The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 10, 1904, Image 3

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    0 sS 9 W-s W w W w s - W w W w W U
Wmv 5 Nny Customers
Enable us to Retain our Customers
A attracted customers and h means of this advertisement we seek to gain
M tttftMMM lo please, along with our old ones : We want to call attention
to the new goods arriving constantly, many of which are pretty novelties that
2 ttt made Kg hits n the cities, and which we have made special effort to procure
fb v.. m4m to more thoroughly demonstrate the fact that we keep abreast of the times
Patronize Home Business Men.
5 tuc Dcnni co OTnDr.
2 I nr rLurLL o oiunL
We do not include the Portland firm
of Allen A Gilbert R:imkor Comp.uiy
in the class of transmit busineiw men
in the sen- apokaa of lstat Monday.
Their stock of piano!) is new and not
bankrupt and tliev are puiliing a fair,
legitimate prooeition so far as we know
They announce that they are paying- a
permanent license and also stand ready
to pay taxes on their stock when as
Bwsed. They further announce that
they intend to remain perminently in
Bonbwj and alan 'hat tin y can make
all their guaranta m ti l ; that they live
sirictly up to their wn agreements and
expect their natltPM to do the same and
that they do not ilimMttl notes without
mutual consent of parties concerned.
To Whom it May CoKOaa : This is
to certify tliat we have rented our buihl
ing Ow Jack- u -:rcet for one year to
Yllcn tiUkerl a Itamakcr.
Sai.ziias fc Hkard
Delay Blowing-ia Smrlttr.
Told in Side Heads.
U Haar NwyHah Rer. IVlbert
Low and R. Julia Raliir were united
in tmtfr at the home o: the bride's '
parent Mr. aad Mr K. P. Redifc near
Riddle t & : p. n. MoocUy Sot. 7.
Rev. J. W. Stockton of Oakland. Or., of
ficiating. Mr I .ore has two for the
pat few months, the efficient pastor of
the Baptist church in Riddle. During
hit pastorate thre he accomplished a
great work, having built parsonage
and baptised a number of converts. The
bride m a daughter of R. P. Redifer. She
has a wide circle of friends and is hi gh
)y esteemed among them : possessed of
true mental and moral worth she will
make a cuing companion to the man of
her choice and is well qualified to aid
him in his high vocation. Rev. and Mrs.
Loree took the overland Monday night
for Wisconsin via Portland. Mr. Loree
will engage in evangelistic work in Wis
consin where he will make his future
home. X
Saturday Night Dance The Rose
burg Orchestra gives another of its de
lightfnl dances at the armory next Sat- j
urday night.
Jas. lnman. of lxxking tiiass, was in
town Wednesday. He say he did not
' get his platform before the public in
time to be effective nor was he able to
; get his name on the ticket by petition
thirty days prior to election, as an In
dependent candidate for president. He
furnished this office with a copy of a
congratulatory lrtter to President Roose
velt, which, owing to the great raah of
election returns to the PuuNDBal kk, we
are unable to publish today.
Local and Personal.
trange. dentist.
mteopathy cures nervousness.
P. Johnson, dentist, tirave's
Chr siMicMn Show The
Second Annual Chrysanthemum show
will be held in the Board of Trade
rooms Nov. 17-1S The foilewing is the
list for which prises will be given : "Hel
en Bktodgood," Mrs. K. U. Hill," Mo
deeta. " "Good Gracious,'' "Golden
Gate," "Mrs. Simpson," 'Mrs. Robin
son," "McKmley," "Mij. Bonaffon,"
"Sevions," "Florence Davis,"' "Phile
delphia." "Golden Wedding." Beet
each. "Lavender," "White and yellow
Ostrich Plune; beet specimen "II
enrred," an color: best specime
"Ragged." any color; any above du
less than three blossoms each. Best
. specimen of pot grown j beet field grown.
Bet collection of pot grown plant ; beet
boqoet. Boqoet of greatest number of
rarities. Admission lOcts. Dinner will
be served each evening from 5 to 8
o dock, 25c. n-10-14
' Store.
supplies at Marsters" Drag
In QMsnpsJIiy you find a pxitive rme
for constipation.
Justice of the Peace John T. I-ong and
his fair bride have returned home from
a wedding tour of Northern Oregon
points and are getting Mr. Long's resi
dence property fitted up for occupancy
in this city. It is understood that the
gallant justice will hereafter refrain
from kissing the blushing bride after
officiating at a wedding, as has hereto
fore been a part of the ceremony as per
formed bv His Honor.
Sure way to turn
late to church.
BaBpsVa heads go
Gold crown and bridge
quality by Dr. Strange.
work of best
For Rent Choice residence in Barfed
order. Inquire of D. S. K. Buick.
Reliable crown and bridge work, J
P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 4!tf
C. S. Deputy Marsh til L N. Blowers
passed through Roselmrg Tuesday morn
ing en route home to Portland, from
Klamath county, where he served pa
pers in Henry Meldrnm, ex-surveyor
general of Oregon, who is accused of
having signed fictitious names to affida
vits con c-- . fe leral business.
Read the Pi.ainosalkk's special pre
mium proposition on the last page of the
See Skes A. Carroll
prices on plumbing and
and get their
tinning liefore
Geo. C. Hunt, inspector of svia
agents of the ineral land office, is
in Roeeburg.
Potatoes. A. J. Ander
son, who resides on a farm on toe L'mp
qua river bottom below Melrose, pre
sented to the Plaisosalee today some
of the largest potatoes ever produced
in this county and we think the largest
ever grown in the state. Eight of these
potatoes weigh just 3i pounds, the
largest one weighing 4 pounds, two of
which came from the, same hill. Mr
Anderson secured 300 bushels of these
potatoes from t acres, a fairly good
yield for a dry season. These po
tatoes are of the Peerless variety and
those left at the Plaisdbalkr office will
be sent to the Portland Chamber of
Commerce to pat on exhibition.
Hon. A. r. Brown of Oakland was a
coanty seat visitor Wednesday a . i fav
ored the I'laisdealer with a p'easant
besinesi call. He says the election
passed off in a very orderly manner at
Oakland and that a good average vote
was polled.
Mr-. J
a pleasant visit with her daughter
P. M. Mathews, of Roseborg.
ThehloAiiing in ot the new smelter
being in-t.ill-dvliv the Improved Smelter
Company, of Portland, near DavenKirt,
Wash , will not take place until the 23d
of the present Math. There has been
some delay in setting the machinery in
readiness, and the word is given out at
the otlice here thai no run will be made
until that time. Mr. Christenson is still
at the nine and will not return until
the smelter is put in satisfactory operation.
Probate Orders.
J. C Fnllerton spasiatsd guardian ad
litem of Hi da, Harry, Oliver and Leon
ard Brant.
J. A. Ruchanan appointed admr. and
W. A. Perkins, T. K Rledsoe and J. A
B ack appraisers of the estate of Maria
A. Ostertag. deceased, said estate being
ol the probable value of $700.
The Millwood returns were brought
in Wednesday by Wm. Decker.
Kvery reader
should peruse the
of the i I AISKEALEB
last i -age of today's
33 Ladies Winter Weight Shirt
Waists, the remains of about eight
different lines in which the sizes
are broken including silk, wool, lin
en and mercerized fabrics in prices
ranging from $2 25 to $4.50 have
been placed on bargain counters at
$1.50 While They Last
Have vod seen oar aew Fall line of
Forrest Mills Underwear for Ladies?
White Wool aid Cotton, All fool, and
Wool and Silk Niitares. Priced at
J! JO. $1.25. SI Jw aid SI.75 tk garment.
Aid they are worth it. too.
Take a Look
Our entire stock of dressing sacques
made of eider down, and fleece back
cotton eider down, of which the
cheapest sold for $1.00 and most of
them sold for $1.25, $150, and $1.75.
Now just to clear them out
Take your Choice for 75c
New Fall Styles in Ladies "Cross" Shoes Just In
The Big
New Ordinance Passed-Light
Tabkd-Some Sensational
J. T. Spauich delivered
lilass ballot box to the
the lwking
eonntv clerk
C. O. White and Hiram
brought the election returns
Mvrtle Creek Wednesdav.
a from
Mrs. (Jertie lavis. of Hillsboro, is a
cnest of her brother, Kngineer Ray
Kicgs of Merland, is enjoyine j Wright, ami family, of Roseburg.
S. C. Flint on Saturday retired from
the shoe business in this city, having
Opium as well as'other "drugs" have a
habit, which is exceedingly dancerous.
The Osteopathic habit is "mm! health.'
The W. C. T. I", will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. C. Marsters Kriday
afternoon at -.30 All members r quest
ed to be present as report of committee
will be given and plans for the years
work discussed.
After an enjoyable visit with her fath
er, R. B Iixon, Mrs Carrie Connor,
left for her home at San Krancisco by
the wav of Portland Wednesdav.
Wm. Heliiwell, the Yonealla fruit
grcwer, was transacting business in
Roseherg today and !avorel the Pun-
dealer with a pleasant call, ifewill soon
ship a car load of fine winter apples.
Alva Flock, of Perdue : Remiek Fate.
Days Creek: T.J. Pitcher, of Canyon
ville, were among those who brought in
ballot loxes anil election returns this
For Sal-. Pure bred Mammoth
Bronze tnrkeys. gobblers and hens.
Have taken various prizes at different
fairs. Call on or address f. II. Short,
Roseburg, Or. 'Oct. 17 P
lisposed of his remaining stock of goods.
Rev. ti. W. Householder will preach
at Roberts Creek next snnday, Nov. 15,
at 11 o'clock a. m. Everybody cordial
lv invited.
IV) not lie foolish and allow agents to
graft yon. We are selling sewing ma
chines at one-half the price asked by
agents. Rice A Rice.
Do yon know Rice v Rsce are selling
more stoves and ranges than all the oth
er dealers in Roseburg" Always re
memlier Rice A Rice sells it for less.
The Drain and Coos bay stage co n
panv expect to change schedule, Nov.
15. This will in nowise interfere with
tra-el. as the mail coaches are covered
rigs and very comfortable.
Mrs. Ethel Carlisle arrived here Tues
day from Raker City for a visit with her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs U M. Parrott
She is just recovering from an injnry
sustained from falling.
M. O Warner, the piano tuner, is in
Roseburg for a day only looking after
the interests of his patrons. He will re
turn soon and make a thorough canvas
Arrangements are
Dracueallv completed for the grand
Thanksgiving ball to be given Thursday of the town.
evening, Nov 24, in the Armory, oy ine
young men of Roseborg in honor of the
i- i nlMritlr nter-
3 . ., - ,K ' north approach to Boberts lull, was
tained tbem at a simitar sffair on the, vv - -
Two i iraIUH,'uu ---
L. D. Hughes, who recently porchasel
the "Mountain House" property at the
Ed Srhroeder who is with the Ore
gon telephone company at Portland,
spent a few la in Roseburg this week
looking after the enmpanys interests.
He is a Myrtle Point boy.
Having lieen atllicted with a cataract
on his right eye for sometime past Thos.
Jennie went to Portland Wednesday to
submit to an operation for its removal.
A. F Cornut and Jas. Dili ni van, of
Myrtle Creek, were transacting bns'ness
in Roseburg Wednesday. Mr. Cornutt
is now interested in some promising
Josephine county mines.
evening of last St. Patrick's
hundred invitations have been issued,
and the Roseborg Orchestra has been
engaged to furnish music for the occa
sion. An elaborate sapper will be
served at the Board of Trade rooms, in
the Douglas Coonty Bank building, dur
ing the intermission at midnight.
Tarfceys C. W. ail, of
Portland, who is baying turkeys in this
coanty for Page A 8oo, the wholesale
produce merchants, of Portland, was a
Roseborg visitor Wednesday.
If you want to select a Xmaa present
that is strictly up-to-date you will find
them at Graves' Art Emporium Call
and see goods :md get prices. tf
t -
Gov. Geo. E. Chamberlain, the demo
cratic chief executive of Oregon has been
! campaigning for Parker and Davis in
W. G. Wright, the Grants Pass assiy
er, was in town Tuesday. He reports
mining interests progressing very satis
factorily in that vicinity The Plais
dealeb was favored with a pleasant call.
(gory Ticks A license to wed has
been issued by Coonty Clerk Agee to H.
S. Thiel, of Tea Mile, and Miss May
Vinson, of Oakland.
Enos Wall and A G. Hamilton two
of Glendale's respected citizens, were
coanty seat visitors Wednesday.
Dr. H. I.. Studley, Osteopathist, cures
chronic and acute diseases, corrects de
formaties and removes foreign growths.
Office in Abrahams building. Call or
phone for appointments. Consultation
free tf
Ed Weaver, H.N. Oatman and Thos.
McGee of Myrtle Creek, were county
seat visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Walter Cochran, who had been
visiting here for a month with Mrs. W.
H. Jamieson, left Monday night for her
home at Stella, Vtash. Mr. Cochran was
formerly manager of the Roseburg
Water A Light Company.
Ashland Tidings : Chas. E. -Vagne
the electrician, came out from the Bo
hemia district in lane county, where,
he is employed, Friday, to visit his !
brother. Lot, in his illness Geo. Wild ;
of the Ashland Iron Works, is suffering
from an attack of pneumonia, as the re
sult of a cold contracted while in attend
ance on his half-brother, the late John
Metzker Mrs. Fred Million and little
son arrived in Ashland Friday night.
from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Million,
who have been living at Roseburg lor
several months past, will again make
their residence in this city.
Have You Got Them.
The Price
What yoo pay for a pie e of
furniture is often the de
aling thing in the selection,
the matter of the price is s
HI r strikes home. It
affects the parse. Bat this is
another place wherein we can
please and satisfy yoo Our
prices represent the value of
the goods. There U P6t n
themjri"1 enough to cover p
selling expenses and to conduct
s legitimate business,
all we ask you to psy
you do pay it you are sure you
are getting the full worth of
your money. Yoo are not mak
ing blindfold purchases.
That is
LacK of Space
Prevents our displaying the
thousand and one g od bar
gains in our store ; if you need
anything for furnishing the
home it will pay you and inter
est you to look through our es
tablishment. If you are in the
country and need a piece of fur
niture write us fully describing
your wants and about what you
want to pay, and we will mail
you cuts or photographs of the
very latest styles with spe ial
net prices. The pictures we
send to you will represent the
articles as they really are. No
catalogue house ran keep pace
with the rapid changes made
by manufacturers.
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spittenberg and Yellow
i Newton Pippin apples specialty. All
, guaranteed true to name and free from
pests. For sa'e at very reasonable prices
i by Roseburg Nurseries, H. Schroten,
I Roseburg, Oregon. tf
Do you know that Rice A Rice have
more goods in their store than all the
other furniture store in Douglas county,
and sell it at Idwer prices. They can do
this because they buy in carload lots
and Fave freight ami can save you money.
Come find get our prices and make comparison.
Do you feel anxious and preoccupied
when the grocer goes by?
Do you sleep badly?
Do you go to bed hungry?
Does your heart palpitate when you
see a steak?
Is there an all gone feeling in your
Do you have nightmares?
Do you do mental arithmetic every
time you contemplate the purchase of
"coffee and"?
Have you a hunted look?
Do you walk down dark alleys when
you go down town?
Beware! Those are the symptoms.
You are "busted."
Mr. an l Mrs John R. Sutherlin and
little son, have returned to Roseburg
from San Francisco and will spend the
winter here. Mr. Sutherlin contem
plates purchasing properly in the city
and erecting a residence thereon. Miss
Hildreth Sutherlin, their datig liter, will
continue her studies in San Francisco.
Special sales by Stearns A Chenowith
Oakland and Yonealla, White and other
sewing machines fttJM and up; water
pipe: wire, plain and barbed ; cut and
wire nails ; the only guaranteed black
smith coal ; two carloads Pago woven
wire fence, the only tempered wire fence
or sa le. n.1 tf
StcKkmtn. Take Natkt.
For sale or rent a 3000 acre stock
ranch in Klamath county, of which
akaSjl 'i000 is Hue hay land producing on
nn average 1 1-2 Ion per acre. Well
watered, alfalfa does well on this ranch.
a rands sale for hav From 500 lo NO
head of cattle can be supported fron
time the hay is off until January.
For particulars enquire of J ti. Flook
Roseburg, Or.
If you are in need of lace Curtains w
have a large stock, but if you want
something eaneciallv nine wait for our
new line which we expect in a few days
The awellest ever brought to the city
Rice A Rice.
Holidays will soon be here and we will be prepared for all. Don't
throw money sway baying worthless presents. Bay the satisfactory
kind All will join in telling you RICE RICE sells it for less.
Sheriff S ephen Gallier and John Con-
ard. of Coos county, arrived here on the
stags Monday night with the latter's
father-in-law, Joseph White, who has
been committed to the state asylum for
the Insine. The trio left on the local
train this morning for Salem, after the
sheriff and Mr. Conard cast their vote
by filling out blank "a."
Jos. Martin is running a new hsck
line between Roseburg and Myrtle Point
making regular trips each week. Those
desiring to travel between these points
will do well to address him at Roseburg
or Myrtle Point.
County Trcatsrcr't Neucc.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to and including July 3, 1902, are te
qnested to present the same at the
i ,imt i Tnuiiirnn office for tiavment as
interest will cease thereon after the date
ot this notice.
Dated Roseburg. Douglas county
Oregon. Oct. 13, 19CM.
Geo. W. Dimhicc,
Coanty Treasurer
The city council met in regular
Monday evening with a full attendance j
Among the most important business
transaction was tbe passing of a venders .
or peddlers license and the temporary j
disposition at least, of tbe long drawn
t water bill controversy.
Mayor Hoover having st a former
meeting tendered his resignation, which
was promptly ordered laid on the table
for future action by the council, when
called up for final disposition at this
meeting, precipitated stormy scenes in
the council chamber. Mayor Hoover
maintained that he had withdrawn nis
resignation, whereupon the other mem
bers of the board, except Councilman F.
ti. Micelli. held that tbe Mayor's resig
nation having been laid on tbe table by
s motion of tbe council, that the Mayor
did not have a right to withdraw it be
fore the matter was taken up for final
action by the council.
A motion was made by Councilman
West that the Mayor's resignation be
be taken from fe table
which motion was seconded by
Councilman Sykes. Councilman Nor
man then spoke in favor of the motion
and six council men were understood to
favoi it, but the Mayor refused to pot
the motion to a vote and no appeal was
taken. In tbe beat of the discussion
the Mayor appealed to tbe Marshal to
enfoice his order to the effect that the
advocates of the motion to accept bis
resignation were "out of order" and not
entitled to the floor, which they insisted
upon holding at their pleasure. The
Marshal did not respond to the appeal
or order, whereupon Councilman Micalli
made an impassioned appeal in behalf
of the Mayor.and the Mayor promptly
passed to the next order of business and
the sensational session was brought to
an abrupt close, tbe Mayor making the
final statement that he woo d vacate his
chair only upon an order issued oat of
the courts.
It is further stated by prominent
members of the council that a special
meeting was held just prior to the regu
lar meeting of the council, which was
attended by six oat of the eight coanci -men
to talk over the advisability of ac
cepting the Mayor's resignation, and it
was unanimously agreed that such
action would be taken and the Mayor
was so notified and he was requested to
again announce his willingness to re
sign in order that it would not appear
to the puhl-c that any member or mem
bers of tbe council desired to force his
resignation, bat the Mavor evidently
did not feel disposed to abide by this re
quest of the solid six. What will be tbe
nature of the next act in this municiple
rama, can only be conjectured.
All efforts to settle the claim of the
old company for some $2750 against the
city for lights for two years, March 1902-
04, have come to naught. The proposi
tion made by tbe city at the special
meeting on October 13th to settle the
bill on a basis of f25 per month less
than the contract figure, was rejected by
the company, who makes it known that
they are going to sue the city for the full
amount demanded. Councilman West
made a motion to lay the matter on the
able indefinitely ; it was seconded and
by a vole of H to 2 it was carried. Conn-
cilman Micelli and Parks vote I in the
An ordinance to license peddlers of
meat, vegetables and merchandise with
in the City of Roseburg was read the re
quired three times and passed. The
stated license is 5 per day. The ordi
nance does not effect persons who vend
meat and vegeUbles of tneir own pro
First readings were given ordinances
for levying assessnient for improvement
ot Pine street, construction of a sewer
on the east side of Oak street, from
Chadwick to Lane, and the construction
of another sewer in the alley between
Mill and Pine streets, extending from
Flood to Burke streets.
City Treasurer H. C. Slocum was
authorized to issue s warrant for $872 in
payment ot the interest on city bonds.
F. F. Patterson appeared before the
board in regard to tbe Council's order,
requesting him to move his building
(workshop and steam lauudry) cloar ot
Spring Alley. Mr. Patterson explained
that if he interrupted the operations of
the laundry until Spring ha would lay
himself liable to a lawsuit for infraction
ot a year's lease, hence he asked per
mission to defer moving until Spring.
Request granted and committee appoint
ed to draw up an agreement with Mr.
Patterson. The uaual expense bills
were ordered paid.
We Dispense Soda
Water at 34 Fahr.
All our Syrups are Prepared
from Special Material by
In Preparing oar Ice Cr earn we
use Clean cream. Rick in Bet
ter l it Only 20c Per Pint.
Rlv f L IV JIULL We also a line of Brad.
niCf DI AWC ley Chilled and Steel plows
111 JW I LU Tf 3 and Harrows.
. , A fine line of Stoves and Gen-
O eral Hardware, Hand Saws,
I Harness. Tinware and Guns
Lti kJ 1 at Bed R ck Prices.
I :f A All
I uiuiiTnt. noiii! en vAjll
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes
Have some splendid bargains in second hand Fireiitvr
I Con tinned from page 1 1
In Iemocratic circles surprise is
expressed, not so much at the defeat
which was not unexpected, but at the
overwhelming vote rolled up by the
Republicans. A very large element
of the party has not been in sympa
thy with the candidacy of Judge Par
ker, yet it was supposed that this dis
affection would scarcely lead to actual
desertion of the I democratic standard.
The returns in this state indicate,
however, that a heavy Democratic
vote was cast for Roosevelt.
Fifteen thousand majority for
Roosevelt was what Democrats in of
ficial positions would concede. Re
publican officials ventured as high as
33,000, but attached to this estimate.
which was considered a daring one.
even in Republican circles, the pro
viso that 1' .""' most turn out to
secure it
The Socialist vote loomed up ior
midably everywhere. Reports re
ceived from the county seats show
that the Debs vote throughout the
state will not fall far below that of
the Democrats. In precinct after
precinct the Parker electors were
beaten by the Socialists,
The following summary by coun
ties, covering 25 out of S3, gives the
present status ou prohibition in Ore
gon: Prohibition carried in Benton. los.
Gilliam. Tillamook, Yamhill, and fur
ry, as counties.
Prohibition lost in Clackamas. Col
umbia, Pouglas, Jackson. Lane. Linn.
Malheur, Marion. Morrow. Multno
mah, Sherman, Umatilla, Tnion. Was
co and Washington, as counties.
In Clatsop one precinct carried.
In several counties, notably Douglas,
Umatilla, Malheur, Wheeler and oth
ers, certain precincts carried.
No vote in Polk. Klamath or Jo
R. W. FENN . . L. S. Deputy . . j
- 3 liieril Snrveyor
Civil Engineer
Lately with tbe pTern- Office over Postoffiea.
roent geographical and
fteolchrieal survey of Bra- ROSEBURG, OREGON.
ail. Sooth America . . . Correspondence solicited
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : :
HALLS Hair Renewed
Is It true you m-int to look old ? Then keep your gray hair. If not,
then use Hall's Hair Renever, and have all the dark, rich color
of early life restored to your hair. aTCSTSgT T Ttjmm
To be sure, you are growing
old. But why let everybody
see It, in your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone age. If you will
Hair Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will soon have
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
- I m mw or m Tr old. and I ln
a thick. 1omt nod of ) llr which la a
woodor to ovvry tin who It. And oola
nu hair In It, all du. to Ajar'a Hair Vl'-r
Mas. 11. K. buTis. Dae Ida. Minn.
11 0 a bnitl.
ah BaaaMa
J. c
araa co..
ril. Maai
White Hair
School Boo lis
School Supplies
Get ready for the opening of
the Public School Monday, Sep
tember 1 2th, by purchasing
supplies required by the pupils
To Buy Bonds?
If ro. vou want ihow that pay
Ihp bcit itlvMomla A hnaltww
t-lu atton pa tx'tliT M v ulciu'.s
than any boixla The N-t plav
to net a bualncos education
Garland Business College
We hTe a Oortv$otlnc
Course In Shorthand In
Teaitgate : :
J. B. GARLAND, Principal
Df ink Soda
I vvmniii i
Eiie )tt
Crisp K The BEST
Taffies K tceCrean