t Free With the Plaindealer For the Next Thirty Days All subscribers to tbe Semi-Weekly Plaindealer who pay up all arrearages and one year in advance will be given a receipt in full for subscription to the paper until January ist, 1906, and their choice of any one of the following premiums. Any new subscriber paying $2 will get the paper until Janu ary 1st, 1906, and their choice of any one of the premiums mentioned below. This offer holds good for 30 days only. Come in and let's talk it over. One Good Township Map of Oregon With Map of the World on Reverse Side One Year's Subscription to Toledo Weekly Blade. One " to New York Weekly Tribune. One Year's Sub. to N. Y. Wkly. Tribune-Farmer. One Year's Sub. to Western Empire Magazine. One Year's Subscription to Portland Rural North west . . . . The TwiceaWeek Plaindealer is Better Than Ever COL JUDGE TANNER WILL DISCUSS CAMPAIGN ISSUES FROH A REPUBLICAN VIEWPOINT AT AT 1:30 P. n. n Li AT 8 P. n. These gentlemen bear the reputation of being among the most eloquent and interesting public speak ers of western Oregon. Everyone invited to be present on this occasion. Special invitation to the ladles. SATURDAY 1 mm . i. ""i" g-MsnajasBsa, Sheriff's Sale. In tbe Circuit Court o( the Bute ol Oregon lor IWOflU l. Oil 111 J M. r. Callahan, Plaintiff vs. John K. Campbell . end Defendant i Nellie A. Campbell) J Nolle li herebr given, that tav virtue of n execution an order of tale limed oat of the noove-nemea court and eauee on the 17th day of October, 1904, upon a judgment and decree duly rendered and entered In aald Court and cause on tbe Tib daj of October, IW. by lore clorare of a mortgage In favor of the above named plaintiff and axalnit tbe above-named defendants and against the hereinafter men tioned and described mortgaged property for tbe sum of 11200 OH with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per aim urn uom the 28th day of Jane lttt. and for tbe further sum of f 100.' 0 attorneys fees and tU.20 coals and disburse menu, now therefore, I will, oa .Saturday tbe ma day of November 1904, atone o clock p. m. of said day at the court bouse front door In Roaeburg, Douglas County, Oregon sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash In band, all the right, title and Interest which the said defendants or either of them had on the Btth day of June, 102, or at any line there after In or to the following described .remise, towit: Tbe south M of the noithwest M of section T. and tbe north of tbe southwest and lota 1 and 2 of section 7. coii'alning 199.41 acres, also tbe north of tbe Donation Land Claim No. 47 of J. A turbury situate In sections '27. ft, a and 4, ooutalalug leu acres bw or leas, and eon Utntnglnthe aggregate Vit.t acres more or less, all being situate In township as south of range 7 west of tbe Willamette Meridian, In Kougla County. Oregon, together witb the tenement, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise apper taining and wl'l apply the moceeds of an. h sale first, to the payment of tbe c- sis of such sale and tbe coal and disbursements herein '-ax d at 11 -JO. second, to the payment ol fuu uu tbirney fee and to tbe payment of tbe .urn of II2Ui i due the p:a ntlir with Int. rest th- re-.n t tbe rate o six pe sSMg per an urn from tbe 2ith ol June lot. and tie overp ua if any iher- be. pa; lo the said defer dan fa, Uielr aa Igns or local r preaeautivea a by orter of said court in said exe utwn to me directed comma lug me to sell the above described real property In the manner provided by Saw. lated this 17th day of October, 1304. H.T. MX I.AI I.FS O20 Sheriff of Dougia Countv. Orezon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the rttate of for Douslas Countv. Kill N lson, Plaintiff, , vs John L Nelson, Defendant.' To Joho L. Nelson, shore named defendant In the nam, of the Bt.te of Oregon, you are hereby s iuinoned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, within six weeks from tbe late of tbe first publication of this summons, to wit, on or before the Unit day of December, im, and If yon fall to appear sad answer on or before said date, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded in her complaint, which la for a de cree Iron said court dissolving tbe marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defend ant, for tbe rare and enatody of her miner children, Myrl Nelson, Raymond Nelson, and Blanche Nelson, for tbe sum of 25 per month for it e support of said minor children, that plaintiff be declared and ills wmt to bit the owner ol an undivided one-third interest In aad to tbe WXt of the N ' r the NEVi of the NWU and lb Nw'Ji of the DU of ectlon 10, town? hip 29, o. p.. 14 west of the Willamette Meri dian, In Coo county, Oregon, lor such other relief a to Ihe court may seem meet and for her cnel and disbursement In this salt. This summons Is published once a week for at least six successive weeks In the Plaindealer a semi-weekly newspaper published at Boae birg, Oregon, by order of Hon. J. W Hamilton, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stats of Ore gon, for the eeenad Judicial Distric', saaxea o i 19, 1904. The drat publication of ihi sum mons Is on October 19 1904 B? If AN AS AOKENINUEE, O20 N24 Attorneys for Plaintiff. City Trutarer s Notice is hereby riven that mil parties ' holding city warrants endorsed prior to Nov. 11, 1902, are requested to present , the game to the city treasurer for pay men', an interest will cease thereon ai ! ter the date of thi notice. Dated Roaeburg, Ore.. Oct. 5, 1904. H. C. Sloccm, City Treasurer. Wanted, Information MRS. H. E ASTON ia prepared to wait old . noon ami new cuatomersand frienda ! nth stock of Information as to address of Robert vl. Gurney, or his heirs, if he is dead. rise add rets waa Roeebur about 1871. Small recovery can lie made. Ail, Ires Harvey Spalding 4 Sona, Washington, D. C. tl. -GROCERIES I t 305 Jack son St. a foil and complete All freeh and of the very beat qnaiity. 1 eeui ami ceneea are specialties Your solicited. patronage . RMcb-rw 4 41 -9 JOB WORK Tta- Fineat la h; Coaaly to Be Mi J at tHe : PLAINDEALER OFFICE For Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Wedding Stationery, Posters, Legal Blanks, Briefs, in fact anything in the Printing line, give ns a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed wet-r If Soity Vtings. . 1 Professional Cards. RUB M. BROWN. I F. 4 A. M. La are i Lodge No. 13 aad f nrth Wedneedavi of each A tOmey-at-Law. oath. J. T. BaiDGBS, W. M. Oeurt House T. Jarwrrr, Secretary. Dowaxtair. tojucis.ou Br. O. ELKS. Rose berg Lodge No. 330. Holds regular enmmunien- tiotva at I O. O. F. Hall oa second aad fourth Thursdays of each month, ill me sabers regoeated to attend recn arlv aad all visiting brothers are oordi tlly invited to attend . F. b. Waits, K. K. Rot Mi-Cla: lfi, Hecretarv. JJR. W. H. DARBY, P. M. D. Dentist Office in the Abraham Building (Over the eosroeVre in the BVr her. -loiore orenpied by iw. J, a, a.-n,n Rueeburg, Oregon M. D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALIJON WKO- HoPCK. -t 1. V U , no-ts at rn.r-r Hall every fhnmday avetunc, ai 8 e'dock. Physcian & Surgeon. P. B. Hamlxs, (Jap ! nisi, aaia tl Ostaxoa O. O. F Phlretartan Lodee No. 8. Meets ia Odd Fellows' Temple, cor nea Jaatfcemo and O strimtn on '-Saturday evening ol aaefa wash Mem csara of the order la good standing art m riled to attead. J. 0. TwrrcHKLX, N. G. K.T Jawrrr, Secrathry. W. 1HYNKS. DENTIST, K. of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meat every Wednesday , ia I. O O. F Hall a' 7 JO p. an. Members In good standing ar Invited to attend. Gan. W. Kimball, C. C. Elnb WmaaaLT, E. of R. A S. r BniHiag. s ana 1 TelephoeeNe fBl OMBarasi oasaos 4 M.CtiVMnniJ.O. 1To Attorneys t Law, Bank Boiidt.. in. m. 11 at. WW Beariauss ssataa lt P a sasaaaj, saaa aaa specially LILAC OIROI. No. 4K, Wornaa sal Wo-teralt Meets .an 2nd .ad 4th Thurs lars of each mooth ai the I. O. O. F. Hall. V until, members in ood standing are levited to a't 1. Minnie Jones, (inardian Neighbor. Bell Moriao, Secretary. Second and Fourth Thursdays. 0 K fct Rosw-wint Chapter No. 8 Holda their regular meeting oa the 1 first aad third Tharadaya la aaefa th. Visiting members in good are reapeetfnSlv invited to at Maude Raat. W. M. Regina Raat, Secretary. lAfOODMEN OF THE WORLD. II Oaosr No. 126. Meets at the Odd " Fellows' Hall, in Roaeburg. every rat aad third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors always welcome. 1). P. Fish tt. C. C. J. A. BrcBA ? an, Clark. II NITED ARTISANS, Umpqua Aa I serably No. 105, meets second and fourth Satardays of each month, in Native Sona' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Mabstkbs, M. A. MnwiB Jokm, Secretary. Rams for Sale. We have a fine lot of nmi for ulann. and two vsara (il.i mrA a fuw f.M.r .,d- - j . ... m .... - . - . 7 0 old that are lhnr,,nK liru. I -..i AK.U1 -r. . 1 Our rams are on the range all the year, are neavy snearers 01 nne wool and frond . V ci aa ... e rusunrn. J . 11SXKIX A Nl.v. ti Ashland, Ore. haa Skea Oatitd. I have orjened a al ti in in V.-irth I .... barg at my residence about two blocks from the bridge where I will Jlo gun Work, saw nleimr. make lreva MrMinn. bralUa etc. D Jacks J 0. eTLLKRTOM Attoruey-at Law. wu BssasBBaiaw saaaaaaasaBl saaasataaasai i'"i in eajsa suae.. II ssslilllg. y W BBNSON, Attoruey-at-Law. Bank Building ROSIBl'Ro OBJEGON gUCHANAN A GRENINGER J. A. BVCwahaji I. U Qajanstasa Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1 aad i Marsters Building ROSKBl'Rti, ORKtrON JAS. E. Sawyers Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Room 6, Upstairs, Douglas Co. Bk. Bid. Roaeburg, Oregon. QR. H. L. STUDLEY, Osteopathic Physician an i PBro'Ic diseasea. corrects defomtaties H.iriju Kliiwms ACUle ills .wpuuu .eaiiuy 10 me irvalment. ConeultMttoii irte Please arrange for appointmenu by Office over the Post ofneo. Ph-ae We. nan luce tl. u. t. raves place, khrni. ,. eaa. J W. MAR8TERS A ttomey-a t-La w Notary Public Marstere' Building OVEMBER H. Little, DR. P. W. HUNT DENTIST OAKLAND, : : OREGON. D5:4TIST. .. 0eejfa.