The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 19, 1904, Image 3

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New Things Suitable For Holiday Gifts arc Now In and are Constantly Arriving
UptoDate People
Do not give useless ar tides forpres
ents but give something that will
be appreciated.' . . .
The Wise Person
Will select their goods early when
they can have the advantage of a
full stock
The 20th Century Santa Claus Suggests
silk Waists,
Silk Umbrellas,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Silk? Mufflers,
Silk Suspenders,
Silk Neckwear,
Silk Hosier-,
Silk Piece Goods,
Silk Gloves,
Silk Ribbons,
Silk front Shirts,
Silk Baby Hoods,
Silk Belts.
Cotton Undeiwear,
Cotton Hosier j',
Cotton Sweaters,
Cottou Piece Goods,
Cotton Blankets,
Cotton Umbrellas, .
Cottou Handkerchiefs,
Cotton Nighlwear,
Cotton Fancy Work,
Cottou Suspenders.
Linen Table Cloths,
Linen Napkins,
Linen Handkerchiefs,
Linen Towels,
Linen Piece Goods,
Linen Shirts,
Linen Waists,
Linen Children's Goods,
Liueu Gloves.
And numerous other useful articles suitable
presents constantly on hand at
! Woolen Waists,
Woolen Skirts,
Woolen Dross Goods,
Woolen Clothing,
Woolen Gloves,
; Woolen Shirts.
I Woolen 'Footwear,
Woolen Hats,
Woolen Caps,
Woolen Sweaters.
Woolen Underwear,
Woolen Overcoats,
Woolen Blankets.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor
A Well Known Passenger
Coach Step Had Been Torn Away
by Contact With Something
Harmon Fell in Trap
f " r " " " '
Told in Side Heads.
Basket Ball. On Saturday evening
an animated p.ame of Ivasket ball was
witnessed at the opera house between
tli- faaanj! ladies team of the O. A. C at
D ivallie and the Roeeburg high school.
T he visitor won by a sore of 5 to tt
a I are t id to W oi.e af the lst la'.ies
t ams in Western Orror. They won
tmm ih l.iuh actio. i cirls at Cot
tage Grove Friday evening by a tore
7 to 13.
Masons Elect Officers. At a seated
communication of Laurel Lodge, No. 13,
A. F. & A. ML, held Wednesday even
ing, Dec. 14, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: W. W .
Thackrah, W. M. ; L. F, Cawlfleld, B
W ; Walter Davis, J. W. ; Free John
son, Treas. ; S.T. Jewett, Secy.; J. T.
Bridges, Tyler.
New Postmaster at Canyonville
John E. Love just been appointed
postmaster at Canyonville vice J- B.
Ford resigned. Mr. Love was for a few
years a member of the faculty of the State
Normal at Drain prior to going to Can
yonville and is a well known educator
of Southern Oregon. For sometime past
he has been successfully engaged in the
drug business at Canyonville where he
is highly esteemed.
An Impressive Window Display.
One of the nost attractive and im
pressive window displays to he seen in
Roseburg is at the Rice ft Rice house
furnishing establishment. This window
is arranged in two apartments well
furnished led rooms. In the first a lit
tle child, represented by a big wax doll,
is seen kneeling in praver at the trundle
lied in its nieht dress, its clothing In-ing
placed at the foot of the I nil. It is sn
posed to be the final appeal to the MR
of all tiood that Santa will not iorget
the little petitioner. The next apart
ment represents th little one in eace
ful repose while a life like Sant i stands
gazing on the sweet face while filling the
little stockinge. It is a timely, happy
thought, elegantly illustrated.
Local and Personal.
Fr aroaMM a difMMS
try Osteopathy
Grange, dentist.
Osteopathy cures I.iti ipp
Onlv one week until C'ni-'i i -
Christmas ahoj-puv
lively i. lis week
pruii.ies to lie
Charles II. Harmon, familiarly known
as "lad," a well-known, popular and
I highly esteemed Rose onrg hoy the i-on
off A. D. Harmon, wae the victim if a
eculiar railroad accident near Riddle
early Sunday morning. JtMt us ti e M
oral division of the overland paaaeagnf
train No. li. was approaching Kiddle,
Mr. Harmon, a pMMogBi hrakesiuaii on
the overland run between ftneebarg and
Ashland, stepped into the vestihule of
tlie coach, lifted the trap and open. I
the door and as na .1 Itepped down ex
pecting to desietid the steps, hut ti e car
had ev ideutiy come in contact with a
stone, stump or m BM other ohsti ticlion
between Riddle and Nichols Station,
which had carried away t: a step-, leav
ing a veritable death trap i-.r the aaaaa
pectiiw train SMB. In stepping down
Mr. Harm 'h a- pr ipuated to the
track right in fronl f the theehl
hut realizing his perilOM poallsOfi he put
forth a supreme effort to cl .n the track
nearly succeeding, one foot, however,
being caught tattibljr . rashed abort
the ankle. The VOOng man VM picked
np and brought into this city on th
In going over our Boys' and Children's Clothing Stock, we found a great many
odd suits, small lots and some which were slow to move. We have
priced them as follows.
Boys Long Pants Suits Little Boys Knee Pants Suits
These suits are assorted into two lots $2.00102.25 Suits going for $1.50
IX)T ONE contains some ah wool suits u tl
a few slightly shelf worn. Formerly 2'5 3-o 2.00
sold for from $5.00 to $7.50. 3.50 " 4.00 " " " 2.50
NOW $3,50 4-50 " S-oo " " " 3 & 3-5Q
LOT TWO. All wool heavy and liy-lit Boys' Knee Pants Suits
1 . . ii c - a,. r 1 AGE nan to sixteen years)
weight suits, excellent for every daj or $2 ,Q u going fof
School suits, worth from $6.00 to $9.00. 3.00 " " 2.00
3.50 " 44 2.25
Now $5.00 4.00;; 4.50 ; ;; 2.50 & 3
0 5.00 5.50 3-5 & 4
.Men's Heavy Brown Wool Underwear
or the suit.
I.:nliei-' I aee Kid 'iiiM-s- narrow nnd ineilium tees, H and f-'i.OO values
All gizea Retu!.r 1.00 value- f.,r
- . - lvj to o, while tbey
0 cent! the garment
act $1.90
The following letter in being directed
to t: e v.irior.- road "UpervuKiro of Houg-
ta; county :
To Tin: mveku. Road 1)ithit or
DnMLaa Compn.
1 iiinllwm 11 : -At a road district
in.' : t-ld at the L'oun tchoolhouse in
West iTnaohnrg road district Dec !th, it
,:,::- . u ' ;. ) iver- of -a:d
1,. 1 district were opposed to levying any
I If
to buy a farm
furnished rooms
to buy a house
rent a house
build a house
move a house
u !oa t kao
ou or i'r.
F F. ptttsfjon, 2
Let tlie 1 i-t. opaiii d
will lie pleased with the r
w ork.
Special Road Tax A meeting was
held in Road.'District No 11, at Cleve
land last Saturday and a special :-mi 1
tax was voteil to le levieil for road im
provement plirpoees. Edwin VonPessl
is supervisor in this district ami is .loint
good work and is an enthusiastic good
roads advocate.
P. Johnson, dentist, (i ive t h"
Hon bni Lo
1 1 nest ion that
, lr out until wleed
little before daj lijriit and it was found
necestary to amputate the .e Ix-'ween
the ankle auil knev, a verv -in- e.-sim
nm . ..t. . ... . I- .
...... I, t (.. 1. L o..l t.. . I... 1 '
et giml roads is a
Thro it trouh
hy Ontnonnthy.
s an' iiieniinnllj miml
Hold crown and hi i;
quality hy lr. ."trange.
p work of lest
M: x 1'ra. ht of Ashland ha icignel
as inccial oi the tieneral Land (if
Bee to take effect January I.
Ripe raspberries arc still In be Man in
several Rosehurr pirdens.
Bert OnkaMB, who shot
Frank Beataetl at Hillstxro
a life sentence aturd.iv.
and killed
was given
tiranj Hall will b- given
Dei-. 2:1, at Wils-m's Hall
at Melrose Work has lou.nieiired ou theiuu con
: cre'.e pavement about the city hall, lac
. ing Imth Main and Oak t-Ucel.-.
Joseph Tnrpin ha heen tppninted
guardian of OinnJ Jones, minor.
Wedding Permits. County Clerk Z
N. Agee has issued wedding permits
lately to Louis Hrant and Maude Riddle
of Riddle; Evermont B. Miner am4
Grace J. Ricker, of Gardiner; Han i T.
Craig and Margaret S. Wade of Gardi
Sp-cial Sch :ol Mett ng. The school
patrons anl taxpayers of Rosebnrg are
urged to attend the special school meet-1
- A i l. -.1 .1 .. . IL. nnlitir ctiOOl IHlllQ- ,
ing w ue iieio ai vut e1"
ing Tuesday at 1 :30 o'clock p. m. lor the
parpose of voting a special tax for school
Mrs. F. M. Zi.ler and little chil l, of
Portland are guests of relatives and
friends in this city with whom they will
Robt. Mosbv. a bro' her-in-law of Con
ductor Al Veatch, was in town Fatur
dav on his way to Klamath county from
Cottage Grove to look after his stock in
Strawberry Plants for Sale. Excel- j tere6tg for the winter
elor an 1 Wihon strawberry plants, ou
cents per hundred or 12.50 per 1000
f. o. b. Address J. H. Youcce, Dillard,
Good Business Proposition A nice
clean stock of Conlectioneries, Tobaccos
and Fixtures, good location next door to
post office, for sale. Inquire of J. V.
Thornton, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
as. Punnivan has hn-ii npeinlen'
uardian oi Vera and Floyd Weaver.
Fireman H. W. Frewing, is laying nfl
and will spend a brirl tune visiting with
relatives and fries. ds in 1'orMatid.
See Svkes A (.'arroll and id
prices on plumbing nnl tinning bel
lilen Vmlruff. tl
; lished his ehmir in C
their formerly rxmducted
bari r h estl
L Batten' parlors
hy Jas Young
K. Ilonck.
The voung man is a' ti.e home oi his
lather a d i- rantfanj easy today will.
the best ch inces f. r bil Ppeodf re ..very.
out tlie injury is a nnraHMBl and must
i unf rtunate "tie to Ik' susta.:."! i ue
jnM entering upon the lihrr n: early
I manhood. Fortunstely he carred ncci
I adent insnran.-e in the so-ii of f2X,
! which will cone- in very baa ly vhita i.e
I is reooveri g from li Irs terrible m'.ry
j His many Roehurg friends deplore his
i ad misfortune an ! express hoj- for ids
I I teed y r.o.very.
Thi wa till same Irvin which was
i up in the serions collision few
: hours earlier near Mary.-vi ! . t'a if ,
at which time a tire nun lost a leg.
For the liest dental w.vfc almost ran
Vaster Guy Wolienl urg Ml Friday
evening to spend Christmas with his
, uncle, Carl Vuu'er, at Anders m, Calif
sf.nable prices, go to Dr. Stranve in
little brick optosit Slocum's hall.
We will ay Scents in trade or 110 cents
cash for your eggs. Ilring them in, also
yonr butter and chickens A.'l. Clink,
near depot. ftp
Dr H I. S'udley, OataoBtathie physi
cian. Dr. Almeda J. lcCtll. assista'i'
in obstetrics and diseases al women.
Phone or call at office in Abraham
bldg. Consultation Kre . tf
Salem Joajran : J W.Whittlesey ol
Washington, h it this nioining for Roee
htirg, w heie he w ill i.Mik up a desirable
place to locate.
Engineer Frank Carman and wife
went to Si.vertou Batononjr and other
pjiinis on the short line to spend the'
holidays w'th relatives and friends of
laved train, arriving at his home here a special tax for r-ad purs until the j
Oaujity Court s..all first p ON hase a rwk
crusher and r Her su tarle for econom
leal and permanent improvement of th
principal randa in every road district r.f
'he county. For the attainment of this j
abject the and rs;.'ned tnaantbaaa was j
appointed to represent to the County i
Court, at their first meeting in J.mujry.
the great nevessi:y of an appropriation,
heiog made ior said purple. Now,,
therefore, b HMstriag that it is to the in- j
:-re-t oi . r. rotid district in the coun
ty to co-Oparatb with West Rosehury'
district la this movement, each road'
district is her. hy most earnestly rt
I -.. -ltd to m t i mad at Ieet one
daltajatetfl M --gon 1 hursalay, Jan.
5, tWt, at . u", ;.ii'k p. to visit the
Commissi Tier's Oaart in a body and im
press Upon tl em the desire of th whole
people, lhat th-.y shall at once provide
l suitable m.ilern michinerv to improve
our puhlic roaJfl at manner with
other progreasive coujnties tbnmgoout
the stale. Respecifuily
J. C. Fclleeton
D. S. K. Bcick
Ladies, you cannot find a more suitable
gift, or one more appreciated for yonr
gentleman mend than an np-todate tie.
Here is another Holiday Necessity for the
well dressed gentleman. No matter how
stylish the suit the appearance is not
striking without an up-to-date hat.
Oregon Express in Collision.
The business men of Rosebnrg are
subscribing liberally to the new hospital
fund. The first section of the building
is to cost completed 10,000. Only
$3000 is required of Roseburg to secure
this valuable prize.
F. C. Ward of Roseburg has 100,000
pounds of prunes graded Slid loxed
ready for shipment. He shipped two
cars yesterday and will ship the balance
immediately. Oakland is quite a prune
growing center Oakland Owl.
Steers for Sale 60 bead of two and
thr vear o'd steers at 2,Sj cents per
pound. Apply to J. H. Hawlkv,
vide, Oregon.
Wanted. Apples,
Must be free from
trade, A. D. Clink.
abiut 500 boxes.,
worms, Cash or
Goats Wanted. Will pay cash for 25
or 30 head of nannie goats. Apply to
L M. Jackques, Drew, Oie.
Prof. Cochran, formerly principal of
the Oakland public schools, but now of
Medford. spent a few days in Roseburg
last week looking after New York Mu
tual Life Insurarce business, he being i
nnc t, tbp hustlinc aeente of this relia
ble company.
SaN PnaMCtaCO, Dec. 17. T:.e first
and laaan I atetiaM al the northbound
Oregon express, which left this city last
night, came in collision today al tWit
Station, four m Its al-ve MarysviUe.
lirakeinan i ew is wa- Hetcti isj'-.rei,
and five pa.-stai.'ers v r. -. . ut.
After a slight de.ay, the train proc.cled
on its way.
At llerg. north of M irys. ,1 . the first
section (topp d to repair an dr 'irake,
and though a fiigmati was . . lock, he
failed to warn the sppr acl :j -ir-m.i
Mr. and Mrs. V. L, McFarlnnd of , sectiou in time to pr. vent Its coiliaioo.
Cot t ige i rove are the gu. sls of her , The i;in ng car and one coach IUm :irst
brother, C. 15. lttker. and wife, of this section were part. y -rev keal, and tho aar
city. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlan.l are en- gine and hagvage-car ..f the se .u.d aw
' route to Mars .field to reside. ; tion were damaged.
The railroad othciair declare that the
Verv elu.i e fiuil lr-s. nil leaiiino 1 danirer sio. ; s ware ignor. ! u. re nil
varieties. pitz'iiU'rg lellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
Roseburger Gets Back Pay.
Edwin Weaver, of Myrtle Creek, Ore
gon. who has long been known as one
of the leading prune growers of the state
is becoming also one of .he leading hop
I growers. He already lias Ou acres in
hops and is planting an additional tract
of 70 acres.
discernible in the heavy mist w In. h pre
vailed at the time of the BCCid -ut .
guaranteed true to name and free from
pests. For s.i e at very reasonable j r., Enterprising" Yount Business Man.
by Roseburg Nurseries, 11. Schroten.
Roseburg, Orego tf
Mrs. Ira Wishart and little son of
Grants Pass, went to Oakland Saturday
morning to visit with her mother, Mrs
F. L. Russell, after a short visit here
with her sister, Mrs. B. M. Kelley All
members of the family expect to gather
at the old home Christmas in a pleasant
Merry Christmas
To One and All
Ride & Rice
Sykes & Carroll have moved thei
plumbing shop from the old Flook
building on Main street to No. 219 Jack
son street, the building formerly oc
cupied by F. K. Hands Cigar Store, and
are prepared to handle anything in the
nlumbing and tinning line. Phone No
Sain Starniir, it is sla'el, will take
; his departure for M;. rile Point, Coos
County, Tuesday morning, where
during the boHdaT! he will claim n-
his bride. Miss Hermann, a licice of
j Congress m an Ringer Hermann. They
j will come to Ro-ebii'g to reside soon
after the advent of the New Year.
Th re are no othern who
at tin well prejianfl to fur
nmh your X ma .rnt na
... I he Home '!.", (Tr
Special sales by Steams & Cheuow ith
Oaklandand Yoncalla, White and other
sewing machines f 15.00 an 1 up; water
pipe ; wire, plain and barbed; cut and
wire nails ; (lie only guaranteed black
smith coil ; two carloads Page w oven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
f r sale. n.3 tf
In writing up the Roseburg invention
77 of a en rar hart puller and topper, we in-
t advertent Iv neglected to mention ien.
I.. Hayes, an old soldier at ihe home.
who is a aeOoealy inventive genius an. I
who thought out this handy little de
vice and with Win. Hudson is an equal
owner ol the newly patented invention.
Some flattering oilers have been received
for the little spade-like device.'N, Dec lfi. Toe House to
day pas.evi Representative Hermann"
Dlil lo j.ay ine oi ' .eorvv .nen-
hey. of R. teburg. 137 for services per-! f
brand in carrying mails in Arkansas ;
after the Civil War.
The heirs referred to in the foregoing
dispat. are John R. Mctihehev and :
Mrs. Mm Sharp of this city. The
claim was f r carrying I uite-l States
mails from Jan. 1, ISol to March 31,
1i. but the government only allowed
tlie claim from the f.vrmer date to April
1. 1861, as on the latter date the state
.. - .- I from the Orion.
hence the government refuses to pay
ior the services rendered after that , i.VvtO
Anything yon need for a Fruit CaKe or Mince Meat
: J. F. BARKER SCO. Phone 201
Harry E. Miller, who formerly con
ducted a bicycle repair shop in this city,
but who for some time pist has held a
position in an automobile sh p in Port
land, passe 1 through Roseburg Satur
day on his way to Marysville, Califor
nil, where he expected to purchase a
bicycle and automobile repair shop and
remain permanently.
Myrtle Point now has a
factory The enterprise "ays
& Le p's furniture factory
phce and they are turni.ig
is a busy
out much
work. Two car loads of tables were
' shipped to tlie hay t his week, mid they
have enough orders ahead to keep them
going for some time Tnere is BBpeeial-
ly a big demand for nice myrtle furni
ture and they are constantly making
shipments to San Francisco, Portland
i and other points.
BENNETT -LARK I N At the residence
ol L. Bil yen, at 125 West Seventh
street in Eugene at II -.45 on Wednes
day, December M, 1WI4. Dr. Edward
Bennett to Miss Mary M Earkiu,
Rev. II F. Rowland official i i g.
The groom is a rapidly rising young
physician of Benton couaty, who is
quite well known here, and the bride is
a young ltd t f sterling worth, who has
made her home with Mrs. Bilyen for the
past five years. They left on the after
noon train yesterday for a short wed
ding trip and will go to housekeeping
shortly a'ter their return to.BdttiaajB.
i tain. Register.
ROB.vTON CALL. At Dillard, on
tc7 IffcN Otto Thornto.i and Ethel
Call, Rev. J .1 WeatCOp, officiating
Probably no merchant ile institution
in Roseburg has grown in t, tlaiity by.
such rapid stride as has the gents
furnishings establishment ot .1 A v'o'.ib.
Ihisis no doubt due to two r.a-ms
First, Mr. Cobh has Mad g od ..ic.nent
in the sele-tiii of his line of 'OO.i-, his
stock while enibracitig all Uie atet
styles in the b Iter grad -s of furr.i hing were purchase.1 on aaah lasi6
giving him the bi'st disv-onuts. whi.h
enables him to turn tiuse aooda over to
the customer on a closer in ri i than
those who buy on an open MXOUwt.
As the old laying goes, he buys right,
; and can sell right, his business being
conducted on a strictly cash basis.
Secondly, he is gentlemanly, accon
niodating and courteous to all aud
makes his customers feel at home, when
they visit his place of business, and is
always glad to show people hi goods
ami have them look over his st.X'k
w hether they desire to pur. base or not .
because he feels sure that a comparison
of his goods and prices with those of
others will eventually bring htm busi
ness, t
Ho has the agency for one oi the linest
tailoring houses in the land and can lit
you out with a tailor made suit for from
25 to 50 per cent less than you p iy else-
w bera.
Although not large his stock is well
selected, his plan being to keep small
orders poariag "i all the time, thereby
avoiding getting stocked up ou unsale
able articles. His motto is "Smal
protits and quick sales" Don't fail to
call on aim when In need oi anything in
the gents furnishings and novelty Una.
Jackson street, oi l D.iugl is county Rank
Don't Wait If You
A for vo ir Xuras now let us lay it
away for you. A small deposit secures
a tine instrument al Burr's Music House,
and you have a hard job off your hands.
Let us make a few suggestions come
and select a Piano ar.d we will deliver it
on mas eve. You have promised to
get one some time-ET IT NOW.
tiive the youngsters a chance and they
will be more contented at home even
ings, and you will be surprised how
much more cheerful every one will be.
If not a Piano or Organ we would sug
gest a tiraphophone or Violin, Onitar,
Mandolin, Banjo or Cornet.
We have Vi..lins for $2 and up.
We have Guitars for $3 and up.
We have Mandolins for 12.79 aud up.
We have Uraphophones for (5 and up.
You will find bargains in every line.
Think of a tine rischer piano, large
size in mahogany case, for $:00, and still
lilvral discount for cash.
It is not necessary to tell you that
goods and pr'ces are right at Burr's
Matte House.
The large business that we have built
up in a little over three years proves it.
Call or write today and have it over
with. If vou have iiot got the money.
Burr's Music House is in a position to
carry you. Open every evening.
Can. Pay g A TRUE TEST
. I inr MHhM arv tht
highest grade goods in
town. Comparison is
the only true test and
the one we always win
out on. When it comes
to high grade and de
licious goods we have
no competitors.
- V - V - V
Kobe teferaoMaf Pmkoc Laads Set
ncMcat sad Emit
La-i OOuee, Washington. & C.
Rambouillet Kims for Sale.
We have a tine lot of rams for saleone
and two years old and a few four years
old that are thoroughbred registered
Our rams are on the range all the year,
are heavy shearers of fine wool and good
rustlers. J. S. Hekkis A Sos,
tf Ashland, Ore.
Letter List.
... - ... I
bii tit Mtt A Hmlalib pretM;nt tor any memtier
. -j a.flMM4WrVifWf". Anything that', good for the
- ' ''
The AlJiany Democrat sayf, Mr. Vr d-
erick A. Knbs, one ol Linn county s
most extensive timlier owners, was in
the city today on business. Mr. Krihs
; since August 17, 1900, has purchased 74
timber Nnd claims in this county and
! continues to buy when the claim can be
r secured by the Linn county agents.
Mr. Krihs makes Roseburg his head
quarters for buying timber claims.
I While the price is aftd to have dropped,
I some fair prices continues to control and
from $1600 to $2,(i00 is sometimes paid.
ROBERTS. In Roaabora:. !. 12th, to
Mr and Mr. i. W. Roberts, a 10
pound lioy.
Moihei ami baby doing nicely. The
fali. or is the happiest 8. P. brakeman on
the liiv.
Grafting and Pruning by Experts.
GRAHAH-In Roseburg, Dec. 15, to
Mr. and vlrs. 0. C. Grrahan,
TURNER N ar (Hide. Oregon, Dei
15. IIHIl. b Mr. and Mrs H. Turner
a 12-poui.d hoy.
Pruning by the day or job, grafting 11
cents, guaranteed, MM half (loWB 'he
rest when the cions are growing, write
us Southern Ore., Nursery,
UMI OaRltnd, Or.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg postotlice.
Audi us Mr. ES Patty Mr SO
Backer Mr Carl Palmer A B
Cheuowoth Jim W Rogers J
Coteinan. Miss Carrie
Dr Howie .V Co Renger Mr Earl
Miller Mr Henry Stevens Miss May
Midtik Mi Martin Woodward W II
Uoltaan A Warner Mr M O
Martin Mr W A
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on w hich they are
advertised, Dec. 1!,
The letters vill bectwrgad for at the
rate of one cent each
C. W. Pakks
Cheap Doors, windows and Mouldings.
1 he remaining stoek of doors, winilows
manldinss and other mill work of the
ate R iseimrg l umlvr Co., has been
uirncd over to the Flook A Oysinger Co
and will le sold at a bargain until closed
nnk Here is a snap for house builders.
J. E. Sawyers, lawyer
public. Office up stairs
CoUnty Haul. Budding.
and noti
in Douglas
Claude A. Riddle has secured a po-i-tion
in the job printing department of
the Cottage Grow Leader, ana Nag : t
Claude is an npHodate printer aud a
I very worthy young man.
Mr. and Mis AV. W. Thackrah left
Satur.lay for their farm, eight miles
south of Cottage Grove to tpeid the
FmfrJCho lnl tr m
c.pyrtMfa.eW.. N ALL COUNTRII8.
Mm Jxrtct reitk 'a!W Jiv tmm
moHiy and often tit fattnt.
Pittirt and Infrin mant Pnctloa Laclutl-ly.
U'HIc or cvt tl UatS
eu nut bi-. on tn- - oac-
1, 1H. Notice u kmbr riven thai on October
, '. 4. the Acting Wratarrof tbe Interior -uored
to fettlemeal the jmbiio '.amis in Ihe foi
loirinc described area, which were temporarily
withdrawn for forcat WW pnrpoces j aad that
said public lands to restored to wttlameni oa
October a. 1901. will oeeome rabiect to entry,
dltaar and wtection at the United States Dis
trict Land Office at Kosebanj. btegon. on March
1. 1906: In Township forty () Sooth. Ranee
eight (t) West. Seciioos nineteen to thirty
ISO), both inclusive, and sections thirty-two (SO
to thirtT-six f) both inclusive; In Township
i 'rt one Ul) Sooth, Range eight ;s. West: See
lions three 3) and ten (HQ. All Township thirty
one i U) South, Rang nine (9) West; In Town
ship forty () South. Range nine (9) West, sec
tion one (I . the southeast, quarter ot Section
eleven (11). the east hall and soathwest quarter
ot Section twelve (li), the northeast quarter of
section thirteen (li). Sections twenty-are (V)
and t wenty -six , J6i. the east hsOl oi Section thir
ty-four (). and Sections thirty -Bre ($) and
thirty six (): In Township forty-one (U.1 South.
Range nine(S) West, Sections one (1, two (3),
three (S). and Sections ten (10) to sixteen (It),
both inclusive: All Township thirty-one OU
Sooth, Range ten (lvU West: la Township thirty-
flve(S5) -outh. Range twelve (li) West, the
southeast quarter oi Section nine (9), the sooth
hali of Section tea (10). Section eleven (11), the
south half aad northwest quarter ot Section
twelve (12), the west halt ot Section thirteen
1131, toe north half of Sections fourteen K)
and fifteen Ul Section sixteen (IS) the south
half and northeast quarter of Section seventeen
(IT, sections twenty 19),, twenty-one I&J
twenty-nine 391. thirty (30k thirty-one (tl) aad
thirty-two (; In Township thirty-eight (S)
South. Range twelve li West, the southeast
quarter of section lwetty-two li the outh
half ot Section twenty-three i). Section twen
ty seven. (iT). tho southeast quarter of Section
thirty-three (S3), and the west half of Section
thirty (our (34); in Township thirty-nine (39)
South, Rang twelve (13) West, Section four ().
(be south half of Section five (5). the southeast
qnsrter ol Section six (6), the southeast quarter
of Section seven r. Section eight (8), the north
west quarter ot Section nine ('), Sections seven
teen (IT) and eighteen (IS), the northeast quar
ter of Section nineteen (19). the north half ol
section tweuty (.V). and the west half (or what
will probably be when surveyed. Lots one (1)
to sixteen (16), inclusive) of Section thirty (SO);
In Township foity () South. Range twelve (U)
West, the west half, or Lots cne (1) to sixteen
(lfi). Inclusive, of Section eignteen (i): m
Township forty-one (41) South, Range twelve
(12) West, Lots three () and (oar (4). the south
ball ol the northwest quarter, and the south
half ol Section five (S). Secitoa six (Si, the west
ball, or leu one (1) lo sixteen (it), Inclusive, of
Section seven (7), the north halt and southeast
quarter oi Section eight (S), the south half and
no: th west quarter of s -ction nine (9) , and the
west hall, or Lots one (I) to twelve ( ti inclu
sive, ot Section eighteen (IS), All of Willamette
Meridian, Oregon. W. A. RiCHSJtoa, Coouala
sioner. Approved: E. A. Hitchcock ,
Nl tu Secretary ol the Interior.