TWICE-A-WEEK ROSEBURG Published Mondays a. A Thursdavs by THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY Tilnchoc Mam -e. Office. Corner Main and Oak Struts. Entered in the Postoffice at SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES. Semi-W eekly One Year. 5: oo: Semi-Weokly Six Months. $ i .00. Cash iu Advance Advertising rates. 50 cents per single column inch per mouth. Locals. 5 cents a lino Note. The maniiiirement. of this paper will positively assume no respoosibiliiy foe the utterances anl state ments of its correspondents or contributors. The etiitor enlea"ors to make no false statements whiot wrongfully retieot upon the characterof any person otfivblly ir otherwise, and he will cheerfully cornc any erroneous statement which perchance may appear in this paper, if the matter is called to his Mtfce DOUGLAS COUNTY'S LEGISLATORS. Coshow had the displeasure of see ing another of his bills sink into ab livion Friday the one reguiatinir the use of water for irrigation. On Mon day evening the bill to grant the city of Roseburg power to issue J200.000 bon-is to be used in the eoaatra a or establishment of a municipal wa ter and light plant, was defeated in the senate througr. the iack of influ ence or ability, to effect its passage on the part of Senator Coshow who was championing the measure. If Coshow has introduced a single bill of merit, or one that has not been promptly scuelshel at this session of the legislature, the Plaindealer would like to "be shown" to the contrary- On Tuesday a bill was introduced by Senator Coke of Coos and passed in the senate with scarcely an ob jection from Senator Coshow. pro viding for the change )f the Douglas County boundary line west of Kel logg so as to include in C.xs county a large tract of valuable timber lands and prospective coal feat now lo cated in Doagias. It is now up to Representatives Sonnemann and 1 Iray to defeat this bad grabbing scheme on the part of Coos in the lower house. It is indeed, fcrtunate for this county that it has a man of the alertness, infuence and ability of Representative S:nnemann to after the county's interests in the legislature, otherwise Douglas would have sustained some very serious loesos during this legislative sessi Sine Mr. Sonneman won out against Lan county on the Bohemia annexa tion scheme and saed this rich min ing territory for Douglas in the face of tremendous odds, we nee: 7. : worry about the outci:ne of the C os county land grabbing scheme, when it gets into the hands of the ever watchful, energetic, loyal and efficient Douglas county representative :r : Glendale. PROBLEM OF COUNTRY PAPERS. The Pendleton Tribune thus iis cusses the enforced advance in ad vertising rates which is being made by many of the state papers: Besides reducing the size of the papers to less than half the size of the Tribune the Eugene papers have raised the price of advertising per inch. In thus djostrng matters going an: . mizg they hope to realize a reasonable profit in that generally reported :. : -perous valley town. In Walla Walla the price of adver tising has also been raise-i double the prices received in Pendle ton. In Baker City and Astoria the price per inch and per fine has been increased likewise. The country newspapers of the state rav- I r -ev-eral years been tm timid to increase l advertising rates above the prices charged in hard times. Meanwhile every paper has doubled in invest ment in machinery, in their payrolls in circulation and in size and quality and quantity of new3. The growth of the newspapers has kept pacr wit.-, th- rr :' - . r -ty in the state, but it has generally been at the cost of profits. The ten dency to raise pricey is spreading and the Tribune must confess sympathy with the movement. It is iue the newspapers and it is not asking any thing unreasonable. MITCHELL WILL 'STICK IT OUT" Mitchell is determined to "stick it oat" if others have lost confidence in him. he outwardly has not lost con-. fidence in himself. He is going to adhere to his plan outlined a few days ago. to hold on to his seat, go home within a month and fight for acquit tal. It was rumored in Washington that Mitchell had been urged by his friends at home to resign his seat in the Sen ate. Asked about the report he re-: plied: "You can say to the people of Ore-; gon that, as I am not conscious of having doae anything that would call for my resignation. I have not the slightest idea of resigning. Such a thought has not entered my mind. No such proposition has been sug gested to me by any one in Oregon, bet on the contrary. I have been in receipt of dispatches urging that I should not think of it. In conclusion, you can rest assured that the present Legislature will not have an opportu nity of electing my successor, unless I I should die before the session ad-: journs." Roeetrarg, Oregon, as second W C. CONNER. Editor. WEDNESDAY- FEBRUARY The Eageae flamri says. "The Plaindealer insists that Mitchell is innocent and cannot believe him guilty." The Guard might have stated that the Oregn Legislature and a good many private citizens were "in the same boat." However, the Plaindealer does not declare Mitchell innocent, but maintains that his long and valued service to Oregon entitles him to full opportunity for explanation and that meanwhile the public should withhold censure and condemnation. The Guard in its nar row prejudice, rank partisanship and disregard for justice, would deny IGbcael the previiege enjoyed by every free and liberty loving American citizen a fair and impartial trial before an unprejudiced jury. The Guard's policy and principals were very popu lar in the dark ages. Let not the people af Oregon ex emp'.ify fur that perverse taVatCaV cy f human nature to kick a man be fore he is i )wn r after. We must not forget that John H. Mitcheii rep resents the state of Oregon in the II. S. senate. That if he is guilty as 0 harmed, every citizen :-f Oregon, re gardless of race, color or previous condition, whether republican, demo crat, socialist or what not must bear his proportion of the stigma that will attach bo the state if the prosecution succeei in making out a case against him. For this reason there will be no occasion for exultation on the part af any well meaning citizen should the star f Mitchell's glory set for ever behind the political horizon and the splendor of his years of useful ness to the state be dimmed by overt acts in his declining days. Eugene Register. The b": i'i ed by lavender of Linn :: exchange Lmn territory for part :f the Blue River district located in Lane county was killed in commit tee. Thus Linn's little scheme to r ;: part of our mining district met its Waterloo. Our Douglas : unty trier is may rest easy. They will lose no territorv to Lane at this session of -eff?iture. savs tne Eager- F.rgister. Thus Lane's Etta scheme to gvbbie up part of our min ing district met its Waterloo, through the generalship of Representative j-.rnemann. Congressman Sullivan, on the House door recently, raked Millionaire Willie Hearst over fhe coals, telling much truth ic.. ut !:at inc sequential yei 1 v ; H wever the idag about the foolishness of residents in glass houses tossing stones was fit tingly verified in this instance, for on getting the A Kr Hearst charged Sul livan with kicking a man to death in a Boston saloon. No doubt senators whose z H put them there, deplores the decadence of the other side of the capital. Many citizens af Roseborg regret the inability of the Douglas county Senat- r to get through the senate, the Roseburg bond bill to provide for a municipal light and water plant. Its failure was a Sure disappointment to manv. Kite hell has plenty of fight in him yet. He declares that he will not re sign (ram the senate but will be on tmi at the April term of the fed eral court to ppjve his inn-ence of the charges brought against him. The Japs do not ordinarily believe in amputation, and most of their wounded recover. "On with the tourniquet and off with the leg" may fee a rule due to over civilization. It must be patent to everyone who tops to think and to investigate the timber land laws that the fault lies first with the law and second with the people themselves. Race suicide in this country is not so marked but that every city and town in the country has more school children than schx)l buildings in which to house them. What! No iniiictments againut the Northern Paciiic yet. and they are sai-l to have (robblei up 4j)0t000 acres of valuable Oregon, timber. Shades af Hitchcock! An ice skate advertisement is something decidedly unusual in a Portland paper, but they were in evi dence liuring the recent cold snap ap there. PLAINDEALER class mail matter .u 86S. In. 1 ;. A bill providing far a Fourth Ag ricultural Society which will becom- operative in Fastern I 'regon has passed and received the Governor's signature. Roseburg and Douglas county will gr ow and develop so fast and no sub stantially this year that most of us will rub our eves with astonishment- The Czar lost .' 1 men at a lite battle on the River Shakhe. That's i enough to make him shakev The Supreme Court has made the beef trust look like Hamburger steak, even if the prices haven't been cut. Tom Lawson says he is tired of it ! -n tt- n ... ! 1 . . . aa. a. street oiuu not l-- his taking a good long rest. It tickles consumers to see the beef trust kicking like its own staple The rope trust was given ; ie-.t;- :" rope and according to tradition hung itself. una more day and the legislative : agony is over. Musings. Dui yon get a coriiic ' Mij ' Hocr. savs ii:r-.K! is a ?. Clear , case of insanity. There's no use trying to economise by ua: eggs instead at heef. A Pennsylvania girl killed a ten-f- at snake with a hat pin. Hjghhal r oard cider ' JLm N-w.and says a sane St. Vitea line's day was not expected. He .- nave NMmi ' comic.'" The M.aetur. .egisialure may and .t proper to change his name bgaa Sead ringhaoa to Nixcuma.rous Senator Mitcheii fias Nen -i j three time and tnen endorse! by tba 1 'regon egiaiitnre Tacoma Ne. "A foe. and a: :''eeii-''m are on " remarked a bcheior. ":- n rearing wt the marriage oi a friend. H)w doe it happen that .ray- I ---is a chorus iiri with him when a prom inent man gete hart in an antomob la imaah-np'' A case tr.a: x-r :; :..- ire-.:: r. the Silvertoa jostice coart for a i- :;g time last w-eg an.i was warm y - a tetited by able and earnest attorney ae to recover $3 )0. A du-patch from Washington says monev is pientifaj The great trool -. however, i teat no matter now p -. fni mouey may be it is always necesea-y to do something before ,ce car. i-'. x . lafav Editor Roberts has commenced a cru sade against 1 sparking'' in Myrt.e Point. Roberts is .becoming laa senti mental as his domestic ardor begins to wane. The youngsters over there shoaid not be blamed. They are ajaaplj fouowiag the lively pace set by Editor Roberts a few years ago :n the aaaVaaaaa and cooing business. Giaa tiie boys and giris a c nance They . . soon enough be trying to solve the kn-t- ty old problem, "how to be happy I though married." Looking Glass Items School begins next Monday. Pretty cold nigh: 13 above iero, tlie tirst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. i. A. Brown were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aiaaid Sunday . Miss Peari and May imm-ns have re turned fr.-rc an extended riast with their ancle A. . McCarty, near akland. We understand Mr. J. F 'fjodaian will start op his saw-mill soon. Mr. Rae 'irant was out the first nl the wet-a to perfect arrangements to run the amiil. Rae is a hustler. Mrs. Lottie Hoover of Myrtle Crwk, is visiting ner parents, Mr. and Ufa Lige "liivant. H. Faikenbur is Dead. Los Angeles. Cal., Feb. 14 F. A. Fal tenburg, head consul of the Woodmen of the World and president of the Na tional Fraternal Congress, died 'lay of a complication of nervous and kidney troubles. Mr. Fal ken burg was brought to Los Angeles from Denver two weeks ago, in the hope that a lower altitude would benefit him. Two weeks ago the eaae was given up as hopeless. The re mains will be shipped to Denver this evening for interment. Decease! was born in 1357 and has been prominent in fraternal circles for many years. Together with Jeeeph C. Root, then Lead consul of the Modern Woodmen of America, he founded the order of Woodmea of the World in l0, and has been head consul of the West ern Division of tbe order since that time. He waa elected president of the Nation al Fraternal Congress last Summer in St. Louis. For guaranteed dental work go to Dr. i Pearson. IN THE ELSEA CASE W H. Miller. Charged With Poison ing Elsea, Released Without Bonds by Justice Long. F.,r m-ire than a weeit District it r ney 4;,., H. Browu bag, baaa eoatiaeaina: a searching inventigation into th- eaoaa af the .ieath af N;sjn Kl-ea. srba mo." aappaaed r. have beca ptianaol at bis liomestead Com stork reeeatly. Maaj witness have leen examined and W. II. Mt Per. a neighbor i I E)t hx-i leeii held in K.-H-l)arg - WQMt i- i D , f imvi-'g patanawd Elaaa, bal no-hi g bavtag yet daaaloyeu whkfe wowidf jas : tify In" betaf bowsd over to the ebrcwif .Dnrt. lie araa ivlaaaad with it beian "' imretl to furnish bonda V itnrailaa I appear for furtber exam latioa r.e eek J. B Fappaaal nth r witmean retnriicil to their boasea ai MTattoV? day pending the tinI xaoainatiaa nei week. Regariiug the tase 'he Cattaae (irove N iifget has this t- sav : rsenic was Found. tt has Ifen s aud in se -.T-a! pap s that no .i. n was looad in the lasts made in the rase af N lausi Ki-ea who was iounl dea.i at his home Com st.xrk. The drst tests siaaV eri' .1 the eOffoa which v'.t to ci nfain tr. -i nine, but none was JiacofwfaJ tbece, a PQCtioa wf the contents i the stomach was sent to lr. L ictorta Hampton af Portlan-1 an.i Dr. flfhwwf of this city has received a letter frjoi the doctor st.i mg that by analysis, arsenic was f- ucd in the stomach's contents. State and General News. What' Dowiesick' Increilible. The Sorth Bend Harbtr wi.l send the BMat popular young woman of Caoa county to the Lewis and C'.art ia:.-. Farmers -ip the vn.,- and in Boath ern and eastern regon have :-en e ! :r.g near.v a., winter a:i-i an j-f -: taae a Bttia rest. Tbe Simpson Lnnilier ornpany of North Bend w 11 baiM J standat'l ga ije gsiag railroad baas Caaa Bay i Ten-Miie reigon. a iiistane 1.1 aboaft 13 miles. The output of coal from ti.e Heaver Hhi mine Saturday a- 85a t- ns. :. is the argest amount af cva. -ver :a e:. out in Cess coanty ;n one day. Tbe average oatpal ;' tba ssisM I r time past :.aa waa aM taaa per daw. There may e a turn is the boa Tir iet any iav T!ie time :s a: foe purchases f. r A: r-.l td May ies. The pri e may biMt up ar. : cent? at a aa ip. Of eoaaaa, Dha bean and ?!. rt ei i-- ::g -iv.-r : earth to av- 1 1 tins. The fact taat the var-- ;i- aaatcra ir k ts 'r-g- r. a a- t : -t case pradact -a i .x-i- icreose in the demand, but holders here are not ispoeed to seil their prodact : the 1.a.-i-t i :. iVr a. i : i . - V shor-age ia tr.e supply here - ; '-ii..--r-: hy tome of the 1'ical axSl un-ia was a i .v- y : y .a Port r ford beach. ay the Trir cne. and t:.e x-ean was sm th a : Ld :e i- -:-..- -r A party Bag men were out boal rii.ngin :..e tay asd ! up : ..: anil laseies re aTrnttfaa, ix an-1 i- n the beach er. flag tba riie a:: i the beautifu. -H-enery. arhieh is not eiinaied at anv beach we kaow. Gardiner Notes Miss Duaaeick. if Mari.3el.i. is 'he ies: ;' M-s. rail . - V-:-r-:.i e . i .ace V s Miry Uvr. ef; .i i-ii -Drain r.v t:-'.'' -e e going to Reeburg u tae the teacrtt rs' examination. Miss Mary Bergman came tip : her h-1 me at the iiie avr.g atatMo, Monday an.i eft the sam- !ay f r P rt land to enter school then. Mr. F. R. Daw, of Roseburg has been in town in the interest at the new sur rey. He has ;een n consultation with many of the prominent citizens in re gard to a plan wt.ich will be of great benefit to the community if it can earned Kbnaagft BBwawaafaalj Gaai -e Letter Lt. Remaining!ed for at the burg piiet ..See An-'ican Mr John tt lapof Mr V Bartcn Mr Miiton tine- .n Mr J W hiertua Mr M. Keen Mr W tt Djvis Mr Joseph K.agne Kev C 'tains Mr H W I'artv Mr N Baaarai M r I l Person ca.ii ng for these letters wili p. ease state the date on which 'hey are advertised. Feb.. 14. MbV, The letters will be daargaal for at the rate af one cent each. C. VV Parks ChemoerUin s Cnuah Remedy rh "other Fjvontr. Tbe soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and 1 prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere. tt is espei iaily prized bv mothers of i i small chudreu, for colds, croup ami i ! wbccpicg m uuh, aa it always afford quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug and may le i-ven aa confidently to a tal y a to an adnlt ' I ror sale bv A. L. Marsters A Co. Cuunty Treasurer s Notice B) tice is hereby given that all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior to, and including. Inly 'JS, 1902, are re quested to present the same to the conn ty treasurer a interest will cease there on after the date of this notice. Dated R.)seburg, ' reg , Jan. 30, 1905 ' t i. W. Dtanaatx, j County Treasurer. Whose Is It A. B. Mott, agent for the National Art ami Crayon Co , of Chicago, in receiving and delivering en larged pictures in this county, lias re ceived a photograph and enlarged por trait minus the local address. On the baca of the photo appears the name "Nancy Oliver," and the photo and crayon picture may be secured by call ing at the Plaindealer office. tf RAY D. jssassal 3W 'jsjet, bbbsKv SBBBS BSiSBr- '"BBS BBr asST .v-- - WEl - .aaL-'ssam vaW bbsbV - ssaRa aaaaaaaaaraas Jaaur aa-saaT waasBssB&t fssl sbbbbV sb "3 saaae aaaaaaaaaac I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "aaaaasa IgjjjSrtjljp-f.tgSfe". -v'fe slKi . "ktaaaaBBBB qe 3w . aB 'aaaraaaEBsaic-.' -aaaaaaaaaa mzB&e St sbb saa te In Vt ie. PASS EXAMINATION Fifrv-One Teachers Stood the Test of a Rigid Examination and Se cure Certificates. '! the ;ifr- - a ers erawMaatiaa tar Rose , org a.-r --. Ti.e . , . -- ; .. .e a art aeatea r- I i Stlper. ilV d :.' . . n:a- m n . a tfc ijjsiiII will a took tba teach I'.f pipers ii en rarceaaf i . baaal, In LeaCaa- n- r.. . - arg -a ia Oecac H Boi K aaaa . K . - . Mildt Elfctoa; I. oe Bard, a s-.od liiufcii Haadaiiw Brock way . A . 'rev K tiraa kale Mary Lj EM I , I kens . i.a . Ma. e N-.- u U ., ar, . a a! 1 '-a..i-. i A".:- - - Bwatva i"- - att, Ro--bura Carter, r. - i ; V Da a:. I . en a .'(.-Kay . ' lara Leoaari. Wilbur -raaatian -.. I via-;, i j a -1 - - I Baatborg I . -. i A - i Lai a t M . . i ! id- . M j ... Bat, 1 ilea 'a a; h aer I " jl rbird -a : Cora in Han-. H aaar, PETEES -... T, I 5. t. Peter, a i a- V.a.--Vfe - - Eataai i d Maaa rg J. w art? os : -Jame- I a t. Th- i:. : - . h nrg. 1 i . i-iett. I Bawsrg . S P. Stwsts "a-ne Ha :-. :. - :-. man. K. : : -. Of the IS aha :.;d. I certiricate tr.ti -en were As a laaah I eX.uia ing force i I aa C t we. , ...- . rs DIED. PAMtorT. Al faseoa. ariaaaa, t 4it-p m . Fab. 1 . 1 '.. M Ahbie Parntt, agel :U year", 8 nnviths an i '-" day, i a n-umptioa. Dei-easet ts a Jaaa.htea af Mr M. Parr, tt, an eeteen.eii ioneer of this city, ind was i-n i . i i- uuly. She was a graiin tie oi r:.e Boaaharg Put-.ic School a' ii tba INarthaad Baaaaaaa Cal lege and taugi.t in pabiia sch ols of tins tty ;ora number of ternis. About sev en years ag i her Leaith failed and she spent two consecutive winters at Albu querhue. New Mexico. The next winter was spent in Pn.en.i. Anions. lie then appointed to a clerkship in the I'. 8. i.iud at Tucson. Vr..:on.. which position she baa ince rilleil wi.h general,-u ;ng the distinc tiou af l.-ing oiie af tiie nv Ht accurate and ;-r-dc:ei.t clerks iu that office Sue is survived by her father. Mr. M. Parrot", two brothers, C W. and Ex sheriff K L Paaiatl, and rive sisters, Mrs. 9S. T. .lewct. hisses Josephine. Eiiaaheth and Rose Parr a, all of this city, ami Mrs B. Casev, a t'alias. Ore gon Mr I L Parrott. V!rs. Gaaaj and VIis Lizzie Parrott were enroute N) Tu cson when their sister expireil. Tbe two former arrived tlier- T uesday niorn ing and Vi iss l.aaie M hours !a:er, si e leing engaged in taaabiag at Pendleton, Oregn, when aaaaaaBad to her sisier's bedsnie. Mis Rose Parrott is teaching at iardiner.but is expected home to lay. The body will be brought home for in terment and will probably reach here on the II: -7 a in. train aturiiay. Funeral services will probably be held CASEBEKR At the home of her brother. Svlte-ter Casebeer. on Deer Creek. 7 miles east of Roseburg. Feb 12, l'M)o. Miss J tne Caseljeer, aged .52 years, 10 months, M days. It is a well known fact that iVteo uathy is a specific forms rhenmati, nervousness, stomach troubles and female disorders. CLIFTON The News Girl p,thiansGo 10 CoRage Grove- Alpha Lodg So. 47 K. of P of thi- wi.i attend the Kr.igi.ts f Py.r.ias 1 trid c.nven'ion to he held in Cot age trove -aturiay. Feb IS: Jame- P--rr Frank Brown. H. t McC.a.ien. .-. F Patters n. Age,.. John ikec. B w Stxoaax, vv P- King. M. F. Wr g f P Fisher. E K. Wimberiy, Fret Johnson. Jo- Micelii L. A. sanctuary an i Mel Thompson. There will be four team, redrew n: in; sna lad Alpha lodgz1 wii -. i - - a- Cottage - ra t hraai ves iar:oii cave as abiag sh- v fm the aid ng n Ma.-. -t--et i: - t tbe ting ion -: v v. K H.nis ( si- . r re i--: ' . in - it yr ag U e r Flo I Ja. I rm. SDLA -v-ir , Married. efa 8 M J F Vn-irv Hatria M F abar, K. Larsier Force Assured. . e -. - . ;e e-. ni .-it tr r per'v Bear Myrtle Creek a bach baa '.-n ex ami .e i recently bv pr.mineot mining men. w. 1 work a larger torn tiirongh--.t the season af Ita)5. The showing r t e . i--.. aeii s gxid. and no laahf f-lt hy the owner that he w:a tave sufficient backing to level p Lha Teal w Jewel- Qf Ti Soice is hereby given that ail parties . y a i r A: - red pr.or t. tab, 2. I'JOl!. are requested to present : e a:ne to the city treasurer :'. r .a;. -men', as interest a tit oese thereon a: er th- date af this notice. Dated K sebti-g. ore.. Jan. . 1T. H. C. m.m rw. Cit- Treasurer. Notice to Creditors. All per r. - :' ng themselves :n tehtet? to li e antier-t-netf wi : ,i: tha i Baal af R. W. Mtrsters. Pot;ni i, Banters boi'tiiaa an i -nrt a tha -ame e- -- More Feh. 1, t:a)6 To Advtrtis. rs - '. e - cicst - t"ng advertisers aheahf ai -.t tie twice-a meek Pl.t.ndta er. ( , .r afatM through' ut the IfcBgjthaaw : resdta of the t'mptiua valley and t is .-apt b.4 of helping wonderfniy ia x saaBag the i f R.el u'g taaiaeta an I, which will te gt rd tor sli tie acaaieaftla c itv. W. W. Mc Mullen, the fl agun poet master, was transacting Lusina-s in Roseburg Tuestiav ami tavored the Plaindealer with a plea.-ant eaB H ays we have hail more and 1 e.tvier t'roets here than liave been experienced up on the North I'min; aa Baaaaw baa family been ?upplietl with green on inons. lettuce, turnips and other like vegetables from their garden all w nter. tie ays the logging camp of the Win Chester Mill company FaaBewbat htndi.-apped in its work jaat now 'iy i number of the loggers being ill with the ', 'mallpos or Manilla itch. Mr. McMull en met his son-in-law. T tt Hiil. -upei-intendeut of the t'mpnua Fish Hatcher at this place, he having been to Sa.em to tubmit his annual report, and together they returueti to their home on the North I'm puna Wednesday. The tish hatchery, we learn will begiu the sea son's operations sometime in Apnl this vear. F..J. Patterson, wife and little son who has been here visiting his mother. Mrs. C. H. Patterson, returned i'ome to Drain Tuesdav afternoon. Mr. Patter son is the efficient stage driver bet wean Drain and cottsburg. Eugene Register. DR. BOWIE Permanently Located Roseburg.... CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Not On e Dollar Need be Paid Unless Cured DR. BOWIE'S i Douglas County rooms The rich and poor jiike receive th . attention wi- ; e , . ;:.;:,lv,a "5 M Tfi Baa a ' 1 " rvT-i-tLT I ; ' l -. Ml sr ' i , - r D2L BOWIE'S TT-j mm ' i J ji "1 DR. BOWIE'S SPl Tibv ' aaa aia" " '"jg." aBwS . -' " --faV. ;r5irv N . ... Jr DR. BOWIES 1 X - . ....... - "rlda -" - nlajlaaw.. 4fa 'aaaaar . i i v C- - ' i tj- Pf-aa Consultation and Craa 1 IVW EUH1VMS I ICC L The Eminent English SPECIALIST -.-. or . 3 -3 Sw T-a .- ! a 'J Virai - , -I -w !' -.iiwai . : -i - . e sj sBag . nean scale aata Brtt. ktbOca wUI be :w af a: ia eowarr cra DR. BOWE S t- - t - ' M i : -::-ri Bt srwrscot r? the - - - ml ZMzrerxz ;sro casJa .a oe a - ner : BBl sag -- -2 c net M laagraai f uik It'iei wmel X - - -. i :-m worBaa:: Kuw, late a :- -: :- -jrf7. 5- tae -o ata a- roa wwtw Inaiaailie Bank Building 7 a ,d a i. ' ,WJrt