Oregon Historical Society THE TWICE-A-WEEK Roseburg, Oregon Population, 3500. Tbe County Seat of UoiirIu County. Oregon Suldicrs Home; C. 8. Land Office and U. S. Wtather Bureau are located here. 8 P. raiimal division; splendid educalinnal advantage. Gateway to the Coos Bay and Coquille country. l Imttkakr. Boteborg' Plsind lw The moat widely road amaaaaai pabAiahad la Southern Oraaoa and oonaaqnaatly the aaar ad ri- tiling medium. Larae, aaoderaly equipped Job printing department In connection. Katabliahed In 1MB. Sabaerlpaon, ta par year for 8eml-Weekly. Vol. XXXVI ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1904 No. 100 Koaebttrg GAME WARDEN FILES REPORT Would Place Restrictions On Hunters OFFERS SEVERAL GOOD SUGGESTIONS Would Limit Day's Bag of Docks to 20 Instead or 50 Prohibit Sale of Game Birds f'jite Game Warden J. W. Baker ha e vTrepareil his first biennial report to the governor, which is now in the hands of the state printer. He says that Oregon today ie one of the best game statee in the Un'on. The 1500 copies of the game laws, which the s-.iecial session of the legisla ture authorized printed, have all been distrihu ed and that he still has many applications which he can not fill and asks that 5000 copies be printed for the ensuing two years. The i:iost periou-i violations of the laws occur in distant parts of the state that are ditli -tilt to reach and deputies have to tra. - i as f..r as So or 100 miles and that v. :.! the small amount of money allowt- I for payi-ig them it is impossible to investigate many complaints that are made. Only two cases of forest fires were re ported daring 1903 and both lacked in evidence that would warrant an arrest. The law for the protection of elk ex pires September 15, 1904, and should be re-enacted as soon as possible. The deer in Oregon are on the increase and are not being slaughtered in South ern Oregon as they were in the past. He recommends that the running of deer with dogs be permitted during October, but any dog caught running one during May, June or July be killed and the killer be exempt from prosecution. He recommends a bounty being placed on the couar, they being great killers of deer. The reports of the numbers of Chinese or Mongolian pheasants are very con flicting, some parts of the state report ing an increase and others a decrease . For the protection of these birds he rec ommends a limit of five birds a day and to prohibit the use of dogs for three years, and if used at all to continue their use to tb,e last 15 days of the open sea son. The native pheasant should be pro tected for five years. He reports that elk are not very nu W. FENN Civil Engineer Lately with thaj govern ment geographical and geological survey of Bra zil, South America . . . CHRISTIAS PRESENTS GAMES The New and Popular "Bunco Card Game," AlbumsToilet Sets , and a score of el jgant and inex pensive gifts for ladies, gentlemen and children. MARSTERS' ! Bargains Fancy Baskets from 5 cts to $2 00 Swell line of Combination Cases Ranging in Price from $15 to $28 Take a look at our Buffets From $25.00 to $38.10. : : : : a a a IB. W. STRONG a T H P CUD M l Til DC MAM :...la.........aa..a.. merous and should be protected entirely for ten years. I Grouse are more numerous this year than last. Quail in some parts of the state are greatly on the increase, Josephine and Jackson counties being the best. He says the law allowing one hunter to kill 50 ducks in one day is a disgrace and that 20 is a large and sufficient number. Geeee should be killed at any season, but prohibited at all times on nesting or roosting places. The limit on Mountain or Brook trout should be changed from 125 a day to 75. Salmon trout should be caught with hook and line in October and November. Bass are Wing caught iu Baa- streams now and are increasing rapidly. When the hunter and farmer are con vinced that the game laws are for all, then and not until then will the game laws be respected. Twelve or 15 deputies should 1 hired and the best way to secure the funds Uu their pay would be to license all boater both resident and non-resident. He makes the following recommenda tions : First Prohibiting the sale of upland birds for five years. Second License on each resident hunter of $1. Third License on each non-resident hunter of $20. Fourth License on each jointed fish ing rod of 50 cents. Fifth Increase of peualties for the violation of the game laws. Sixth Bounty on cougars of $20. Seventh Bountv on timber wolves of $15. Eighth Bounty on wild cats of $4. He shows that there were 215 Chinese pheasant, 40 quail, 4 pairs of deer horns and 1 pair of elk horns shipped out of j this state in the last year. There were 49 arrests made and pen alties imposed in the last year. Allowance for the office was $4200, and expenditures were $4045.72, leaving a balance of $154.23. THE CADET COMPANIES Both "A" and "B" Making Rapid Advancement in Drill Work 1 he two military cadet companies re cently organized in this city by Rev. C H. Lake assisted by M. F. Wright and F. G. Stewart are making great headway in their work. The boys seem to wake up to the idea of soldiering and attend drill with a punctuality and regularity that ehould make the members of the local militia company ashamed, and they must look well to their laurels as soldiers, or the younger companies will soon be able to excel them in every movement. The young men drill like veterans and when some of the parent of the boys drop in to see what is going on they always express surprise as they note how well "our boys" are doing. The companies drill on the following . . U. S. Deputy . . Mineral Surveyor Office over Postoffice. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Correspondence solicited DRUG STORE for all I , . evenings Company "A" Mondav, Wednesday and Friday of each week from 7 to S p. m. Company "B" Mon day, Wednesday and Friday of each week from 4 to 5 p. m. All parents and those interested are invited to visit the regular drills, which are conducted in the armory, and see what is really being done. Following are the officers and mem bers of the two companies: company "a" Capt, I.eNuir Ragsdale : 1st Lieut., Laney McConnell ; 2nd Lieut., Warren Cloak; 1st Sergt,, Delos Matthews; Sergts., Ross Goodman, George Howe, Vivan Jackson: Corporal, Vivian French. Privates, James Allen, Claud Andrus, Jake Allen, Bennie Buchanan, Fred Bell, Forrest Bartruin, Richard Breeden, Frank Berry, BrueeJBridges. Joseph Cobb, Fred Critzer, Benjamin Coon, Murray Cardwell, Leon DuGas, Fred Dillard, James Easton, Jason Ev erett, i-.'.iner Fraley, Walter Fisher, Lyle Grey, Everett Harpham, Morton Hadley, Ovan Hall, G rover Hughes, Eu gene Jewett, Laurence Jamieson, Arthur McGebee, Benjamin McNamee, Russell McMullen, Silvie Moore, Guen Maddox, Miles Negley, Earl Pickens, Knatlle Pickens, Lather Page, John Rast, Dell Rast, Francis Risley, Ernest Rayme, Guy Renfro, Hugh Scanlan, Akin Tip ton, Shirley Waite, Woodruff, Elmer Wilson, Ralph Vinson. COMPANY "B-' Capt., Edwin Moore; 1st Lieut., Fred Champagne: 2nd Lieut , Kotatya Bridg es; 1st Sergt., James Fletcher; Sergts., Leo DeVaney. Fairfax Pmrrish ; privates. Den Carmeney, Louis 1'ixon. Bobarl Dixon, Carl Dent, Perry Fietcher, Har ley Falbe, Del mar Green, James Good man, Shirley Goodman, Virgil Hamlin. Wallace Martyn, Clate Maddox. Virgil Mi-Mullen, Jefse Miller, tinorge Miller, Harry Miller, John Martin, Johnnie Park, Willie Speck, John Weikes, Guy Woilenberg, Hugh Blew, (ilenn Roes. Hereafter the names of those absent from drills will be published each week iu the local papers. MANY BUILDINGS ARE COMPLETED Work on Exposition Structures Pro gressing Rapidly-All Will Be Finished By Opening Day Portland, Dec. IN The Liberal Arts Building, next to the Agricultural Pal ace the largest building at the Lewis and Clark Centennial, has been formal ly turned over to the State Commission by the contractor. Six other buildings, now practically finished, will be com pleted during the week. Work on the other exhibition palaces is progressing most favorably, and there is now no question as to the fair being in readi ness on the opening day. Exhibits from St. Louis now on their way. will reach Portland in a few days, and be stored in the completed buildings until it is time to install them in their permanent quartere. Sheriff McClallen Holds Court. For the first time since the adminis tration of ex-Sheriff B. C. Agw, a case to determine the right of property was beard before Sheriff H. T. McClallen at the Roseburg court house Thursday be fore a jury composed of the following: J. M. Haaebrough, A. O Rose, J. C. Aiken, D. R. Shambrook, W. K. Mann and Smith Bailey. The claimants in the case were John Carmichael & Sons, Hop buyers, of Salem, and E. G. Young A Co.. merchant, of Oakland. The case was the outcome of a transaction of A. A. Osborn an ex-hop grower of Wilbur. Young & Co. obtained a judg ment of $194 against Osborn at the las term of the circuit court here for mer chandise sold to the defendant. The toinpany levied attachment upon $300 deposited in Osborn's name in the First National Bank at Roseburg in order to satisfy the judgment, but they were prevented from collecting the money by Carmichael A Son, who claim the $300 is all that is left of $1030, which they advanced to Osborn upon contracts to sell his hops to them. The jury, after one hour's deliberation, returned a ver dict in favor of Carmichael A Sons. Drain Normal Notes. Mr. H. O. Hill, International Secre tary of the Y. M. C. A. for the Pacific coast visited the Drain Association Dec. 14th and 15th. Mr. Hill is a fine genial young man and a worthy representative of the best type of American manhood. He met the association in a special meeting Tuesday evening and discussed the work. Later he addressed a Men's meeting in the college chapel, empha sizing the work of the Y. M. C. A. and the characteristics of the better life. On Wednesday morning Mr. Hill spoke to the whole school and a few visiting friends in the college chapel. At the noon hour his visit was closed with a joint meeting of Y. M. and Y. W. C. A'a his topic being "First Things First." Miss Bertha White, critic teacher in the 6tb grade, was treated to a pleasant surprise Thursday evening, the occasion being her 20th (?) birthday. Col. Hofer of Salem addressed a large and enthusiastic audience at the college chapel Friday evening, Dec. 10th. A delightful banquet was served at the dining hall afterward. The Normal girls gave a box social Saturday evening to raise funds to de fray expenses for basket ball. The holiday vacation begins Friday, Dec. 23, and extends to Monday, Janu ary 2nd. SENATOR MITCHELL WILL FACE JURY Mrs. Chadwick Brought Into Court and Pleads Not Guilty-War News Washington, Dec. 17 Senator Mitchell will leave for Portland to morrow night to appear before the grand jury, which is soon to take up the land fraud cases. It has been in timated to the Senator that an at tempt will be made to have the jury indict, not only Representative Hermann, but himself, and it is to testify in his own behalf that the Senator will return at this time. Senator Mitchell asserts his innocence and declares in most positive terms that he will come out unscathed un less perjured evidence is brought against him. The announcement that the grand jury is to hear evidence against Her mann and Mitchell causes no surprise in Washington, at least so far as Hermann is concerned, it has been known for a year that Secretary I Hitchcock hoped to bring about Her mann's indictment, but this is the feat time it has been opportune to ring matters to a head. It was not mtil today that Senator Mitchell re-' ceived an intimation that he was to be brought in along with Hermann. He promptly decided to go home and appear in self defense. He expects by personal testimony to establish his innocense and to return to Wash ington before Congress reassembles , after the holidays. It is reported here that at least 24 counts will be brought in against Her mann, connecting him not only with cases in Oregon, but with the Hyde Henson cases in California and Ore fQS. Mr. Hermann does not intend to go home to defend himself and is undisturbed by these rumors. Mrs. Chadwick Pleads Not Guilty, i Cleveland, 0., Dec. 17. Mrs. j Chadwick was arraigned before Judge i THE TWO MEN OF THE Arthur J. Balfour and the Marquit of men in r.neland Uxluy. 1 heir ponulantT in due to the nrmneaa and tact witn wnicn tv handled the recent Ruaao-Britian complication rrowiaf oat of tha firing on EjurlUh trawler by Rnaaiaa men-of-war. Mr. Balfour ia the prima minister of Great Britain and tbe Marqtua of Louiadoa ne ia tha minuter of COUNCIL HOLDS ADJOURNED MEETING Several Important Contracts Awarded Mistress of House of III Repute A special meeting of the Rosebnrg city council was held Thursday evening at which considerable business of im portance was transjeted. Three con tracts were awardid, the first bids opened being those for tha construction of a concrete sidewalk along the west and south sides of the City Hall prop erty in Roseburg, and from the west sidewalk to the steps at the entrance of the bnilding, also for a concrete gutter to abut said west side walk. The bids were as follows : F. F. Patterson I2H5.00 G. Worthington.. 265 00 J. E. Frick, of Albany 246 00 H. J. Clark, of Grants Pass 240.00 The bid of Mr. Clark was accepted. Mr. Clark is the gentleman who has the contract for the masonry work on the Elks' Temple, in Roseburg, now in course of construction. SRWElt BIDS The second bids opened were those for tbe construction of a sewer to ex tend along the alley between Mill and Pine streets, commencing on the north side of Flood street and ending on the north side of Burke street. The bids were: Wing ..f the United Statee District mirt, tais afternoon, pleaded not guilty to every charge brought against her, declined to give bail, and was remanded to jail to await trial. President Beckwith and Cashier Spear of the Citizens' National Bank of Oberlin, were arraigned at the same time, and were allowed to depart af ter furhishing bonds, each in the amount of $25,000 an increase of $ir,000 over the bond furnished pre viously. It was desired to have the indicted persons called on Saturday, at a time when few people would be expecting to see them in court, in stead of at a regular session, when a multitude of curious people would at tempt to invade the court room. Jiot over 30 people were present when Judge Wing took his seat to preside for the arraignment only. Court was adjourned as soon as it was over, the entire session not lasting over 15 minutes. The trial will be continued this week. Latest War News. Tokio, Dec 18. (11 a. m.i The battleship Sevastopol has been suc cessfully torpedoed ten times. Ad vices from Port Arthur say that she is aground, and L evidently complete ly disabled. St Petersbu rg, Dec. 17. The contents of Lieutenant-General Stoea sel's dispatches to Emperor Nicholas, received last night, have not yet been communicated to the public While particulars are unobtainable, it is un derstood that the report L not couched in a despairing tone. When Commander Miizeneoff reft Port Arthur it was calculated there that the second Pacini- squadron was within ten days' distance. HOUR IN GREAT BRITAIN. Laaadowna ara eaaily tha two moat popular foreign affairs. Refused Liquor License J. E. Frick $678.26 W. H. Carroll 647.94 B. S. Nichols 652.40 Bridges & Marsters 625.00 The bid of Bridges & Marsters was ac cepted. The third bids opened were for the laying of 24 inch pipe in the big culvert extending diagonally through tbe city, where it crosses Rose street, in front of Kelly & Hunks' livery stable, and again where it crosses Oak street in front of P. Benedick's Cabinet shop. Following are the bids submitted: W. H. Carroll $407.00 J. E. Frick 3S7.50 Bridges & Marsters 375.C0 Bridges x Marsters' bid was accepted. An application for a liquor license filed by one, "Vivian Davis," presumably the mistress of an immoral resort was turned down. Councilman Micelli mor alized and spoke of the moral obliga tions of the council to the better class of citizens, and he objected to placing the woman under the police protection of the city, to which she would be entitled if granted a license. 'Do you want a dry town?" inquired Mayor Hoover. "No," replied Mr. Micelli, "I want a wet town ; and the way to keep a town wet is to grant liquor licenses to people who do not offend the moral sense of tbe city and conduct saloons in a straight, legitimate manner." On motion of Councilman Norman, the woman's application was unani mously rejected. NEW ORDINANCE PASSED. An ordinance providing for the de struction of trees that obstruct or inter fere in any way with a sewer or side walk was passed. Penalties are pro vided in the ordinances governing pub lic nuisances. OTHER BUSINESS The committee on health and police were instructed to confer with F. M. Beard, who asked permission to re-open an abandoned sewer on the south end of Main street. Marshal Jarvis was given some in structions regarding the repair of side walks and spreading of gravel at various places, after which tbe council adjourned. Oregon News The Bandon broom handle factory turned out 20,000 tent pegs for the Jap aneee army last week. By June 15 Hills Brothers expect to have 8,000,000 feet of logs ready to pat into tbe Willamette above Eugene. A Christmas never approached in Ore gon when its people were more disposed or better able to observe it. Few counties, if any, can make a bet ter showing at the exposition than Linn, which ia now preparing to send a big ex hibit. The Ashland Christian church re ceived as a present 65 yards of carpet from Mrs Ganiard, a member living in California. Experiments carried on at tbe Oregon Agricultural college show that alfalfa can be raised in weitern Oregon as easi ly and successfully as clover. EDUCATIONAL RALLY AT DRAIN Cot. L Hofer's Address Before C 0. S. N. S. Other Prominent Visitors Deliver Addresses The editor of the Plaindealer was the recipient of a k'ndly invitation to be present at the educational rally which was given by the Zamzamian Literary Society of the Central Oregon State Nor mal school at Drain on Friday at w hich time Col. E. Hofer was scheduled to de liver a "Jimjamian" address on the gen eral subject of "Education." The ed itor of this live and progressive journal could not be present but the Plaindealer was represented just the same. Col. Hofer came, he saw and con quered Drain, gave nobody the "Jim jams," but on the contrary made every body happy. He talked on education from the standpoint of a practical man. He did not favor the tendency of the age of devoting the time to instruction in senseless "ologies" and impractical "isms" but urged that instruction should be along the lines of the practi cal ; that boys should be instructed in handicraft rather than in unneeded sci entific subjects : that oar girls should be given more instruction in thoee things which qualify them to make better wives and mothers, the centers of oar homes. Mr. Hofer was enthusiastic in his talk and seemed to inspire a like enthusiasm. Representative Edwards, of Lane county, was present and made an ad dress that was well received and made many warm friends by openly advocat ing the continuance of this Normal as one of the institutions of the state. He was followed by Captain Ben D. Boewell and Superintendent Hamlin, all of whom spoke feelingly for the Central Oregon Normal, and complimented highly the faculty for the most excellent work they were doing. Several most excellent selections of music were rendered by the pupils which were well received and highly appre ciated by all. At the close of the pro gram all were cordially invited to repair to the Boarding Hall where light refresh ments were served by the charming young lady students. After enjoying the refreshments, Presi dent Dempster rapped for order and made a most splendid address in regard to Normal work in general and of the Central Oregon Normal in particular. He spoke of the fact that California had seven Normal Schools, Washington three and other states equal numbers, while Orgon had four. The appropria tions to any one of Washington, Cali fornia or Iowa were equal to the whole amount appropriated for the entire four in Oregon. In the coarse of the evening it was shown that the cost to the state per year of the Oregon Normals for last vear was about as follows: Weston Normal, ;$500. for each scholar; Mon mouth, $16 ; Ashland, $151, and Drain only $72. These figures show bow eco nomically the state s interests are managed in Drain. After President Dempeters's address, short after dinner addresses were made in the interest of the Drain Normal by Mr. Ira Wimberly, Dr. Strange and many others. Dr. Strange seemed to strike the proper chord when ke urged that to build up the town and school there should be organization and united action and effort. As a result, at the suggestion of Presi dent Dempster, those present resolved themselves in an organization to carry out the suggestions of Dr. Strange, and a committee composed of many of the representative citizens of Drain and vicinity were appointed to act in con junction with the Drain Commercial Club in securing the co-operation of similar clnbs and organizations through out the country to secure proper support to aid in building up the various Nor mal rcnoois oi the state. In the course of the evening th a.n. ence was frequently called upon to join in the cheers to Col. Hofer. Pant well, Representative Edwards, Presi dent Dempster, Dr. J. W. Strange and the faculty, pupils and all connected with the Normal school, which in all cases was done with a good will. Taken all in all the meeting of FriHaw was a grand one and had a tendency to arouse a feeling of enthusiasm in the subject of education and of the Drain normal in particular. There is no di vision injthe interest in the an the Drain Normal. All with one voice join in the demand that simple justice be done. A visit to the arhnnl will vince even the most sdeDtical that th Drain Normal ia worthy of the most lib eral support by the state. It is honed that other parts of the county will arouse themselves to action to ask that the state do iu d.ty towards so worthy n nJ- Visitor E. E. Cooper, chief of the surveying party, now in the field in Cnrrv was in town Tuesday accompanied by his wife and son. They took the eta for Grants Pass on their way to San Francisco. Surveying ia still being carried on in the vicinity of Raleigh Scott's Dlace. , -J wau UiO fsatveylMa learned that it will be con tinued on down the coast to Eareka. They expect to have headquarters at Smith River for two montha. Ommit City Record. Christmas oranges will be cheaper this year that ever. The crop in Cali fornia was much larger than was ex pected, and a sort of war among the old members of the now defunct com Kino sent the prices down. RUN REDUCTION PLANT Method of Converting Ore Into Bullion Will Be Shewn at Portland Fair Portland, Dec. 18 A real gold reduc tion plant in actual o Deration will ho one of the novel sights that may be seen at the Lewis and Clark Exposition next summer. The plant will be installed in the Min ing bailding and the method of mnnrt. fng the ore Into bullion will t shown. The ore will be crashed, tbe gold ex- :raeted and made into real irold bricks before the eyes of the visitors. This really "live" exhibit will be one many of that class which will snr.nl- ment the countless collection of miner- Is in the Mines building. The erode ores will be furnished bv the mining men throughout tbe State of Oreaon and the plant will be constantly in oper ation during the day. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON are now displaying their HOLIDAY QOODS UP-TO-DATE AND OF FINE QUALITY The Following WID Prove of Interest to You and Repay Inspection: Dressing Cases of Ebony, Silver Mounted, French Stag and Celluloid; Glove, Handkerchief and Necktie Boxes in Beautiful Designs. Fancy Perfume Atomizers, Hand Bags, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Japanese Enameled and Laquer Ware in Photograph, Handkerchief. Glove Boxes and Trays, Pretty Work Boxes and Jewel Cases. German Plate Hand Mirrors and a great variety of novelties l Our Display of Box Paper will command your FULLERTON & REGISTERED Near the Depot wr wa DOUGLAS COUNTY BANK j,f i our Kancnes and limoer 131 l anrk with mo . I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS AND CAN SELL DOUGLAS EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR Judge Thompson Gets Reply to Application COUNTY WILL BE ALL0TED SPACE The Sane is is Given to OtfcerfEa- lerprising Counties to Dis play Their Exhibits J a" County Judge M. D. Thompson of Roseburg ia in receipt of the follow ing letter from tbe Lewis and Clark Exposition management in reply to ma letter applying for space in which to make a Douglas county exhibit at the Exposition next year. The letter is self explanatory: LETTER.) Portland, Dec 13, fL Mr. M. D. Thompson, County Judge, Roseburg, Ore. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 8th instant, making application for space, 30x40, has been received, and I beg leave to say that your application will be filed, and acted upon when the question of allot ing the space re served by the State for counties is taken up. I think I can assure you there will be no difficulty in jr11- sufficient space for every county. The Commission is very giad to know that yon are going to exhftit, and we wiD do everything in our power to assist, as we must do our very best, I not let the neighboring states o fWashing ton and California beat us on our own ground I am. Yours very truly, Edmond C. Glltner, Sec It therefore behooves every citizen of Douglas county to assist the com mittee to be appointed soon in every way possible to collect a creditable exhibit of the countrs products for exhibiting purposes. If you have any products of the orchard, field, forest or mine of unusual merit, do not be backward in lfttting this committee know of it as soon as the committee is announced. will delight you and the favorable RICHARDSON DRUOOISTS RosetMzrx. Ore" SatabUaacl 1-S3 Incorporated an Capital Stock $5o,ooo f. W. BKirSON, A.C.atAUSTKBS, Prratdan', VJea rraatdeal. 8OA80 OF MftSCTOeS r. W. BKH80M, a. A. BOOTH J. H. BOOTH. J T BRIDGJB, JOS. LYONS, A. C. MAaSTlES K. L MILLIE. A GENERAL BAN KINO BUSINESS TRANSACTED m. R. R. JOHNSON, OPF1CB IN MARKS BLOCK, ROSEBURG, OR.