The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 16, 1905, Image 3

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This is your opportunity to buy useful goods at greatly reduced preces.
Our bargains are too numerous to quote, but all we ask is for you to call
and inspect our goods at this Bouafide Great Sale.
We must make room for our constantly arrivinu spring:goods, so do not
fail to grasp the opportunity of buying useful articles at less than the wholesale
cost, Do not fail to come at the first opportunity, as these bargains are so great
they will not last long.
" For those who can not get to town to attend this great, sale, we shall pax
special attention to mail orders, but in order to benefit by these bargains, cash
must accompany the order. YOURS VI TO DATE,
I nt rtUr Lt o o I UnL roseburc, orecon.
HARVEY JONES, Proprietor
Beat Dollar a day house in Rose,
burg. Board by the week. 5
Meals at all Hours
New Brick, New Furnishings.
Prompt Services. Opposite the
S. P. Depot Grounds .
John Pilkirujton Takes Money
From Samuel U. Hickson
of Gate Creek.
Told in Side Heads.
Local and Personal.
Whose Is It A. 15. Mott, agent for j
the National Art and Crayon Co., j
Chicago, in receiving and delivering en-
larged pictures in this county, lias re-
ceived a photograph and enlarged por-i
trait nanus the local address. On llie
back of the photo appears tin: uauio
"Nancy Oliver," aud the photo and
crayon picture may be secured by call
lug at the 1'laindealer office. . ti
rStrangjf, dentist.
Osteopathy cures eonatipaiion ,
J. PJohoeon, dentist, (I rave's
Osteopathy leads
road of health.
to the permanent
CURE p -
White Pine
Tbi reliable Expectora'p Cough
Cure is hard to beat for the winter
n -tilths. It ha? both expectorating
and sedative qualities, checks exces
sive machiac yet promotes expecto
ration and therefore helps the re
spiratory tract to throw i -ff any of
fensive material.
A full 4 07. bottle for 25c,
Wanted Partner. fiOO will buy one
half interest in the best paying Furni
ture and Hoosefuruisliing store in Port
land, or will sell out entirely for $1000.
Have other business to attend to. Ad
dress Fcksitire iTORE, 530, Washing
ton St., Portland, Oregon.
Dry Fir ami Oak Wood-J. II. Mol
lis has purchased Geo. Collins wood
yard in this city and gives notice that
he is prepared to supply either dry Fir
or Oak woti on short notice and at re
asonable prices. I hone main 1U75. tlfp
Kent, of Kltton,
at Cirri! if Court.
is in attendance
Gold crown and bridge work of best
quality by Dr. Strange.
' ' 1
L. Michaels, of Days Creek, is on jury
dutv at this term of Circuit Court.
Misses Hattie and Anna
Myrtle Creek, are Roaeburg
da v.
Dement, of
visitors to
ll iraru liallop of
jury .duty iu the
Myrtle Crork, i on
Client! Court this
Strawberry Plants for Sale. Kxeei
slor and Wilson strawberry plants,, 50
I cents per hundred, or $"J.."0 per HJU
l f. o. b. Address J. H. Vuunce, Ibllard,
Ore. Ml
Win. Carroll and wile went to Salem
Saturday to spend
with Triends.
a few days villi ting
Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic
Physician cures acute and chronic
diseases, corrects delorinaties and
removes foreign growths, I'oiiMiltiun
free. Phone or call for appoiuimeut
Office in Abraham building.
J. E. Sawyers, lawyer
public. OHice up slairs
Cuu ul t- Hank Building.
and notary
iu Doaglaa
KroKNi:, Jan 14. John Pilkington,
one of the gambling fraternity of Spring
field, was arrested yesterday on the
complaint of Samuel U. Dickson of
Gate Creek, who charges him with hav
ing taken $35 or more from his pocket.
Pilkington is said to have lieen caught
right in the act and started to run when
aeroard of it by Hickson'a partner lie
was overtaken, however, a-wl kept in
custody until papers were i-niied for his
arrest He was brought before Justice
VTintei meter and demanded an exami
nation. His hearing is set for next
Tuesday, the 17th iust., at 10 a. m
Pilkington had more than W) on his
person at the time of his arrest.
Death of Mr. Perdue.
Dats Ckksx, On , Jan. IS, 1906 Hrr.
Mary' Perdue, wife of W. Perdue, died
Sunday at her home at Hays Creek, Or.
Jan. 11. age 44 years. She was the
mother of seventeen children. Sixteen
of whom are living; three daughters
married and liv ing at Coquille, Ore.
two daughters and one son married and
living at Days Craek, Ow , and ten chil
dren Still living at home, the youngest
lieing one year ami four months old.
Her maiden name was tiller and she
was lorn in Douglas Co. with four bro
thers and one sister, all living. Her
father was a pioneer of 1850.
She was a loving mother and a de
rated w ife, she leaves a large circ e of
friends to mourn the loss of a friend
and neighbor.
The entire community extend sympa
thy to the family in the loss of a kind
and gentle wife and mother.
Intei meiit look place at Canyon vi lie.
And Rebekahs Conducted Joint In
stallation Saturday Evening.
Enjoyable Occasion.
(Special Correspondence.)
The Odd Fellows of Myrtle Creek had
an enjoyable time on Saturday evening,
the occasion being the Joint Installa
tion of the officers ol Arbor Vitea Ke
if kah Lodge No. 11, and Myrtle Lodge
No. 3S. I. ().(). F.
Mrs. L ulu Kramer acted as installing
officer for the Rebekahs and B. F,
Nicholas, of Kiddle, performed the ser
vice for the subordinate Lodge. The
officers installed for the Rebekahs were
as follows :
Mrs La 1 0 Kramer, N i ; Mrs Cora
Wright, VG; S W liayless, Secy: Hans
Weaver, K SN(i; Joe Rice, L8N6;
Mrs Sam Knight, Warden; Miss Addle
Weaver, Conductress ; John Hall, KK
V i : Mrs Chas Strong, I (i; Win N
Moore, and lira Geo Hrew er, Chap
lain. The officers of the Sub-ordinate l-odge
installed were: A G Wright, N i ; C A
Strong, V t ; Joe C Rice, Sec ; N Selig,
Treas ; A C Sherman, Warden ; J B
Harris, Conductor ; 8 II Knight, I i;
Hans Weaver, OG; K J Weaver, K S N
G;Jobn Hall, LBNG; Joe I.cdger-
WOOd, R8 V G;T L Brewer, L SVli:
W C Bates, B S S ; I Howard. I. S S ;
W A Newton, Chaplain.
After the installation all repaired to
the Champine restaurant w here a most
excellent lunch was served After lunch
all repaired to to the ball and congratu
latory speeches were delivered by the
various visaing brothers.
For -the beet dental work at moot rea
sonable prices, go to Dr. Strange in the
j i little brick opposite Siocum"s hall.
All i he! lackneved ideas of melodrama
have beer) eliminated from Rowland and
Clifford's "Over Niagara Falls" and
those new to the stage substituted.
Card of Thanks
The company presenting "Over Nia
gara Falla" is of uniform excellence and
a performance ol the kind that pleases
varied audience is given.
1 Jdesire to extend thanks f r the
sympathy and assistance of friends who
assisted us in our breaveutent.
W'a. Pl Ri CK
me leoerai ijraii.i jtirv at i ortiauj is .
resting while prosecuting ffiotiajj sill
the testimony at band. A brief anms
tic as it' were.
K1DDI F At Riddle, Oregon, Jan. 13,
HUB, Dorothy Julia, infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. 1. it Riddle, aged 2
years. i months an '; eleven days, of
typtx id-pneiiiiioiiia.
Little D. rot by was taken ill with
. pneiimoria, about three weeks ago and
despite Die BMOt careful attendam-e.
: typhoid fever developed and the com
plication of the two maladies proved
j more than the trail constitution could
The funeral was held at Kiddle Situr
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Attorney and Mrs Riddle have a wide
; acipiaiiitainv throughout Douglas Coun
! ty and their many triends will join the
I'laindealer in extending heartfelt
levnipatbv in this, their sad hour of
The Torres Assault Case Was the
First Called To-day. Ver
dict of Guilty.
The attention of l he on rt , Judge Win,
(ialloway of McMinnville and the fol
lowing named jury was .vcupied this
forentm with the case of the State vs
Kugene Torres. colorel, charged with
attempting toshoot night marshal J. W.
IVnt in this city some time ago and who
was apprehended and arrested at Rid
dle. Dietfid Attorney Brown prosecut
ed the case. Attorney was retain
ed for the defense. The judge instruct
the jury at I ::t0 this afternoon, the ver
In going over our Boys' and Children's Clothing' StocK, we found a great many
odd suits, small lots and some which were slow to move. We have
priced them as follows.
Boys' Long Pants Suits Little Boys' Knee Pants Suits
These suits are assorted into two lots ; r, 4,
n'r . ,, , . $2.00 to 52.25 rmits going tor 51.50
LOl ONE contains some ah wool suits u J 6 6
a few slightly shelf worn. Formerly 2'5 3 200
sold for from 55 00 to $7.50. 3.50 " 4.00 " " 2.50 '!
NOW $3,50 4-5Q " 5-QQ " " " 3 & 3-5Q
lot two. ah wool heavy and Hght Boys Knee Pants Suits
weight suits, excellent for every day or (AGB EIGHT TO SIXTEEN years,
J J $2.50 to 52.75 .-uits going for $1.50
School suits, worth from $6.00 to $9.00. 3.00 " " " 2.00
3.50 44 " 2.25 I
Now $5.00 4.00" 4.50 " u "2.50&3
5-QQ " 5-5Q " " " 3-5Q & 4
Snorial Men'" Heary Brown Wool Underwear. All sizes. Regular $1.00 valnee for 70 cents the garment
JlJCtiai or $15 the enit.
Ladies' I .are Kid Sb-s' narrow and inedhim tries, -.'..Vi and $:i.00 values, sizes l1 to 6, while they last 150
"Over Niagara Falls."
"Over Niagara Falls" is one of the
most pretentious scenic productions
ever exploited by anv management, and
those who enjoy melodrama can well
employ their time in witnessing this
play. It is not alone painted scenery
that will greet the eyes but much anical
ami electrical effects that are sensation
al in the extreme. The company car
ries all its scenerv and properties and
it may be worthy of mention to sate
that from the rise to the fall of the
final curtain n t one piece of hous
scenery will be utlized. The great
scene in Act Three that of Niagara Falls
is the most effective and delightful fea
ture of the performance, and the spect
ator who has seen tbe real Niagara an 1
heard its thundroas diaphson will be
surprised at the realism of this product
ion at the Koeeburg Theatre Friday eve
ning January JO.
to buy a
to buy a
to rent a
n Ion t know
on or dr!r
a house
a house
F F.
sad Badder
Reeeba g
Supervisor Bartrum Honored.
Washington, D. C. Jjn 3, 1H06.
At the National Forestry Convention
held in this city recently, by the Ameri
can Forestry Association, S.C. Bartrum,
of the Cascade Range Forest Reserve,
with headquarters at Boeburg, Oregon,
was honored with the election of vice-
Gard of Thanks
i IM Henderson a handsome and clever
romahtie- actor will be seen as Ben
' Bartiett tire lead ing male pirl in "Over
Niagara Falls."
"l'''i nminaninnu in
SSi uumrAmoun 10
Our candies are the
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
' cat
ws , .........
We, the undersigned, deeiretoexpress
our heartfelt thanks to all of those kind
friends and neighbors who so kindly
assi-ted and offered us consolation in
our late sad bereavement.
Mb ani Mrs. Ik B. Kidole.
Fourineheeif Snow fell at Sjleui 1 ri
day. A disp.iti'h from there says every
body was excited over iu Attut sis in
cbea ietX at Portland. Nairy a Hake has
fallen at Koseburg up to date tlu win
MeLBLLAN January. 10 Bridget Ha -lilat).
agl 63 year-, at t. Vincent's
hospital. I'ortiand ; cause, septii
tbrondii-is of femoral vein.
Kuneral held from tbe residence of
her daughter, Mrs. L St. Ore to-lay.
N in pared.
I president of this Association for Oregon.
diet of "guilty" heing returned by the This is an honor worthily bestowed
jury after brief deliteration. Torres and it is quite likely Mr. Bartrum will
will receive sentence Tuesday morning J accept the high position so unexpected
ly tendered him Ed
at o clock
th jrav.
Pliaa Cooper, J. w. Wright.
IN All
Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable
gift, or one more appreciated for your
gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie.
Here is another Holiday Necessity for the
well dressed gentleman. No matter how
stylish the suit the appearance is not
striking without an up-to-date hat.
Cheap Doors, Windows and Mouldings.
The remaining sto -k of doors, windows
mouldings and other null work i f the
late Roseburg Lumber Co., has lieen
turned over to the Fleafc & Iysinger Co.
and will be told at a bargain until closed
out. Here is a snap for house In.ilders
Thoe. "Thomas and family who have
len residing on their limber claim for
wime time in Clackamas comity return
ed to their Koseburg home th ? morning.
SHERMAN At Oakland. Or.
IS, WiS. Mrs. L. C Sherman
30 yea-, of consumption.
The deceased is urvived by her bus
band, tWO children, father, mother and J
other relatives.
Anderson. B, Van Houten. I. ti lumhle
ton. W. C. Winston. Hiram Gallopt H
. Ireland, Wm. Burchard. lennis
Hanks, Marion Smith, Wm. Briggs, jr.
A Peculiar Affliction.
Bl e the I'lttsburg
ing at S. K. ke.
Perfect Wire fenc
Klectric welded.
"Over Niagara Falls" Rowland and
Cliffords thrilling meloorama, will be
presented at the Roseburg Theatru Fri
day evening Jan. 20, lirOo. The play
and the company presenting it are
among tbe best seen in melodrama for
some time past, contains plenty ol
comedy, pathos, and has some mechani
cal and electrical effects that are start-
liug iu tbe extreme.
The one scintillating and tborongblr
commendable melodramatic success of
bst season was Row land and C!iffifls,
"Over Niagara Falls" at the Koeeburg
Theatre on Jan. 20.
In Memory.
Lines written in memory of I..-U Mae
Crow who deported thla life Jan. & 1908
at Kiddle age IS years 4 months and
A bright tieautifu! bnl put beginning
to unfold in all its loveliness w hen the
reaper death claimed her f..r his victim
Hon. J. II.
to F.ugene
Sundav with
Booth, wife and son went
-aturday to remain over
relatives and friends.
Mis. J. K. I'eebler left Saturday to
visit with her mother at Junction City.
Beiore reforming howa she will visit
with her brother, K. B. Houston, at Sa
C. K. Wheeler has l-een confined to
his home for sometime past by a pecu
liar ailment. Away back in 1881 be had
tbe misfortune to have a sharp thorn
about an inch or more in length, broken
off in bis thigh It conid noi be ex
tracted and as the years went by it
worked down his leg. For over forty
years that sharp bit of wood has been
slowly but surelv making headway and
today it is in his foot and causing hi ni
much p in. His intention now is lo
hkve an X ray applied anil have it re
moved. Prain Nonpariel.
Beth an d Helen Hamilton, children ol
Hamilton, were
Notice of Construction of Sewer.
All parties owninz dogs are hereby
notified that if they will pay to the city
Mar-ba! their dag license during the
month of January they may have the
same for 11.00 each All tbahe has to
go and collect will be $2.50 each, by
order of Rosebnr Hity Council.
For Sale or Rent. Nice new 5 room
cottage, bath etc, Waites addition. In
quire at this office.
4 tf
Grafting and Pruning by Experts.
Pruning by the day or job, graiting :i
cents, guaranteed, one half down the
rest w hen the cions are growing, w rite
us Southern Ore., Nursery,
112-23 Oaklmd.Ore.
Mrs. C B. Barker of Roseburg, ac
compained by her hwabaad'a mother
Mrs. John Barker went to her home at
Cottage Grove Saturday where she will
enjoy a brief visit.
Notice is hereby given that tbe city of
' Roseburg. Oregon, has by ordinance de
termined to construct a sewer as fo lows :
Cuinmcmring at the south east corner of
The Sun Set restaurant ha alreadv
gained tbe reputation of serving only
good wholesome meals anil satisfying
lnncbes. It is the place where yon
always get the worth of your money.
This restaurant makes a sjiecialty of
fine chickep dinners on Sunays. t
Hon. and Mrs. J W
A few -iiort e.irs she bad made home the guests of honor at a merry gatber
a joy and e'rth a paradise to her fond ing of young people at the family home
1 1 .1 ...I - ' I fc . 1 . . . - ni.Kl
. parent ..,. uimno, M-ie... ... . ... w, . . .ok and Chadwick Streets, running
Jan " she went to sleep to awake on; 1 i . i i ,u ;.i f
Mi. V H I'i.nrcbil le t Friday even . i "iice wvmmmj ."r
! ing lor lxs Angelee, I alii., to stay an
indefinite time for the benefit of her
health, she will visit tor a lew days in
Pan Krancisco with her brother, Koy
Smick. wlnie enroute.
Anything yon need for a Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat
: J. F. BARKER CO. Phone 201
S. C. Bartrum, supervisor of the
Southern Oregon Division of the fo'est
reserve, Sient several das in Lane
county last week looking after r. ssive
OUR 1905
New Year's Greetings
To ail Our Friends And Customers
The most satisfactory and successful year in the
history of our business has just closed. It has been
a busy year and our success has been satisfactory.
So it is fitting that we should give thanks to those
who have given us success. We wish to assure you
of our appreciation as no firm feels more appreciative
than we do.
For 1905 we offer you this: We are going to try
harder than ever before to merit your trade. We are
going to have a better and a larger stock to select
from. We will also assure all that prices will be
based on small margins. WTe desire to make this
More a shopping home for all.
Again we thank one ana an ior yum muuou
ronage and if through error or omission we have
wronged anyone to the amount of anything we gin
cerely ask you to call and let us know. Asking you
tc keep in mind.
Very cboi e frnit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitrnlierg and Yellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true lo name and free from
pests. For sa'e at very reasonable prices
by Rosebnrg Nnrseriee, H. Schroten,
Roseburg, Oregon tf
earth no more.
Dearest I.ela how we miss you
Since you sleep beneath the sod ;
Bot we know you rest in heave i,
With tbe angels and with God
Still our bear's were nearly broken
When we laid you down to rest,
Karth is dear and heaven is Klnrinu
learo.t I.ela we U not weep.
Rtv-t dW girl we'll not wish you book
To this dull world of pain,
For we'll meet in heaven again.
Osteopathy cures that "lame back.
j Tbe following named persons from
liar. liner are in attendance at circuit
; court, lieing directly or indirectly intr
I ClOtcd in the estate case of hidings vs
I'eter Turner: Chas. l'erkins, Fred
i l'erkins, August Jn-hnlte, Fred Schulte,
j Thomas Williams, W. A. Storm, ILL.
Andrns, A. R. Pyritz, A. J. hidings and
wife, Fnnl Varrelniann, John C. Noel
and Scott Morris.
Sykes A Carroll have moved their
prtmitTflfifr' shop from the old Flook
Hniidhig'on Main street to No. 21UJaek-son-
Slfreetf We bnilding formerly oc
cupied by F. K. Hands Cigar Store, and
are prepared to handle anything in the
plumbing and tinning line. Phone No
261. 77t
J. A. Fibberts, of Portland, an expert
instructor on the )anjo, guitar and
mandolin, has arrived in Roseburg for
the purpose of organizing classes in
banjo, guitar and mandolin instruction,
and wrii endeavor to organize a club
made up of these instruments. His
headquarters will be Purr's Mu-ic Store.
Dr.H'm. Osier says: The most in
jurious of all habits is drug taking.
Attornev Ira
Pritt, of Riddle
circuit court.
II. Riddle and W. S.
are in attendance at
Tes-ie Gongor, aged about l.r years,
died at her home in North Roseburg,
Sunday, of consumption.
P. F. Nichols, a prominent stockman
of the Cow Creek valley was transacting
business in Roseburg Saturday.
Mrs. Joe Thomas held the lucky
amabor and was awarded the line sew
ing machine at the S. K. Sykes Hard
ware Store.
A bill requiring the recording of all
leases or partial payment contracts
covering all articles, has been introduced
in the legislature and its passage would
work a great hardship on all musical in
strument dealers, house furnishers,
farm-implement dealers, etc., and a
vigorous protest against this bill should
lie tiled by business men representing
these lines. Such a protest has been
forwarded to Salem from Roseburg.
Oak Street lo connect with the sewer on
Main Street. That W. S. Hamilton. F
W Haynes and J. F. Barker were ap
iviuted as viewers thereof, and have
tiled their report recommending that the
said sewer be constructed. That the
said committee rejwrts :
That the following lots, and the own
ers thereof, are directly benefited by the
construction of slid sewer :
Owners Loti Block
;eo. K. Honck. 5 42
Sol. Abraham Kstate. 4 41
M. C. Oregory , I 41
Orville Wilson, 4 40
I'itv of Roseburc. 5 40
That said committee further reports
recommending that said sewer lie con
st ructed at the expense of the property
owners adjacent thereto, so directly
l ...n. .tit, si thereby, according to the
numlier of lots owned by each person,
each lot to bear its proportion ment
lmre of the exoense ot sain construc
tion. Bv order of the City Council
made lec. 15, UW4,
Hated this 5th day of January, li05.
H. L. Marstkks,
Citv Recorder.
Ramboulllet Rams for Sale.
F. A. Adderton is reported very ill at
his bomO(in 4'est Roseburg with a com
plication of stomach troubles. Mr. Ad-
I dejton is well known in this city, hav
ing worked at his trade, harness making,
here for a number of years. His many
friend will hope to hear of his 8eedy
I recovery. -
A melodrama in beautiful setting
will be offered to the patrons of the
Roeeburgjrheatre Friday evening Jan
20 ''Over Niagara Falls'' has lieen
Istyled by a well known critic in Chicago
' 1 1 jna Mu.Lulru.TL. ' ' Tl.avu ia .. . .. I . I ..
voltiigly' Ririd about ''Over Niagara
Falls", notfiing which does not seem
perfyetly natural and within range ol
pos-ibility am! there is not a line in'the
entire production which savors of vul
garity. These are certainly matters
which recommend it when considered
carnally. ARAfMf"1" its scenery and
realistic features "Over Niagara Falls'
liae one oY tlie n'trOrHnst casts ever seen
outside of the high priced productions.
Simon Caro spent Sunday with his
familv. Mr. Caro has secured the ap
pointment in the upper house of the leg
islature as chief clerk of enrolled bills.
On Friday evening at the family home
in North Roseburg Miss Klva Wimlierly
entertained about III) of the members of
the ( hriHtian Kndeavor Society of the
Presbyterian church.
We have a tine lot of rams for sale one
aud two years old and a few four years
old that are thorough bred registered.
Our rams are on the range all the year,
are heavv shearers of tine wool and good
rustlers. J. S. Hkrkin A Son,
tf Ashland, Ore.
Roseburg Market
Mr. Warren P. Reed and wife, of Bar-
dinar, hovo broa garni a at the Medal-
len for the past few days, having re
turned from Astoria and I'ortiand where
bo sine s interests called Mr. Isoon.
Thev w ill return home tomorrow.
B. W. Pates and wife went to Riddle
Saturday lo attend the funeral of the
infant child of Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. Rid
dle, which died Friday. Jus. Frater of
Portlind, and his mother, Mrs W. A.
Frater, of this city went to Kiddle for
the same purpose Friday.
The local market quotations today arc
as follows i
Wheat 86 cents.
Oats 4ft (it 50 cents.
Barley ftft cents.
Hay Loose, 10; haltl IU,
Potatoes ll4 cents par lb.
Butter Dairy, Be; creamery, :15
Fires 90 cents oer dozen.
Chickens Mixed, tie per pound;
Veal .5c, dressed.
Beef Cows 1 Sj (92o ; steers, 2 cents ;
heifers, 2c.
Hogs Fat, 4 c 4 V live ; dressed tV
Portland Markkt The quotations in
the Portland market today are: Wheat,
87 cents; oats, 11.38 per cental; hay,
clover, 12; timothy, IU ; wool, valley,
10 cents ; hops, :tl cents ; hogs, gross, 5c ;
sheep, :t gross ; lieef, gross, S c ; veal,
He ; eggs, 32 ; butter, creamery, 80 ; dairy,
14c; chickens, mixed, 9fl lb.
Weather Report.
Weatukr Bi RKAf Office,
RosKBfRii, Ore.
Weak ending 5 :p. m., Jan. 4, 1905.
Maximum temperature 63 on the 2!th
Minimum temperature. 3.1 ou Jan. lat
Rainfall for the week, 4.51.
Total rainfall since 1st of month, 0.01
Total rainfall from Sept. l, 1904, to
date, 14.93.
Average rainfall f-om Sept. 1 to date
Total deficiency from Sept. 1, BHM, to
date, 0 20.
Average precipitation for 27 wet sea
sons, 33.57.
Thos. Oibson, Observer.
Something You should Know
It is to your interest to read and note
carefully the rare opportunity of secnr- i
ing a fine piano or organ at Burr's Mu- j
sic House.
We have ordered a nea and complete i
stock of pianos and organs that will ar
rive within the next few davs and in or- i
der to make room we are going to offer
our present stock at the following low
prices and if you have been watching
and waiting for a bargain now is yoor
One grand square piano in first class
condition and can be turned back at any
time within one year at full price.
Only 63
One upright Cornish piano, has been
used about 2 years. Goes for f 155 i
One new Colonial Hinze Diano in a
beautiful mahoganv caae for 1240 j
One handsome Bailey piano, bran
now. only 1265
One Jacob Doll piano in beautiful burl
walnnt case. Large size $2S5
One of the famous Victor pianos in
beautiful Mali, case will sell for . 1315
One fine Kimball piano in quartered
sawed oak, if taken before the first of
the year will go for $815
Space will not permit us quoting other
prices today but we have the largest
music house in Oregon south of Port
land and these low prices will prevail
on all goods until Jan. 10, 1906.
Store open evenings.
For particulars call, or write
Roseburg, 0 regon.
We are doing business at th old
stand. If you want to boy, sell
or trade anvthing see - - - -
A full stock of both new and sec
ond hand Furniture. Tin and
Granite ware. Cook Stoves and
Wanted. $1000 worth of second
hand furniture.
A fine stock of Harness. Whips.
Robes, Saddles and everything in
the Harness line. My harness is
all hand made and guaranteed.
Letter List.
. I
procuhco and otrtNoip.,"!
.nktuift. . M in COUNTRItS. j
i and ftrm Ikt pattnt.
t and InfriiwimOTt Pitctlcs ticluiiMiy.
. , , UM &t
. a am. TTalW IMM '
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg poaaofJoa.
Boren Miss Viola Gray Mr E F
Brines Mr Peter Roty H B
Bryaut Mr F Mr Hans
Cunningham Herbert
McDonald Miss Jessie
Cummins D W Munson M E
Uodker Herman Rogers Mr C V
leBriae Newton Rowland Hugh B
Rickets Msto Christian
Cray C R Syme A D (j
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on which they are
advertised, Jan. 9, 1904.
The lettera will be charged for at the
rate of one cent each.
C. W. Parks.
Striven Ride. Pistol or Shotgun
rnraai a ttv.rvftiut v.V't cr iv time. Stccu" imi ait
-!!.: undrra:: .wB-ttnorr. t.crr euo that l.vscaaw
fx, Kry UtcU by ctpcrt asd g-axaatcevi tw 1 ftbffa
Ask yviaur deaJca. ftaal iaaist
oa uojbT juoJi. tf yvu cmat-
S. O. Bos 409
IVnt Fail to
UhaMMcatakv. Itteft
booh of nftitmc.
in. aivcftls to All i'
inwmwl Ib tbe yraad
poR at tkoon. MftOcd
4 ia sar t ly
I. B. Riddle's littledanghter, Dorothy,
who has been very ill is slowly improv
ing at Riddle.