The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 12, 1905, Image 2

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Published Mondays a i Thursdds by
Telephone Main 27b. Office , Corn r M.tin and Oak Streets.
Entered in the Postoffiee at Rbseburg, Oregon, as second class mail matter in 1868.
W.C.CONNER. Editor. F. H. ROGERS. Manager. W. 1 . STRANGE, Foreman.
Semi-Weekly One Year, $2.00; Semi-Weekly Six Months,
Advertising rates, 50 cents per single column
Sl.OO, Cash
K'h per month. Locals. 5
in Advance
cents a line
Road Supervisors Named $500 for the Portland
Exposition Exhibit Tax Levy is
25 Mills.
Note.- The management of this paper will positively assume no responsibility for the utterances and state
ments of its correspondents or contributors. The editor endeavors to make no false statements whic h
wrongfully reflect upon the eharacterof any person offici y or rttherwiae, and be will eheerfnllv comet
any erroneous statement which perchance may appear in this piper, if the matter is called to his notice.
Roseburg needs more and larger pay
of 1905 should be largely to this end.
rolls. Th
work The Hague
gun works are
banal is still
(ring dav and
;hut down,
but the Krupp
Attar a prolci ni 1 bin important term
oi county ooort during irliich mam- mat
ters of grant import to tin- connty wan
acted ii in. the new pear'a nroainii na
brought to a doae lat" tuesday evening.
Below in itoudsad furiii appMH I '
1906 tax lew of 25 mid which w t ('i
ni 1- leea iliau the leey made by the
omul lat Near.
Naw York, Jan. it. Nan Patterson is
ill with tonsilitie. Stic received a reis
tered letter tMluv from Frederick Stan-
leyol Cortland, ttr., containing a 20
lokl piece ami a " yM piece for the
purpose of baying herself a New Year's
present. The writer esid Mi- Patter
Mn haw many hj mpathizera in the went
Miss Patterson gave the money to het
father with the request that fie pur
chafe something for her mother.
The year 1905 will have to step lively if
productive record of the year just closed.
it beats the Only rock-bed 1
I No mam tie peoj
an ter so far.
roads will do in iregon.
re complaining won Oregon s
War continues true to General Sherman's discript ion.
General Nogi, the victor at Port Arthur, lest all his sons
in assults during the siege.
Factional politics is not dead yet in the Republican
party of Orog w; as much as such politics deserves to
die and be forgotten.
Russia's only harbor in the Fast will be frozen up until
March. A return home is about the only thing that cuts
ice with the Baltic fleet.
P. W.W elej i.:.s sued the Plaindealer for (10,000 be
cause it refused to divulge the name of a correspondent
with who n V , h ; i a lilt through the press, whereup-
At the risk of being suspended by President Roosevelt on !" ' ' ' ' ' r plaintively asked if a me one will loan
bugene Register.
ludgt, Soldier!
Lifarai v
mii La
f B.7W
. 35. 70S
. 57,7.!" 00
. 1 J90 29
!" 00
em to do IS to have their ohiei-l nici.r-
porttod ia the propooo amend oacnt to
the charter of t tie City of Koacburg ami
the le. iflatnre couia tlien take decisive
ncli hi on the matter.
.IfKV list BBAWM
A lint of 900 MUMS from which jurors
will lie Selcctad for the tmBM of the cir
cuit court anting 1906 wan drawn up hy
the court.
no ao svpaavmon arrwisran.
In the mattel of sii'rvi-orr for the 51
road districts of the county, the follow
inn appointment!- wen- made for the
St I. or ik, Jan 10 Thrt e freight c ar
robhera me MMh-i a-rtttt in Kant St.
Louis They stole ihirty-one har ol
liver bullion vahie! at which
they sold In a junk lealer for $114,
Lbinking it was lead. The silver
destiaed for the Philadelphia mint.
148 7s-". 13
Amount of t x.ti'le proper
ty in DoOgjM I oui.ty, exclu
s ve .if City of Boaebarg 5.4to,771 00
Am oint M taxable proper
ti in City of Roseburg 610,700.00
upon the recommendation of Mr. Heney. we would like to
know if it would not be a good plan to investigate the investigators?
him (10,000 for few dan
A brother editor has bloomed forth in a little editorial
essay on "How to Live on Small Incomes." That's or.e
subject that the average newspaper man really
something about. t
It was ann once i ia a late iss le of tha Portland Tele
gram t' at Oregon Kattecai taardainea would be employ
ed abo ;i the Le is s I Clark fair gr o::ids to do guard
due . I: the fair thing is a ne and these men are select
ed fro.s: the wiri-ms companies ib.iut t.velve men will bt
required fr an each of the state militia companies.
The Czar has extended the liberty of the press in Rus
sia and hereafter crop and weather reports will not be
subject to censorship. Even the Czar has found out that
it don't pay to attempt to muzzle the press.
That type frequently beeeaaea fr-.-ikish was demon
strated ia th editoral announcement regarding the sale
of the tlen i i!e X ma in oar hat isue. We wrote "Mr
Hoaime, the ne.v pr iprie: r. is an exjerienced and capa-
i - - - - i . , ,
o t' newspaper man, out our type mite us say inexper
ience 1 " A thonsind apologies, Brother rToataae.
Now our friend, the Roseburg Plaindealer. Booth and
Bridges having been removed, will probably have some
more compliments for the Journal, says the Portland
Journal. He who laughs last, laughs best. Wait 'till
the investigation is over.
It was the great Colonel Watterson, editor of the Loa
isville Courier Journal, who stated, we believe, that "a
newspaper did not amount to a d unless it could precip
itate an occasional libel suit." He maintained that it
was better for a paper to miss its mark occasionally than
to let all of the boodlers and evil doers ply their nefari
ous professions unmolested and go scott free
The indictment of Mayor Williams of Portland upon
th. most flimsy pretext, one m giaringly absurd that the
district at: iraey a: once dismissed the ease, shows hou
rank a farce a .:;! jury can b ! with at half trying. To
satiate the spa" an i reaoni of a m itley gang is not the
high psTpose f r .vhi.-h the averaga grand jury is drawn.
Here i- the ir ny f fat ' exemplmed with a reageaaee.
The Piaiadealer nu geaewoaly, bat reluctantly consent
ed to Hew two acrappen space in the paper to air their
ifepcjttivo grievances. One fellow caBad the other a
jack;iss and then th thmr fellojr reciprocated by calling
his fries 1 a grafter. Now th '"iackass" an 1 'Vrrifter- 9
both mad at the Plaindealer for publishing their atnff sad
The fellow who gets hot under the collar and seeks t i ne rf . mmenced a $lu,0i) dam ige proceed-
rwnuav Anmn rr&a frr aimat riinrr f riot innr1iaT,t'nti- tstanswa I .
ig.v-o fek ,., - t ::s. .1T1.1 we simniLse t.h r..r f.,i!..,r
r-t n - a rr - v tvuvn n in
mad what is left. It looks hike a concocted chasse,
deep laid eonspira -y to '"graft" the Plaindealer. don't
into the newspaper uncomplimentary to him. usually baa
about the same experience as is related of the man who
tied the old cow's tail to his leg in order to facilitate
matters while milting. He said he had not been dragge I
more than two miles before he realized he had mad- a
or it?
"House Bill No. 104" about which there is i much
reference by the newspaper paragraphers in Oregon is not
a bill at all. It is the reference that used to be made to
Sacs the Plaindealer Jms b -en made the defendant in a
sio.tM i dam ige suit, it is recalled that a few of our es
teemed ooateap mriea have figured in like legal proceed
ngs recently. It has n t been long since J. G. Mack
tiled a like suit against th- Oregoaass and got nothing.
Later, the Grants Pssa Obaenrer was made defendant in a
damage oroceelinir for STtOOO hv R. n ffnm the i..t.
the business calling members of either house out to a hinrannl I si mi bi. i c i i
, .. . . , oeing awar.h-1 $l.W. Kecently the Salem Journal wa-
certain room where hquid refreshments were kept. They re,illir.. . $5000 damage suit filed by
said they were going out to consider "House Bill No. 104.' Salem's city marshal, that official getting? nothing We
That was in the long ago. when Oregon Legislatures predict that the Plaindealer wili come oat about the
mac nuuouui.,. mHC -u . u,u ujia same and that it will not be required to pay 1"
Ob no! damages.
l ot I "'.'M .47 1 .00
It naedacMad to apprvpt iatw $600 tie
aid ihdiajfhM, llm rwprasn of a thmg
lac County exhihit at the la-wiM ami
Claik fair ujon conlitiou that a like
amount, at leaM. wni rai?el ly poylat
sutiM-ription This actioi wa." taken
upon mpieat 'f the ftoMbniS O mmer
oial Cluh. nhieh aeurtnl the court thnt
it ooul I easily rai- its r qairad t-hare
tlie uppropriatioo.
rancaaaa ot aoan m kcuaant usLATan
The petition for the court to parchaM
thre-setsof load machinery aa laid
in the table in Selinilely. lu.fife rhomp
ui Mtaled tint IliM .! the only tlmu'
tha l-OOrt COakl do in view of the fact
thai oily a few of the road dia rictl iia i
vole I a levy arhich would defray the el-
penac of oparanaf toe machiaery in
th.-ir leaaoctira nethma: anl farther
for the rea.u that the n-lieut lit
trictacnatd not le.-a'ly make the BOOM
ary levy until January l'.Ki. It WMI
tlierefore deemed iiuwiiv and itij-ili-
uiachinery nhieh
he time during
MThea the people i
'axes to proaeca'e
:lie count v Ci.urt i
the aaaasag year,
ate tfie MOCtal roail
peramaawl rod aorV
, ill provide the ma
llliaiBJ. it is under-tooil.
BOAS ii!rrai-T pimrioN tb ki.
The patition "kiiu that tha corjMir. t
limits of Boaabnm lie ma le a H parate
road district waa a!i laid aide tor fu
ture consideration The court stated
that aoae of its naeoibsrf it in vor ol
granting the patittan. Ii i the opinion
hat the proper lliiu lot the petition-
Diat. Appoint' a Address
1 Frank Uorrail . Umpqua Fan)
I S W Turnell . I'eel
:t David lane Gardhwf
I J W Wroe (iardinei
' 5 ti Balder.-e . Sampson
, T W Andrews Kcottabnrf
7 K K Haines ElktOB
i I .IK LeUow ... Elkton
! Avon Smith Oakland
M A 11 Chan hill Millwood
I I K Von penl Chrrehtad
15 K C Arnold Looking lilars
13 J II Torter Ten Mile
M W B Wcllr tllalU
' lr It Hercher Brocfcway
16 C M MTilaon Camas Vallo)
17 hner Kiddle Kiddle
1S 6 W Wonnacolt Kiddle
lv A Jnrqaea Glendah
10 J W Spalding Drain
.'1 W H Lawreaea Oontstock
ISS Harvey Kichards ... Yoocalla
;':! John Bolder Yoocalla
i4 w K rbompaoa .Yoncalla
XS E J rritz Klkhead
A J hear Oakland
It? EH i'lnk-ton Oakland
!2S J I Chapman Wiihur
JV ti V Davis . . Wiihur
;:to Morria Wehher ... Rosebnry
I SI C Piatncli Day Creel
, SS W II Brawn B webur
'ISS J Mf llawull Dixonvilla
' 1 31 II Barker Oak Creek
'll II A Blnantay .... olide
. 30 John LtTingaton Pee;
S7 P Balif Boeahnnj
ji" LB Mynatt Bosehnrgl
Jlsj J McKean Baaehnnj
i 40 J t. Di. ks . Myrtle Creek
' i si T I. Brewer Myrtle Creo
' tJ N A Newton Myrtle Creek
11 J B Cook Cany na villa
44 D H Hank Pofdnel
Its BE MTUaoa tialaatrilte
ilaj II H Sichnb Ualaa
47 Ja- Short K ' org
' 4S John Strnder DisoirilM
I 4v i Giiatafaon . Sab
0 Sam Smith OafchwH
51 f Cain D-lh in
Aneiit the removal of Register Bridges
and Keceiver Bootli, of the K'leehnrg
land ofBce. the tiuard is reliahly inh.rm-
l that a well-known Eoaene citizen.
whose noma cannot ba diinigrd at the
present time, in tlated for one or the
other of the positions naads vacant
This man has all the palifh-ations for
either office. Kntene Uuard.
Now is flic time to sow worn field seeds. I have just
reeehed a large supply of Ai-yke. Red and White
Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard, Klue Grass, Etc.
i tows.
Rnffeln Fitts. Pan American. Spike, Sptiae and
Harr vs, nd Syracuse and Steel (.hilled
, &mm zrrz-- tvvr - ' -" '
Simmons. Webfoot, Chinook, E :ipe. U Hoo and
Pacific Coast pattern Saws; Ke-n Knttcr, U. S. A.
and h e ; X Axes . -' " " '
8. K.8YKE8
Portland. Jan 10. -The long drawn
out aar helween the finmhhm and
sheriff Word andsd totlay in the com
plete capitulation of the gamhlers
They entere.1 a p'.ea of guiity. pai 1 con
tsStod tines, withdrew damage sues and
.ikTVe up t he tight.
Democratic View of It.
The si Hi I aa jod
Mitchell was not so much of a surpr,-e.
bnt it will be surpri-ing if (hey are earn
ricted. The rrowd that lurne.1 state's
evidence- are guilty of perjury, both in
obtaining lan Is ai.d in their testimony
besom the grand jury. After they had
been ranvh tei, and hoping to efcapr
punishment, they pre ended to turn
"tate's evidence and implicated persons
of high standing. This U very poor evi
dence ti pou which to indict any one and
unless it is substantiated by evidence of
a trnst Worthy nature we do not thine
none will he onnicted Jefferson Ke
view , dem
We will p:iv the highest cash price for Hide?,
green or dry. Pelts .goat skills, furs. jr0n
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rabbet Koots fe shoes
Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
Drain Normal Notes.
Here's to the lying lips we meet,
For truthful lips are bores ;
Bat lying lipe are very sweet
When Tying close to yours !
Fear not unjust ridicule.
Bet he won't get ten cents.
Fay debts promptly better still, pay
as yon go.
Cultivate a love for home and strive
to beautify it.
Newberg Methodist? and Baptists ate
a New Year's dinner together.
Going visiting is like borrowing from
yonr neighbors yon have to pay liack.
Which would be wiser for a man past
fifty to do marry a trained nurse or a
good cook?
Some suspicion will bang around
those soft drink saloons, says one of the
wise guys.
If a secret is kept a secret this is one
sign that it was not considered impor
tant enough to tell.
One thing about an idle woman she
does not stand on the street and bore
people with her "views."
An Orange, N. J, man has invented
asbestos clothing. There's nothing like
preparing for the future.
Toe modern meaning of a good time
is about (10 worth of headache and
about 30 cents in small change in the
Mr. Wool ley might form an alliance
with Mr. Penny packer of Pennsylvania.
He wants the press muzzled for publish
ing csVtoons.
If that no-hat fad could be extended
so as to include the women before Eas
ter a large number of married men
would adopt it with enthusiasm.
If the Brother succeels in secur
ing that f 10,000 we will bet a moes agate
that "Taxpayer" wili sue him for a
"divvy," if he don't ' whack up."
During the year 1904 there were 1C7
marrirges performed in Linn county.
What will the harvest he? Brownsville
Times. Watch the divorce courts and
"Bill had a bill, board," says an ex
change. "Bill also had a board bill.
The board bill bored Bill so that Bill
old the bill hoard to pay his board bill.
So after Bill sold bis bill board to pay
his board bill, the board bill no longer
bored Bill." The Pick Cp man would
suggest in line with the tale of Bill's
board bill and Bill's bill board that if
Bill's bill board lor.-l Bill, as ranch as
Bill's board bill bored, why no- "board" j
Ml wdth board from Bill's bill board
and throw Bill's board bill and Bill's '
bill board overboard.
Certain young men of Atlanta, lie
longing to the "firrt famiiie-' of the
southern city having lieen caught in a '
raid on a gambling brothel, tha otiicers
suppressed names a-id linslil il the mat
ter n p. Thereupon a company of
young womt-n of tmad SOCtsJ standing
called on the sheriff, ps titrating rgahlSl
Railroad Notes.
I. H Bammitt, of Ensmm, the s. p.
fireman who lost a foot in a railroa d ac
cident sometime ago, is crossing palms
with Koanhnin, friends.
Condnetot s-am Watch, of the Albany
beat, mm hi Ashland Saturday am his
way to Son Francisco, on a iittle vaca
tion trip, says the Ashland Tidings.
Coodnetor Ed Tynan made his first
tlip Fridav. since recovering fr an
i..e nusmiig-up practice ami l-dared atia. k of pneumonia,
mat ww ami bcnt respactnoie gins at his home in this
Wr.- IT til .m! tlk ilttlMMAlUM
-l Both, the well known 8. P. train
thev might make no mistake ami 1 .
. . "I,-, - , . .. '"an. spent yesterday in Ashland
jiui'ir wim rui il i;iiii: ijh
.Sensible maidens, the e.
Soldiers' Home at Roseburg.
Commandant W. W. Klder, of the
Oregon Soldiers' Ham it K ,n !mrg,
has filed his sixth hii nnual report to
the governor of Oregou
part as follows i
"At the date of closing this report,
September ."10, V.KU, the records show a
membership of US in the aggregate.
The records of gains and losses from
SeptemlM-r :), lw:!, to theoorrespaaS
ing date of 1904, exhibits an actual gain
which kept him
Ha for ten days.
hi I
j among his manv friends, while r. turn
, ing from ii visit with his parents at
rresno, lal Mr. Both is running be-1
j twenw Pnrtlnnd and Kosehurg on pas-
senger trauie Sue. 15 and hi. Ashland
The mov.-nient started bv the West-
He reports in ern division of the Southern Pacific for
the advancement of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition through advert ising,
has been taken up by the affiliated lines
of the Southern Pacific system, and their
new litera ure, timecards and publica
tions are filled with prominent an
nouncements of the coming exiNieition.
The committee hy the Boss
burg Commercial Club to oontpils
and publish a pamphlet setting f .rth
accurately the resources, indllShil B. cii
mate and sail, as Well as the opporta
nities affor led in heigla" c Maty t
fiomaseekers and investor-, to ! iasnsd
for general ciccul iti m at tfie Lnwhl an 1
Clark fair, met at the call of the chair
man, Wm. L. fjooh, at the ollice of the
Cobb Reai Kstate Co , Jan 9 at 7 o'clock
p.m. and the following business was
transacted :
C. S. Jackson was elected secretary of
the meeting. Those present were Wm
Cobb, Al Creadon anil C. B Jackson
Absent, A. C Marsters an i F. B
The following committee- were ap
pointed to receive data.
School Systens. of the County V. B.
Religion- Sis ieties Rev. ti. H. Ben
netL Secret and Fraternal Societies B, W.
Sorling World, Han ting, Fishing, etc
Drs. W. S. Hamilton t,d lioo. W.
Public loHitotioi
C Marsters.
Man u fa -turing fn-titwtions
nities w C.Conner and !-
the ("oiintv-
Opp -rt n- i
U iinlier- i
C 'tnaie ciai Bnsiueas
Historical 1. S. K. Bwach.
Mine- and Mining C. B Jnehaoa.
Stm'kraising and opportunitie- 1
rinaann. F. B. Waite, 8 C. Hilhw, Fd
Fruits an I Saanll Fruits Mr. McCall,
Kay C. Brown, Hugf'es. Miles
gee and F. II Lennox.
Ganisa Prodocts 1. S. t"im. I rank i vont
Clements, Mr. Kerzertee
Hops. irams an I
i ras?es Kd Weav
er. Chaa Anderson. I. Bice, K Fate
Dairying W. B, Lamb, K. K. Lahrea,
hee Dillard.
I-Hiids: Farm Land
ami fl ruins Lands W,
Signalness, Oscar Kdwards, Walt
ilton, Al t'reason.
Compiling Commit le C. 8. Jackson,
F B. Hamiin. I'mf. Sanders.
Standing Qommittes W.I. Cobb, A.
C. Marsters, F. II. Waite. A. Dreasott, C.
S. Jackson.
School opened INemay
etenaed enrollment.
The reception giveu ly the Senicrs to
the Virtual department and Faculty oc
curred Saturday evening at theF.dwanls
Several new and novel forms of
ntertainment wen presented. After
ight refre-hments were served toasts
were PBSpOaded to in a very happy man-
ner by f xulty and students
The Xamz imian Literary Society will
ft bate the following question Friday
venmg: "Kesolveil that the I nited
-tales should acknowledge the inde
pendanes at tfie Philippines."
Lulu Wintfred, of Roseburg: Frank
Hill, of Wilbur; Myrtle Bayer, of Dil
Inrd, and Grade Iae, of Bngene, en
tcred school last week.
Hon. H. Sonneman addresscl the
Normal Tueslay of last week.
Kev. Wire conducted chapel ex rcises
Friday morning.
Prof Sigus has been unable, on ac-
of illness, to attend school for
some tinie.
TI e Prain Normal is in a het'er con
ilitran than ever before. Perfect har
mony exists !etween the members of the
faculty, and the faculty and students.
Timber I anda The poapei are realizing the urgent ne-
I.. Cohh, J A.lcessityof bringing every inriuence to
lear iion those who have the power to
saj whether or aot Draia Normal shall
ba e adequate appropriation. The stu
dent body is an earnest, respectful class
of JTOWng :-e. ; e.
of :ifi memliers, :;nd show an agrcga e lt this means the exnositinn will 1...
memliershlp Sept mtier :0, V.lQJ, of iii.
The gains for the 21 months were 101,
making a total gain of 200. The losses
were W, leaving VA'2 as of September 30,
1904. In this connection notice is di
rected to the significance of a small
number discharged because of violation
of the rules, being but five, and the Ioh
because of absence without leave being
but four This record showing i eery
creditable to the rh erector of member
ship, especially when compare! with
the number of discharged by request
and of course honorable, amounting to
33. The lostes hy dcatli were lti This
record of gains and loonta includes
mem tiers who were mustered into the
seivice of the l.'nited States, an I fur
whose maintenance the stale reenhri s
aid from the government, as well as the
Indian Jwar veterans, for w hose Basin
tenant e no government aid is receive I.
The Indian war veterans at the Home
September 30, MB, numb -red "( The
increase by aumis-i n ami re-adminis-sion
was 10. Leaem by reqeeet, dh
charges, abent without leave and death
number 10, having tie- same as . t
the beginning of the two years hereh
erti"ed in every town through which
the railway system pass; magazines and
periodi al.- read throughout the United
States, Canada, and Bnghnsd will have
ages devoted to I he exposition and the
adiulieaaaant will be general.
Death of Mrs. Pickett.
.Mrs Martha Malinda Pickett die 1 at
her i eme al Canyon vilie Tuesday, Jan.
10, 1906, of heart failure, having been
il only alx.ii' 18 minutes. She was the
widow of the late James Pickett, and
was 70 year- of age last August. She
w is a nativ I of I linois ami crossed the
plains with her family in 1H77 She was
the mother of nine children, seven of
whom are living, all U-itig residents of
lata, he funeral was held Wednesday.
Oregon Notes.
The Portland-Forest (irnve-Hillsboio
electric line may be eventually extended
up Gales Creek and over into Tillamook
Yamhill county has been leading the
world again. This time it is a snow
white pine squirrel that the county has
produced something that local natur
alists have never seen or heard of before.
Some barbarous man shot the pretty,
innocent thing ami imagine he did
something smart.
The Baker City Herald tells a queer
story of the modus operandi of a horse
thief of Baker City
a bunch of cheap cay uses, and when he
captures a valuable animal he kills one
of his cheap horses, cuts out a piece of
his skin bearing the brand, also removes
a like piece from the stolen horse, graftn
the other patch of skin in its place and
bo effaces proof of ownership. This may
be a substitute for a fish store.
C. : B II Lenox, recorder ; I I i Nichols,
Fin ; Mary Kan'z, receive! Kthel
Wtifht. V. : Minnie Lewi-, I IV ; usie
Lewis' S. W ;(i. L Wright, trustee 3
A O U W.-I II Bridges, P. M.
W,. ; W. F Morrow, M. W. ; ti. L
Wright, forem oi ; i ie Uc&a'l ind, 0 ;
tiu-t.iv Lau, ti ; V. H. Lent, recorder
l. S. West, Fin ; P. liene lick rciviver;
Fred Hunter 1 W : II T. MrOtaUna
O. V ; J. W. Strange, IrOSteC 3 years.
Mrs. Harford's Closing Meetings.
Kamboulllct Rams (or Sale.
We have a tine lot of rams for sale one
and two years old and a few four years
old that are thoroughbred registered.
Our rams are on the range all the year.
are heavy shearers of fine wool and good
rustlers. ! J. S. Hkbrin A So,
tf Ashland, Ore.
t heap Doors, Wisdows and Mouldings.
Joint Installation
Wolverton Chief Justice.
Salbm, Jen 10 Judge Charles E.
Wolverton today became Chief Justice
of 'he Supreme Court, by virtue of his
term of service, he being the next retir
ing Judge. Justice F. A. Moore he.omes
the junior Judge ami Justice Bean will
j become C'.iief Justice two years hence.
Roseburg lnlge No I A, A. (). U. W.,
and Mystic l.o Ige No 13, Degree of
Honor, field a joint installation of off
leer- at their hall in this city Honda)
evening. Officers of the Wot men
were installed under the direction of
J. W. Strange, D. D ti M , and those ol
the auxilliary by Mrs. Celia McClallen
Past Chief of Honor. The evening
closed with pleasant social session
The new officers installed are as follows:
D. of H Jogephine Risley, P. C. of
H ; Kil l Thompson, C. of H ; Bertha
Wright, L. of H ; Sadie Cannon, C. of
Monday afternoon Mrs. H. 1 Har-
He keeps on hand ford, national org.u of the W. C. T.
U. continued her work in We-t Kose
hurg by ss liking ill the Soldiers Home.
The men who so bravely defended our
country listened with great interest as
bhe spoke to thi in as the nife of an old
soldier, and how ihey could yet do brave
week lor their country by standing for
right and righteousness.
Ill the evening B huge audience as
sembled in 1 be tree MethodiM church
to listen to her earnest appeal for prohi
bition at d the responsibility ef the
chiistiiu voter Al thselOBSOl her ad
dress a Woman' Christian TemperSJMM
Union was organize I, with Mis. N. C.
ROOCO. president; Miss iMliarhide, Cor
8ec. ; Mrs. Lizzie Marsters, Rec. Sec ;
Mrs OtS Dashl, rreeS. Mrs. Harford is
holding meetings in (ileudaleat present.
The remaining Btoek of doom, windows
mouldings and other null work of the
late Roseburg Lumber Co., has been
turned over to the Flook A Dysinger Co
and will be sold at a bargain until closed
out. Here is a snap for house builders.
Frank K. Alley, the well known ah
tractor, returned home this morning
from a brief business visit to the state's
Physicians WOW say that th se who
sleep with their mouths closed have the
beet health. If you awake in the night
and find your mouth open, get up an 1
close it.
Dr. J. W. Strange, the well known
dentist was called to My t tie Creek and
Riddle this week to do some work for
out of town patrons.
is prepared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the very beet
quality. Teaa aad coffees sre
specialties. Your patronage
aanl bssSsbbbI A
t ao5 Jackson St., Kosehurg
A Few Holiday Hints
Stiitable Gifts for Ladies
Suitable Gifts for Gents
Suitable Gifts for Children
Finest m oi Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg
RkIS salzmavs
a tale of woe
m my m-i h iv to :il th t her their
ii i doe up at hew e. At no private
lanTirv i ir. y,.r. ge- the perf-etion ol
eoles ani the Ivanty r.f fini-h that
mikes oar e:b'i-hrnent famous, for
.ir lari ; e- art psrluiJ and up : iate.
and ve employ only experts, thst can
''' ev:'.-:i,-e - t:.-ir handicraft
aaktaaannaaha nanerb w-wk done at
T continue selling hardware
at a closer margin than and
other establishment ia Rose
burg by which we expect to
Imild up a still larger trade in
I905. Wishing all our cus
tomeis a happy and prosperous
New Year, we are, yours for
ll.'.reware A Farm Implements.
To Buy Bonds?
II 50. you want th.w that rmv
ttir tt antasnSs a kwrinew
11 pjs bettor SiTllI
than any tSMi Thf N-t p'.a.v
u itel a buiorw eJucation i
Garland Business College
ws hTe fWjfwaneilaBre
roWM in ahorihan.l In
ventigale : : : :
J B OAKLAND, I'liitipal
W. M. H00S0N & CO.
711 OAK STSttT
M A n,:
W 0 R
of aii ran a skbulti
WHOfiliS tiij 5EfBi; CM;"." Sv
Zir keep the iarest and
best assortment of Stop
and janejr Sroeertes, JfyesA
fruits and farm Produce
in the city, and can snppty
your wants at as cheap or
cheaper prices than can he
had anywhere.
Remember that we hoep
the SSest.
: Ranches aaii Timber
L iiiiJs with me.