1 ) ( ( ( 1 ft ( OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! ALL OUR SEASONABLE AND HOLD OVER COOPS MUST CO RECARDLESS OF COST. This is your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced proccs. Our bargains aro too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call and inspect our goads a; this Bouafide Great Sale. We must make room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not fail to grasp the opportunity of buying useful articles at less than the wholesale cost. Do not fail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great they will not last long. " For those who can not get to town to attend this great sale, we shall pay special attention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash must accompany the order. YOURS UP TO PATE, I. ABRAHAM, PROP. If sick a discouraged with Hit re sult of "dope" call on tin- Osteopathic Physician. THE PEOPLE'S STORE ROSEBURC. ORECON. 1THE ROSEBURG HOUSE lAIVtf JONES. Proprietor Bates i.uo per day and upward Mrile served from " a. m. to Tp.m Xw Drick. New Furnishings. Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds .' ." ." ." Told in Side Heads. Local and Personal. Stratiie, del tit. Wood and hay for sale. ith .1 . F. liarker .V Ca Hold crown ami It dge quality by Dr. Strange. Leave enter If work of best Many new sutiscrinara am being ed to the I'laindealer list. a.ld- -In car Medford load lots, Oregon, for tf fi& COMPARISON IS ft v 7m A TRUE TEST HOLIDAY ' CANDIES WArWWVVrVlrVUM tur candies are the highest crade goods in town. Comparison is tiie oohj true test ani he one we always win out ( n. Wi.cn it omasa t h:rh grsie and de li i goods we have n convjetitops. .v.v. WWIMIW gs3 rlHRRIFR CANDY A Crook Captur.d. Ki i.Uiy afternoon C. B. Cannon, local asanl for the I ulies Haas Journal and Saturday K veiling Post, raceietd a telegram from the l'a citie Coast agent at San Francisco stat ing tliat one 11. C Clark, who was re ported as so'.uiting for those Journals in this county was a fraud anil Mr. Can non was requested to cause his arrest. This telegram was followed Saturday by another of similar wording from the head oniee in Philadelphia. I'pon re ceipt of the tirst dispatch. Mr. Cannon placed the matter into the hands of the sheriff, who by notit'yiug the authorities in the towns along the railroad line, brought atout Clark"s arrest, which was effected at Riddle by Coustab'e H. A. Crow He was taking subscriptions not only in Kosehurg, but in Oakland and Myrtle Creek as well and was operating in hidaie when arres:e-l. lie was . brought to lloseburg and tiveu a pre- C. I. Clark and wife of Ki.seburg.tir. liminary examination lfore Justice are regis! ert-d at the Twf ita hotel Long today. He waved examination ' They will open a restaurant on l street, and was bound over to the circuit court iladera. Caiif. Tribune, in ihe sum of MH which lieinn unable to furnish he was placed in tfie county tJeo. K. Kiddle went to San Francisco ja I to await trial at the next term ot Thursday, and from there to By roe court. Springs for his health He i slow ly im- Hay For Sale.- write LA. Perry, prices. J. K. Sawyers, public. Office up lawyer stairs County Bank Building. am iu notary 1 Vuglas tf For the lest dental work at -t rea sonable prices, go to Dr. Strange in the little brick opposite Siocum's hall. Miss Myrtle Dixon went I dav to Ml joy B visit wi'h Miss Lara I led v. I 'rain lo ber friend What has bccoi f that army M.st i hat was to have In stablished in Western Oorgon. The Order of Kail way C inductors w 11 hold its biennial session at the Lewis and Clark Eapoeitioa on May '.. 'I he states of the union are fairly tna ehHf over each other in the rush to get good exhibits at Lewis and Clark fair. Win. P. Bryan, a nephew of J T Bryaa letarned to hi Nobraaka beam this morning after an enjoyable vi-it at this place. Attorney W. W Card-ve'l weal to Cottage Urow today to lake iinoin in an important mining case in which be is lute rented. A 80 000 Vormon tabernacle is being built at La t Iran.!. Oregon. Thus .bies Mm tondimi eon tin ne la spread and prospiT in the hind Dr. Little of Oakl.n.d, was triinsacting business in Roeebarg lotlav. Attorney Dexter Bice was looking after legal matters OTcr at Oakland Sat-nrday. Mrs J. W. Brr ol Salem has been visiting with the family of her brother, attorney W. W. Cardwell in this city. Miss Audrey Bridges, having complet ed her first term at tin- St. Helens Hall, Portland has returned to her home, in this cily. Mrs. W. C. Conner and ton, Clare returned to Cottage lirove Saturday after an enjoyable week's visit at this place and Wilbur. A new poatOBBOB will soon lie liahadoa Upper Calapooia. The will perhap- Ih' Hawthorne and Cooper will be oetinaster. estab name K. H. A young man was sent to jail for live days iu The Dalles for UBiiig obscene language on the street. tiood example lor authorities in other cities. Kev. O. S, O. Humbert, tield secretary for the Divinity aeim l left Friday for a ttii to Bnaehars on heiisaes connect ed with the M-hool. Fiigene Kegister. Clyde Faulkner and bride are spend ing a tew days in Boseburg the guests ol Mr Faulkner's parents, having just relumed fiom a wedding tour to South ern California points. They will reside in Portland. Geo. Shrum and John Alexander-came down from tiHtie: Fr day and reported that work will probably begia on I be new telephone line to Boetibarg this week. Mrs. Minerva Pen. e r' nraed to her home in Josephine count this morning after an enjoyable month's visit with the family of her brother. J.T.Bryan, oi Kosehurg. transient by the niine of Hrown is conrinol and quarantined at the city hall with sn,a!lM.x or M.inil.i itch. There is little ap prehension of the dis ease ipreading. Mrs L T Howard left Saturday for Ragene t" vi-il for a few d.i with Iv: bnabai d, the s. p. engiaeer who is t.-tn porarily aaaigned to the SpringjfieM-Ka-Iroo branch ro.nl. 4 -I 9 White Pine Expectorant "T i r liable Expectorate Congh r-r. j- hrd to beat for the winter iiAi. It J.a both expectorating au aeaatrve .jua-ities, checks exces sive eengbnag yet promotes exiecto riiinn Anri therefore helps the re- nimi.rr M to throw r-ff any of ten rve niaterial: iall-4tz'lott'.e for Joe, IHaMlLTON DRUG CO. Lively Run--.wav Jos Ma'. ley's team became frightened Friday afier anon at a falling shade tree w hich was cut down by carpenters on Jackson street in this t ity anil dashed into M, Kaaaee'a grocery store at the corner of Cass aa l Jac. son streets causing the collapse of the wooden awning or porch about the building. They then dathed down, tiie sidewalk colliding with a shaiie tree in front of tlie Cass street meat market, where they were checker! and taken r barge of by their owner, about tlie only damage lieimr a wrrkel wood rack on the wagon It was fortu nate that no ladies or chiMren were on tie street in this ocality at the time of the run-awav. nroving Iroin serious iLness ol son months ago tiiants Pass Observer Bev. V. H. Hicks returned Tbejradaj I evening from liar, near Colfax, Wash . (ho has ' w here he meetings Louis Pfiel. an oi l soldier resided on lialls crevk for the peat years, I ei"omiug s feeble tlist BOoankJ q ij not well care for himself, has gone lo p(,T(1i,-ian the Oregon Soldiei's Home at Bose urg. js---,-, O rants Pa.-s Courier. w.is ami sung ta a wties tn A Bomber of tonreaaiani are mpocted by the revenue! gentleman. K. K. Mason, of Wolf Cr-ek, the con tractor and bnilder, ir raising the roon. live feet on Mrs. Murphy's boaidtakg house, there! y converting it into a two story building He is also bun. ling a twenty f.xjt additii-u to the same 1 uil.i-ing. .1 Studiev the Oaloopal hie cures acite and chronic rre.tr deformaties ami removes foreign growths. Consultion free. Phone or ca.l for appointment. Miss Lulu Cloyd left for Portland last Friday to accept a position in a Portland millinery establishment. She was j iiied at Salem by Miss Anna Whorton who will accept a similar iKwition at the v etropolia. W. K. Ctinejeapeel has unfurled an arti tic new sign to hrw-ze, which an nounces that he is prepared to doctor year watch 'an 1 eyes, and do all kinds of engraving. He is a practical watch maker, jeweler, optician and engraver. lithe winter of 19M-6 i going to come up to the normal record m the matter of precipitation it will have to rain abont 31 days in the month of Feb mary. After two months of winter. Southern Oregon M still dry, from the standpoint if a planar miner. T.J. Boyd, baa returned to Roesbarg to accept his old poition a ioreiuin on the Plain dealer. Be i a first class and strietlv up-to-date i.ri rit- r which assures Plaiadealer job office patrons an I a.1 emers the let work and aareico ab taiuabte any where in S- tithern Oregon i Office in Abranam bnflding. tl Discharged as Curd. 1. W. Due.' Murray, the eccentric old character who was committed to the insane asylum from Rosehurg n'September, MM, was disciiarged froii. that institution last Wednesday, a? cured. Up to the time of his commitment, he had traveled up and downth- toast for a numlrer of years, selling "Webfoot Oil, ' and other cure-alls of his own manufacture. The Sun Set restaurant has a.readv gained the replication of earring .inly good wholesome meals and sali-fing lill dies. It is the place where you always get the worth of your money. This reslaurstit mat. s a speialiy of tine chicken diuners on Siinays. tf F Long A Son formerly of this place in the tnrrnees anaiaeaa, are aieetiag with great su.--ess with their patent hame strap, whi.h Messrs Beard A Culver have on tale in this city. A Drummer representing the wholesale hones in Portland baa sold f.ur hundred d.'7n in two weeks. They are a great mvess. :., and ".e them. tl'p Hospital Deed Recorded. Kev. f t)'('arroli is working diligently in the interest of the new Catholic hospital to lie located at this place, and with de served succe-s. The dee I to the land comurisinir the site for the Providence Hospital in West Boseburg was on re.-ord in the county clerk' Fridav. That f 10.000 liliel case against the Boseburg Platndeal-r " lrie.1 laM week and the jury, aft-r delilera'.ing a few hours, returned a verdict for tl.ed fendant. The p-ople generally, in th;s ititintry, favor fre speech and fn-e press Jacksonville Sentinel. placed ; potin-l office Several s.iles of prime hops took place in Portland yesterday at -7 cents a W. F. Young and John Young. of Sherwood, sold a carload each, and Sam Wye, a Chinese, of Oswego, let go 75 bales. All the sales were male to dealers for shipment Fast. Selections: from the grand opera, 11 Travatore, rendered by the Mantelii i-ratic Company, detigbted Boeebarg music lovers at the opera boom Thurs , day evening Madame Mantelii. who su-tains the reputation at being one of 1 the fini-l merro-sopranos in the world, deservedly maintains that distinction, i Madame Soldi gave a very tine recital of her role, and -ignor Albert!, as the Count, gave a rendition of operatic song oarer before equalled liere ia his line. That their eff rW were appreciate.! was evinotl bv numerous curtain calls. Februarv will tie ushered in by the 11. .-. burg On hestra with a o ncert and dance at the arm ry n the first day of ll.al month Pleasing selection? will al ternate with dance num't?rs. making the evening as entertaining to those who do not dance as to those who ia duige in the mery pastime The affair haginaaa 8 :t0 p. m. and ends at one o'clock ol the following morning. REMNANT SALE For the pat two weeks we have been busy invoicing our immense stock, and now that we have finished, -e find in all departments hundreds i f remnants, which in or der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures. The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col ors and descriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus lins, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin ings, riblions, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths Irom i to io yards. These are marked at about one-half or two-thirds of their. value. Remember that although there is a large as sortment row, they will not last long, so come while the tine is complete. JOSEPHSON'S", E BIG S T O RE Mrs. K. L. liallagber is reported ill at her home in this city. Cha. Beckley ol Oakland was tran acting business in Kosebnrg Friday. Yon-atur- S. G. Img and J. B. Trump of caila were countv seat visitors dav . A tire iu Omaha's wholesale district Saturday destroyed about Imju.000 j worth of property. If If If If Ii If If Ca. you you you you you you want to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house want to build a house want to move a house c don t know PAT on o I 'rs . F F. Patterson. Co a meter nd Raddsr beeebur Orecoa. C. D. Drain came over from Irain Saturday to look after business matter! at the county seat. Attorney A N. Orcatt, went to Port land and Dallas Satrrday to look after professional butiueee. Mr and Mrs. Walter Richard, a, Ix Angeles, are the guests of the lat ter's sister. Mrs S. I. Thorn toa of B at burg. Col. A. R. Greene, the reputed special representative of President Roosevelt, arrived in R.-sehurg on the 4:35 train Friday It was not definitely known ju-t what brought the Col. here at this time, but it is rumircd that it was for the purpose of coufenug with local can didates m ith a iew of making recom mendations to the pre'ident as to the a; p ltilment of a t.ew Regi-ter an.'. Re reiver of the I". 8. 1-and office at this place ; and also to clear up certain charges of a personal na tire w hich have been made against him. and which it is rumored are of a n-nsational nature He depar .-I on the 10::ai train for Port and Fridav. Whose Is It A. B. Mott, agent for the National Art and Crayon Co., of Chicago, in receiving and delivering en- i K. P. Drew and Phil Berkley have larged pictures in this county, h.ie re- been appoint, rl a committe to investi- ceived a photograph and mlarged por trait minus the ocal address. On the back of the photo appears the name interested in manufacturing medicine "Nancy Oliver," and the photo and from this troublesome wec.1 and it is Mr. and Mrr 0. C Barker went to "rants Pass Friday evening to attend at the bedside of the former's father, who is vary ill. Mrs. s. C. Flint and Miss Jeannie Buick left'Saturday. morning for Port Ian 1 to hear Mme. Melha. the IriimM mexio-saprano m her Portland concert. The Indian War Veterans b;ll. which has passed both houses and whichappro priate 1o0 to cover the defi ienry in rr.eeting the claims of thee worthy vets' carries an err.ergencv clause IN ALL STYLES SWELL TIES Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable gift, or one more appreciated for your gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie. mSI GENT'S HATS Here is another Holiday Necessity for the well dressed gentleman. No matter how stylish the suit the appearance is not striking without an up-to-date hat. J. A. COBB JACKSON STREET.. Mahara's Minstrel gave a creditable ;er! r ::,!; to a fair sired aad.en e at They are billed for Cottage Orove tonight. Attention L 0. T. M. gate and rejiort upon the medical prop erties of Tipton weed. An eastern tirm is - - crayon picture may be secured tH? DefCre C jtning to Eoseburg to 1Ug at the Plaindeab-r office, trade rea leJ are req-jested to exam- Rr nd Qak Woo j , ine the PlajBdealer advertising col- wide-awake by call-tf ii. Hol- lis has purchased Heo. Collins wood T . 1 4 . ... n-.flTT'lLil 1 I ,1 ... ,l(.t.lU tllQI time?. It a tne iiUtlc, rmi yaro in mis ehj mmm si." .w... l.-,B.nc man tt ho advertises, conse- , be is prepare.1 to supply either dry Fir .wth- ho at the mo?t accommodat- n- j , , . , . 1 . . . T-,,1 f 1 . . '1 lntr, 'elH me enmnynnaj ""j most liberally ih every way. the or Oak wo- d on short notice and at re asonable prices. Phone main 1075. Dn . For Sale or H. nr. Nice new 5 room cottage, an etc, Waitee addition. In quire at tins office. 4 Strawberry Plants for Sele. Kxcel slor an 1 Wilson strawberry plants, 60 cents per hundred, or per 1000 f. o. b. Address J. H. Youoce, Dillard, Ore. Ml hoped it is good for something. Very cboi.v fruit trees, all leadinir varieties. SnitienlKTir an-1 Yellow Sewtnn Pippin apples a specialty. All guaranteed true to name and free from vestc. For sa'e at very reasonable prices by Rosehurg Nurseries, II. Shroten, Roseburg, Oregon tf A man over in California in re:nniiii: home from bunting tiie other day found his neiuhhor jut leaving the house, and Mao, a jeah.ua natnra Irew his gun and tille.1 the man's le:s full of fine shot. A law suit followed and it was learned that the m.in was there to borrow the local paper If every lly that borrow his neighlsir's paer w as to get a dose of shot theie would be tiianv cripples abont we fear and among them two or three of our former subscribers. Then-will b- a ralli-.l meeting Fri lay J.inuary J7. at 2 o.cloi k p. m. for Irill practice. All memUTS intending to particip.ite Febrnary I must be pres ent. By order I.akv Com wpek. Married. RCHAIXIXG - HELMICK At the home of tiie bride's parents at liardi aer, Jan. ZS, HH, Binaei J. s.-hal-linc and Miss ilettie Hehnick, Kev.C. O. Pecknian. officiating. Mr. and Mm W. K. I.undr and little daughter of Myrtle Point, will arrive in Koeeburi Wednesday to visit with real ative at this place and Cottage Grove. They will alsii visit Portland and Salem before returning home. Mr. Lundy is a member of the hardware tirm oi Huiing A Lundy at Mvrtle Point and his wife was formerly Miss laura Janm at the Drain Watchman and later, K se burg Plaindealer staff . - ... - i . RICF. RICE The House Furnishers The Store that Saves You Money Sykes & Carroll have moved their plumbing shop from the old Flook building on Main street to No. 2P Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. K. Hands Cigar Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the nlninhin ir ami tinning line. Phone No 261. "t Eucouraged hy the resvlts if out business of iooa and bv the 7 r m mitronaee ot our fri. nds this store proposes to make modern strides to ac complish a far greater success iu 1905. Mahara s Minstrel proved 'o lie a drawing attraction at the I ijiern House Saturday night, anil Ihe attendance was large. The entertain went was one oi more than ordinary merit and gave ex cellent satitfaction. The company in cludes especially gins! voices for singing. the instrumental numbers were also of a high grade, and finally some of the jokes were decidedly down to date. DIED. SMITH At a hot-pital in Tucson. Ari jiona, Monday niifht. Inn. . 1906, Mr W C. Smith, oi this cily, aired anoal s5 years. Mr. Smith, with bis wife, was visiting in Tucs n with his son, Fred T. Smith, and wife. A noted in the Plaindealer several davs aeo. he was accideutallv struck by a car w hich was. being pnahad by a swit. h engine in the railroad yards there on .Ian ISth, sustaining a fracture of three rilis and other injuries. Mr and Mrs. Smith lived near the foot of Mosh er street in this city and were very highly eateemed by all who knew them. Portland is in the clutches o? the grip. Hundreds are prostrated and there is scarcely a home which has escaped the malady. In many instancoe two and three memliers of the household, and in manv cases whole families, are stricken. A fever, sharp, aching pains in the legs and back, accompanied by a headache, ire the initiative symptoms of thedis ease: tliese are Kiuowea ot a severe cough. The way has been blazed and if you can not The rush is off he 1f !1 ..- ernnnaenneni (YfKcT JA oCnnv h .rcr Litis in odd pairs UK reninnnts can ', j Z. u c tin,, m-t. All heating stoves at 15 per iiai ii s... - . .s: tli-in cost foT cash only. . . . ' ' .rv.' . r. Standard Ranee, more of them I ill lauiouj j sold ii ; 1 n ' 1 " i . . . .1 . .K;-.ed. New catnets will soon be iMatl , u Z: .fW seine onr line. $75 drop n-oanni . - , 4r 4ftE ,tr(tn tlie taiusi. iv-i irj r U her X W S ' f nillltlP ln .Kl sewing ui hea W w R -yal ball rearing goo nop ut'x - Fiiilit months ago tliero came to Ore gon City merchant who purchased stM-k of lr-Mids. An advert isement was soli, ited ol the new merchant who in formed the newsnaiier man that he did not believe in advertising, since he se riously questioned I be rfficaCY of reach ing the DOhiic in that wiv. Last week the same hiisine-s mnn pai ked up his gfHMls and depart, d for other pastures. The merchant who severs his partner ship with printers' ink will sooner or Inter lind himself divorce I from the trailing public- Enterprise. tv WHITSETT At the family home in Roaehnrg. Banna aight, dan. I90a, Mrs K. J. Whiteetl after a lin gering illness. rteceaeed was horn in Lafayette coun- Missonri, November iv, istt. Boa ama to Orecoa and located in lS7.r, and moved to Douglas county about lour v..rn Inter, where the fannlv have re sided everv since. The husband of de iMceased. Ilarvev Whitsett, died in this city alsmt three years ago. Mrs. hit sett was a g'S"l neighbor and an indul cent mother. Twelve children were Isirn to her. six of whom are slill living and ire AH follows: John W , of Grant Pass; Stewart ti , of Kiverton ; C ainle A. mid Harlow E., of Kosehurg : Mrs ,1. I). Kolierts, of Ruckles, and Mrs. Cleve B. McLanghlin, of Kosehurg Funeral services will be OOOdncted from the family home Tuesday at So'docK p. m., interment in the I. O O. F. ceme tery. The bereaved family have the sympathy ol the entire eommanity. Billie Wright Improving Mrs. W.T. Wright has just returned home from Ixie Angele" and Ixmg Keacb. California, where she bas been with her hind and, who wa compelled by failing health to give ni his position as cashier in the First National Bank of Kosehurg. re centlv, and go south in the hope that a milder and dryer climate would prove lieneticial to his health. Mrs Wright state- that he has already derived much lienefit from the salubrious ocean breeze at I-ong Beach, but he has concluded that the dry inland climate ol Arizona will prove even more healthful for him, and he will therefore g to that country verv soon and will also spend some little time at Colorado Springe before return ing home in the spring Mrs Wiight announces that she is again able to re sume teaching in music and that mem liers of her class may call and receive instructions on the days formerly devot ed to each oi them, commencing rane dav of this week. Rev Caartct P. B. tUrtia. L LI. Of Waverly, Texas' writes: "Of a morning when first risinu. 1 often find a troublesome cellectiou of phlesm which produces a cough and is very hard to dislodge : but a small quanity o Ballard's Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge it and the trouble is over. 1 can most cordially recommend it 1 1 all persons needing a medicine for throat or ping trouble." For sah by A. C. Mars ters .v t ompany . JUST ARRIVED NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WARE FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS isms CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL : : Anything yon need for a Fruit Cake or Mince Meat j J. F. BARKER 0. Phone 201 Countv Trcasarrr's Holier Ni tice is hereby given that all parties holding county warrants endorse.! prior to, and including, Jaiv IS, BVJX, are re quested to nveeenl the same to the coun ty treasurer as interest will cease there on after the date of this notice. Dated Kosehurg, Oreg., Jan. M, 1906. G. W. Hivmick. Countv Treasurer. Chamberlains Congh RcmccK Absolutely Marmltss The fault of giving children medicine containing injurious substances, is some tines more disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlains Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for children to take. It contains nothing harmful and for colds, coughs and croup is unsnrpass.il. For sale by A. C. VlarsterB At I o. Weather Keport. Notice All parties owning dogs are hereby notified that if they will pay to the city Marshal their dog license during the month of January they may have tiie same for tl. 00 each. All that he has to go and collect will lie '.'.50 each, by order of Kosehurg City Council. Notice to Creditors. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will mil at the office of K. V. Maratere, Boom Warsters building, and sett e the same on or In-fore Fel . 16, P.KVi. M 15 p O. P. DaVM 0. B. WAMSI.EY.- At the Oregon asylum for the insane, at Salem, Jan. M, 1906 Mrs Margaret Wamsley. of YoncalU, aged 77 years. Mrs Wamsley was committed from Boaabnrgia December hhvj sickness was the cause of her dementia. She was ihe wife of W. S Wamsley of Yoncalla, at which place her luneral was held. WaaTHaa Buaaae fjrnot KosKucKii, Ore. Week ending 5:p. m., Ju. -", PHVi Mazimnm temperature 88 on the JStb WUIaan tem oer.lt u re. So Oil Jail 'JO Rainfall for the week, 1.40. 1st of month. 'J OH Total lainfall from Sept. I, UHVI, to date, 17.00. Average rainfall f-om Sept. 1 to date 19.18 Total deficiency from Sept. I, PKM, to date, 8.1$. Average precipitation for 'J7 wet sea sons, :t:...ri. Tiioa. Oiaana. Observer. Something You should Know If Yoa are in Trouble R0EL0FSZ Will Help You Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.00-1.50 Steam Clean, $2.00-2.50 CLUB RATES Four Suits Cleaned and Ten Shines $1.50 per mo. With J. A. COBB G0DDFREY BUILDING Come and See Me Abont Yonr NEW SPRING SUIT 1 am getting np a Club of 60 It is to your interest to read and note carefully the rare opportunity of secur ing a tine piauo or organ at Burr's Mu sic House. We have ordered a ne and complete stock of pianos and organs that will ar rive within the next few davs and in or- ier to make room we are going to offer our present stock at the following low prices and if you have been watching and waiting for a bargain now is your nance. One grand square piano in first clam j condition and can be turned back at any ! time within one year at full price. Only S3 One a right Cornish piano, has been Oped about C vears. Goes for $155 One near Ooloaaal Hinze piano in a beautiful niahoganv case for 1-40 One handsome Bailey piano, bran new, only -"v One Jacob Poll piano in beautiful burl walnut case, l.irge size -o One of the famous Victor pianos in beautiful Mali, case will sell for , .$31o One tine Kimball p'ano in quartered sawed oak. if taken before the tirst of the year will go for $315 Space will not permit us quoting other prices today but we have the largest music house in Oregon south of Port land and these low prices will prevail on all goods until Jan. 10, Nan. Store open evenings ror particulars call, or write BURR'S MUSK HOU8R. Roseburg, Oregon. We are doing business at the old stand. If von want to bur. sell or trade anything see - - - - A. D. BRADLEY THE SECOND HAND MAN A full stock of both new and sec ond hand Furniture. Tin and Granite ware. Cook Stoves and Heaters. Wanted. $1000 worth of second hand furniture. A fine stock of Harness, Whips, Robes, Saddles and everything in the Harness line. Mv harness is all hand made and guaranteed. BRADLEY JACKSON S T-BIODCETT'S OLD STAND Mm, Fill llawll l.angenburg returned Vonday evening from a visit in Tort land with bar non, Lafayette and wife ; fOR ACTIVE BRAINS yonr liver most be right, yocr stomach in a healthy condition and your kidnevs properly performing their peculiar functions, or yonr body won't stand the strain and vour brain won't be active. If yon would have a clear band and kneo perception, get a box of Use them and see how much more alive yoa will be. THEY CLARIFY THK SKIM AND PURIFY THK BLOOD. They are a sure and positive cure for all Dlaaaaaa of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneyo and Bowels, Headache, Indigna tion, Nervcusnee, Constipa tion. Billousnees, Plmplee, Blotches and all Skin Im purities. .r aMnnrrrmwrn &ZifUJ!X of ij5rt MMIttl fr. rfixrl Jt kv h. . to oMln pataott. umle mra copjrwta. c N aLL COUNTS I ca. Busimtu dirnrt wit HiiUyln tmu, tmmrt and ttr I fiUut. Pi twit and lafriapmMt Prictlc Eaelualvely. Write or com to m at its amui stnrt. r awia rax oa. WASHINGTON. O. C. For Sa le By All Druggists Oo. and 85c por Box "itiaa well known fact that Osteo pathy is a specific for rheumatism, nervousness, stomach troubles and female disorders.