GOOD GOODS Have Made as Many Customers HONEST PRICES Enable us to Retain our Customers PRETTY NOVELTIES! Have attracted customers and by means of this advertisement we seek to gain new customers to please, along with our old ones : We want to call attention to the new goods arriving constantly, uiauy of which are pretty novelties that have made big hits in the cities, and which we have made special effort to procure in order to more thoroughly demonstrate the fact that we keep abreast of the times (O r M I. ABRAHAM, PROP. 5 JACKSON STREET 5 THE PEOPLE'S STORE Told in Side Heads. Douglas County Bar Association. A special meeting of the Douglas Coun ty Bar Association was neld in Attorney J. A. Buchanan's law office Monday evening, at which time the following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year : Judge J. W. Hamilton, President : F. W.Benson, Vice-President; A. N. Or cutt, Sec., J. A. Buchanan, Trea?. Speeches were made and good natured repartee indulged in The association will hold a regular meeting sometime during the holidays, closing with an elaborate banquet, at which the ladies will be present. At the close of the meeting the members present were treated to an oyster supper by Attorney J. A. Buchanan. A. L. Qoff Pronounced Cured. A. L. Goff, of Oakland, Douglas County, who was committed to the asylum from Koseburg about two months ago, wab this week released as cured. Goff was not in a bad condition at any time and was quickly cured with good medi cal attendance. For several weeks he has been in his right mind and has been in charge of the private stables, but it was not thought advisable to release him sooner, lie returned to his home at Oakland on Monday with his brother who came came after him, says the Salem Journal of November 14. A Remarkable Recovery Mr w m. Cavanatmh nils! sister, Miss (Sraco, left yesterday for their home in Saginaw. Mr. OmaaSagh is just recovering from hu accident at Yoncalla, which occurred about three mouths ago, while assisting some workmen to move a car at that place, his foot stipttsd directly beneath the wheels, crushing it badly. The fall broke his other leg and dislocated his ankle. He was taken to the Good Sa maritan hospital at Portland, where he has been for the past three nvmths. Despite the serious nature of the injurv to bis foot, amputation was not though; necessary, and his cure becomes quite remarkable. Mr. Cavanaugh is quite well known in Salem, having lieen a student at Willamette Iniversity last year, and should have been at present had not his accident prevent it. Salem ; Statesman. Local and Personal. Strange, dentist. J. P ing. Johnson, dentist, (i rave's build- Sh .rtage dav. of eggs is the topic of the Been prsetieinc for next week".' that turkev s!i .t Anyway, the in evidence. luw-mvk shoe eontinu's How are yon Xmas presents .' getting on with t'l Gold crown and bridge quality by Dr. Strange. work of btst To Establish a Branch House. V. D. Gar man, of the Cottage Grove and Grants Pass mercantile firms of Gar man, Hemenway i White Company, was in Koseburg tbia week, looking over the city with a view to establishing a bianch merchandise store here. It is a big substantial firm and the company would make a valuable addition to Kose bnrg's live business establishments. Not the Only Town As you pass along the street, late at night, yoa'll chance to meet boys and girls of tender age, children of good parentage, that had better beat home, allowed the lib erty to roam where mischief woos to waywardness. Such thoughtlessness of parents breeds full half the woe that makes this old world suffer so. Eugene Register. Street Improvement Accepted Contractor H. J. Wiikins' improvement work on six blocks of Pine street, com mencing at Mosber street and terminat ing at Rice street, in Waite's Addition, was accepted by the city council at a special meeting Monday night. A war rant in payment 01 the contract price, 11143.45, was ordered. M. E. Church Improvements. There will be no services in the M. E. church next Sunday, owing to work on the in terior being incomplete. When finished by the painters and paper bangers, the church will present a very tasteful and home-like appearance Mr. V. 8. Pat terson and son are doing the work. Railroad Yard Improvements. A great deal of work has been accom plished in the Roseburg railroad yards luringjhe past month. The old style turntable has been replaced with the new mrjtlern stevl type of turntable. The round house has been turned partially around preparatory to building n a large addition and has been re-shingled. The elevated track has leen lowered and still the improvements continue. Vt the depot the new quarters for the ;rain di-patchers" office ami for the Weils, Fargo Express Co., are now coin- pleted and occupied. Train Dispatcher Morris sa then improvements will reatly tsrilil In ihe handling of tram. I nd business at this station. Both the i pissenger a- d freight depots have also ; received a new coat of paint and have been sanded on the outside about six feet above ground. And don't forget that Christmas shoo ping! Avoid the rush Hon. D. S. K. Buick is slowly improv ing from his late illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Yonng went to Portland Tue-nlav to reside. One man on Hilly creek has 50.) tur keys fattening for the holiday market. Dr. J. R. Wilson, of I'mpqua Ferry, was transacting business in lioseburg Tuesday. Miss Kittie Miller has returned home from Portland. The whole country has gone wet more Oregon mist. Wagon loads yen, hundreds of tur keys are leiiig brought into market by the farmers. See Sykes ."it Carroll and get their prices on plumbing and tinning liefore purchasing. 77tf Mr. Hall and w ife of South Myrtle Creek were transuding bmitMM in Koseburg W duesd.iy. Otto Hansen, of Salem, has purchased the W. S Wright farm west of Kose burg. Mr. Hanson arrived at this place Mondav. Job Dennilif and Milt Ollivant, two highly respected ri tiaras ol Ten Mile, wi re InUMMCtlMX bnaineM in Koseburg Wedneoda) Mrs J . M lo id. rm ho ha" been criti cally ill at her home in this city for MM time pott, h It ill ill A precarious condition. Mrs. George Mote returned to her home at Collage Urove TasadaT, after an enjoyable xi-il with relatives ami friends in thin d i . What are the some things" that Os teopathy will cure'.' S-e your Osteo pathic ltl oiriw. and get reliable in formation regarding it. Quite a high wind visited Douglas County Wednesday afternoon doing no damage, however, except to some rail fences throughout the country districts .1. s. ol Leake, of Pi laaiHls. has returned home from an enjoyable visit with his mother who resides near Kansas C'ilv. Missouri. He reports a pleasant trip. For Sal . Pure bred Mammoth Itroiixe turkeys, gobblers and hens. Have taken various prizes at different fairs. Call on or sddress J. H.Shokt, Kosebnrg. Or. Oct. 17 P J. S. .Vhitaker, F. C iiierin and H. F. Hurkhart. of Myrtle Point, arrived in Ko-eburg Wednesdiy. Mr. tinerici was on his way to Portland to attend business college. Hr TWO BIG SPECIALS 23 Ladies Winter Weight Shirt Waists, the remains of about eight differant lines in which the sizes are broken including silk, wool, lin en and mercerizes fabrics in prices ranging from $2 35 to $4.50 have been placed on bargain counters at $1.50 While They Last Have yon seen our new Fali line of Forrest Mills Underwear for Ladies? White Wool and Cotton, All Wool, and Wool and Silk Mixtures. Priced at $I.M, $1.25, JI.-50 aid $1.75 the garment. And they are worth it, too, Take a Look Our entire stock of dressing sacques made of eider down, and fleece back cotton eider down, of which the cheapest sold for $1.00 and most of them sold for $1.25, $150, and $1.75. Now just to clear them out Take your Choice for 75c New Fall Styles in Ladies "Cross" Shoes Just In JOSEPHSON'S The Big Store n I News of theWeek in Brief. THE OTHER SIDE OF IT From every pirt ports of 111 re crop? ever before. 1 1 Oregon sown thi- come re fill than Russia is faeiin; a grave internal crisis. French Minister of War Andre resigns Philip pine exhibit for MOB fair is as sured. Japanese advance again app-ar- im minent. Senator Mitchell left for Washington Wednesday. List great attack cost the J. paneae -00,000. The naval gun factory at Washington is overtaxed. Daily skirmishes between Russian and Japanese armies. Russia objects to term of convention fixing responsibility. Rritish inquiry into North Sea inci dent is legun at Hull. A Wahah train locked in North St. I -on is; ;-r :.- injured. II I. Studlev. iMeopithic phvi- in.nan p-.ny runs miles in a little rian. Dr Almeda J. McCall. assistant j "vr ',,ur ',,ur9 I"'l'o. in ofeotstrici and disease! of women. ilarrimau lines will spend f:t,A(10,flut 'Phone or call at office in Abraham ! n improvement in t regon. bide. Fret consultation. tf Yoncalla's Version of the Football Game Plaindealer Reporter Taken to Task Annual Chrysanthemum Show-. The second Annual Chrysanthemum Show for Rosebnrg, opened in Fv. C Flint's building on Jacks m street today and the exhibit 'is something superb. Nothing of the iik has ever been seen in Roseburg before, the exhibit being greater and the quality much better tnan the exhibit of last year. Numerous prizes have been donated by local busi ness men which are on display in the show windows wheie the exhibit is held along with pottedjferns. The exhibit will continue over Friday and is well worth the admUeion price 10 cents. Osteopathy is in tnre. The patient with the results. A. II. harmony with na is always pleased Off one lti-year-old Baldwin apple tree in Curry county 2"J00 pounds of ap ples were picked. i Wm. and A. K. Siefcole. of Peer Creek, were transacting business lefore the United States land office in this city Tne-lav. J. T. Rayan. the and jeweler, has a tree ad in t-e Read it. busy watch maker line new Christma Pl.AINDKAl.EP todav. New Ads Today Among the new ads in today's Plaixdealm are those of Fullerton A Richardson, druggists; B W. Strong, furniture; J. T. Bryan, jeweler, and Hamilton Drag Co. Read these ads and patronize Plwxdfaler advertisers. Another Glory Ticket. A marriage license has been issued to Henry H. Benton and Miss Emma E. Rnssel, of Canyonville. Grand Ball at Melrose. A Grand Ball will be given at Melrose Wednes day evening, Nov. 23, at Wilson's hall. Everybody invited. Struck by a Coach. Harney Davis, the Roseburg, Marshtield Stage driver who was seriously and perhaps fatally injured by being struck by a coach in the railroa 1 yards in this city the first of the week, is r -poried in a very pre carious condition today, being delirious at times and so violent that a number of attendants are required to care for him. The trainmen were making a dying switch and in watching the engine Mr Davis failed to notice the coach which ran in on the side track and struck him, fearfully bruising him about the head and shoulders. Big Apple Crop at Yoncalla. Galen Devore has had quite a number of peo ple engaged in packing apples for C. P. Devore at Yoncalla. He has harvested about 6,500 bushels HI their orchards near that city. Other growers have also harvested many hundreds of boxes, and car load shipments have begun. Good for Yoncalla. Surveying a New Route. A gentle man from Yoncalla says that a partv of surveyors are working south of that city surveying a route for the S. P. Co. They may change the railroad track over the Rice Hill by the way of the Robt. Long place, in order to make the grade less steep. A new kind of grass that grows 20 feet high and with stalks as big as lead pencils near the ground, grows in Mor row counv. Roseburg is preparing for a chrysan themum show. This will be the second annual, commencing today and continu ing over Friday. There has been an average run of Sil verside salmon on Poos hay, while Co quille, I'mpqua and Sinslaw had a much larger run than usual. If yon want to select a Xmas present that is strictly up-to-date you will find them at Graves' Art Emporinm. Call and see goods and get prices. tf Stranb, late of Elkhart, Indi ana, a cousin of Mr. Garman, accom panieJ him, and in case that a branch house is established here, this young man will liecorue its manager. Portland now has a clear field for '0- National Irrigation Congress. RnMn cruiser Gromoboi reported badly damaged at Vladivostok. Adolph Weber takes arrest for mur der of lather's fatniiv verv eoollv. Mr. and Mr? H. .1 Wilson of vohville went toCorvallis todav to with their children. Bessie, Jessie and Frank, who are attending the Oregon Agricultural College at that place. Can- t'attle rustlers caught skinning a steer visit ) are shot by officers in a fight in t'tah. The BagtHM Guard says: W. W. Waddell and A. Henlein apare-l he fore Recorder lWri, pled guilty to the charge of permitting gambling in their saloon, and were fined $100, which was promptly paid. Earnest Bradley, member of the ex Ixague baseball team of Rosebnrg. is in the city, after a stay of several ninths in Portland, during whir-h time he has been in the employ of I.ang ,v Co., wholesale grocers. H. J. Brown has resigned his position as stenographer in the Roseburg train dispatcher's office, and left Wednesday evening for San Jose, Calif , to take up another vocation. He was succeeded by I W. Sherlock, of Portland. Very choice fruit trees, all leading varieties. Spitienberg and Yellow Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All guaranteed true to name and free from pests. For sa'e at very reasonable prices by Rosebnrg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg, Oregon. t Special sales by Stearns A Chenowith Oakland and Yoncalla, White and other sewing machines $15.00 and up; water pipe; wire, plain and barbed; cut and wire nails ; the only guaranteed black smith coal ; two carloads Page woven wire fence, the only tempered wire fence or sale. n3 tf RICE RICE THE HOUSE FURNISHERS The Price What you pay for a pie e of furniture is often the de ciding thing in the selection. The matter of the price is a matter that strikes home. It affects the purse. But this is another place wherein we can please and satisfy you Our prices represent the value of the goods. There is a profit in them just enough to cover up selling expenses and to conduct legitimate business. That is all we ask you to pay. When you do pay it you are sure you are getting the full worth of yonr money. You are not mak ing blindfold purchases. Lack of Space Prevents our displaying the thousand and one gxxi bar gains in our store; if you need anything for furnishing the home it will pay you and inter est you to look through our es tablishment. If you are in the country and need a piece of fur niture write us fully describing your wants and about what you want to pay, and we will mail you cuts or photographs of the very latest styles with special net prices. The pictures we send to you will represent the articles as they really are. No catalogue house can keea pace with the rapid changes made bv manufacturers. Holidays will soon be here and we will be prepared for all. Don't throw money away bujing worthless presents. Buy tne i i j jkisjd. All will join in teltifg yon RICE & RICE sells it for less. A couple of Holy Rollers have been proselyting at Floras creek, but from what we hear their work will be cut short by energetic action of the people It is reported that they will visit Port Orford, r.nd signs indicate that the boys will give them a hot old time when thj do arrive. P.rt Orford Tribune. Wm. King, who has been cruising in the Cascades in Eastern Linn county, returned to Roseburg Monday. Next weak he will go on another cruise in Western IVmglas county with his brother who will join him here this week. Frank Natter fata'ly shot at Heppner, Ore , by T. C. Cress well after a quarrel. Executive Council of Federation of l.alr severely censures several unions Great system of canals p.inne l for Prussia by Kaiser finally appear as sured. Rain and wet snow stops telegraph service from New York to Sooth and West. Marquise des Monstiers, who founded American Catholic school, leaves that church. American Federation of Ijibor l-gan a two weeks' session in San Fram imo Monday. Pretty Mollie Walker, of Bntte. ob tains a tronssean by frud and m.vries her lover. There were revolutionary riotsjn Rio Janeiro at an attempt at compulsory vaccination. " First snow of season ruts off Washing ton, D. C. from wire communication with the outside. Yoncalla. Or.. Nov. 15, lwM. Kdit.'K Plaixoxalek : Yoncalla and vicinity are very tore over your report- er's account of 1 ist week's football game at Yoncalla. We are loyal to the Plai.- , DEALta and are sorry that one of Oio j leading papers of Southern Onyon j would ermit such a "false report" or! rerrter to come to Yoncalla tu PffM I Sent it. In the first place, Roseburg was only , penalized by reteree Devore and that was in the last half, as he only refereed 1 that part of the game, Johnson hoi-ling; that honor during the first half. He penalized Yoncaha once. But sav that Devore was wrong, it was only once an 1 : your report says several times, and claims that we had the referee during the whole game. While Roseburg j showed that they had superior practice and played in Yoncalla's field in the early part of the game, they never had a shadow of a chance of scoring, in either half and Yoncalla played most of the last half in Roseburg's field, and ratue near scoring twice. When the game closed Yoncalla was in a few yard- of Roseburg's goal. These are facts written after a careful rev it w of the game, and we are only glad that we had a strawfield instead of j Citckland crack. We believe the Plais kkalkb will not be partial in this nuttier as we have no paper here. Very truly yonrs. M iv . .Si; Yoncalla Football Tu. REVERSIBLE rrREn? We also carry a line of Brad- I-ICr DI f.WC ley Clkd and Steel plows 11 J W FLU VI D and Harrows. ARE THE HARDWARE B- A fine line of Stoves and Gcn- ) eral Hardware, Hand Saws, I Harness, Tinware and Guns U U I at Bed Rock Prices. BEARD & CULVER CASH FOR CLEANING UP YOUR PLACE We will ay the highest cash price for Hides, green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes Have some splendid bargains in second hand Forenitar ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. Weather H port. F. F. Patterson this week laid a six foot concrete pavement with gutter, in front of his residence property by the side of the Baptist church. This is no douLt ihe cheapest sidewalk after all, SVOn for Ik residence portion of the citv -Sykes A Uarroll have moved their plumbing shop from the old Flook building on Main street to No. Mfl Jack son street, the building formerly oc cupied by F. K. Hands Cittar Store, and are prepared to handle anything in the plntnbing and tinning line. Phone No. 261. 77 tf The upbuilding of the Populist p irty is the only hope of reformers, says Thomas K. Watson. President Roosevelt receives Prince Futhima, who bears cordial greetings from the Mikadi. Russians surprise the Japanese on I 1 cl .l l... ...! Mt.lnM m , ill.... Ki,t soon have to abandon it. Commissioner Richards savs Uovernor Chamberlain's Warner Valley letter was not marked "personal and confidential." U. S. Wkatiiek Bractr Offics, Roscartoi, Ore. Week ending 5 :p. m.. Sov 16, liM. Maximum temperature 7 on the 11th Minimum temperature, 42 on the 16th Rainfall for the week, 0.SS. Total rainfall since 1st of month. 1.14 Total tain fail from Sept. 1, NM, to date, 4.76. Average rainf.ill f-om Sept. 1 to date 6 05. Total deficiency from Sept. 1 , 1904, to i date, 1 H. Average precipitation for 27 wet sea sons, 33.57. Tiios. GPMI, Observer. J. A. COBB THE GENTS' FURNISHER I will give away for two weeks following this date (November 14) with every Eh ess Shirt you buy, a pair of Gold Plated Cuff" Buttons. I carry the Mt. Hood brand and it speaks for itself. These goods are wo-th from $v5o to fi.50. Come in and see them. ::::::.:::::: J.A. COBB JACKSON STREET.. Wm Thompson and iuy Van Riper, two popular Cttare (irove hoys, were in Roseburg Tuesday night on their re turn home from ('aliform i. The boys got out of funds on the trip and were up agiiust the real thing, as Ihe slang phrase goe-i. They want no more of California Oregon i' good enough for them, and they will probably never again wander from the parental fire fide. County Treasurer G. W. Dimmick and R. W. Fenn, a prominent civil en gineer of Roseburg, were in Gardiner a portion of last week, in the interests of the Umpqua Coal Company, organized for the development and working of a coal bearing tract about four miles from Elkton. These gentlemen are selling s'ock at ten cents per share for the pur pose of raising development funds. They left on the lioat for Scottshurg Wednesday. Gardiner Gazette. The Christian Kndeavor Society of the Presbyterian church of Rosehun;. held a very entertaining social Tuesday evenirrg at the residence of Dr. and Mrs S. Hamilton About 7i persons were present, v ocal ami instrumental nillsli and various games eulivein-d occasion. BORN. COBll Beyond Kdenhower, 11104, to Mr. and Mrs. II. S. son. Nov. Cobb IS, Married. A little Jap and his wife gave two very eutertainiu : moving picture shows in the city at the Opera House Monday and Tuesday evenings Thrilling ba'tlc scenes on the Yalu and comic pictures were presented, their lantern or ma chine, being one of the finest ever operated here. Kvery victory for the Japs presented on the canvass was lustily cheered by the audiences, show ing full well with which side the sym pathy of Roseburg has been enlisted. These deinoustrations seemed to greatly please the little Jap and his wife. QALEY 0 iPGE In Ashland, Wed nesday afteriHxui, Nov. 16, 1904, Mr. 11 C. Haley and Miss Rosa 1i1i. Mr. Galey was formerly cashii-r of the ., i Douglas Countv Bank of Rosebud, but the r ... , .... - ih now in ine insurance ouiiies 111 m coma. He is a very exemplary and highly esteemed young man. His bride is one of Ashland's estimable young adies. She graduated from the I'niver sity of Oregon last year with the highest standing of any member of her class, thereby winning the Bcckman prize of $100. Miss Dodgo visited in Roseburg last year and gained many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Galey passed through Rcseburg on the northbound overland train Wednesday night enroute to Ta coma, where they will reside. A bright little journal reaches the Plain'dbalkk exchange table every month, which should lie in every home in the land. The name of the little journal is "Our Dumb Animals" and it has been edited by Geo. T. Angel!, at Boston, Massachusetts, for 37 years. It is the official organ of the American Humane Society, contains 12 pages handsomely illustrated, and should be read by every boy and girl in America. Its subscription price is 50 cent- per year. Brakeman Injured. C. C. Grimes was caught between two freight cars at Green's Station last Monday and 'piite severely but not fatally injured. He iH said to lie getting along very nicely at his home in this city. Stockmen, Take Notice. For sale or rent a 3000 acre stock ranch in Klamath county, of which about 2000 is fine hay land producing on an average 11-2 ton per acre. Well watered, alfalfa does well on this ranch, a ready sale for hay From 500 to 800 head of cattle can be supported from time the hay is off until January. For particulars enquire of J G. Flook, Roseburg, Or. McNABB- RICHARDS In Roseburg, Wednesday Nov. 15, 1004, Geo. W. McNahb and Miss Ienora B. Rich ards, both of Rrockway. In securing toe license the groom gave his aire as 1! and the bride 10. The groom is formally of North Dakota and the bride has resided in this Icounty for some lime. They will reside at Brock way. County Treasurer'! Notice. Notice is hereby given that all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior to and including July 3, 1902, are te uuested to present the same at the County Treasurers office for payment as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, Oct. 13, 1904. Gko. W. Dimmick, County Treasurer COMBINATION GAME BOARD 55 Interesting and Instructive Gamts can be Plaved on it A beautiful orniment for the home as well as an endless source of entertainment and amusement COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND STAND $2.50 Ayers To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will Hair Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. " I m now owr S ifn old. nd I hT a thick, nloiiy lioori wooaor io tmti old. nd 1 iwto r l.itiir hair which l ft ever ono wno u. "4 my hir In It. all duo to Ajrer't n or Mi Mas. 11 1 1 .00 a bottle. All drumutl. K. Bujitis. for not a Kor. ltectda, Mum. J.C. ATBBCO. Lowell. Man White Hair HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR ALL. GUT GLASS WARE OPTICAL GOODS JEWELRY The time will soon be here when too will have to select your holiday gifts. The greatest worry is the difficulty of selecting suitable gifts swith what money yon want to spend but we believe we can help you oat of both difficulties. What to give becomes an easier matter when yon have so ample a stock as oars to choose from. We have the most desirable gifts. They poesess all the qualities that gifts should have, newness, usefulness, beauty, novelty and intrinsic worth. Then the prices are just right. They cannot be beaten. We are in a position to know that we can save you money. We believe the more you inspect our goods the better you will realise this. Remember too, that we are careful about the quality of everything. Real bar gain prices on goods of worthy mailt are what We promise you J. T. BRYAN THE JEWELER AND PRACTICAL WATCH REPAIRER DO YOU WANT To Buy Bonds? It no, you want those that pay the Ik-M tivnlemt. A btialncea education pays better dividends than any bonds The best place to get a business education Is Garland Business College SILVERTON, OREGON We have a Correspondence Court In Shorthand In vestigate : : J. B. GARLAND, Principal Drink Soda from.... fc HOME MADE CREAMS CURRIER'S FINE NEW FOUNTAIN M j riie Crisp mt TbettST Taffies ic fceCrem