The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 29, 1904, Image 2

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    ft .
Published Mondays and Thursdays by
Telephone Main 276. Office, Cornr Main and Oak Streets.
Entered in the Postoffice at Roseburg, Oregon, as second class mail matter in 1868.
W. C. CONNER, Editor. F. H. ROGERS, Manager. W. D. STRANGE, Foreman.
The Plaindealer wishes its readers
a happy and prosperous New Year.
May each and every one of you be
blessed with health, happiness proF-
. J I L L
periiy, iortune ami kvovj men
throughout the coming year.
Semi-Weeklv Six Months, i.oo, Cash
Advertising rates, 50 cents per single column inch per month
in Advance.
Locals. 5 cents a lino.
Greetings of the Season from the Plaindealer
"It is never too late
you might have been."
to be whal
The land fraud case seems to have
developed into a great political fae
tional fight.
In the order of their probable
strength for president of the Oregon
senate it now seems to be Carter
Hrownell and Kuykendall.
Kven yet there is an occasional crus
ty, old fashioned, hard hearted father
who refuses to permit his son
amuse himself bv having his ribs
broken and his face trampled upon
for the delectation of a crowd
frenzied rooters in the crand stand
1904. far A. W. Fob
FKOBABLY few persons In the
crowds which surge through the
streets of city and village on
New Tear's eve, armed with
horns and rattles with which to add
to the din of stentorian voices, screech
log whistles and jangling bells on the
stroke of 12, know Just bow the exact
moment when the old year dies and
the new year Is born is determined, or
how, from the United States naval ob-:
erratory In Washington, the time sig-;
Dal la flashed to the four quarters of .
the globe, announcing to white, black,
brown and yellow men that It Is 12
o'clock and that the birth of another
terlous wheel causes the observatory '
roof to part from the center and reveal
a wide slice of sky studded with stars.
The astronomer reclines comfortably
in a big leather chair and glues his eye .
to the small end of the big tube. In 1
bis hand is a little thing he calls a key,
to which are attached insulated wires
leading into' the next room, where the
standard and transmitting clocks are
located. The glass is so aimed that
when any standard star reaches the
meridian it crosses a hair arranged In
the telescope's field of view. At that
Instant the astronomer presses the key,
which sends the information to the
standard clock. Connected with this
clock is the curious chronograph which
ceaselessly draws red Hues on a cylin
der of white paper by means of an .
ion Telegraph company. The clock
ticks away, and at precisely 12 the offl
cer in charge closes the circuit. The
final tick of the clock spells noon to
thousands of waiting telegraphers, and
hundreds of automatic clocks are In
stantaneously corrected to agree with
the transmitter In Washington.
By this same process is sent out the
signal which divides two years, only
on New Year's night the final tick of
the transmitter Is awaited even more
Intently than the dally sign. Observa
tories in other countries ore interested
in knowing how their clocks agree
with those in Washington, and news
which may change the history of the
world must wait until the time signal
has been received.
How quickly this signal flies over
Will Oregon's coal beds be devel
oped next year? Inquires the Port
land Journal. Douglas County's big
coal mine located near Elkton mast
ibwuredlv will be developed. In fact
it is well along in the stage of deve
opment at the present time. It pro
mises to be a great producer of a fine
quality of coal.
The South has a unique opportun
ity. The only remaining part of the
Democratic party that can command
i maioritv of its votes in its con
stituencies, let the South demand a
rehabilitation of the Democratic party
on the only lines that can restore it
to dignity and power. Since 1S96
the Democratic party has permitted
its name to be used by men who
ought never to have been admitted to
its councils - men who held principles
and professed purposes which it had
hitherto repudiated. Since they got
the use of its name every doubtful
state has turned into an enthusiastic
supporter of the Republican party.
In commenting upon the proposal
to employ the state convicts in build
ing roads the Salem Journal says:
"No matter what others mav sav.
sixteen convicts, in a few months last
summer, built five miles of road from
n 1 k . .1 . , mi
saiem 10 me reiorni school, it is a
good piece of work, built through as
hard a piece of country as there is in
Oregon to build a road through. At
least one-third to one-half the con
victs could be worked on the public
roads. Then why not use them? Let
theorists parade their wisdom. The
fact remains that the convicts did
build some good road. They could
Duiiti one nunared miles Men year
uider a proper law. That would be
better than enriching a private cor
The Coquille Recall says: On last
Monday evening our local Hoard
Trade held a very interesting meeting
in the city hall. Judge K. D. Sperry
occupied the chair in the absence of
President Kerr.
After the regular routine of busi
K aa
ness tne matter oi river improve
ments were taken up. Considerable
discussion followed as to the benefit-
to be derived from this source. On
a motion made by A J. Sherwood and
seconded by J. R. Ingle, it was de
cided that a memorilization be drawn
up and printed in the Recall and
copv of the same be forwarded to
Hon. Binger Hermann at Washington
v. L. This will be in appreciation
tor tne enorts that our congressman
has used in our behalf in endeavoring
to secure a dredger for the river and
also Coos Ray and Tillamook Ray.
The demand of Senator Mitchell
that the names of his accusers be re
vealed by the grand jury seems only
a just one. but one which appears
to have taken Prosecutor Heney
greatly by surprise and is just the
demand which Heney does not wish
the grand jury to grant, although it
may be compelled to do so. If, as
. Senator Mitchell suspects, his aeous
Ure are Puter. Wateoa. McKinU-v et
7le keep the targest and
best assortment of Stapo
and fancy Sroceries, fresh
fruits and farm Produce
in the city, and can snppiy
your wants at as cheap or
cheaper prices than can bo
had anywhere.
Remember that ate haep
the Sliest
Now is the time to sow your field seeds. I have just
receive a large supply of Alsyke. Red and White
Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard, Blue Grass, Etc.
Buffalo Pitts, Pan American, Spike, Spring and Disc
Harrows, and Syracuse and Steel Chilled Plows.
Simmons. Webfoot, Chinook, Eclipse, Hoo Hoo and
Pacific (.'oast pattern Saws; Keen Kutter, U. S. A.
and Phoenix Axes
The Plaindealer has just completed
the nublication of the Sheriff" s delin-
1 It ft. .. M a ! I
juent tax list for Douglas county. nom tieney nimseii, ai meir re-.
Since typesetting machines have come cent tnai. branded as conspirators,.
into such general use these tax sale : ana perjurers, me ,naior i
list are universale set in machine " ver7 properly seek to impeach !
r t h I such testimony and spent! verv little!
state. This type, however, is one! of his time in making immaterial
size larger than that prescribed by ! explanation before the grand jury,
law for the publication of such lists, The tactics of Heney in seeking to
li n,;o - in bv , indict Mitchell and Hermann on se-
making a charge for such advertising j cret perjured hrilwq h t iMlinpfti
on a basis of the tvpe prescribed by! Me and unworthy a government pros- j
law. the Plaindealer having made the locator. Seemingly back of thus perse- ;
liberal reduction of five cents per ;cution of Mitchell and Hermann is a po
line below the legal rate to make up Htical conspiracy as black, as vicious,
for the small difference in the type as contemptible and malicious as the
Md in advertising the tax list. : land fraud conspiracy iUelf. and the j
,. ! despotic attempts of the govern-
Speaking of Japan's amity Prince , ment's prosecutor to juggle with jus
Fushimi recently said at Washington: tice and by intrigue and secret per
ils Majestv also charged me to j jared testimony indict, upon alleged
.1 1 a a.1
confirm to vou his earnest desire that criminal cnarges. innocent ana wormy
To Buy Bonds?
II o. jnn want th.vw that jjr
tta- brat divtdrni A biuinraa
r-liuatioii t Uriier div.len'
than any : 1 The heat filar
to ! a buint-a education l
Garland Business College
e harp a CorrrponJrnce
t'onrt in Shorthand In
J B. GARLAND, Principal
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes
Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
A Few Holiday Hints
Suitable Gifts for Ladies
Suitable Gifts for Gents
Suitable Gifts for Children
Finest ine oi Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg
is prepared to wait upon old
and MrariMMM friecds
with a (all and complete
stock of
All (reeh and of the verr bet
qnalitv. Tea aad coffee are
Your patronage
A pia!t;e
. aos Jackson St., Roseburg
the historic relations of amity and
good correspondence which have
always since the days of Commodore
Perry united the great Republic of
the West with the Empire of the
Legendary Fist, and which have con
tributed in so small measure to the
progress and prosperity of Japan
may grow still closer and stronger
with the passing years, and I assure
von. Mr. President, that I but inter-
. w "
citizens in high positions of public
trust in order to besmirch and place
an indelible blot on their characters,
thus hastening the end of brilliant
public careers, smacks of ancient
feudal tyranny and oppression, for
eign and repugnant to our boasted
liberty and civilization, and reveals
wherein our laws are still lame, un
just and sadly deficient I'nder such
high-handed procedure, the most
pret the sentiment of my countrymen , worthy citizen may be persecuted and
when I add that the words of His DiacK-iisteu Dy tne lowest, mean
Majesty find echo in the hearts of his est and most degraded slum dweller,
iflfd subjects." 'perjurer or ex-convict.
year. Is officially registered In Uncle
gam 'a bureau of vital statistics.
There have always been New Year's
daya, and doubtless the New Year cele
bratocs of former days have had some
way of knowing approximately when
to start the festivities, but it is well
to be accurate, and but for the lynx
eyed star gazers in Washington some of
Ha might be beginning our new year at
10 p n . or 8 a. m.
The system by which the government
looks after this important duty re
quires master minds and intricate ma
chinery, though to the unthinking It
may seem to mean no more than the
dropping of time balls and the blowing
of whistles.
In die first place, the time must be
taken from the sky, for the sun is the
real giver of time as well as of light
and heat. And here is where the tele
cope comes into play. The twenty-six
Inch equatorial telescope, which is some
times used in the determination of time,
was at the time of Its erection iu the
old naval observatory in 1873 the lar
gest iu the world. Since then five or
Six others, notably the Lick telescope.
have surpassed It in size. When the!
telescope was removed to its new site
In Georgetown ten years ago Improve
mead were made in the mounting, and I
it still ranks as one of the best rostra-'
meuts In the world. With this tele-'
eope Professor Asaph Hull discovered
the two small moons of Mnrs. and It
has other important discoveries to its
The smaller telescope, which Is usual
ly employed in time determination at
Ote observatory, is a fixed transit In
strument of brass, mounted so that It
swings easily on a pivot When It is
pointed heavenward a turn of a mys-
: ,
electrically controlled pen. The pen
makes a break In its line, making the
meridian, and the necessary correction
to the big clock Is easily made there
from. Every day Just before noon the tramv
the land and under the sen was shown
to the visiting delegates to the recent
International geographical congress
when Secretary Morton of the navy at
midnight touched the time button in
the presence of a distinguished path
srln. Replies came In at once In
French, Spanish snd sll the other mod
ern languages. The City of Mexico re
ported that it received the signal thirty-six
one hundredths of a second after
It had started from Washington. San
Francisco got it within thirty-two one
hundred ths of a second. The signal
was sent out In two directions, over the
Pacific cable from Ban Francisco snd
under the Atlantic, through the Med
iterranean, Suez and India. The
sages met at Adelaide, Australia.
The Surveyors Are at Work in the
Riverside Addition to
mltting clock is compared with the
standard clock, is synchronized and
then r.'jt into electrical connection with
the whole system of tlie Western Dd
The New Year la Wall Street.
The last day of the old year on the
Stock Exchange, In Wall street, that
fateful place where fortunes are mnde
and lost from minute to minute and
where money Is supposed to be the
only thought. Is the gayest day of all
the SUTi, and the brokers celebrate It
With an abandon in which everything
but fun is forgotten. Tin horns, flutes,
toy trumpets and drums shrill and rat
tle, while from the galleries, crowded
With women, confetti and paper stream-'
era are thrown on the heads of the hi
larious bulls and bears, and even the
well fleeced lambs gambol In glee. Silk
hats become footballs, and scrimmages
turn the floor of the- exchange Into a
great gridiron. A tug of war Is one
of the features of the day, with toys
as prizes, and the oldest financiers
struggle valiantly t of victory. The ex
citement' ends with a- grand cakewalk
and promenade, beetled bj a batt
plsylng "AaJfcAAg Syne."
The -company of railro id surveyors
who were engaged in surveying a new
route over Hice Rill lor the Southern
Pacific railroad company, having com
pleted their work si that pom' lisve
been engaged in running out lines in
the Riverside addition to Roseburg just
north of this city for some days past,
with the evidsnt object of seeking some
means of straightening out the present
sharp curve around reservoir hill on the
north approach to this city. Just how
this ran le accomplished without tun
neling the hill or building two expen
sive steel bridges across the river is
hard to ascertain. At any rate the rail
road surveyors are seeking to tolvethe
knotty problem.
Hon William I. Vawter of Met! ford
Sou f hern Oregon's iopular candidate
for speaker of the House at the forth
coming session of the Oregon legislature
stopped ovei in Roseburg today v hile
passing through this city. He feels en
couraged with the prospects for 'ids
success in winning out in the speakei
ship contest. The Plaindealer was
favored with a brief call.
The heaviest rain fall of the season is
prevailing throughout Southwestern Ore
gon, which was preceded hy a high
wind Wednesdsy evening. However it
is a very wsrm rAin a regular Oregon
Miss Audrey Bridges is enjoying the
Holiday seasoa at her home iu this city,
at the close of which she will return to
Portland to re nine her studies.
J. K. lawyers, lnwyer snd notary
public. Oflict up . stairs iu Douglas
County Bank Building. tf
Judge Hamilton Will Soon Render
Decision in Prohibition
Arguments in the action'cntitl.-d Max
Weiss vs. the Douglas Connty Court in
the local option petition for a writ of
levicw. were hiard hy Judge Hamilton
Tuesdsy. District Attorney Uec M.
Brown, assisted by Attorney Dexter
Rice, appeared in behalf of the county,
while Attorneys W.W. Csrdwell and J.
O. Watson represented the petitioner,
Judge Hamilton announcee th t he would
tke the matter under advisement and
render a decision in a few days.
Charged With Horse Stealing
Chas H. Peherson, a Swede, is in the
toils being charged with horse stealing.
He had been working for John Weaver
near Myrtle Creek for about three
months, and recently took an uncere
monious departure astride the back of
one of Mr. Weaver's horses. Deputy
Sheriff Bogard having leen adv'l by
telephone that Peherson was headed for
Roseburg, met him and arrested him at
Shady Point a few miles south of town.
While the deputy and his prisoner w're
-inning to Roseburg, they were overtak
en by Constable Knight of Myrtle Creek
who had followed the horsethief, armed
with s warrant (or his arrest. Tuesday
morning Knight took Pehorson back to
Myrtle Creek, where he was given a
preliminary hearing 1 1-fore Justice of
the Peace W. V. Hurst, on a charge c.f
horse sterling, and held to the circuit
court He is now in the county j ail .
They sat within the parlor dim.
And fretfully she said to him,
' I wih, dar, that you'd hehave.
If not, 1 wish that yon would shave."
leap year ends Saturdy night at VI
Many marriages in Morrow country
cold weather at hand.
Mr. Heney has probaMy learned not
to believe all he hears.
Some of us will have to live simple for
a while, whether we like it or not.
It is a poor time now for wives to be
going through their sleeping husbands
A Chicago man has given 11,100 for an
1S04 dollar. Some of us occasionally
feel that a 1904 dollar would be worth
more than that.
Silk socks are cheaper than silk stock
ings. It seems hardly necessary to ex
plain that they are lower because thev
do not come so high.
An exchange says "the world wants
cheerful men" Thst is right, bat a
cheerful woman dosen't come an ias
es)iecially if she is married
A cert-in professor claims that one
cannot taste anything in the dark. It
is quite evident that the worthy pro
fessor never played poatotnee.
When a workingmsn has a job the
presumption is that he is an honett
man. When a politician has one, the
presumption is the other way.
A brother editor wonders how big
Nan Patterson and Mrs. Cludwick's
Xmss stockings were. He should be
ashamed of himself for it is none of
his business.
A correspondent reports that at a
recent "function" in that place "Miss
Daisy Devoe presided at the i iano and
beatifully played Mendel & Sons wed
ding march."
The l.i Grande Observer annou ces
the wedding of Miss Emma F. Slack
lo Mr Ben F. Hug both of Summer
ville. This is a case where if he had Pen
Slack Knitna would never have known
the enjoyment of a real Hug.
The clerjrymen of the country have
been asked to preach ou the subject
of peace, and many of them are com
plying. The sermons may not stop
the war, but they ought to have a
good effect on the choirs.
A Colfax man, who owned a saloon
known as the "The Slaughter House. "
got reliigon, and closed op the place
throwing its contents out in the street.
But some wople down here who have
beeu " professors" of religou for many
years keep on leasing their premises for
the most abominable uses. Tbe Colfax
man seems to bavo "got" the right sort
of religion, if he can bang on to it
will soon
he here when
yon will have to
select yonr holiday
sifts. The grea'eet
worry is the difficulty of
selecting suitable gifts swith
what money yon want to spend
bnt we believe we can help yoo
out of both difficulties. What to give
becomes an easier matter when you have
so ample a stock as oars to choose from.
We have the most desirable gifts. They
possess all the qualities that trifta should have,
newness, usefulness, beauty, novelty and intrinsic
worth. Then the prices are jnst right. They cannot
be beaten. We are in a position to know that we can - are
you money. We believe the more yon inspect our goods the
Iwtter yon will realize this. Rememner too, that we are
careial alwot the quality of everything. Real
bar gain
on goods
of worthy
qnal i ty
are what
W'e promise yon
If any pooi- people were overlooked
there is time nough jet this week to
make them hap ier on New Year.
Mrs. 8. A. Covey returned to Falsa)
I Wednesday alter a pie. aaot vi i: at the
Ml. Nebo dairy (arm.
Holiday Presents
Has decided to take up his headquarters
in Roseburg this year at Beard A Culver's
Hani wear Store, where many new and
useful toys and gifts suitable for both
old and young may be had at prices to
suit the potteeS book. We have taken
artt eft of these goods. Call and
see them.
mauy men have to tell that have their
linen done up at home. At no private
lauudrv can you get the perfection ol
color and the beauty of finish that
makes onr estab'ishmeut famous, for
onr faei itie are periect and up-to-date.
and we eninl y only experts, that can
sb.-w Mich evi lence of their handicraft
a is seen on the superb work done at
Kuropatkin Wants Hi Ip.
Lumber for Panama Canal
Paaia, Due. 28. A roes age from St. ; Washim-ios, Dec -. Tbe
v. . x . , .. . .. . a .
reiersourg states uiai -cm-rat Nvro canai commisason nas awarded a
natkln I... . l- ,. , .- i I... tttt Ilk) l ,J I 1
forcemenisas possible be sent hint at d on. the let has. us. to J J.
once and that the cajmcit. of the rati- ; Company, oi Nan ranctsco. Tla
way rjeincrasseu trow to etga- t j.j.usi tz. lae ealire sappty
teen trains uawy. eocM irotu roget nmuh.