! THE PEOPLES STORE I Extends New Years Greetings: 9 r g We have been more than pi ascd with the growing patronage extended L ns during the year just elosed :nd expect to merit even a larger patronage ( 0) during the ensuing year. If courteous treatment of patrons, superior quality m 0f go -ds and bed rook prices count for anything OUT store will continue to lead ) iu popularity in Roseburg. Wu-hiog each and every one of our patrons a W Happy nut Prosperous New te;u, we arc, yours for Jeneral Furnishings, January in ploaoant is Oregon's Hiaielo, as May. Groat Peter Nelson. ( Gradiner i trims. ni ing business in Roseburg. M ins Hand Catching, of R '"iry , visiting relatives in Kiddle. Ho. J. T. Bridges has retnraei heme from a Imiiiniwi visit to IVtrUaad. 'TWIXT LOVE AND MONEY' Set" the Pittsburg i ii at s. K. Bykee. Perfect Wire fenc Electric welded. Krel J. ttlak-ly is a Bteraber el the i thir.i house i'i tin- legislative assembly at Salem. ; THE PEOPLE'S STORE I. ABRAHAM, PROP. JACK ON STREET Mrs. L. s. Pengra left Wedoeadny morning for Junction t attead her dau ghter iu-'aw. who is o,aite ill. Attorney Dexter Rice aad Attorney .1. A Bachaaaa are in Salem on I n-i -ucsa liefure t ho Supreme Court. For the beat dental work at most rea oeeMe price, go to Dr. Btrange in the little brick oppoeiti Blocu'i hall THE ROSEBIRG HOUSE HOTEL HARVEY JONL'S. lYorrietor liest Dollar a day beUK in Rose, burg. Hoard by the week. Meals at all Hours New Brick. New Furnishings. Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. I 'opot Grounds .' .- .' . Told in Side Heads. Local and Personal. C w Shorn tea, of Portland, a Me-ia-law of Jadge W. K. Willis, was tran nctiag btninen in Roseburg TBeedey. Baffin i .-t Oakland Weil n-aday ri- ember ot Kosptjarg ami Reltekahs went to induct the joint iaetaJbV otlieersin that city Wed . The installation was i! ions of Or. .1 C Twit ti. M. ami Miss Marie '. Among the Beaeharg;- morning I 1 Xi,i Fellows Oakland t tion of the n aeaday even: under the di ehell. D. li Joawe, D l. ers in at :ei:; tace were H. O. Lewi Agee, Dr. Gregor, Mr Fisher and I did banquet and a grand Mr. Bad Mrs. . li. W. Diminick, '.. N. C. Twitchell, Win Mc 1). S. West. Mi Mae s- Marie Jones. A splen followed the installation nie is reported. The Piaindealer is a real news ai r ami is generally regarded as each. It is not an editor al nonentity, hut has convictions and opinions which it is not afraid to express, single headed and alone it called attention to Leae oonn ty'e laadgrabbaaj Kheree and adeotated action against the nioveiiient . A lib eral appropriation for the Drain Normal was also exclusively championed by this paper editorally, as is every matter of importance to the people. The I'laiudealer is indeed a newspaper, not a nondescript. F. G. Stewart, of this city, has ed the Soothern Oregon esnecy Pom Mutual I. if" Inreraece Company secur if the Attorney 1. I was in this citv heiiding up an tilendale. Ureorager, of Gleadale today II" says he is eiieai pracuee as G. P. Stewart, of Myrtle Point, has been engaged as bandmaster of the brass hand at Gardiner. The band pert- to reorganiee at once. Drama Presented by Local Talent Benenefit of the Roseburg Orchestra, was a Success. ex- Strange, dentist. Will Have know Henri Roseburi: 1 an from his White Pine Expectorant Tiii reliable Kxp'tora'e Cough Cure i hard to leat for the winter maeha. It ha? litii expei-torating and seilative qaalities. ihecks exces sive conshini yet promotes ex(-e-to-ration and therefore help- the re spiratory traet to throw ff any of fensive material. A fnll 4oz bottle tut 25c, HAMILTON DRUG CO. to Be Shown Those who liooth. Receiver of the 1 Otl'ue, who was removed ition Monday, at the in stance of Mr. lieney. who is investijjat inp tlie land frauds, will have to be 'shown'' before they will be rea ly to believe that gentleman guilty of any crraaaaal or .er unworthy cwnduct in the conduct : his otlice. Mr. Booth be longs to a fin i!y that I. as leeu reseted in Oragea lor a great many years, and one that has N-en worthy of respect and he hiu.si If has been a clean handed aeiit!i man a!em Statesmau. J. bag. P. Johnson, dentist. Grave' huiid- t!tf yooac peoplei missionary society M. K. rharch will meet at the 'Mr-. A t' Marsters this even- tag at 7 'it ''. All leag'iers are nrged to be present. r he of the home The new Kseburrf beinc well patronin-d bra factory i" Fortunately for the legislator a, did not go dry last fall. Attorney Howard BrowaeU, a son of the genial Senator DlOWuell, pastsl throaeh Rooehnrg Tneedav on Ids re 1 turn to Marah field from s visit at Ore gon City aad Portland. Geld crown and bridge quality by lr. Stranire. f hi Messrs W. H and Taylor l.; in town from l5riH-kw.iv Tin - lav. Volnev DixOW, I ne of the voting men of toe city, we- 1 yesterday to take a pili. reaeer department of t! pillar V.i , .nre ' pae Southern Pari fie. Eagefie ftegietnr Plaindcil-r Force tintertained. Frank H. li vers, business manager of the Piaindealer and his estiniihle wife, entertained the Piaiudealer for.e at supper in their cozy home near the high sclio.il WeinesKiay evening. After the sumptuous and appetizing repift the cve-iiiii: spevl all loo swiftly with music aud bunco, flinch and crockonole games, the company diban ling and returniag to their resective homes at a late hour, ail unanimous in their expressions of appreciation for the generous hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, who pr ived themstlves splendid entertainers That predicted hard winter is tak.ng a long time to get good and ready. Mrs. II O. Wilkinson let! Wedeeoday for Baaaiam, Washington to visit with relatives. The Bereaarg W O. T. U. will mco in the home of Mr-. Emma Monra Fri day a - XI p m Let n make a gil lievMiming for the new year by having a iare attendance. ec Representative Hermann went Ivack to his seat in Congress as if nothing h.i i happentsl. It is baider for a politican to get aa flea than i is for Heney to have him r n.oveil from it lr. H. I.. Studlcv the t hste-ipathic Phyafetaa curi acute and chronic diseases, inrrects deforniaties an! remove foreign gr.iwths. Consnltion bee Phone or call for appointment t trBce in Abrahaai heiiding tf Fireman G.C Farrell retaraed Twee . dav lifter a five weeks visit with his mother in Michigan. HOLIDAY CANDIES mm COMPARISON IS A TRUE TESTI IWWWIftrVWWWVW Our candies are the highest grade goods in town. Coaayexiwa Ls the "nly true test and the one we always win out '-n. When it comes to high grade and de licious goods we have no competitors. CANDY STORE ork on Ulks Tempte " he great eteel girders and rods for th Kits Temple in this city arriveil this week after a long delay which has caused a suspension of construction work on the building for the pat month or more Contractor Hunter will now get hi foree toether and prosecute the work with all vigor. N hose Is It A. B. Mutt, agent i-.r the N.tlional Art aud Crayon Co , of Chicagu, in receiving and delivering en larged pictures in this county, h -.s r -ceiveil a photograph and enlarge.! p r trait niinui the ucal address. On the back of the photo appears the name "Nancv Oliver," and the photo and cravon picture may be. secured hy call ing at the Piaindealer otlice. ti A Fine Ooen W inter The sight of a nasolene bicycle spinning down Koae burg's n ain street in midwinter was " jmeha of an unusual sight, but nev- i ertheless was an actual occurance Weil ncday Jan. 11, the street being c m paiallwilj free of mad. This sp -aks lldnaiie for Southern Oregon's winter raaaaaa. A little later in the day John R. Satherlin to 'k a spin in his automo bile. Oreat is balm v Oregon. The New Hospital Providence Hos pital i the name to be given to the new hospital eoon to be erected in Vat Roeeburg. Work will probably com mence oa the building by the end of February. Thoee who have generously promised donations are request-1 to give them as soon as possible. Wanted Partner. f500 will buy one half interest in the lest paying Furni ture and Housefurnishing store in Port land, or will sell out entirely for MH Have other biir-iness to attend to. Ad- J. V.. Sawyers, lawyer public. Otlice up stairs County P.ank Building. and notary in iMiirlas tf AHert Jo ies. a former S. P. engineer of this city, but now located at (iray Harbor. Washington, i' viiting he-e with his brother, engineer June. He M enroiite to Caliloraia for a short vacation. If Osteopathy was not the right way, why does it have such a following among the most intelligent peipie. W. P. Johnson, the enterpri-iin: Inm ' ter man of Rihuri; went to Myrtle : Creek Tuesday to look after hi:- saw mill i interests down there. He is rapidly : sto- king np his lumber yards in this city with various grades of fine lumber. Mrs. 1.. 1. McKenney. wife of the ed itor or the Myrtle Creek Mail, and Mrs F. Champine, of Myrtie Cre-k. were transacting huin-ss in Baaaaatg Mea day and f.ivorel the Piaindealer with a pleaiant call An Alabama man has teen sent t jail lor .w ilavs lie-ause tie Kisse. a cir after sh ) said "Please don't !" That judge must be either ignorant or nia i cious, or else he would know that when a girl says "please don't" a young n an has a right to suppose she means "please do." For Sale or Rent. -Nice new 5 cottage, lath etc, Waites addition, quire at this office. rofini In 4 tf ,lrHss Fi iiMTi RK Store, .WO, W. Isl ing ton St , Portland. Oregon. Strawberry Plants for Srde. Kxcei slor and Wilson strawlerry plants, 50 ceotH per hundred, or $2.50 per 1000 f. o b. AililreasJ.il. Youuce, Ditlard, Ore. Ml The funeral services over the remains of little I.ela Crow, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. H. A. Crow were held at Riddle Sunday. I'la was a Meet, bright child, loved hy young and old, and she will long lie held in loving memory hy the w hole Riddle community. Whisky and electric lights are said to be things of the past in Fossil. Why prohibition should bring atiout darkness is a puzzle unless it be that with the Caion Fncampment No ! otier were itis'alic) this week bv 0 .9 K Beicll B . C P.. .s follows: Chief Pa Patriarch. J. ('. Twitchell j I. S. k Buick, H. P. : l R. Ryer. S. W. : A S Orratt, 8cribe; Lea Wimberly, Treas. G. W. Stale v, J. w. The Baa .et r.taurant has alnadv ' gainel the reouiation of -erving only good whohooine meals and satisfying Itirche-. It is the place where yon! always get the worth of your money. , This reetearaat mak.-s a sciaity of i lae chicken dinners on Sunays. tf PWainl Curtain, who for some time pa-t ha lieen employed with the steam shovel at Rice Hill. i spending a few davs ia Ro-ebiirg vi-iting with his many friends, the steam shovel baviag suspen hsl operations temporarily The Piaindealer was f.iv r-1 with a pleasant rail to-lay. J. T. Bpaagb aa enterprising farmer, of Looking ihs favored the Plain dealer with a !' i-nt call ti-wlay while transacting inisiuess in town He is enthu-ia-tic gooil road advocate and an say that a in irkl impiwveejeat h txN-n ma 'e in th road bet WOO . Row burg and Looking Ola-s. He says he has not been i 'duck hunting" lately. The manv friends of Mrs. S. M Kelly will he entry to ham that she will le compelled to enter hospital again a on for treatment for rheumatism. It is planned for her to go to Portland Satur day to enter the hospital, Ir. J. C. Twitchell to itfi ouip.it her H that city from which place he will take his de- Qaite a large and entliusiastic audi ence greeted the local amateur t he.it ri eel company, which under the direc tions of the Rosel urg Orchestra pre Mated the splendid four act comedy drama entitled "Twixt Lore and Money," at the Roseburg Theater Mon day night. The cast was evenly balanced and the assignment of the various roles Were fortunate iu that they were sus tained by those eminently well equip ped and naturally qualified for their creditable interpretation. It se ms as if the role of each character had l-en especially written for his or her special dramatic characteristics for instance the comedy role of Jimnel llriggs, the fluent hotel promoter, was most admirably sustained hy hoy Bellows, while the part of leading man, Herbert Van Allen, a young man of wealth, in this dithcuit play, was very creditably and ably sus tained by Sid Steward. Major Wurring ton, the blind veteran and counselor at law. wa- m st effectively interpreted by Fred Steward, whose freeand easj U-ar-ing and calm deliberation, won for him just praise. M. . Wright, wa- bur dencl with two difficult roles, tir-t the gallant sea captain and lastly unc - and guardian of Herliert Van Allen, be be ing decidedly at home and appearing must cleverly in the latter role especial ly, while his stage scuttle aud ran play in the former character with Herbert j Van Allen his rival for ttie hand of i Lillian Broegh, was most true to life land the subject of much complimentary : com meat, Walter GagBOa, as Bill Cler.ch, a fish ermaa; fLf) Johnson, the bold, ld , rilliea, each proved clever characters. Seise Oemaadaoa, as the old fisherman Justice an-1 Miss Agnes I itchionl, a- liis seceatric wife, earli played g'ol comeily parts and received the hearty approval of the au lieine. Miss Five Mesaier, as Peggy, the maid, pro red herseif a charming little soutir.tte. and sustained IBM prominent and difficult role witli ail ihe vivacity, grace and ease of many similar characters ia the read compaaiai which have visited I: eebarg this season, she is partica arly adaptod to tlie soutirette characU r and aith ordinary advantages would tt-rtjinly distinguish herself in this par , ticuiar role. Miss iiertie Rast who sus tained the part of "leading lady," though not so well adapted to thai emo I tiooal role owing to her vivaci u- r ed mny disposition, nevertheless inter preted thedifacaft part ia a most ered- itahle manner and receive,! her fuli stiare of approbation As we sta'.r! in , the twgir.ning the cast was very evenly ' balaaced, and considering ttie ci-mpara-I lively short time for rehearsals, the piay J was meat creditably aud satisfactoraliy ' pneeated. k anther commendable feat ure "f the plav was the abse. ice of tire I some delays t-tween acts There was , something dofag every minute. Many creditable specialties wire in troilucii!, am .ng which was a cornet 10- I lo, "The Holy Citv" with orchestra ac i " leompaaimeat, by I. K Belfi'.s; negro I character sketch by IVe Matthews, who I for an eucore delighted the au 1 sacs wnli a i.iarac'enstic tmck and wing lai.ee The "Raiiroad Quartette, " con sisting ot Messrs. Xea'cbatid I arish in Corductor's uniform, and Forties and Boss as Fngineers. made I great hit and an-werevl hearlv encores. The affair added another ! right page in th records of i.ical dramatic events The door reteipts will te applies! on ti e pur .-t.a-'e ot new evening ilress suits I ir tlie lit In sg II members CLEAR-UP SALE In going over oar Boys' and Children's Clothing Stock, we found a great many odd suits, small lots and some which were slow to move. We have priced them as follows. Boys' Long Pants Suits AGE FIFTEEN TO TWENTY YKARH) These suits are assorted into two lots LOT ONK contains some all wool suits a few slightly shelf worn. Formerly sold for from $5.00 to $7.50. Now $3,50 LOT TWO. All wool heavy and light weight suits, excellent for every day or School suits, worth from $6.00 to $9.00. Little Boys' Knee Pants Suits i AGE FOL'R TO EIGHT YEARS) $2.00 to $2.25 Suits going for $1.50 2.50 " 3.00 " " " 2.00 3.50 " 4.00 " " " 2.50 4.50 " 5 00 " " " 3 & 3-50 Now $5.00 Boys' Knee Pants Suits 'AOE BIGHT TO SIXTEEN YEAR- $2.50 to $2.75 suits going for $1.50 3.00 " " " 2.00 3-50 " " " 2.25 4.00 '' 4.50 " " " 2.50 & 5.00 " 5.50 14 " " 3.50 & Special Ladies' Lace K Men's Heavy Brown Wool l uderwear or fl. " ttie suit. id Shoes' narrow and medium toes, 2.50 end $3.00 values, All sizes. Regulrtl.00 values for 70 oen a the garment sizes i1, to , while they last $1.50 JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE "A Little Outcast" E. J. Cari-uter's great production, "A Little outiast," which has been the great record breaker of the past two years has begun its third season in a blase of glory and w ill be seen at the Boeaberg theatre Thursday evening Jan. 12th. Not content with having reached the top notch of perfection in t. scenic way Mr Carpenter has gone a step far thee than H M' -.-. rs and lias III you want to buy a farm you want furnished rooms you want to buy a house yon want to rent a house you want to build a house you want to move a house PAf If too don't know Cal' on or addrees F F. Oostracter ud Biiider Reaeba g reOB. tSa W Ml ytw T I X ftovtyr NHaajayus ft 5" cttiiUae moot ei;eueivc cat iseen ;n n.eio-ilraniatic pr-iuctiun. the charactera are aeatly drawn, the dialogue is witty and the entire play passes tl to a r;ppimg accompaniment a igi.ter ar.d tea's. "A Little Out- ast the story ot a .ew lorx wall is a lay lot all clasee. it shows one how the r l live every scene is true to life, depietiBg the plaaearaa, misery and cm in ti.e crowitci sections ot -ew rk as we I as tt.at misery and grief lden iu the mansions of Millionaires Row . intoxicant gone, the good Fossilites will j partem tor we east so enjoy a visit wun ha aala tn fin, I O.oir : homo mil h.no ! relatives and friends as well as visit the aid of light, artifical or otherwise. OUR 1905 New Year's Greetings To all Our Friends And Customers A HAPPY NEW YEAR. The most satisfact ry and successful year in the history of our business has just closed. It hrs been a busy year and our s"ccess has been satisfactory. So it is fitting that we hould give ti anks to those who have given us success. We wish to assure you of our appreciation as no firm feels more appreciative than we do. Fot 1905 we offer you this: W e are going to try harder than ever before to mt Kl your trade. Wo are going to have a better and a larger stock to select from We will also asturc all that prices will be based 011 small mar-ins W e desire to make tins store a shopping home for all. Again wc thank one and al I t your liberal pat- i j-onage and if through error or omission we have ' wronged anyone to the amount of anything we sin cerely ask you to call aud let us know. Asking you tc keep in mind. RICE and RICE. THE HOUSE FURNISHERS 1 Mr. and Mrs I'. S. Flonrney were in I town from Flournoy valley Tuesday. They report the roads in better condi tion than usual at this season of the i year. Tliereissome talk of trying to secure a mail route through that valley, to tie supplied at Melrose or some other convenient point, they announced. Very choice fruit trees, all lending f I varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All guaranteed true to name and free from pests. F'or sale at very reasonable prices by Roseburg Nurseries, H. Behrotaa, Roseburg, Oregon tf Frances J. Heney, prosecutor in the Oregon land fraud cases, has returned to Portland from San F'raneisco to re eume the prosecntions He will tie as sisted by Oliver E l'agin, of Chicago, who will draw up the indictments. Sykes A: t'arroll have moved their plumbing al . i om ttie old I'look building 011 Maui street to No. 2111 Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. Fi Hands Cigar Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the plumbing and liaaiag line. Phone No ML 77t prominent medical institutions. Horace T. Jones, special agent of the general land otlice, who was stationed at Ros -burg last summer am! fall, has returned from the east where ho has Bsea enjoying a varath 11 after fifteen months c'ose application to business He informed ttie Piaindealer that he visited with interest the burned district in Baltimore in his absence as well asthe cities of Boston, Philadelphia, New York am! Waehiagtoa, returning to Oregon by way of New Orleans. Oalvaslon, over the southern railro id route. He leell aad looks much, invigorated by his en joyable vacation. A Generous Donation. The J. C5 Flook Company generously donated the loors and windows reqoired in the re construction of the residence of Lincoln Wright which was totally destroyed by fire lately. Many citizens of Roseburg also donated liberally to a fund to assist Mr. Wright to provide another house for his family which lost everything they pi awes I in the tire This action is cer ainly 1 1 1 t commendatory on the part of the Roseburg people. Canyonville. Mrs. Nickiice and daughter, ol Cali- Ofaia are visiting her mother. Mrs Nannie Harris. Roy Pardee is recovering from ai attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Blake, of Corvallis. a sister of ihe late B A. Stewart is visiti ig here Miss Marv Brown, who has tieeli qoito 91 with pneumonia, is improving Miss Betta Blackford, of Junction visiting her mother. Mrs. B A Stewart Joe Jackson has re. Otaed to G-IXeiM California, where he is am pony lid in the Dewey mine. Mrs Jaekaoa is visiting her mother, Mrs. B A. Stewart. Mrs Patrick O Shea is verv sick with rheumatism and heart trouble. Mr. B. A. Stewart died Jan. 1,1906 of conjestion of ttie lungs, resulting from attack of gripp. His age was -T wars, and he had been a resident of th: sec tion for many years, the Innen.. was held at the church Friday, and attended by a large concourse of friends. He leaves to 11 onrn him, a wife and several step-childri n, besides a brother R. S stewar'. residing here, and relations in other parts of the state. Amicus IN ALL STYLES SWELL TIES Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable gift, or one more appreciated for your gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie. wra CENT'S HATS Here is another Holiday Necessity for the well dressed gentleman. No matter how stylish the suit the appearance is not striking without an up-to-date hat. J.A. COBB JACKSON STREET.. Notice of Construction of Sewer. Notice ia hereby given that the city of i: reharg. Oregoa, has by ordinance de- ermine i to COaOtract a s-wer as follows : 'ommenciag at the south east corner of .k and Chadwica streets, running thence westerly along the south ftJe 01 1 .ik Street to connect w:th the sewer on lain tri-et. That W. S. Hamilton. F. W Hay nee ar.d J F. Barker were ap pointed as riewatl thereof, and have ri'ml their report recommending that the said sewer be constructed. That the said committee reports: That the following lots, and the own ers thereof, are direct lv henetited by the instruction of si! sewer: 1 iw ners lts Block Oeo. F'.. Boacb, B -1 Sol. Abraham restate. 4 -11 M. C. tiregorv, 5 41 Orraie Wuaea, 40 I'itv- of Roseburg. 5 40 That said committee further reports racoeamessarag that said sew er be con structed at the expense ol the property owners adjacent thereto, so directly l.enctitid thereby, according to the anmber of Iota owned by each person each lot to bear its proportion ment slmreof the expense of sail! construc tion. Bv order of the City Council made Pee. 15, P.V4. Pated this 5th day of January, iy06 B. L. .Marsters, Citv Recorder JUST ARRIVED NEW STOCK warn china WARE FIGS HONEY ALMONDS WALNUTS RASINS CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL : Anything you need for a Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat : J. F. BARKER CO. Phone 201 Something You should Know DIED. Roseburg Market The local market quotations today an as follows : Wheat 86 cents. Oats 45 of ,V cents. Barley 55 cents. Bay Loose, $10 : baled $12. Potatoes H4 cents per lb. Butter Dairy, 25c; creamery, 35 Figgs lit' cents er dozen. Cbjckaaa Mixed, Be per pound; eal 5c, dressed Deaf Owe 1 QSc ; steers, "J1 cents ; heifers, 'Jc Hogs Fat, 4 (i 4S1C live; dressed t. Pokti.ami Market The iiiotatious in the Portland market today are: Wheat. 87 cents ; oatn, $1 115 pet cental ; hay clover, flL'; timothy, $15 ; wool, valley 10 cents; hops, :tl cents; hogs, gross, 5c sheep, :t'...c gross ; licef, gross, 9 c ; veal He : egg". It'-'; butter, creamery, 30 ; dairy 14c; chickens, mixed. He lb. Notice III parties owning dogs are hereby notified that if they will pay to tlie city Marshal their dog license during the month of January they may have the same for l.00each All that he has to go and collect will be -, 50 each, by order of Roseburg City Council. Wea her Report. f. 8. Wkatiikr Bt RKvr OffBOB, RosKiifRii, Ore. Week ending 5 :p. m., Jan. 4, 1905. Maximum tempeTBtBfC 81 on the 'J9th Minimum temperature, .5S OB Jan. 1st Rainfall for the wivk, 4.51. Total rainfall since 1st of month, 0.01 Total lainfall from Sept. 1, lt4, to date, 14JJ8. Average lalafatl f'om Sept. 1 to date 15.13 Total deficiency from Sapt. t, BXM, to date, 0 30. Average nrecioitatioii for 27 wet sea- sonti, It is to your interest to reed and note carefully the rare opportunity of secur ing a fine piano or organ at Burr's Mu sic Honse. We have ordered a ne and complete stock of pianos and organs that will ar rive within the next few days and in or der to m ike room we are going to offer our present stock at the following low pricee and if you have been watching and waiting lor a bargain now is your chance. One grand square piano in first class condition and can be turned beck at any time within one year at full price. Only I 3 One upright Cornish piano, has been used about 2 years. Coee for $155 i tine new Colonial Hinse piano in a beautiful mahogany case for $240 tine handsome Bailey piano, bran BBW, only tine Jacob Doll piano in beautiful burl 1 walnut case. Large site $2S5 One of the famous Victor pianos in beaut if nl Mali, case will sell for $315 i One fine Kimball piano in quartered sawed oak. if taken before the first of the year will go for $315 Space will not permit us quoting other prices today but we have the largest music house in Oregon sooth of Port land and these low prices will prevail ea all goods until Jan. 10, ltJ6. Store open evenings. For particulars call, or write BCRR'S MUSIC BOUSE. Roseburg, Oregon. We are doing business at the old stand. If yon want to buy. sell or trade anything see - - - - A. D. BRADLEY THE SECOND HAND MAN A full stock of both new and sec ond hand Furniture, Tin and Granite ware. Cook Stoves and Heaters. Wanted, $1000 worth of second hand furniture. A fine stock of Harness, Whips, .lobes. Saddles and everything in the Harness line. My harness is all hand made and guaranteed. BRADLEY JACKSON ST-BtOOCETT'S OLD STAND ANYBODY 2! S ktWtuau. tfcmt Wj .feat .iu t WW I us. TWn t itaolaKiy m " ITKVIXI- Act lok rlh Stcm. Imm i - rbt, a to t iirk-iM w pwa.ly -3i ' No .0r. am. tM STBVKNS EIFLSS, PISTOLS AUD SHOTGTJNS ,icrta,t txall obbMstb tJaa waBaat Letter List. 33.57. Titos. GiaaOBi Observer. John Sims, after a short illness, i'i -d at the home of Freil Vorillmann, in , (Jardiner, Saturday afternoon, Dec 31 1004. Mr. Sims was born in Caas coun ty, Iowa, Dec. ti, 1378. Me had 1 1. on the coast three years, which were sp -nt in Gardiner, where he had won, by his kin Hy and genial nature aod uptight ness of character, very many friends. Uazette. NAPIER At the Oregon Soldiers' II me on Monday evening. Jan !, ltn:,, Wil i m Napier, aged 72 yoars TIim ili'i ease-1 wits formerly a member of Co, K, 2nd I . S. Heavy Artillery. He was admitted to the Home from Beppaer, Or., on June !, IW4. He had two daughters living in Heppner, who were present at the funeral which was held at the Home cemetery at 9:30 o'clock Wednusilay morning City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that all parties holding city warrants ondorsed prior to Feb. 23, 1903, are requested to present the same to the city treasurer for pay ment, as interest will cease thereon af ter the date of this notice. Dated Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 4, 1905 II. c. Blocbm, City Treasurer. assaapwassa, in all coumiii.- Pud,, Mrrt wea raraajwa -" m -m ... "'' raa , . , Ptr.t ind tntrlntttiwit mctic itj. w rll or com U' m au ninth Btrt. oep. CniwJ BBBi WASHINGTON, D C Remaining um-alled for at the Rose burg postoflice Boren Miss Viola Gray Mr K F Brines Mr Peter Hoty M H Bryant Mr I Hoo.er Mr Hans Cunningham Horbert Mr IX) aid Miss essie Cummius D W Munson M V. j Dodker Herman Rogers Mr C V PeBriae Newton Rowland Hugh B Rickets Mato Caatethui Gray OB Byrne A D ( Persons calling for these etten will ! please state the date on w hich they are 'advertised, Jan 9, 1904. ri... ill 1-1 elmi-i! lor at the , 1 1 v . " ' . r. rate of one cent each C. W. Pakks. FIKtAKMS 8TLVCNS Ask item tot ou wake hmJmK oa irtu It. b 7T TTii wiiii.ir " 1 ' ' Ttafeaaat fcmmiii.siliri JS"." iboakl proof jtwi B to tmm to apovMr ou o b.oors.1 tomsxt MM.nlta)wMltUliruiii. J. STEVENS ARMS A TOOL CO. P. O. Boa 092 C hlcopao Falls. Maaa.. U. S. A. I. B. Riddle's littledauglt'er, Dorothy, who has teen very ill is slowly improv ing at Riddle.