The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 02, 1905, Image 1

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Roseburg, Oregon
Population. ttSOO Tt-c County feat of IlouulaF
Coanty. Ori-Rnn SuUlier Home; LllMlMta
and 1". S. Wi airier Bureau are luraleil note S t
railroa 1 division : splendid educational alSMa?B.
Gateway to the Cooe Bar and foquille eouiitry.
j Roseburg Plaindealcr
Th.. ni'.it widelv ra.l Denww published la
SonttK-rn Oregon and ronUrn'ly the atTadTr
tlainir mMh, l-anc-. saetatl (-.(.lipped Job
p l-pmrtnnt in StaaetUaa. Ktl,lnhed
In MM Hnla nption,j per year (or Semi Weekly.
No 10
$) Imnbealer.
Supreme Court at Salem Renders
Long Expected Decision in
Two Roseburg Cases.
Case of United Artisans vs Robert
HiMebrand is Reversed and
Sent Back for New Trial.
j monthly payments shall made in
i valid warrants, says the court, it c n
Becanse it creates an indebtedness or templates that the city aill provide a
liakilitv Mint the ,-itv in excess of the "1 ':' fund for the i aynieltt of tic
limitation contained in its charter, the
Supreme Court, in an opinion rendered
by Justice Bean, holds th it the contract
which the Roseburg Water sud Light
Company holds with the city of Base
burg is illegal and void and that it
should be cancelled,
rendered in the case
This opinion f
of K. Brockway.
respondent, vs the city of Roseb irg, and provision, a either event they won'.,
Harry C. ?locum, treasurer, defendants. 1 t. general obligation and debt of
the Roseburg Water and Light Com
pany, appellant ; appesieo ironi aacK-
son coanty, in which the decree of Judge
H. K. Hanna of the circuit court is af-
This is a suit by a resident and tax , The 1'nited Ar.i-ans lod;e won the
payer of the city of Roseburg to cancel case in the Supreme Coart i:i a per cur
and annul a contract betwee.i the city iam opinion handed dow n, in which the
and the defendant, the Roseburg Water de ree of ,Iu ige Hamilton is reversed
and Light Com pan v, bv which the citv aad the caue remanded. This is in t i
agreed to pay the latt?r for supplying it j
with light for a period of ten years, front . ver. guardian, re?i nodi t t. against the
January 1, 192, to December 31, 1912. United Artisans, from IVuglas county
at fllo per month, in valid wvrrairs in which the plaintiff seeks to enforce
upon the grounds wh'ch were upheld . the payment of a policy held by the de
by the Supreme Court, as s-ated in the I ceased father ir the d dendunt company
above paragraph. The contract called for f IMC, in favor of thr-piainti.!" The
for the payment of f 12M ;r year, or a 'only qnesti n of importance decided by
total of over 115,10;) for the ten years . the court is that the local secretary cf
covered by the contract, while the char-1 the lode ij not considered an agent of
ter of the city contains the explicit pro- , 'he person assured, but of the corpora
vision that the city shall not create any tion for the pnrv e of r rvice of process
debts or liabilities m hi-h together iu the and whether the aetaM waa proper lj
aggregate shall not exieed f5000. brought in ttie court of Doaglaa eoantj
The charter of Roseburg as enacd , The judgment of the lower court is af
by the Legislature of 1895 restricted the i tiim-d on the ti;t rnliug. tint le re
l.niit of creative indebtedness to $10,000 versed on the iatter. it beiug hel.l that
but was amended in 1901 to the HM
limit. The court holds that these sev-'
era! provisions of the charter were in-j
serted in oliedience to the requirements j
of the constitution and are for the beas
fit and protection of the taxpayer, by
requiring the municipal authorities to
conduct its affai'e substantially within
the current revenues. The state consti
tution prohibits a county from creating
an indebtedness in excess of a certain
amount and does i ot apply to involun
tary indebtedness thrust upon it
bv ;
operation of law. But the language of
the restricted claase in the charter of
Roseburg is that the indedtednees of1
" a
the muD cipal'tvj'must never exceed"'
- .. , ..
a eertain amount, and the uniform 1. old-
inge of the courts is that any liability
not arising from tort by virtue of whn:h
the municipality is required to pay
money is within a prohibition of that
kind and void, if in violation thereof,
witbont regard to the purpose for which
the debt was incurred or contracted.
The case of tne Salem Water Co. vs.
the City of Sale xi, is cited in the opin
ion as one almost parallel with the Rose
burg case. That was an action to re
rover a quarterly installment alleged
be dne the water company under a con-1
The Place Where You Can Get Pare
Drugs and Chemicals
The Most Complete Line of
Druggists Sundries in Town
Prescriptions Filled by a Practical
Up-toDate Pharmacist.'
School Supplies a Specialty
I Bargains
Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 00
Swell line of Combination Cases
Ranging in Price from $15 to $28
Take a look at oar Buffets
From $25.00 to $38.00. : : : :
tract for supplyin,; tin- rily ith water
:or seventeen yearn at the rate of $1S00
per vear, payable quarterly. The char- 1
tcr prohibite.i the citv from ratal ratting i
any debt s or liahilitie- which either
singly or in the agRMgBta ex ceeded the
sum of MM SJal the eonrt hel.l that
I he contract created present ohlignt ion
on ti e part of the city to pay money
amounting in the aggregate to the Mint
of $50,t''.K, to the water company at fn
lure periods ami was therefore void un
der the charter, ina-m ti h as no arovi
clone were inade for the payment of the
installments a they bc-.-ime due.
A claim is ai" made hv the counsel
for the delendant , jmpany that since
the contract !etwien the city and I be
defendant corporation provides that the
arrant as issued, an I. t herd ire. t uej
ate not to Ik- consi.lere 1 as an Utdebted
BBBl within the BMariWf ;' it- charter.
Under the loalaacl the monthly pay
ments were to lie made in warrants at..'
they would In- no less theMt l.t or obli
gation of the citv whew issued becaMM
the contract stipulated that they tdioul.l
be valid then it i; had made no such
tfae city to be paid oat of mosey arising
ironi taxation or f.otn other revenues
ippiicable to such parpoeea.
Rack for Ntw Trial
ease of Robert Hildebrand by S. J. Col-
the plait. tiff's father was a resident of
Douglas ccunty when the contract
entered into with the defendant
pany, and that theciuse of action
di 1
not rise in that lompany
Brush Fire Wins Out
Salem, Ore . Jan. 30. Oppont nts of
the forest lire bill have succeeded in
l aving the closed season against the
dealing and brush fires stricken out by
the house committee on public lan is
and the bill will be re.-omiuended for
. . .. c , - .
passage in that shape. uch lsthe ter-
, ,
miuation of the big fight, which has
been waged for two weeks.
As the bill was first drawa all brush
fires were to have been prohibited lie
tween August 1, and Sept. IS. Clatsop
and Tillamook lirst setured exemption
from the closed season, then the entire
coast west of tiie Coast Range and other
conLties demanded the same ptivilege.
For the best dental work at mot rea-
socable prices, go to Pr. Strange in the
little brick opposite Slocum's ball.
for all
Lamp Explodes in Sick Room in the Home of Oliver P. Lane at Glendale Tues
day Night and Mrs. Lane and Two Voar-01d Child and the Nurse,
Miss Cooper, are the Ik Victims of the Flames.
One of the most shot-kino; and de-ease she was summoned dur
plocjbie accidents ever re corded in the nitrht. Sometime lifter m:
tats eoaaty aad an ahiuli haa casta night there came a terrible t
pall of j;loom over the community in ptoska and fragments of the Intap
which it occurred and prof end sor- and oil were scattered all about the
row thrif;!i 'ut the copnty. was the sick room and over th" bed in which
banriag of the home of Oarer P. the fll mother and child were sleep
Laae at Glendale at an early hour inn. The "il became ignited and
Wetlnes.lay morning, which ccst the barned with fun-, in a few minutt -Iivcs
of two of the household, a little enveloping the entire r m i: leadh
two-vear old bov. Mrs. Itne and a funv s. smoke and dames. Aithoog
nurse, Miss Cooper, of Medford, who
Iu.;;i1j ; ,, ,! ,, r .l,,l o.,n
'v.4 ail i . i ' it.iiiii uivu
after bene terribly burned, death
coming as a relief to their intense
It seems that Mrs. Lane and her
little son were suffering from an at
tack of pneumonia, and that Miss
Cooper of Medford. was employed a
nurse. The cottage being a small
one Mr. line occupied apartments
upstairs while the other members of
the familv occupied rooms be! iw.
The family retired as usual Tuc.?ilay explosion and the commotion follow- both fatal internal and external in
evening Mrs. lane and her attiicted ing. dashed down an outside stair and jurie-. liisa Cooper expiring from
baby boy occupying one room and the rinding all of the outside doors licked her injuries at ab ut o'clo.-k Wei
nurse the room adjoining. A kero- smashed in a window and rushed to nesday evening. Mrs. Line dyiag one
sone lamp was as usual left bumiig the rescue of the other members of hour later, thus three precious lives
low on the table in the sick room the familv, finally succeeded in assist- ware sacrificed to the tire fiend in
by the nurse, for convenience in
United States Supreme Court Ren
ders Unanimous Decision That
the Trust Restrains Trade.
aTsaaiWll .. Jan. 30. The I". S. Su
pre ue court t.xlav rendered a de ision
adverse t . Swift .l Co. and ihe other
companies of the b d trut iu the ap- ;
peal from an injunction made by the j
federal court of the r trthern district of ;
IlliuoSa, rtraining an illegal combiaa- I
tion to resist competition in the purchase
of livestock and the sale of drassed 1 ?ef. ;
The sweeping injunction is affirmed 1
with a few rertain minor aMaattafaoaal
t make it conform to the bill of the at
torn.-, gen. ral. Thedt.'ition ws unan
imous. Justice llo'-tes deliverel the decision
It aadnii:ted that some charge were
lese specific than desirable, but he said
sunn tent bvl been shown to prove con
tinuous offenses, and the offenses were
of such a nature as to justify the pro
ceedings. President Praises Fair
Sai em. Ore., Jan. 31. The following
j letter, signed by the President, was
this morning rr .d in the Hour? in re
i sponse t j an invitation extended the
j F.-eeident t . visit the Lewis and Clark
I Exposition :
"White House, Washington, Jan.
' 25. My Dear Mr. Mills : May I through
J ou.and through President Kuykendall,
of the Senate, thank theOre. Legislature
for its exceedingly kind invitation to me
toibe present at the Exposition ii honor
of the Centennial on the Pacific Coast ol
Captains Lewis and Clark. It is a very
1 great p'easure to me to do whatever was
in my power t j aid" in s uring appro
i priate recognition by the National Con
gress of this, one of the events of cardi
, nal National importance in our history.
I only wish il were my good fortune to
be able to be present, but I fear it will
not be possible for me to visit the Pacific
Coast this year. Earnestly wishing you
! all success in your pnblic-spirited efforts
; to make a fitting and worthy com
; men. oration of the great event in ques
tion I am sincerely yours,
"1 aaoaoaa Roosevelt."
One of the most promising mining
properties in the now celebrated Myrtle
Creek mining district is the splendid
claims of the Yellow Jewel Mines Co.,
of Mrtle Creek, on which a h)4 foot
face of good milling ore is being worked
in the main tunnel. A great deal of dt
velopment work has already been done
on this properly and assays have proven
the property to be very valuable. While
it is on ied by local people of grod busi
ness ability and stric. integrity, they
are not financially able to pat ths valu
able property on a good working basis.
However, the owners of thH property
a-lvocat that thee is no use to wait for
foreign capital to be employed in the
development of oar rich natural re
sources, when home capital can by prac
tical business metheds I j employe! in
this manner and the rich returns be
realized by home people. This company
has therefore capitalized this mining
property, tne stock being luny paid ana
non assessable. 3C1,000 shares have
been placed in the treasury for develop-
und emaciated, the in ither
.fWU .,,,1 I,
. n ir iioiii iiv i l 41 A 01 " li
baby boy, but her Btrenjrth was
wasted that the precious little form
was dropped back on the bed and the
mother staggered and grasped for
some support to prevent her from
sinking to the floor. At this instance
the nurse was .n the scene, and at
the peril of her own life sought to
rescue the mother from the room
which by this time was a veritable
feerv furnace. Mr. Lane, hearing the
ing his terribly burned wife and the
ment parpQM and 15. M. Artnitage, of
Myrtle t'reek, Mpettateadeat of the
company - now oflfcrtag a few btockl Of
slock for sale for the purpose of provid
ing a tun. 1 to push .1. veloptnetit work
on this p'oTty. He will be in BuC
burg several days f-.r the tirk.-e ..f
placiug a llfted amount of stock on t!
market here hich is i.ff.-ril as foil.. s .
Price of each block of 1000 shares
125.00, payable ia twelve monthly pay
ments viz: three dollars at time of sub-
scribing and t. .1 ..urs on llrst of e.n h
month thereafter f r eleven month". At
ny time the lull am . tint i- paid in, a
certificate of sto -k a ill b issue.1
Oaly 100 blm-ks to lie S..I.I at this ..r-
''er. and purchasers of thi- lot will have
preference . n the next, riiirty days ia
non-fulfillment of monthly payments
mmf caaesl all riafets ia the above."
Some New Poems.
Mr. A. ion Harm s-., oie of our lo a.
lts. has just launched uu the ever
changing, ever sparkling sea of Litera
ture, a neat little booklet of a dozen
pages, conta i ing some mc po-itive
merit. This is not Mr Harness' first
attempt to soar into the realms o.' e'he
real bliss on the wings of poetic a tig.
as, some two ye-rs since, there appeared
under his n.ime, a col ection of short
poems under the name o? "Oiatoa."
The title given to the present collection
is appropriately styled "lewis and
Clark, a Souvenir Bool;." The price he
names to all locil customers is the mod
est mm of tea cents; a price that is . r
tain'y within lh rcch o' all. Mr. Har
ness bis manv friends in Houglas coun
ty who are anxtous to see his entire suc
cess Il is believed that the futute has
in st ire for this singer, stronger Wings
fo a lo.'tier flight , and in this, he has
the best wishes of a host ef acquain
tances. The lines below ro npose the tir.t
stanza of a beautiful poaaifoaad in his
present collection of verse, and rank
well widi other famous Oregon songs.
The title of the poaai from wfiich the
quotation is made is "Ihe Power of
Music," and I consider it the Inst of all
productions of the aut.ior:
When Redmen held their ancient reign
In Oregon long ago,
When mountain, hill and plain,
In bands they wandered to and fro.
One ev'ning, where the t'mpua, blue
Down .through a add'aing canyon
Three warriors in a light canoe
Rowed up the stream with inc. tiled
One can hardly read the entire poem
without a Eense of having been uplifted
and made to stand on a higher plane of
moral ethics ; in fact thu author, in all
his sougs, unmistakably aims to lead
his readers to the loftiest points of truth
and purity. Locis Kahzkk.
Murder Will Out
BtnrK, Jan. 81. Addie Madeline
Courtney last night confessed to the au
thorities that her paramour, Eugene
Helbek, who is now under arrest, rav
ished and murdered tl-year old Ethel
Gill iu this city eight years ago. The
woman says she could keep the becret
no lojger, and declares for weeks after
the killing Helbek kept her bound in
bed, compelling her to cut her arm and
with her own blood sign a statement
giving Helbek and two unknown friends
the right to kill her if she betrayed bis
' secret.
i i
I Gold crown and bridge work of best
j quality by Dr. Strange.
mak thi'ir exit from the
bailiVng through a window,
r by this time the cries of
:we$kas 1 ibehad ceased and th
room in which it lay was a roaring
:'urn io as well as w;is the adjoining
r ma bl this time, and nothing :'
be done to rec ver the little body
ren save the h v. b I i g Is. i!
dale baying no adequate tin- protec
tion The tl ige h ate and its con
tent- was there.' re spee lily reduce
to a heap of smouldering iain-, th
charred remains of the anfor&nnafc
little one being recovered from tfa
skilled physi.-ian-
th- frrible suf-
Everything that
coal I do 1 1 relieve
ferir 's of Mrs. La
e an l ner nur.-
Miss Co per. were quickly put int-
execution, hut without avail, for th.
former hal sustained terrible an.J fa
tal external burns, while the lattei
by inhaling the tirev
fumes sutferei
that erstwhile pleasant, peaceful an
Manager Coivin of the Southern
Pacific Tells of Improvements
Contemplated in Near Future.
Kugene, Jan. SI.- Maaagat t "lvin, of
the Southern Paeiae R. R. Ci.. atatai
that it is the in tent i .n of the railroad j
eaaipaBJf to increase the train service I
on the Oregon lines. While no
deti ii'.e arrangements l.ave as yet
bsea made, it is probable another
traiu will be placed in c mtni-si 00 t--
t, ,n Portia ad aid Baa rrn.iso.
Tfcfa) traia will be a "flyer," Il .pj ing
only at the tarwar i-iints. Anoth. r ad-
d'tioaal t-ain will put) bl be put on to
run lietweeu Eugene and Portland,
j Mr QaMa state-i tl at the ad litionai
train s. rvi.-e was n-ce-s.iry on accon .t
I of ioi: oioiial travel tu light,
j The Albany train u-.w his more work
' than it can handle and the overland
trains are loaded excessiwlv heavv.
Spei-'.i.ig of the improve nents on the
Oiagoa lines Manager Coivin said :
"We are now pla ing an M-jund rai:
on the road betwaaa Ashland and Port
land. Iu ng the year t lese rails will
lie la i I except from Turner to I.,'de,
aad that short antfaaea will be laid as
soon as the other work is completed
In addition to the abate the roadbed if
being brought up to the standard of the
O. R. A N .. and all the old wis den
bridges, culverts, etc., mill give way to
the t. mlein steel, stone aud concrete
Change of Railroad Time
Itecn.ning Keb. 1st the northbound
passenger trains leaving San Francisco
will le at least three hours later than
usual. This will continue for alniut !HI
days. The temporary withdrawal of
the transfer steamei Solano from service
between Benicia and Port Costa for n
pairs is the cause of the change. All
trains going by way o! Port Costa will,
during the lime that the Solano is being
repaired, run by way of Stoc .eon. This
includes all trains of the Ogdea and
Shasta route! Eugene Guard.
Pohtlanb, Jan. 31. County Judge
Webster is at Salem to advocate the
adoption by the leg 'lature of his reso
lution for the appointment of a state
road com nission to serve without pay,
the duties of which shall be to advise
plans for the cons t met i in of a macada
mized roadway from Portland to the
Caliiornia state line by convict labor.
"I am hopeful th it ti e resolution will
pass and that, through co-operation of
of Oregon, Washington and California
legislatures, a macadam rond Mill be
completed w thin a very short time,
running from Seattle to San Francisco,
perhaps as far south as Los Angeles.
Such a road wil. e 'courage i.ood road
building in all of the cotist stateH. I hope
the legislature will adopt the resolution."
The resolution is as follows :
"Whereas, The improvement o' the
public roads of (his statu is tf paramount
importance to the peotilo and should lie
assisted and encouraged, and,
"Whereas, It is la-be ed that the
building of a macadamised road from
progressive little city of filradlln.
over which will long hang a deep
.; (M n and where happiness will give
way to sorrow and regret for this
crael vtstatioa of fte.
Mr. Lin" s-i'- - I our townsman.
1 teputy Sheriff V. L. Bogard, a sales- m haM by the sheriff on the charge of
ma i in Boa. H. S mnem inn's mer-: "1"r,',r
landise si m at i il mdale bat spring. s '"y kwn to beoo the per-
., . , , -on of ir. Stoae H misjinj. rd it i-
He is a most exemplary gnatlwa m balkrred that the aWaatatlar a aam oce
and with his estimable little family, I fix pnrpoaai of robbery, entered Uas
was honored and esteeawd by ev. y-.n-.-
within their lartre cire'e of ac
qnaintanceship. It is a tetribb- blow
t .Mr. Lane who in a mere moment
and without warning lost his home,
wjfe anj baby his all. However,
in his sore bereavement he has a host
of coBsohag friends aad the heu..
felt sympathy of aot only the com
munity in which he resides, but of
ev.-rv resident of the countv pnd this
part of the state.
Miss Coopers remains were taken
to her home at Medford for burial
while the remains of Mrs. I.ane and
babe will be tenderly laid to their
i final repose at "Ilendale.
the city of Portlaod, aooth to the Cii
rnia stat- line, would t of great fahat
, to i he people of the Mate and wou d
greatly wu wiiaae the bu'lding of simi
lar roads adjacent thereto and in other
parts of the state, aud
"Whereas, It is baUaved that convict
i-onlined in the penitentiary of this state
could profitably be em pi.. veil in the con
struct ion ..f such a highway; therefore
Ik- it
"Resolved, Bv the senate, the house
concurring: That within 0 lays after
the passage of this resolution the gover
nor lm and hereby is authorized an 1 re
quired to appoint a st ite road eonimis-
sion to consist of five members whoha'
act without compensation an I whose
duty it shall be to carefully and thor
oughly investigate the feasibility of the
construction of a macadamized road
fr..m the city of Portland south at the
California slate line by employ ug the
laU.r dci.nv.ct in tb s te ;-niteotiar
If said commission shall find that the
enstruct on of a 1 r ad tv such me"S
is fesaible and p -act cable, it shall pre
pa e and to the next legii'ature
of this state a bili to g.ive n :ind recu-
1 ate such construction of said road, and
shall report other matters in connec.ion
therewith as shall be al assistance to
the legislature in considering the matter
ami be it further
Resolved, That the secretary of the
state be and he hereby is directed to au
dit and allow b Us for th - necessary ex
p mses of said commission to the f tent
of whatever appropriation may be made
for that purpose; and be it further
Resolved, That the governor be and
he hereby is requested not to enter into
any contra. : for the labor of convicts in
the penitenlia y, which snah extend be
yond the first day of Julv. 1907."
Judey Webster favors bills to amend
the laws to p-ovi le that real property
of estates or deceast .1 persons mav K
s ild b 'fo e all of the ersona'.ty has
been disposed of; and to improve the
statute governing the sale of prope-ty
which the countv has bid in for tries.
Murdered and Robbed
Albany, Ore. Jan. 30 Manager Ed
win Stone of the Co-vallis A Eastern
railroad, one of the most popular resi
dents of this city, was brought home
from Newport yesterday afternoon on a
special train suffering from burns and
injuries, the result of a vicious and
murderous attack made on . him at an
early hour yesterday morning in his
room ;n the Abbey House, in that place
and died at 7 :30 o'clock this morning
without having rec lvered C MB pi te con
sclo i sness.
Mr. Stone went to Newport Saturday
afternoon accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Weatherford and E. J. Seeley of
this city. While there he was ap
proached by a stranger, a man having
the appearance of a tramp, who asked
him for a position, claiming one had
been promised him. Mr. Stone taid he
had never seen the man before and re
fused to employ him. During the even
ing Mr Btoaa handled some money in
sight of a number of people who were
a bo ut, atiHiig them the stranger.
It is certain beyond all doubt that
Mr. Stone waB the victim of an assult.
Two Heppner men who were sleeping
in the loom below heard sounds of a
scuffle. For several minutes after it
became quiet above they heard moan
ing and finally got up and dressed.
Failing to itoaas any one in the hotel ,
they went across the street to a sa
oon and gof tha proprietor. All three.
men started ham to the hotel to learn
the cause of the moaning and discov
ered the fire in Mr. Stone's room.
Al aliout 1 .clock Sunday morning a
tire alarm brought out the residents of
the town and fire was discovare 1 in Mr.
Stone's room at tie; Abbey House. The
room was hastily entered aud the rail
road man was foil id lying r,n the floor,
enveloped in lames. Tha (limes w.-re.
'flenched. A physician was quickly
summoned aid the injured man was
given the best treatment available It
was foun I that he hid been struck on
the head, both for--arms were badly in
jured and bruised and burned.
When Mr. Stons regained his con
sciousness for a minute, he aske 1 who it
was that had aasulf. 1 him, bat beyond
this he was unable to ay anything re
guarding the I'vutj of the night.
The stranjer tra rap was found in the
hotel when the tire was discovered an!
was arreted. Asked what he was doing
there, he explained he had a room in the
building, but this was s'town to he false.
He told conriict-ng stories regarding feu
l MbMW i-i the house, and as a resu':
room of .Mr. Stone, st -uc k him down, te
eare i arhal m :iey he cmld find and,
netting the lOOBi on tire to hide the evi
dence of bis c' me, tied. The theory
that tiie traaip .'id the job.
Dillard hems.
8. C. Miser lost
a valuao.e dog the
other day by salmon poisoning.
There was no Sunday school here last
Sunday on account of a case of reported
dipthena. ! has r-en married to 25 different women,
Alex. Gage was down from bis placer ' cd six o' these have died under cir
mino on Byron creek getting supplies cumstances which the police declare to
the first of the week.
L. E. Milledge is wearing some court
plas'.er on his face but L. E. says "yon
ought to see the ether fellow."
Mrs. C. U Pearson was called to the
deathbed of the iate Mrs. Whiteett at
Roseburg on unday night's overland.
Rev. Miller, father of S. C. Miller, is
very sick here with Lagrippe. Dr.
Pae. of Oakland, was here Sunday to
see him.
The section crew at this place were
Kgjiag preepect holes in the gravel bar
Tuesday for inspection by the otficiais of
the B. P.
Jake Nichols, a brother of I B. Nich
ols the Brockway merchant, got off the
train here Friday and hit the trail for
s. Behaanjar, the popular black
smith of Brockway, waa over after
freight the first of the week. Say, what
a mile Sam wears these days since the
arrival of that young lady at his house.
One of the Japanese gang now work
ing on the railroad here had a narrow
eacape fr..m death while returning from
Roseburg on the local. When the
braxeman called Greens station the Jap
mistook it for Dillard and jumped off the
moving train. Ue thought a Russian
had hit him.
Clyde Willis was down from Willis
Creek Mondav. I" some
Straw berry PlanU for Sale.-Eiee.-
slor and Wilson strawberry plants, 50
cents per hundred, or t--V) per 1000
f. o. b.
Address J. H.
Younce. Dillard,
They are experts in their
line and e;irry a full line of
plumbers hardware, bath
tubs, sinks and everything
for the kitchen aud bath
room in the way of plumb
ing. Satisfaction Guaran
teed. Prices Reasouable.
C 0 1) NTY
And the Authorities at Chicago
Claim Some of Them Myste
riously Disappeared
Charged With Bigamy, but Will
Very Likely be Tried For the
Murder of Several Women.
New Vokk, Jan. 31. lohann Hocb,
'he aed Chiraito "Blu-b-ard," whose
v lor amriDH to his arrest
tht on t..e cnarge of bigamy, waa
irnatac 1 in the polka oaawt today and
n :. led until F?b. 2, to wait eztradi-
en Boc i says he is willing to
BO to Chicago to answer charges.
Ct izo aatS :e claim that
Hocb n.arriei 24 women, the majority
of whom died under suspicions circam--tances
Camaao, Jan. 31 Coroner Hoffman
this af-ernojn an:ionnc- that a chem
ical analysis of the exhumed body of
Mrs. Marie Walker Hoc: ,wife of the
-uspected uxoricide bigamist, fnrnisbea
absolute proof that the was poisoned.
He said he believes he has all evidence
needed to send H.. h to the gallows.
Stat tf Bock's kirn
Chicago, Jan .'Ju .titi.ough the Dolice
. v,r,n tr. u. u ,a .k-
only sjific charges against him are at
he present time bigamy and wife aban-
' lonment.
From all accounts Hoeh
be suspicions, x nese women were :
Mr-. Mary Schultz Hoch, disappeared
from Argus, Ind. in 1900.
Mrs. Hoyle Hoch. disappeared in 1892.
Mrs. Mary Meinbrecher Hoch, died in
Chicago in 1902.
Mrs. Lena Hoch, died in Milwaukee
n 1&.
Mrs. Mary Becker Hoch, died at St.
laxiis in 1902.
Mrs. Marie Walker Hoch, died in Chi'
cago, Jan. 11, 1905.
Chicago, Feb. L Four more wiree of
Johann Hoch have been discovered
since yesterday, making a total of 29 in
all. One of theee is Mrs. Looghkea
Hoch, who was wedded to Hoch in San
Francisco four yean ago, aad wai
to have died very suddenly.
Sasdcskt. 0 Jan. 30. Benjamin
Goodsell, an aged resident of Athmont,
this county, is determined that he will
deliver his own funeral oration. He ia
an agnostic
Desiring that no minister shall com
ment on his life, he has prepared and
delivered into a phonograph his obituary
ia which be sets forth life's objects.
The record bas been placed in a safety
deposit vault to be eeed at the funeral.
KjUbltsri, lttSS
I DC .rpormlo.1 t-Oi
Capital Stock
a r m h h s r kks
Vice Prwideni.
r w. imssoN, it. a. luxrru j. u. b.ioth.
J r i urwus loa i.yoss, a. it. jfaasTKaa