t K K i i t i i t i i i t HOLDAY SEASON 1904 New Things Suitable For Holiday Gifts are Now In and are Constantly Arriving i UptoDate People Do not give useless articles forpres ents but give something that will be appreciated.' . . The Wise Person Will select their goods early when they can have the advantage of a full stock . . .' The 20th Century Santa Claus Suggests Silk- silk Waists, Silk Umbrellas, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Silk Suspenders, Silk Neckwear, Silk Hosiery, Silk Piece Goods, Silk Gloves, Silk Ribbons, Silk frout Shirts, Silk Baby Hoods, Silk Belts. Cotton. Cotton Undeiwear, Cotton Hosiery, Cotton Sweaters, Cottou Piece Goods, Cotton Blankets, Cotton Umbrellas, Cotton Handkerchiefs Cotton Nighiwear, Cotton Fancy VVorV, Cotton Suspenders. Linen. Linen Table Cloths, Linen Napkins, Linen Handkerchiefs, Linen Towels, Linen Piece Goods, Linen Shirts, Linen Waists, Linen Children's Goods, Linen Gloves. . And numerous other useful articles suitable ' presents constantly on hand at for THE PEOPLES STORE Woolen. Woolen Waists, Woolen Skirts, Woolen Dress Goods Woolen Clothing, Woolen Gloves, ( vn.ll. u oil 11 U". Woolen Footwear, Woolen Hats, Woolen Caps, Woolen Sweaters, j Woolen I'ndeiwcar. Woolen Overcoats, Woolen Blankets. I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor JACKSON STREET i i i CANYONVILLE NOTES. Mrs. Elmer Jackson and two children are visiting; relatives at thin place. l'rof. II. (). Stone went to ! in home in Washington to spend tin- holidays. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn F. Newman are entertaining a new daughter who ar rived a few days ago. Miss Bessie Clough, who has been in Kosehurg attending the High School, is visiting tier parents. Mrs. O'.-hea and Miss Vary Brown have returned trom l'ortland where they look treatment in the hospital. Miss I'hilura dilhain, of (ialesville, who has been attending Albany College, is spending the holidays with relatives here. Wilson & I .evens moved into their new store building last Wednesday. They have a neat and commodious building. Cieo. Neuner, Jr., who Was been at tending the I (rain Normal School, was in town Saturday, enroute to Days Creek to spend his vacation. Joe Jackson and Miss Oka (iibbs were married in Kosehurg, Dec. 24th. They j have mauy friends here who wish them a long life of happiness. A game of foot bail is to be played here Monday, Dec. 2ti, by the Days ICrtek ami Canyonv lie team. It will be followed by a masque ball in the evening. Krank Wilson, accompanied by Misses Bessie and Jessie Wilson and Inez Col vig, arrived Friday from Corvaliis, where they have bsjssj alten iug the Ag riciiltural College. They will return af ter vacation. A shits. Golden Weddings Told in Side Heads, Hoover rod Ballard Nuptials Dallas. Oregon, Observer, Dec. 23: Dr. E V. Hoover, May ir of Roseburg, Ore gon, an 1 Mrs. E. Ballard, a daughter of Mr and Mrs. E. H. Hibbard, were tnar ri is at the Hibba'd home, south of tow, Tn-slay. Rv. J. M. tire-n, pi3torof l)M Bap.ist church officiati.isr. The cerenony was witnessed only by the near relatives of the contraciing parties. After a rouatiful wedding dinner had beea served, Dr. and Mrs. Hojver drove to Salem and depaited on the overland train for San Francisco After a tonr of Southern California, they will return to their new home in Rose burg. The many Roseburg friends of the high contracting parties join the Piai ideal er in extending congratu la ions and best wishes Special Car to Oakland Arrange ments have been made with the South ern Pacifice R R- Co. for a special car to be run from R sebnrg, to Oakland in the evening of Dec. 30th, on account of the grand concert and ball to be given in the latter city on that night. The Tound trip fare of $1.00 will be charged, and it will require fifty fares to secure the car. The members of the Roseburg Orchestra, which has been engaged to furnish music for the affair, are en deavoring to secure the pledge of the required number of persons who intend to make the trip and are meeting with good success. The car, if secured, will leave here at 6 o'clock p. m. and arrive at Oakland about 30 minutes later. Chrlgtmis Ball. The grand Christ mas ball given by the I'mpqna Hose Co. of the Roseburg Fire department Saturday evening w. s well attended and proved a most enjoyable sffair. Good music was a feature of the occasion and was furnished by the Kosehurg orches tra. All those who attended report a delightful evening. The lereipts were for the benefit of the Hose company. Local and Personal. For women's disease try Osteopath y Strange, dentist. Schools Enter FUg Cntest The Roseburg Schools wish to announce that they will enter the Flag Contest and ask all ciitiens to mark their votes "Roef burg School." The schools are in need of such a flag and nowhere cou'd it serve a more worthy or useful purpose than in our sc' ools. The teacher and students unite in asking the loyal sup port of all patrons and citizens. Pure Water for Railroaders On ac count of the preva'ence of typhoid fever among the railway employee of 'he Southern Pacific in Oregon ant Califor nia, the medical department of the com pany is arranging to have drifting water supplied th- trainmen so th y will not be obliged to drink from tank along the line and from the fenders. National Holiday. Vhen legal L li days fall on Sunday the iaw provi that the following Monday ha!l be a legal holiday; therefore th n postoffice and United States land offiu ? remain closed today, but b- mutual agreement the local banks opened for the transac tion of business as usual totay. Osteopathy cures I.s(i'ippv The Misse- Clarke of Hotel (ilen dale, are guests .f B iseluirg friends. J. ing. P. Johnson, dentist. Grave ' n Id- Mtl Let the -Uopath do the work, will lie pleased with the results. You Throat troubles ar- HWhmwHjh i d by Osteopathy. Cattle are fatter in southern than thev were lat summer. Oregon Gobi crown and bridge quality by Dr. Strange. Miss Kate Fullerton is vi-itingat Rid dle with her aunt. Mrs. Will Nichols. work of bst and other friends. CLEAR-UP SALE In going over oar Boys' and Children's Clothing StocK, we found a great many odd suits, small lots and some which were slow to move. Wt have priced them as follows. Boys Long Pants Suits 'AGE FIFTEEN TO TWENTY YEARS) These suits are assorted into two lots LOT ONE contains some all wool suits a few slightly shelf worn. Formerly sold for from $5.00 to $7.50. Now $3,50 LOT TWO. All wool heavy and light weight suits, excellent for every day or School suits, worth from $6.00 to $9.00. Now $5.00 Little Boys' Knee Pants Suits AGE FOUR TO EIGHT YEARS) $2.00 to $2.25 Suits going for $1.50 2.50 " 3.00 " " " zxxt 3.50 " 4.00 " M " 2.50 4.50 " 5-QQ " " " 3 & 3-5Q Boys' Knee Pants Suits (AGE EIGHT TO SIXTEEN YEARS) $2.50 to $2.75 suits going for $1.50 3.00 " " " 2.00 3.50 - " " 2.25 4.00 " 4.50 " " " 2.50 & 3 5.00 " 5.50 " " " 3.5a & 4 Special Udies' L Men's Heavy Brown Wool Underwear. All sizes. Regular $1.00 values for 70 cents the garment or (l.:i5 the suit. Kid Shoes' narrow an. I medium toes, 2 50 and 13.00 values, sizes 1)4 to 6, wbUe tbey last $1.50 JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE See the Pittsburg ing at S. K. Sj kes. Perfect Wire fenc Electric wcldel. Mrs. Thos. Wrathford secured the. beautiful doll Store. given away at the People Now is tne time to buy Holiday goods vou can get what yon want at S. K. Svkes. The heir presumptive to the throne of Sweden w r id to be d sirous of wedding Mies Alice Roosevelt. I-adies only cau call at and get a number free machine to lie given away L S. K. Syke's OH a sewing on .lanu.irv Mrs. Burr Jones went to Grant. Pas Sunday to S4i.d the holidays with her mother. Postm.ister L L is enj'iying a vir-it I'eer Creek. Hur I, of Ulendale. with relatives on After GO years of harmonious wedded life Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiikerson Winniford of O.ikland Oregon, celebrated their golden anniversary, Monday, Dee. It, 11)01. surrounded by 2S of their children and grain! children, only last of the wlnde family being absent. They were umrrit-d near Grtenville, Tenres ree, Iec. 19, 1854. Eleven children blessed thi union, eight of them yet living, all lieing married but l.e young est son. In 1S71 they moved to Oregon, and fur :;i vears have resile! at their present home. They were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts, the most interesting being a fine toned gradi(dine. given by the children and grand children The rooms and table were decorated in gold ami green, the golden color being carried out in all the cak-s. The din;. er was served on the same u v cloth which was used for the reception dinner TiO years ago and all suth occasions in th-family since It was a most delightful i ffiir and al together the day was a most en jo able one and an occasion long to be remem bered by all present. With fondet wishes that all may meet again in the dear old home to celebrate their dia mend wedding. Owl. COMPARISON IS PMl A TRUE TEST HOLIDAY CANDIES Our candies are the highest grade goods in town. Comparison is the only true test and the one we always win out on. When it comes to high grade and de licious goods we have no competitors. .v.sv.v.v.v.sv.v. II Currier m rr?Kl xi i If Call you want to buy a farm you want furnished rooms you want to buy a house you want to rent a house you want to build a house you want to move a house a lon't too on nr PAT F F. pattella, Contracts nd BaiMsr Reeeburg Oregon. We wilj y 32 cents in trade or .10 cents cash for your eggs. Bring them in, also your butter and chickens A. D. Clink, near depot. jlp Local Talent Theatrical. The Rose burg Orchestra will gie a splendid dra ma on or about Jan 8, 1905, the charac terization now being completed. The cast will embrace the very best local talent which insures a production equal if not superior to many of the traveling troupes' presentations at this place. Watch for further announcements. The title of the Drama is "Twixt Love and Money." Good Business Proposition A nice clean stock of Confectioneries, Tobaccos and Fixtures, good location next door to poet office, for sale. Inquire of Jj V. Thornton, Cottage Giove, Oregon. Strawberry Plants for Sale. Excel sior and Wilson strawberry plants,. '60 cents per hundred, or $2.50 per 1000 f. o b. Address J. H. Yonuee, Dtylard, Ore. il Killed Cougar FrMar.-Chai Key--, of Melrose kii'ed aoafcar near Callahan's saw mill which assured nine feet from tip to tip. HeTironght the big cat to Roseburg Saturday which was viewed with considerable, interest by a good many of the townspeople. It was a fine specimen. I Wasted. Apyies, ab ut 500 taxes. Must be free from worms, Cash or trade, A. D. Clink. jlp Don't make the same mistake again Come in and you will find bargains equal to th re of last year. Put on your hat and coat and come now to S. K. Svkes. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer pnblic. otli.-e up stairs County Bank Building. and notary in D uglas If A marriage license has been i-sued n Walter G Stevens and Nannie I, Howard, of Myrtle Creek. Attorney Ja Swyers is holidays on the farm on the nea- Elkton with home folks. finding Cmpqna Mrs. Win. Lin Ion, of Kej e, spent Xmas with her parents Mr.anl Mrs. Frank Reed, and nunv :!- in this ity. The famous Black Patti Troubadours is the next attraction at the Roseburg Theater, Wednedav evening Iec. V. It is a high clas, genteel musical company. tis Echo Gaddis. secretiry of the Donglss Gunty Creamery , at Roseburg was in Cottage Grive Wcluesdav. I.e.ld.T. Eider R. Dollarhide. of Roseburg, and Rev. Mrs. S. E. Aickman, of Murphy, are in Ashland to hold quarterly meet ings in the Free Methodist Church. Tidings. Coats Wanted. Will pay cash for 25 or 33 head of nannie goats. Apply to L. M. Jaekqnes, Drew, Ore. Steers for Sale 00 head of two ('and three year o d steers at t cents, per pound. Apply to J. H. HawLaf, Di vide, Oregon. f Jas. Fink, of Portland is the guest of his uncle, W. W. Card ell, and family I Atout 0 Mrs. F. L. Kinnev and the children display- are spending the Christmastide with Mrs. Kinney's mother, Mrs. McCallis ter at Drain. Samuel Grant, who has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. D Os born, in this city, left on this morning's local for Corvallis to visit briefly with relatives after which he will return to his home in Eastern Oregon Dr. H. t Studley, Osteopathic physi cian. Dr. Almeda J. McCall, assistant in obstetrics and disea-es of women. Phone or call at office in Abraham bldg. Consultation Fr ee. tf worth of goods in one of windows of Jas. Cobb's clothing estab'ishment were destroyed Thursday evening bv fire, dne to the ac cidental tipping over of a wsx candle. err Merry Christmas To One and All Rice & Rice w. r. llingenpeel, the jeweler is a practical optician and is prepared to tel your eyes and fit glasses. He ie also prepared to engrave watches and all kind of jewelery. Prices very rea sonable. tf Sykes A Carroll have moved the' plumbing shop from the old Flok building on Main street to No. 21!) .Tack- son street, the building formerly oc cupied by K. E. Hands Ciear Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the' plumbing and tinning line. Phon' No IN. ",7t THE Special sales by Stea ns A Chenowith Onklandand Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines f 15.00 and up; w iter pipe; wire, plain and barbed ; cut and wire nails ; the only guaranteed black smith coal; two carloads Pace woven i nc icutc, ineouiy ieniereo wire lenre for sale. n.3 tf There are no others who are as well prepared to fur nish yourX-ma8 presents as we are the Home Cheerers and House Furnishers J. E. Thornton, A. H. Pracht and F E. Grieve went down to Roseburg Tues , day to be present at a meeting of the E'k fiere Tuesdar. Members of tl e order from Jacksonville and Grants Pass will a'so be in attendance and there will lie several candidates initiat ed. Ashland Ti dii gs. Walter Faulkner of Portland, agent fortheXew York lif insurance com pany, is spending the ho'i Ins in Rose burg, the gu-st of his parents. Found While strolling down Sh-jri Ian st. Sundav afternoon. I found the licest display of Xmas. candies in Kosebnrg, at J. J. Norman v Co. Mr anil Mrs. H C. Veatch, honored pioneers of I. in county, celebrated their gold-n wedding anniver-ary a: C'CUge Grove Saturdiy. W,th their parents they crossed, the plains froai Missouri, behind ox-teams in the same train to Oregon in 13 ami lo-ated nar Cottage Grove, where they were married " years ago at the old farm horn" upon which they reside.! until recently, when they took up their resi lence in I iwn Mrs Veatch is a daughter of the vener able old pioneer. S. B. Kn n, who died at Cottage Grove some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Veatch are the parents of eight childreu seven of who are living. Among thoe of the childr iaat'enl ance at the golden wedding anniversary, were Conductor S mi "eat h in i iamily and Conductor Al Witch a id family, the former beisg the eldest of ihe child ren and the latter the youngest. This v.-nerable and tiighlv esteetne! old co pi fortune having delt kindly with them, reasonable good health lx:ng still among the greatest blessings which they enjoy. We are doing business at the old stand. If you want to buy. sell or trade anything see - - - A. D. BRADLEY THE SECOND HAND MAN A full stock of both new and sec ond hand Furniture, Tin and Iranite ware. Cook Stoves and Heaters. Wanted, $1000 worth of second hand furniture. A fine stock of Harness. Whips. Kobes. Saddles and everything in the Harness line. My harness is all hand made and guaranteed. BRADLEY JACKSON ST -BLODCETT'S OLD STAND SWELL TIES IN ALL STYLES Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable gift, or one more appreciated for yonr gentleman friend than an up-to-date tie. uS CENT'S HATS Here is another Holiday Necessity for the . well dressed gentleman. No matter how stylish the suit the appearance is not striking without an up-to-date hat. J. A. COBB JACKSON STREET.. Yon Yonson Coming to Rosf burg: : JUST ARRIVED NEW STOCK FINE CHINA WARE Mr. and Mrs. Krank Kennedy an 1 the atter's sister. Mis lioodchild, left lor Portland. Fridav where thev were the gnrst of relaitives Xmas. .W. i 1 i lot k, a Southern Pacific train man who lonn.Tc.v w irked out of Kosehurg, mu m irrie I at Ashland fnesdayjo Mrs Fannie C. Jeff ray, of that t-it v. The ladies of the Rpbcipal iuild are ihliged to give up ' Tli Hulking 15.-" which was to have been put on by local tal-oit. ! v.i. t-c of being unable to secure t id t uti iir.' opera house. Ira Wimberly, the Drain merchant was in town Kri lay, a guest ai his par ents. He si,ys plans are being discinf d for H'lpp'yiug that gr.iwing town villi electric lights at an early date. Semi sour mae al I address on iws a I to 1'lie New York Tribune Farmer, ttm York City, ( r a free sample copy. Vfter readh g it, forward t2.'J.'j to the 'laiudealer, Koeehurg. Oregon, and We will send Uith paars for a full year, tf No play of recent year has ?o much ! uproarious fun and such genuine heart interests as "Yon Yonsou" in which the : iate Ous Heege made both fame and for- 1 tune before his untimely death a few .... . i. , ,. , . , i vears ago it lias Deen a oinicun ui- re weh preserveJ, time and g-od - f f;, . .. . ter 1 suixTToiuiij . , '(. - lvt couieilian, but Manager P. J. Ken nedy has succeeded splendidly. He was MB pelled to g.. to Europe to do it, and he is now more than pleased with his investment and at the result of his labor. He has secured Mr. Charles A. Boyd, a handsome young actor singer ai d mu- Man m ho is considered l y all odds to To be Opened for Entry. Wasiiixotox, Dec. 23. The Secretary of the Interior to.lay orlerel restoration to entry of 221 000 acres included in the withdrawal of the Vest Cascade forest reserve The lands are agricultural, or so intermingled with private holdings as to be undesirable for forest reserve They will lie advertise.) !K) days before liecoining subject to entry. Rof eburg John TfafrOM and Fred Chapman of the Douglas County hink spent Christ mas day at Cottage H rove, Mr. Throne returning to Kosehurg this morning, while Mr. i hspi n went farther north to spend a we k's vacation in the lowtr vVilldine; t.' v.dley. The lnys seem to lave aatwral (fair) ftiends at th GlOve, FURNISHERS All that heart could wish, A suitable present for any member of the family. Swell Chairs, Rockers, Cushions, Beds, Sideborrds, Buffetts, Fancy China and Silverware. Anything that's good for the home we have it. Send us your orders. There was a ki ti of a reunion of edi tors at Cottage Grove Christmas. Edi tor lee Henry ami wife of the Jackson ville Sentinel celebrated the day with the latter's parents at that place. Edi tor A. P. Bettersworth formerly of the Harrisburg Review, spent the day with friends in that city, liditor Claude Riddle, is in Cottage Grove, editing the leader alone with Editor Root of the Nugget, and the Plaindealer man also observed Christmas in Cottage ; Grove, where the day was appropriately I Tl,a a i 1 ... . I i , I 1 .... n 1 l.n. ,1 .... cupied the band stand in the public i square and gave a free open air concert in the afternoon. very choi.a fruit trees, nil leaiiiiu' varietios. Spitzn! erg mid Yellow Newton Pippin apphs a specially. All guaranteed true to name and free from pests. For sa e at very reasonable price by Roseburg Nurseries, 11 Schroten, Roseburg, Orego tf Ashland Beat "dry" again at Tues day's election, by a margin of only nine votes out of a total of 7211 iast on the quest on of licensing saloons during the coming year. Last year the mar gin waB 27, a very small one. This year the margin is still smaller. DIED. LARKIN Near Leona, Thursday, Dec. 22, lm. Eva Larking, aged about 25 years, of typhoid fever. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J. M. Larkins. J. R. Dean of Riddle was a visitor Saturday . H. C. Sloctim is spending the holiday season in Portland. John R Sutherlin and wife arc guests of friends at Oakland. "Have you ever seen finer weather for this season of the year?'- Walt Singleton and family are guests of Lee Parker and family at Drain. E. L. Cannon of Lurley, is s)ernling the holidays with friends at Fugene. At the Deer Creek road meeting hld Friday the special tax was voted d nt 8. 8. Catching and wife of Ki Idlo are guests of Roseburg relatives and fri mis. Mrs. Bert Ailderton is spending the holiday season with her parents at Grants Pass. Horace S. Lyman, author of l.ymnti's History of Oregon, died at Portland Thursday evening. Prof. A. M. Sanders and son, (iale, are spending the bolida y season with relatives at Dallas. Chas .igler ami w ile ot .Astoria, are enjoying the holidays, with the former's rola ives and friends in Kosel urg. That is a whopper carrot cn exhibi tion in Cobb's real estate window from the gar leu ol L L. Mathews of Fall Creek. Archie Follett and wife left Saturday to spend the holidays with rein, ives at Junction, Salem and Portland. Rev. Mark Munson tilled his regular appointment in Lane countVi near Eu gene NMH, returning nonie tins morning. Attorney Louis Barzee who has been detained about two weeks at the bed side of his mother who is critically ill at her Marion county home returned to his home at Roseburg Saturday. He may return to the bedside of his mother early this week, her condition still being serious . i " fA) " ". . "AY'TakkYo Cat Wrong Fauar! ' FIGS H0NET ALMONDS WALNUTS RASINS CURRANTS CITRON CROCKERY LEMON AND GLASS WARE ORANGE PEEL Anything yon need for a Fruit Cake or Mince Meat : J. F. BARKER CO. Phone 201 The Black Patti Troubadours. America's greatest aggregation of Afro American Thespians will be the attrac tion at the Roseburg Theatre Wednes day evening, Dec. 28. The exalted standing and reputation of Black Patti, the extraordinary excel lence of the troubadours and the phe nomenal success of their performance elsewhere makes the appearance of this remarkable company of singers, dancers and comedians in this city an event of immense public interest. Black Patti's lyric triumphs in all the leading musk cities of Europe and America are without parallel. She is one of the moat popular prima donnas in the world, and has probably sung before the larg -st and most distinguished audiences that ever assembled to ap plaud a cantratrice. She has been the recipient of distin- be the most popular pi aver of dielect roles ever sent to America. He is ver satile and has enough personal magnet ism to supply a dozen or more of the act ors who are supposed to possess this quality to a large degree. All the other members of the company are as well equipped for their various roles, which insures to the play goers ol this city per formances of rare smoothness when the company comes to the Roseburg theater on Thursday evening, Dee. 1Mb. The play is staged with new scenic equip ment and during each act a number of redued specialties are introduced, in- chwji g the ''lumbermen's" quartette. MRS. H. EASTON is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of -GROCERIES n U All f U .... .1 . .( l.AnAm T All ireau tuu ;i tuu uwt quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties Tour patronage 9 solicited. aos Jackson St. Roseburg Notice of Publication. United Stataa Laad Ofica. Boaaiwii, OiegOB, OoL U. ISOi. samuet H. Knight and 1. H. foreman aariac Sled as Urn otto their corroborated protest cainst the allowance ol timber apptleauon sas, tar Ms i. U aad M, see. tOSs.rSw., made by Charted Maw. upon which naal proof was submitted at this otte on September JS, 1304. and suspended by raaaon ot raid pro teat, a hearing la hereby ordered. The mineral character ol the laad U alleged by the pro teat ants aad it is for the purpose of determining the character of the tracts included in the said entry that the hearing is had. The teetimony In the case will be taken before the Reenter and Receiver of this ofBee on Xarch JO, IMS, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The parties n Interest are hereby summoned i appear at th said time and place to off e testimony in p -ort ot their respective claims J. H. BOOTH, SJ A The county court of Carry county has made an order declaring Curry "dry" after January 1st. Miss Evelyn Cornutt, of Riddle is visiting here with ber sister. Mrs. Mary Hildebrand and Mrs. Olive Green. Miss Jo Byers left Friday evening for Canyonville to spend Xmas with her brother, O. H. Byers, and wife, S. D. McCoy has returned frotu he hospital at Portland where he under went a successful operation for stomach trouble. Miss Elisabeth Parrot, teacher in the public schools at Pendleton, arrived here Fridar evening to spend the holi day season with relatives and friends. Donirlan eonntv in invMtimtA it mintna pushed honors paid to her by royalty of dj8Uict there. in for a season. The Plaindealer was Europe and nearly every representative musical organic ttion in the Uuited States has acknowledged her wonderful vocal gifts by the presentation of costly medals, diplomas and decorations. In addition to her beautiful voice and ex quisite art, nature baa endowed her with a blight intellect and queenly form ; and if it was not for the accident favored with a pleasant call Saturday. Miss Susie Watson arrived here from Salem Friday evening and acc ompanied L. L. Matthews to Fall Creek to spend Christmas and New Year with hex father, Robert Watson. Miss Watson has been attending school at Salem aad rMlHinff with bar innt lira A It of race and color, she would unquestion- Crwtord. 8n, win retarD to ably atti in dieUnction in grand opera th "iunl " '" DUjuycM uy .um, voio, i S a roan It (ha Albana and the world-famous diva after whom she is named. For seven years she has won fame and glory with the Black Patli Traubadours, the most popular band . t darkey play folks ever organized. The Troubadours this sea son is said to be more entertaining than ever in the fun and singing features. John Rucker. the Alabama blossom in the leading fun role of "Looney Dream land" is the big laughing, shouting hit of the show. recent "try-ontoT the following have been chosen as the debating team of the Roseburg High School: Elmer Wilson, Ethel Shupe, and Bessie Coshow; alternates: Lilith Moore, Olivia Risley,and Birdie Tipton. The team meets a debating trio from the Eugene High school, in this city, oa Feb. 10, when the following question will be debated : Resolved that Port land is more likelv to become the lead 1 Northwest than Seattle