The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 26, 1905, Image 3

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( 's 's vui opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced preces.
Our bargains are too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call
m ami inspect our go tds at this Bonafide Great Sale.
e must niakf room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not
) 'a' to Ksp the opportunity of buying useful articlos at less than the wholesale
cost- LX not lail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great
they will not List long.
For those who can not get to town to attend this great sale, we shall pav
special att ention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash
must accompany the order. YOURS UP TO DATE,
HARVtY JONES. Proprietor
Rates 10 per day and upward
Meal? served bom 6 a. ni. to 7 p. m
New lirick. New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Pepot Grounds .' .'
Amur ttot
t& H I n U L I L 0 I
vi v uii'itv tit i iwr
hii est rrade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goois we have
no competitors.
11 Currier
All assties owning dags are hereby
notified that i: they will pay to the city
Marshal their d.j Ih-ense during the
i.nlh of January they may have t!i
ssme for $1.00 each. All that he has to
go and collect will le $i.?i each, by
order Imt few lull g City OusujuL
For Sale or Rt nt. N; ,-1 p 5 r
cottage, hath et.-. Waites a iditiun. In
quire at this office. 4 t:
Bith Roseburg papers recent I y refnsed
to renew their annual advertising con
tracts with the S. P. Railroa 1 company,
because a nev clause hail been inserted
in the contract confining the use of
"passes" so-called, to the editor and
family only, but for which full com
pensation is eiven to the company in
advertising and announcements. Here
tofore the company has granted trans
portation facilities to the business
manager or solicitor a collector of
the newspaper, who are the memlters of
the craft the most a'-eoniodatl by sn-ii
transportation. The Railroad 1 N.mpany
aim ay- seems to look nprn tie- exchange
of transpiration for advertising a- a
great favor to the press and one for
which the papers are nnder obligations.
However, we are willing to pay our way
on tne railroad and in re-urn r quire
cash pfyment at regular advertising
ra'es notice and announcements
published for the Rai roa 1 Cssaaaay.
Rev. M III K. Gittin", an eminent
Western Oregon Methodic Basarenal
mi luster at present of Lane county,
si.ent Tne-day in Rofel urg while on
his return eeaM from Gran's Pass
where he conducted the funeral services
over the remains of Mrs. Dakar. Rev.
Gittins was pastor of the Rosebtirg M.
K. ( baaah several years ago
The House Furnishers
The Store that Saves You Money
The $8.oo Kind
The way has been blazed and if you can not
come yourself mail us your ordex- The rush is off
tad tnany barg tins in odd pairs anc reran nnts can be
had at less than cost. All healing stoves at 15 per
cent less than cost for cash only.
The famous Standard Range, more of them sold
than all others combined. New caipets will soon be
(ft 0 don'l buy iefoie seeing our line. $75 drop
M Sewing Machine, the latest for i5. $65 drop
head New Ryal Ball Bearing Machine, 35. Other
good rop head machines at $18.
Told in Side Heads.
Rural Telephone Lines A meeting
was lu'i 1 :it lilile lest Satu-day for the
parposa f considering the organization
at a rural telephone association an. I
building a line to Roseburg. This
" tine resulted in the orcaimjmon of
the Ped :nd tilide Telephone Co.,
with H. I.. Eagles, president, Krank
l.ivin-rston. secretary, and Leslie l.ily.
treasurer. Which officers comprise a
committee to superintend and manage
construction work on the proposal
line, upon which work will commence
soon. It is the intention to conne.t
tins new line with the Deer Creek line
from Kosebnrg which terminates at R
1.. Cannon's place. From the Cannon
farm the line will he extended to tieo.
Shrum's place on the East Umpqua,
with branches from there to Peel and
Glide, respectively. From tilide an
other line is to be extended westward
miles to the Samuel Blakely farm,
making a total of 14 or 1" miles of new
line, upon which all the phones it can
arry are already subserilied, and its
success i-i therefore assured in alvance.
It is als.i stated that the Oak Creek
settlement is considering a proposition
of connecting a line with the leer Creek
line at Dixonvdle. which would cover
a distance of5'-; miies and terminate
within three miles of the Blakely farm
If as is anticipated the Drain, Sco ts
burg line is extended to Gardiner this
m Douglas County will be well
equippei with 'phone communication.
"lahan s Minst'els. The famous
Mahara's Operatac Minstrels announced
for Jan. S8 is a superb combination of
- Sf?t and most popular of opera,
travesty, vaudeville, music, -nappy
spe lattice, Ieautiful costumes, funny
nomed ana, novel dances, special scenery
. at.t electric ai effects, pretty girls,
picturesque ensembles, tewildering
drills, and all the Utest song hits and
many new and original stage novelties.
The entire performance is presented hy
a metropiitan organization of the fore
most colored singers, comedians, 'and
specialty artists of tl.eir race in Ameri
ca. More bright music, entertaining
vaudeville numliers and hearty iaugh
ii.g are crowded into two and one half
i tir- of Mahara's Minstrels than would
supply half a dozen of the average
musical farce comedies.
A Model County Paper. A friend in
sending i remhiance to the Plaindealer
from Gardiner says: "I notice the
Plaindealer i- attracting much more
than o , Unary attention from the public
in the last few months, and t-eems to be
exerting a greater influence than ever
before. It is a model couuty news
paper." Whose Is It A. B. Mott, agent for
the National Art and Crayon Co., of
Chicago, in receiving and delivering en
larged picturee in this county, has re
ceived a photograph and enlarged por
trait ntiaas the ocal address. On the
back of the photo appears the name
"Nancy Oliver," and the photo and
crayon picture may be secured by call
ing at the i'laindealer office. tf
Dry Fir and Oak Wood - J. H, Hol-
1m has purchased Geo. Collins wood
yard in this city ami gives notice that
he is prepansl to supply either dry Fir
or Oak w o d on short notice and at re-a-
.liable prices. I'hone main 1075. flop
Strawberry Plants for Sale. Excel
sior and Wilson strawberry plants, 60
cents per hundred, or 12.50 per 1000
i. o. b. Address J. H. Younce, Dillard,
or.- Ml
Encouraged by the
resvlts if out business
of 1904 and by the
patronage of our
friends t h i s store
proposes to make
modern strides to ac
complish a far greater
success in 1905.
Local and Personal.
Strange, dei-ti-t.
John P. Sheridan returned Tuesday
evening to San Francieou.
Gold crown and I ridge work id beet
quality by Dr. Strange.
Many new subscribers are being add
ed to the Plaindealer list.
Hay For Sale. In car load lots,
write L A. Perry, Medford Oregon, for
prices. tf
Where else in the United States can
you find such June days in the month of
J. K. Sawyers, lawyer
public. Office up stairs
County Bank Building.
and notary
in Douglas
For the best dental work at most rea
sonable prices, go to Dr. Strange in the
little brick opposite Slocum's hall.
Engineer J. B. Waite and wife left for
San Francisco and other California
points Tueeday to enjoy a brief vacation.
G. B. Slow ell and S.J. Black were
over from Winchester Wednesday. The
new sawmill there was in operation
thev stale.'..
After enjoying a pleasant visit with
her daughter Mrs. W. H. Carroll, Mrs.
Mary Holoomb returned to her home at
Salem Tueslay.
Mrs. M. F. Rice and little daughter
wbo have been enjoying a pleasant visit
with relatives at Myrtle Creek returned
home Tuesdar.
Miss Agnes Pitchford, manager of the
central telephone office ia reported tem
porarily unable to look after the office
on account of il'ueea.
I ert Westhrook of Hotel McClallen
enjoyed a few days at Salem and Albany
this week renewing the acqu ontance
ship of old friend.
The wind Tuesday night reached a ve
locity of 30 milee aa hour, ao Observer
(iibeon reporta. Something unnrual for
this section of the atate.
The Case Street meat market ii beingr
move. I one lot East to make room for
another brick which ia aoon to be built
adjoining Kice V Rice building.
Geo. Stewart of Myrtle Point, will
move hia fainilv to Gardiner where he
ie employed as director of the new brass
band lately organised at that place.
Rev II. H. Rama of Roeeburg atop
ped off between trains Tuesday to con
fer with Dr. M T. Wire in reference to
some evangelistic work the former is en
gaged in. Eugene Register.
J. I Thornton, of Oak Creek , Newton
Estea of Elkton ; H L Engel of reel ; I
W Cole, Olendale, and Douglas Waite
of Deer Creek, were among the out of
town people who were tranaactiag busi
ness at the county seat Monday after
noon. The Sun Set restaurant has alreadv
gained the reputation of serving only
good wholesome meals and satisfying
lunches. It is the place where you
always get the worth of your money.
Th ia restaurant makes a specialty of
fine chicken dinners on Sonars. tf
Very choi.-e fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitienberg and Yellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true to name and free from
pests. Eor sale at very reasonable prices
by Roseburg Nurseries, H. Schroten,
Roeeburg, Oregon tf
Sykee k Carroll have moved their
plumbing shop from the old Flook
building on Main street to No. 219 Jack
son street, the building lormerly oc
cupied by F. E. Hands Cigar Store, end
are prepared to handle anything in the
plumbing and tinning line. Phope No
261. 77t
The Christian Endeavor Society of the
Christian charch held its regular busi
ness meeting at the home of Mrs. J. D
Oeborn Mondav evening. After the bust
ness meeting the company reso'ved
itself into a social session and games
were enjoyed until a late hour, light re
freshments being served. All were
unanimous in tbe verdict that the e en
ing had been a most pleasant and profi
table one.
Mahara's Ministrels is pronounce. 1
one of the best colored ministrels. In
most colored ministrels the funny part
of the performance is much over done
but in this one it is carried on in soch a
manner that it never failed to please tbe
audience. The introduction of lady
actors into ministrels takes out that
ancient effect, for eyery theatre goer is
tired of the old time mlnistrel show. The
singing and dancing with this show h
ho equal, in fact, every act was far
above the average At Roseburg Thea-
re Saturday evening, Jan. 28.
C. L. Berkley is a Roseburg visitor.
Farmers plowing up in I. inn county.
Cattle need no feed over in the cjaat
W. W. Kent, of Drain, is a Roseburg
business, vixitor.
C. A. Catching, of Riddle, is visiting
Roseburg friends.
K. Fortin is reported very ill at h is
heme in Coles Valley.
E. B. Seabrook of Marshtleld, is regis
tered at the McClallen House.
The output of the Heaver Hill, Coos
county, coal mine is 400 tons per day.
D. C. MrWilliams returned Tuesday
from a business trip to Salem and Port-
If sick and discouraged with the re
sult of "dope" call on the Osteopathic
Mrs Ed. Wraafro, of Portia id, is vis
iting here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 1 J. Norman.
Mrs. K. B. Wait, went to Oakland
Wednesday to attend her mother, Mrs.
Sutherlin who is ill.
Mrs. M. l.uette went to Yoncalla
Wednesday to join her husband, who is
now engaged ia business there.
A. C. O'Neal, J. K. Preble and D. D.
Barrow with the S. P. Company, are
registered at the Mt-Clalli 11 House.
J. F. Iaugherty, of Yoncally was
transacting business in town Wednes
day and favored the Plaindealer with a
atievrip'.ion renewal.
Contractor Summers and M. W.
Datigherty, of Voucalla, were in Rose
burg Wednesday selecting material (or
the latter's proMsed new residence.
It is stated that Col Reed has leased
the old Hoover building opixite the
postothfe aad will move his saloon from
the drv district therein.
Engineer J. K. Per bier returned
luesday from Portland where he was
initiate.! in the Skriners. His wife is
still visiting with relatives at Salem.
J. R. MeCurdy, E. H. Smith, T. K.
Howard ami Sam Svkee went to W ilbur
Wednesday to attend the funeral of Dan
4Wa, who died in Portland Mondav.
Owing to illness D. Jackson, the gun
smith, has been unable to attend to
business for several days past. His
many friends will tiope to hear of his
early recovery.
Wednesday's Portland Daily Journal
had an editorial endorsement of the
Plaindealer a position favoring Senator
Malarket's bill regulating the hours of
service for trainmen.
It may not be generally known but
the divorced hasbaod u( the world wide
famous Mel la to visit Portland soun is
t. J. Armstrong Seattle laiaer who res
ides 00 a ranch near Klamath Kails,
this stale.
Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic
Physician cures acute and chronic
diseases, corrects deformatiee and
removes foreign growths. Consultion
free. Phone or call for anpointmeut.
Office In Abraham building. tf
The Eugene dailies announce tha
thev will anon reduce their size, cut
semi-weeklies down to once a week edi
tions and increase their advertisins
rates, a goon many uregon papers are
giving their patrons a better service
than their patronage justifies.
W. E. Morrow, the lase 111 enthu
siast left with hia wife and child for
alveston, Texas, Sunday where he
ill sign to play with the Galveston
team. At Los Angles he Was joined bv
E. Bradley formerly of the Roseburg
team, who will also plsv with the Texas
team this season.
F. Ixng A Son; formerly of this place
in the harness business, are meeting
ith great success with their patent
hame strap, which Messrs Beard A
Culver have on eale in this citv. A
Drummer representing the wholesale
house in Portland has sold four hundred
iforen m two weeks. Thev are a Breat
success, go ami see them. t2p
County treasurer G. W. Dimmick has
been appointed administrator of the
estate of John H. Rogers, the timber
cauiser found dead in this city on Jan
IA. The estate consists of a timber
claim in Jackson County. The only heir
ia the mother of the deceased who resi
des in Illinois.
It is announced that the bill provid
ing for the changing of the Douglas and
lane county Imuodary line so a 1 to in
elude all of the Bohemia mining district
in Lane county will come up for action
in the legislature early next week and
s Douglas coua egation has asked
for petitions and blue print charts in or
der to successfully oppose the measure.
The Roseburg Commercial ( luh has the
matter in hand and will render the
county delegation all the assistance pos
sible in order to retain the Douglas
county portion of the rich Bohemia
mining district.
Odd Fellows at Canyon ville
The officers of Douglas Lodge No. 14
1. O. O. F . of Can vonville. as installed
and reported by Ben F. Nichols, D. D
G. M., of Riddle on Saturday evening
Jan 21 ware as follows:
A H Ash, P G ; Samuel Perdue. N W
"Yod" Ash, V (i; C W Jackson, Sec
Geo W Packett, Trees ; W J Yokum
Warden , Peter Ulam. Conductor ; Wal
ter S Cornutt, I G ; Geo Hughes, R 8
G ; John Fallin. L 8 N G : H C Ball, R 8
VG;HII Alcott. L S V G : Jas Over
street, R S 8.
After the installation ceremonies the
members snd visitors enjoved a most
excellent lunch and a siege of after-
lunch speeches. At a late hour they re
tired, all voting that they had enjoyed
a moat pleasant evening.
A Pleasant Evening at Yoncalla
Yoncalla, Jan. 23, 1U06.
While the pleasant occasion of the or
ganization of Oi lden Link Rebekah
Ixxlge remains only a memory, it was
my good fortune to lie present at one
equally as pleasant, the joint installa
tion of the officers of the Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs Jnn 22.
The meeting consisted of our own
lodge and a part of the brotherhood and
sisterhood and no small factor! of the
Roseburg Ixxlge, with one member from
Oakland, three from Drain, and one.
Miss Lauison, from Portland, making
our number sixty. On this occasion
was framed some of the undertakings
for the coming year.
We greeted with gladness the arrival
of the brothers and sUters of other
lodges for it was through the fforta of
the brothers and sisters of the Roseburg
lodge united with the efforts of Mr. and
Mrs Brawn of Yoncalla, that we now
have our beloved Golden Link lodge
here at home, and the golden links that
binds our hearts in one.
After the installation of officers we
listened to several able speeches, one by
Brother Micelli, of Roseburg, and one
by Miss Lamson of Portland, and many
others that may well lie treasured up in
our memories. As time rolls on and we
glance backward this meeting will le
mong the most pleasant in our reeoU
After our pleasant visits were ended
we repaired to the banquet hall of Mrs.
McCurdy and each did justice to a boon
tiful supper.
As the sounds of the departing train
died away the numerous guests were
wished "God Speed" on their home-
ward journeys.
Our sincere thanks are due to each
and all who visited us that night. And
1 take the liberty to express my appre
ciation for the services rendered Ty
every visiting brother and sister on be
half of the home lodges. Their exceed
ing kindness and cord;ality to us was in
deed greatly appreciated and it is my
earnest prayer that great and good re -
suits may follow the efforts of the noble
order of the tKld Fellows and Rebekahs.
Ma- Beaaa Allin
Pioneer Goes to Best
John Byron, one of the oldest of Ore-
von s honored pioneers, died Sunday,
Jan. 22, nJ6. at his home at Olalla,
Douglas Coanty, where he had resided
for over a half century. Heart trouble,
complicated by infirmities attending old
age, was the cause of Mr. Byron's death.
He was TV years of age.
Mr. Byron was born in Wicklow coun
ty, Ireland, ou March 25, 1825. Hs
came to the I'nited States in 1847 and
in lst2 he crossed tbe plains and settled
within the vicinitv subsequently named
Lalla, IS milee southwest of Roseburg.
n 1862, Mr. Byron was united in mar
riage with Miss Elizabeth Cloake, sister
of Arthur Cloake, wbo lives near Roee
burg. and who survives him He leaves
no children. Mr. Byron was a brother
of lion. James Byron, also of Olalla,
and a pioneer equally as well known.
Mr. Byron was the oldest resident and
largest landowner of Olalla and an In -
ian war veteran.
Tbe funeral was held on Tuesday, Jan.
4, with services conducted by Rev.
Thos. O'Carroll of the Catholic church
of Roseburg, of which the decease 1 was
member Interment in the cemetery
at Brockwav.
Stewart -Wilde Wedding
Monday's Eugene Guard : The mar
riage of Clifford A Stewart and Miss Hs-
zel Wilde was solemnised Monday at
on. The groom is a son of Marcus A.
Mewart and has been emploved as sales
man at Sterner' grocery store for some
time. The bride is a well known sten
ographer. They both have a large cir
cle of friends who leader congratula
tions. They left on tbe afternoon train
for Roseburg, where they will reside.
Attention L 0. T. M.
There will be a called meeting Fri
day January 27, at 2 o. clock p. m. for
drill practice. All members intending
to participate February 3 must be pres
ent. By order
Cored Lssasaf
A. B. Can man, Chicago, writes March
4, 1903. "Having been troubled with
Lumbago, at different times and tried
one physician after another, then differ
ent ointments, gave ii up altogether.
So I tried once more and got a bottle of
Ballard's Suow Liniment, which gave
me almost instant relief. I can cheer
fully recommend it and will add my
name to your list of suffers." For sale
by A. C. Ma raters A Co.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Hicks Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Jan. 27th. One
of the interesting features of the meeting
will be a paper by Slate Supt. af Peace
and Mercy, Mrs. I.. P. Rounds.
The young peoples missionary society
of the M. K. Church will meet on Fri
day evening instead of Thursday aa i
nounced oefore.
CaaauKrUlu Ctigh Umti) AlMelitcly aarmlesi
Tbe fault of giving children medicine
containing injurious substances, is some
times more disastrous than the disease
from which they are eufferina
Kvery mother should know that
Chamberlains Cough Remedy ia
perfectly safe for children to take. It
contains nothing harmful and for colda,
coughs and croup is unsurpassed. For
le by A. C. Marsters A Go.
Weather k. port.
S. Wkathkr Buhkad Orrica,
Hon anc bo, Ore.
Week ending 5:p. in., Jan. 25, 1906.
Maximum temperature 68 on the i':tth
Minimum temperature, 35 on Jan. 30
Rainfall for the week, 1.40.
Total rainfall since 1st of month, 2 08
Total rainfall from Sept. 1, 1904, to
date, 17.00.
Average rainfall f-om Sept. 1 to date
Total deficiency from Sept. I, 1904, to
date, 2.13.
Average precipitation for 27 wet sea
sons, 33.57.
Thos. Uihson, Obeerver.
C. W. Smith by a Car.
An Arizona newspaper of Jan. 18, has
this to say about an accident which be-1
fell a former resident of Roseburg, in !
that state recently.
Abut " :W this morning C. W. Smith, 1
an aged man who ia said to have passed
Krt years, was struck by a car which was
being pushed by a switch engine in
front of the depot and sustaine l a gen- .
era! shaking up, the breaking of several
ribs on the right aide and narrowly -escaped
with hia life. In fact, on ac
count of his years, the accident may yet
prove fatally, though Or oleott, who i
attended him at the hospital, could not
say speci6cally that it would for the
simple reason that great age often .
cause what might be only an ordinary
casualty in a younger man to erjd in
dsath. and still the physicians, for that
reason, cannot pass qaick judgment ae
they could on a young man.
It appears that the old gentleman was
standing between two tracks, looking at
something, when tbe car, pushed by the
engine, bore down on him. Seeing that
he must inevitablv be struck as be stood
the crew and several bystanders called
to him to get out of the way. Had he
stepped back a little he would have been
all right, bat instead, perhaps being a
little deaf or getting a little rattled, he
took a couple of steps forward, the sec
ond one being just a tride too slow, so
the end of the car hit him, knocking him
down aad very nearly under the car.
Kind bands lifted him up and N re
him to the southern Pacific ambulance
which conveyed him to the hospital. He
has a a eon who is employed a- a clerk
in the shops, but whether there are oth
er relatives was not ascertained. No
blame could be atttached to the railroad !
meo from the testimonv of onlookers.
T. A. Mason, of Wolf Creek, has
again located in this city to resume his
trade as a contractor and builder.
John Hall, of Myrtle Creek, was a
county seat visitor Wednesday, t attle
and sheep are holding their own in ex
cellent shape, and the indications are.
ill be in fine condition when spring
opens. So feeding ha been fonou
COMBER MUCK -In Portland, Jan.
21. 1905. W S 'Shan '1 Coneer and
Mr. I.nin B Bruce.
Mr. Censer is tbe well known South
ern racinc conductor who has been
working on runs between Portland and
Roseburg for a number of years His
bride is a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs J.
Cawlfield, of this citv and a most esti
mable lady.
Mr. ami Mrs. Confer were passengers
on Sundav evening's local enroute to
New Orleans on a six weeks' honeymoon
trip. They will reside in Portland.
Stock Holders Meeting
The annual meeting of the Stoc khold
era of the IVmglas County Agricultural
Association will be held at the City Hall
in Roeeburg on Saturday February 11.
1906 for the purpose of organizing a
new company to purchase the fsir-
grounds. It is verv important that all
the stockholders be preeent.
let Caariei P. B. Mania. LLP.
Of Waverly, Texas' writes : "Of a
morning when first rising, 1 often find a
troublesome cellection of phlegm
which produces a coush and is very
hard to dislodge ; but a small quanity o
Ballaril s lloreliotin.t vrui a ill at once
dislodge it and the trouble ie over.
can most cordially recommend it to all
persons needing a medicine for throat or
lung trouble." For sale bv A. C. Mars
ters A Company.
If Tom are in Tromble
Will Help You
Smits Cleaned and Pressed
Steam Clean, $2.00-2.50
Club Rates
Four Suits Cleaned and
Ten Shines $1.50 per mo.
With J. A. COBB
For the past two weeks we have hcen husy invoicing
our immense stock, and now that we have finished, we
find in all departments hundreds of rcmnnnt-, which in or
der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures.
The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col
ors and deseriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus
lins, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin
ings, ribhons, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths lrom i to
io yards.
These are marked at about one-half oi twrvthirds of
their value. Remember that although there is a large as
sortment now, they will not last long, come while the
line is complete.
to buy a
to buy a
to rent a
to build a
to move a
If ma lon't know PAT
Call on or addres .
F F. Patterson.
Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable
gift, or one more appreciated for your
gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie.
Here is another Holiday Necessity for the
well dressed irentleman. No matter how
stylish the suit the appearance is not
striking without an up-to-date hat.
Anything yon need for a
Something You should Know
It is SO your interest to read and note
carefully the rare opportunity of secur
ing a fine piano or organ at Burr's Mu
sic House.
We have ordered a nea and complete
stock of pianos and organs that will ar
rive within the next few days and in or
der to make room we are going to offer
our preeent stock at the lollowing low
prices and if you have been watching
and waiting for a bargain now is your
One grand square piano in first class
condition and cut be turned back at any
time within one year at full price.
Onlv I 63
One upright Cornish piano, has been
used about I vears. Goal for ..... $155
One new Colonial Hinze piano in a
beautiful mahogany case for $-40
One handsome Bailey piano, bran
new, only ease
One Jacob Poll piano in beautiful burl
walnut case. Large sire I'So
One of the famous Victor pianos in
beautiful Mali, cafe will sell for .fSU
One tine Kimball piano in quartered
sawed oak. if taken before the first of
the year will go for $315
Space will not permit ns quoting other
prices today but we have the largest
music house in Oregon south of Port
land and these low prices will prevail
on all gooda until Jan. 10, 1905.
Store open evenings.
For particulars call, or write
Roeeburg, Oregon.
Mrs. Ktutbeth l.angenbuiy returned
Monday evening from a visit in Port
land with her son, Lafayette and wife
.Hi. nrrrmnrn &
BMdMta JSrn wiU H'tsUton Sam tm
m.rr am J cfUn tkt faint.
Pttsst lad IsfrlagwMst Prictlea Exclusively
Writ, nr .-.-ma to us kl
sat aaaa tan - vtta smm rm oa.
aid Kinder
Rase bog
Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat
CO. Phone 201
We are doing business at the old
stand. If you want to boy. sell
or trade anvthing see - - - -
A full stock of both near and sec
ond hand Furniture. Tin and
Granite ware. Cook Stoves and
Wanted, $1000 worth of second
hand furniture.
A fine stock of Harness, Whips,
Robes. Saddles and everything in
the Harness line. My harness is
all hand made and guaranteed.
your liver most be right, your
stomach in a healthy condition and
vour kidnevs Drooerlv nerformimr
their peculiar functions, or your
body won't stand tbe strain and
year brain won t be active. If yoa
waaja nave a eagar bead ana
perception, get a box of
Use them and see how
more alive yon will be.
They are a sure and positive
euro far all Diseases of tha
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels, Headache, Indiges
tion, Hervousnes, Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Pimples.
and all Skin lm-
For Sale By All Druggists
Oc. and 96c per
It is a well known fart that Osteo
pathy is a specific for rheumatism,
nervousness, stomach troubles and
female disorders.
. wr-ri.' .vBaBfajjBfajalBHrccctaaaF