TWICE-A-WEEK ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER Published Mondays and Thursdays by THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY Telephone Main 276. Office, Corner Main and Oak Streets. Entered in the Postoffice at Roseburg, Oregon, as second class mail matter in 1868. - - - 1 - - ' W. C. CONNER, Editor. F. H. ROGERS, Manager. W. D. STRANGE, Foreman. j GROCERIES I FARMERS' NEEDS FRUITS : PROVISIONS SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES. Semi-Weekly One Year, $2.00; Semi-Weekly Six Mouths, $1.00, Cash in Advance. AdvrM;iTicr rates, cn rents ner sinple column inch per month. Locals, c. cents a lint THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 104. By ffflton R. 6retr Copyrlarhf, 1KH. by Hilton R. Greer. rarjoric and mistletoe! Rarer combination JScoer stirred man's heart, I ditb 8 wetter expectation 1 Shining spray of mistletoe. Snowy beads a -cluster. Mps that lure and eyes that fllOtP attb a Tune day luster! XTTarlcrtc and mistletoe, x Setb suggesting hisses I Cave he who dares forego Sue supernal blisses; Craven be. a dullard slow. Needing small condolence; Klse the wtgbt, where hisses grow, rabo plucks tbem nolens To tals! Gleet ma? beat and swirling snow Blur the darkened window; Crooning winds, now high, now low, Cbant a shrill crescendo; bat rech I, where darh eyes glow. Of starless shies and stormy? Marlorfe and mistletoe Mhe endless summer for mej JkE TOTi 4s0EasaW7SBV I v29B P(Bvk- TyWl v Jr5sV . ii..iiht by lark ..u, lie lurk. CHRISTMASTIDL This is the glad Christmastide when the spirit of giving pervades all the world, and the common man lies awake nighte wondering what he shall do and how he shall do it, and who'll pay for it after it is all over. It is thus we foolishly discount joy. It is little things which bother common men, yet the hand of fate seems to be preparing Christmas gifts for nations and the world in a way that is big with portent of rejoicing. Over in the far East Japan is planning to give a magnificent drubbing to Rus sia about this time. This is a Christmas gift Russia sadly needs. Russia seems to be in a fair way to give Japan the victory of a righteous war. That will please Japan to the limit. While they are about it the two might well combine and give Manchuria back to the Manchurians to whom it belongs and thus make all eastern Asia thrill with the Christmas spirit Peace in the far East is a gift that the world would gladly receive, and may yet get it. That might give the various peace congresses a chance to give the rest of us a rest from the amusing notion that peace between nations can be brought about by the people of a third nation hiring a hall and spouting about it and having the speeches printed in full in the daily pa pers. The fact is this world is full of opportunities for Christmas giving in the large way and all of us can see them. It is the little personal things which bother us. That's why its lucky the Christmas season comes but once a year. AN OUTRAGE ON JUSTICE It is stated that Hitcocock's high-salaried hirelings have promised commutation of sentance or immunity to Pufcer, Emma Watson and others convicted in the land fraud case if they will testify implicating in any manner Congressman Hermann and Senator Mitchell. Herein ap pears to be a more dastardly, corrupt, and deep laid plot tnan tne land iraua swindle itseii. ir is gener ally known that Hitchcock has left no stone unturned in his endeavor to implicate Hermann at least, in the land fraud base, and having failed in his revengeful purpose up tohis time has become desperate in his endeavor to vindicate his unenviable attitude toward Mr. Hermann and his home state by bringing about his indictment by some means whether fair or foul. This latest attempt to wring damaging testimony against Hermann and Mitchell from parties who have been proven devoid of principle, honor, integrity and common decency; who have lived in open violation of all statutory and moral law; who have repeatedly perjured themselves; have resorted to all man ners of fraudulent and villainous transactions and have been convicted on all of these counts; we say the effort of Hitchcock and his hirelings to attempt to introduce testimony from such a source to implicate two of Ore gon's most honest, worthy and highly honored state rep resentatives, is a criminal outrage, an insult to the state of Oregon and a reproach to the government itself, which retains at the head of its Interior Department a man who will resort to such questionable methods. It is stat ed is this connection that one of the government's attor neys, who has been active in prosecuting this land fraud case, npon learning of this latest move on the part of Hitchcock to introduce and accept convict testimony or statements of parties self convicted of high-handed fraud, at once denounced the purpose as outrageous and de clined to be a party to such a procedure. With a two year term in the penitentiary and a fine of $10,000 each staring them in the face, what testimony would not such persons of the Puter, Watson, Walgamot ilk submit upon a promise of immunity or commutation of sentence ? The very spectacle of a grand jury considering such testimony is repugnant, repulsive and a repro ach to justice. PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TOWARD. MEN it zr" r Black Patti Troubadours Mirth, melody and mimic is Hm keynote of tlie iH'rfoniiMnce to be tri ven by the famous Black Patti Troulmdours at the Boaebntg Theater, Wednesday even ing, I'ee. i's Those sweet pinners and ehonv colored fiintiiakers of llixie land have been recognized for years as a high class standard attraction and one that hat KOied a phenomenal popular success with theatre-goers in all sections of the country. tmoag the forty in Iti ranks are to be found the mc at talented Afro-American ingen, dancer and commidiane in the world. Sibsieretta Jones, the BLACK 1'ATTI, the vocal star of the organization, in addition to Wing the most gifted singer of her rai-e, enjoys the distinction of having sung before the largest audi ences that ever assembled in Madison Sqiiaie Garden, New York City, and tl e only colored female singer honored by royal command to sing In-fore the former Prince of Wales, now Kir.s K.iward VII of Fnglxnd. In lids country BLACK I'ATTI and the Tr nl ai!i uis tlicrgh lltir tnhjabh ttrt fflfl iBMBte have added largely to the musical culture of the people Their I appy lOVtval of the sweet melodies of the South reminiscent of Ante Helium das 1 he plantation. the cotton tield and the levee has been a musical revelation to millions. While sweet harmonies are woven ill through a Trouludours performance. yet there is an abui. dance of refined Iarky fun contributed John Rocker, the Alabama lilosfom, and a score or mote funsters in ti e cw skit " Leone lrcam lard " NAN PATTERSON TRIAL IS ENDED JIMMY BRITT GETS DECISION Attorney for Defense Makes a But the TWenty Round Battle Was Startling Summary Sur prising Hearers. MITCHELL AND HERMANN'S HOME COMING. Several days ago there was given out what purported to be a newspaper interview with Hi'chcock, secretary of the interior, containing the very strong intimation that Senator Mitchell was mixed up in the timber tannle. This report coming directly after Heney's effort to get Mitch ell and Hermann back here to testify in the McKialey- Puter-Ware case, and the subsequent sudden dropping of the case to the astonishment of the public, all coupled with the convening of the grand jury and Mitchell and Hermann's decision to come to Oregon at once and ap pear in their defense, puts an interesting phase on the whole situation. When men with as clean political records as those pos sessed by Mitchell and Hermann are forced into the land fraud cases, it is apparent that the prosecution is driven to desperate straits in an effort to make a showing. But, what is more apparent, Hitchcock realizes that unless he can land some big game in this mix up he is done for both as secretary of the interior, and forever af ter, politically. The case is taking on a national aspect, but will dis solve into thin air when Mitchell ahd Hermann reach Portland and make their statement before the grand jury if allowed to do so. While it may, in a sense, be humiliating to men of their standing, to have even a breath of suspicion whis pered against their personal or political integrity, it is morally certain that their act in coming home to defend their honor will exalt instead of debase them in the esti mation of the public. THE REGISTER ACTUATED BY SELFISH MOTIVES The Eugene Register says the request for the annexa tion of the Douglas county portion of the Bohemia mines has "come from the miners and the. people interested themselves, in order to facilitate the business of the va rious enterprises in which they are engaged, which will aid in the more rapid progress and development of the country." The Register is all at once very solitious for the wel fare of the miners and people of South Lane county and would accede to their every demand, since Eugene is to profit by the consummation of the object sought. How ever, we remember very distinctly when this same paper most vigorously oppjsed and condemned a far more wide reaching, practical and worthy demand on the part of the Bohemia miners and not only all of the people of South Lane, but many of North Douglas as well, a demand or movement which, had it not been defeated by the Regis ter and Eugene politicians, would have had the effect to greatly promote and stimulate the development of not only the Bohemia mines, but the timber, agricultural and numerous other industries of South Lane and North Doug las, and bring about a new era in the growth and advance ment of that favored territory. We refer to the plan for the formation of a new county out of a portion of South Lane and North Douglas, a plan which, owing to the geo graphical location, the mountain chains and course of the streams of that section, seemed most practical and worthy of support in order to "facilitate the business of the peo ple engaged in various enterprises and aid in the more rapid progress and development of that part of the coun- try." In the former movement the Register has a selfish mo tive back of its endorsements and support; in the latter movement the Register was and is still actuated by a selfish motive in condemning and opposing it. The last mentioned cause is the most worthy and practical of the two. Xkw York, Dec. 21. Counsel Ievy elooed up the Nan Patterson murder case for the defense in a long, ezhaust- ve speech. He poin'e-1 out the weak ness of me prosecution case, and -poke if the conflicting testimony of the cab nan and the boy who jumped on the cah step. "Either Ciear Young killed himself r he was killed by the defendant,'' aid Lav. You imnt either a . :;t this girl or give her the full punish ment of the law." IsVfOf spoke of the life of the defend ant and of her scarlet sin", and dramat ically declared: "Were she the vilest strumpet .f tha street, and her soul as black as the gates of hell, she is entitled Practically a Draw to as (iuare and fair I as the I ,e Mechanics Taviuox, fax FRAJsctaoo, rec. 20. At the end of the 2oth round tonight with Jimmy Kritt and ' Bat tling" Nelson of Chicago fighting like a piir of bulldogs, the gong sounded the end of the contest :-nd Referee Hilly Koche unhesitatingly announced the California hoy as winner of the contest. In the closing round Britt a punch ing the Chicago lioy all over the ring, but his blows lacked sufficient force to put a .luictu- on his opponent. The fight wa an exemplifi ation of how much punishment a human lieirg can endure and not suivumh. At sev eral stages of the tight Nelson was badly punished but clways kep". gamely om- ngup to the tiring line. Only ore did sweetest and purest woman.' The defendant's counsel tod of the I fe of Young and of his complex dis position. He said Young was man who would naturally love two women. He bail great sympathy for the widow in her bereavement, but the virdit of the jury, whatever it was, could not bring her husband bac k. Levy declared that no evidence had been brought out to show that Young tried to get rid of the defendant. Levy caused a sensation by declaring th it Luce purchased the revolver with which Young wis killed. "He swore that he had been in Stein's pawnshop, but not Lory. "Whv was he the last man who saw Young that morn ing Perhaps he may have given the revolver to him that be might carry a means of protection while abroad." When Levy closed a recess was taken. The case will ewn go to be jury. iave the local Uv in distress and then Britl's excellent generalship aud the advice of his seconds saved bin from going too close to the danger p int Nelson is unquestionably a wonder in the pug i let ic world. Time after time, after taking blows heavy enough to put out an ordinary tighter, he would come up apparently in his earlier form, and bring the fighting into Britt's : rntory. Referee Roche announced that he gave the fight to Britt on cleaner hi' ting and greater nuniler of points scored A retrospect of the fight bears out the justness of the decision, although Nel son did mot of the leading. Britt displayed greater ability as a Musings Nelson be ban he skol win vet. Britt will never loose a decision until be tights somewhere else than California. It is a hard time on the young man who has a lot of best jrirla but serves him right. Sunday is as goo. I day as any for Xmas, except for the kid's with new drums rnd tin borne. A Portland poliieman proposed to a girl the other day and she said : "O, I couldn't think of resisting an officer!" There will probably lie added to the game law of Oregon a closed season for saloons in some parts of the state dating : from January 1. G. W. Hug is captain of the Eugene University basket ball team. No wonder be was chosen captain by the young ladies. Look at that name. So highly satisfactory was that new tangled belt purchased by Jaa. New-land of Have Shsmbrook, that upon"' the former's recommendation S C. Bart rum has purchased two. Our esteemed brother over tin way is advertising," Tricks of fake mediums, and how tley work them." We did not suppose aiiy paper in the state ex cept the Portland Journal was authority on the question. on June .' saU boxer, and bis blows were cleaner and ther.-? Luce was i mor ..a II. - - m-,a ..iw- deficient in long-arm blows and mo t of his attempts tc reach his opponent while both men were free were inef fectual The house was the largest ever seen in San Francisco, and it in estimated 1 that the fighters will divide nearly $40, ' 000 between them. There are no visi- D'e marks oi puiusnmeni witn ttie ex ception of sortie slight puthness about the eyes, but Britts face was bleeding in several places from the force of blows delivered by Nelson in the clinches. gud fellar. Ay tank Additional Local News. WILL EFFECT OREGON FOREST RANGERS. L. J. Sinion of North Bend, was in Roseburg Monday. He rnporta every thing prosperous in that thriving town. Miss May Oavidson, who has been in California for some time, is now vi-dting with her mother and brother in Rose burg J J. Cbadwick was down from Myr tle Creek Tuesday. Mrs Chad wick is now steadily improving from a very critical illness. Justice John Long went out to Camas Valley to appear as an attorney in the civil action of Culver v I .elm!. err which was tried there Wednesday. L. S. Fortin of Coles Valley was look ing after business in Roeeburg Wcdues ua ami lavoreo me l imn lealer with a subscription payment to Jan. 1, 1 1 " . i. tuooti lias in the winnow of bis real estate office an attractive display of Douglas ci unty fruits and vegetables in cluding some gold medal prunes. He also has some very creditable home paint ingB of Oregon scenery on d splay. A well written Christmas story was pres- nted for publication in the Plain dealer by M. Delos Livingston, hut not nntil our Christmas pages had all been made uj, which made rod it impossible to use this excellent contribution, whii h was filed in the Douglas Circuit Court we greatly regret. today by Max Weiss, plaintiff, and' Mrs. C. V. Cady, wife of the local trim operator at tlie P. depot, re 1 "Ug'8 turned Monday ev. ning fiom a visit with relatives in Corvallis. Mr. Ca y nae ueeii assigned to me duties of night oik rator at Drain, and will mn n. ...... U is alleged that the County with bis wife on January 1st. IJILd . i. . . . a silk nag voting coniesi scheme is bei g worked in every town between I rortianu anu Koseburg, ami it has Of WILL TEST PROHIBITION LAW A petition for a Writ of Review life keep the largost and best assortment of Staple and J'anci Sroccrios, &resh bruits and Jarm iProduco in tha e'ty, and can snppy your wants at as cfieap or cheaper prices than can bo had anywhere. Jcomomber that we haep the 33est KRUSE & NEWLAND GRASS SEED Now is the time to sow jour field seeds. I have just receive a !are supply of Alsyke. Red and White Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard, Blue ! Grass, Etc. HARROWS Buffalo Pitts, Pan American, Spike, Sprtnp; and Disc HarroWS. and Svracuse and Steel Chilled Plows. SAWS AXES SLEDGES Simmons. VVebfoot, Chinook, Eclipse, Hoo Hoo and Pacific Coast pattern Saws; keen kutter, U. i. A 1 ll A ana rnoeuix ,txcs W. M. HODSON & CO. 711 OAK STREET MACHINE WORK Of ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY : BICYCLE MRS MO KPAMMG . 0BIMIC, SAN CUMMIIC 8. K.SYKES GENERAL HARDWARE CASH FOR CLEANING UP YOUR PLACE MRS. H. FASTON a is prepared to wait npon old anil naveitalr.muriani f with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of the very beet quality. Teas aad coffeee are speriaitiea Your patronage cliciUrd. RoMburg I t ' i .i We will pay the highe-t cash price for Hides, ereen or drw Peltfc .ioat skins, furs, iron brass, copper, lead, ainc, rubber boots & shoes Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. w A Few Holiday Hints Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts for Gents Suitable Gifts for Children Finest Line or Jewelry Ever Shown in Roseburg WBB 5ALZMAN'S DO YOU WANT To Buy Bonds? If mi. yoa wmnt thaw I hat par the best diTldrnl A tu.inr rduration F ttter liti irr. than any tnd Thr t-: (.:., to c i a t tiMiii" (duration i Garland Business College SILVERTON, OREQON We hare a Conrw In Yeatigate Torre pon.lenre Shorthand In- J. B GARLAND, Prircipal HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR ALL. CUT CLASS WARE OPTICAL COODS JEWELRY Company D. Attention. Regular Quarterly Inspection o Com pany D. let Bat. O. N (i. will be held at the Armory Hall Thurrday evening. December 29ih, 1901, at S o'clock p. m. Col. (.Jeo. O. Yuaran will inspect All members are required to attend. Bv order of F. B. Haul s, Z. N A -ee. Captain. 1st ert. NMk Uads to fta i against the County Court of County, defendant. There are eight lengthy articles embodied in the pe tition Court erred in its proceedings in giv-, ing notice of election bearing on the prohibition issue, etc., and plaintiff ' struck this city on schedule time rUticcaf lesteratio Meacat aad Eatrv. rWARTMEST OF THIS I.NTKRIOR. liencral ! 1 Land Offlice. Wahing!on. D. t Sex em af 3 1, 1904. MOM L hereby jtlren that on October B IBM, the Acting -erretarrof the Inter. or re tored to K-tUement the public 'auds In the fol lowing described area, which WttvtaaaMatfly withdrawn for foret reserve purpotv ; an t that 1 wld pub:ic lands an restored to sctilermu on! October a. lsoi. will become unhject to eulrj. riling and M-lecti.-n at the fulled Slates Div 1 trict Uud OfBee at Koavbur;. O eon. on March ! K IMS: In Township forty (") South. Rante ' eight () Meat. Sect aaa nineteen ( t) to thirtv ( boOj inclnsire. :id Section thirty. two (S.) io thirtT-ix O) both ItHluatre; In Townahlp forty one (II) South. Rme eight () Wet: See i Hons three (S) and ten (10). All Townihip thirty ne (Jl) Sooth. Range nine () Wen ; In Town : :iip tony (10) -omh. Range nine (") Wt, oc 1 uon one U .the southeast quarer of Section clcren (ID. ihe eas. half and soutnwest quarter ol section tw. Km fUX the northeast quarter of -ectloo thirteen (Hi, Sections twenty-ore () ana twenty -six M. the east half ol Section thir-l)-'our(S4). nd Sections thirty-are (.t) and thirty six (36); In Township forty-one (41) Sou h. Range nlne() West, Sectioos one (1). two (2)! three (:i). and Sections ten (10) to sixteen (16), .both Inclusive; All Township thirty-one (SI) South. Range ten (10) Weal : In Township thlity Hvc (;) -ooUi. Raoge twelre (12) West, the motlieast quarter of Section nine (9). the south half of Scctlou ten ilO), Section eleven (11), the south half and northwest quarter of Section tAc!ve(12). the west halt of Section th rteen lilt, te north half it Sections fourteen Ml aud fifteen (U), Section sixteen (l) the aoutn half and northeast quarter ol Section seventeen 17, sections twenty 2DJ. twenty-.-ne 21 twent) ulne 23), thirty (SO), thirty-one (at) and thiity-lwo (S2); In Township thirty eUht (St) I South, Range twelve tfl Meat, the southeast quarter ol Section twetdy-two :22) the South half of Section twentT-thrce (24), Sectlou tw. n ; ly seven, (27). the southeast quarter . f s ciiou thlrly-thr. e( a), and the weal ha f of Stsli u thirty-four (U); In lowtish-p thlny niue fal South, mine taelv. (12) West. Miction four i, I the s nith hall of Sectl n Ore ( ), tha ouihe. i a) Tt.e time will - -:: be here when you will have to telect yinr holiday sift-. The trrea'eet aMsWJ is the difficulty of selecting suitable gifts saith what money yon want to "pen, I but we believe we can help yoa out of both ditficuliies. What to give become an easier matter when you have eo ample a stock as ours to cb- oe from. We have the most desirable gifts. They possess all the qualities that gifts should hare, newness, usefulness, beauty, noreity and intrinsic worth. Then the prices are just riht. Th-r cannot be beaten. We are in a position to know that we can aw yon money. We believe the more yon inspect our goods the better yon will re.tlii- tlalfa, Remember loo. that we are careful about the quality of everything. Real bar gain prices on gcodj ofworthy qua I i ty are what We promise vou J. T. BRYAN THE JEWELER AND PRACTICAL WATCH REPAIRER Holiday Presents SANTA CLAUS Has decided to take up his headquarters in Roseburg this year at Beard A Culver's Harvlwear Store, where many new and useful toys and gifta suitable for both Md and young may be bad at prices to cuit the pocket book. We have taken the tariff off of the goods. Call and "ee them. BEARD & CULVER The President issued an order Saturday placing under Your gratefulness to God Bhould direct you toward i civil service rales all positions in the Forest Reserve your brother man. To have received is to have a debt to j Corps of the General Land Office. This will affect 538 pay. Rendering true Thanksgiving is the very way to employes' of whom only 25 are employed in Washington, pay the debt Thanksgiving is therefore an active grate-j The positions brought into the classified service are fulness, a very thirst to grow useful and helpful to all principally forest rangers, forest supervisors, superintend Buffering and in want. j ents and forest inspectors. prays for an order from the Circuit course the ''most popular" lodge. n . . , , . a. a aa - ciiurcli, Kdiool or any old organizitton. Court declaring that the enforcement the one which carries ol the .ursami of the prohibition law be suspended Atilaaa This is another reminder that until the final termination of this pro-1 ' ? exon'ined ove nd v t the lanious assertion of P. T. Barnum. ceeding. The details of this action the great showman, thaf'the people like will be published in the next issno nf 10 l'mbuggetl " It will probably be the IMaindealer. so to ihe end of time when in hi id tcota his big bass horn. arte: ol IMalloa six (i.) the s utl.e.l quarter of Sectiou scvei (7), -tel on eight (), th nor h aestqtiarti r ol Section nluelO. aeve teeu (I.) M eighteen (U) the n .rtheast quar ter of rectioo Dili t en (I ). ihe north hal. 01 Secliou twenty (2i). p. the west half ( r ahai on pmusui) oe wueu surveyea, L..ts oue (1) to sixteen sa mc.usive) ol sectiou Utirly (JO); In Township fo ty (W) South, Range twelre (12) West, the west hall, or Lota one (1) to sixteen (16), inclusive, of s i t Um clghtaen (l); in Township lorty-oue (41) Sooth, Range twelve (12) West, Lots three (i) and four H), Ihe south ball of the northwest quarter, and the south halloi Section rlve(.l). See Ion tlx (6), the weat hall, or lots one (I) toslxleen (16), lnolm've ol Section seven (7), the uoTth hall anl aooiheast quarter of Section eight (), uij south half ,nd uoi thwest quarter ol s ctton nine i). .n.i o.. west hall, or Lots one (1) to twelve (121 1..-1.. slve, of Section eighteen (is). All of WilUmeiiv Meridian, Oregon, m a. Rich., a. , ' 11 Approved: t ' iNtotu Socrettrvoftheli.ier.or. ' - aV WHEN SANTA CLAUS ARRIVES. I1" " point oat tl. Roee 1 jaw sten,,, LatttjaVj aa the beat one in -u,rrni.r,n, ror the eww you want yonr linen to bo ... t-.ii.ii... as iiieitde hriit ."t p kmis and merry niak- n in ceneral. Giaa. vwatoaJt nM.rrT a I havtng your linen done a ,wret tiv ami exquisitelr at the hmg Steam drv. ClotheaCleanit g ,n l rnmio9 meat in connection. v im- fati ily I Hose- LiSt te.1!!5 a Timber HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS gJS JOHNSON, AND CAN SELL ukk. "wataunG, OR.