The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 19, 1905, Image 3

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This i your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced preces.
Our bargains arc too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call
and inspect our goods at this Honafide Great Sale.
W e must make room for our constantly arriving spring goods, so do not
fail to grasp the opportunity of buviug useful articles at less than the wholesale
cost. Do not fail to come at the firt opportunity, as these bargains arc so great
they will not last long.
For those who cau not get r towu to attend this great sale, we shall pay
special attention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash
must accompany the order. YOURS IT TO PATH,
IL iLUrLL 0 0 1 URL roseburc, orecon.
Kd. W. Oilier was in town from Mel
rose Monriav. He is operating bin aw-
mill and will have a good stock of ni
ter on hand when the print market
opens and thtt roads dry up.
Dr. Little of Oakland was a Rdtebwy
visitor Wednesday. The doctor is suf
fering with blood poison in one linger
each hand, which comes nearly putting
him temporarily on the retired list.
J. W. Rogers, a local contractor and
builder announces that be has been em
ployed continuously in the construction
of residences in Roseburg since .Lilv
the winter weather up to this time hav
ing OP Bed no cessation in his work.
S. D. Kvans, a prominent Poafelai
county fruit grower, who owns a ln-au-
tuul productive tarin in l oles alley
was transacting business in Roseburg
Wednesday and favored the I'laindealer
with a year in advance subscription.
HARVEY JONES. Proprietor
(LOO per day and upward
;erveu i rom t a. m. to r
Meals at all Hours
New Tirick. New
Prompt Services.
S. P. Depot Grounds
Opposite the
Told in Side Heads.
Sptclal Council Meeting --At a spic
iai meet irg of the city council Mondav
evening lulls aggregating fUM were"
as foHows: To 11. J. Clark wlu 'recent
ly completed the li'ijient walks and gut
:Trrs fricrrp the -west and south swiee of
the city hall proerty, f2W ; the remain
der, $1,000 goes to Bridges ami Marsters
who constructed lLfci ioet of sewer in the
alley between Mill and l'ine street?,
from t" Rat"ke street, and for la
ng tiling in the hig culvert extending
diagonal? through the city where it
crosses Rose am! Oak street a total di:
tance of 1 10 feet.
Local and Personal.
Strange, deattst.
Osteopathy eaves ohm i pat ion.
Osteopathy cures that "l.ime hack.
..... ,-' ti
White Pine
Tti is reliable Expectorate Cough
Care is hard to beat for the winter
cough". It has both exj-ectorating
and sedative .jualities, checks exces
sive coughing yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
sp:ratory tract to throw off any of
fensive materia'..
A full 4 or. bottle for 25c,
Artisan installation. At a regular
! meeting of l'niiua Assembly No. 105,
I United Artesans, the following offuers
were installed for the ensuing term : A
ft! Marsters. M A ; A M Saunders, Sapt :
I Ktnma Faulkner, Insp; Minnie Jones,
Sec: F I' Brown, Ireas; Alice Brown,
Sr Con : Clara Pillard. M of Cer; Claia
' BaVea, Jr Con : tiertrude Hamptoi ,
Ins; : Alice Brown ami 8 P Stewart, F
tVm. J ti Stevenson, WarYleu.
t hosi Is It A. B. Molt, atent lor
the National Art and Crayon Co., of
Chicago, in receiving and delivering en
larged pictures in this county, has re
ceived a (holograph and enlarged por
trait minus the lxal address. Un the
back of the photo appears the name
"Nancy Olivt-r,'' and the photo and
crayon picture may be secured oy call
ing at the i'laindealer office. tt
J. P
Johnson, dentist, tirave
's baild-
('old crown and bridge
quality by Ir. Strange.
work of 5est
See the 1'ittsburg Perfect Wire fenc
ing at s. K. Sykes. Electric welded.
Dallas is making preparations for the
great Polk county goat show next week
A Hood Kiver man. clearing land for
an orchard, palhd over 100 stumps in
10 bouts.
J. K. Sawyers, lawyer
pnhlic. Office up stairs
Countv Bank Building.
and notary
in Iiuglas
For the best dental work at most rea
sonable prices, go to lr. Strange in the
little brick opposite Slocum's hall.
Mrs. llewes was taken ill while visit
mg with her parents at t'orvallis Ibh
work. Mr. llewes left for her bedaidl
The company presenting "Over Nia
gara Falla'" is of nniform excellence and
a performance oi the kind that please"
varied an hence is given.
The first meeting of the newly oruan
ied West Kosehurg W. C. T. I", will I
held in the Free Methodist church in
that part of town Friday afternoon at
2 ..-(0 o'clock. Mrs. fBatr. e will jr-side
over the mothers meeting
William Kanip of Coles Valley push
ed his subscription to the Plaindeaier
Up several notches in advance while
transacting business in Kosehurg Wed
nesday. They all seem to think the
money is needed. Oh, well, it does come,
in handy.
Kev. McCuslun of Corvallie. presiding
elder of the M. K. Church South for
ibis district gave an eloquent dis
course upon the subject of "Christian
Kiivironment" in their church in this
city Tuesday evening. A series of revial
meetings are lieing conducted in the M.
K. church BoBth and good results are
W. A. Burr, the music dealer, was
at ileiidale Tuesday
musical instruments.
tilling orders lor
Dr. J. W. Strange, the dentist, return
ed home Monday from a busy profes
sional tieit to the South Douglas towns.
John Alexander f lilide; Jacob
Brown of Canvonville and T. K. Camp
bell of Cottage Grove are transacting
business in Kosehurg today.
All the hackneyed ideas of melodrama
have bean eliminated from Rowland and
Clifford's "Over Niagara Kails" and
those BOW to the stage substituted.
Morris and George Weber arrived
here Sunday evening Irom Barops
where they visited with relatives in var
ious cities, including St. Petersburg
Judge Hamilton returned home
Portland ami will take the beach
preside during the closing days of
circuit court, now in session at
place, relieving Jadge Galloway el
M -
Dr. H. L. Studlev the Osteopathic i
I'liysician cures acute ami chronic
diseases, corrects' deforiiiaties and
removes foreign growths. Consult ion
free. Phone or call for appointment.
Office in Abraham baiMinc if
The Mantelli Op -ratio Company,
which J" Saunders (Gordon has recently
rganiel in New York, is hooked for
an early appearance in this city. The
list of principals is headed by the emi
nent Italian prima donna, Mme.
Kugenia Mantelli, who reignel for seen
seasons as a leading principal and favor
ite member of the (irau Metropolitan
I pera Company, New York; Signor
trehilh) Altierti. baritoue, also a
tor ami principal with the Gaaa forces:
Mme. Helene Noldd, Soprano; Walter
II. Wheatly, tenor: Sigtmr tiaetano
Merola. Musical Director. At the lvtse
burg theater, Thursday evening. Jan '-'.
J. D. Qnfllen. a practical newspaper
man. late ot Orants rass. DM win. re-
AMttV behl positions in the mechanical
i aKuienti of the PlaiadValer an 1 R -
view, went to Chehalis, Wash., last
night to accept a permanent position on
I he HOC filmed He is a genial and
worthy gentleman, and his family will
join him later.
For the papt two weeks we have been busy invoicing
our immense stock, and now that we have finished, we
find in all departments hundreds of remnants, which in or
der to close out we have marked at very attractive figures.
The lot includes Remnants of Dress Goods of all col
ors and descriptions, silks, satins, calicos, ginghams, mus
lins, sheeting, percales, outing flannel, flannelettes, lin
ings, ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc, in lengths irom i to
io yards.
These are marked at about one-half oi two-thirds of
their value. Remember that although there is a large as
sortment now, they will not last long, so come while the
line is complete.
Mme. Eugenia Mantelli.
Wanted Partner. $500 will bny one
half iuterest in the best paying Furni
ture ami Honset'urnishing store in Port-
laud, or will sell out entirely for flOOO
Have other business to attend to. Ad
dress Fi'BMTfKE Stoke, 5.'H), Washing-
The one scintillating and thoroughly
commendable melodramatic success of
last season was Bow land and CI iff ords,
"Over Niagara Falls" at the Kosehurg
Theatre on Jan. 30.
ton St.. Portland, Oregon.
Dry Fir and Oak WooJ. J. II. Hol
iie has purchased Geo. Collins wood
yard in this city and givea notice that
he is prepared to supply either dry Fir
or Oak wo d on short notice and at re
asonable prices. Phone main 1075. IMp
Clyde K. liaddis, the creamerrman.
spent a few days i:i Roaebarg this week
looking after his intere-t- here. He re
turned to Medfard where Ik' is also in
terest in the creamery business Tuesday
. . r .
nnuntninriL 10
S3S8 uumrHitioun to
.rvijj " I
Our candies are the
highest grade god in
town, t'omparis 'i
the only true test and
the one we always Vin
out on. When it come
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
Strawberry Plants for Sale. Exeat
slor and Wilson etrawlterry plants, 50
cents per hundred, or $-'.50 per looo
f. o. b. Addreas J. H. Y ounce. Ihllard,
Ore. Ml
As a mat k of reaped to T. P. Sheri
dan, the Hoiulas County bank as well
' as the First National, remained closed
; Wednesday. The circuit conrt on mo
i lion of Judge Fullerton, also adjourned
I from 10 until 1 o'clock.
Mme. Mantelli. the famous prima
donna who apiears in this city at the
head of the Mantelli 0eratic Comjany
at the Roseburg theatre on Jan. 2,
made her professional debut at the age
of sixteen, appearing in a grand tour of
Milan, Rome, Naples, Venice, and other
Italian cities. Her enreer now fixed,
she next appeared as leading mezzo so
prano at the San Carl i Theatre. Lisbon.
J Spain. Siie next appeared at Ruens
: Avers, Beach America, and very shortly
; liecame the idol of the South Atnerican
I Returning b Italy, her fame had readi
ed Maurice Crau, and he niv'e a special
journey from New York to Milan. Italy,
to hear her sing. The result was a five
year contract rt an enormous salary for
the Craa company at the Metropolitan
Opera house. New York. At the con
clusion of her New York contract, Mme.
Mantelli made a loaf of the principal
cities of F.urope with ig. Tamango. win
ning fresh laurels in Paris. Rcrlin Vien
na, St, Petersburg, and e!sewhere.
Three years ago she returned to Iisbon
"Over Niagara Falls."
"Over Niagara Falls" is one of the
most pretentious scenic productions
ever exploited by anv management, and
those who enjoy melodrama cau well
employ their time in witnessing this
play. It is not alone painted scenery
that will greet the eyes but much anical
and electrical effect that are sensation
al in the extreme. Tiie company car-
If yon want to hay a farm
If you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If yon want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
I: r a don't know
Call on or addrai
F F. pattella.
and taiider
Oregon .
Wanted. Four oom furnished cot
tage. Address J. W. tnis otfice. t-p
The Sun Bel restaurant ha already
jainAil tin. r..T.tT '.ii. of furvin,7 only
, ... .
Dr. Sealv will take the place of Ir. J. ! 8 wholesome meals and satisfying
Twitch'ell. durinz the latter's ab- ! lurches. It is the place where you
seuce in the East.
"Over Niagara Falls"' Rowland and
Cliffords thrilling melodrama, will be
presented at the Roseburg Theatre Fri
day evening Jan. "M, 1-M5. The play
and the company presenting it are
among the best seen in melodrama for
some time past, contains plenty of
comedy, pathos, and has some uiechani
cal and electrical effects that are start
ling in the extreme.
always get the worth of your money.
This restaurant makes a specialty of
tine chicken dinners on Sunavs. t
All parties owning dogs are hereby
notified that if they will pay to the city
Mar-hai their dog Feense during the
month of January they may have th I
same for $1.00 each. All that he has to
go and collect will be f 2.50 each, by
order of Roseburg City Council.
Grafting and Pruning by Experts.
Pruning by the day or job, grafting 3
cents, guaranteed, one half down the
rest when the cioos are growing, write
ua Southern Ore., Nursery,
12-21 Oakland, Ore.
Very choi fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitzenberg ami Yellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true to name and free (rom
pests For sale at very reasonable prict
by Roseburg Nurseries, H. Schroten,
Roseburg, Oregon tf
Sykes iV Carroll have moved their
plumbing shop from the old Flook
building on Main street to No. ZI9 Jack-
' son street, the building formerly oc
' cupied by F. K. Hands Cigar Store, and
! are prepared to handle anything in the
: plumbing and tinning line. Phone No
ML . 77t
SHERIDAN At the home of his son.
J. C. Sheridan, on Cass street, Rose
burg. Monday eveaiag, Jan. 14, U05,
Thomas Patrick Sheridan, aged SI
years, 2 months and 4 days.
IVceased was an old and highly es
teemed nioneer citizen of this countv i to sing at the San Car'os. where she had
and a pioneer business man of Rose-1 won her first laurels when Uit a mere
berg. He was a native of County Cav j girl. Her triumph in - Carmen 1 and
in, Ireland, and came to Scottsburg, j other opera was enormous. On this oc-
tregon, from San Francisco, iu InSo. J casion she was decorated by the King of
Two yeara latter he settled in R.eburg I'orlugal. Mme. MaataH is not only a
and entered the hardware business. He great singer-she is a naoat charming
erected the first brick building ha thai I aad caltivated yoaag woman, speaking
city, which structure is still standing j almost as easily as her native Italian,
and is now occupied by Mrs. KioU s j four other languages. French, Oerman.
grocery store. About 25 years ago Mr. j Kng.isb and Spanish, and singing her
Sheridan retired from active business, rotes in them all. Admission price. S
being succeeded by his sons. R. 8. and cents. 1 .00 and tl.50. This will be a
" " Sinrwthon ht had lird rare treat for lovers of high class music
on hie farm one mile south of tbia city i in this city and county.
until a abort time ago when his failing
health required attention and his de
clining days were spent with his sons i n ;
this city. His wife preceded him to the'
great beyond neanv rive years ago.
Mr. Sheridan is survived by four sons,
as follows: Hon. T. R. Sheridan, presi
dent of tlie First National Rank of Rose-
iliurg;J.L. M.enuan. in me . .ulna, jn fore j,,, Wintermeier of
bank : John P. Sbaridaa, of San Frac-, ,ne )Ugti(.e lYltlrt Monday. After
cieco, and R. S. Sheridan, manager of String the evidence the judge bound
the Boise, Idaho, Capital News. Ail j ,,im ovrr ln the fum o( f.S00 to appear
were present at the funeral which was j (or tfWbafare -'u '-ge Hamilton, of the
held from the t atholic church in this
city W elnesaay morning at IU o CtocX.
The services were conducted by Rev. T.
O'Carroll, interment in the Catholic
cemetery. A large concourse of Rote
burg's citizens attended the last sad
Over - r
riea aO Ha scenery an I pr iperties and
it may be worthy of mention to state
that from the rise to the fall of the
final curtain not one piece of hone?
scenery wiil be ullizl. The great
scene in Act Three that of Niagara Falls
:s the Mil i fTevtive and delightful fea
ture of the irformance. an 1 the spect
ator who has Ma lUe real Niagara and
heard its thundtvus diaphson will be
surprised at the realism of this product
ion at the K aatmn Theatre Friday eve
ning January 'J.
Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable
gift, or one more appreciated for your
gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie.
Here is another Holiday Necessity for the
well dressed gentleman. No matter how
stylish the suit the appearance is not
striking without an up-to-date hat.
Pilkington Bound Over.
John Pilkington, the gambler who
was arrested Friday for robbery ujwn
the person of Sherman Hickson, while
: the latter wa drunk in the rear room of
; a Springfield ntoOB, was gien an ex-
For Sale or Kent. N ice new 5 room
cottage, bath etc, Waites addition. In
quire at this office. 4 tf
Notice to Creditors.
tm persons knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned will call at
the office of R. W. Marsters, Room 5,
Maiaters building, and sett e the same
on or before Feb. 15, 1"05.
M 15 p C. P. Davis.
Now some railroad men are threaten
ing, if freights are reduced hy law, to
cut dow n the wages of all their em
ployea. This, if they do it, will hasten
verv much the t.uhlic ownership ol rail
roads. Railroad employes will certainly
not submit to a general and peunanent
reduction of wages.
I circuit court, in March. Not being able
to raise the necessary bail, Pilkington
will speed the interim iu the county
i hastiie. He is from Roseburg. Fugene
rites over the remains of a worthy old
pioneer citizen, neighbor and friend.
Letter List.
OUR 1905
New Year's Greetings
To all Our Friends A n d Customers
The most satisfactory and successful year in the
history of our business has just closed. It has been
a busy year and our success has been satisfactory.
So it is fitting that we should give thanks to those
who have given us succe:. We wish to assure you
of our appreciation as no firm feels more appreciative
thau. we do.
Fur 1905 we offer you this: We are going to try
harder than ever before to merit your trade. We are
going to have a better ar.d a larger stock to select
frote. We will also asj-ure all that prices will be
based on small margins. We desire, to make this
store a shopping home for all.
Aain we thank one and all for your liberal pat
ronaV and if through error or omission we have
wronged anyone to the amount of anything we sin
cerely ask you to call and let us know. Asking you
tc keep in mind
(ieorge Jones, who has been spending
the past sis months in Washington in
and about Rosalia, has returned home.
He has been engaged iu teaching school
the greater portion of the time and was
very favorably impressed with what he
saw of Washington, although the win
ters are far more rigid there than here,
skating and sleigh riding being in pro
gress when he started for bis home last
week Here we have had no ice, no
snow ami very little frost.
At the annual meeting of the Odd
Fellows Building Association, of Rose
burg, held Tuesday evening, the follow
ing officers and directors were elected
for the ensuing year, 1100 out of the
177 shares of stock being represented :
Carl Hoffman, Pres.; J. M. Fletcher,
Vice Pres. ; L. B. Moore, Secy. ; La
Wimberly, Treas. ; J. C. Fullerton, Mrs.
I). S. T. West, J. W. Strange, Audito s;
B. W. Strong, Frank (i. Vicelli, H.
Wollenberg, director!.
home of the bride's sister, . rs. Bert
Sparry, at Sanaa, Jaa. is, p.hv.. Mr.
C. H. Faulkner and Miss (.'lara Morri
son. The groom is a very exemplary young
man, a son of Mr. and Mrs. II. Faulk
ner of Roseburg, who at present is a lo
comotive fireman, with a run out of
Portland to t'orvallis. The bride is a
charming and accomplished young lady
who until recently held the position as
saleslady in Wollenberg Brothers dry
goods store in Roseburg. Both of the
contracting parties are held in the high
est esteem by a wide circle of friends in
this city. They passed through Rose
burg Wednesday evening on their way
to Los Angeles on a honeymoon trip al
ter which they will return to Portland
where they will reside. They will visit
Roseburg friends briefly on their I tome
ward journey. The I'laindealer joins in
extend ng hearty congratulations
best wishes.
Remaining uncalled for
burg postofhee.
Baunntn Boat
Burlison W F
fash Mrs A
t'autield Mr Win
Elbon Mr H F (2j
Freeman John v'
i.ielee F. I.
Holmes Mr Fulton
at the Rose
Notice of Construction of Sewer.
Notice is hereby giveu that the city of
Roseburg. Oregon, has by ordinance de
termined to construct a sewer as follows :
Commencing at the south east corner of
Oak and Chadwick Streets, running
thence westerly along the south side of
Oak street to connect w ith the sewer on
Mam tn-et. That W. S. Hamilton. F.
W llaynes and J. F. Barker were ap
pointed as viewers thereof, and have
tiled their report recommending that the
said sewer be constructed. That the
said committee reports:
That the following lots, and the own
ers thereof, are directly benefited by the
construction of sid sewer :
Owners Lots Block
lieo. F. Houck. 5 2
1 Sol. Abraham restate. -I 41
M. C. Gingery, 5 ttl
OrrfUa Wilaoa, -W
City .f R .sebnrg, i 40
That said committee further reports
Anything you need for a Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat
J. F. BARKER CO. Phone 201
Something You should Know
office in Roseburg, Oregon Jan 17,
i;mr, Justice John T. Long united in
marriage, G. H. Marahuiau of Melrose
and Cora Thompson, recently froi
the stale of Washington.
They will reside at the grooms home
at Melrose.
Banana F.
Miller B H
Parker Mr Chas R
K'gers Mr W II
Reece Mr M
Btohr J
Williams Mr Frank
Wujesch Christiana
Persons calling (or these lettxrt-
please state the date on which they are
advertised, Jan. !, HHM.
The letters ill lc charged for at the
rate of one cent each.
C. W. Parks.
recommending that said sewer be con
strncted at the expense of the property
owners adjacent thereto, so directly
benefited therebv. according to the
number of lots owned
ench lot to bear its
share of the expense ot sail, construc
tion. Bv order of the City Council
made lec. 15. 1W4.
latcd tins Mk day of January, 1905.
H. L. Makstkhs,
Citv Recorder.
Rev Chirlts P. B. Mania. L. L ft.
Cared Lumbago
A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March
4, HQ8. "Having lieen troubled with
Lumbago, at different times and tried
one physician after another, then differ
ent ointments, gave ii up altogether.
So I tried once more and got a lottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment, which gave
me almost instant relief. I can cheer
fully recommend it and will add my
name to your list of suffers." For sale
bv A. C. Mar-ters ,v Co.
Chas. II. Burggraff, the Albanv archi
tect; W. O. Mcl'herson, the Portland
hot air heater man and Boa. J. J. Wal
ton of F.ugene, are in attendance at cii
cuit court.
THORNTON In Roseburg to Mrs
Isaac Thornton, Jan 1906, a boy.
A melodrama in beautiful settings
will be offered to the patrons of the
Roseburg Theatre Friday livening Jan.
20 "Over Niagara Falls'' lias lieen
styled by a wdl known critic in Chicago
"a sane melodrama. " There is nothing
ri voltingly lurid alv.ut "Over Niagara
F'alls", nothing which does not seem
perfectly natural ami within range of
possibility and there is not a line in'the
entire production which savors of vul
garity. These are certainly matters
which recommend it when considered
carefully. Apart from its scenery and
realistic features "Over Niagara Falls"
lias one of the strongest casts ever seen
outside ' f the high priced productions.
Roseburg Market
Oi Waveriy, Texas' writes : "Of a
moraine when first rising, i often find a
troublesome cellection of phlegm
which produces a cough and is very
hard to dislodge ; but a small cjuanity o
Ballard's Horehound Syrup will at once
.lUlodi-e it and the trouble is over. 1
can moat cordially roooaamoad it to all
ueraona needing a medicine for throat or
l ing trouble." For sale by A. C. Mars
icrs A Company.
your liver must bo rifrht, your
stomach in a health v condition and
your kidneys properly performing
their jHvuiinr functions, or your
body won't stand the strain and
vour bruin won't be active. If you
would haven clear bend and keen
perception, get a box of
Sunday at the Church.
Rallies under the auspices of the
Anti-Kaloon league will be bet d next
Sunday. Dr. 8. L. 1 ufts will smkin
the Presbyterian church at II p. m.
and in the Christian church at 7 :'M a m.
Dr.E. S. McAlliBter will occupy the
pulpit of the M. K church in the morn
ing and the Baptist pulpit in the even
ing. At throe o'clock a mass Mating wUl
be held in the M. K. church South.
" Freedoms War (or Humanity." will
be the theme. Kveryoue invited.
The local market notations today arc
as follows !
Wheat - So cents.
Oats 45 (.$ 5o rents.
Baric v 55 cents.
Bay Loose, 910; baled 112.
Potatoes IU cents er lb.
Butter Dairy, 25c ; creamery, :"
F.mrs 90 cents ier dozen.
Chickens Mixed, Be per pound ;
Veal fir, dressed.
Beef Oova l 9 ; steers, cents ;
heifers, Sc.
Hogs Fat, 4 (d 4!c live; dressed ('....
PouTLANii M akkkt The quotations in
the Portland market today are: Wheat,
S7 cents; oats, $1,115 per cental; hay,
clover, $11! ; timothy, $15 ; wool, valley,
10 cents ; hops, :il Dents ; hogs, gross, 5c ;
sheep, H'...c gross; tieef, gross, He; veal,
Sc ; eggs, Hi' ; butter, creamery, 90 ; dairy,
14c; chickens, mixed, c lb.
It is to your interest to read and note
carefully the rare opportunity of secur
ing a fine piano or organ at Burr's Mu
sic House.
We have ordered a new and complete
stock of pianos and organs that will ar
rive within the next few days and in or-
bv each person, I der to make room we are going to offer
proportionment lour present stock at the following low
prices and if you have been watching
and waiting for a bargain now is your
One grand square piano in first class
condition and can be turned back at any
time within one year at full price.
Onlv $ B
One upright Cornish piano, has been
used about 2 rears. Goes for $186
One new Colonial Hinze piano in a
beautiful mahogany case for $340
One handsome Bailey piano, bran
new, onlv L"bo
One Jacob Doll piano in beautiful burl
walnut case. Large size. $385
One of the famous Victor pianos in
beautiful Mali, case will sell for ..$315
One fine Kimball piano in quartered
sawed oak, if taken before the first of
the year will go for $315
Space will not permit us quoting other
prices today but we have the largest
music house in Oregon south ol Port
land and these low prices will prevail
on all goods until Jan. 10, 1905.
Store open evenings.
r r particulars call, or write
Roseburg, Oregon.
We are doing busrinees at the old
stand. If job want to buy, sell
or trade anything see - - - -
A fall stock of both new and sec
ond band Furniture. Tin and
Granite ware. Cook Stoves and
Wanted, $1000 worth of second
hand furniture.
A fine stock of Harness, Whips.
Robes, Saddles and everything in
the Harness line. My harness is
all hand made and guaranteed.
Use them and see
more ulive you will be.
They are a sure and positive
euro for all Dlseasea of the
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels, Headache, Indiges
tion, Nervousnes. Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Im
Mrs. Eliz.heth Laugenburg returned
Monday evening from a visit in Port
land with her son, Lafayette and wife.
coprrwhthM. N ALL OOUMTaiCa.
tm,.s Jh-rct a-ftt Walk
m.mrr amJ ofln It pairmt.
r"i-OT Book on Firearms Free I
kiMui MaS l hB MMlw S 'Rm"
-Ma II
t. rra rasa aaars tool oo.
caicoesa MM aaaa. o. a a.
For Sale By All Drugglata
'Oo. and 25c. per Box.
Henry Dewald of Canvonville, was
transacting business in Roseburg Tuea-