; r, Social THE TWICE-A-WEEK Roseburg, Oregon Population. :tr00 Tbc County flout of Hondas C-ouuty. Orvjfon LMfttM Homo; l;. S. l-nnl Oflioo and 0. S. Wtathor Bureau aro lanAsi horo S. P. railroal division ; splendid oduoatioual advantHKis. (iatowar to the Coos Bay and Coqiiille oouutry. Rosebarg Plaindealtr The rnont widely reait neaipaper paMih-l In Houlhern Oregon end contequentlj the bist a-lver-iUIok mediant. I.rfe. modernlj equipped Job printing department In connection. Eetabluhed In ISM. HubK-rlptlio, 12 per rear lor Semi-Weekly. Vol. XXXVII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1905 No. 15 JAYNE BILL KILLED ASSASSINATE DUKE In the Senate After it Comes From the Committe to Which It Was Referred. Uncle of Czar is Blown to Atoms With Bomb Thrown by a Russian Revolutionist ' BY A VERY CLOSE VOTE COACHMAN ALSO KILLED flioseburg j) Imnftealer. If The Local Option Law Remains the Sauji as at the Last Elec tion Vote 14 to 15. Palem, Feb. 17. The time of the Sen ate was taken Thursday and Kridav in discussion of the Jayue bill to amend the local option law. The senate committee on education, Haines, Loughary and Pierce, reported a substitute that left the original bill as it passed the house in unrecognizable form. It was the local optioD bill amended by its original friends. On motion of Pierce the report on the substitute was adopted. Malarkey ably answered Pierce, who defended the edu cation committee substitute. Malarkey then moved that the Jayne bill and sub stitute with amendment offered by Sen ator Coe be referred to the committee on judiciary. Vote 14 to 14. Decided to refer by President. The judiciary committee worked nearly all night on a new bill, that was practically the Jayne bill with amendments to remove objec tions. At 10:30 the bill was reported back by the committee on judiciary, and the second day's debate began by Milarkey. On reference to judiciary committee the Marion county senators voted against the report of the committee on educa tion. At 11 :15 the amendments to the judiciary committee wore adopted, 15 to 14. Booth spoke and moved indefinite postponement. Bowerruan and Kuy kendall chanced their vote and it was 16 to 13. The ayes on killing the Jaynes bill were: Booth, Bowfrman, Carter, Co show, Haines, Howe, Laycock, Lough ary, McDonald, Milhr, Nottingham, Pierce, Smith, Wheaidon, Wright. Kuy kendall, 16. Noei: Avery, Biownell, Coe, Ccke, Croisan, Karrar, Hobson, Hodson, Hol man, i.'alarkey. Rand, Sichel, Tuttle, 13. On the final vote Bowerman and Kuy kendall changed on the ground that there were not enough votes to pass the Jayne bill as amended. The most far reaching political com bination was made to defeat the Jayne bill. It was managed by the Democrats in the senate with great skill. They had the aid of McAllister, the Ohio champion of the Anti-Saloon League, the Prohibitionists and Mr. U'Ren, the author of the initiative and referendum. BBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fP? jBBBBBBBSl jwjjtBfiy i " ' -"N mist 'j OLD HOME OF WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON. l M - - , - THE WHIPPING POST MUST MAKE GOOD Oregon Legislature Passes an Act to Re-Establish This Ancient Mode of Punishment. The Marshfield Mail says Dr. Myers, who lives at Lee, Coos eonnty, raises some of the finest apple in Orgon. and will have an exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. A box of assorted cherries was ship ped East from the Sacramento Valley Jan 13, which breaks all records for early shipments of cherries from that state. Salem. Eeb. 17. Oregon last night joined New Jersey and several of the other Eastern states when the House of Representatives passed a bill providing for the punishment of wife-leaters by whipping. The measure was introduced by Senator Sichel. The bill did not pass the House ithout opiKsition, the result of the vote showing 37 ayes and 16 naves. Vhi the bill will not go into eff ct until after it has been signed by the Oovernor, its enactment as a law is assured, as the state's executive rec ommended such legislation in his mes sage to the two branches of the legis lature. Linthicum earnestly advocated the bill and referred to the excellent results which had followed the enactment of a similar law in Maryland. Wife-beating had been common in that State until it was made punishable by corporal pun ishment, and then it ceased almost alto gether. Mears also spoke in tehalf of the biil, and instanced a MM which bad occurred in Portland, where a man had not onlv beaten his wife, but had stam ped upon her face with corked boots: such brutality, he declared, was proper ly punishable with the lash. Smith of Josephine opposed the bill, on the ground that the enactment of such a l.i w would lea relapse toward barbarism. It was plain that Smith had taken the unpopular end of the dis cussi n. but he was not daunted by that and made an eloquent protest against the p.iesage of the bill. Linthicum re plied warmly to Smith's arguments, in-' sisting that a crime so revoltiong to hu manity must be punished with unusual severity. Mr. Smith declared that such action would be taking a step backwards in the advancement of civilation. It would be barbaric, inhuman and worthy of sav ages and degenerates. He stated, how eTer, wheD he had cooled down to a cer tain extent, that his main objection was to the clause which left the enforcement of the whipping-posts to the discretion of the court Thi", he stated would res ult in the unjust discrimination between 1 the rich and poor man. The man with influence, no matter how Jguilty, could easily escaje punishment, while the poor laborer would have to undergo the humiliation and cruelty of being whip ped like a dog, which would reflect Jon i his wife and children, SPRAYS, SULPHUR, LIME, BLUE VITROL AND CAUSTIC SODA OF THE BEST QUALITIES SOLD AT MARSTERS' DRUG STORE President Tells Secretary Hitchcock and Mr. Moody That They Must Protect the Government. I ! : I I I Washington. D. C. Feb. Ill There was a conference at the White House yesterday iu which the President. Sec retary Hitehe.ick and Attorney-Oeneral Moody participated. The President was anxious to have a full statement of the Government's cases against Senator Mitchell and Representatives Hermann and Williamson and of the grounds upon which these indictments were se cured. He was given as full an expla nation as Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. Moody could make. The President was deeply interested. When all explanations were made, he responded : 'These are grave charges which you have brought against prominent Gov-' rnment officials. You dec are the facts justify them. I want to say to you , now that if, in view of what has trans pired, you fail to make your charges 1 stick and allow the Government's cas? to fail, vou will place the Government i in a very bad light. In running down these frauds you have represented the j United States Government, and it would be a grave thing to m ke such serious i charges and be unable to substantiate : them.'1 Havt Abundance of Proof Secretary Hitchcock promptly replied: Mr. President, so far as I am con cerned, I have no fear. We have plen-1 tv of evidence to sustain the indict- u.ents When the time comes we will i bring forward an abundance of proof and will le entieely vindicated." I'resid-.nt Roosevelt has at all times j given hi? Cabinet officers the widest lat itude in their efforts to locate and bring j to justice every person implicated in I land frauds, regardless of his position or I previous record. He has so far sus tained Mr. Hitchcock in every move he j has made, and he now holds Mr. Hitch cock and Mr. Moody responsible for se curing a successful termination to the , sensational indictmenrs which have been brought through the joint efforts ! of their two departments. As indicated : by the President, things have reached j such a stage that there is no lacking out ; the cases cannot be quashed, hut nn-t all be brought to trial. He fully realizes the seriousness of indicting any man, and particularly a Senator or Rep resentative in Congress. will Insist oi Fair Trial Since three memliers of the Oregon delegation, along with other prominent officials and citizens, have been brought under a cloud of indictments, the Presi- ient is determined that they shall have a fair trial, and he will insist that the Government fully show the grounds upon which it asked for and securtd these indictments. Other members of the Cabinet agree with the President that it is now up to Messrs. Hitchcock and Moody to "make good," for if they fail they lay the administration open to censure. Mitchell Will Serve Oat Term In this connection the belief is ex pressed in Washington that Senator Mitchell will be able to hold on to his seat in the Senate for the remaining two years of his term. If he should be found guilty in Judge Bellinger's court, he will no doubt appeal, and it will be all of two years before he exhausts the resources at his command. Meantime, like Senator Burton, he has a right to retain his seat. Sensetion in Cody Trial. "Cheyenne, Feb 16. In the Cody di vorce case today Mrs. C. A. Parker, wife of a former foreman on the Cody ranch, testified that there were no houses of ill repute nor Indian villages near McPherson, refuting the testimony of Harry Blake, who swears Cody'fre- quented the houses and was with an Indian woman at McPherson. Witness said she was compelled to send her daughter away from the ranch because of the foul language of Mrs. Cody, who also drank considerably. She said Mrs. Cody poisoned valuable dogs owned by the colonel. She interferred with Fore man Parker and finally drove him from the ranch. A profound sensation was sprung when Mrs. Parker stated that Mrs Cody had told her Cody had been too intimate with prominent women . She said she complained of being neglected and charged Cody with intimate relat ions with members of the royal family of England and the wife of a prominent eastern millionaire. Read the Plaindealer for all the News You will be pleased with the modern method of treatment, Osteopathy. It give permanent relief even to those jcaaxs regarded as incurable. c mm mm OD writes His records not on fading scrolls. But in the histories of noble souls. He sends His messengers before His face. ho mark new pathways for the human race. e such there came to do the work divine. ho gave to earth & modern Palestine. republic underneath the sun ah am we know as Washington. new DRED years the tongue of Time, in passing, since he left us: yet. eholdy In that brief day the land he brought to biri HaafetoWn to be the leader of the e&rrht H..WV :!a- r . . . AJ . iwcau nei limits irom a oroKen nain Of settlement Wo a. vast domain 7 J BeforeVwhoeNgaecv golden prospect Opel. Who ifajjdsvt orl the threshold7 of er h,ope. iid : a.nd whatsoe'er vhe t v nr. a . . i . ji uwevi grfftotul tribute tohy memory? l "His waa'tbe hand that tfave to her Jeaihe torcjifreedom foryhe-ft WV nt&tipnt. great and noble hear hitKTtfso?&Sernqd bear" hrs-iartl Syrlxatnples aLunselfishness eeyarjhiesj in their dire distress. Mill the character superb. tLompftete: in. success, but greater in defeat the place v- 55 ThM carrier. His wa the hartti ih' A - A Jill lav for the countrVs tfc pose rmjhat would not bend. trjumpn in me em .'.iMv-J . . 1 A oi acuta uto kcuiqiuuwu H ised her crown. itrday if guided the untried staie irVoeac efu! wiV s. .tttl wisdom without rrice. ,recfept,(oj AJ And when at1a.t heseemw Vecutom harm He left the chair of tettjLjCMifMIV fa,rm. r Lookei? fkt hiy country aved his people blest. A And toea. his labors done, lay down to rest. COVIGMI Kansas is Jubilant Channte, Kas , Feb. 18. The news that President Koosevelt had personally ordered an investigation of the Standard Oil Company's methods in the Kansas oil fields has caused a general jubilation here. Oil producers say they have a mass of testimony to submit to the government. Indicted but not Guilty THE T01Q OF WASHIN AT MOUNT VEENOH. ROGERS CASE AGAIN RAILROAD IS SOLD Carriage is Demolished Murderer is Arrested and Expresses Satisfaction of Deed. Moscow, Feb. 17 While Grand Duke Sergius was driving today from the Nicholas Palace through the Senate Quarter his carriage was followed by two cabs. At the Law Courts a sleigh in which were two men, one of whom was dressed as a workman, went quietly Roseburg Correspondent to Port- Goble. Nehalem Pacific Changes ' th ndbDake,e mdm tanH Tplpbram Dohachoc tko u i- r- . . . 3P -v.m..vj lianas nne BO0V Of Timber S i he sleigh then slowed up to allow Included in the Deal. Particulars of the Murder. The Portland Telegram, through its pedal corrondent at Koseburg, sum iuel up the Roger case as follows in its is-sue of Friday : One picture shows the i chest before w hich Rogers is supposed , to have tt-n standing when he received i tte fatal shot, and the position in which j the revolver is alleged to have fallen after its discharge had fatally wounded Portland, Feb. 18. A deal was con summated yesterday by which the Globe, Nehalem A Pacific Railroad and a tract of 7000 acres of Columbia county red fir is transferred to William Reid, an extensive Michigan lumber operator, the purchase price being in the neigh borhood of i00,000. Mr. Reid pur- chased the nrnrrtv 1rtn li . . c : . L Ik. ImmJ A I - TU..1- r ' 1111111, """'""K- "c r. S Stanley otl.er sliuws where he was found dead, his head resting where the cross is marked hi feet within the doorwav. The cheet is of soft Oregon pine, ; painted dark red, and 37!, inches long ' oj m-.. km wuie ana i-t inci.es high. A rim runs around its bottom, and a similar rim extends around the top. It is supposed by those who think the accidental discharge of Rogers gun caused his death that the unfortu nate man was getting something from the chest and that his gun slipped out from his bolster carried on his right -ide under his arm, and struck its ham mer on this rim as it fell thus causing , discharge. This story further supposes that Rogers grabbed for the weapon with his right hand when he felt it slip- ping, and thus made possible the shot through his right arm before the breast was pierced. the carriage to pass, nd at that mo ment a bomb was thrown beneath the carriage. The force of the explosion broke all of the windows of the Law Courts, and the report was heard out side the city. The carriage was blown to pieces, nothing but the four wheels remaining. The horses were not hart and bolted. Sergict' leas' BJowi off. The Grand Duke was instantly killed. His head was blown off, actually being seperated from his body, which was frightfully mangled. The coachman was also killed. He wae so frightfully burned by the explosive with which the oomb was charged that he died while W . K Dwinne 1 and L. C Stanley. Messrs. Smith and F. S. Stan ley are Portland capitalists, Mr. Dwin nell lives in Minneapolis and F. S. Stan ley in Chippewa Falls Mr. Reid announces that he will form i beinfr Uken to the hPtAl. : a company to operate the railroad and Anasiiis Arc Cat! timber properties and will extend the On the arrest of the murderers, neith- hne of road into the Nehalem Valley. er of whom are known to the police, one The Globe, Nehalem and Pacific is of them coolly said : "I don't care; I seven miles extending from Globe, on have done my job." the Columbia river, to a point in Coium- An immense crowd gathered at the bia connty. where the red fir tract includ- spot and made a demonstration against ed in the deal is situated. It was pro- a number of stodente who commenced ted about four years ago by Edward scattering revolutionary proclamations. Cannon and R. C. Bell, who planned to Within a few minute after the explo- uunu imo uie .enaiem alley. After sion people miaht have oeen i constructing four miles of road, they en countered financial difficulties, and the nonhdolders foreclosed and sold the road to Smith, Dwinnell and the Stan .eys. who already constituted the Col umbia Timber Company. These gentle- .u w.e pmurcw gun 51muar lo sogers mn , ,UceJ Poe.t.on his gun was ther Mj ,aBMd bai!J , was supposed to have been fl! Bit Ij m,,M lDore is summer, after the discharge. The heel of the j -f who iBto ..ndle .s in a slight indenture the . priaTV - SH bMta from tf rheat. Tha I milImM h,T,D? had veT rig til resting in the lower sight mark ex?erlence in M.chigan Ufore he came .eu.uw.w; ..Ui l..r uuu., .m,r ,u. , portlMd 1 Tear t(D. His ' atve tne enu at Ine barrel is another s inM mark in the chest cause.1, it is I i t AwwkwwwwAwwwwww-wwi-A lonjectuml, by the rebound of the gun after the hammer had struck the base hoard and the discharge being caused. There is also a piece chipped out of the t-aseloard where the hammer is thought to have struck. Just above the pistol muzzle, as shown in the picture and in a line with the mark, is a powder burn alleged to have been caused by the ex plosion. On the rim of the opened chest, six inches to the right of the powder burn is a large drop of blood from Roger's wounds, and another blood spot is situated inside the box. two in ches from the drop on the rim. These experiments were made with tfaa revolver of J. P. Bristow, one of the ' owners of the shop where the accident Of murder took place, and were outlined to the Telegram corresondent by M r. Bristow. Coald Sot tiloe Cartridge A day or so ago, however, IVputy Sheriff Rogard and F. W. Pillard made : experiments in the shop with Roger's own weapon. Ieputy Bogard claims i that Roger's revolver does not tit all the ! marks m.ide as well as Rristows xun, i but Ihllard disagrees on that, point, j Bogard removed a bullet from a car- I mdee in Roger's gun and attempted to explode it by st ricking the hammer on the chest in the left of the picture. Although this chest is of harder wood than the first one. and the hammer was struck with considerable force, the pow der and cap did not explode and the Briagpia made only a small dent in the cap. Dr. B. Dugas who w ith Pr. Fisher and Ir. Twitchell made the examination of Rogers' IkkIv, says that Rogers was naiidbagged before he was shot, and there was a bad scratch and discolora tion in the side of the head. He thinks it would have been impossible for Rog ers to have leen wounded as he was by his own gun, because if he were in a stopping position, the bullet would have ranged upward in passing through the body, instead of which it passed directly through his arm and body, as if he had thrown up his arm to ward of a blow. For several weeks before Rogers was killed, discharge of firearms iu the city limits after night had been quite com mon and this invalidates to a great ex tent the evidence of the shooting on that night. Meanwhile Rogers' death remains an unsolved mystery with opinions divided. year ago. His father-in- ' law David C. Pelton, a well known cap italist of this city, is said to be associat ed with i.im in the deal, and tbey an nounce that they will at once extend the line of road and develope their new timber holdings. gath ering up pieces of wood and clothing aa mementoes ofjthe tragedy. Viosw fasten ta Setae. When the Grand Docheas Elixabeth, widow of Grand Duke Sergius, waa in formed of the occurrence she immediate ly went to the scene of the assassina tion without waiting to pat on a hat or cloak. The gate of the Kremlin "were closed aa soon as the news of tha ajxatajaajjaai waa conveyed to the authorities, and the remains of the Grand Duke were taken to the Nicholas Palace. The tion occurred at 3 p. m. Call for Bids. Age of Consent Now IS Salem, Feb. IS. The House this morning passed Senator Coe'e bill, raising the age of consent from lt to 18 years. The bill passed by a vote of 49 to 3. The governor will sign this bill. Bids will be received for the construc tion of a sewer, on Oak street between Main and Chad wick streets according to plans and specifications now on file at the City Recorder's office, Roseburg, Oregon. Bids most be in the hands of the city recorder by March, 6, 1905. The city council reserves the right to reject any and ail bids, by order of the city council made the 6th dav of February 1905. H. L. Mabstibs, f30m2 Citv Recorder. Have Dr. Lowe cure your head and eye ache with a pair of his suiterior glasses. Consultation free. Saa Francisco, Cal., Feb. IS The case of the I' nited States against James Thompson, ex-Receiver of the Eureka, Cal , land office, was dismissed this morning. The'ourt in discharging the defendant declared that there was not a shadow of evidence to support the ac cusation of extortion of illegal teee. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public. Otlice up stairs in Douglas County Baiik Building. tf Major Kinney Files Suit. The Belt Line Railroad Company, by L. D. Kinney, president, has filed in Circuit court against the Flanagan Es tate Company, a suit for specific per formance of contract. The court is ask ed to decree that the defendant grant to the plaintiff t months' extension of time from Jan. 1, 1905, in which to make final payment for the Flanagan Estate property on which the plaintiff held a contract of sale, it lieing alleged that the defendants agreed to give such exten tion iu consideration of certain provis ion of the contract. Mail. FOR PLUMBING GO TO BRIDGES & MARSTERS They are experts in their line and carry a full line of plumbers hardware, bath tubs, sinks and everything for the kitchen and bath room in the way of plumb ing. Satisfaction Guaran teed. Prices Reasonable. DOUGLAS COUNTY B A NK KiUblUhwl l.s&S laoorporatad INI Capital Stock $5o,ooo F. W. Blt.NSi N . President. AC. MAKSTBJU lea President. BOARD OP DIRBCTO5 r.W, BKSSON , K A BOOTH J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRlDtiK JOS. LYONS, A. C. If AKSTKBd K. L MiLLKti A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED