The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 02, 1905, Image 3

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This is your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced preces.
Our bargains are too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call
and inspect our goods at this Bonafide Great Sale.
,We must make room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not
fail to grasp the opportunity of buying useful articles at less than the wholesale
cosf. Do not fail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great
they will not last loug.
For those who can not get to town to attend this great sale, we shall pay
special attention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash
must accompany the order. YOURS UP TO DATE,
HARVEY JONES. Proprietor
Rates 1.00 per day and upward
Meals served from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m
New liriek. New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds .' .
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparis n is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods , we have
no competitors.
i JS
-5(5 '.V.VWWJV.VW.SV'iA
fi. R.J-
White Pine
This reliahle Expectorate Coecfa
Core is hard to beat for the winter
roughs It has both exr.ectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive coughinz yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw off any of
fensive material.
A full 4 oz bottle ior 25c,
r si
R. W. FENN I I . . H S. Deputy . .
Mineral Surveyor
Civil Engineer 3
lately witii fbe prvern- Offlee over PnstoSSee.
n ent' geirapliiial and ROBBBORti, OREGON.
geolfiirieal snrev si I'.ra- ,. .
zu. South America . . . Correspondence (WllCSled
Told in Side Heads.
V. C. T. V. at Drain. -Quite a Rose
burn ,le. elation wi iil over to Piain to
il iv to aUrml the county convention oi
the W. C T. I. which OMfeBl at thai
place Kr day and Saturday. Anions
the MUiber were County President Mre.
hla Hantera, Mrs. Fergsson, vrs- - C.
Bartruin, Viol, and Mrs. Louis Banes,
Mrs. Harvey Jones, of Host twain aid
Miss Alice Unstick of Lsokiatr, lil.iss.
HiasGmeB Marsters atul l.iiilh Moore of
iio:-ebur went along to enter the
sliver medal contest.
Disability Claim Allowed - Secretary
Fied West brook of the lxosebesg l. of
K. T. has received the intelligence that
the disahil.ty claim oi "Cad" Harmon,
the passenger brakeman who lost a foot
in au acciilent at Kiddle, recently, had
leen allowed. This information was re
ceived from the jrraiiil masttrui the or
der ai d the sum allowed amounts to
1,3S0 which nill come in very handy to
ihe untortuna e y. imc HM, w SO is
highly I'siifiiij-J in this city.
W hose Is It A B. Matt, agent lor
the National Art and Cravoa t' , ol
Ciiicao. in rec.-iVHSg sad delivering hi
surged i'titurrs in tl is orssaty, has re
Seived a photograph ami isdsrgrd p r
trait SSSMM the Seal address. I'll the
back of ttie photo the name
"Nancy Oliver," and the photo and
crayon picture may be seemed i y rail
lu at the I'laindealei ufire. tl
Dry J.r and Oak Wool - J. i
lis has purchased tieo. Co! Ill "il
yard in this city and pw notice that
he is p.-epared to supply either dry Kir
or Oak wo ii on short notice am! at rc
BSSBsMe prices. I hone main li'T'i fl"p
Teachers Examination
Notice is herety rives that th reg
ular semi-annual teat hers examination
(or Mate and County paper w.ll lie
held at the Court House in Botebawf;,
Ore., commencinB at 9 o'clock a. ni
.Wednesday Keb. S.MS: the sa:n to
contitiue until ! olsek B p. m. Friday,
Keb 10, IMfi tor County Certificate!
(aml until 4 p. in. Keb. 11, 1!0A for State
K. B. II Balis
Co. Supt.
F Long iV Son
formerlv of this place
i(j the ii.irn
with great
ss business, are m -eting
success w ith their p ttent
iaiuH strap, whiih Vessrs Beaid il
Culver baVe on tsl! in t his ii y. A
Drunitner repre-entiug the slmll'Sskl
sWsnia Psttlsjsl has sold four hasdssd
arsss SB t0 weeks. They are a great
success, go and see them .
Svkes iV
Carroll have BSBSSs their
bop from the old Klook
builuing on Main street to -o sis iacK
son street, the building formeriy oc
cupied by F. E. Hands Cigar St.r . and
are prepared to handle anything in the
plumbing and inn ng li if. Phons No
201. "7t
.... . . - .tin T t
Local and Personal.
Strange, dei ti t.
Ami Uie hill collector called also.
Mrs. Pule
Willis is a iifst of Eugene
'. 1. Johnson, 'lentiu', tirave's
Mrs. S. k.
t ti eniiale. is a gassl nt friend
T. J. Bassr, of Kiddle,
hurt visitor Wednesday.
was a Hose
W. 11. IIiiDter was transacting
ness at Kuene WeJnesdiy.
; and hay for sale.
.1 . K. liarker A Co
Leave orders
1 ho l'laiiiilealer does all kinds of joh
(irintinj: al the lowest prices.
Woik is progressing rapidly
1'iks fne temple in KotH-hurg .
on the
rhs waiter tinis far has leeu SS)Sl SSl
U iiuld and stock M in tine condition.
A lot oi m.-ii expect to wear crowns
iiv.iiise their wives lxire heavv rTOSSB.
larpectov Jones returned to
tlii- missing from trio to
t 're -on.
WThes a congregation gets tu sleep it
is a sign that it is time to w.ike up the
The law exempting (300 worth of
boOSB i 1 1 goods irom taxation should
lie re-en.icted.
K. 1. Calkins la sown from lYnlue to
lxk after business briefest! lit this city
fot a tew das.
D. II. Shsas brook went to night Is apssd a few days
afti-r Lu.-iness matters.
J. K. Sawyers, lawyer
public. Oases up stairs
County (lank RsiMisf
and notary
in louglas
S. 1). Kvans the UaBPQSa Kerry fruit
grower, was transacting business in the
count V eat Wednesdav.
A bill in the legislature wil
a Mosry ;or a woman to enter
Whv d:s- rin.i.iate ajain-t a w
make it
a saloon
.le-s Sbasihroi k, the hop and fruit
frswsr of Dsipsata Keiry. was linking
afli r hSMBSSi matters in Ko-eburg
'is8 Evelyn Cornntt of Kiddle, ar
rived in loiseburg this morning to visit
with her Eisters, Mrs. Hildebrand and
Mrs. tireen.
Hon. John Hall of Myrtle Creek, is a
Kocsbnr visitor today. He says the
: u-y spring season will soon lie at hand
in his part of the county.
Federal irand Jury is examining
witnesses in '. onnectioa with alleged
fraud in the withdrawal of the Blue
Mountain Korest Keserve.
(eorge A. Steel, manager of the Win
chester enterprises, was in Roaebarg,
last night and r poits developments
progressing is their enterprises over on
the North 1 m-iu.
His Satanic majesty is often on
arty line when s man rings up to
ted bis wife that bosinem detains him and
In-won't lie home till late. Jim Neu-
land will please take notice.
I. A in of Kiddle was transacting
i Bsineca in Koseburg Wednesday. He
is a prominent fruit grower and thinks
the present season is going to be a favor
able one to the fruit grower owing to
the small crop hist season.
Ir. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic
Physician rims acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformaties and
removes foreign growths. (Vinsultion
free Phone or call for appointment.
Office is Abrertani building tf
The Sun Set restaurant has already
gained the reputation of serving only
goisl wholesome meals and satisfying
lurches. It is the place where you
always get the worth of your money.
This recta nrant makes a specialty of
line chicken dinners on Sitnays. tf
Very motes fruit trees, all lending
varieties,. nntteenbers and t ellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true to name and free from
pes's. For sa'e at very reasonable prices
by Koseburg Nurseries, H. Bchroteo,
Koseburg, Oregon tf
Father Carroll of the Cithilic
church at Uo-eburg has lieen here lo
visit Father Reid heard of this city and
also doing rom. work in the interest of
the Pioviiinice hospital at liosehurg
lie informs us that a suitable location
near the city, COSisting of a plat r.f 40
acres, has been secured, and that work
on the buildings w ill lie started in a h w
weeks, eas Wednesday's Fugeiie Register.
If you wish to have your health re
stored, see the Osteopathic physician.
Signs of more improvements this year
than ever are numerous in Douglas
count v.
It will pay you to see the Osteopathic
physician. He cures many cases after
all other remedies have failed tf
Special attent:on is given to the treat
ment of nervousness, indigestion, con
slipat'on and female disorders by the
Oi eopatbic physician.
Several tine new residences are being
built in Koseburg, among them the com
nodioBS new two story home of F. M.
Beard, the hardware dealer.
Ueo. Byron and his mother, Mrs. las
Byron, were in town from Olalla Wed
nesday. Hon. J as. Byron has been in
poor health for the past two week hut
is improving.
Business has been bettsr thai,
the average Fanners report that the
fall-sown w heat i doing well and they
predict a good crop if the weather, ol
course, remains favorable.
ieorge F. Krater, of the Kiddle Mer
cantile Company, was transacting busi
ness in Koseburg Tuesday and favors
were extended to this office. Mr. Fra
ter reports a fair business regardless Ol
the unusual lull following the bolidsj
Postmaster Hard, of Ulendale, is i:
Koseburg visiter. He says the terrihle holocaust at Ulendale Tneadaj
night has caused profound sorrow in hi
home tow n and is deeply deplorisl b
A rumor is current that work will
commence soon, at I'ort Orford, Ciss
Bsy and Pram, on the route surveyed by
Cooper for the Southern Pacific. When
we shall see it. we shall no more doubt
the position, that "the world do move!"
Kreii Weatherly, oi Scottsburg. wa-
trssssctis! hnsinesi in ttosunnrg Tors
Jay. He reports sorneshai bitter roads
than iinual at this time of the year in
his part of the country and that the
sinter Ssssmi thm f r has been in st
favor ble t" st'K k and crops
O. H. Willanl, a contractor and boil I
er of Cottage Grove ami a prominent
A. K. man of that city, was in Koseburg
takii g ezsminatiss for a pension before
the local BSStd of pension rssminem
Wednesday The PtaindssJsr was fav
ored with a pleasant call.
ft dynamite bomb was thrown a the
residence of the governor-general of St
Petersburg Monday. The honss was
practically demolished, but the govern
or es-aed, tieing sbs-nt at the time of
the explosion. It is reported that a
mob bnrst open the prisons of Bimp
haropoi, in the Crimes Snd also at Ke
val, setting all the political prisoners
free. Kaster Sundsy this yeir pome on
April "J3, which is s very late Pastes
snd portends a later spring. Only
tw ice in the next 70 years d-es Bsstm
come so lat-. In 1916 it tails in the
SSB6 date, an 1 in 11 1 it c :n-i on
April 25. lu 1973 it falls on April 2l
but then that won't m ike much differ
BBSS to us.
Atty. P. i. Mieelii returned Wednes
day from a bsninsm trip to Bslem. Tin
propOSsd transfer of a portion of the Ho- .
hernia mining district from Ikxiglas to
l.ane county had not et come up for
hearing, but will probably SBBM up Ire
fore the end of the week
Mrs. F. Long and family have re
turned from Portlsttd to again maids in
this city. They occupy their residence
at the corner of Stephens and Isosbsv
streets. The mtS had been rented
since .Ian. 1 to Mrs. Salzman and son,
A. Wood, who have returned to their
former home at Saginaw to reside.
J F. Kice of Nuggett, is transacting
business in Koseburg. He sav- mining
prospects are encouraging in that part
of the county. Mr Kice ow ns au inter
est in the promising Hall mine which
gives evidence of soon becoming a divi
dend payer. The Plaimlealer was fav
ored with a pleasant call and a subscrip
tion renewal.
iliss Hella Moore, one of the Plain
dealer's faithful and competent compos
itors, has lieen suit-ring from pheomo
nia complications during the past week,
which has confined her to her home.
Her condition seems improved at this
lime and her otlice associates and many
friends hope for her speedy recovery.
J N. Jones the champion trick hi
cyclist of the world, and r presentative
of the N. Y. World, was in Kosebuig
Tuesday. Mr. Jones "looed the loop"
several times at St. I.ouis and now has
scheduled lis attempts in this line for
the present year provided he lives to do
them all. On
account of inclement
weather condition
given here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lsndy and little
daughter arrived at this place Wednes
day from Myrtle Point by a private
conveyance, in charge of Mr. B
Fcnton, the Myrtle Point, Borebnrg
mail contractor and stage line propri
etor. Mr. and Mrs. Iaindy and balie,
went to Cottage drove today to visit
with relatives.
The remaining stock of doors, window s
mouldings ami other mill work of the
late Koseburg Iaimtier Co., has lioen
turned over to the F'look A. Oysinger Co.
and will be sold at a bargain until closed
out. Here is a snap for house builders
WIMKK.-At Post, Crook Co. Ore
Jan. 28, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. I.
Winter, a son.
C hembrrlaiR's
Coagh Remedy
the Molhrr's
The soothing and healing propel ties
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have made
it a favorite with people everywhere
It is esiiei ially prized bv mothers ol
small children, for colds, croup and
whooping cough, as it always afford
quick relief, and as it contains no opium
or other harmful drug and may be giyen
as confidently to a baby as to an adult.
For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co.
Yoncalla News.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs Mauley Straws
Jan. 27, a son.
Rev. James Moore, n London Ore. is
in town the guest Mr Lanman. Hi
is accompanied by his daughter, Jessie,
and has been visiting his mother at
Mrs, George Applegate snd son, Vin
cent, ia visiting her daughter, Mrs Ra
chel Tttllsy, at Wallowa, Ore.
Mrs. Ella Raymond left Saturday for
her old hoine in Michigan, to visit her
mother WOO is very ill.
I. lit her Daughter)-, lias ss-iit several
days at Oakland interviewing the den
tist. Rev (i. I. Tuff is delivered a tine ad
dress at the Presbyterian ehurrh Tues
day evening. He holds the individual
vote responsible for the crime reused by
the Saloon, providing he votes (or it.
Rev. M. C. Wire exiects to hold
quarterly meeting here Feb. 4-5.
Miss Rachel Long of Winlock, Wash.
is visiting at Vlr. John Longs aiul in
tends to attend school here.
Mrs. Dr. King of F.ugene is visiting
her son C. Koss King. She is a former
resident of this place and has many
friends here.
Messrs i. A. Burt, Jones and Mc
(irady Dangherty attended the Masonic
Lodge at Oakland Friday evening, sin!
report a tine supper and grneial good
tins I'eret, went to Eugene Saturday
evening to attetiJ the High School.
The Literary Society gave him x recep
tion at Lamb Hail Fri lav evening.
Cottage Grove Logging Operations
Eli.ENK. Feb. 1. C. I. Williams the
i logging contractor of IVxter who has
I lvn getting out logs for the Eugene
: Lnmbsr company gx-s to t'ottage Grove
today to begin the work of getting out
' logs on Roam river IS te shipped by
train to this place. The logs will U
loaded onto Oregon A Southeastern cars
sod hanlsd to Cottage ;r..e. At thai
. point the cars will be transferred to the
! S P. and brought here. It ii un ler
Stosd '.bat the S. 1'. wid I niid a switi b
to the mil over wbicii the loss will be
hauled and lumlT sl.ip-l out.
County Attorney Bill Dead
Tl House yesterday aii
pted the re-
iit oi tike committee on luiiciarv
against lbs pro--,l coosty a ton ey
law. Several objections were offered
against the bill principal among which
was that of its unconstitutionality and
imposing additions burdens of taxation
on sparsely settled counties Another
victory for the Plain dealer.
S-nate bill No. H-.i. an act for the re
lief of lw is Verhaeg for taxes paid to
Donglsi county for the !a-t 13 ve.irs on
:tjtl acres of school land which the state
attempted to convey, but to which it
could not give title, came up for final
SSSSSSJS Tuesday Setia'or Haines ex
plained the merits of the bill ami made
a brief talk urging it" page. It was
moved that the bill tie re refernil to
the judiciary eommttteS. The QOSStisn
of re-referring the bi.l was debate! by
different nembsrs and when put to a
standing v de. the m ti-in i sustained
by a vote of IS for an I 10 against.
Civil Service Rapidly Widening
All employees of the forest reserve
service have leen placed in the civil
Service which will necessitate al! appli
eentefof positions is the forest reserve,
to pass satisfactory evil .erviie examin
ations fn-fore appointments are made,
ail appointments aie now made tbrotagh
the civil pervice commission for any piv
sitioii in the forest reserve service.
Umpqua Fish Hatchery.
Superintendent X. H. Hill came down
Wednesday from the tish
hatchery, which was closed for the sea
son Ml Tuesday, the last day of January,
and kindly permitted a Plaimlealer rep
resentative to take the following ex
tracts from his animal report which he
will soon submit to the state warden :
Total numln-r of fish handled during
the mason 1256 .
Nsmber ol eggs men red SfMSjOOQ.
Lorn of eggs daring incubation, about
Loss during young fry period, abool
Nsmber ol fry remaining for planting
in the waters of the Dmpqns, 2,664,925,
all of which were liU-raiiil in good con
dition. Alsiut 400 of these fry, as is the cus-
were mar ed by cutting off the
ipper portion ol the cadsel tin, or tail.
The smvess of this season's opera
tions in this hatcherv, almost assures
j it8 bin converted into a standard state
i "HI. ..cry uuring uie coming season, u.e
Mirroiinu.iigs ami ine genera, conn. won
exhibition was bein VOrsl8 for such an insti
tution at the Dmnans hatcherv. How
ever, the success of the season's work
h due in the main to the skill and
close application lo the business by
Endeavor Anniversary.
The 24th Anniversary of the Christian
F.ndeavor movement will lie observed
by the Christian EndssVOT Society of
the First Christian church, on Sunday
evening, Feb 5, 1906. All are cordially
invited to attend. Program begins at
7:110. The following program will lie
rendered :
Bona) Congregation.
Song Congregation.
Scripture reading and prayer Rev. ti
C Kitchey.
clang Congregation .
"Christian Endeavor Hay ' John F.
Vocal Bow Ellen Hook.
Recitation Alice Malm.
Anthem Choir.
"Need of the Foreign Field" Nellie
Exercise "Go and Tell."
Talk "Work at Dnmob, India "
Offering for Dnmob Orphanage.
For Sale or Ktnt. - Nice new 5
cottage, bath etc, Waites addition
quire at this olliee.
4 tf
GssrantaS SO cure any case of sum
mering or stuttering. Cures are
permanent and terms reasonable.
Pupils on leaving school talk ,-r-fectly
natural as though they hail
never stammered
Am prepared to raise and put new
foundations under old buildings, as
well as do general carpenter work.
Residence, Wait's addition, Koseburg
Prof. J. A. Sibbets
On Violin, Piano, Organ, Guitar
Mandolin. Cornet, CUrinette.
lleginners will receive
most careful attention :
leave orders at
Burr's Music House
a?' Before coming to Koseburg to
trade, readers are requested to exam-
ine the Plaindealer advertising GOa
, umes. It's the active, wide-awake
business man who advertises, conse
: quently he is the most accommodat
; ing, sells the cheapest, and deals the
most liberaliv in every way.
Hay Por
write I. A.
Sale. In car load lots.
Perry, Medford Oregon, for
Cowry Trtasurtr s Netkr
S ties is hereby given that all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to, and including, inly 'JS, are re-
qnestsd lo prsssnl the same to the coun
ty treasurer as interest will cease there
on after the date of this notice.
Hated Koseburg, Orvg., Jan. 90, 1966,
ti. W. HlMMICK,
t'ountv Treasurer.
All parties owning dogs are hereby
notified that if they will pay to the city
Marshal their dog license during the
month of January they may have the
same for $1.00 each. All that he has to
go and colled will lie $3tM each, by
order of Koseburg City Council.
Notice to Creditors.
AU persons knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned will call at
the otlice of li. W . M arsters, Room 6,
Unrsters bnihUns, and sstt'e the same
on or before fel . 16, 1906.
M 15 p C. P. Davis.
If You are in Trouble
Will Help You
Suits Cleaned and Pressed
Steam Clean, $2.00-2.50
Four Suits Cleaned and
Ten Shines $1.50 per mo.
With J. A. COBB
Gome and See Me Abont Yonr
I am gsttlng np a Club of 60
For the past two weeks we have been busy invoicing
our immense stock, and now that we have finished, -e
find in all l partments hundreds of remnants, which in or
der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures.
The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col
ors and descriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus
lins, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin
ings, ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths lrom i to
io yaid "
Th se are marked at about one-half 01 two-thirds of
tln'ir value. Remember that although there is a large as
sortment now, they will not last long, BO come while the
line is complete.
want to buy a farm
want furnished rooms
want to buy a house
want to rent a house
want to build a house
want to move a house
If v
n don t know PAT
F F. Pattern,
on 0" drees .
Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable
gift, or one more appreciated for your
gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie.
Here is another Holiday Necessity for the
well dressed gentleman. No matter how
stylish the suit the appearance is not
striking without an
Anything yon need for a Fruit CKe or Hinct Kent
J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201
Sotnethiitg You should Know
It is to your interest to read and note
carefully the rare opportunity of secur
ing a tine piano or organ at Burr's Mu
sic House.
We have ordered a nes and complete
stock of pianos and organs that will ar
rive within the next few days and in or
der to make room we are going to offer
our present stock at the following low
prices and if you have been watcoiug
and waiting for a bargain now is your
One grand square piano in first class
condition and can be turned back at any
time within one year at full price.
Only $ 8
One upright Cornish piano, has been
used abont 2 years. Goes for 156
"ne new Colonial Hinze piano in a
beautiful mahogany case for $240
One handsome Bailey piano, bran
new, only $265
One Jacob Doll piano in beautiful burl
walnut ease, l.rge size . $2S5
One of the famous Victor pianos in
beautiful Mali, case will sell for ..$315
One fine Kimball piano in quartered
sawed oak. if taken before the first of
the year will go for $315
iace will not permit us quoting other
prices today but we have the largest
music house in Oregon south of Port
land and these low prices will prevail
on all goods until Jan. 10, 1906.
Store open evenings.
For particulars call, or write
Koseburg, Oregon.
Mrs. Klinbeth Langenburg n turned
Monday evening from a visit in Port
land with her son, Lafayette and wife.
, d r -. a n rt nr rr n nr n St
SSSB or . tot xain nn( aad trm MMS, I
htv'w. now k onus fmmmm "
aasnHHS "c. in all countsics.
Businta JSrtct with H'askimg-' Mm timt, I
Pitwtt Md lifrlagtmtnt Praotlos kclMtaiy.
Write or eoaw to us at
sas Hsildsr
Rase ixn
up - to - date hat.
We are doing baamea at the old
stand. If you want to buy, seD
or trade anything see - - - -
A fall stock of both new and sec
ond hand Furniture. Tin and
Granite ware. Cook Stoves and
Wanted, $1000 worth of second
hand furniture.
A fine stock of Harness, Whips,
Robes, Saddles and everything in
the Harness line. My harness is
all hand made and guaranteed.
yonr liver most be right, yonr
stomach in a health y condition and
yonr kidneys properly performing
their peculiar functions, or your
body wont stand the strain and
yonr brain wont be active. If you
would have a nlnsr hand sad kiseu
perception, get a box of
Use them sad sss how
more alive yon will be.
Thny are s sure and sssaittv
euro for all Diseases of ths
temaoh. Llvsr, Kidnaps and
Bowels. Hssdsehe. Indlges
tlan, Nsrvousnss, Clonstips
tien. Biliousness, Pimples,
Blotches and all Bkln Im
purities. For Bala By All Druggists
Q. and ago, por
It -s a well known fact that Osteo
pathy is specific forms rheumati,
nervousness, stomach troubles and
female disorders.