SHERIFF'S SALE For Delinquent Taxes for the Tear of 190S. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a warrant issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, on the 5th day of November, 1904, commanding me to advertise and sell the property of the delinquent taxpayers for and in the said Douglas County, Oregon, for the year 1903, as extended in the delin quent column in the tax rolls of Doug las County for said year, to satisfy tM taxes charged against said tax payers for the said year, together with all penalties, interest and costs for the eaHection of the same. Tie following is a correct transcript of the delinquent property of the per sons whose names are set opposite each tract as the same appears assessed on the said rolls and extended in the de linquent column of the same, and de scribed as follows, to-wit: WATTS, BENJ J Ft NE of NEK on left bank of Siuslaw river, Sec 24, Tp 19, B 8; 15 acres 96 OKA HAM, GEO W SW Sec It, Tp 19, R 8; 160 acres 10.00 MURPHY WM SE of NE, Sec 3fl, Tp 19, R 9; 40 acres. . 2.50 H1TR8T, FRED P SE, Sec M, Tp 20, R 6; 160 acres. . . . 12.60 Kit CT HER. F D Und ft of EH, Sec 36, Tp 20, R 6, 160 acres 12.60 MONTEATH, J M. Und of Und of E, Sec 36, Tp 20 S 6; 80 acres 6.30 FREVIN, PERBTN, Und of Und of E, Sec 36, Tp 2, R 6; 80 acres 6.30 K.VMN, CHAS E-SEK, Sec 6, t 20. R 7; 160 acres 12.60 BUSK, WILLIS F Lots 3 and 4, N14 sf SEtt, Sec 30, Tp w), B 7; 124.69 acres 12.60 MEVEB. ARTHUR I SW, Sec 8, Tp 20, R 8; 160 acres. . 12.60 WH88ELL, JOHN NE, Sec , Tp 20, B 9; 160 aeres. . . . 10.00 08HFORT, AL ANSON NE , See , Tp 20; 160 acres 10.00 ANDERSON. HOKAN NW, Sec 11. Tp 20, B 10: 160 acres 10.00 HENDERSON, J NE of KE, See 16, Tp 20, B 10; 40 acres 1.10 LITTLE, F C N of NE, SWL of NEK, Sec 36, Tp 26, R 10; 120 acres 11.27 HOCKETT, CLYDE F SW, See 20, Tp 20, B 11; 160 10.00 CHAMBERS, JACOB W Lots 3 and 4. EH of SW, See 31, Tp 20, B 11; 149.49 acres ELLIOTT, WM 8 8EK of NWH, Sec 36, Tp 20, B 11; 40 acres 9.40 1.10 NOEL, GLEN 8WK of NWH, Sec 34, Tp 20. B 11; 40 acres 3.03 MAINES, ETTA A AND WEB STEB G-Und H of W of 8E. NEH SEH, lot 1. See 16, Tp 20, B 12; 159.43 aeres. . .80 OOACH, WM Und 1-16 of lots 1, 2 sad 3, See 27. Tp 20, B 12; 96.46 acres. Und 1-16 lets 2, 3, 4 and 9, NEK of SWK, See 28; 132.25 acres. Und 1-16 lot 5, See 29; 29.78 acres. Uad 1-16 EH of EH, See 82; 160 acres. Und 1-16 SWK of NWK, 8EK of SWK, WH of SWK, Sec 33; 160 acres. Und 1-16 lot 3, NWK of NEK, 8H of NEK. 8EK of NWK- Und 1-16 WH of SEK, EH of SWK, SWK of SWK, Sec 34; 394.74 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec 36; 86.69 acres. Uad 1-16 lots 2, 3 sad 4, See 2; 45.39 acres. Uad 1-16 lots, 3, 4, 5 and 6, SEK of SWK, Sec 3; 136.37 acres. Und 1-16 EH of SEK, See 9; 80 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6, 8H of SEK and WH See 16, 589.86 acres. Und 1-16 lets 1. 2. 4, 7 and 8, SWK of SWK, 8ee 11; 225.84 acres. Und 1-16 lots 5 and 6, See 11; 100.03 aeres. Und 1-16 NEK of SEK, See 14, 40 acres. Und 1-16 lot 6 and NWK of NWK, Sec 14; 40.57 acres. Und 1 16 lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. NH of SEK, NH Sec 15j 583.84 aeres. Und 1-16 EH of SEK. See 20; 80 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 sad 7, NWK of NEK, aad WH Sec 21; 596.77 acre. Und 1-16 of lota 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. f. 7, 8 and t, SWK of SEK, See 22; 321.04 aeres. Und. 1-16 lots 4 1, 2 and 3, NWK of NEK, SEK of NWK, SEK of SWK- Und 1-16 NH of SWK, See 23; 317 acres. I TJad 1-16 NEK of NEK, See 23; 40 aeres. Und 1-16 lota 1, 2 aad 3, Sec 24; 112.63 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1 to 8, E H of 8EK, NWK of SWK, SWK of NWK Uad 1-16 NH of NWK, Sec 28; 537 acres. Und 1-16 lots 2 to T, NEK of NEK, 8H of NEK- Und 1-16 Sec 26; 376.58 acres. Und 1-16 lots 8 aad 9, NEK of NWK, NWK of NEK, Sec 26; 150.06 acres. Und 1-16 lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1L Sec 27; 215.38 acres. Und 1-16 lot 6, See 29; 38.45 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8, NH of NWK, Sec 28, all ia Tp 20, R 12 36.45 TRAMMEL, J A Begin at the ME corner of SEK of NEK of See 11. Tp 21, R 4, thenee 8 14 rods, thenee 8 54 K de grees, E 61.65 rods, thence 8 SO reds, thenee E 30 rods, theses 8 to a point 30 ft from center of 8 P B B track, E bauadary line B B to See line between sections 11 and 12, thenee N to place of begin ning, containing 125 acres, more or leas; part NWK of SEK, Sec 11, Tp 21, B 4; 36 BODELY, W F N Wtf, of See 17, Tp 21, B 4; 44 acre STEWART, F M 8E4, Sec 18, Tp 21, B 4; 160 acres ROONEY, LIZZIE SW of VWM, Sec 33, Tp 21, R 4; 46 aeres LANE, J G NE of SW, See 86, Tp 21, B 6; 40 aeres. . LABK1N8, L AND M C SWK, erf BE, NW, part 8E of BE", See 38, Tp 21, R 6; 1.55 10.32 6.26 1.55 6.56 62 DEWITT, MRS ELLA Begin at a point on E side of right of way erf O k C B B, 888 ft B at NWV4, corner of SW erf BW of See 84, Tp 21, B 6, tsveaee E 250 feet, thence 8 42 degrees 58 minutes, W 2T5 ft, thence N 85 degrees, 28 mUotea, W 203 ft, thence N tf degrees 18 minutes, E 66 ft te place of beginning, con- 7.UB aeres 2.95 12.60 5.00 5.00 2.32 KENT. FRANK A 8W of NWk, N of BWtt, NWIi oT SB, See 8, Tp 21, H 7S 166 acres STBADABOLD Und SE, Bee 12, Tp 21, B 8; 80 acres. . LABSEN, LEWIS W Und Vt SB, See 12, Tp 2L B(8; 80 CASSEDY, " SAB AH SE4 of 8EM, lot 3, See 3, Tptf21, B 11; 76 aeres COOK, G W AND WIFE- " of NE, 8W of NE 7, 8 and 9, Sec 9, Tp 21, B 11; 134 acres 6.88 COACH, WM Und 1 16 NWK of NWK, Sec 1; 40 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, EH of NEK. SWK of NEK Und 1-16 SEK of NWK, Sec 2; 478.95 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, and 10, NWK of NEK, SH of SEK, See 3, 3S5.25 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, SWK of SEK, SWK, WH of NWK. See 4; 425.80 acres. Und 1-16 SEK, EH of NEK, See 5; 240 acres. Und 1-16 lots 1 and 2, NH of 3EK, NEK, Sec 8; 304.30 acres. Und 1-16, all Sec 9; 640 aeres. Und 1-16, all Sec 10; 640 acres. Und 1 16 NWK of NWK, Sec 11; 40 acres. Und 1-16 lots 2, 3 and 4, Sec 16; 146.46 aeres; all in Tp 21, B 12, 16.42 THOMAS. 8 E W H of SEK, NEK of SEK, Sec 27, Tp 22, R 4; 120 aeres 8.14 CONWAY, JOHN "EST" SEK, See 12, Tp 22, R 7; 160 aeres 8.44 BACON, MBS ELMIRA Part Sec 19, adjoining Elkton, Sec 19, Tp 22, B 7; 5 acres 6.81 BERG, CHAS A SWK of SWK, WH of SEK of SWK, Sec 36, Tp 22, B 7; 60 acres 3.75 GREGORY, J SWK of NWK, Sec 36, Tp 22, R 7; 40 acres 2.50 BACON, M M Lots 1, 4, 5 and 11, Sec 12, Tp 22, R 8; 140.75 acres 6.65 KELLETT. MARZA M NEK of NEK, Sec 16, Tp 22, R 8; 40 acres 1.25 RIDER, JACOB-NH of NWK, Sec. 26, Tp 22, B 8; 40 acres. . 4.15 FISHER W B SEH of NWK, WH of NWK, Sec 16, Tp 22, B 10; 120 acres 3.75 CBITESEB, J S Lots 7, 8 9 and 10, Sec 15, Tp 22, B 12; 161.68 acres 10.00 DOLAN, JOHN M NWK, Sec 17, Tp 22, B 12; 160 acres. . . . 12.50 SCHLENK, JACOB P NWK, See 20, Tp 22, R 12; 160 aeres 12.50 RYERSON, C H Lot 14. Sec 21, lots 3, 4 and 5, Sec 28, Tp 22, R 12; 163.13 acres 12.50 ALBRECHT, FANNIE E Lots 7, 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Sec 33, Tp 22, R 12; 169.24 acres. . 13.30 NOBLE, NANCY Lots 1 and 8, Sec 33, Tp. 22, R 12, WH of NW K, Sec 34, Tp 22, R 2; 162.46 acres 12.83 GANONG, JOSEPH W Lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec 24, Tp 22, R 13; 150.76 acres 11.73 BUTLER, S F SWK, Sec 26, Tp 23, R 3; 160 acres 21.35 HANDSAKER, SAM NEK of SEK. See 36, Tp 23. R 3; 40 acres 5.00 KRAMER, MBS LAUBA Part of SEK of SEK, part of NEK of SEK, Sec 23, Tp 23, B 3; 6 acres 6.26 OWNER. UNKNOWN NEK of NEK, See 5, Tp 23, B 4, 41.53 acres 1.55 WARNER, GEO SWK of SEK, See 19. Tp 23. B 4; 40 acres. . 2.50 HABBIS, SARAH D L 8EK, See 14, Tp 23. B 6; 160 acres. . 12.50 KLABCSCAR, JACOB, Lot S, NEK of SWK, NH of SEK, Sec 30, Tp 23. B 6; 156.39 acres 6.56 MORRIS, C J EH See 36, Tp 23, B 7; 320 aeres 14.08 SHEPHERD, H O-WH Sec 36, Tp 23, B 7; 320 acres 18.15 FRANCIS, CHARLES H NWK See S, Tp 23, R 8; 160 acres. . . 12.52 BARRETT, H M SEK See 11, Tp 23, E 9: 160 acres 12.52 MUNBOE, GEO W NWK Sec 12, Tp 23, B 9; 160 acres 10.95 MORRISON, B NWK See 24, Tp 23, B 9; 160 acres 14.01 NELSON, PETEB NEK of SWK, NEK of SEK, SH of NEK, Sec 14, Tp 23, B 10; 16 acres 12.52 IENDBICKSON, JOHN Begin ning at the NW corner of NEK, See 24. Tp 23, B 10, thenee E to center of Lake creek, thenee S along center of said creek to S line of NEK, See 24, thenee W to SW corner of the above described K, thenee N to beginning, contain ing 35 acres, more or less. 3.13 PETTINGILL, JOHN F NH of SWK, SWK of SWK, NWK of SWK, See 20, Tp 24, R 1; 160 aeres 12.52 STAPLES, SAMUEL F WH of NEK, NW K of SE K. NEK of SWK, Sec 28, Tp 24, R 1; 160 aeres 12.52 MORRISON, DANIEL L NWK See 28, Tp 24, B 1; 160 acres 12.52 PETERSON, A P 8EK 8ec 14, Tp 24, B 2; 160 acres 18.02 DUBOIS, E M SEK Sec 24, Tp 24. B 2; 160 acres 16.95 PETEBSON, B E SWK Sec 28, Tp 24, B 2; 160 acres 23.37 PAULSON, J A WH of SEK, NEK of SEK, SEK of NEK, Sec 28, Tp 24, B 2; 160 aeres 23.37 GARRISON. MBS HANNAH SEK of 8EK, NH of SEK, NEK of SWK, See 4, Tp 34, B 3; 160 acres 13.94 SIM8, ELI8HA J EH of NEK, Sec 26, Tp 24, B 3; 80 acres. . 10.22 WALCOTT COOPER WH of NEK, NEK of NWK, See 29, Tp 24, R 3; 120 acres 49.35 OLSON, OSCAB A WH of NWK, Sec 34, Tp 24, B 3; 80 aeres 10.28 place of beginning: 20 aeres. . 1.06 HALL, GEO JR 8WK, WH, ef SEK, See 20, Tp 24, R 4, NH of NWK, See 29, Tp 24, B 4; 320 acres 63.69 HENRY, MABGABET B Lot 4, SWK of SEK, SH of SWK, Sec 24, Tp 24, B 4; 160 aeres. . 12.52 HENEY, ROBERT Lot 1, WH of NEK, NEK f NWK, See 24, Tp 24, B 4; 160 aeres 12.52 COCHERAN, ESTHER L Uad H of EH of NEK, NEK of SEK, Sec 36, Tp 24, B 4; 60 acres 1-87 BROWN, FLOBILLA W WH of NEK, Sec 36, Tp 24, B 4; 80 acres , 2.35 GBAY, MINEB 1 M NEK of NEK, See 26, Tp 24, B 6; 40 aeres 2.10 JONES, ALICE C NWK of SWK, Sec 27, Tp 24, B 6, 40 acres 1-87 STUABT, MB8 N E SEK of SWK, Sec 32, Tp 24, B 6; 40 acres 4.13 GILLETT, H B Lot 8, block 5, Cheaoweth Park 90 UNKNOWN OWNER-NH of NH, See 1, Tp 24, B 6; 161.88 acre 5.47 GALLIGHEB, JOHN D EH of NEK, SWK of NEK, NWK of SEK, Sec 20, Tp 24, B 6; 160 aares 7.62 TAPP, B J NEK of NWK, See 22, Tp 24, B 6; 40 acres. . 2.81 DUNCAN, A F SEK of NWK, NEK of SWK, NWK of SEK, See 82, Tp 24, B 6; 120 acres 4.70 AXX, HENBY C Lots 1 aad 2, Sec 36. I'd 24. B 6, 75.49 acres 10.10 UNKNOWN OWNER SH of NEK, NEK of NEK, See 13, m n , t rr' ion - -- A TA lp i a l i lv aurrn -.iv DAVIS, ROBT A-WH of WH, Sec 24, Tp 24, B 8; 160 acres 12.62 McGregor, w m wh of. NEK, EH w WK, z, To 24. R 8: 160 acres 12.52 nnvnY. EBNE8T W Lots 5, 6, - , Tp 25, R 1; 12,52 BABNETT, SETn E SWK, Sec 12, Tp 25. B 1; 160 acres 12.52 FOSTER ED SEK, Sec 11, Tp 25. B 2; 160 acres 12.52 WILSON, ANSON EH of EH, See 20, Tp 25, R 1; 160 aeres. . 15.02 UNKNOWN OWNER SH! of SEK, Sec 17, Tp 25, R 4; 80 acres 8.07 HORR, GEO R AND JENNIE Part of SH of SEK. J W Gar rison estate. Sec 2, Tp 25, R 4; 26 acres 1.10 UNKNOWN OWNER SWK of SEK, Sec 3, Tp 25, R 5; 40 acres 1-07 TAPP, ROBT J Lots 1 and 2, NWK of SWK. Sec 9, Tp 25. R 5; 107.21 aeres 6.30 UNKNOWN OWNER Lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec 13, Tp 25, R 5; 15.03 acres 70 GERVAIS, NARCISSUS WH of WK. EK of NWK, NEK, of SWK. SWK of NEK, Sec 34, Tp 25, R 5; 320 acres 12.35 BARD, EARL R SWV4' of SEK, Sec 3, Tp 25, R 6; 40 acres 1.55 I HALLAM, WM R-8W K, Sec 2. Tp 25, R 7; 160 aeres 10.65 i UNKNOWN OWNER SEH of NWK. Sec 7, Tp 25, R 7; 40 acres 1.25 .TELSMAN, ALBERT NEK, Sec 28, Tp 25, R 8; 160 acres. . 9.40 FROST. AVON E NWK, Sec I 28, Tp 25, R 8; 160 acres 15.65 HAINES, JOSEPH Lots 5, 12, 13 and 14. Sec 2, Tp 26, R 3; 162 acres 10.00 UNKNOWN OWNER WH of SEK. Sec 9, Tp 26, R 3; 80 acres 3.07 SHEFFIELD, F R NH of SEK. SH of NEK, Sec 14, Tp 26, R 8; 160 acres 1S.79 BROCKWAY. ISAAC D NEK, Sec 10, Tp 26. R 9; MO acres. . 15.65 WAMBACK, FREDERICK EH of SEK, SWK of SEK, SEK of 8WK. Sec 6, Tp 27, R 3; 160 acres 7.79 UNKNOWN OWNER NWK of SWK. surrounded by Eva Waite's land. Sec 23, tp 27, R 4, lots 3 and 9, Sec 31, Tp 27, R 4; 80.07 acres 2.50 WILLIS. W R Lots 1 and 2, EH of SWK, Sec 27, lots 2 to 6. 13 acres off S side SEK of NEK. Sec 28, N part CI No 51, Sees 27, 28 and 29, S part CI No 51, Sec 32. NWK Sec 34, all in Tp 27, R 4; 732 acres 21.00 RICHARDSON, F R Beginning 33.61 chains E and 20.61H chains N of K post between Sees 17 and IS, Tp 27, R 5, thence on E side of lane leading from Deer creek. N 7.23 H chains to a stake, N 89 degrees 53 min utes, E 7.62 chains, 8 7.23H chains. S 89 degrees 53 min utes, W 7.26 chains to begin ning; 5.50 acres 2.22 DANIELS, DAN T NWK of SEK, See 7 Tp 27, R 6; 40 acres 1-55 DUMPHREY, E ESTATE Lot 5, Umpqua Fruit Ranch, Sees 16, 11, 14, 15, Tp. 27, R 6; 23.33 acres 12.87 PARKER. F H Lot in NWK, Sec 15, Tp 27, B 6; 25 acres. . tSI WHITE, J S 8EK of NWK, Sec 23. Tp 27, B 7; 40 acres. . . 3.50 HEPBK'K. FRANK NEK, Sec 38. Tp 27, B 7; 160 aeres 7.66 RICHARDS. WM SW K of SWK, lot 5, See 32, Tp 27, R 7, 60.18 acres 3 27 GORSLINE, WM M SH of SEK, SEK of SWK, lot 4, Sec 32, Tp 27, R 7; 149.18 acres 7.66 STRAND, B N NEK of SWK, Sec 35, Tp 27, B 7: 40 acres. . 11.50 WILLIAMS. ELMOBA V Be ginniag at NE corner NWK of NWK, Sec 85, thence 8 20 chains. W 2.50 chains, W 20 chains, E 2.50 ehains to begin nina. Sec 35, Tp 27, B 7; 5 aeres MUNSON, MBS IDA Begin ning 2.50 chains W of SE cor ner of NW K. Sec 35, thenee N 20 chains, W 2.50 ehains, S 20 chains, E 2.50 chains to be ginning, See 35. Tp 27, B 7; 5 acres BUTLER W F SEK See 24, Tp 27, B 8; 160 acres MEADOWCRAFT, E SWV4 Sec 24, Tp 27, B 8; 160 acres. . SINGLETON, HENRY W NEK, See 10, Tp 28, R 3; 160 acres SHADER GEO H NWK, Sec 10, Tp 28, B 3; 160 aeres BATEMAN, GEO SEK. Sec 10, Tp 28, B 3; 160 acres OBEGOBY, LINDEN I NWK, See 14, Tp 28, B3; 160 acres FOBESTER EDWIN W NEK, Sec 14, Tp 28. B 3; 160 acres. . WOODWARD, AMBROSE NWK, See 24, EH of 8WK, See 16, all in Tp 28, R 4; 240 acres UNKNOWN OWNEB NH of NEK, Sec 31, Tp 28, B 5; 80 acres UNKNOWN OWNER-WH of NEK of 8WK. Sec 24, Tp 28, R 6; 20 acres MURTON, H 8 8H of NEK, Sec 7, 8WK f NWK, NWK of SWK, Sec 8, all in Tp 28, R 7; 160 acres WOODWARD, AMBROSE NH of NEK, SEK of NEK, NWK, Sec 17, Tp 28, R 7; 280 aeres UNKNOWN OWNER NEK See 34, Tp 28, B 7; 40 aeres GUBNEY, B M Lot 4, See 15, Tp 28, B 8; 35 acres BBIGG8, MBS MARGARET EH of 8WK, Sec 21, Tp 28, B 8; 80 acres GUBNEY, G V-NWH of 8WK, SWK of 8WK, SEK of NWK, Sec 22, Tp 28, B 8; 160 acres SMITH, GEO A SEK of SEK, Sec 35, Tp 28, B 8; 40 aeres DEGROOT, ANNIE E SEK of SEK, Sec 36, Tp 28, B 8; 40 acres. LITTLE CHIEFTAIN MINING CO-WH of NEK. NEK of NWK, lot 2, Sec 20, Tp 29, B 3; 153.98 acres WEST, HENBY J SEK of SWK, Sec 8, Tp 29, B 4.... MORRISON, J D 1-7 interest in SH of NWK, lot 1, Sec 19, Tp 29, B 4; 15.95 acres MORRISON. W T 1-7 interest in 8H, NWK, lot 1, Sec 19, N part claim No 42, Sec 19, Tp 29, B 4; 83.80 acres GOLD BIDGE MINING CO NEK of NWK, EH of NWK of NWK, Sec 31, Tp 29, B 4; 60 acres LONDON, WM Und 16 WH of SEK, Sec 31, Tp 29, B 4; 13 1-3 acres J08LYN, GEO A Und 1-3 WH of SEK, Sec 31, Tp 29, B 4; 26 2-3 acres WOODWABD, AMBBOSE EH of NEK, See 1, Tp 29, B 5; 80 acres 1.25 1.25 16.59 16.59 17.80 17.80 17.80 17.80 17.80 7.50 3.13 .75 5.00 8.76 6.26 1.05 3.90 15.95 1.24 2.65 20.37 2.50 .45 3.13 1.87 .60 .1.24 5.00 McGEE, Mrs F 8 S),. less 35 acres, Sec 1, part SEK of NEK, See 1, 8WK of NEK of NEK, NWK of NEK, SEK, SEK of NEK, Sec 2, NH of NEK, Sec 11, NH of NWK, NH of NEK, Sec 12, all In Tp 29, B 6; 786.22 aeres 32.25 MILLER, H E AND WM G SE'xi of SWK, WH of SWK, Sec 15, Tp 29, R 5; 120 acres 5.73 MORRISON, W F 17 interest in SEH of NKVi, N part CI 50, Sec 24, Tp 29. R 5; 42.85 acres 2.64 MORRISON. .1 Dl-7 interest in SEK of NEK, Sec 24. Tp 29, R 5, 5.72 acres 15 SMITH. GEO A Lot 5, Sec 1, lot 4, NWK of NWK. So 1, EH f NEK. Sec 2, all in Tp 29, R 8; 190.51 aeres 14.55 CENTERS, MRS E J NWK, Sec 8, Tp 29, R 8; 160 aeres. . . 7.66 PLANTZ, A E NEK of 8WK, Sec 13, Tp 29, R 8 2.50 BOYER, J D NWK, Sec 22, Tp 29, B 8; 160 acres 6.26 MEBCUM, MRS L NH of NE, Sec 11. NH of NWK, NWK "f NEK, i acre in NW corner SW K of NEK. See 12, all in Tp 29, R 9; 201 neres. . . 7.03 SMITH. A M JR SWK of NWK, NW of SWK, See 16, Tp 30, R 4; 80 neres 5.94 PRICE, A M SEK "f NWK, SWK of NEK. Sec 16, Tp 30, R 4; 80 acres 8.90 CROOKHAM, M B Und H H of SWK of SEK,, Sec 3J, Tp 30, R 5; 10 acres 38 BROWN. JOHN W W part CI No 5S on V aVia Bat 34, Tp 30, R 5; 4.40 aeres 12.18 WIN SLOW. J H Lot No 306, NEK of SEV. Sec 20, NWK of NWK- Sec 21 . Mineral, lot N . 305, See 18. NEK. Sec 17, all in Tp 30, R 6; 323.15 aeres 64.28 FOLEY, T R All Sec 16, Tp 30, R 7; 640 acres 50.10 JOB ANSKN. MARY AEH of E'. See 10, Tp 30, R 9; 160 aeres 6.30 LITTLE. E C8S, Sec 36, Tp 30, R 8; 160 aeres 10.0C MEANT, ANDREW Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, See 4. Tp 30, R 9; 14.52 aeres 15.32 UNKNOWN OWNER SH of N'i. See 4, Tp 30. R 9; 160 acres 6.10 PAYNE. FRED M WH of NWK. N"H of SWK, Sec 24, Tp 20. R 9; 160 aeres 7.30 WALLACE, H W NEV.. See 32. Tp 30, R 9; 160 acn s 7.65 Ml'NDT. CLARA WH of NWK. See 16, Tp 31, R 5; 80 aer.s 2.83 STEARNS. A M SH of SH. Sec 20. Tp 31. R 5; 160 acres 10.88 CAVANAUGH, M E SEK of NEK. Sec 36. Tp 31. R 5; 40 acres 4.70 DAY. ELLEN MEH of SWK, WU of SEVi. Sec 20. Tp 31, R MB acres 10.00 DAY. DAYID B NWK of NEK. SEK of N W H . SH of NEK- See 20, Tp 31. R 6; 160 aer.-s 10.00 SMITH SOPHIA NH of SEK. SWV, of SKK. NEK of SWK, Sec 32, Tp 31. R 6; 160 acres. . 10.00 BROWN. JOHN-SWK, Sec 34. Tp 31. R 7; 160 acres 10.00 FOLEY. T R SH of Sec 16. Tp 31. R 320 acres 34.45 MONTEITII. GEO E-SBK, See 8. Tp 32. R 1: 160 acres. . . 12.52 MONTEITII. WM P SWK, See 8. Tp 32, R 1; 160 acres.. 12.52 MONTEITII. W1LLARD F NEK. Sec 8. Tp 32. R 1; 160 acres 12.52 GREEN MOUNTAIN MINING 00 Mineral lot No 38. with extension. See 33. Tp 32. R 4; 40 acres 10.95 NAIL. C T SH of NEK. NH of SKK. See 22. Tp 32. R 6; 164) aeres 9.40 PLOTNER, FRANK Begin ninir at SK corner of SEK, Sec 32, Tp 32. R 6. thence N 3H chains, W 12.66 chains, S 3H chains. E 12.66 chains to beginninp. NWK f NEK, See 27. all in Tp 32. R 6; 203K acres 51.42 W1NN1NGHAM. C C NW corner of NWK, Sec 33, Tp 32, R 6; K aCf 5.20 BROWN. CHANCELLOR L EH of SWK. WH of SEK, Sec 4, Tp 32. R 7; 160 acres. . . 21.40 end ami on the N side of Washington St 17.14 LYTLE, A C Lot 3, past lot 4. blk 75. Roseburg 11.57 TOLBERT. N. all Blk J. Has- sell's add to Roseburg 85 CROOKHAM. M E. lots 1 and 2. Blk M, Haseell's add to Roseburg 10.50 UNKNOWN OWNER Lots 1 and 2, Blk 12. Terrace Park add to Roseburg .85 SNIDER. H D Lot 2. Blk 2, Hamilton's add to Roseburg.. 2.57 HAMILTON. Ti-MI'LIN 4 ML CELLI Lots . and 6, Blk 5, Hamilton's add to Roseburg.. .35 HAMILTON. TEMPLIN & MI CELLI Lots, 1, 2. 3, 4. 7. 8, 10 and 11. Rlk 5. Hamilton's add to Roseburg L93 PIERSON. G H IiOt 19, Blk 6, Hamilton's add to Roseburg.. 1.50 HAMILTON. TEMPLIN & MI ( ELLI Lot 6. Blk 7. Hamil ton's adil to Roseburg 1.50 HAMILTON. TEMPLIN & MI- ELLI Lots 3, 4 and 5. Blk 8, Hamilton' add to Roseburg .60 COBB REAL ESTATE CO Lots 7 and 8. Blk 5, Waite's add to Roseburg L50 COBB REAL ESTATE CO Lot 3, Blk 6, Waite's add to Roseburg .". . -85 COBB REAL ESTATE CO Lots 14 and 15, Blk 10, Waite's add to Roseburg 1.70 CAMPBELL. WM Lots 2 and 3. Blk 11, Waite's add to Roseburg 1.07 COBB REAL ESTATE CO Lot 14. Blk 14. Waite's add to Roseburg .65 COBB REAL ESTATE CO Lot 15, Blk 14, Waite's add to Roseburg .65 WRIGHT. ALLEN T Lots 13 and 14, Blk 29, Kinney's add to Roseburg 1.21 ROSEBURG LUMBER CO Lot 13. Blk 27. Kinney's add to Rose burg 1.45 WRIGHT. ALLEN TLots 17 and 18, Blk 29, Kinney's add to Roseburg .96 WRTGHT, ALLEN TLots 21 and 22, Blk 29, Kinney's add to Roseburg 96 ROSEBURG LUMBER CO Lots 13. 14, 15 and 16, Blk 30, Kin ney's add to Roseburg 1.69 WRIGHT, ALLEN T Lots 3, 4 and 5, Blk 31, Kinney's add to Roseburg 1.21 CARPY, GEO AND SUSAN Blk 5, Clovcrdale add; 1.43 acres 72 TOOLEY, 8 W Lots 8 an.l 10, Blk 1, Bah key 's Sub to Rose burg .65 PRATER, CHAS L Lot 9, Blk 1, Thomas' Sub of lots No 12 and 13, Fruitvale 21 TAYLOR, W A AND LUCY Lots 16, 17 and 18, Blk 2, Thomas' Sub of lots 12 and 13, Fruitvale .35 .46 .72 .46 MILES, CARRIE Lot 3, Blk 25, Riverside add GOODNOW, O S Lots 9 and 10, Blk 25, Riverside add BANGS, MRS. ADDIF Lot 12 Blk 25, Riversido add McMAHON. J T Beginning 4.67 chains E of inner corner nr n.i ,.f : !-! Don CI. thence 8 2.10 chains, thence E 4.28 rhnins, N 275 degrees, E 2.10 chains, W 4.3S to begin ning, corner: 9-10 acres in See 17, Tp 22, R 5 41.37 CHESHIRE, MRS ROBT Lot 30. Drain's ndd 2.95 STARK, N M SH lot 1, Blk 1, Krewson'sndd 1.18 McCLAREN, MRS II A Lob 1 2, and N'H of lots 5 and 6, Blk 2, and lot 1, Blk 3, Krew son's ndd 3.30 DRAIN, C D Lata 2 to 16, Blk 3. Krewson's add 5.31 I'N KNOWN OWNER All Blk 8, Krewson's add 1.18 DRAIN, C D Lot 8 and part of lots 6 and 7, Blk 51, South Drain 2.24 ROLFE. ERED "EST" Lota 1 and 2, Blk 6, Oaklaad 97 TAPP, R J Lots 1 to 4. Blk 29, Oakland 5.49 UNKNOWN OWNER- Part lota 1 nnd 2, Blk 5, Old Oakland. . . .17 UNKNOWN OWNER Part lot 7, Blk 5, Old Oakland 17 WHITSETT, D L Lot 6, Blk 8, Old Oakland 38 TAPP, R J Lot 4, Blk 10, old Oakland 17 PARKS, MRS A Lota 7. 8 and 9, Blk 1, Crow's add to Oak land 38 HANSON, HARRIET Lots 4 aad 8, Blk 1, Stealing's add to Oakland 38 RICHARDSON, THOS Lot 3, Blk 16, 1st add to Elkton 70 JONES, W E Lt 5, Blk 16, 1st add to Elkton 35 HANKY, JOHN AND CHAS Lots 7 and 8, Blk 16, 1st add to Klkton COPELAND, II M Lots 1 and 2. Blk 37, Seottsburg EARL. ERED Lot 8. Blk 13, Gardiner GLOVER WM I,ots 1. 2, 7 and 8, Gardiner, Blk 14 MOORK. T E Lts 3 an.l 6, Blk 16, Gardiner MILLER. MRS H W Lots 7 and 8. Hlk 6. Mvrtle Creek... MILLER. MKS H W Lots 1, 2, 5 and 6, Blk 7, Mvrtle Creek POWELL, W A AND W I EE Lot 7. Blk 8. Myrtle Creek . . . TAYLOR. G A Lots 5 to 9, Blk 4, Winchester TAYLOR, (i A All Blks 8, 14, 19. 20. H, 2. 23. 34, 38, 42 and 46 in Winchester TAYLOR, G A Lots 5 to 12. Blk U, Winchester Contracted Lands. O & C R R Co deeded to COFFIN, W E NK f NEK. .88 2.66 7.00 12.57 1.52 3.-i.-. 5 18.S7 1.28: us Sec 11. Tp EMMONS. SWV See 21. R 4: 40 acres. . EPS SWK of 27. Tp 21. R 4; 40 aeres F1DLER, 0 W SW'K of NEK. See 13, Tp 21, R 5; 4i aeres. . . BARD. R E NWK of SEK. See 3. Tp 25. R 6; 40 aeres. . . JORDEN. W E NWK, 8e , Tp 25. R 7; 162.95 aeres WILSON. ALBERT NWK of SWK, See 27. Tp 26. R 3; 40 acres TROWBRIDGE. B J NEK of NW'K. See 29, Tp 29. R 8 COFFEY, FRED NWK of NEK. See 11. Tp 30. R 9 DOUGHERTY, c E NEK of SWK. Sec 27, Tp 32. R 6; 40 aeres Sheriff's Assessment. EN KNOWN OWNER NK: of NE, of SWK. less 5 acres. See 4. Tp 22. R B; 15 aeres. . . UNKNOWN OWNER NWK of SEK. See 5. Tp 23. R 5; 40 aeres UNKNOWN OWNER NEK of SEK. See 3. Tp 23, R 7; 40 aeres UNKNOWN OWNER N'H of NWK. See 33, Tp 27. R 4: 80 aeres JACKSON. JOHN W End K SEK of NWK. See 31. Tp 29. R 4: 20 acres JACKSON. J L Und K SEK of NW. See 31. Tp 29, R 4; 20 acres ELDER. DANIEL ft SWK. See 12. Tp 20. R 10; 160 acres ELDER, IRONA NWK, See 12. Tp 20. R 10; 160 aeres HARNEY. J A RED N SEK. See 12, Tp 20. R 10; 160 acres JOHNSON. ANDREW Lots 1 and 2. EK of NWK. See 18, Tp 22. R 6; 160 aeres EDWARDS. WM H NWK. 8 24. Tp 20. R 7; 160 aeres THERCSA. LOUIS NWK. Sec 24. Tp 29, R 8; 160 acres SPARROW, KROLL COACH Und 1 16 SK of NWK. lot 5. Sees 14 and 27. Tp 20. B 12; 96 acres LAWRENCE, 0 E NEK. Sec 10. Tp 24. R 9; 160 acres STOW ELL. PRANK SEK, Sec 12, Tp 24. R 9; 160 acres. . CREMER, MARTIN NEK. See 12, Tp 24, R 9; 160 acres 1.24 2.0S 1.24 6..V, 1 n ' 1.5. j 1J."4 1.90' 6.40 4.52 1.74 3.13 13.34 .63 .63 10.02 10.02 10.02 15.00 1S.90 15.00 .51 15.01 15.01 15.01 GRIFFIN. D C SWK. Sec 12, Tp 24. K 9; 160 acres 15.01 LAWRENCE, If ABLE O. -NEW. See 14. Tp 24, R 9: 160 acres LAWRENCE. H K SEK. Sec 14, Tp 24. R 9; 160 acres BEGOLE. Q L SK of SK. Sec 26. Tp 24. R 9; 160 aeres HUSTON. A G N K of SK, Sec 26, Tp 24, R 9; 160 acres BARTON. W R NK of NK, Sec 26. Tp 24, R 9; 160 acres. . HAROLDSON, F P WK of WK. Sec 32, Tp 23. R 9; 160 acres GLAUM, M R NWK of NEK. See 36, Tp 32, R 6; 40 acres. . . 15.01 15.01 15. OH 15.01 15.01 15.01 3.76 GLAUM, J F SWK of NEK. SEK of NWK, Sw 36, Tp 32. R 6; 80 acres 7.54 GEISY. BENJ F SWK, Sec 24, Tp 20, B 7; 160 acres 18.90 LAUGHMILLER, HATTIE M SK of NEK. lots 1 and 2, Sec 6, Tp 20, R 8; 160 aeres HUMPHREY, BETTIE E SK of NEK, '"Is 1 and 2. Sec 4, Tp 21. R 5; 161 acres HAINES, CHAS W SWK of NW'K, NK of SWK, SWK of SWK, Sec 14, Tp 22; R 4; 160 acres WADE, ROBT Lot 2, SK of NEK, SEK of NWK, Sec 4, Tp 22, R 9; 155 acres TURNER, PURC1VAL G SEK of NWK, EK of SWK, NWK of SEK, Sec 24. Tp 29, R 3; 160 acres JONES, THEODORE T NWK, Sec 10, Tp 30, R 8; 160 acres. . NEIDERMEYER. JOS F NK of NK, Sec 28, Tp 30, R 8; 160 acres MAR8TERS, W E NK of NWK, SEK of NWK, NWK of NEK, Sec 10, Tp 32. R 7; 160 acres 15.01 15.19 15.01 12.23 15.81 15.01 18.37 22.78 MARSTERS, EFFIE L NEK of SEK, EK of NEK, SWK of NEK, Sec 10, Tp 32, R 7; 160 aeres 22.78 Now, therefore, I will, on Wednesday, the 28th day of December, 1904, st tho hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at my office in the Court House in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, in obedience to said warrant, sell at public auction, subject to re demption to the person who offors to pay all taxes, interest, penalties and accruing costs thereon, and take a cer tificate at the lowest rate of interest, for caah in hand on tho day of tho sale. H.T. McCLALLEN. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Doug las County, Oregon. SheriB's Sale. In the circuit Coari of the Bute ol Oregon lor DougllH I '.Hi Illy. Lyman E Knjip 1 Flalntifr I v i John W Iicnnctt ni t KluHbeth A Hinnett bin wife, IlcfeiiiUnu J Byvlitueo's w.-tt of execution duly Umiel out ol an 1 un 1st the Heal ol the above entitled court in the above emitted action, to me di rected and dau-d ihe 12th day ol December, 1901 in favor ol I.yman K. Knapp and atralmt said John W Bennett and Elizabeth A Bennett, hia wile, for the sum ol t4i! 08, with lntenat then' on at the rate ol 6 p. r cent j r annum, Irom the 7lh day ol ctoi,cr, 19W, and the lurther aum of t" attorneys ! and the further turn of 6JV coatn and dUbunemrnla, and the cii. and dlatmrscment of and u)ion thia writ of ex. cutlon, commandlmme to make aile ol the following deaeribed. pretnlxa lowit: The H of the N W'4 and Mi and I of See 2, T 2S s, R 9 went of the Willamette meridian, contalnluit l .v.i 18 acri-a and situated in I) n. ; -.-county, Oregon, attached In a'd acllou on ihe 7th day nt July, 1 Now. therefore. In compliance with the com mand ol laid writ, I wl I on Saturday, the 14th day of Jan. IgOs, at one o'clock p. m . ol aald day at the Court Hou-e I rout door, iu Hoaebunr. County, OreR.iu. aell at pill lie auction, aubjeet to re demption, to tha high, at bidder, lor United State gold oiu, cah in hand, the above dcftcritM'd real property, and ad the right, title and Interest the aald defendants hid therein on the date of - id attachment, towit. tbe 7th day ol July, 1901, ar ainc haa had the eln. to Mtlafy aald writ of execution, and all seeruing coata H.T. McCl.ALIJtS. 4hert ft of Douglaa Coun y Oregon S 11 111 111 Oil S. In ihe Circiil Court ol th. 81 ile Ore . .11 for ! iieIu County. E. K. Spoonhelm. i I'ialnUa". : a ) Oeo. E. Monlelth. ! PsA ndant j To. (eo. E. Monteilb, the alove named de fendant : In the name of tbe State of Oregon: Von are 16.05 ' hereby required to appear and anawer the eom ; plaint of plainlin died aga!nt you In the above entitled court on or belore Friday, the 17th day of January, !9oA. at ten o'clock a m.oltaid .lay: a-.d If yon Nil to so appear ant anawer aald omp'taint, p aintitT wiU MMCS judgment gain t you lor the reli I demanded in Said com plaint, to wit : F t the mm of f0 75 alleged In said complaint 10 be due Irom defendant to plaintiff on a certain promiaaory note made by defendant on May 17, 1J01. and f r coata and d tabu rue men, of thia action, and will apply to the court for an order of aale of real property of defendant ht rvtoforv In ihla action alitaened to-wit The tr'x of section , tp t! a r 1 w. W II . Douglas County Oregon. Thia ummont ia pubtiabrd In the "oaet unr Piattidealer. a aemi weekly bewaaper pab llhed at Rocbunr. in the county and ate a!.re aald. t r order of Hon J. W . Hamilton, Ju ice of aald Court, rrnd- st Chamin t Knarb inr Oregon, on tbe Uth day of December Ma, The firat piblicatloo ol thia aummoaa is of date Deremir 15. :9ol. and the ait publication of date January X. 9& making aertn publica tion" 1'iereol. for the foil period of alx weeka J C PVIXERTON, A. N. OBXTi T. J ttort-c j for pl&int ft. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Suve lor rioualaa County Hans Chrtatoffe.'sos. i'laintifT. ot Oregon VytlUsssa J. Monre and Carrie ' Moore his wife, and M A Marie Dele: dsats:) i To w A Marie, above named defenlaat: la the ! smc ot the Stile ot Oregon, you are ' hereby trqulred to appear andanswer the com p aim -l plaintiff fl ed again! joo in the said court and canse. on or before the Itth day i ! January. ;.'. being the dale prescribed by ihe coon in the or er lor publication of aald aumraoLs lor ya ' appear and anawtr taud ronplaint. and If yo.t fall to, ar pear and ana wer sa d cc-taplalnt on or belo-e said date, for want, thereof the plaintlT will apply to court lor the re ief demanded tn hi complaint which la lor a decree frutn said conn cancelling and setting aside lb ennvejaaoe made : yon by de- 'endant William J Moore and Carrie Moore of i 1 -l o c. two, and 'ixteen ol Bl ark seventy ix f rVurtn Southern A l liuon to Roaebsrg. OgS 1 on. aa fraudulent, aal conveyance being , made on the lxih day ol February . 1904, and re i corded In V I 4 ol D ed. page i7, in the office of tfatiaaaat clerk for Douglas couity. ore-..-s. gad :-:! rva. property be sold .. pay u4Sjareni h retofore secured by t lain' 10" acainst aald .'.e'eadauit. WiKiam I. Moor.-, and lor such ..t: er re" lei a to tbe court may seem I meet. i Thia aummons Is oubliahe I once s week ior at iaaataix uccea ve weeka ti- the Pialndeaier a w Ssf Sickly rewspaper published at Bose- t.urg. Cefjon. by order of Hon. M D Tbompaon County Jndae of Douglas county, o-egnn. made on the nth day of December. 1901. The Brat publication of this summons is on Dec ?. 1904. and Ihe last will bo on Jaunary 19. 1905. Date.) this Sth day of December. 1904. Bl' HANAS iliKEMNi.IR, and 0 s JACKSOS. Altoyneys lor PlainuS. Notice for Publication rnlted stale land Offlce. Roar ha rg. Ore.. Nov. 1. 19M Notice is hereby given that In compliance with th provisions of th act of Congress of June S, iHTS, entitled "An art for the sals ot timber lands In the States of California. Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," aseztend sd to all th public land states by act ol August 4. 1892. FLOID B. CREECH, ol .ilcr'nn. owimy ol Chebalia. alate ol Washington, haa this Say BUM iu thia offlce hia sworn statement No. 6..! for I be purchas- ol the . ', s '4. ..- , m ' , an : lotl.oi -cetlon So. 4 In township No. 2S s ol tS weat and will oiler proof to shew that the land sought i more valuable for Its Umber or atone lhaa for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim before th Register and Receiver of thi slfie of Rossbarf. Oregon, on Frtda' . the 17th dyof February 19U5. He name a witness: ligo Turner. Warren Koattv. p .vld I. Ma-tin and C I Levengood, all of R..s. burg. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adve-sely the above deacrib d lands are requested to file their claims In - his once i n or belore the said 17th lay of Feb. 1906. J. T. BRIDGES, N28p Res iater. Notice for Publication. Tnlted Stales Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon. Nov. 22 1904. Notice is here y given lhat In oorepllanos with lb provision ol the act of Congress of June 3. lira, entitled "An act lor the sal si timber lands In the States of California Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory." at extend ed to all the public land state by act of August t. 1BHL ROBERT 0 1ATBS . I Aberdeen oonnty ot Chchali. state ol Washington did on Aug 9 1904 flic tn .his offl.-e his sworn statement No 6.SK7 for the purchase of the ', section LI. .ownship 2a south range Sw and will of far proof to show that th land Bought la more valuable lor its timber or ctone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to establish bis el aim before th Register and Re stiver of this ettaes ot Roaaburg, Oregon, on Friday the 24th day ol February, 190V He names as witnesses: W H McCoasen, B Krak enberier and tieorve Batemau of Roseburg, Ore.. John R.ers nt nig Hutte, Ore. Any and all persoua claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file the r claims in this offlce on or belore said .'4th day ol Feb 1 904. J. T. BRIDGES dip Register. Title Juarantee& Loan Lo. KOSEBfl RO. OREGON I u. Haan.TOS, Presto-nt D 0, HABTU.TO. Seey. and Tress Offlce Iu the Court House. Here the only com pletesst ol abstract books in Douglas Coun'y Abstracts and Certificates ol Title furalshidol nought county land and mining claims. Have also a complete set ol Tracings of all township plats la the Roseburg. Oregon, O. 8. Land Dla Met. Will make bine print copies of any town hip. Grafting and Pro sis, by Experts. Pruning by the day or job, grafting 3 cnuts, guaranteed, one half down the rest when the cions are growing, write o Southern Ore., Nursery, dl2-23 Oakl nd. Ore. Notice of Restoration of Public Lands to Set tlement and Entry. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, (ieneral Laud Offline. Washington, D. C. November 1, 1H. Notice ia hereby glren that on October 21, 1WH, the Acting -ecretary of tbe Interior re ttored toaetllement the public landa In tbe fol lowing deacrtbed areas, which were temporarily withdrawn for foreat reserve purpoaea; and that said pub ic landa ao reatored to aetilemen on October 21, 1'jOi, will become aublect to entry, riling and neleetlon at tbe United Mates Dia trict Land Offlce at iioaebnr. Oregon, on March l,l'J05: In Townahlp forty (id) 8ootb, Range eight (8) Weat, Heet.o . nineteen (9) to thirty (SIX both lnclualve, and riectiona thirty-two (32) to (, both InUoalTc; Io Townabip forty ne(II) Souiii, Rmge eight (-v Weat: 8ec lion three (3) and ten '10), All Townabip tbirty-on.-(;i) (South, Baasa nine (9) West; In Town ahlp loity (K) -ouili. Range nin-.- ('J) Weat, Hec tion one (li, the - .1'1-tri quarter of Section eleven (II). the eaai hall and aoutoweat qnarter ol BSSttsa twelve (12), the northeast quarter of -Di llon t ilrtoen (1 1), Section twenty-flve (25) and twenty-six rl, the east half of Section thir-t-'.a- (34), and Hectlona thirty-five (35) and thi ty aix (:.); In Townahlp forty-one (U; (fou'b. Kanxc MiieO) Weat, Hectlona one (1), tw , (2), three ( f), and Section ten (10) to aix eeo (If.), both lnclualve: All Townahlp ti.irty-one (31) Boutl, Range ten (101 Weat; In Townahlp thiity (Ive(l5) outh. Ra-igc twelve (12) Wet, the southeast quarter ol Sectl n nine (9), the south half ol rection ten (10). Section eleven (II), tbe aouih hail and northwest quarter of Section twelve (12), the BJSal half of Section th rteen U, t.'.e Dortb naif of fectiona fourteen 14 and 1 lieeo (1. J, Section sixteen (16) the south hall and Lorlhtaat quarter of Section seventeen (17, sections twenty iaoj, tweniy-ooe (21 twenty nine 29, thirty ), thirty-one 'il) and thirty-two (ii); in Townahlp thirty -eUht (3D; South, hat n. twelve 12 Weat. toe southeast quarter of Section tweMy two ;22J. tbe oath ball at Section twentv three .21 , Section twen tj seven. (27). the southeast quarter of sVction tlnri. thr e (33). and the west half of ration thirty I . (34); In township thirty-nine (39) Sirn h. -ne. twelve (12) Weat, -ectiou lour (4 . tbe a 1. .. ilf ol Section Ave (5), the southeast q. art? ! I -ctlon aix (6). the axttheast quarter of Se t vet (7). Section eight (), the north weatqi r ol Section nine (9). Sections seven teen (OJ .J eighteen (lr). the northeast quar ter ol section nineteen (1 -).: he north half of Section tweuty (20). and the west half (or what will p-obably be when surveyed. L-.ta one (1) to sixteen ;16), inclusive) ol Section thirty (); In Toil aship to: ty (40) South. Range twelve (12) West, the we', hai'.or Lou one (I) to sixteen (16), Inclusive, of S-cii-.n eighteen (IS): In Township lorty-one 4i) Booth, Range twelve (I?) West. L -la three () aad four (4). the auntii halt of the northwest qaarter. and the south half o Section rive (.".), See 10a tx (. , the west half, or lots one (1) tosixteen (16). Indus ve. of Section sev n (7). tbe nortn hall an 1 southeast quarUr of Section elgnt (S) Ihe south haH -amd ao-lhweat qaarter of a ction Dine (9). and the weat half, or Lota one I) to twelve , 12 1. lncla slve, of Section euhieeo All of Willamette Meridian. Oregon. W A. RlcHaaos, Com la I ner Approved: E A. Hitchcock. ! KKtlt Secret. it al the li.lerior. Exposition Notes. One of the most complete exhibits of the mints of the Western part of the United Sis tee ever groapeti together will be shown in working order at the l'.sfjf, Cetitennisl at Portland. It is expected lhat the Minnesota ! building at Bt, Louis will be taken apart an I ntnt-aii tn PcrSsan.4 f . t l.a f a and Clark Ceuteunial. Ti e Sonoma County (Cal.) Uortiol tnral Society nnanitnoasly passed a resolution endorsing the project of the coui.ty making an exhibit at the Lewie au Clark Centennial. One million giant cones are being gathered by Indians in tbe fir forests of Urevou and a ill be given out at tbe Forestry building as free souvenirs of the Lea is and Clark Centennial. The Roarue River (.Ore. Fruitgrowers Association has collected an UDO'ually finedi?plv of Oregon apples which will be on xhibition at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Umatillit county. Ore. which rank drst in wheat raising in the state, will have one of the taoM 1. 1; pirte and in teresting county dxapUya at the Lewis ami liar lenteacna Japanese p irtirrpatjo in the Lewis and Cisrk Centennial will be greater than in the St. Louis World's Fair The total value of its exhibit at Port land will lie in t:k, neighborhood of The best portion of Ihe Belgian ex hibit at St. Louis, concealed to have been one of the most beautiful and artistic at that exposition, -wiil be moved to Portland for the Iewttt and Clark Centennial. X California apple growers are getting together an exhibit for the Lewis and Clark Fair ahich will romp ire favorably aith the display made by Oregon raisers of this fruit. The best of a hat composed the South ern Califonia and Los Angeles exhibits at the St Louis World's Fair mill be shipped to Portland for exhibition at the Iwis and Clark Centennial. 1 he blockhouse which was the head quarters of General Phil. Sheridan dur ing the Iudian wars of 1S55 56 will be moved to Portland and placed on exhib ition at the Lewis and Clark Centen nial. The house is situated about fifteen miles weet of Sheridan, Oregon. It is two story structure, built of los and is in good condition. The Government is preparing a grew exhibit for the Lewie and Clark Fair Rsmboulllet Rsms fur Sale. We have a fine lot of rams for sale one and two rears old and a few four years old that are thoroughbred registered Our rams are on the range all the year, are heavy shearers of fine wool and good rustlers. I, S. Hkrkin A Pats, tf Aahfcsa ire. Cheap Doots, Windows at J Nocio;.. .s. The rem.iinini; st" It of d tvr, w't .l us mouldini-si an.) hor mill ik .f 'I late Roe- ' n I. i be 0 , La i- u turned ovtsr ( Hte Ki .k ;ysitv''i Ov ami will to "old sain nn' .1 ...i-oil out. He. i I a ana fiat h it o uiint.m F o r o a i 1. e servo S.r; Soldiers' Additional cenp Military Land Warrants and other kinds of LAND SCRIP FOR S.aLa-Eaas If Ton want Uovcrn aent Tlmher land, set a title bv locatlac Und Scrip Write tor Price R. H. PE4LE Sprmgliali l. Professional Cards. JLHB'iK M HI-OWN. Attfirney-at-L Court Hons Down suit ROflEB(JB6,ORB rVL&atO. B. HOCCK, Physcian & Surgeon. nffloe Review H,i. KOBRBDaVt' ORKSOR Phone. Mala 31 W. HvYSKS. DENTIST, Huvtew B llldlng. Rooms a and 9 Te.ephone 'o Sil KO-RBPRj )(? u M. Crawford a J O. Wtoii' Attorneys it Lw, Roomalasl. Bank Boildg.. HtBi'gB, Ol. tW Business before lha T g Laid Offlce an 1 T- Business before th. ng caaes a specialty. mining c J C. PCLLERTO Attorney-at- Law. WIT practice in all the State and Federal Conns Offlce In Marka Bid.. Rose burg Oregon. P W BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Bank Building ROSEBURG . ORE'.O.N B ICHANAN A CREXISUEB S. A. BccaaVaJi I. L. Ggxviycsa Attorneys-at-Law Room 1 and 2 Martters Building ROSEBI'KO, OREOOK JAS E. Sawyers Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Room 6, Upstairs, Doaglae Co. Bfc. Bid. Ros(-niT, Oregon. D R. H. L. STCDLEY, Osteopathic Physician Cnre chronic diseases, correct deformatiea and remove foreign growths. Acute disease also respond readily to the treatment. Consultation Free Please arrange for appointments by phone Offlce over the Post Offlee Phone So. mi Reeider.ce H D- lirave place. Phone Ho. 1294 W. MARSTERS Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Marsters Building N. A. FOSTER & CO.. GOVERNMENT LANDS Of every des-.-riytion. Farms and Min eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and Minnesota 3B1 OAKLAND. OREGON DR. F. W. HUNT DEMIST OAKLAMD. : : OREGON li. Little, Oakland. Orejrv.n. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. ' P.rwca nsnanbl fee filino Asa ISavBSS. ment Land. Blue Pnte of Township Maps showing al vacant Lands. FRANK E. ALLEY .irrhitsfct, Atsstriicter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Spexial designs for Office F-ixtnres Off c in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 f ROSEBURG. OREGON Soerety Maatinga 1 M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. f Hjld 1 and f II ree-niar m-sun on seatvn I ortn WednesHJaTS oi J. T. Bridob. W M T.JtwatT, "Secretary. KI.KS. k.tvhor L.a1geNn. .fcfrj. Holds r-nt.Ar cninianir- twasl I O. O F . Ball xi secor J tnd fourth Rraraalay oi each month. Ill msmhera rvijXeetcxl to a' tend rvan arl and al' eisJtinxbsUttrsj ar cordt- inn ted to attend. F. B. Tfarrs, R. R Ror McCt-ilX":, Secret rO. D, 1st SEPARATE BATtSALLION O.N. U . tna n at Armors Hankeewre J r . i . a s. uiutmisi e"u.iiK,t a t ' a a . B. H.4.KLW. Cant IO. O. F Philetanan No. 8. Meets in Odd Fellows' Twnpie. cr- oer Jackson and Cass strvets, n Saturday evening nt sch.a.s Meter bets of the order in flood tin ar in sited to attend. J. C. TwTTCKttlA, N O. N.T Jewxtt. Secretary. Kof P. Alpha Lodsre No. 47. Meat 'vert Wednesday, in I. O. O. F Hall at 7: p. at. Members m aTOOd st ending are invited to attend. Mm Thompson, C. C. Ki-MtK Wixrsbxy, K. of R. A S. LIIJIC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Wo-idcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursday! oi each month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members la .rood standtnaT are invited to attend. Minnie Jonee, Ouanlian Neighbor. Bell Morian, Secretary. Second aad Fourth Thursdays. , E. S Rose-Mr? Chapter No. I A Holds their regular meaning on tue first and thirJ Thursday Ic each tooth Viaiting ni-mbers ia good it.r.ditg are respect fullv invited to at .rl. Maude Rast, W. M. Regina Rast, Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak Camr No. 196. Meets at the Odd K" Mows' Hall, in Roseburg, every drat and third Mondav evening. Viait c neighbors alwavs welcome. D. P. Fi&Ha. C. C. J A BpcaasaM. Clerk. I NITED ARVISANS, CmV)tM As J sembly No. 105, meets second and v fourth Saturdays of each month, fn Native Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Marstsrb, M. A. Min.mir, Secretary. nrt-v b D rV'. D. aV :T4JLL HafV a