication
at that place Saturday.
J. A. and V. C. Eggers, of Dillard,
were transacting business in Koseburg
today. Mr. Eggers had just received hie
insurance on his home which burned re
cenUy. The (ilendale Lumber Companv has
received n gn at number of inquiries lor
lumber lately, and indications are that
the demand for lumber on the coast will
be greater than it has Urn for some
time past.
John Durham, the Cottage Grove
drayman, accompanied by his wife, was
transacting business io Koseburg Satur
day. He said he was pleased to note
that there was one live town along the
road, referring to Roseburg.
The Sunset Restaurant serves meals
at all hours during the day. Table sup
plied with the best in the market : all
home cooking. Sunday chicken dinner
a specialty at only 25 cents. Hat at
the Sunset Restaurant.
Dr. H4 L. Studley the Osteopathic
Physician cures acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformaties and
removes foreign growths. Consultion
free Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abranam bnilding. tf
It is said that investigation of the J
Roseburg land office will continue un-1
til the March term of court convenes
and that the federal jnry will be re-,
called at that time. During Heney's !
absence at Washington secret investi
gation of Oregon land frauds will be
pushed with vigor.
A Lalirand man has ordered, for dif
ferent parlies, H,000 fruit tree from a
Milton nursery, enough to make a solid
apple orchard of 320 acres and me ins .
within a very few years, an annual ship
ment of 10,800 boxes, or 18 cars, and as
the trees become older they will be
greatly increased.
John Valentine, an old soldier from
the soldier's home came down from
Roseburg to take an examination be
fore the board of medical examiners for
an increase of pension. He returned to
Cottage Grove, his old home, for a short
visit before he returns to Rose
burg. Eugene Register.
H J. Wilson, the Canyonville real es
tate dealer, returned home Saturday
from a business trip to Portland and
Salem, he having been present at the
closing session of the legislature at the
latter place. Mr. Wilson says there is
sure to be a great influx of home-seekers
and investors to southern Oregon this
T. J. Boyd, a Plaindealer representa
tive, visited Myrtle Creek Friday in the
interest of this paper and was much
gratified with the many friendly ex
pressions he heard for the paper in that
vicinity. He secured an u m ber of new
subtcribers and several subscription re
newals. He was most favorably im
pressed with that sitely little town and
its beautiful surroundings.
Mr. E. L. Parrott, Mrs. B. Casey and
Miss Lizzie Parrott arrived here Satur
day morning from Tucson, Arizona,
with the body of their sister, Miss Abbie
Parrott, who died there last Monday.
The funeral was held from the M. E.
church in this city on Sunday, Feb. 19,
at 2 o'clock p. in., with services conduct
ed by Rev Frank L. Moore, of Cottage
Grove, assisted by Rev. Geo H. Ben
nett, of this city, interment in the 1. O,
O. F. cemetery. Many beautiful floral
tributes were in evidence and the funer
al services were largely attended, de.
noting with what high regard deceased
was held in this city.
W" Before coming to Roseburg to
trade, readers are requested to exam
ine the Plaindealer advertising col
umes. It's the active, wide-awake
business man who advertises, conse
quently he is the most accommodat
ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the
most liberally in every way.
Dry Fir and Oak Wood. J. H, Hoi
lis has purchased Geo. Collins wood
yard in this city and gives notice that
be is prepared to supply either dry Fir
or Oak wood on short notice and at re
asonable prices. Phone main 1075. flop
Pythians at Cottage Grove.
Over ISO members of the Knights
of Pythias of this district attended
the district convention held at Cot
tage Grove Saturday evening. This
was the first district convention ever
held by the Knights in this district,
and H. W. Strong, of Koseburg, Dist
rict Deputy Grand Chancellor, was
highly complimented by the Grand
Chancellor and many others for his
successful efforts in the organization
of the convention. Besides the Kose
burg and Cottage Grove lodges there
were representatives from Kugene,
Junction and Drain lodges in attend
ance. The principal work accomp
lished in the convention was team
contests in the rank of knighthood.
Teams from Kugene, Koseburg and
Cottage Grove contesting, the win
ning team to represent this district
at the state convention to be held at
Portland during the Lwria and Clark
fair. Cottage Grove carried off the
honors and will represent this dis
trict at the fair. Kugene secured
second place and Koseburg third.
L A. Sanctuary was successful in
winning for Koseburg an individual
prize offered by the Cottage Grove
lodge. (J rand Chancelor Curl of
Albany and Grand Keeper of Kecords
and Seal, L K. Stinson of Salem,
were 'present and acted as judges.
S. L Morgan of Koseburg and Editor
Fetter of .Drain were initiated into
the order.
The following Koseburgers were in
attendance and report a royal time:
K. W. Strong, F. G. Micelli, Jos. Mi
celli, K. K. Rice, M. P. Wright, D. P.
Fisher, V. C. London. Jas. A. Perry
F. H. Hunter. Z. X. Agee. T. F. Pat
terson, Will P. King, Klraer K. Wim
berly. Mel Thompson, Frank Brown,
Geo. Graham. Fred Johnson, J. ('.
Aiken, C. W. Cloake, L A. Sanctu
ary and S. L Morgan.
Douglas Co. Educational Exhibit.
Pursuant to botice iseued iu the Plain
dealer by Supt. F B Hamlin a numter
of the iHmglas county teachers met at
the court (muse Saturday afternoon to
take steps for the preparation of a suit-
I able educational exhibit at the Lewis
! aud Clark fair. Supt Hamlin pre., led, ,
' I'rf. S. P. Stewart, acting as secretary. '.
It was decidt d to make but one exhibit
from the county, the Drain State Nor- '
mal. the Koseburg and Oakland high
scuools to contribute to oue county ex
hibit instead of making a separate ex-
After discussion it was decided to se- i
lect a general committee for securing ;
the exhibits and an executive commit
I tee to arrange and have charge of same.
The committees choeen are as follows:
ieneral committee Prof A M San- i
ders, Mrs H C Breeden, Misses Edith
Aldrich, Addie Stewart, Florence Aiken ,
Edwarda Erickson, Roseburg ; Profs G
... 7 ... I
awyers, Jas lavi, Ua And ; i res :
! r... ........ !. .r it c $, ... ., rw.: . P-..J :
Clayton, Camas Valley; Prof W H
Hobhs, Wilbar ; Prof J D Baugbman.
Misses Blanche Riddle, Bertha Pruner. j
Riddle . Ray Henderson, Elkton ; J Ej
Patterson, Geo Crane. Dillard : Prof Mr-
Connell, (ilendale
Prof Thurman Chan-
ey. Myrtle Creek ;
Creek; Miss Rose
Prof Houser, Deer ,
Parrott, Urdiner ; ;
Miss Maude Dsvore, Yoncilla; Miss
Rudolph, Canyonville ; Miss Bard, Gales
ville; Fred Bonebrake, Dixonvilie: F B
Moody, Brockway ; Miss Adams, Prof
H. J. Robinett, Roseburg.
Executive Committee Trots A M
Sanders, W H Dempster, Geo Sawyers,
J E Patterson, J il Hobbs, Misses Addie
Stewart, Anna Clarke.
This latter committee is also to have
charge of the financee and look after
raising the necessary funds estimated
at about f JUU lor securing, arranging
and handling this exhibit. The county
court will be asked to assist in this mat
Call for Bids.
Bids will be received for the construc
tion of a sewer, on Oak street between
Main and Chadwick streets according to
plans and specifications now on file at
the City Recorder's office, Roeeburg,
Oregon. Bids must be in the hands of
the city recorder by March, 8, l'.Bfi. The
city council reserves the right to reject
any and all bids, by order of the city
council made the 6th day of Februarv
f'JOm'2 Citv Recorder.
It is Cold Back There
Indianola, la., Feb. 13, 1905.
Eoitob Pi.ainhkai.ek. Please send
statement of amount due you on my
subscription as I desire to pay up. We
are having winter in earnest, twenty-six
below zero this morning and lanes full
of snowdrifts in many places. I con
gratulate you as to your prospective new-
borne for the Plaindealer. Wish I had
time to come and help you lay the
bricks. Respectfully,
G. W. Poktkk.
Inclosed with the above letter was
fine photo of Mr. Porter's home, taken
at this time, show ing the place em
braced in winter's chilly blast. The
lawn is covered with a heavy mantle of
snow and every tree and shrub is droop
ing under its weight of ire, at the trunk
of which the bare earth is revealed, the
strong winds having carried the dry
snow away in its whirl about these ob
structions. How different from balmy
old Douglas, where the bluebells and
buttercups are blooming on the hillsides
and where the roses have bloomed in
the open air all winter long.
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg post office
Bradhurg Bert Hanks D W
Barton Milton Sherrets John
Currie J E
The Sharpies Cream Sep Co
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on which they are
advertised, Feb., 20, 1905.
The letters will be charged for at the
rate of one cent each .
C. W. Parka
Things Doing at "The Grove"
Last Friday (i. 15. Hengen, of New
York, president of the Cottage (irove,
Bohemia railroad, and Oregon Securities
Mining Co. of Bohemin, offered Mrs.
Kate Perkins i:t.CKH for her farm locat
ed in the suburbs of Cottage (irove,
which is at the rate of tlOO per acre.
The deal is being held up, the party re
quiring a little more for the place than
was offered, but Mr. Hengen is also in
siting a 200-acre tract in the same vi
cinity which is oll'ered to him for floO
per acre by J. I. Jones, the tract being
the best Baited to Mr. Hengen's purpose
will no doubt Im purchased bv him.
There is much speculation regarding
the signficance of this contemplated
purchase, one Btory lieing to the effect
that the S. P. Railroad Go. desires to
purchase the Bohemia Railroad yards at
Cottage (irove in order to transfer its
freight division from Junction to that
place which would necessitate Mr. Hen
gen securing yards elsewhere for his de
pot, round house, machine shops, etc.
It is also stated that Mr. Hengen has
some large manufacturing plants also in
contemplation. He is also said to be
negotiating for the big Long A Kingham
saw mill at Cottage (irove, and that he
will extend the railroad into 1 ohemia
this season and will operate bis com
pany's mines on a large scale, the pres
ent prospects lieing very encouraging at
the mines.
CHANKY In Myrtle Creek, Feb. II,
IHUii, to the wife of Thurman Chaney,
a son
CHANKY In Myrtle Croak, Feb, IS,
1H05, to the wile of C. Chaney, a 10
pound daughter.
church, south, parsonage in ! burg,
Feb. lti, liRfi. W. Uodfrev aid Mrs.
Nellie Bane, Kev. H C. Allen offi
ciating. The irroorn has been a resident of
Koseburg lor a year or more pat. Mis
bride is a daughter of K. . Hewes, the
well known timber land dealer of this
S l rMKKl.lN At the familv Lome in
Oakland, Feb 17, Mi, Mr-. Feuda
Sutherlin. an e-teemed pioneer lly
of this county, aged 78 year-i, of gener
al debility.
Mrs. Sntherlia had leen an invalid
for over a year past and during the past
few days her death had teen expected
at any time
Mrs Sutherlin is survived by the fol
lowing children: Mrs. F. B. Waite and
J. R. Sutherlin. of Roseburg. S. J.
Sutherlin, of Portland, Ore. : Mrs. J. W.
Randall, of Moscow. Idaho: and James
Bruan. a son by a former husband,
residing at Roeeburg. All were at the
Iwdside when she passed away.
The (uneral was he. 1 at Oakland Sat
urday morning, with services Co:, tucted
by Rrv tieorge C Ritcbey, of the Chris
tian church, of Roseburg.
Mrs. Sutherlin was highly esteemed
and leaves a wide circle of friends to
mourn the ending of a long and useful
BOYLK. Semi Mynit
1906, Iasac Bovle, ag
Creek. Feb.
ii year.
Horrible Death of Dr. Cheadle
Lelanon, Or , Feb. 18. Dr. (ieorge
Cheadle, a prominent dentist of this
cjtv, was killed on bis farm near here
yesterday while helping to move a
bouse. He was under the building
when one of the sills broke, the tmild
ing falling on him and rruthing out his
life instantly. The body was crushed
out of all semblance of human form.
Dr. Cheadle was SS years old, and leaves
a wife, three children and a mother
here. Dr. Cheadle was a brother of Dr.
E. M. Cheadle formerly of Roseburg.
Cook Accused of Larceny
Alex Harlow, a cook formerly of Cot
tage (irove, was arrested Thursday
night by Ottcet Pent, on the charge of
robbing Robert Sweeney, of i ilendale of
$3i0. Sweeney, who was inebriated,
met Harlow in the Imperial saloon,
near the depot, and says he intrusted
the money to the accused, aith which
to purchase a railroad ticket for the
plaintiff Harlow failed to return, and
his arrest followed. Harlow plead not
guilty, and was acquitted in Justice J
T. Long's court Saturday afternoon.
The very latest information being
passed around is to the effect that po
tato parings are a succueseful chimney
cleaner. When burned in a Btove the
chimney is kept free from sot and
other condilioua which breeds fires.
Zinc Biiuilarv used is also said to do
aw av with soot.
Hay l-'or Sale
write LA. Perry
In car loud lots
Mtil ford Oregon, for
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitrenteri; ami Yellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true to name and free from
pests. For sale at very reasonable prices
by Roseburg Nurseries, H. Schroten,
Roeeburg, Oregon tt
Special sales by Stearns A Chenowith
Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other
sewinir machines $15.00 and up; water
nine: wire, olain and harliod : cut and
wire nailB ; the only guaranteed black
smith coal; two carloads Page woven
wire fence, the only toniered wire fence
for sale. tf
Cured Bis Mother or Khtunuusm
"My mother was a sufferer for many
years says W. H. Howard of Husband,
Pennsylvania. At times she was un
able to move at all, while at all times
walking was painful. 1 presented her
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and after a few applications she
decided it was the moat wonderful pain
reliever she had ever tried in fact, she
is never without it now and is at all
times able to walk. An occasional appli
cation of Pain Balm keeps away the pain
that she was forinerely troubled with."
For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co.
For the past two weeks we have been busy invoicing
our immense stock, and now that we have finished, "e
find in all departments hundreds of remnants, which in or
der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures.
The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col
ors and descriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus
lins, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin
ings, ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths Irom i to
io yards.
These are marked at about one-half 01 two-thirds of
th'ir value. Remember that although there is a large as
sortment now, they will not last long, so come while the
line is complete.
. . . . m
To Attend Inaugural Ceremonies
of President Roosevelt in Wash
ington, D. C.
Because of the short time in which the
matter must lie decided, there has been
o very marked interest taken in the
contest to send a student of the Roee
burg high school to participate in the
i-eremoniee of the inauguration of Presi
dent Roosevelt. However, some effort
is ling made to arouse sufficient inter-;
est by means of a voting contest in or
der to raise the necesarv funds to bear
the expense of the trip. ometime since
President Roosevelt extended an invita
tion for each high school in the I'nited
States to select someone of their number
Io come to Washington and participate
in the inaugural. So far as known here
no school in the state, except Portland,
will send a representative, and it would
be a stroke of good policy if Roseburg
should send a young man from the high
school for this purpose. It can be done,
ail right, but it behooves everyone who
feels any interest in the matter to get
up and hustle, for this time is so short
that the contest in the city will cloee
next Saturday. Voting coupons have
bet-n provided for the occasion and these
are on rale at a number of places in
town at live cents each, and at the cloee
of the contest, which is a friendly one,
the lad receiving the highest number of
votes will be provided with the funds
created by the sale of ballots for the
purpose of paying his railroad fare and
expenses. Boxes for the iweption of
ballots are provided at the poetorTice and
at the drug store of Fullerton A Rich
ardson, and the ballots are counted ev-
ry day by a committee composed of
Misses Rabat, Byers and Smith. Ser
eral candidates are already in the field
and others can enter at any time. Every
man in town should buv some votes, as
manv as lie feels able, and cast them fo
some one of the candidates and thereb
help the tiling along. It does not mat
ter so much if your particular favorite
is not successful, as it will be sufficient
satisfaction that tjme Roeeburg boy en
joys the distinction of having been sent
to Washington for the purposes of the
enterprise, which will be creditable to
the town. Get in and do something to
help the thing along.
Two counts have leen made with the
following result :
DickGilvin W
l.anev McConnell 26
Earl Strong M
Frank Berrv
J. P. Johnson,
dentist. Grave's
49tf ing.
Myrtle Creek Notes.
Myrtle Creek forges ahead.
B. M. Armitage is in Portland on bus
ness this week.
H.T. McClallen of Roseburg trans
acted business in Myrtle Creek Wednes
day. M. M. Oatman is having lumber haul
ed to this place for a residence to be
erected in the spring.
Mrs. W. B. Stewart arrived in Myrtle
Creek and accompanied Mr. Stewart to
the mines Tuesday.
Arthur Mattoon, who recently clerked
in N. Selig's store here, has secured a
position in a dry goods sto re at Cottage
W. A. Moses left for his h mw in
Kansas City Saturday after lookinu aft
er his interests in this vie nity. Mr.
Moan is well pleased with this section
and stated he would return in the sum
mer with party of at least sixteen peo
ple Mail.
Judge Vindicated Editor
Judge Carpenter of the district court
has refuse.1 to hold Park C. Hayes, edi
tor of the Casper, (Wyo) Derrick, in con
tempt of court, although requested to
do bo by Prosecuting Attorney A T But
ler, w ho contended that commeut on a
certain case by Hayes was intended to
prejudice the public.
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
KOsKHl K i
Secy, and Tress
Offloe In ths Court House. Hvo the only eom
piste set ol abstract books In Douglas Cuun y
Abstracts slid Certlflcstes of Title turnlshtdol
Douglas county land and milium claims. Have
in mmnlau kt ol Trsclon ol all tow mill I'
plats la the Roseburg. Orscon, 0. 8. Land
trtct. Will make blue prim copies ol aaj town
Soaiety frleetinga.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Hailsretrular meetings on second
and f nrtn wedr.e : ol eacn
month. j. r. u:,u, w. m.
N . r . J Ewrrr, Secretary.
P. O. ELKS. Roseourg Lodge No.
326. Holds regular communica
tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
Ai! members requested to attend regn
larlr and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
C. B. Ca n vox, F. R
Ror McClallfi, Seeretart.
O.N. G , meets at Armor Hali every
Thursday evening, at 8 e'clock.
K. B. Hamub. dpt.
O. O. F Pt.ilelanan Lodge No. .
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Case streets, oo
aturdav evening of eacr. wees. M
oers of the order in good standing
invited to attend.
H. O. Lew:, N. G
N.T Jiwrrr, Soereurv.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet
every Wedneeday, in I. O. 0. F
Hail a' 7:30 p. m. Members io
rood standing are invited to attend.
Jas. A. Piret, C. C.
M. F. Wright, K. of R. A S.
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
Woxlcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th
Thursdays of each month at the I.
O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members in
good standinr are invited to attend.
Mas A. B. F.cele. Guardian Neighrjor.
Bell Morian, Creek
Second and Fourth Thursdays.
E. S Roeeburg Cnapter No. 8
Holds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdavs in each
nonth Visiting members in gerd
(landing are respectful It invited to at
tend. Maude Rast, W. M.
Regina Rast. Secretary.
U r:
sembly No. HV. meets second and
fourth Saturdavs of each month, in
Native ns' hall. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome.
A. C. M ARsTKRS. M. A.
Minnie Jones, Secretary.
11 wr
it Cj
trr No. 125. Meets at the Odd
owf' Hail, in Roeeburg, every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors always welcome.
J'. M. Bridges, C. C
N. T. Jiwrrr. C.erk.
The Best Made
Waterman s Ideal
Money Refunded If Not
drwwuw r ;ii -. Bv xrt Mirft Si rww report.
Trm Jtv-f. how to oMain pstrala. ul mut
n-prnsm. in all. couNTmea.
Smsimrss r l witk H'as&tftom hmr,
m. .y JJ ' ttr:.
Pttwrt Md laMsfWMnt Pnctfct tc!Wy.
Wrtlv or come loVftl
IU Itoli sts-c M CUM Stmto Mat
If You are in Trouble
Will Help You
Suits Cleaned and Pressed
Steam Clean, $2.00-2.50
Four Suits Cleaned and
Ten Shines $1.50 per mo.
With J. A. COBB
Come and See Me About Your
, N E W
I Vttimi np a C lab of oO
Sotlct ran under thli bead will be ebanred tor
at tue rmt of one cent a word tor two insertion.
So idvetUiemcnu taken lor leu tnan ten cenu
FOR -A.LE - Chep, as a.mol new tuta en
fine and wood ai combined will mw from 30
to 0 tier per day. A machine for ripping poles
toe with the outfit. Address W. A- aebrtng,
billard, Oregon
TYPEWSIT1R- 3nn Typewriter in good con
dition lor lor tJO, east U6. Call at Plau
desuer office.
ANTED 1 tot Lou in Rasebwrg. centra..
with or without improvements : price must be
right icsse. Address t- O. box at, Beaebarg.
Notice to Teachers
A meeting of the teachers of Douglas
County is hereby called at the court
house in Roeeburg at 1 :30 p. m., Satur
day Feb. IS, for the purpose of consider
ing the matter of an educational exhibit
irom the county for the Lewis and Clark
fair. F. B. Haxixs,
County Supt. Schools.
AfTarf f Strsaj !
Many people suffer for years from
rheumatic pains, and prefer to do as
rather that take the strong medicines
usually given for rheumatism, not know
ing that quici relief from pain may be
had simply by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and without taking any med
icine internally. For sale by A. C.
Marsters A Co.'
Strawberry Plants for Sale. Excel
sior and Wilson strawberry plants, 50
cents per hundred, or $2.50 per 1000
f. o. b. Addr
i J. a. l ounce, Uiilanl,
Excellent action helps the spectators
to a keen enjoyment, while the eye is
j treated to a succession of faithful repro
duction of New York scenes, including
pier No. 2, North River, Brooklyn
Bridge and many other well known
places in New York City. At the Rose
burg theatre Friday Feb. 17, in "Nettie,
the News Girl.'"
I, J. Norman & Co,
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Confections, fruits
Bakery Goods
Always fresh
: and
Am prepared to raise and put new
foundations under old buildings, as
well as do general carpenter work.
Residence, Wait's addition, Roeeburg
.. -.' .-.
is prepared to wait upon old
anil nAwrnntnmiirstni frinmli
with a full and complete
stock of
All freah and of the very beet
quality. Teas and coffees an
specialties. Your patronage
ins In. k tnn DnuSnv.