The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 12, 1905, Image 4

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Evangelist W. 6. Harlow Stopped in
Tirade Against Catholic Church
by Indignant Young Lady
Albany, Or., Jan. 10. "It's a
It's lie and vou know it," was
lie ! I
statement hurled at Evangelist W. K.
Harlow by M as Minerva Party, of Al
bany, in response to an assertion lie
made regarding the Roman Catholic
Cbarch during a sermou at First Chris
tian Cburch, in this city, last night.
Eev. Harlow had been attacking the
Roman Catholic faith for several min
Btas, and after an especially strong as
sertion, Miaa Iarcy, who is a member
ef the local Catholic Chnrch, arose in
her eat in the middle of the church and
exclaimed :
"It's a lie! It's a lie and yon know
"I refnse to stay here any longer aad
have my feelings hurt," she added. and
started for the door. "When she reached
the entrance site pansed, waiting for
the roang man who was her escort to
catch up with her, and turning toward
the minister, agaiu hurled defiance at
him saving :
"It's a lie and you can't prove it."
The large church was tilled with peo
ple and the scene created excite
meat. The evangelist met the state-
The High 5chool May be Done away
WithLandess Injunction Si its
and Nan Shively Case
Euokxk, Jan. 10. The Guard on Fri- Miss Shively, and tbe school hoard, not
day evening printed an account of the j to be pnrsuaded, appealed the conten
suit of Wm. Landrees against the Cot-; tion to the state superintendent The
taae Grora school directors seekine to , latter official reversed the decision of
T . .. , . I. . . . I
enjoin mem irom payingftne salaries oi
the three high school teachers. It ap
pears that this action is the outcome of
the famous Nan Shivelv case. A Cot-
tage Grofe correspondent writes as
fol- I
"Mini Nan Shively, one of the teach
ers of tbe Cottage Grove high school, is
the center of a fierce school fight here
which, if her attorneys are successful,
promises to demoralize the high school
system of the city and throw all pupils
above the eighth grade out of school.
"Some time ago Miss Shively was en
gaged Le teach one of the grades of the
high school, bat was nnable to furnish "If the attorneys for the plaintiff a t
the proper certificate and was therefore j successful in their contention it will
dismissed by the school board. Her mean the forced abandonment of the
cause was taken np by some of tbe hi. h school department for the time be
prominent citizens, among them being ing at least, and will be the source of
Mayor J. 8. Medley, and she was pur- i much trouble to the present lioard of
enaded to carry her case to the county : directors, who will be compelled at once
eaperintendent of schools, W. B. Dil- to take steps to organize the school ac
lain. Mr. Dillard, on consideration of cording to the provisions of the Oregon
the case, sustained the complaint of school law."
KcyKettdail is Chosen President
(CoHtinued from page one)
session, but without its objectionable
Far a New Caaary.
Burgess of Wasco is the author of
1 1 1 1 A A 1 J T
a bill to create the county of Jeffer
ioper nas a mm lor me proiec- Bashor of Mari(m
tioa of factory employes. There fa mnch 8peculation M to
Ib the interest of the sheepmen the personnel of the hquse commit
Steiner mtrodnced a biU authorizing tees, but facts will probably not be
the governor to employ special agents known for several days, j Vawter will
for tae tietection of crime in emerg- be chairman of the ways and means
ency cases. It is designed to sup-; committee, the most important place
press the wholesole destruction of at the speaker's disposal. It carries
stock, such as has occured in Lake with it the leadership on the floor of
and adjoining counties. j the house. Hermann will probably be
Smith of Josephine, Democrat, is on the same committee. Mayger of
the aathor of several bills designed to i Columbia will probably get the chair-
prevent corruption in politics
House bill 19 requires all candi
dates and political managers to file
with the county clerk a sworn state
ment of every contribution of $25 or
more, which they must also publish in
two papers in the same county which
are supporting the opposing candi
date. Violation of the act is made a
House bill No. 9 prohibits the giv
ing of passes or franking privilege to
any political committee, candidate or
onaae-nolder, and violation is punish
able by imprisonment of fromone to
five years, or a fine or $200 to
McLeod has a bill for the protec
tion: of salmon fishing.
Jagger is the aathor of a bill to
regulate the speed of automobiles on
country roads.
The usual resolutions for the inves
tigation of state offices and institu
tions by joint committees of the
bonne and senate were presented.
Bsssnrit 1 (rites is the Fair.
Ob a motion by Ritchie of Marion,
President Roosevelt was invited to
attend the Lewis and Clark Fair.
Snith ef Josephine, presented a
jeiat resolution commending the
president's action in the matter of
interstate freight rates and request
ing' Oregon congressmen to co-operate
in securing the enactment of
proper legislation.
tnent by saying that he pro n ho.! the
gospel as he saw it and belie ri d it, :unl
i that if there were any more pie -en! who
! disapproved so Strongly f his I n u ige
j or had their feelings hurt by hi- :i cr-
tions, they also could leave tin- .1 n ch.
Rev. Harlow, who is a wH k tiara
evangelist in the Christian I Lurch, has
; leen conducting revival set lilts here
the past week, and the Btee'.incs have
: been largely attended. In 1 1 e course of
the evening he attacked he lb man
; Catholic church in strong terms, tracing
( the principles and doctrines ot the
church from their origin in Bnrienl
Rome. He mwW satirically of the
homage paid to the pope, ai d a'leged
that Catholics bought forgivencs from
Bias. Among other things he initialed
that members of thnt faith wort-loped
the Virgin Mary rather than ti e Ci.rist.
' ami tinally asserted that Oath lies ntankt
j not live up to the i!ocirines dnd regala-
tions of their chnrch an 1 In- line Chris
tiana It was this lat assertion that ea le I
forththe sensational contradiction front
Miss Darcv.
. . . i
rroiessor uinara.
atiit; nin hi, v. i -ii i ' i a i ttl 1 1 1 1
circuit court asking for an injunc
tion against the board to restrain the
directors from paying certain of the
teachers who are em ploy etl in the) blab
er grades. It is the plan oi tbe attor
neys for Miss Shively to show that the
establishment of the high school grades
was not accordine to the bxw Drnririino
for such nrocednre and in this ana. in
abolish the upper grades and make
the directors personally responsible for
the wages claimed as due by M ss
A special committee ontthe employ
ment of clerks, Kay as the chairman,
recommended the appointment of
j stenographers as usual.
F. Jones of Coos, Benton Bower
man of Washington, Ethel Canfield of
Clackamas, Miss B. B. McCarthy, Mis
Carrie Quimb of MuUnomah; ML
Flo Hallock of Morrow, Miss Delia B.
iCrigler of Umatilla,
Miss Chlo E.
manship of fisheries.
The Boy on the Farm.
Have you got a boy? Does he get up
early, milk cowa, feed team, cattle and
pigs? Does he take the team and plow
or drag, or rake, or mow all day? What
are you doing for him? Do you give him
anything at all except hi- board and
clothes and a little schooling in winter?
What inducement do you offer him to
stay with you and help yon on the farm?
.Suppose that instead of enforcing your
legal claims to his services until he is of
age, and thus disguatioe, him with farm
life, and paviag the way toward an un
loved, neglected old age for yourself, you
do tbe fair thing by this boy. Give him
something for his own, let him be earn
ing and saving a little money. Don't
deny him tbe opportunity of an educa
tion if be desires one, for an ignorant
man is surely going to be placed at a
fearful disadvantage in the coming years ;
give him the best team and the best tools
to work with and encourage him by kind
appreciatioi. The reason so many boys
leave tbe farm disgusted is becanse they
are treated like little slaves by selfish,
avaracious parents. You can treat a boy
like a horse, or an ox, but the horse or
ox will not run off, and the boys can
and will, and we don't blame them.
Luke F. Knowlton, formerly 8. P.
telegrapher at Albany , has been trans
ferred to Roseburg to fill the position of
telegraph operator in the dispatcher's
office in this city. He will soon be
joined by his wife and they will take up
their residence in this city. He is a for
mer Cottage Grove boy an I an old
schoolmate oi the Plaindealer editor.
This State Leads the Woild in the
Prune Industry Benton has
Largest Dryer
Oregon leads the world today in the
cultivation of the Italian or Oregon
prune as it is now known in the market,
its Kuropean identity Brans lost in the
suKriority of the new world product.
sa s Alma A. Rogers in Sunset Maca-
zine. No where else is thi
to Mich pelfctioii as in tin
Iruit grown
mil. I, moist
climate of the Willamette. I .nisiiiu and
Rogue river valleys. It will not endare
the heats of lowei Intimitis, and in the
east its culture is proventtsl hy an insect
pest .
'I he Oregon prune is a rHstinH sad
pe.tiliar variety, differing oVridedly
from any otle-r moiiilier of the plant
familv. Its ditini:iiishini: cl.araiteris
ties is a suh aci.l which gives it a tar'
tl very agreeahle to the palate ami
of hi .-h medicinal virtue. Than is Bi
more wholesome art icle o' diet. I'lie-i:
isl.litul in it dilative pr. ter: it In
the class licati-iu uf hand clement- '.In
large e, portion of ; li j inn us indi
cate4 i: v ue as a '. rain i i .1.
I n in i.r l lie Oregon pru
vi.. et Ithae wit'i a lijfi t t.
is a IrtV sl.-lie w i h tie ti a
At er drying IBM9 on sal
gl -s.-y alack an.! the i leieV
is a dark
Hot in ! 1
iear el low
bee ancs a
i- a tleep aie
make a tic
ler. The lai Be vai it tie
eio is j-.v-s'i iii it rii'" tx cptioualqiiu!
iti. s ul t ie fruit n e dm- in large ajea -ure
to the proce-s of en i: -. .vhichisa.
eoaifHslml by line m - iaapraacd metli
Otis ol t v.i tea i. Ml, i.iiiiiiii; a "sptci.i:
treatment ilaaViins; fr in tliat of tut
The prunes liegin to riper the latter
part of SepteinUT, the h.: v st continu
ing thr ugh October. 1 1 pj are alicwetl
to r main on t e tres Bntil fully ma
ture.l. when they drop t,, ;he ground
Al er caielul gatl.erii.g, u. i-ted hy gem
tie shaking of the liiiii;hs. thev are put
through a modern graiti: g machine
which feparates them into unifo-n.
sizes, thereby h o-tenii x: lite dryin:, and
also freeing them frosa twi. and leaves
Next thev are dipped into a hot water
bath to and Batten the skin,
then spread it H.n trays aid placed in
i ovens where hy mean" uf steam pipes
! currents of hot air in rapi I circulation
i are driven through the fruit. The fruit
emerges from the proce-s soft and pita
. ble, yet with sufficient m estate re
' moved to insure its keeping njaililiisj
The largest prune orchard in r-;i ; .
an 1 the largest prime evaorator in the
aoHd is l-ated in Betttou omty, about
! fice miles from Corvallis The average
Die mties trorn t.-or.a::is
. .
hen run-
sji g nil rapari r is a' . r 20M posja i-
To Litth Maid of Tokio.
; Little maid of Toki.i,
Tell us truly, is it so?
I Does the verb' to civiliz-"
' a "P"" l"
u r e e.-7
I IV) you share your iTtitlit r'.- zeal'.'
j Do you like ambition feel .'
I While tbe world, from sun 10 sam,
; Talks of a bat Japan ha- anste?
Are you your part glad 10 play?
j Would you, if van had tour way?
; Think what civiiatinn means,
j Ere it subtly intervenes
Twixt your peace of mm. I and ynti.
It, my tlear, ou only knew.
You would let the whole tbinz go.
Little maid of Tnkio.
Little maid of Tnki .
Pinioned fast in Fashion's throe
Would you !e if tavttiaed
Robes your Kastrm las'.e devised.
Cut and pattern plan mi all
Into quick disu-e would fall.
I huugh they suited ttst ymir style
Kach would loee its place, the otle
You to be the slave would grow
Of Paris modes and Western rhow,
Kuffs and tucks and frills an ! flare
And oh! they'd m.'ke you change yoaw
hair !
"Hitch your wagon to a star,"
But leave your fashions as they are,
pqtielch the dress reforming fue,
Little m mi ( V iki
A Preference in Plays.
I do not care for problem plats,
give me the kind of plav
In which the girl is just as pun
as are the flowers in May ;
The play in which in time of Beet)
the hero's right on deck.
And where the BeneBanag villain
gets it always in the n ck.
I love to hear the girl refuse the
villian's gold to take
And say that rage are royal dnds
when worn for virtue's sake;
I love to see her beau decline la
heed the rich man's beck.
And swat the villian with a club
athwart his ugly neck.
Oh not for me the fiallic f.irce,
the I (men fol-de rol,
Where man is hut a jac anapes,
and woman is a doll ;
I'll take tbe sturdy plot in which
the villlm tries to wreck
Tlie hero's life, and in the end just
gets it in the neck
The Mortgage Paid.
We ain't havin' many luxuries, like eity
folkees do,
We ain't weirin' all the lattKt ntyles an'
all our clothes ain't new ;
Of our honesty and goodnesfl wc ain't
makin' no parade,
But we're havin' all we want to eat an'
ot the mortgage paid.
We ain't pilin' up a fortune for the boya
to fight a lit nit
When our last day's work ia over an'
we're steppin' down an' out,
Bat it's good to have cuceeedetl in (he
effort that we made
For to keep things runnin' smoothly an'
to get the mortgage paid.
We have had our nhsf of tips m ,1
downs, aa other people do,
But we've tried to keep our spirits up
when things were looking hlne;
We'll be ready for the ending when the
game of life is played,
For we've raised the children beat we
knew and got the mortgage pa:d.
E. J. Carpenter Presents the Season
Scenic Sensation
A Little Outcast
A New and Original lelo-Drama
And Eight Oeorgeous Scenes
PRICES 35, 50, AND 75 CENTS.
Urtil the drain on v - f .--. : i.:
br?ith:n?machlr.erv :s a w nderful svstom of tuoes ar.d ce!!s. To hare g?od
I heilth it must be kcrt in gc i crier. A COLD is c;r:aiicred of no impor
tance, rat if :. by it's proper i I throat Inflammation."
cr "congestion of the lungi I be a?pre-
, c:v.e W m a c.J mal s I inca - se at Ballard's Hore-
hcund Syrup which will
LINIMENT anoliad to the threat ar.d
BMiara a norenouna syrup u
cc .Ph'.r.y. IT lb IMC UN lt
Mrs. Maud Ail-.n: Qol Katwalte, Ti.. write: I have uaed Ballanl'S
H.iretiouiiJ Byrapaad t.o 1 It the UIT mJtdn for croup, musbs sod
culda My cbi. irra u lt and lt la pleasant to take and quickly curaa. '
The ChUdren'a Favorite Remedy
Ballard Snow Liniment
Ar 1 M It Will help 10 BTMkf hl
ia .atA .. a. IJ trm more rMruiiu.
X Vf aa. W Sa
OmmJnm Parvfr (weatcrn edition of American
Aurlculturbtt ; la the b..i and aui mMiaal paper of lta kind.
ITip YFAR n h" tha OT"' accepted authority on
i Jit I utng aarVwillarwImtltaWaat, It sfta maintains
lta aupramacy ae the old rt Uablo In at 1 1 hat pertalna to farm
practice and thought. It la tba aaowt welcome publication to
rgnatlTe farmer, tn the Central Statea
it. i tti-x d-.n to the valuo of lit
In ipcJa! edltorfp.1 fi.tTireiind polti-y. Of no
in LQ avtuoiute reuabiutr ol lu zcjulius aud aVdvertiscntaODti,
at onctt, aabclow.are irim ua. aatt. -
Anaaicaa Hisnilll lllaist Yuaic Hook and Ai mahao
for lt. This treat work It a frii"-JU of PrasrwaS and
SvcLta In tbo Vt'hola World. A a.rkrt Oaide t Ct.mplcte
Alwaaaaj A Trtaaary of Bwttattaa Brfrirara Work on 1 -y
Suhfect Of Tlllirljr Ititer.-t rrrtalalaet.i AHallera, Cawaaraa.
PaUla atlalra. Uaavbitla, Uaeallea. Balfirlaa and I'mmaa.
It laaltoan AL3ASAC ef Ul -.ilat, w ,lhr, ArlrauBtlral Pttla.
lltau liar aaca atttato, tile, tteautrr rantuu tut
AAMPI F GiiPY fTfc0tai.aJ
JillJLiSLSlii. 10 ou ' r i. .iL-uua-
Our SPECIAL Offers
The Plaindealer and Orange Judd
Farmer Both One Ytar With Alma
nac for $2.35
- es disar tv. The r-.jman
Require Prompt Action. SNOW gives wonderful relief, while
ra - 3 v stop us v em paruaysrais 01
kuuun rttmtut 1 n 1 hill
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c, $L00
Every Bottle Caaraateed
Co., St. Louis, Mo.
The Field,
Del ry,
How to Buy
Mow tc Bed.
aud the tVcat.
It partly
central and
wricht It
aaadathla itmnal b
It wiU ktlp to tttaka It
aaitiHTaa and aarraa.
ForOld. Youne,
aia. avi.htii
Caen mouth.
tua oiuitia
a sat aiaorsea
Shcrift's Sale.
In Iha Circuit ourt uf IBS S.UI6 ul Oregon fur
iiougiitft Coantj .
i in, i k k awan )
riMintifr '
Julin w Bennett and f
Ellals-ll A Hi unelt
111" Will-, II. !. i. inlil-
I By villas of a w.ll uf execution iluljr laaned
.anl al ia4aaaartaesaatattai above aatMM
esail in Hie hIhim- entitles action, ti, aw di
rerU it im .int. l (ti
12th day ofDeeeaahet, lWM
in Fare
I Joint v
t Lyman K. Knitpii nml attain, i
11. a n il.n l Kllaheth A Bennett, hla
i wife, he Ike iim nf tlt'i OH. wltli Interent there
ea at las rat.- iii I p r seat r aaaaaa, beat the
Ttli aaj ul oi l. i' i--. Hat, anil the further tim of
H stioraera fc-j anl tae hnrtasf mm
afHaJt eutitii ami ,litnireint iita. anil the
eot ami anataaanBenai of ani uMn
tlim w n ; of rn eiitlon, i-iininianiliiiK.nic to make
, able nf the following ilm-rlbed premlw-a lowlt:
i'lie s' ,,f the SW. an i lots :t anil 4 of Hue i.
KS Wet el the Willamette invrMlan.
Tth ia
Ttl K It 1 -
ii ; I .'I litaerif ami nituateil In I) iml m !
"rrgne. etta-hrat sa leM el Ilea sa the I
at Jitiv, HM I
iberoftee. la aaanynaaea with the com
..I la lit r.t. lull on
SaU' ttejr
the 1 4 til day ol Jan. lyOs,
atone i il p. a, ,,( i i ,t, t t(lt. curt
oast itmt .t....r. la It wjliig, Beaehw Ceaaty,
Oranai actl at pm Ua aaartl n. mil.j.i-t pi at
oVnaHloa, lo th- lilKhut Mean, tor ;;nit.i
I Htalea Mid Kiia, e.h In haml. the shaee
deaeifl i real asvyerty, ami i the tUtht. tit:
ami n t.Tt-t the saU d, taaaaael hail therein nu
! the date ol Id nttartiment. Piwlt. the 7th
. .lay oi inly. Het.e'staee hsa had the rtn. to
- Bat ii writ uf eaeeattea, and all eseratas
. osahj
B. r. Met l.AI.I.EN.
i iii.iihiia Ceany Opaaoe
laerl it
In tli I 'ire nt '
'r Bet . it i mm
K. K. -i- oiihenn
irt i,l if, .
Ore. on
lee, l
D Tn. ti
111 th
i radaal j
i. K. Munieitb,
li.i- al ti named de
aaaae el the Slate d Oseeen: Xeaaat
hereb re .'lire-l 10 at ar and aniaicr the t.i.i
plainl ..( p.alatifl ti.e.1 a.nit tou 'n the above
entitle 1 court on or esteej Krlday. tbe X7th day
at laansry, Va&. at t u o'clock a tu. of Mid
-lay a d If too fail to an appear an I anawer
aid eeanalatot, ;- aintlfr will taie judgment
seataet yea tor the teH f demanded in aaid i-om-
plaint, tu-wit : K ir the mm nf t 7S alleged in '
aatd co nplaint to be due from defendant to
plaint: Ion a certain pn.mtiaory note made by
defenda'.t SB May IT. lAt. acd fur aeeH and
dlttiiir nnenti ol thli action, and will apply to
the court for an order of aale of real property of
leanntaat aereeefote in hta action ettteehed
to-wit Tbe tsjaj oi aaMaeB ". tp it i. r 1 . at
M . IhnhTtei County Oregon
Tb:p -umraon 1 publiabed In the "oaebnrg
Plaind- iter, a SsaU wtekiy ceaaaper pub
babedal atesibari! tu there laty an-l :ate afr
-; !. 1 1 -nler of H..n J. W Hamilton, Judge of
-a t i add a! Chamber al Roeeburg '
'n eea, ..n the 14:h day of December. 1AM Th- I
tret oilieation el Ut. ummooa ti of date1
Deteea et la. isx and the Ian publication of ;
aetejeaaery A. to making arena pu lira-1
UoaMi thereof , tor Ihe foQ ocehas ad ant ao ki
J t ruiXBhTTOX,
A. n. otrp T.
A tvorney for plaintiff.
In th- irrult Court of the
at la t'ounty
late of Oregon
Hani brtft-jfTetaor. r'.alntffl.
tire anil 1'arrte
rife, and M A Marie
To V Man.-, e'aire BBSBBl ilclendant:
' lo the i enseal tat ntani of Oren, ou art
heri t y raqnlrad ta at-iear anlaiiawertht-c.ini
.' ;.lai:.f.f I .-1 aeaint ou In the
aid e art and rwaee. aw ear aafeaa tns Bant jar
f Jani ary. Ml -id the daU prrerrtbrd by
Itnaesnrttnaneat er law ubi-.cailon of aatJ
' umnio: rental a;tarar ncd aiiawcr aai.l
alataU and If JOB tall ' apiar an! an
I war ea'd coeaplalat eaiea Bedaea aaM .law, f..r
aant. thervtf ti.- .'.alntiiT will apply to
uaan Ina v.lef demanded tn hie
leeanBtaiBI ahi. li le lor a dvrre trum
aaU eantt tvcc-t!tn( and telling
aatds th' c..nt.'..anee matte to you by de
en. !an; W illiaTt J Moore and t'arrie M.tore of
lsaM '- a '. '. ;een of Blx'k a. ..fry -. t
; f F..a::.i Southern A ldlttoa t Boaebarf . tre
in. a fiandahiBI. aald conreyaooe belns
a ' 'ii th. liih lay of lebrsary, 1, ant re
i lad i i Vi-'. t l Dt ana, pas la the office
I ef tnaCtaanty CteeB for fiouglae county. One-.-ii:
ar.-t :!:at all rt-al protH'tT be anld to nay
a..:-lic! h. rrti.fore ereured by i.ain--. '
aeaint aij dt-.'entant, Wiltlan J. Moore, and
tr ucli of er re lef aa to the court may eeem
Thl .uii-.T'i tt,. i. -.uMUtheJ once a week for
. a.- - i -uorrasive aeeka tr the ! a l. al-T
a wm: u..t aeweaanef pnUnatBi at Boee
bnrCt 11 - Baa. t-y or.ler of Hon. M P Tbompaon
''ounly Judt-o- iK.iiv.aa county. Oieeon. madt
an tne Bth Bay al P.-e. mber. 1901. The flmt
ul. licat. on ot thi. aummoaa la oa Dec . ISM.
anil the last will as .tn Jannary 19. tMi.
I-ato-'. :!v. Mh day of December. 1.M.
lit. II AN AN J, itHENlNtiKR,
and C lACKSOH,
Ailoyneya for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
rnli. t -lait-a land Office.
Koaettunr. Ore.. Nor. 1. 1M
Notice ia hereby ftren that lo eompllanea
with ti e proTlalena of the act of Concrete ol
June 171 at ..'.:, -.1 "An act for the aale of
- In the Staleeof California. Oregon
Set a. la a:;.'. aahlnfton Territory. " aeeztend
ad to all the public '.an J tiataa by act ot Anriut
I. law.
nf Aberdeen, coonty of Cbehalla,
Mala ..I M aatiinrtt.n. hat lata day filed in
this asset- Bis swans aaaaananfl No.6.'aVt the
pun-hav .tl th.-1 a-i4. tel di and UMI.of
aettaa Wo. 4 tn Innntailp No. a of repeal
and will otter proof tothow that the land aovf ht
la tut. re valuable for It Umber or alone lhaa
(or agricultural porpoees. and to eaubllth hla
claim 'e' :e the Kejuter and RaoalTar ol this
aftloa of Ruaabars, Oragoa.
..ii Krl tat . the lTth Bejel February 1V. He
uatnt - alim wiii: tieo Tomer. Warren
I Heat ty, David I Ma-tin and c. I LcvcngMttl,
ait i t itiw -i'iim. i rt-a'ni
Any and all peraom cialmine adve-aely the
abort dcecrlfa d lands are requeated to file their
tanas In liitofflce on or before tlie aatd nth
lay of Feb. IBbV J. T. BRI1XJES.
Nssp Re- liter.
Notice for Publication.
rutted Siatea Land Ofllce.
Roaet-nri. Orecon. Nov J 1M
Notice it heret y ri en that In compliance)
I with the pro rial una of the ans ot Conrc of
June s. '? a. entuht " An act for tha tale of
Umbel In ti e Matet of California, Oaanal
Nevada and aat.intiton Terrttory," aeaatend-e-t
- all the publte laud atatsa by act of Aug uct
: I. HBt
I I Aberdeen tstuuty of t'behalla, alate ot
BTaatalacBB M on kaaj 9 mN file in .hla ottl v
! hit i worn ataleaioal KaSSa3 for the t urvhaae s
ttu- 8n ' dctlaa Uf tewnanla i- a.tuth rana. Sw
and will offer proof tothow that the land aoufht
U mora, valuable lor lta timber or atone than
for agricultural purpoaoa, and ap ealattltah hla
claim batata the Kcjrltter and Bowrteor of UtH
office of Roaabnrg.Oiwaoa.
Oa Friday tha Sfth day ol February. lfXXi He
; naanrr as wltnovaea: A H Met'-ttam.n, B Krak
f sabarief and Qaanrs Uatcinan ol Koat bury,
tire.. J ihn Koticrv of Ulc Butte. Ore.
An? and a:l BSaaBBI t'laltnlns adversely the
I .leat-ritHsl landa are reqiteated to lie the r
claimit In this office on or before aaio '.'4th day
I of Feb 1. J. T. BK! tilths
dip Rexlvter.
Title (J ua ran tee & Loan Co.
D, li!,
Beoy. and Treaa
j tli e in :u Court House. Hare the only com I
BttBeaat ol ahatsaet hooka In Donglaa Ooun y
Vbtitrai'U and Certifloatea ol Title farnlahtdof
j nut; . land and mlnlns claims. Have
also a oomploto aet of Traetuga of all townthip
; pUta tn the Kosetnir, Oregon, D. 8. Land Dia '
trlct. Will mako blue print copies of any town
Grafting and Pruning by Experts.
Pruning hy the day or job, grafting S
ceii. guaranteed, one half down the
rest when the citing are growing, write
us Southern Ore., Nursery,
dlf-Sa Oaklmd.Ore
io Sti-
pvHPARTMENT Of t;ik is iKKlou. General
" Lead OaWea Wnhlagtan, D. C Ho
I, Hat Notice U here .y gieea thti on Oetoeet
'21, ltnit. the t' ting - turjr ,l tt.- Ititsttof re
afesal to f-tileiiient tlo- ajaaaVa 'anln :n ttn tol
lowing tii-serlbe'i an-an, ealea eetea at w art! j
wlihilrawn for fomtt ren r-. i- piiie,fes ; tin 1 that
lesdaaatatlaaasss restssstl to aattlsewa on
October at, I'.ui. ii beeesM aaMsel 'o satty,
anaejasnl aneett u at tier Balled Blaiea Ms
Met leard 'fH':e at tlaeslinrg eaoa . on Man h
l,M In Townahln fo-ty (I ) S .mh, Rainte
eat fs) West, Beet's aiawteta 'j; to thirty
i-), eae iui, aad asaneaa lalrty-twe 0jq
to thirw- la t ith letdeehre; I Teraaata
forty on--(iij Son h Baaas etxM (i West: ass
ilonn three faj mmi ten i) Ail Teanart i Uatrty
om ( :i) .-H.iuli. Kbm- ni-ie r.i) aTei ; lit Toait
sate teat) (ssj 'eeth Keage atae (ej ' t, 'ec
tlon une ( I ,, the r 1 1 eer i eetioii
eleven (II), the ev l. il: ,- m'.i, .-. t ,tiarter
nf S, etinii t lv.- (!.'). the aaelhl a-t q larter uf
thirteen (U), lastlaiii taeatf-atea ti.,
enat tamely slrrflB. tlnnesf hell ef flWtliaa tnlr
t -'ou ( N) and Section- ahlrty-hve (19) and;
Ihttt els ); tn Toweah etorty-oot (tt)aee a
Kaoge aluef) West, -i-iio u eae (I), tar U).
three ( ). an I Battisea '.i-n (P) P -:x esa (ht)t
bosh haeleatse; ah teMaaj Ihlilj lean I I
Bsath, Itauau ten (1-1 Wi-nt . Ia Toi.hip tni'ty-.
eefZaJ iiiiJi. lia-u-e tar.he (H) Heat, the
auutlii . iiiiiiarterof se i tliiiir.ini 'Jj, IBS aeotk
half nf teettee toe (to), Brettoai etWeea fii). the
eiuib bail a id aerthvoil ajeore f esetiea
taelveflj, tbe Mat taf i thrte.n
(laj, t - north nai I - i i - re:l en Hj
eaat aswoa I t, Boaai-to aiateea the seath
hull an t noittieaat ijiiarur of Si i ttoo teicnh
117, Bans aea twenty sej, i n-i j- ne -l ) i
BaneSj aeao fna thirty ( 2uj l)aad
lhiity-:aro -jj; In Too Ball 1 1 thirty tl l.t ( ,
Beana, aaaae taalra H) i. . - uaoasl
'jiiaru r ul Sretl hi hrobty-ter-i .1, iMeilh
halful lactlea tw. .b .- - - rtioti nsenv
Bj ssssra, p3X the saeteao I ) .a-: r .' ikettoa
thirit-tbr e-1) aie ih ate' Uf ol -S.-.-I1 .n
thirty ; nr ( :!): In tn.i! : .. i :. n.- )
sea h. i
the hagtl
4 a it-
. of eerl .
a est
te.v (I.) nTest, i etloo toer(4'
i of osetl -it rJ v .. ( .). t w eataeaat
-tion i. (-.) tea Si ii 'i f ','artt.-r
l (?) -,et an ehntt ;-). the atartfe
ti .ft:..u aeseatjl ..-i: wti --..--i-jBThOorii
(! that a rthtoaot aae-
nl:i. t vd ,i ). It- :i rli Ball of
U-Il ( 1 . ;
1 ter ol .- .-i
antatee teuiy (ayj, u 1 1 -.- a : ( r what
aesl preeaMy he trhea mrrejed, t. t one l)
to Hxteen ,:) inelusivr) of Sert on thirty (JO): '
In Tutanahtpfoity (to) u:-.-. Kaatie t'elre (1-)
West, tlie neat bal'. nr I. :- :.- : to fix teen
fl). intlu
Toa n .;
re. of r i :i n tiirnu-en ('.a : Id i
rty-nne (t'j aeath, Baasa tnelie
(HI atrat, Lata thtoa laattfoerH), the aoutit j
bait of the northwest .j'larte'. and the annih
half of ?-ecUon lseeh e r 101 fi . the weal
seat, or I at eae (ii to si i tae e tai, lateinsree, of'
Si-ction -nrvi-n ('). te n.iTih f a. ' a:. ! .'i'.hea- I
quarter of Sectlnn eUnt Uj ju:h half and :
nutlhae 'juarter o it:.,n and tbe
oret half, or Lou one 1) lo twelve (1-'. lnrln-
tve. ot See lion rubteej (1).' Al of "A itlamette '
Metrldlan, Oregon, er. A. Kii-Hia .it. Commia
aluner Appro el: E A. H'T. hourii.
R,-c-e?.M- ; He. Ir.ierio-
Notice of Publication.
t aitoi ?Ut.'J LAmd OaaaeSi
Kuiv-tuv. O Oct. U 19 I
Kn!otbl BBsti J - H PeStM T ' IVta
i flc" ihr r r- rro ". 1 hvmM
c.tti ,. m
shaT4v::i: ;Le
BvSH, for lott t I, U an.i It, . 10 J9 a r w.
matte t- i. bar.i-a Maw. uptta ar,ich ; rouf
a aul.ctitu.l at ttia ofBee on srp-mtrn
IAH. aaj aaape'letl ty reaaon at aai 1 ; B Seal a
hrarirr la hrty orlrn i The mtarra!
chararirr ol the ami if ai tr, ! br ; - :.u
anu an ' It :a lor the pnrpnae of detemicina
th charaiter te tracu lacraaai in aat4
entry th! t:
) The teatir
the Rea-itt.
Man b .v. B
IBS aa. ' I.:,
a 1 port ol ft.
:ni bad.
.:. th. hi. : : eta,ttT. - -e
anl Kr-r u r nf ihi. e n'
a 10 .'ci. ck. a. m tbe pn tan
h. rehy tus m- ued t asacaral
ml t off.- tfti: .o:i in
. ' e-- 'if- claim
J a. ROiTH.
N 4 ice foi PnbHcatinn.
I i. iralBattn lae-iiei-!:.-
'.t - --k. t 1 . . i
Notice it '-e.y itan taea In aanfCfeaaaa
with the :-r .;. IBS act of r ta of
June 5 r-. ., : r. a ; I r IB ai of
Umber lantlt m r Maf. - .'. ---a e -a
Nevada ac Wash . a . v
ad le a'.'. Iha put tie Ian 1 stales by act of A .a-uat
a. UWi.
off Bo ebnrc. ccunty of Puenioa, sta'e oi '
orefn -a ih.. lay r.e. :r. hat
ewom tU'tint: i v.t t.;. nf the pirha- of I
the Hia ul sic a. Tp 27 . R : ,-t
and wit: -..-'er prtof leant a ha: the BM 1 jM
la mere aafua' V ' - it. Itaanaf r - '. a
for agrl ult j-al ; . ;. w. a. '. -- e-a ". .
BaaT nataeaaaa B'cltttt aatd Bnastiai ttua i
office ol Rtoebu-g trwx
on ruttalay the'ih dar o Ma-v"-. I ... H-.
namtaa. witiMaaea Be'natl aTjatTanasrner.
o C Ba or. Gwaa Bat- m . K e an Ure
(T"n. Bad La f Knae!..f Poet. Onaj -n
Any at-l a : eBMWatnf nsn i'-.--aiatre
d- a -r.Ni.1 :an-ta are reara :.. Bte th -tr
aunt in thi t ft. t t-n or fa a :
of Mar, h XtV J. T. HKIlaiK-. "
dJ9p k- . hast, i
ksi... v.uilict Rams for Sale.
We hate a li:ie lot if r un for sdleoiie
and two years eU ami a few four ear
old that are tliorotilitrei m:i?teret!.
thir rams are on tlie ranp all the ve..r,
are heavy ehearers oi fit,e wtx-1 and goo-l
rustler.-i. J. S. Hkkkin Sox,
tf Ashland, Ore.
Ck(d Boon. aiBdewi and Noaliiites.
The remaining to k atttnatB, isnlnni
Bassnnanaai aatd otBei null work of the!
late R.tseliurv LuiiiUt Osv, has been I
tumetl over to the Klixk m I'yfincer On.
BBnl will lv sold at a BBaanaa until e'.tM''l 1
oat. Here is a i,ap for In n?e hnilders
Forest Reserve Seri p
Soldiers''iofinl Scrip
Vlilitary Land Warrant
and other kinds of
. ..FOR SALE ...
li you wa-it Qol rn aant Timlt r
landt, Bat a t tie l'fitt;
land Scrip Wrife lor Prlc -a
H. PEALE Springfield. Mo.
your liver must be ria;ht. you
stoinaeh in a healthy eoMiUoa rukfj
your kidneys properly petfonniag
their ptvtiliar functions, or ur
botly wont stand the strain aj '
your brain won t be active. Ifyi
would luivea fsjaar h6:ul and kc .
perception, get a lxx of
Use thetti and se how much
more alive you will be.
They are a euro am! posit:. o
cure for all Disease, of the
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels, Headache, Indiges
tion, Nervousnes, Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Im
purities. For Sale By All Druggists
Oo. and 25c. per Box
Notice of Restoration of Public Lands
fitment and Entry.
Professional Cards.
it" K IB If. BltOWIi,
Uourt Beees
ti1 tHKBt'Bi, OKK
ih'j. K. H0CGK,
Phvsciaa St Surgeon.
f,ffl- e Kelew UK..
Phi ne. Mam ;1
mm b ii iin a aiel 9
To ejitione v..
ta a', -tte .
H. Cauason a J O. sataaa
luttontr1 s U LattH .
itn-.T ta I A
Ha ill 'I'll d.. t -t. '
Bu. neat i-elurt th" I" H tamtS ieh pa
afefna etaat bxlty
I f 1.1 : KTO
Att' I.a; .
O '
'a; onrtt
r--f or.
tn M irtu
y W BEt.'.JCJJ,
A it irnty-at-Law.
Kani B'ii! lin kOSKHCKii. OKE'iOR
). a. in oaaaaa
Attorn ys-at-Lat
M 1 and 2
lent HmMipg
c.hBi i:.. m:k',on
rJ AS E. Si.wyers
N .tary Pnliiic
Room i, L'psUirs. U-.alas Ob. P.k. Bid.
Kofi.'.ir. OreV'JI.
Notary I'ublic
Marsters Building
Of a Buy dancti t:on. Farms and Min
eral Iaiei. Oreon, Washington and
V lantSBVafB
H. Little,
3 -NT S T
A tract of Tit e to Deealed Land.
'aper prepared for niins on Govern
ment Land.
Blae !''nt of Township Maps show nf
ai warant Lands.
Vrliittit. Aftritetrr.
PIsMii ami I it. mates ;ur all BuiiJ
r'ial iesigns for Office i-ixturet
Mce in new Bank Buil.Jin;. 'Phone 415
Society Meetings.
F. A A- M. Laurel Lotijte So. ii
MllsV reifui'- nirtiii(a oa seccaan
ibd f :-l VVe.1.-iTj of eea-h
b. J. T. Bridges. BT. M
T. ) SkTT, Sei-rvtary.
r 0. E L K . Ro6ehnrii Lodge So.
SS6 Ucids regular ccnimonict
tiont at I O. O. F. Hall on ea-,r..t
and lonrtb Thursday? ol oeeb month.
Ail men-.S-r? rexjuited to attend racn-
:arW and all riaitii c r -rhere are eerjt
a'ly :PTite-l to attend.
F. h. Waiti, K. K
Koy nfcC L-tLUrt, Seeretarr.
O.N. ti , ase-re t A'm. r Hat! ..-...
rhnrstlav arari'.r.i, at 8 o'efock.
O. i. F Fill I ,1.1.-. v., d
Me ts in t,1.!.' Erltot. Tempie, o r
ner JackMi ana taee strntte. on
MtandBt ev-ninc ot each week Merc
bera o: Uke order in tk1 sianrlirg ar
vite,! io attend
J. C. Twr.caaui.. S. .
N. T JkWKTT. S.v..rv.
of P. Alpha Lott. No 47 Mt
-Terr Wrxt-t-tlAv :, I o O F
I l:i - .e.t -
'n.t m I ' ui. t! ; . r- r
I uiding ar- wilted tc attend
Mel fHttai-stttx. C. C.
Elmer Wimbeklv. K. of K. ci S.
LILAC CIKI IJC. No. 4t, W tea ..f
Vo.icrafi. Meets on "hid atnt 4th
Thnrsdavs of each mon'h a ttu I.
O. O. F. Hull. Vifititf mwiDhe- id
xi Kanattafl are lnvtett c a'tei
Minnie Jodbb. Unsiiliaa Keighbor.
BeU Morian. Secretary.
Beetand and Fourth Thurselavs.
OE. Rose crv Chapter Ko. S
Holds their recnlar meeting oc ths
firt and thW Thmsde-yp ic h
neatti Visiting mrinhere in etsxl
ftaacSnfl ar- reepecrfnllr invited to nV
. Mauvle Rast, W. M.
wtoatna Rast, Secretary.
Os i So, l-S. Mee-a al the Old
F rows Ball, :i Rost.hnrt. every
'i: ar-. :. ! ,i Men da ovectng. Vislt-
: oef Blerats "aelnnrie.
D P. KisHut. C. C.
J. Bn-H nan. Oierk.
J Reinbly No. 10a, meets second and
ioarah Satiirtlays of eae h month in
native Sons' hall. Yisitin-f members
a ill receive a cordial welcome.
A 0. Marstess, M. A.
Mntltlfl Jones, S,vretarv.
Siievial s.ilea by Steams A Chenowith
aklaiuland Yoncalla, White and other
sea ins machines l.t.0u and up; water
pipe; wire, plain and barbed ; cut and
wire naiis; the only jtnaritnteed black-
esalUi eoal ; two carloads Page woven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fem e
for s le. n3 u