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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1904)
Oregon Historical Societi THE TWICE-A-WEEK r Roseburg, Oreg'on Population, 35(10 Tbe County Bent of Pougta County. Oregon Soldiers Home: 0 S Office an I D. S. W ather Burem are located here. 8 P. a 1 division: splendid edneational advant pe. Uru way to the Coos Bay and Ooiuille country. Roseburg Plaindealer The moat widely read gwipr pmbUahed la Southern Oregon and eonaaqueatly the saT atWer tlalng medium. Larfc. modern I y equipped Job I. uiting department In connection. Katabhaned In 1NOH. Subscription, 12 per year for Beml-Weekly. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904' Vol. XXXVI No. 101 Pmnocolcr. CONFESSIONS IN LAND FRAUD CASE The Defendants Meet in Executive Session MARIE WARE BOLTS CAUCUS Mays, Kribs and Smith Are All Implicated by Puter and Watson Portland, Dec. 21. It has he lean it that on tlie evening of Monday, December 12, the defendants in the first case went into executive session and did not finish their arguments until Toes day mornim. The story of that wwt ing is bail) " have been as follows : Pnter. Kmma Watsou, McKiuley and Marie YVie and perhaps Dan Tarple met to talk the situation over. It was argued uy all of them that they were at a disadvantage ; that they had all lieeD couvk-tid, with the exception of Miss Ware: that there was a great deal of trouhV ahead from which they saw no way o' escape. "Pi I"'. VT'nn aril McKinlev did not i- why iliey shonld suffer in silen" whil ihe i igv"r ones rested in peace They lecided to tell w'-a-they knew. "Miss Ware, however, bolted the cro cus. She called to mind that the gov ernment attorneys were not particular friends of hers. She remembered the way they had talked about her in the courtroom, and did not think that th-y would deal kindly with her. She was not under conviction and had nothing to fear- For all of thee reasons she re fused to agree with ih rest of the de fend "lit-, and reminded them of a loca tion to which they coold journey prt vided lliey did not like her decision " New Characters introduced. Confessions by S. A D. Puter and his accomplices in the land irauds involve among others. Attorney F. P. Mays, member of the Upper House of the leg islature from Multnomah county ; Fred eritk A Krihs, a well kt.own local tim ber dealer and witness at the recent con spiracy tiial; at.d C. A. Smith, a wealthy timber man of Minneapolis, Minn. Miivs is said to have become implies tel with the cjnspiratois in the capacity of their attorney ai d the timber men as accessories to the fraudulent schemes against Ihe Government. Rej-ort has it that the confessions directly impliiate sll three, and that they will figure le fore the grand jury in its investigation of the laud frauds. Kribs and Sana. It has been indicated that Frederick A. Kribs, a well known timlter dealer in this city, will figure 1 e ore tbe gran . jury, and the lejjort has gone out that the coll ection of Pu er involves Kribs deeply. For some time th- report has been in the air that the timberman who appeared as a witness at the last trial would become a subject of inquiry by grand jury. Nan Patterson Tells It Ail Naw Yore, Dec. 20. Nan Patterson, the pretty actress accused of the murder of Caesar Young, her married lover, took tbe stand today. She answered counsel's questions in a faint, con strained voice. She told of her first marriage and her divorce and of meet ing Young, their goiug to California and subsequent intimate relations. fc he ob tained the divorce at his suggestion She acc mpauicd Young to various race tracks, to Chicago and New York. Was with Young the evening of May 3 ai the Hotel Navarre, r-everal drinks were or dered, then she took the drive witl Young. She denied that Young struck her in tbe face in fr nt of the Pa bet restaurant on the evening of the third, when she and Young took a cab ride in the park. Young aeked her to take a slow steamer and meet him at the Hotel Cecil in Lon don. He gave her $200, I tit she did not give him a decided answer. Witness then recited the events leading up to the cab ride. She said Young was very much wrought up and told her he wished she could go with him, but knew it could not be. He said: ' K you do not come it m ty be thre i months before I see yon and it may le never." Young was excited. Then w.tness heard a report and Younz fell" over in her lap. To the dire t question as to whether she killed Young the witness replied : "I did not." A prominent witness in this case tes tified Monday that he saw Young draw a revolver, hold it in both hands ami shoot himself when in company with Migs Patterson. Portland, Or., in 1904, cut more lum ber than any other poiut in the world. Minneapolis second and Tacoma third. These three centres manufactured more than one billion feet of lumber. Charles W. Fairbanks, United Mate senator and vice-president, is to be made a Mason while at his home for the holi days. His initiation will take place in the Scottish Rite temple in order to ac commodate tile crowd that is expected to be present? 4 A Doll's Christmas Copyright, 1901 by C N. Lurte ONE Christmas eve n was doll sat on n chair in a pretty room in which a number of children were in bed. A lire was burn ing on the hearth. Stockings were hanging to the mantel to be filled with toys for the children who were sleep ing soundly, doubtless dreaming of what they were to receive In the morn ing. The face of one of them, a deli cate, fair haired boy. was turned to ward the doll, and she did not tire look ing at it, for the face, though pale and thin, was very delicately molded. On the mantel were two figures in porcelain. One was a boy in an old fashioned coat and knee breeches, with u sash around his waist and a cooked hat and fontlier. Ills right hand was thrust into his coat in front, and he looked like a figure of Napoleon. The other was a girl, with a short dress and a sailor hat. Her head was poised one side, and she looked very well satisfied with herself. Indeed, she was very pretty. ' "How do you do?" said the girl im age to the doll. -'Don't you think this a pleasant room?" "Indeed It is. but I've not see many. I was only bom" She paused to WBITENG TO DEAR think again, when she was born, but couldn't remember, so sbe said Instead, "Isn't it a beautiful world?'' "Do you think so?" said the boy. "My sister and I have had a hard time getting Into it We were baked in a furnace, and it was so hot" "Well, dqp't tell me about it" Inter rupted the doll. "I'd rather hear about pleasant places." The figures told her a great many things, but the girl was very vain of ber beauty, and the boy was taken up with what he knew about the world, of which the doll knew nothing at all, so she didn't listen long, but fell asleep while they were talking. Suddenly she awoke with a start What was that noise in tbe chimney? She bad scarcely time to think about it when out on the hearth popped a lit tle figure in fur. He unstrapped a pack he carried and filled all tbe stockings with toys. Then be Jumped back into tbe chimney and was gone In a twin kling. This set the doll to wondering more than ever. Everything was again silent except the clock, which ticked very loud. There were tbe children asleep In bed, the little pale faced boy with la head resting on his am., the girl ha -e on the mantel with her head on one side thinking how pretty she was and the boy thinking bow much he knew about the world. The doll soon went to sleep again. In tbe morning sbe was awakened by a shouting. The children were run ning about in their night clothes, tak ing their toys from their stockings and chattering like monkeys. The fair hair ed boy sat up in bed and looked on, for he was too delicate to get up like the SENATOR MITCHELL AND CONGRESSMAN HERMANN TO FACE CHARGE Washington, Dec. 20. Senator Mitch ell and Representative Hermann left Washington Sunday night on the 7:45 train for Portland, to appear before the federal grand jury and face the charges which, they have been advised, have been m-ide implicating them in Oregon land frauds. Both Mitchell and Her mann declare in most positive terms that they are absolutely innocent, and have nothing to fear from returning to Oregon. Both assert with equal posi tiveness that the time has come when A Quaint Tale of Life In the Nurs ery When Little Boys and Girls Are All Sound Asleep By LAWTON JOHNSON other children. The doll noticed that he had great blue eyes, which seemed ever so large ns he looked wonderlngly at all that was going on. Then thert came a knocking on the wall, and the children knew that it was a signal fot theaa to get back to bed and not take cold, and back they scrambled, laugh ing and tumbling over one another, and covered themselves up. Presently the father and mothct came In and distributed the toys. Tht doll was for one of the girls, but tht boy Insisted on having it himself. Then when all were loadtsl with presents they carried them down to the break fast room. What a day It was: The children were racing about, playing with theit t"vs. and people were coming in con tinually to see the presents, and the sun shone brightly on the snow out side, and the fire shone brightly with in on the brass andirons and fender, aud after dinner stories were told the children till they were all astonished by the number of wonderful things that happen. The boy with the light hair and blue eyes lay In his mother's nnns. bugging the doll with her breast ; pressed against his. so tliat she ouid I OLD SANTA CLAUS. hear hb heart beat and she wondered why there was no such beating in her own heart This was the happiest mo ment she bod ever known. 8he was only a day old, but something told her that nothing In the world could ever make ber happier. When the children went upstairs the boy Insisted on keeping the doll by him till be got into bed, when his mother persuaded him to part with It till morning. Sbe placed it on a chair before the fire where he could see It till be should go to sleep and the first thing on awakening in the morning. When the children were all asleep the doll looked up from the chair at the images en the mantel. She wus too happy to go to sleep. "What a lovely day I have had," she said "Just waif replied the boy imnge. "till you have been knocked about the world awhile and you'll see." He look ed as wise as an owl. "I think It very nice," said the girl Image, "so long as you are young and pretty, but I don't like tho Idea of got ting old and cracked, perhaps having my arms or legs broken off." The wind was rising without and suddenly the fire blazed with a cheer ful warmth. It was very pleasant for aw hile, but presently it seemed to be too hot. Tbe doll thought she began to feel a softening In her feet. She didn't know what it meant but It frightened her. It extended to her legs; then she felt it in ber arms and at last in ber face and neck. A log of wood fell down on tbe coals, and tbe Are blazed higher, hotter than ever. The doll felt herself melting away. "You're going," said tbe boy figure "this outrageous persecution must stop." They insist upon their right to go be fore the grand jury and make answer to all charges that may be made against them, confident that they will be able to establish their innocense. They will arrive in Portland Friday night and ex pect to have a hearing on Saturday. Yesterday and today Senator Mitchell received telegrams from friends advis ng him that it was currentiy reported 1 n Portland that 8. A. D. Puter and Ksk5f 4lawB9 vfl BakST k 9yJ& esSflWr"! HHRiJ3hfc4&7sBBB tVaaSi at$taara awvSrTiBsstijaHBBawl BKioBStMlllilkiyjMI BsHSttWr - i j fK Mkr m VaB'liBaMBa - M. 1 1 ; J wkaffc a? JB jBBBrsawawa As aK" " ffltSBfe awSSawjauaBSBW 'fHIB SANTA CLAUS I i tbe mantel. "It's Just as well; the BlM Isn't all like this household." "It's just as well." echoed the girl I affe. "Your beauty will not have to lade." "I don't want to go." cried the doll moi.rt:ftilly. "I want to stay with my blue eyed boy. The world may be full of sadtn-ss. but there must be pleasure ns well, for It Is here" There was something so plaintive in ber voice that even the lninces refrain ed from any further remarks. The fire blared hotter, and the wax. which had as yet only softened. 1-egan to melt Something spattered on the floor. It was a drop of invited wax. Oh. that her little boy wonkl get up and move her back from the tire: But he slept on peacefully, and as she had no rates for real children she couldn't rail to him. So the doll felt that she was melting away. Drop by drop she fell on tbe floor. The room, with Its rich hang inc. the children sleeping, the firelight flickering, the shadows and. above all. I the memory of her brief existence for. I after all. a doll can only exist- seemed to !e crndtially fading away. She sigh ed to think that she couldn't have been born with u soul, to be loved and go on loving forever; that she could not grow up like a real child to see the un folding of all the wonderful things in he world passing from one existence to another Instead of eolng out alto gether. Then she thought that she might never have been born at all. never have had the one glimpse of the happy household, the one f'hristnias. The Gift I A Christmas Poem Copyrlsht, 194. HE "Pipes There's A Girl Who Calls Me Friend Emma Watson an I others recently con victed of conspiracy in the Oregon land fraud case had ma le contessionB impli cating both himself and Hermann, and advising him to hasten to Portland to defend himself, lit determined to do so at once. HKBM ANN DBCI0IS TO COMB Similar telegrams were sent to Her mann, but it was not until this after noon that he concluded to accompany Senator Mitchell and appear with him beforje the grand jury. HAS BEEN HEBE." the blue eyed boy and ber single day of love. So sbe said: "I can't under stand It I will try not to murmur, but trust that It Is all for tbe beat" And then and then she awoke! Tbe horror of melting had only been a dream. She had fallen asleep before, the hot fire, but some kind hand had drawn the chair back, and in a few moments she was again clasped in the fond arms of her blue eyed boy. CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. How hr Day la Celebrated la Ike Uad of Dlaa. In Mexico Christmas eve is observed as In Spain, with the Noche Buena. Tl.e streets and plats are thronged with people. Of all the shop windows so gay and brilliant In their holiday at tire none Is so bright as the confection er's. Nowhere is the confectioner's art carried to a greater perfection. At midnight of the Noche Buena all Mex ico forsakes Its pleasures and repairs to the Mlsa del Gallo. or mase of the cock, a high mass of the most Impos ing character, which. In every one of the magnificent temples reared by tbe Catholic church In the City of Mexico, is celebrated exactly at midnight on Christmas eve or morning to commem orate the Saviour's birth. All the churches have an augmented choir and a large orchestra specially engaged for the occasion. Tbe mass is celebrated with every concomitant that can heighten its effect and grandeur. Didn't Get by Peter Mc Arthur by Peter Mi Arthur HA V present by tht dozen. Meant to maKe my Christ mas glad. F rom each uncle, aunt and cousin Hert a ftllotv etfer had. There' a KeepjaXjt from my mother. Father sent a checand yet I am thinH.injf of another Of the one I didn't get. HE are gifts from all the fellotme. and things a chum tnill send t a tie. all reds and yellotes. From a girl teho calls me friend, ifou tvould thinK. me far from slighted If you sate them all and yet. I confess. I'm most delighted With the one I didn't get. Cf told me tt teas ready. She'd prepared it long before t I'd been calling on her steady For at least a year or more. She told me all about it. Ana her eyes teith tears teere teet, Anf I'm happy. ne)er doubt tt. For that gift I didn't get. TJEH attitude teas altered " When I called on her last night. "But my tale of loie I faltered. Ana guess I did it right. And this little rhyme is teritten 'Cause I'm full of joy you bet I For a frosty little mitten Was the gift I didn't get. Both Mitchell and Hermann are sat- isfied that the move against them has been directed by Secretary Hitchcock, from Washington, and attribute it to his personal hostility toward them. Up to the time he refused to go to Portland as a witness against Puter, no public effort has been made to implicate Mitchell in the land frauds, but so far as Hermann is concerned, it is declared that the present effort to bring about his indictment is a culmination of sys tematic campaign which has been di The Christmas Tree Copyright. 1404. by American Press Association THE Christmas tree goes so far back into tbe night of time that it is quite Impossible to tell where or by whom it was first introduced. Almost every country has Its legend claiming for its own tbe tree which bears such generous fruit. Id Scandinavia It la said to have sprung from the "service tree," which germl nated from soil soaked by the blood ot two unfortunate lovers, u claim sub stantiated by the statement that at Christmas tide inextinguishable light gleamed from Its green branches. In n French romance of the thirteenth cen- ' tury a great tree la described whose branches are covered with burning candles and on whose top is the vision of a child with a halo round Its head, the tree and candies representing man kind and tbe child the Infant Saviour. A beautiful German story credits St, Wlnfred with giving the Christmas tree to the world. The story is Illus trative of the gospel supplanting pa ganism. Before a group of convert St Wlnfred felled a great oak which had been an object of the worship to the Druids. A fine young flr tree im mediately appeared in its place, on see ing which St Wlnfred said: This lit- TAXING HOME THE tie tree, a young child of the forest shall be your holy tree tonlgbt. It Is the wood of peace, for your houses are built of flr. It Is the sign of an end less life, for Its leaves are ever green. See how tt points upward to heaven. Let It be called tbe tree of tbe Christ Child. Gather about it not tn tbe wild wood, but in your homes. There It will shelter no deeds of blood, but loving gifts." Many Germans hold that Martin Luther first conceived the Christmas tree. One of the most popular of Ger man engravings represents him sitting in the bosom of his family, with a lighted Christmas tree on the table before him. Luther was traveling alone one Christmas eve. The snow covered country and the trees gleaming at every point with tbe reflected light of tbe winter moon made upon the great reformer the deepest impression. Going home, he went Into the garden and, cutting a little flr tree, brought it j Into the nursery, put some candles on Its branches and lighted them to re- j produce the effect of the beautiful ; moonlit trees in the forest Antiquarians connect the Christmas tree with tbe great tree Yggdrasil of Norse mythology or with the pine trees of the Roman saturnalia, the pagan forerunner of our Christmas. Others look to tbe ancient Egyptians as orig Inators of the idea. These men were wont to decorate their houses at the time of the winter solstice with branches of the date palm, emblems of Immortality and of the starlit firma ment In mediaeval times there was a tradition that holiness Invested an Il luminated tree. Candles were used by tbe Jews tn their Feast of Lights, which was celebrated at this season. rected against him for the past two vests, senator mtciieu was wu m oo was taking the train tonight. "This afternoon," said he, "I tele graphed Francis J. Heney, assistant attorney-general and United States Dis trict Attorney Hall as follows : "I will be in Portland next Saturday. I demand a thorough investigation be fore the grand jury of all charges, if any, against me." CONVICT TESTIMONY Portland, Dec. 20. Humors are cir culated that Puter, Watson et al, of the I '9B Lfp fig B ' PH alaiP aSf B J How It Originated. How ft Is Secured For the Market, and Some Interesting Leg ends of the Dim Past By WALTON WILLIAMS Tbe Greeks also call Christmas the Feast of Lights. The Itomans In their saturnalia dec orated trees with Images of Qomnr gods as well as with candles and bur?: ed Yule logs in honor of these gads Tbe early Christians, however, town ed upon all such pagan adjuncts to tht Christmas celebration. With them tht Feast Of the Nutlvlty was the extr m of solemnity, and they were as opposed to Christmas trees and lights music and laughter, as were the Puri tans. The first authentic account of tbe Christmas tree Is not recorded until the sixteenth century. It appears in a Ger man manuscript and, as tbe Germans responded least to Latin Influences of all the nations which fell heir to the Itonian empire's lands, to them rather than to the Itomans must be ascribed the honor of introducing it It was the marriage of Queen Victoria to a German prince which brought the mod ern Christmas tree to England, and a German immigrant started the custom in America. The first Christmas tree In France was lighted in the Tuileries tn 1S40 by the Duchess Helena. To view the great beans of Christ- CHRISTMAS TBEE. mas trees which line tbe market streets of our big cities Just before the holi days one would fancy that scarcely a tree could be left standing of the mur muring hemlocks which constituted Ixmgfellow's forest primeval. Every hard timber state in the Union Is call ed upon by Santa Clans for Its tribute of redolent balsam that be may hav plenty of places on which to hang his presents. There Is only one true Christmas tree the balsam flr. The hemlock proper has branches too drooping and flexible to hold a great weight of Christmas gifts, and the spruce, while otherwise suitable, lacks the spicy odor of the balsam. This Is fortunate, for the tree most prized for Christmas purposes Is utterly despised by the lumbermen. Before the Christmas tree industry be ;an the flr lands of Maine were actual ly exempted from taxation as worth less. Now they are worth from $10 to $1o an acre. The Christmas tree cutters begin work early, usually about the middle of October. While some of the men are e;ittln.r others follow them and drag the trees to the nearest open space. where they are bunched and tied so that they will not come apart in sbip- r!ng. At the nearest depot they are loaded on cars. 2.500 trees to the car The men receive $1.50 a day and baud. It t:'kes seven men working five weeks to get out three carloads. The Christmas tree output depends a go'xl deal on the weather. With an open fall, when the trees are easy to get nt. the crop will be much larger than when the snow falls early and heavily. If the snow melts and then freeres on the branches it makes them brittle, ami they break In transit land fraud cases, have made a confession to the government officials, implicating Senator Mitchell, Congressman Her mann and other leading men in the conspiracy to rob the United States of a large amount of 'and, and that they will be freed from all punishment fs a reward. Mitchell and Hermann are both on their way back to Oregon to testify before the grard jury now in ses sion, but rumor also says thst Deputy Prosecutor Heney will not allow them to appear before that body wlten they arrive LATE TELEGRAMS BOILED DOWN Northern Pacific To Pay Its Timberland Taxes SUPREME COURT RAILROAD DECISION Young Woman Murdered Russian Soldier Survives 17 Bullet Wounds-War News A diphtheria quarantine trill stop Grants Pass holiday festivities. Hills bo ro, Oregon, young ladies have organized a band. Attorney A. C. Woodcock has with drawn from the land fraud case and will have nothing more to do with it A Rogue River Valley gra peg-rower marketed 3000 crates of fruit this year, for which be received $2000 and made a handsome profit. Fifty people were crushed by a brick rail of a burned building toppling over on the Crocker Hotel and demolishing it at Minneapolis, Tuesday. When railroads are tbe cause of delay ing live stock in transit they must pay the owner for injury resulting to tbe stock for such delay, says the verdict of a Denver jury. Commissioner Richards ot the Gener al Land Office has ordered the with drawal of 46,080 acres in the Lakeview land district on account of the Silver Lake irrigation project Linn county is after tbe Northern Pa cific for its timberland taxes in that county. Tbe land is now being adver tised at sheriff" a sale. The big corpora tions should be compelled to shell oat the same as private individuals. Dr. Lyman Abbott in a sermon before Harvard students renounced belief in a personal God and tbe religion founded on the bible. "My God is a great and ever present force which is manifest in the activities of men and workings of nature, the science and outreachings of the human heart," he says. A Russian, Kirincbeneko by name is probably the most thoroughly shot-to-piecee man who has survived tbe pres ent war. He arrived at Moscow recent ly from Harbin where, after weeks in tbe hospital tbe doctors extracted 17 bal lets from him, amputated one leg and discharged him as cored. In a decision handed down by Chief Justice Fuller in the case of Johnson vs the Southern Pacific Railway Company, the Supreme Court of the United States today practically held that all cars, in cluding locomotives, should be equipped with uniform automatic couplings. The court also held that dining cars cannot be exempt from the requirements of tbe safety-appliance law when in use, even though emptv. Tbe body of a young woman was found lying across a log on Mount Cutter, near Colorado Springs, Monday, by two sur veyors. From appearances tbe girl had been dead about a week. The body absolutely devoid of clothing, and an ef fort had been made to prevent identifi cation by destroying tbe features. Den tal work in tbe mouth of the murdered girl will afford sure identification if its description is seen by tbe 'dentist who did the work. Tbe work was worth at least $150. The Japanese fired an immense mine under the north of Fort Kekwan mount ain at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The Japanese immediately charged and oc cupied the fort with a heavy force. Ik is reported that the Japanese have trained a strong position about 1000 vards southeast of 203 Meter Hill, pre paratory to assaulting the new town and pushing between Liao Ti Mountain and the Russian headquarters at Port Ar thur. Witnesses say that Senator Smoot has been through the "endowment" noose ot Mormons. Charles M. Owen, of Salt Lake, testified that Apostle John W. Tavlor is generally reputed to have five wives, and that he had taken two with in three or four years. Apostle Cowley has three wives, two of whom he mar ried since the manifesto. J. R. Tanner, superintendent of the Mormon Sunday schools, has four wives. One of the four he married two years ago. Thomas Chamberlain has seven wives, and had his 50th child in his 50th year, rterl the witness. He told of a number of ar rests and convictions for polygamy and in no case, however, did conviction re sult in changing the habits of life of the guilty persons. Charles Altschul, proprietor of the Willamette Valley A Cascade Range Wagon Road Company has paid $8829.29 the amount of taxes due on his timber holdings in Linn county. Of this money $7604.53 was tbe tax awssaSM for the past year, and $1824.78 was the penalty for non-payment This large amount of money was paid very grudgingly by the wagon road company, who made every effort to have the amount reduced. Tbe company owns over 110,000 acres of line timber land in Linn county, and;tne as sessor valued the land at $3 per am. In years gone by the land has been val ued at but $1.25 per acre, and tbe taxes have amounted to a trifle over $1000. In addition to this the wagon road company has bad but 40,000 acres of timber land oo tbe assessment rolls in the county.