The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 16, 1905, Image 1

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No. 5
Washington's Representative Regards the Indict
ments of Senator and Congressman
as Base Outrages
Washington. Jan. 9. The Wash- their behalf. That a man of this
ington Daily Tost eamo out yoster-; standing should have his character
day with the following statement re- . smirched by the testimony of a self
gardinjr the indictment of Senator confessed scoundrel and the sensa
tional expert is nothing short of an
outrage, which will soon, in my judg
ment, be visited upon those who con-
It is Related How She Duped Mc
kinley's Wife and Secured
$75 From Her
Mitchell and Congressman Hermann:
"Representative F. W. Cushman. of
Washington State, vesterdav took up
the cudgels in behalf of Senator ceivetl anJ executed it
Mitchell. Mr. Cushman deplored the 1 "In my opinion the same is true of
tendency, whenever a faithful public Representative Hermann, who is well
servant is accused, for his friends to
hold aloof.
and favorably known to the people of
the Pacific coast. These people have
"i, myself," declared Mr. Cush-1 confidence in his honesty and ability,
man. "do not for a moment think that j Whn h was Commissioner of the
Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, has been ' Ceneral Land Office the one thing in
guilty of any wrong. The people of ! nis administration that everybody
the West and Northwest not only ' acknowledged was his friendship for
have a high regard for Senator Mitch- and his sympathy with the bona fide
ell but an affection for him that has ; settlers on the public domain. .
been the growth of years of hard
labor and hard service on his part in
"I have full faith in
vindication of both thesi
the absolute
men." '
Salem. Jan. 1'2. (.invernor Cimnilier
lain'e nieajre s rrad to :r Itisla
tnre in joint tf:on kaaVrj. The ines-
caee was i-onfinel purely to Mate ul
j'Cts. It strorglr favors an appropria
tion for The Dalles portaee n-l. em-j
ploy men t of convicts. l-nfiial lesrisia-1
tion for ti-lterie. etc. The levir-luture
aiijourne! till t-lay.
'versity ; one hy llrownell, (or rbl
hour tiny, and one hy Whetstone (or an
indemnity to Iodian VVr Veteraaa
Carrying $45,000 appropriations.
To prohihit teh phonep to immora
plana Von ier He len of Jackson intro
dateil a bill in the House Tuesday
The bill, if enacte-1, will niak- lia- h to
punUhment any person mho shall reluse
: to remove a telephone from an immoral
house "r room within live days af'er
notified o( the evii character of the
, knowingly violating the act. The fwn-
alty imposed is a fine o( not more ml
It is nn.lerst.o.1 that there will he no nit.nt 0( not less than five nor BK-rethan
announcement of Com n it lees until jen days. The hiil- ntve Justices
Monday next. IVace jurisdiction. Those amei.dahle
Vawter presente.1 a hill lag- to the act are to be the persons conduct-
tring atnl other corporatio:is to condemn lne anv telephone exchauite.
lands for the improvement
Horace Mckinley, while on the rack
himself, evidently finds time and has
the disposition to satisfy some old
gnadgaa that has been rankling in his
mind for several years. Mrs. Nellie
Brown , Miss Nellie iiilliert when Mr.
VcKinley got worsted in a business
transaction with her) is brought into
unpleasant notoriety through disclos
ures evidently made hy Mr. McKinlcy
and puhlished in the Portland Journal:
Woen the grand jury adjourned at
noon Friday Mr. Hetiey gave out
that it was on account of the non-availability
of certain witnesses for a particu
lar caae that lie desired to take up
fore considering other features af the in
vestigation. It now develops that when
this action was taken he had in v'ew
the indictment of Kllert K. Browa and
wife, of Kngene, who are accused of
making fraudulent homestead entries in
"11-7" under the names of Alexander
i. Drown ana .eine Bacnus. it lias:l
along been supposed that tljey were j
fictitious persons and Marie I.. Wart
has baaa given crelit for sigping the
name of Nellie Uachus to the application
for final pr d of the latter, while Hor
ace ti. Mckinley is siip-ied to have
performed a similar serviiv in In-half of
Alexander K. Brown, hut it now trans
pires that prior t her marriage with
Mr Brown his wife's name was Nellie
"iilhert, and it is alleged that she was
an intimate associate of those who were
convicted recently of conspiracy in con
nection with "11-7," and this aspect of
affairs reveals an interesting story con
cerning some of her relations with
It appears that prior to her marriage
with Brown, as Nellie ttilhert, she made
a timier entry in township south,
range 7 west, for K-lwin H'ilxon. final
proof thereon bring made le(ore the
register aud. receiver of the Kose! urg
land ottire.
Large and Complete Plant, Capacity Fifty Dozen
Brooms Per Day. Now Employing
a Force of Six Men
A PlaindeaJer representative veiled , operated with only a partial force ae fol
tbe new hroom factory one day last iuwt: J. V. Maiden, foreman and as
week, which was recently established oi. fristhlit broom maker ; H. H. Kama,
a spur of the Sviithern Pacific railroad j hroom maker; C. Hammond, stitcher ;
in the Kinney Addition to Kosehurg J. (i Beliiu. hurl cutter; Krnest Rohr
near the big prune evaporators The and Oiffonl Caldwell, sorters. If run
lot and the building, a substantial two ! niag at the full capacity of the plant four
story frame structure 24x80 feet, with a j more men would le required, which force
seven foot basement, was donated hy j could almost supply the Western Ore
the rJtiaeaa of Kosehurg. and it will ' gam market with first class brooms. A
prove to the city one of the lest contri- ton of hroom corn is required in the
bullous it ever made. manufacture of 100 ,'ozen ordinary
K. S. Barker, a gentleman familiar brooms,
with evwry detail of the business, is the I Mr. Barker states that he is now pre
enterprising proprietor of this new in- i parl to supply the trade in competi
dustrial addition to R.eburg, and ! tion with the I'acitic coaM johU-rs. the
through his courtesy the Blaindealer freight rate on mmnifa.tiirwl brooms
man gleani-.i considerable knowledge of from the east U-ing verv high, the raw
of rivers
R-tmhouillet Rsms for Snl?.
especinPy in the erection of lagajag
A bill to create a mining bureau was
in roduced by Smith of Josephine, and : We have a fine lot of rams for saleone
is in many respects r-imilar to the nit as- and two years old and a few four years
ure introduced at the last session, but oi l that are thoroughbred regi-tered.
without its objectionable features. . Our rams are on the range all the year.
Bills have been introduced in Senate are heavy shearers of tine wool and good
at Salem appropriating $5,000 forCbem- rustlers. J. S. Hkriun ft Sot.
ica! habratory apparatus at State Uni- tf Ashland, Ore.
R. W. FENN . . U. S. Deputy . .
r 3 Mineral Surveyor
Civil Engineer w
Lateiy vith the govern- i, (fflrl Postofaee.
ment geographical and " S,
geologieal snrvey ot Bra- ROEBLRCi, OK&iON.
zil. South America . . . Correspondence solicited
The Place Where Ton Can Get Pure
Drugs and ' Chemicals
The Most Complete Line of
Druggists Sundries in Town
Prescriptions Filled by a Practical
Up-to-Date Pharmacist . . . .
School Supplies a Specialty
the manufacture of the various grades
of braoaM on his visit !o the factory, the
baM an l longest straw U-ing manu
factured into four grades oi the common
boasoboM article, while the finer a-. d
shorter straw is manufactured into toy
and whisk brooms.
Along with the line inod-rn plant in
stalled in this hn oui factory, which ws with j
received direct from the east, came tour will n
aarinaoa ot i kia!. ma broom corn, which
js the DM -tr.iw grown.
material can therefore be shipped here,
ma.le up into stock and sild as cheap if
not cbaaaar than can le suppliel by the
Coast branch houses.
Each grade of Mr. Barker's brooms is
e.jual to the next higher grade of the
important article and when this fac is
known a well s- his abilitv to compete
Idlers prices, the R.-seburg broom
doubt Bad its wav into the vari
ous Oregon towns, ami the Roseburg
factory will be operated at rail capacity
The plant is operated by a u.ivh-rn to ;id its orders,
gasoline engine and taoaiati f a reo!- Thm factory has just fiiXl an order for
ing roller seeder and shreadi r; power ttdkMNM DTOOaM of the assortel gra-le-
wire winders; t tie latest improved an- 'r outhern Oregon merchants, the
tomatic atttckar, an t xpen-ive and very bcooma being packet in neat pckgs
complicated machine, which is most o( one dozen each (or shipment,
iutere-ting to watch in operation ; trim- Mr. Barker is of the opinion that
uier or cut-off; blower or. iryer in which hr.m straw can I- sn.-cMwfiillv rm
The Legislative Committees Slave
Been Named Important
Bills Introduced
SALEM, Jan. 15 Speaker Mills
has cut the pie, and say the job was
the hardest he ever tackled. The
task came to an end yesterday as the
shades of night were drawing nigh.
When he finished he took a deep
breath and exclaimed:
"I'd just as soon try a Chinese puz
zle. Running a bank is easy beside
The Story of their Romantic Courtship and Secret
Marriage in Paris Several
Years Ago
Nw York, Jan. 12. Senator Will
iam A. Clark of Montana brought back
from Europe on the steamer Kron Prinz
Wilbelm bit young wife, but left his
baby behind in Paris with a dozen
puree. Mrs. Clark was eo illon the
trip that the ship surgeons were in con
stant attendance.
Because the senator married Miss An
na I n ,,. - b v. i' - -
Mr. Mills studied the problem a i voan(t wom,n, three yeare U)Te tbe
longtime; indeed, he deliberated un-I public announcement of the ceremonv,
til pxst 1-! o'clock the night before mnJ because there was a girl baby two
I Bargains for all
Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 00
Swell line of Combination Cases
Ranging in Price from $15 to $28
Take a look at our Buffets
From $25.00 to $38.00. : : : :
mwomtiarr s foiine.-s isstimts
Horace McKinlcy says he paid her
$100 to take up this laud for iB-lo-m.
and also paid the $100 necesry 10 pur
chase the tract from the government,
!ut when final proof was made she re-
fus d to execute a conveyance uul s
JO0 addition' w given her. A com
promise was finally efh-cted upon the
hasis of tto cash, aud he got the tiaai
Tnereupm. he says, she went into the
Western I'nion Telegraph office in Ku
gene and sent the following dispati h to
hie wife at West Salem, Wig.:
"Wire nie 75 immediately. Bntata
dangerously ill uoconscions
" Signe-i 1HS. BKOWH.1
Mrs. Mckinley is said to have r.--'tsived
Uiis telegram at 2 o'dach in the
rn-".'U, aitd three hours later was on
her way here, after having wired tin
aui iunt requested. Mrs. Browo, it is
.claimed, lost no time in jgrtliug out of
tiie country, only returning (in I'ec. 1"
ligtj-ear Qn December 4 she aas
euboeoaed ai a wUneas to appear be
fore Uu?jgamd j'lry, govjrnmnt in
Iwi jijejAUine boooming cognizant of
V.m tactg.throuh I nter and others.
v nea irs. .jciMuiey reacneo
she agcrtaiuifd that her hushand had
gone, to Portland and hurried hither
jgyjljagte x)ecting to find him in
name. mdr faking .estahlialiment , I n -'-tea.l
she inpl... A. D. Puter, who as
sured her that he lud just le t Mr. Mc
Kinlcy, au4 tJiat be was very much in
the desh, ad in short had not been
eick at all.
. Tien or. cane trick
It then d.iwned upon the distracted
woman that she had tieen the victim of
a trick. Ra I pji Donahue, the Western
I'nion operator at -Hngene, is blamed by
Mckmley lor receiving such a message
for tni-ifirjittftiQTii wntir - that he must
h.ivv k-nou tta coatcota to have been
false, at'they .had been together only a
ebort time-previously.' ;
boon after filing on the timber claim
in '.'t south. 7 west Nellie t-iilltert mar
ried Klbert K. Brown, of Eugene and it
is said their honevmoon trip has con-
sumcd the eutirM-Utne since May I'M.
the date of their, wedding, they iii the
tneanwhtlBkbaviag visited several of the
Southern states, their itinerary iaetad
ing the St. Louie Jair, where they re
mained for a long time..
Mrs. Brown this morning refused
either to deny or affirm having sent tin
dispatch referred U. She said her ac
quaintance with Miss Ware was very
slight, hut admitted having known Mc
Kinley for some time. She hinted that
M'ibs Want might have done the tele
graphing and stated that her connection
with the ."11-7" ieople was merely for
mal in character. She said further that
Mr. Brown and herself had re-ponded
the broonis are placed and aahjaetod to
a strong current of air from a fan, which
dries the straw .juick'y and thoroughly.
In the haaaaMBt is located the dying
plant where the broom straw is all
given a unitorni color by leing run
through a large dviag vat. the straw !
i ig moved by means of an elevator.
Kvery broom sfter baiag; ecamalatad is
carefully .-itfhel, the quality of the
straw and Weight raaolatiBg the gtade
of which there are four, the first trade
oeing neat y la'lei. "I ride of the
Wesi" ; the second, "American ti-ieen"
third, "Liherty" ; fourth. "Hwlaj. The
here, and I - will do all in his power to
encourage the planting of broom straw,
and is sati-th-d that it can easilv be
made a very remuneratively industry
He -ays tbe straw in Iwles commands as
much as t'-. cents per pound.
Very few of the people of Kowbnrg
realize the extent and importance of
this new manufacturing industry which
ha just leen established in this city,
audit will ln-a revelation to many of
oureitui-ns as well as those of other
parts of the county to visit the factorv
and wituea the manufacture of the
splendid hV-seburg broom, this being
the Unrest factory of its kind ltweeu
latwU are ail lithographed and give th-
broom a tine finish, the tonal if not IVrt'an 1 and San '
superior of any in the muket in not The local sash and d.r factory i
only this, but every other particular. making arrangements to turn out th
1 fits plant has a capacity of.aidi-Zeii hnorn handles for the Rose
bnsms er day. but is at present leii g factorv.
.urg hroom
List of Jurors Drawn for the Circuit Court for the
Year Nineteen Hundred and Five
CountT Clerk 7. Agee has sub- j Crow, Ray C Brow n. John R McKinnev
mitted hi apnual report to the Secre
tarvof Slate at Salem showiui, in item
ized form, theexpenses of I'ouglas coun
ty for the year 190t, exclusive of monies
exnendeil for improvements of roads.
operation of ferries atnl maintenance of
schools. The total sum expended on
roads and ferries in the county during
1904 was tl0.a107; on schools, $:(4,-
iiOS 55, which does not include the
school monev received from the state or
the amounts raised in several county
districts hy special levy.
Clerk Agee's report follows:
Statement of expenses of Douglas
county, Oregon, for the vear 1904, pre
pared in compliance with the provisions
b1 Section l.ofan Act to prescribe the
method in which the state taxes shall
apportioned, etc, approved February 27,
1901 :
County Court and Cotnmis-
sinmrs 1.199 55
Circuit Court 3.ti:tfl 05
Justices' Court 1,197.10
Sheriff s nflice
Clerk's office
Treasurer's oflice
Coroner's oflice
School Superintendent's ollice
Stock Inspector
Asssor's oflice
Assi-ssment and Collection of
Tax Relrnte
Current Kxiensee
Courthouse Kxpenses
Poor, Care of
Indigent Soldiers
Insane .....
Reform School Commitments.
to the summons to annear before the
grand jury this morning and that His-! k'ection Kxpense
trict Attorney Heuev had iriven thein i bridge
the option of testifying or not, and that ' Bealp Bounty
they h.-id concluded to remain away.
Brown and his wife both slate in Total f41
unequivocal terms that they were prom-! n kors kohtiik year
ised imouuiily, aud that their names' T,, 200 BBctad ,1" ,)o
woiildnvt appear in any way". sha or ' county court at its recent session,
manner ih connection with the land from whi. h jurors will lie drawn for ser
frandkases if the would oroniise to 1 vice at the terms of circuit court during
friendly to the government.
1905, areas follows:
Lee Ive, C N Moody, Jeptha (ireen,
Dr. H. L. Studley tbe Osteopalbic James Bull, Sam A Brown, A C Kidd,
Physician cures acute and chronic '"adore K Rice, R S Brishin, John Uv-
distatses, corrects deformaties and ingston, Klmer (iazley, .lames A Haines,
removes toeign growths. Consult ion Ceorge K Quine, Peter Peterson, (iraf-
free. Phone or call for appolptmeuC ton W'orthington, King S Taylor, Ie
Oflice in Abraham building. ' tf Barker, II H Nichols, William N Moore
& fr J Thomas Harvey, H J Wilson, William
See the-Pittsburg Perfect Wire'fenc- Chamberlain, John R Kegles, W P Tot
ing at S. K. Sykes. Electric welded. ten, Frank Clements, M L Brown, H A
John tiillam, W H Kisher, Sylvester
Oaaabear, Finis Dillard, Otto Singleton,
Jack Honnell, W S Booth, O A Mattoon.
T B OrilBn, (ieorge Frazier. H N Cobb.
X T Jewett. William A Skidmore. 1- F
Patterson, tieorge W Kruse, I S K
Stick, J Turpin, II K Andru, P li Ku
hanks, K L Ixive, Thomas Q Han.mer
sly, Joel F Trscey, Joe Harvey. Frank
Brown. O C Sether, James M Craw ford.
M R Parks, Jos Boyle, W P Reed, W S
Johnson, James I. Cole, W II Carroll,
Ira B Howard, I A McCall, tieorge W
hort. t; S Lahev, Richard Moore, H D
Gravee, w w s.-ott. W B Urkins. Jas
Pe-ry, Morris Wela-r, Butler aVtterbacry
Henry Schreiik. P Swearingen, E C
Caddis, Enos Hodeon, J L Shamhrook,
Joha Wilson, J A Criggs, John Hclrick.
jr, M N Fnsley, A I. Butler, Kdward
Hancock, Robert Hunt, William IVar
dorf, William I. Prior, K K Emmitt, J I
Chapman, F I- Patterson. N Rice. B W
Strong, Adam Fisher, Roy McClellan,
Al Creaaoa, 8 C Flint, T J Hinkle, T X
9,di.wu Humphreys, Stillman Xottage. Harvey
3,000.00 1 Joaea John Hamlin, John Walkins, s
1 ,044.60 1 H Wilson, J 11 Safley, M R Parks. 1
fwi"W avi, .till
Whittaker, C A McXahb, J P McKay
A I. Black, Q W Grabbe, F H Appel
non, is. l West..; M Fletcher, T D
Weatherford, S F Caw field, W A Burr
a Ik II . . . . .
.i v ii awn, u A Mgnslness, S V tiass,
F B Waite, W H Co its, W A Simmons,
I DOorantt, Marion Ryan, William El-
lenlierg, J J Hedden, II Weatherlv, W
H Stark, Charles Beckley, Z 1, Dim
mick, James Starr, S I Evans, D R
Shambrook, F P Brown, W A Pearce,
Kalpo ferrell, Bert Holmes, Charles
Clements, I) C McWilliams, J Har
mon, Ralph Laaa, J B Morris, J O Xew
land, B F (iilhert, John Hall, J D
Strong, J G Rice, E I. Shepard, Perry E
Cornutt, W T Lady, Charles Austin, D
N Hsh, F J Conuing, E W Diller, E E
Wilson, W H Graham, R M Noah. Jas
ByrOn, Xorman Agee, Wm Qillaaa, T B
("annon. J C Aiken, Peter Balff, J G
LHeka, W J Gollop, J M Berdine, S S
Catching, E I'nderwood, F M Hopkins,
E E Rwltield, N P Jones, E J Living
ston, E J Crow, T B Johns, W H
Thompson, Harry Aubin, A S Bushnell,
Wm Buxton, Simon Caro, 1) Jackson,
John Xachter, S W Bayless, S II Knight,
George H Cutsforth, J W James, John
Jackson, J W Brown, William McCurdy
I) N Snyder, R B Dixon, R C Arnold, I
Winningham, J L Coon, William Irwin,
W H Olhvant, Win Perdue, C W Par-rott.
12 00
4,005 4S
an jo
34 49
L',14ti 29
L',041 95
1.011 M
78 50
22 30
:i,38 30
9,97t 05
and pondered ret airain from 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon till 6.
l!ut the Speaker declined to di
vulge how he had divided the pie un
til Monday, the afternoon whereof he
ha? promised to announce them to
the House. Thev are 41 in number-
some of three numbers each, others
of rive and one, that on irrigation of
President Kuykendall will announce
the distribution of committee pie in
the Si nate on the same day. The
committees in the upper chamber
number 2.
Who tilt Ctuiraus Will l
Of the committees on way and
means Farrar of Marioa will be chair
man in the Strate and Vawter of
Jackson in the House: on judiciary.
Rand ' if Baker in the Senate, and
Linthicum of Multnomah inthe House:
on revision of laws. Malarkey of
Multnomah in the Senate and Muir of
Multnomah in the House: on fisheries,
Tuttle of Clatsop in the Senate and
Mayger of Columbia in the House; on
assessment and tax3'.ion probably
Booth of Ine in the Senate: on raii
- inn o Marion in tiae Sen
ate; on roails and highways, probably
Hermann of Coos in the House.
When the legislators shall reas
semble at Salem Monday they will
find the bills which they introduced
last week, all printed and ready for
lawmaking. The number of bills in
troduced in the Senate last wee'v was
66 and in the House 91 Three bills
passed both houses one to extend
the time for filing tax levies with the
County Clerk this year from January
1 to February 1 : one to amend the
charter of Hillsboro. and the third"
authorize Clatsop county to collect a
special tax levy of 5 mills for a new
As yet only half a dozen of what
are deemed really important subject
of legislation have been touched by
the bills introduced.
Intrust lilB iBtrtaacce
The most important bills thus far
introduced are as follows:
Representative Cole For revised
irrigation code.
Rep vsentative Miles To protect
forests from fire.
Representative Steiner To cede
lake lands in Klamath county to the
1'nitod Suites.
Representative Settlemier To re
vise militia code so as to conform to
Dick law.
Representative Mayger To give
each county a Prosecuting Attorney.
Representative Kay To pay state
officers flat salaries.
Representative Capron To create
State Tax Commission.
Representative Hudson To raise
marriage license from to $6.
Senator Booth To create office of
Stat? Examine:.
Senator Smith To create County
Boards of Health.
Senator Whealdon To create
State Mineral Bureau.
Senator Coe To raise age of con
sent from 16 to IS years.
Senator Brownell - To call Consti
tutional Convention.
Senator Whealdon To appropri
ate money for Indian War veterans
of 1855.
Senator Sichel To provide wh ip-
ping post for wifebeaters.
Govcraer Will Vets Oat Bill.
One of the three bills passed last
week that authorizing extension of
time for filing tax levies will be ve
toed by the Governor with the ap
proval of the legislature. The relief
sought by the bill is in Grant and
Clatsop counties, where the law re
quiring levies to be certified to the
County Clerk by January 1 was not
complied with by certain school dis
tricts or municipalities. ' If the bill
should become a law, collection in
other counties would be delayed un
til past the rebate period, and the
tax collection system would be put
out of joint. Next week the Legis
lature will enact a new bill to apply
only to Grant and Clatsop counties.
years old when the wedding news was
made pub ic, there was considerable cu
riosity to see Mrs. Clark when the land
ed from the steamer. In the hope of
discouraging cariosity seekers, Mrs.
Clark remained on the steamer for over
and hour after the vessel tierthed. She
underestimate the lasting .(ualities of
those, who, while waiting, discussed the
question as to how society would receive
The senator and his wife will go to
Washington, where a mansion
opened. After the session of congress
the couple wilLagain go abroad.
The romanre of Senator Clark and
Miss Anna La Chapeile first became
known last year, when Senator Clark
be prepared for a great surprise before
he returned. He then gave out the
news of his having been married three
years before.
The senator first met Anna La Cha
peile 12 years ago, when she was scarce
ly 17 years of age. Her father went to
Butte from Montreal to improve his
health and fortune and died there, tear
ing his family penniless. On his death
bed he confided his children to the care
of the millionaire magnate.
Anna's musical talents were consider
able and she was sent first to the con
servatory in Boston and then abroad.
She grew into a radiantly beautiful wo
man of tbe French-Canadian type, pe
tite and graceful , with lustrous dark
eyes and a wealth of chestnut hair.
While studying in Paris she was mar
ried to her benefactor.
Tbe small daughter born to them first
saw the light of day in Senator Clark's
villa on the bay of Algiers, where the
honeymoon was spent. It is said that
will be iuj ci iiu.uuu Deiore see was a
week old. So great was the secrecy and
so magnificent tbe preparations for this
event that Algiers people are firmly con
vinced that Mrs. Clark is a morganatic
wife of a great king. A second child
was horn to Senator and Mrs. Clark last
sailed for Europe telling some friends to j year, bat it lived berelv an hoar.
For These Lands are Reserved.
The poor young rran who may be
honeetiy taking a wife and founding a '
home and rearing a family, what does
he need of public lands'
It is true his father may hare taken a
homestead or rieared a farm in the
timber in the east somewhere, may bare
endured the privation of having lived in
a sod i.onse on the prairie or in a log
cabin to get a home.
jACxsoxrtu-a, Or., Jan. 12. The ap
pointment of a general road master to
serve for one year under a stipulated
salary is an innovation in the handling
of Jackson county roads, made by the
county commissioners because they
think th nlA m.n s : ; :
The young man who has no bwnk ac- . , , T-
connt and no pad to get onto the public hlg bn tried , h
payrolls, may have some such idea, and rtrmte 1U utter fTT TTsMi T1 de
may be planning to get a home out of wiu mtenjW
the public domain, and rear his family .p, criticiam. .
as his father did. . , .
, , , of the roads of the coantr ut-
But he should get rid of that absurd totbMU fcar
notion of mak:ng a by becoming preeem Ume - - - in nGM 33
an honest producer, wi th merely a home- dUtricte, and
stead of his own He should under-; supervisor, of something like
tn.! tht lha nnViK- )..i. (... I ' ... '
. . r . -4C'"' law will be employed in the actual
speculative, the predatory class, the
public official who already fattens on the
taxpayer. For that class first. The i
rest of the public domain belongs to the '
syndicates and corporations. Salem
construction of the better roads.
Ctacas Issn.
Tbe remaining stock of doors, windows
S. C Bartrum. supervisor of the mouldings and other mill work of the
Southern Oregon Division of the forest late Rosebarg Lumber Co., has been
reserve, spent several deve in Lane ; turned over to the Flook & Dysinger Co.
county last week looking after reserve and will be sold at a bargain until dosed
oat. Here is a snap for boose builders
The Drag Store of Quality,
Near tie S. P. Depot. teettTg.
We have a supreme faith in the capacity of
our fellow men to respond to said dealing.
With this idea in mind, we ask you to give us
your patronage. We are anxious for you to
know all about our drug store the superiority
of our p escription r'epartment our stock of
highest grade drugs r.nd sundries, and our gen
eral business methods.
You are invited to make a critical inspection
of our Labaratory at any time, it is a nick,
a dingy den of cobwebs and mysteries.
We believe there is no pcnishment too se
RONS in good faith, that we have dispensed
drugs of merit, and that we will continue in our
earnest effort to serve you faithfully. We want
you to patronize us.
Nathan Fnllerton, Henry Richardson,
rtabllsbal i-w
Incorpormied 101
Capital Stock
vtos MMafla