The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 16, 1905, Image 2

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Published Mondays a ad Thursdays by
Telephone Main 27b. Office, Corner Main and Oak Streets.
Lewis and Clark Fair Notes
Entered in the Postoffice at Roseburg, Oregon, as second class mail matter in 1S0S.
W. C. CONNER, Editor. F. H. ROGERS, Manager. W. D. STRANGE, Foreman.
Semi-Weekly One Year, $2.00; Semi-Weekly Six Months, fi.oo, Cash in Advance.
Advertising rates, 50 cents per single column inch per month. Locals. 5 cents a line.
NOTE. The management of thi paper will positively assume no responsibility for the utterances and state
ments of its correspondents or contributors. The editor endeavors to make no false statements which
wrongfully reflect upon the characterof any person officially or otherwise, and he will cheerfully correct
any erroneous statement which perchance may appear in this paper, if the matter is called to his notice.
Suicided in Pilkington's Blacksmith Shop in Rose-
burg, Sunday Night.
Upon opening nia blacksmith shop at blacksmith simp claim to have heard a
aUtut 7 o'clock this morning J. O. rrnnrt of a uu ltween three and tive
Bristow, a partner of Wiley Pilkinjrton o'clock this morning, some maintaining
in the hi ickinith bnaineaa, was horrified that they heard two distinctive reports
a 1 : r..t . ... ' t .. L 1
ii) iiic mri - 1 j 111 .1 man, w limn r 1 - -
lufvi d 1 auir lino ocr n aicw
1 : 1 .: . 1 .. . l 1..:.. - J
,,..,, ,..., ,., -s"'. iaii lttH been following the vocation of
on his ride in I root of the mmumm ofltcal.i , . .? , .:. ,
, lllMin'i I ;tuinu iui nifiue linn- 'nri
tit i r , in?" ii.tii in i .1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 j iii'Hhi. ... I 1 . 1 ... , 1. 1 ; .. , I ; ;t I.
1 1 I I 1 llllll III III ID I .W I I I t I I VII
lit soon ri-pnriiMi in- 11 111 1 1 1 I; 10 i oro- .... u n
fur ( i.'irillllT .III HH tOMMftt. Kill)
hit rwitcliell and others ami
-wiheh is
Verily, the Southern Oregon winters become more
more Italian each vear.
The Republican legislature of Missouri sounds queer,
hut. it's a fact, and is eoniinir in for its full share of
mi ia.. . a.. l II A. 1 V 1. .... .
Prettv ine liaitic neet ougni to ue we to get iku k
I . a i . a . " . I . 1 .' 1 .
int nsnini
Fathers and mothers:
If you have a young daughter, this picture
no fancy one is for you.
It is after curfew. The mashers loaf on the sidewalk
and wait on street corners. Here they come down the notice
street arm in arm two young girls with fresh rosy faces.
Ahundant hraids of hair fall down their backs
littl wr,s romp tn the shoetons. Thev are school eirls ' without any more desperate adventures with
sawwl an BkA Aovltr tonno ;
OiiU 1U llltril cai it
Somebodys darlings! says the Seattle Star.
There is no chaperone and no escort- The girls are
out alone and the hour is rather late. Watch them
Eyes are not modestly dropped when the eyes of the passer-by
is fixed upon them, and yet the eyes of the girts are
not bold eyes, Is there just a hint of swagger in the
gait as they pass some young man? Is it only sweet in
nocent girlhood that appears in attitude and pose or is
there something adde-t ?
As you watch these young girls something hideous
grips your heart.
A couple of smart young men knowing young men
follow the girls. Young men and young women are
strangers to one another, and yet there is some sort of
Freemasonry between them. The glances of the young
men are bold. The eyes of the girls are riot timid as
they turn them backward with the hint of a smile. Flip
pant words are exchanged
Trod help them; those slips of girls are on the edge of a
but what can one do? If their natural guardians are
not there to protect, what right have you to interfeie?
Here and there may be found a brave spirit whom a great
will move to stay am warn and take the risk, but such
Good Samaritans are few.
And so the young girls, infant women with fine passions
and powers of womanhood, thinking to tread the primrose
path of dalliance, go down to ruin.
Whose fault is it?
Is it the fault of the girls? Who sent them out into
night or permitted them to go unprotected? Who failed
or neglected to warn them of temptation? Who suppos
ed when they had dressed their girls as well as the neigh
bor girls their duty was done?
There is only one answer to these Questions Father
and Mother.
What does your girl know about the abysses beneath
her feet if you do not point them out? t What does she
know about the associations tends to cheapen? How can
she prize herself as she ought when her parents do not
prise her enough to protect her from danger? How will
she know the world's estimate of herself when she does
not realize what she is doing?
Think a moment.
Congress and the Japanese-Russian war cannot expect
to attract much attention while the Oregon legislature is
in session.
The UeDublican manrin of 82 to GO in the Missouri
hnnsp of representatives is the most nromisimr thinir in
the state's outlook at present.
In mrwWn warfare a fort is of verv little service. It
can be approached from above and below, as well m from
the four points of the compass.
Port Arthur has fallen, ami the high tension of inter
est there is over. For a permanent excitement there is
nothing like a Colorado election.
Here in Southern Oregon the meadow lark. r-lin red
breast and blue birds are with us all winter. Southern
Oregon is giwnl enough for them the year round.
"The I'nited States," says the Chicago Tribune, "will
soon be the centre of commerce." Every provincial
American believes it is already the centre of the uni
verse. Not content with a world's fair, the city of Portland
has stepped in front of the spotlight with a municipal
scandal, says the St. Louis Olobe-lVraocrat. Yes. fol
lowing in the footprints of St. Louis.
Mr. Woolley. who has sued Editor Conner of the Plain
dealer, will probaby get all he is entitled too mm.
However, if Pro. Conner should have to pay that $10,0001
he wouldn't notice it. Myrtle Point Enterprise.
After studying the I ouglas county total valuation of I
property table, the editor of the Orain Nonpareil has !
come to the conclusion that "we are mighty ptmt in
Douglas county or else have a host of taxdodgers."
niter :i
brie! examination tl" lm lv was re- i
need to tin- mi tartakiog parlors.
A ballet wound was located in the left
iirea-t joat below tbe heart ami blood-
itaina were observed on the wall in the!
Imainrnp offiis of the shoi. Rogerahad
evidently Miirided ami alter shooting
himself, being familiar with the place.
n Monti j napped to the tool hoa in the
room where home knives were Kept,
opened the box, evidently with the in
tention of finishing his dent motion with
. knife, but these weapons had been r
sanved, the dead Man's saoaeinants be-
bag traced by blood stains, which were
found mi ami in the tool chest, which
led to the above conclusion. Death re
united so hi however, after the shooting
and he fell prostrate while leaving the
business orBco.
I'hiii examination of the clothing f
Rogers a SS calibre Colts revolver with
Understand, are now detained In Port
land an witneHm-s in the land fram:
eases, they having lately Iteen fount
guilty of defrauding the government by
changing section corner atake.
Rogers wait the owner of both a tun
ber ami lioinenteail claim, but bad lately
sold the latter ami had squared up most
or nil of bis debts a I unit town, which i
supposed to have required about all be
received for his homestead. He was
flijlitlv addicted to drink and was said
to h ive been drinking considerably of
late, lie spent a good deal of his time
ali nit the BristOW and rilkington Mack
Smith shop, having some knowledge of
the business himself. He was therefore
famliar with the place and it is thought
entered the shop on this fatal occasion
from a rear door which was never locked
or barred.
There are those, however, who sns
rerwa exhibit at the Lewis and
Clark centennial will be worth $200,000.
Vermont's building will be a repro
duction of the old Constitution House
of 1777.
i m-at Britain will occupy SS00 sqnars
feet of exhibit space at the centennial.
Hungary will have an exhibit worth
fSO.000. The exhibit will occupy 2000
square feet of apace.
Costa Rica will make a Ine display of
coffee, hemp, cocoa an1 other products.
The display is valued at 120,000.
An interesting attraction for women
will be the display of the latest frocks
from Paris in the French section of the
Manufactures building.
Kgypt and Morocco will make a com
hiueU African display. The exhibit will
oer 2500 square feet and Its value will
i ii ii n .tiii.
The hatching of cbicksns will be
shown the general public. All exhibit
ors of incubators will be required to
mske their displays operative, and at
staled hours the crowds will be invited
to come and see the cblckens bresk
their shells.
The piling snd flooring work on ths
Trail and Bridge of Nations Is now com
pleted, and the government paainsul
i an now be reached by this roots. Tb
bridge spans 2000 test of water and is
the longest bridge ever erected at an sx
The art display will be of fabulous
value, representing mors money tbsn
will lie expended lu bnilding the expo
sition . There will be a lew paintings
wortli st least $100,000 tech. and the
aggregate value of ths display will be
millions of dollars.
one empty cartridge was found in his pact foul play and Coroner Twitched
hip pocket where he had apparently has lieen diligently working on the rase
placed it after firing the fatal shot, all day and will hold sn inquest late
Fifty rents in silver was also found in this evening or Tuesday morning,
his pockets, and an umbrella was lying Rogers was lieiween : and : years of
on the i! or by his side. age and so far as known, was untnar-
Persona resi ling in the vicinity of the ried.
Now is the time to sow your field seeds. I have just
received a large supply of Alsyke. Red and White
Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard, Blue Grass, Etc.
Buffalo Pitts, Pan American, Spike, Spring- and Disc
Harrows, and Syracuse and Steel I hilled Plows.
Simmons. Wehfoot, Chinook, Eclipse, Hoo Hoo and
Pacific ('oast pattern Saws; Keen Kutter, L S. A
and Phoenix Axes
DratB News.
Kii.kne. .Ian. !". The horrifying
news that George W. I'rtirv. of Kail
reek, had committed suicide by sleot
ing the top of his head off with a ride
was brought to town today and the fol
lowing particulars were male known.
When his .laughter returned from a
-ocial dance in the neighborhood about
midnight, sh,. fcmad the lifeless corpse
of her father lying on hi- bed with bis
hrain scattered about and hi ritle iti I
between hi- knees. The dent of tie
iron on the Boot showed the effects of
the recoil when it had been touched ' ff
by the deceased. The bullet entered at
the righ: eye. an 1 he mu-t l ave learn d
forward and pulled the trigger and the
force of the nhM threw him hack Uon
the bed, and death must have txn in--tsntane.
.n. Mr Prnry's wife bad
died litor IS years ago and hi familv
A poultry association hi to be organ
ized in Drain.
Circulars hare been posted calling for
bids for carrying the mail betweea Yon
ealla and Bkelley, twice a weak.
Mr. Griggs, at Comstock, is plowing
land which will be planted to corn in
the spring. Eastern papers please
Work on the flume from h'elleher to
I Drain is being pushed rapidly to the
N igasaki, Jan. It. tienersl Stoessel front, about 15,000 feet of lumber being
arrived iiere from l'ort Arthur todav on i used daiiv la its construction.
Q J s panose transport. Governor Ara
kawa, with the chief officials of the port.
E. L Maacham now has possession
of the Commercial Hotel and the bouse
went atmaril the transport anil received has undergone many imnrovemnnla. A
I ieneral Stoessel, bis wife and staff, who i bath room has been installed on the
were short ly transferred to land. Stoee- j second floor and water pipes bars been
-el was attired in a gray military over- pot in the wash room, kitchen and
cost and wore bis sword. He slowly laundry, making it much more eouven
wended hie way up bill to the bungalow j jent. The big water taak furnishes
where he will be quartered. Dozens of : plenty of water for all purposes, not the
Russian othcers saluted their late com- j least of which is protection from firs.
mander ss he passe I.
had grow n up. lie hail several eons, a
awe with wh in h II veil. The only
known cause of his rash act was bis oh
scti 'ii to hi daughter going to a dance,
which was pissed off as of re particular
Governor Chamberlain? message to the legislature aras
presented Thursday. It took up two and one-half pages
Your young daughter is social in her instincts, and in the big dailies and was remarkable only for its great
must and will have society. But she has not your expo-' length. Brevity is not one of the Governor's virtue
rience. Perhaps she is pretty, and therefore in more .
danger. She may be a little vain, and craves admiration, j The best j olitician who ha struck these parts for
She steps over the line unwittingly. Have you held her j mm time is a man narnMi Henev Be eves has Httch
confidencein order that you might let her see things e and Herrnann KftjnB. Heney is said n-t to be an angel
through your experienced eyes? j himsef out that doe.s not give wings to the other fel-
Do you care what becomes of your little girl? lows.-Woodburn Independent.
Of course you do. Should she go wrong itjwould break
your heart. But you are neglectful or ''easy.' You
have a sort of theory that it is a poor kind of girt that Gov. Pennypacker has picked another peck of prh kh
cannot be trusted out of one's sight. It depends upon peppers by pitching into the press as an institution. There
what sort of parents she has, upon her teaching, upon the are many men of a single idea, but only one of the Penoy
eirL And while you hold to your theory of ignorant packer variety. -Globe-Pemocrat. Our esteemed con
trast, the little daughter may fall into the hands of a vil- temporary haa evidently not yet heard from Roseburg.
Is it your daughter?
The Coos Bay Harbor, North Bend's new weekly news
paper is at hand. It is a neat and newsy six column,
eight page paper devoted to Coos Bay interests, and
starts out with a good advertising patronage. It is ably
edited and should succeed. Here's hoping that the Har
bor may ever be sheltered from the stormy blasts of ad
versity and failure.
The Roseburg Plaindealer has recently been sued for
$10,000 damages by F. W. Woolley. chairman of the
school board, who alleges to have been damaged to that
extent by an article appearing in that paper signed "Tax
payer" the real author of which the management refuses
to disclose. If everybody that imagines they are injured
by newspaper attacks could secure a judgment for such a '
sum of money there would be no newspapers in a short
tnfeB. Jacksonville entinel.
v : - w.
(i-taHHaiaaaak, -
John Henrr Mem power was born
July 13, 1836, in Washington county,
Virginia, and died January 4, 1906. Ids
left Virginia when about $ years of age
and moved to Hiasoqri. Whan about lo
years old he left l hare and sroasud the
plains as a teamster. He mad two or
three trips and anally settled a the
Willamette valley a boat 1869, later
coming to Yoncalla. fie took up a bome-
: stead one mile north of Leona In 1871.
He was married to Margaret Ward in
1475 and there were Ave children to
blees the union, two sons and threw
, daughters. His only sister, Mary Ann
I 8 kid more, died about three mouths ago
; He has one brother in Missouri, still
; living, and one half sister. Xonpariel
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts .goat skins, furs, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots it shoes
Have seme splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
When Cetstrai Lmk Ncljett
Referring to Rockafellar and'Vander
bilt the New York World says Chicago
University has discarded the dozotogy
and the following has been substituted :
Praise John from whom oil blessings
Praise him oil creatures here below ;
Praise him oil of ye heavenly host ;
Did you take a day off and read the
Governor's message?
Some kind friend has sent ue two epe
cial copies of Portland's big (ierman
paper, the "Deutsche Zeitung," bearing
the date of Jan. 12, 1905. Wo came
near being stricken with lock jaw by
brieffly perusing the columns of this es
teemed contemporary. Its awful Dutch '
An Indiana clergyman, when preach -
has ss yet tif uifird 10 intention d
commence a damage proceeding for fill,
00) against the publishers of the Leader
Editor 1 . rants Pass Herald : On rea l
: nig in your paper of the gtth ii st re-
minisceure of General Joseph lane in
j the mines of Siskiyou county, California
in I8S0-61, I am reminded of an ease
' dote my father need lo tail US children
when I was yet a email bey, which In as
I good 00 B I Lane aa the knot-hole
experience. At the battle of the City
of Mexico, Genera! Lane ntwsi sing that
' eom? of the Indiana rwgi stent wars
i dodcing bullets, ha Instantly gave the
; command n loud tonus, 'Indiana regi
men no lodging '" Jutt thea a can
j non ball w hissed by bis baud so close
I that the general dodged perrepObty.
: Some of the Indiana boys leagued right
out, whereupon General laae com
I nmn. led : "Indiana regiment, dodge the
I big halle but never inind the little one '"
W. J. Winna
The Staker's Unert.
Praise William some, but John the jK on denliness mentioned that he had
ID08t- j seen a brass monkey in Indianapolis set
Experience out side the Morman up in a store with a cigarette in its
church has taught that one wife is
enough for any man.
It is an old saying that there is no
rest for the wicked. Mr. Bryan has
already begun to reorganize the demo
cracy. There have been many machines to
save fine gold, but a fortune is awaiting
him who will invest a machine to catch
When a man makes a mistake he usu
ally follows it up with three or four be
fore he recovers his balance.
No wonder Ex-Governor Geer is of
fended. He was sued instead of indict
ed lor land fraud irregularties.
It is every man's opinion that his
wife puts too much stress on the doctors
kindness, considering that it costs $2
One of the most tragic thoughts that
enters into an engaged girls head is that
some day that she and He will be just
like other married folks.
When it comes to compiling ponder
ous state papers President Roosevelt
will have to try again if he beats, in
volume at least, the late message of our
Governor Chamberlain.
mouth. It was automatically arranged
so that when the cigarette was lighted
the monkey would draw in the smoke
and puff it out again. The works stop
ped on one occasion and the monkey
was taken apart to discover the cause,
when the works were found to be clog
ged and in a filthy condition. The
moral was drawn thus: "If smoke
from a cigarette will stop the works of a
brass monkey, what will it do for you?"
Can't Overdo Apple Business.
A Queer Co-incident
Just now Cottage Grove is embroiled
in a red-hot school controversy result
ing from the discharge of Miss Nan
Hhivelyas teacher in the high school
on the ground that she did not Ipossese
the required certificate to teach. Miss
Shively afterwards found and produced
the missing certificate and seeks to re
cover a years salary from the board.
This, in brief, is the grounds for the
The last issue of the Cottage Grove
Leader contained a red-hot discussion
of the local school question over the
name "Taxpayer" but the chairman of
From the Hood River Glacier.
After a trip of three months to Indi
ana ami other eastern states John A.
Wilson has no longer any fear that Hood
River can overdo the apple bSMSUCUl
The orchards in Indiana have all been
neglected, and today they look like a
forest. No one thinks of spraying fruit
trees in that country, and it is lasnua
Bible to find good apples.
Mr. Wilson says he started home with
a half dozen Indiana apples in bin grip,
but they spoiled before he got here.
Years ago Indiana apples tasted like
nectar to Mr. Wilson, but today he can t
find anything to compare with the peer
less apples from the Hood River.
"Down at the St. Ixmis fair, if it
wasn't for the apples from Oregon,
Washington and Idaho there would hsve
been a very poor showing of fruit. I
didn't look over the exhibit with 11 pre
j nd iced eye, t ut I must say there aas
nothing to excel the Hood River Hp
It was 39 years ago since John Wilson
set his foot M the soil of the Hosier
state. He left there shortly after the
war and crossed the continent by way
of the newly constructed Union and Cen
tral Pacific railroads to San Francisco.
George Periolat with "Over Niagara Falls.
Julia Romaine is very success'iil in
bringing tears to the feminine jwriion of
the audience as the much wronged Mad-
tbe board, whose name is L. F. Woolcy luline in ' Over Niagara Falls."
Ashland, Jan. 13. Frank Kelly, who was arrested
near Crescent City on Buspicion, has confessed to the mur
der, together with Harry Brown, of Areata, of Pat Dunn,
at his place on the Cresceut Cry road, Thursday, Dec. 2.).
Kelley, who lives in Chehalis, Wash., seems not to realize
tin- enormity of the crime, ami acts as though half-witted,
but Blown is evidently a desperate customer. The two
men laugh and sin?' together in jail and jest about the
murder, which was a particularly cold-blooded and atro
cious one. Dunn, the victim, was an old storekeeper, who
1 t 1 1 1. 1 II.. II B. 1 , . , i , I !. J Iflioll . tA
live i alone m ins isolated caum. m sampuw
by Mows with an ax and a heavy dub. The men say that
they had learned that Dunn, wh wai a wuieiy-Kuown
man. had much . old in his cabin. Tlmy went there and
found two miners with Dunn. These they told that two
goo i ) e re do 1 at tin Monumental mine, and the
mil, rs el out at once lo secure lb-own and
Kellev then attacked the old man.
Brown claims to have a home and relatives in Hum-
bolt county, ( Jalifornia, and Kelley says that his parents
live at Chehalis, Wash., and that he has an uncle named
Felgate, employed in the San Krai cisco mint.
This infernal prohibition
Is a siderbow of perdition,
Kur it keeps a faliar wishiu'
He could go 'way back and die.
Not a drap to wet ma gullet.
Not a glass with beose to nil it.
Not a eiianee to even small it,
since the town want dry.
Out and in them doors was twingia',
Down the drinks wa was a-singia ',
And the glasses was a-ringi n ' .
In them days gons by ;
Rut them doors stand shet and winkin
At me as I pass, a-thiokin'
How embarasain' is drinkin',
Since the town went dry.
Yes. them doors stands winkin', bllnkin
As I pass, a-thinkin', tbinkin'
Of them good old times of drinkin'
In the days gone by.
Oh, my soul is rilin', rihV,.
And the prohi's soul is rmitfn'
'Cause the liquor's all a-spiilin'
Since the town want dry.'
Corvaflii Tisaes.
Railrtid Notes.
The S. P. is building a new section
house at Divide.
Thos. Casey, the night operator, has
I teen transferred to the Willamette val
ley and C. M. Cady of Roseburg takes
his place at the station bare. Drain
f is . re pa red to wait a pea aid
4 and new customers artd friends
with a (all
stock of
All fresh and of ths vagy bast
quality. Teas and settees are
speciaiuas. iow f""p s
solicited. f
S Jackson St., IVasaburg J
A Few Holiday Hints
Suitable Gifts for Ladies
Suitable Gifts for Gents
Suitable Gifts for Children
Fines! hi oi Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg:
fcgttt Oood
Ignt Prices
t Place
rniny men havo to tell that have their
lineri done up at home. At no private
lanndrvi-in you iret thi perfection of
color and the heaoty of finUh that
makes on' etab ihment famous, for
our fai-i itie are perfect and np-to-date.
and we employ on'y expert?, that can
show such evi ienoe si their handicraft
as i seen on the aperb w irk done at
To continue selling hardware
at a closer margin than and
other establishment ia Rose
burg by which we expect to
build up a still larger ttade in
I905. Wishing a 1 our cus
tomers a happy and prosperous
New Vear. we are, yours for
Hareware V Farm Implements.
To Bay Bonds?
If to. you want thoar lhat pay
la beat dividends A feWJtWSM
educaUon pas better Jividen.S
loan any bnnda The SCSI plaee
to gel a butlne education is
Garland Bnsioess College
Wa baTc a Correspondence
Courts tn Shorthand In
J. B. GARLAND. Principal
Zf y Ma larjast and
best assortment of Staple
and Janey Sroceries, fresn
Jruts and Jarnt produce
in the city, and can snppiy
your wants at as cheap or
cheaper prices than can be
had anywhere.
Remember that we haep
the SSest.
f m Tour Ranches aai Timber
Lands with me.