OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE 1 1 ALL OUR SEASONABLE AND HOLD OVER COOPS MUST CO REGARDLESS OF COST. This is your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced preees. Our bargains are too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call and iuspect our goods at this Bonafide Great Sale. We must make room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not fail to grasp the opportunity of buying useful articles at less than the wholesale cost. Do not fail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great they will not last long. For those who can not get to town to attend this great sale, we shall pay special attention to mail orders, but iu order to benefit by these bargains, cash must accompany the order. YOURS UP TO DATE, THE PEOPLE'S STORE THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES, Proprietor Iiates (LOO per day and upward Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m Xew Brick. New Furnishings. Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds . .' COMPARISON IS A TRUE TEST Our candies are the highest grade goods in town. Comparison is the only true test and the one we always win out on. When it comes to high grade and de licious goods we have no competitors. mm. 4 V , , -. I HOLIDfi candilY White Pine Expectorant Ttii reliable Eapectorate Cough Core is hard to beat for the winter roughs. It has both expectorating and sedative 'jualities, checks exces sive coughing yet promotes expecto ration and therefore helps the re spiratory tract to throw off any of fensive material. A foil 4 or bottle for 25c, aT Before coming to Roseburg to trade, readers are requested to exam ine the Plaindealer advertising col umes. It's the active, wide-awake business man who advertises, conse quently he is the most accommodat ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the most liberally in every way. Notice to Creditors. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will call at the office of R. W. Minsters, Room 5, Varr-ters building, an 1 sett e the same on or lieiore Fel.. 15, ltt5. M 15 p C P. Davis. DO YOUR mi . m m m m . . Call and we wiH showjiou Jhronghthe largest stock of HOUSE r URN I SHOW GOODS in fact .he most up-to-date line ever shown -nuth of Portland AlfinK AT OUR STOCK AND PRICES i i I.aI ....-a. re arTin-tionTo1 save you money AT $3.75 we will sell yon a bed stead that will cost $A at anv other place AT $6.50 a bed stead with full bias rail, head and foot, which is worth 18 ft $1.50 DINER RICEfcRICE THE HOUSE Told in Side Heads. Must Have Currier's Creams. It aptears that such a reputation has Will Currier establif lied for the excell ence of his creams and other tine home manufactured can lies that the people will have them even at the risk of "do- j ing time" to get them. His candy pro ducts is without doubt the finest ' manufactured in the state and imbued , with this belief and the further im- i pression that owing to the very lucr ative business enjoyed by the candy maker a fat purse might be found thrown in the cash register or among the bon bon boxes, some per-on or persons entered the place Thursday night by removing a screen from the back : door and proceeded to go through the cash register which is always left un locked and sort over the candy boxes one of which contained f- or f ! in small change, which was appropriated. This i leads to the belief that the burglary was commited by some party familiar with the place and who had seen Mr Currier ! place change in the bon bon box on the small shelf. How many choice creams caramels and other sweetmeats were devoured by the bold burglar is not known. There is M clew, however, to ' the identity of the criminal. Mr. Cur-; rier's store was entered once before, about rive months ago. On that occa sion the empty cash register was car ried out to the woodshed in the rear of the store and broken open. Passed Bogus ChMkS. Tne Grants Pass Journal says, on last Friday even ;ng several bogus checks on the Rose burg National Bank were cashed by some of the business men of this city, by a man by the name of Frank Hugh es. The checks were sent to the Rose burg bank for collection but upon word from there that Frank Hughes had no detosit there subject to check, the susp:cions of the parties taking the checks were aroused and search was made for Hughes. Not being found in town, a complaint was sworn out and a warrant issued for him, and the officers are tracing down a clue in which it is believed they will be successful in ap prehending their man. T. R. fcheridan of the Roseburg bank states that three checks were issued by Hughes, one for U another for $20 and a third for all of which were bogus. Chinese New Year The popping of firecrackers Friday and Saturday in the Chinese quarter iu Roseburg ushered in the Celestial new year. That Fourth of July noise is merely the Chinese lesi dents scaring the devil away, and if they scare the old boy bail enough, he will atay away from them all the rest of the twelve months. The American devil is not so easily frightened New Rural Route. A new rural free delivery loute has just been put in oper ation. It starts from Wilbur and after covering a) large extent of country re turns to it starting point, second in the county. It is the Fine Poultry. Mr. T. B. Cannon, whtieefine white l.anshan chickens have long been the admiration of ail who have seen them, has decided to handle another fine breed of poultry and with this object in view, pens have been pro vided for Buff Orpingtons, a fine tri of which have just been received by Mrs. Cannon direct from the celebrated pens of L E. Sears, of Canby, Oregon. This is said to lie one of the finest all round fowls in the market and the first of this breed intr.duced at this place. Very chore fruit trees, all leading varieties. Spitxnlrg and Yellow Newton Pippin apph-s a specialty. AU guaranteed true to name and free from pests. For sa!e at very reasonable prices bv Roseburg .Nurreries, M. hcbroien, Roseburg, Oregon tf PART Southern Oregon-in It ., ,lAaa man.in at.. I fl.nr a a attW on anything ,n our line AT $3.50 a bedst'-ad that can't be duplicated at anv store on the coast FOR ONIY $1.00 FURNISHERS AND WE WILL DO 1 OURS j I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURC, OREGON. Local and Per5onaI. 'Happy Xew Year" in Chinatown. J. P. Johnson, dentist, Grave'i build ing. 4WM Sheep in 1 -ake county are in fine con dition. Many acres of hops are being planted on the Coquilie. Wood and hay for sale, with J. F. Barker A Co. Ieave orders tf The Plaindealer does all kinds of job printing at the lowest prices. Instruments have been ordered the new band at Jacksonville. fur Bell and Bessie New land of Pain were vi-itiug in Roseburg Satnrday. The veneering plant of North will soon commence operations. Bend If you wish to have your health re stored, see the Osteopathic physician. Home Comfort steel range for sale, nearlv new. K. Burgess, Koeeburg. flop Thos. Scott has been appointed post master at Melrose vice Henry Scott re signed. Grant county fruit growers are pre paring to co-operate to secure better results. M. F. Wright spent Baturday in Yon calla looking aft. r business matters for a Roseburg firm. W. E. Chapman, of Roseburg, is in . the city for a short business visit. Al I bany Herald. Heavy steel rails have been laid on the S. P. railroad through Pass Creek and Cow Creek canvons. A very interesting program dered at the W. C. T. U. held at Drain last week. was ren Institute, A Klamath Falls hens egg that ores rjlxS inches will appear in I -ewis and Clark exposition. the The steam shovels have ceased work at West Fork and Rice Hill having com pleted the fills at those places. Mrs. Jacob Roger, accompanied br her mother, Mrs. Weetfall are visiting relatives in Seattle and Snohomish. A grand ball will be given at Wilsons hall at Melrose Ore. Feb. 21, 1905 H. E. Wilson Mgr. It will pay you to see the Osteopathic phytician. He cures many caees after all other remedies have failed. tf Mrs. Hint and Mi-s Jennie Buick, of Roseburg, are here for a few days visit ing Mrs. L. N. Roney. Eugene Guard. Miners expect a bigger yield on the Sixes river than at any time since placer mining began there, 50 years ago. Miss Myrtle Dixon, of Roseburg, is visiting the Misses Bertha and Mazy Eddy for a few days. Eugene Guard. T. C. Bloomer went to Roseburg yesterday afternoon for a few days stay at the McClallen House. Albany De mocrat. A free rnral mail delivery route has been established between Ytilber and the N. T. Day farm, with David NcKay, route agent. Engineer I.. T. Howard, who has been working on the Woodburn-Natron run, has been assigned to extra work out ot Rose burg. Spttcial attent on is given to the treat ment of nervousness, indigestion, con stipat.ion and female disorders by the Osteopathic physician. Mrs. 8. D. Willis of Roseburg, who has been visiting her friend Mrs. H. C. Mahone went to Portland on Thursday afternoon. Eugene Register. Professor Cochran of Medford and Hobbs of Wilbnr ware transacting bnsiness in Roseburg Baturday and to gether favored the Plaindealer with a pleasant call. Mrs. W. H. Fiaher and little son of Rosebure arrive I here last Friday and are visiting Rev. and Mrs. D. T. Sum merville, her father and mother - rants Pass Journal. Legislative clerks Simon Caro and C S. Jackson, spent Sunday at their Rcee burg homes. I hey stated that a very lively week was promised in the legis lature commencing today. Jadge Terrill, father of Ralph Ter rill, spent Sunday in Roseburg, guest of the family of his son. The eld er Terrill holds the position of sergeant at-arms in the Oregon sea ate. A mounted patrol has been installed on the telephone lines between Cottage Grove and Oakland, la order to keep the lines cleared and in repair over the mountain division of the system. Mrs. B.C. Flint, of Roseburg, came up from Portland Thursday evening to visit with friends. She was accompa nied by Miss Jeannie Iluick, of Hose burg, who will visit Mrs. K. B. Houston. Salem Statesman. The Sunset Restaurant serves meals at all hours during the day. Table sup plied with the best iu the market ; all home cooking. Sunday chicken dinner a specialty at only 25 cents. Kat at the Sunset Restaurant. A new Southern Pacific section house of commodious dimension, has been built at Divide for the section fore man at that place. A depot build ing and telegraph office is also soou to be established at Divide. Clare Baker, spent Sunday in Cottage Grove, a guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker. He has been suffer ing from a very sore throat Mrs. Bak er and the baby are enjoying a visit with relatives at Eugene. Mrs. F. N. Rogers, of San Francisco, who has been spending the past month in Roseburg with relatives and friends, left Thursday evening for Grants Pass, where she will visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ryan before returning bone. Dr. H. I.. Studley the Osteopathic Physician cures acute and chronic diseases, corrects' deformatiee and removes foreign growths. Consultion free Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abratiam building. tf Miss Flora Wilson, of Canyonville, went to Portland last week to take a course lor trained nurse at the liood Samaritan Hospital. She is graduated from the Agricultural College at Cor vallis and the Portland Business Col lege. The creditors in the bankruptcy pro ceedings of Ixmg A Bingham of Cottage Grove met in Kugene last week and a dividend of 30 cents on the dollar was declared. It is expected that the estate will probably pay out about HO per cent of the amount of the claims. Referring to our announcement that a renewal of the contract with the S. P. Company on the "pass" basis had been tnrned down by the Plaindealer on ac count of unusual restrictions, the Ku gene Ouard says the Plaindealer dis played commendable independence. E. L. Fisher, the popalar S. P. R. R. iretnaa, has resigred his position with the com pan y and purchased the Troy lanndrv at 1V1 East 8th St, Eugene, and will take charge of the business to day. Mr. Fisher was formerly in the laundry business in Roseburg and gave an excellent service. Sykee A Carroll have moved their plumbing shop from the old Flook building on Main street to No. 21t Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. E. Hands Cigar St. -re, and are prepared to handle anything in the plumbing and tinning line. Phone No 2ttl. 77t The Sun Set restaurant has alreedv gained the reputation of serving only good wholesome meals and satisfying lunches. It is the place where you always get the worth of your money. Th is restaurant makes a specialty of tine chicken dinners on Sunays. if Teachers Examination will be held at the court house commencing Wednes day morning at nine o'clock. The board of examiners will consist of Prof. A. M. Sanders, principal Roselmrg echcols, and Prol. O. C. Brown, pnnci- . . . A vi miu nig iar f ' " ' i j v ti as ' y, ' A large class is i State Normal at Drain. ex peeled. Mrs. Fsnnie Weddle, wife of C. E. Weddle, of Divide, in North Douglas County, has been adjudged insane after an examination made there bv Dr. A. W. Kime, of Cottage Grove, pursuant to instructions from the Douglas county court. The woman is only 23 years of age, and her insanity is due to illness. , She was taken to the asylum from Di vide Baturday. Henry Payne, who with his family re cently arrived at this place from Flint, Michigan, and located on a ranch on the Roseburg, looking Glass wagon road was in town Friday transacting busi nees. He is very favorably impressed with Douglas county and decided to hasten his acquaintance with the coun ty and its people by enrolling his name on the Plaindealer subscription book. This is the way the Morrow Observer puis it : If we were to announce that you could get this paper SO days for the Drice of three beers, every descendant of Adam would know that it meant li cents. But if we were to say that it would be sent thee months for the price of a hymn book, half of them woaldn't know whether we had raised the sub script ion price or were giving the paper away. P. A. Wilson, a prominent farmer and fruit grower of the Riddle precinct, was transacting business in Roseburg today lie sava in conversation with some late arrivals to the Cow Creek valley, he asked them what tbey thought of the Oregon winter weather, whereupon they remarked that they had come here ex pectin to get a good six months soaking but found the weather very much like that of California. They are well pleased with the country. Brooks and sons, the enterprising Walnut nurserymen of Carlton, Oregon, have a new ad in the Plaindealer today, which it will profit our orchard istt to read. Ther have for sale a quanity of fine trees grown from the lir-t gener ation nut. They grow five varieties which are kaown to be good growers and most prolific bearers and produce nuta of the greatest commerlcal value' which they offer for sale at $15.00 per 100. Write for Information desired re garding trees. We wish to call your attention to the (act that the English Walnut is the coming of another great industry ; one that will in time bring millions of dollars into the bands of the producers of our state should tbey take advantage of the good opportunity open to them. It has now been demonstrated beyond a doubt, that this is the ideal home of the English Walnut. NEW HOME FOR PLAINDEALER Valuable Block at Corner of Jack son and Cass Streets Trans ferred to New Owners NEW BRICK BUILDINGS Will be Erected at Once Consid eration Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. One of the largest and most impor tant real estate transfers which has been recorded in this city in several years was consummated late last week in the transfer of the large, valuable, centrally located and com manding lot fronting on three of Roseburg's best business streets Jackson, Cass and Rose, by Hons. T. R. Sheridan and A. F. Stearns to Hor ace L Marsters, Kruse & Newland, the grocers, and a few others being interested in the deal, the considera tion being $9.f00. This lot is locat ed diagonally across the street from the L 0. (. F. temple and corners on the main street leading from the de pot to the business center of the city and is therefore, without doubt the best business location in Roseburg. The lot or block is S0x22.r feet and will be built up during the coming season with substantial and modern two-story bricks. One of the first brick buildings to be constructed thereon will be a com modious and modern new office for the Plaindealer, which will face on Roseburg's main business thorough fare. Jackson Street. This new build ing will be commodious and equipped with all modern conveniences, while the Plaindealer printing plant will be modernized in every particular. This building will be constructed by the present management of the Plaindeal er, work on which will commence at the earliest possible moment, that the Plaindealer's long cherished dream a central location in Roseburg's business center may be realized be fore the present year is far advanced. Another commodious and modern brick will also be erected on this block at a very early date on the lot purchased by Kruse Newland, the grocers, who have decided to provide themselves with their own business quarters, and in so doing have secured the cream of the tract, the corner facing both Jackson and Cass streets. Horace L Marsters reserves the lot cornerine on Cass and Rose streets and will build a file brick thereon during the coming season for busi ness purposes. rther bricks on this tract are in contemplation and there is little doubt but what this great gap, which has so long been uninvit ing with its bill boards, and has de- . ,. . , tracted in appearance from the sub- atantial and commanding surround- ings, will soon be the site of Rose ; burg's best and most imposing struct J ures. This site has long been held ; for the location of a large hotel, for j which it was considered an ideal loca tion, but numerously laid plans for the big enterprise materialize and the always failed to plan was finally abandoned. That this prominent and valuable block is at last to be substantially im proved is a source of much gratifica tion to the residents of Roseburg, who are always pleased to note every step forward in the city's progress and advancement. Hon. J. S. Gray, our north end repre sentative, was in the city Saturday, re turning to the legislative halls this morning. When interviewed by a Plain derler reporter our representative said that the Douglas county delegation were endeavoring as far as possible to obtain the sentiment of the people of Roaeburg and its additions before submitting the water and light charter bill as it was their desire to adhere as closely as pos sible to the wishes of the people. It is Mr. (tray's opinion regarding the local option measure that nothing will be ilone with the bill amending it and that the law will remain precisely as it now is aa the voice of the people is a matter that most of the legislators do not feel justified in reversing. He stated that several of the cities throughout the state were endeavoring to incorporate the selling of intoxicating liquors into their city charters and that by an over sight Medford had succeeded in doing this, but that the matter would again be taken up and the clause struck out. When asked, if, in his opinion the Cen tral Oregon State Normal school, situ ated at Drain, would he abolished he said that be did not think it would that if Senator Haines and Repreeenta ti.e Col well attempted to introduce m h a bill it would meet with such it ong opposition that its passage would be almost impossible. ChtMbtrlais'i Csagk Btaitd) Favorite. tat Mother' j The soothing and healing properti of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere It U especially prized bv mothers of small children, for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always afford quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug and may he given aa confidently to a baby as to an adult For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. Hay For Sale. In car write 1. A. Perry, Medford prices. load lots, Oregon, for tf REMNANT JOSEPHSON'S Annual Inspection in compliance with Special Orders No. 5, Headquarters Pacific Division, I '05, Colonel James Jackson, V . S. Army, re tired, on duty with the Organized Mi litia of this State, is designated to make the annual inspection as required by Section 14, of the Militia Act of 103. The inspection will be at eight thirty o'clock p. m. on the following date: "D" Co., 1st Separate Battalion, Rose burg, Saturday March 4. New Instructor Prof. B F. Wagner, of Eugene, has been engaged as an in-1 struclor for the Roseburg High School, j the services of another teacher being ' rendered necessary by the addition of about 40 new pupils recently promoted from Uie public schools. Prof. Wagner is a graduate of the State University and a brother of Chas. E. Wagner, for mer manager of one of the Water A Light companies of this city. He com menced his duties here todav. WANTED. Capable men and women for census work and to act as represen tatives in this and adjoining territory for magazine and music business of old Established House. Our catalogue list over 3.000 magazines and 5,000 selec tion of music at cut prices. Salary $18 per week. Experience unnecessary, but good references required. Address. S prague Wholesale Co., J70 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. f6tf. Pointer to Business Men No town will become a good business center so long as its business men rely on a few merchants to make the effort to bring trade to town. Too often the men in a few lines of trade are about the only ones to i each out after custom. Other merchants wait until these men induce people to come to town and content themselves with what naturally drifts to their places. A public spirited man should ask himself if be is doing his part to attract people to come and trade and is helping the entire community. No town is a success unless all lines are worked to extend the trade as far as possible, and try to bring a larger terri tory into the circle in which the town is the t-usiness center. It is stated that the Northern Pacific railroad has sold all of its timberlands in Coos, Douglas and Lane counties to the Warehouse rs. They are eastern timbermen and are owners of immense tracts of timberlands in Washington be ing one of the largest holders on the coast. The price paid was 5 an acre. State Game Warden J. W. Baker has a communication on the first page of the Plaindealer todav. Read it. It is a well known fact that Osteo pathy is a specific forms rheumati nervousness, stomach troublee and female disorders. Special sales by Stearns A Chenowith Oaklandand Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines 115.00 and up; water Dine; wire, tdain and barbed ; cut and wire nails ; the only guaranteed Mack smith coal; two carloads rage woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence (or sale. n3 tf If Ton are in Trouble R0EL0FSZ Will Help You Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.00-1.50 Steam Clean, $2.00-2.50 CLUB RATES Four Suits Cleaned and Ten Shines $1.50 per mo. With J. A. COBB G0DDFREY BUILDING Come and Saw Ha About Your NEW SPRING SUIT I mm gf tting up a Club of 60 PROCURED ItSDOiriSOfB MTM, DOW IO . N ALL COUNTNICU. . Buibua Sri W-fo mnm aw, Msst as. Isfrisgssiist tattles bcts-My WASH I NOTOH. D. C. For the past two weeks we have been busy invoicing our immense stock, and now that we have finished, we find in all departments hundreds of remnants, which in or der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures. The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col ors and descriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus lins, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin ings, ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths lrom I to io yards. These are marked at about one-half or two-thirds of th ir value. Remember that although there is a large as sortment now, they will not last long, so come while the line is complete. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house Ifrru don't know PAT F F. Call on or add List Your Ranches and Timber Lands with HAVE EASTERN AND CAN CUSTOMERS SELL STAMMERING CURED Guarantee to cure any case of stam mering or stuttering. Cures are permanent and terms reasonable. Pupils on leaving school talk per fectly natural as though they had never statu mered PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS 150 ELEVENTH ST. POITLMD. Otl R. E.MASON Contractor : and Builder Am prepared to raise and pot new foundations under old buildings, aa well as do general carpenter work. Residence, Wait's addition, Roseburg Prof. J. A. Sibbets Practical... Instructions Oa Violin. Piano. Organ. Gn i tar Mandolin, Cornet. Clartaette. Beginners will receive moat careful attention : leave orders at Burr's Music House We are doing business at the old stand. If you want to buy. sell or trade anything see - - - - A. D. BRADLEY THE SECOND HAND MAN A full stock of both new and sec ond hand Furniture, Tin and Granite ware. Cook Stove and Heatere. Wanted, $1000 worth of second hand furniture. A fine stock of Harness, Whips, Robes, Saddles and everything in the Harness line. My harness is all hand made and guaranteed. BRADLEY JACKSON ST -BLDMETT'S DID STAID ENGLISH Ml liS It is a poor man's chance aad a fine investment for others. Write lor free cata logue, it will tell you all about them, a treatise on walnut culture. BROOKS & SONS Walnut Nursery Carlton, Ore. SALE THE BIG STORE a Oatraeter " tea taiieer Reeebac Crrege s. me. R. R. JOHNSON, OFFICE M SACKS 1 ROSEBURG, OR. Soaiety Rewnga AY. A. Haida sdf th. W.T.J KLK8. Buaeb i Lod Ho. Holds ngiar bona at I O. 9. F. and fourth Thursdays of All members rinaaatad lo iariv and all Ttatting kcoaners are aordi slty invited to eftead . C. a Cajtsox, 8. R. Hot McCLAixra, ! O. D, let SEPARATE BATTALUON .O.S. O. Armory Hail erary Tbaraday i; i . lUB.Oipt. I. O. . W. PhUeaariaa Va. i. Meets la Odd Patioww' Saturday evening of ben of the order in fjood ar Invited to at H. 0. Lawn, V. S.T. Jrvm, Secretary. K. of P. Alpha Lodge Bo. 4T. Meet rrerv Wsdnsaday, fa I. 0. O. P Hall at 7 JO p. m. Meal bars ta good standing are kavttad lo arena d. J A. Panax, C. C. M. F. Weight, E. of R. A 8. LLAC CIRCLE. Mo. 8, Woman of Woodcraft. Meats on ted sad 4th Thursdays of each month at aba I. 0. 0. F. Hail. YMta&g members la food starwttnc are tnvtted lo axaca. Mas. A. B. FicKLa, Oaardian neighbor. Ball Morian, Cut Second aad Femrth Thssedaii. E. 5 RoeeVjrg Ctoeewar la. S Holds their regular meeting SB the fret and third Thoradaye Tn aaefa aoaih. Variting aaaSSSS in ascd aaejaWf are reapeetrully hrvtsad so al iunde Kaat, w. M. Regina Raet. Secretary. u 5ITF.P ARTISAkTS, Umpqaa As sembly lo. 106, meets aseood aad fourth Setardave ot each month, in Native Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Maai raaa. M. A. Misaia Joaras, Secretary. OOI OMSK OP TBS WORLD. 0am r. Mo. 1. Meeta at the Fallows' Hail. :n Roaaoan drat and third Monday svasmg. lag Death bora always woMmaM. J. M. Baiwaa, 0. 0. N T. Jawara. Cloak. f OR, ACTIVE BRAINS yoor liver moat be right, your stomach in a healthy condition and your kidneys properly performing; their peculiar functions, or your body wont stand the attain and your brain wont be active. If you would have a ceaar bead and kiaen perception, get a box of Use them and see more alive you will be. TMfY CLARITY TMI SKIS AMD PURITY TNI BLOOD. Thwy are a sure and poaltlve our ter all Disease of the Stomach, Liver, Kldners and Bowels. Headaohe, Indlgee tlon, Nervouenee, Constipa tion, Blllouaneee, Plmpiee. Biotcnee puritiaa. and all Skin Im- Fer Sale By All Or uggiate. and We are experts in walnut work. Have the leading sort shell varieties, abundant bearers at early age. Ore gon is the true home for walnuts. M. LaeweJ Laasa .. : 3. utfa Wadnaadaya a sett eaah Boats. how much