The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 09, 1905, Image 1

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Roseburg, Oregon
Population. MOO Tte County Seat of Pougl
County. Oregon Soldiers Home: V. 8. land ottlre
aJid 1 S. W. alher Bureau art' Masai here. S P
railroa 1 division splendid edm-a' laaal artaaaaaajsa.
tiau-wav to the C Bay and OaaaMc country.
: Roseburg Piaindealer
Tfce aioet wM(- read aawajaaar pabllaae.l la
Hootbwn Oregon and rvxMaMaraHJy Oie aavradTar-
tlalDK rood loin. Larse. inoderalj cqalppad Jon
printing department In eooaer.tioa. Batabluhed
In 1MB Butacr pum, SJ per rear ior Heat-Weekly.
4 --
No 3
pimn Dealer.
Many of the Road Districts Wyre Ably Represented
and Resolutions Were Passed Regarding
the Purchase of Machinery
Btief mention was maIe in the lat-t of our county nu :- at the commencc
issue of the Plaindealer regarding tlie nient of tlie pn at state for road
assembly of Iouglas county road super-1 work. Sai.I aaacki ery to be of late t
visors at Roseburg for the avranae of ' approved type, r i d of medi-iin afar,
going before the county court in a body ' suitable to travel i ier billy ground,
to discuss general road matters. Resi e -fully Submitted,
The meeting was held in the court P S k BricK, Chairman
house late Thurs lav and interesting ad- I At heit Amah w See.
Mayor George H. Williams and
Chief of Police Charles 11. Hunt are
mger under indictment for mil-
asance in office. Both indictments
were dismissed by Judge- GeuTge late
Saturday afternoon on motion of
District Attorney Manning, who also
eked that the record show that
Mayor Williams is fully exonerated of
any offense charged in the indict
ment. The grand jury had just tiled its
final report and been discharged from
further attendance when Mr. Manning
requested the dismissal of the indictment.
Sharp Contests for President of Senate
and Speaker of House
dresses were made by Messrs. D S. K.
Buick, J. C. Fullerton. K. 15. Waite. Al
bert Abraham. J. A. Black, J.T.Spaugh
and others. The following resolutions
drafted by Mr. Ufa ahem end adopted
by the asseml !y, m re presented to the
county court, which stil have the mat
ter under advisement.
Good Roads Resolutions
To the Honorable, County Court of
Douglas county, Oregon.
Oentlemei: : The several road dis
tricts of Poiidas connty, represented by
delegates duly chosen therein, met at
Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 5th 11 o'clock
a. m. and respectfully n presented to
your Honorable Body that the following
resolution was unanimously adopted,
to-wit :
Wher. as, the prosperity of a county
depends largely npon i lie facilities for
getting uVe products of the farm la mar
ket; tlatgocd ,.ub'.ie roads are a neces
sity; a al that aier nearly a had cen
tury, with the txpenditure of time and
money in the effort to get good roads in
Douglas county, the system has proven
a failure and a waste of time and money.
Now therefore, !e it
Resolveo, that it is the coi census of
opinion of the tax-payers in veral
road districts represented, that it is the
imperative duty of the County Court to
purchase three sets of modern road ma
chinery, each set consisting of one rock
crusher, one roller and one traction en
gine to operate the same, with which to
commence the ermaneut improvement
rs of the petition
Among the
were :
District No. 3ft- .1 A Black, J J Hed
den, and B D ttotm 11.
District No. B- Robert Anlaiif and .1
M Kitchey.
District No. 12 K C Arnold, Peter
Jones and J. T. S?,ngh.
District No. 37-aI B K Buick, J C
Fullerton. Jos Mic :li, R C Brown and
Albert Abraham.
District No. 11 .1 W Dowell, C W
Hat held. K I Wo,. Imff and A. J. An
Other District?- V H Brown, 32; F
B Waite. 38; H B ker, :- : J V Wright
41 ; W B Clarke. 1 : W H Thompson, 1 ;
L O Mathews, lohn Dicks and T I.
Brewer, Myrtle Cr ek ; Abner Kiddle
Riddle: B F. Hain s. Eikton; J J Fleet,
Davs Creek.
Coost Coart Ordm.
Resignation of Vir. IVan as Justwe of
the Peace of Kiddle precinct accepted.
futility Mirveinr and viewers ordered
to locale taweaagh the premises of N. T.
Day, on the CaUpooia, as asked for in a
petition of T. W. Winniford and 29
others. '
Resignation of W. H. Devore as Jus,
tice of the Peace at Canyon ville accept
ed and W. K. Stock appointed to suc
ceed him.
Road branching from tlie Rofeburg
Fdenlower road and extending through
Riverside Addition and the lands of
John Preschern, ordered o;en.
Civil Engineer
Lately with the govern
ment geographical and
geologieal survey of Pra
t. South America . . .
. . U. S. Deputy . .
Mineral Surveyor
Office over Postoffii e.
rosf.buru, MtaaoH.
Correspondence solicited
The Place Where You Can Get Pare
Drugs and Chemicals
The Most Complete Line of
Druggists Sundries in Town
Prescriptions Filled by a Practical
Up -to-Date Pharmacist' . .
School Supplies a Specialty
F.cokvk, Jan. S. The Lane county
mills are all leginning to resume active
operations or are preparing for the same
and it is anticipated that in a few weeks
every mill in the county will In- playing
the dollar tune that makes good times
in the county.
Fisher Bros. Mill at MarcoU has se
cured a large tie contract, and started
up this week again, after a season of
idleness enforced by the dull towdition
of trie lumler market. This mill cuts
from 30,000 to 40,000 feet a day and ex
pecta to run steady from now on.
Hy land's mill nesr Wendling : as se
c tired large contract from New Mexico
ami Colorado, and will n sums opera
tions alout February 1st. 1 his mill has
a capacity of about 70,lK)0 h-et daily.
The Coburg mill is always reliable and
never shuts down except for necessary
repairs The Springfield mill is grind
ing away and baa just received a large
run i l log, but the !est news conies in
a report from Wendling that the B oth
Keliy Company ha overhauled and re
pair-1 that pirticuUr plant, expending
sever il Miousan I '. llar- upni the work.
This an assi-ane that the mill
will be placed in regular ope atinson.
It i state.! that at the Wendling mill
a :?s."ilar logging railway system will le
p o d in opera' : n. thus insuring that
mill's permaueut output in the future.
It is r-tated that the logging railway used
by the Blodgett Mill Company in Michi
gsn, which recently acquired c nsidera-
t e eiocK lai me do mm Keiiy company,
will I used in connection with the
Wendling mill.
( n the 2oth of this month the B. K.
L. G 's stockholilers will meet in Eu
gene and it is expected some impor taut
new will be given to the public.
The prosperity of tlie Iumtcring
camps means increased business activitv
in all line1. Guard
them before they should arrive at this
Vawter'f Terms.
It is understood that Vawter and
his following did not come into the
Mills camp until assurances had been
given that they would receive ample
recognition in the distribution of leg
islative honors. One of the reports
current is that Vawter is slated for
the chairmanship of the ways and
means committee, the most import
ant chairmanship at the speaker's dis
posal. Sonneman, another of the
Vawter contingent, has also been
promised an important chairman
ship. Schiller Hermann and others
who were originally aligned with
Vawter are to receive substantial
recognition when the committees are
made up.
He is Charged With Conspiracy Together With
Ex-State Land Agents L B. Geer
and W. H. Odell
Three Southern Oregon Men, W. I. Vawter, li. G.
Sonnemann and S. B. Hermann to be
Given Important Positions
Commencing toJ gas-eral inter
est in Oregon will be centered in the
ir.crvdings of the Oregon legislature
which assembled in biennial seb n
this morning at Salem. The gover
nor's mess:ige will prob.ibly I
seated andJreaJ ton rrow or aooj
M permment organization t8 effected,
a id one gratifying report in this con
nection to 1 louglas county is the well
aathenticated otitamwnt that the
C.overnor has changed his attitude
To create the office of fruit in
spec tor.
To create a mining bureau.
t tKc t Falls, Mont . Jan. -5. W. G.
Conrad, one of the tiest-known of Mon
tana millionaires, is involved in charges
of laud frauds in the information impart
ed to Secretary of the Inteiior Hitchcock,
accord'ng to messages received from
rVaahtrrgton last night Startling alle
gations of fraud, it is said, have been
made, to the effect that immense tract
of tun !er and agricultural land in Cas
cade and vlissoula Counties have been
To tax unpatented mines on output i taken up and patents secured through
Irau bilent mean', perjured
is alleged, being the most common
method whereby the friud was con-
Sai.m, Or,, Jan ". As the outcome
of an action in the State Circuit Court,
for this county in which W. B. Morse
secured judgment against W. B Odell
for a sum of monev which was paid
the latter to furnish mineral bate to the
plaintiff lor the selection of land in lien
of such "base," the state's title to which
"base" having failed, a similar action of
much greater magnitude has been filed
in the Circuit Court here. The plaintiff
in this case is George Summers, of
Prineville, and the defendants ex-Governor
T. T. Geer and ex-State Land
Agents L. B Geer an 1 W H. Odell. The
complaint embraces 2i separate claims
all assigned to the plaintiff, and jadg-
to recover iMa amount that snit is
brought. Kx- ov-mor Geer and ex
State !.and Agent L B. Geer are made
parties defendant upon the grom d of
alleged co conspiracy. M. E. Pogoe is
attorney for the plaintiffs.
T. T. &- j Statcacst.
"I t ave nothing- to aay more than I
have frequently said before on this sub
ject to the people of Oregon. All there
is to be said truthfully I explained in
my different messages to the Legislature
and since in the newspapers. The at
torney who has finally succeeded in find
ing a group of men who would consent
to accept his request to bring a anit
against General Odell that would name
instead of improvements.
To reform a legal ptoceedltt
collection of taxes.
To provide a meth'xi of assessment
of railroad property.
To regulate county boards of equal
ization. To change the method of assets-
Patents, it isch.irged, were
v :rr-i to large tracts of desert land
northweet of (.treat Falls, title to which
has been transferred to W. G. Conrad.
An immense territory ie included in the
tran-fer to Conrad, the lands being em
braced in a district irrigated by the Con
merit ia nakctet for in iVio trvfral anm rt
MMS tH4oi'hei,.,h.m t . ; m one of the defendants, has been
reimbursement asked and f 1000 the al
leged damages suffered. The ground
upon which the action is based is alleged
combined conspiracy on the part of the
defendants, through the furnishing of
inv.ilid base for lieu land selections, to
deli and the plaintiff of his money.
toward Normal schools and will real- ment of all lands and improved prop- i rd irrigating ditch, one of the largest
ly advocate their "liberal support.
Many bills will be introduce ! at this
session as usual am n; the principle
one being the foUoering:
B-lb to br Introduced.
To amend the Portland city char
ter. T submit t Portlanl voters the
question of bonds .for purchase of
part of I.ewis and Clark fair site for
a city park.
To establish a state hoard of pardons.
irrigating projects in the
I Bargains for all
Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 00
Swell line of Combination Cases
Ranging in Price from $15 to $28
Take a look at our Buffets
From $25.00 to $38.00. : : : :
Ai.banv. Or.. Jan. 5. One of the most
curing animal-' in existance is a crog
between a shepherd dg and a bear
which is owned by L. A Newton, a
fanners' telephone line solicitor in the
employ of the Pacific Ktates Company,
who is now making his headquarters at
Al'iany. Mr. Newton aeenred the ani
mal a short time ago from a man who
had just brought it across the mount
ains from kastero Oregon. The animal
was originally owned by some Indians
n the Warm Springs reservation in
Crook and Wasco counties, an I is sap
posed to be about : years old.
This I least has MM of the qualities
and characteristics of a dog and some of
a bear and its appearance clearlv indi
cates that it is a cross between these
two animals. The front part of the body
Is that of a shepherd dog, as are the
front legs. The hind legs and rear half
of the body are those of a bear. The
animal walks erect, like a dog, but has
the motion of a bear, the m iveaient of
its hind legs being exactly like those of
a hear. The most peculiar thing about
this tear-dog is its eyes. One eye is
white, the pupil constantly changing,
ami the other is dark brown. The hair
of the animal is very shaggy like that of
a bear.
The animal has many of the qualities
of a dog. It is completely domesticated,
and is devoted to its master. It likes
10 he petted and receive attentions, but
the attention of the animal itself cannot
be attracted as can that of the ordinary
log. The bear dog, which hears the
name of Deacon, is certainly one of the
most curious animals in existance. Mr.
Newton has already been offered $200
for the animal, but has refused to
with it.
To appropriate $90,000 for im- bills that will be unanimously sup-
provements at the state university. , ported by the Multnomah county delc-
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : : : :
Nkw York, Jan. 6. '"Atlo'tyy-Gen-e-al
Moody will tie requested to proceed
aptinst the Amalgamated Copper com
iuny, anil he will have plenty of evi
This anuo uncemaut startled the stock
market today.
Alter the opening there was a very
slight gain in strength on the heavy
buying, which is supposed to have come
from the System. lhiswasaot con
tlnued for any length of time, whei
there was an under current of weakness
and or ccs began to fall away.
The market was a hard one to down
but after several futile attempts to stem
the tide the downward fluctuations
came rather easy. This was continued
to near the closing, when nine recovery
was made.
. 'a
Ai cording to information presented to
U.e Interior I "epartruent. about a score
To make counties and municipali- of Um took up timber claims in Mis
tics responsible for depredations and i soula County, which in turn were turned
mob violence on sheep ranges. over to prominent Missoula cituens.
' about 12 of the latter being included in
Several important measures are . the f Urge o1 i Changes of whole
completed and ready to be introduced, j aale frauds near Libby, Flathead Coun
SOSM of them will be championed by i ty, are also made, it being alleged that
communities and sections of the state. ' the land companies have sw.ndied the
tiowrnmeut out ol gigantic tracts of
land. Dummy men and women, it is
said, have playnl a large part in the
frauds practiced, wealthy men of the
state having secured possession of large
tracts of mining iauds, carrying copper, and gold ores, by iraud.
Inspectors will be sent to Montana at
once to conduct a rigorous investigation,
which promises to be fruitful of some
sensational disclosures, which will rival
any of the land frauds heretofore dis
closed in the Northwest.
working it up for six months or more,
and it would no doubt have been
! brought sooner but that the Legislature
; is about to meet and it would, perhaps,
; bring him more notoriety at this time.
"Any of the charges in the complaint
I that seeks to connect me with any sort
I of conspiracy with General Odell to de-
Tbis snit, as was the former one be- ! fraud any one, in any manner, are ma
tween W. B. Morse and W. H. Odell, is licious lies, known to be such by the at
tbe ultimate result of the state's lieu torney who has promulgated them, and
land transactions during 1900, 11 and j wholry witboct foundation. It ie well
1902 by which over 73.000 acres of alleged J that the question has been placed in
mineral oase was adjudicated by Odell, ! shape to be thoroughly tried oat in
who claimed to have been acting in the court, however, for since so much has
capacity of agent for the state, all of I been said on the subject, first and hut,
which base the General Land Office large! v for political effect at first, bat
failed to approve on account of the
state's failure to establish its mineral
character. The consequence was tkat
while the purchasers of such base were
reimbursed by the state for the $1.25
paid the state per acre, they were out
from 75 cents to fl.'iO per acre paid to
Odell for furnishing the base, and it is
latterly perhaps at the sole instigation
of the attorney in the case as I would
hesitate to think so little of any other
man . I am glad it is to be brought to a
head without farther delay. Now is a
good time to show the animus of the
matter and the utter absence of any
foundation for is.' '
Portland members have one or two
I.-vh t'nrrjin. ife f th riivr-.y .if Imb. . r f..n. h.r v Was Mry !;-,
of Casaawa 1 luring wveral Jim' rcaaSaaaa in India alu- i. .mi.- ... ,..iing, popular bj
reaiton of her many effurta to better (lie coiidi'.ion of the women of that country.
PosrL&jra Nov. S Francis J. Heney
will be appointed tomorrow to the office
of U ailed Stales district attornev to fill
the vacancy caused by the removal of
, John A. Hall by President Roosevelt.
Mr. Heney 'a appointment, which is to
ue made at the instigation of Attorney
General Moody, is only temporary. An
Oregon man eventually will be chosen to
till the position.
Mr. Heney will coutinue in full charge
of the land fraud investigations as here
tofore. One of the reasons why he was
selected to succeed Mr Hall is to insure
the validity of all proceedings before the
federal grand jury in connection wtih
the land fraud cases. Attornev F. J.
Heney is a California democrat.
To regulate child labor.
To extend the juvenile court.
To place state officers on salaries
and turn fees into state treasury.
To modify the inheritance tax law.
To amend the game laws.
To restrict timber farm
For a constitutional amendment to
enable Oregon to co-operate with the
federal government in furthering ir
rigation projects.
To define a form of public acknowl
To fine the owner of a sheep-kill
ing dog.
To appropriate $S(KK) for the Ilaby
To provide certain fixed rules for
specifications for public improve
ments to be done by contract.
To increase the marriage license
fee in Oregon from $3 to $5.
To create a tax commission of three
to revise taxation laws.
To provide for appointment of a
state auditor.
To increase the number of terms of
the circuit court in Multnomah coun
ty to one each month, and to modify
the term of jury seryice.
To eliminate petty bribery from
primary election campaigns.
To make it felony for a man to live
f rom earnings of a disreputable wom
To aid in state or government own-
1 ership of Oregon City locks.
A Good New Year's Resolntiot
There are, of cour-e. many people in
this locality who are not. as vet, our
regular customers, but who must have
noticed from time to time the claims
we make as to the superiority of our
store and service. It would be a first
rate plan if you are not already trad
ing with us to try this store and see
whether or not we make our claims
goxl. It is to your interest to buy
where you can buy the bet. It is
your privilege to buy where you
please. Give us a trial.
Fullerton & Richardson
Near Bopot Resetarf , Ire.
gition. One of these is the measure
proposing changes in the city charter.
President and Speaker.
Very close is the race for Speaker
of the House between Mills, of Mult
nomah, anil Kay. of Marion so close
that up to an early hour this morning
it was nip and tuck between the con
testants with such an exhibition of
forces as made it impossible to de
termine who hail the nip and who the
tuck. The eight men whose affinity
is in doubt, and whose allegiance will
settle the contest are so equally
divided that the Speakership evident
ly hinges on two or three votes.
In the Senate a deadlock existed be
tween Kuykendall, of Lue, and Car
ter. of Jackson, since neither had
enough votes to nominate, without
aid from announcing their prefer
ence. The Kuykendall camp declared
that it had the nectssary IS votes as
sured and that it felt sure of 15, but
the Carter braves greeted that intel
ligence with sly winks and scoffs.
Three Hold Balance of Power.
The three men who hold the bal
ance of power - Hrownell, Croisan and
Hobson have had frequent confer
ences in the last few days. On their
trip to Portland the two Marion Sena
tors stopped at Oregon City, where
Hrownell has his home, and did not
meet Kuykendall, who had gone up
from Portland, presumably to see
Freight Rates Reduced.
Another important feature for the
inducement of settlers to come to th,
Pacific Northwest is set forth in the fol
lowing self-explanatory letter just sent
out to ail the station agents along the
s. P. K. R. lines in Oregon:
Portland, Ore., Jan. 1905.
I , kstlkm kn ! In order to assist in the
immigration work ol bringing settlers
into the Northwest, the Harriman lines
will redoes the rate on immigrant
moveables, carloads, from one dollar per
hundred pounds from Missouri River
common points to fifty cents per hun
dred pounds; or in other words, cut the
rate in two. This reluciion will apply
to all points on the Southern Pacific
Lines in Oregon Ashland and north, so
that our section of the country will have
the same advantage in working immi
gration from the East as any other sec
tion in the Northwest, as the same
colonist rates are applied from East to
Ashland as to Portland in all cases
This reduction will amount to one hun
dred dollars and over per car, and the
rate of fifty cents is an exceptionally
law rate, lieing lower than the present
rata on anv other commodity.
This action is taken because of the
fact that the low passenger rates on ac
count of the Lewis & Clark Exposition
the coming vear are expected to bring a
Urge number of people from tlie Middle
States and the East into this section,
ai.d the extra inducement of such a very
low rate on their household and person
al effects leavs no obstacle whatever in
the wav of their coining to our section
of the country to locate, so far as the
transportation part is concerned, anu u
now remains for our people to put forth
the attraction and inducements of the
country itself, in the wav of climate
sure crops, great possibilities for the
future, etc , to take full advantage of
r I,.. ,,,,. ,ri v offered bv the railroads
to settle up the country during this
coming year.
Yours truly,
W. E. Cohan.
Btablib! 1M
Inearpoaaled 11
Capital Stock
r. w. bissos.
a C.
Vtoe Preaiani.
r. W. BKJ-)N. R. a. BOOTH J. H. BOOTH,
To continue selling hardware
OF THE at a closer margin than and
NT A f olQer establishment in Rose-
Ull ur8 by- which we expect to
L f f build up a still larger trade in
Y . l95- Wishing all our cus-
L A 0 tcmiers a happy and prosperous
r 11 n New Year, we are, yours for
laa it I I Harewarefc Farm Implements.
want to buy a farm
want furnished rooms
want to buy a house
want to rent a house
want to build a house
want to move a house
If -"ia don't k iow PW
Ca! on or a h'r aa . .
F. pattern,