Free With the Plaindealer For the Next Thirty Days All subscribers to the Semi-Weekly Plaindealer who pay up all arrearages and one year in advance will bo given a receipt in full for subscription to the paper until January ist, 1906, and their choice of any one of the following premiums. Any new subscriber paying $2 will get the paper until Janu ary 1st, 1906, and their choice of any one of the premiums mentioned below. This oner holds good for 30 days only. Conic in and let's talk it over. One Good Township Map of Oregon With Map of the World on Reverse Side One Year's Subscription to Toledo Weekly Blade. One " " to New York Weekly Tribune. One Year's Sub. to N. Y. VVkly. Tribune-. firmer, j Ow Year's Subscription to Portland Rural North One Year's Sub. to Western I mpire Magazine, j we - . The TwiceaWeek Plaindealer is Belter Than Ever r- t . - -v ----- - r "11 llB President of the Oregon Development League l fir Will DISCUSS CAM? FROH A REPUBLICAN VIEWPOINT AT c NYONVILLE at 1:30 p. n. L at 7:30 p. n. This gentleman bears the ; reputation of being among the most eloquent and interesting public speak ers of western Oregon. Everyone invited to be present on this occasion. Special invitation to the ladies. SATURDAY Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit t'ouri of the a late al OaajBB or ! - 1 o'intjr. M.F Callahan. i'luiDtitr Jt'hn K. Can pact :inl , I. fen-lanta , Mil A. Camfaafl Nolle- la hereby Riven, that l.y rirtne or an eecuiioii am aean ,i Bala lnuad m of the above lialnnl r.iurt a ilriuwiin ihu 17th day of October, 1 i-non a , iditn . t,r ami decree dnl) r. l hi,. 1 i-nu-red In ,ald Court and e. line i,n th- 7ih ,, tx-tober, 1V0I bv fi,;i- eJ arnw Mi maf icaaa in favor af the abnve aaareA y lalal Iff aad aaaaaai the abulia aami il d. fen-taut,, .ml naii.-i the hertlnaller rren turned abil 1I1 m r,l ed iui, pr latrty for the mm off'AluMi with Interest ther n a: tli ru 01 li rer rent i.;r annum in. in ttM Mtt day l Juue I'm aul for the further mini of I 110., 0 at', fee and i-ta m l 0t nurse in nln n-jw iheie o r. I will, .,n -..lur-lay the 1h tt H firrartfir ntt. at naa o'fbiit p , it u'd ilajr al Hie :"U t bullae Iro it .'oor In Ko b lira, I) iwla, t itiitili , Oaaaga rail at Mb li MM to it.i. hiifi't Maair. for cm! hi to nd, ail the light, title a::d kin ,-t whltb th ai.l i!e:i m'ai;' or . :!ier of tttla had i. UM mii ! of Juur, MM raianr 1 M there af e- lii or lu ;l e lo .owiuij dtM l ed , rtrilx : Ytm i naih M aastawrat W af atgtftaaj , and il e i;or a ..i !:. a. nlhweai !-4 and loin I ai. I ' oi efii-,i, 7 , MaiBlac tJM( .-re. alv Um n..n' I be Ihu aUoa i an i c aim N v i. Aiti tin'; aitaaieiaaacilaM .7 ..i nd t-.iiitaiiiti tc M iv- . -n-.r- or ier. m M In tba -loirnr .''Jr.i aanra a r or all hetna- aHnr a iaaaal an ih "f rarif.- 7 M "I i!' miaatatlt Mi- hllr , in In Hi a- lo'inii, i-i.n. Kar- he- aHh Hie 'eiieieo ii i ii.i.nitn . .,ni , 'iurt-u ine, s i lettaia beuai lap or n - tp-r ta n and . I aa : Mm r-ol an.-i-. i r-t fea Hie naynK ni tin- t aa ef a i, ah- n, d 1 h- aid i'il uraent li I :a da ft .1. ..o a. t . the iajm-il t 0 I) taej i v aad faw eoi -f it a , I . "id ,,-1 , la :,:in wh lot at t lb re a a I p" e i p r -ii . ii r m 'he ; i an I i. a t I v - i.rp ? ity a t a ijf ai . ta -i .'a ' tl i wu r V a i p. :i It I, wl - nl i eat rl -i jd i ut II n! dl ,- m. in i aramta 1 Mr n 4aara:taa -I p: i ii tl a I ir : r-rt ! t-y ,m. a!.. i;ih da ! . oil r 3i r fT - II T ioA rTiitrr. c firm .. va, alilVfl tilCllUH I I ' il "I :i- i iMm I.'oVrt liana I :- heir-., if at j- aaaV. Pi , a . i;n-!,uri ;ih,Qt 1S71 !M I: ' v n . .ii la- Baada. Ailtlrese '! -v . i. Sos, Waahinrton, n c ti. SUMMONS. li: i -i'ir- .! OT- ; the ntate of Oreron, for BmbUm fiiunty. Kira n tiim naaiilir. . v hn L NeUi. .. iraTanilaai T-i John L. Nel -in, I few nirr.ed Ief.-ndant I i be i arr.e' f Hie el te o Oregon, ou are lOerenja ininoiK.i and reouired to i;ai and j n' the oin. alnt li ed acainat joit in the : eutii'ed eoiri -n'i eauae. "within alx weeks from the 'late of the firat pnhiiratton of - -i nmona, to-wit, on or he'iire ihe nnit day -I Daaaaabari n, and 1' yo-i f -at I fo appea' and an- r mi ag k (ore ia I dat, for w int theref ! pi- lutlit 'will apply u aald eo'irt for tie relief demanded In her I'.mplaint, which l f r a de- r, Iro i raid court diao.rin the marriage . utraet ejistinic ta.-'ween pia'oiifTaiid defend . at.t, fir the in, and ciiatialy of ber minor , ehi dren, Myrl Na-larni, kavino ;'! NtrlaoO, aad ; niauctie Seiaon, for the mm of ii ir month i for tl e iGpp. rt ol iild minor -bi dren. that I alalat a be deelaard and drreed Xtt be tbe i owner o- aa nndi tided ijaia talwl inti-eattn aad t" the W: of trie HK, the t .,f ihe XU I and ta BfWV nl th-XE!"f ecti n 1. towi? u.-'j . i i:. h w -i ,i i w li an, Merl- d ai i-, Cam u.y. ' '- i "t aocb other n III I a- p. iba .: nri ui . aa. . met an I lor brjaaaai aad nl attiia uat n thfa an'.-. Tlii. -un:i .tu I. i',li, i -I onee a e for at i-a-i I - icaaaa e -ck fr the Pan ?-alT aM-n j, i ), y i,pa;-r pel : lab. d at Raa :'."''': by .-raaraf Baa J w Ham lion, laaawai taaOaaaaatOwaatwf aba b or 0"e the -.-.ini' in ln-Ui Iriatrr'. male J t I'j, 9.1 T.ie3r-t pobi eatiau of hi,.um .:ion ! on treto'a-- 1 iVH fcl" IIANAS all ESIM.ER. s-'t AiPiyne;aior fUinul City Truiarer's Watif Boliea M haaabji Biven ihat a'l partiea I . li it eit v arr lata wim -! tri'r to V.-v II. l'WJ, trt? reijn,rite! to rare-ant i e - .me in t ' e i t v i'eaitrer br jmv ir. t iiif.-n-it -.i'l eraae fhen-oa af- r i 1 riate- f ' 'it n rtir-. Dal tl trvif. (, Orr- I VI 5, MM H C. -uorx, Cily fr.-a-nrer. MRS. H. EASTON ie repare- to wait ojion old aaj of natomersnnri frirnds with a MB and rmplt J 'a Of i t ; t t t I V Ali fraah end o' the v-ry be inality. Tra asA coTeia are ,a'-ilt;ee Voni patrtnage solicitexl. 5 Jatkson St.. Rfuebur aaiaiaai .. JOB WORK Ti - Fi t t a ": Caoajty l Ba Hal attva : : : : PLAINDEALER OFFICE i rrff lui ' Lm : fur- Letter Heads, B . li ai-. Stvemata, hh Jdiag Sta aj eew- B aak-?. Brief, to fact an-thint io the Prin'ins; line, sit e m a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed atfu4atai Society Jaeetmgs. Professional Cards. AF. A A. M.-Uun-l L-le Xo. !3. j M -.da 'euiar tu ,ui sec- n.: an t ' ar".h Wd: eeal.m il ewer, mon'b. J.T. Bbjdgks . M ammtt S. T. Jwtt, Secretrj. 'T 1 mn, ruey-at-Law, 6 r O. ELblf?. Boaetyarg Lodg Si T")K. Bf. H. DARBY, D. M. D. U litis resular comrxno:.- Dentist linnt ill OO p Mali n a ml kajrtl Tharedayt of each motf,. ill atraa -.-ra reqoeeted to attend ren a! . llltng : ;!:? j'r corvli - t uv.Unl to Atlecd. F. B. Waits, K. K. Ror Mi-Clalutx. S- t-'ait. Ml. D, 1st SKPAKAJE BATTALl.Iu.N ,O..V u , rne-ts -t .rr'-rx Ha-1 .m TharsdaT eren:n, a: 8 a'ciock. k U U . wmm mm I ... . u:r i-.- u. I faun--. Main n 1 Mi - iu the Abraham Baildinw it-'ver tiie Iwoftte :n tbe (See nen .'ore oerui ieC cy IT. J. K.tbapman Bebnrit. Oregon ;eo e. Bores, Fhyscian & Surgeon. O. O. F PfaUetartaa Lodge So. 8. Mdeu in Odd Feliowa Temple, cor j oer Jackson and Caes streets, on L? W. U VTSES, SalrniAt evening o! each weeA Mem- era ol the order in good standing ar inTiled to attend. J. C. TwrrCHaXL. X li. tew B UMtot Te.ephone So 6il N. T Jswrrr, 3ecretry. DENTIST, Room. 4 and t KOCsXiU'bMi taVKt.. Kol P. Alpha Lodge Xo. 47- Meet eTerv Wednesday, in I. O. O. F Hall a' 7:30 p. m. Member it food standing are ineited tc attend. Geo. W. Kimball, C. C. Elmer Wimbekly, E. of K. A S. M. Crawford a J. O. Watson Attorneys it LawJ Room I At. Bant 8niid.. a-tSRBr Rti. UB. fW Busznea. before tba V i Land OfBceaaO aUnlnt care, atpecialty. LILAC CIRCLE. Xo. 49, Women of WotMlcrail Meetfl on -::! and U. Thursdars of each month a the I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting member tr rood standing are invited to attend. Minnie Jones, (.iuarian Xeighbor. Bell Morian, Sex-retArv. Sect.nd and Fourth Thursday. J 0. STLI.EKTO.N Attorney -at Law. WU practice la all tbe State aad Paderwl Onvrta Ofcv in Ra.-ki BIUk.. Raaebcuc. Oregoa. OE. 8 Rosemary Chapter Xo. I Holds their regular meeting on th " first and third Thursdays in eaci nonth Visiting members in goot itandi ig are reapecifully invited to At tend. Maude Rast, W. M. Regina Rast, BnmiUij w P W BENSON, At torney-at-Law. I Bank Building RtWEBrRG. ORE H'S j gl'CHAN AV GREXIXGER OODMEX OF THE WORI iOnl Cant s is. Meeta ,i t!,e tbd Fell, aa" I! Il ,'. hrtra .eert flrst and t ' ' . Vjait- ing neigl- . .-. D P. PMNa C c. J. A. BrwnaAJUR, Oierk. J. A. Bt Haxax I. L. lillMMill aaaaaa 1 and 1 Manners Buiidiag ROSEBl Rr,, OREtiON UB1TBD A K 1 IS A NS. liniua As pombly Xo. 105. meets seeond and fourth Saturdays ai each month, in Xative Bcaaa1 hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A C. M abtkrs, M. A. Minnik Joxas, Secretary. Rambouillct Rams for Sale, Wt) have a tine lot of rams for sale one and two years old and a few four "years old that are thoroughbred registered Our rams are on the range all the year, are heavy shearers ,,f tine wool and good rustlers. J. s Han at Beat, tf Ashland, Ore. Gun Shop Opened. I have opened a simp in Xorth R,ij,--burg at my residents altmt two blocks from the bridge where 1 will Jlo gun work, saw tileing, make kevs, repair um brellas etc. D Jackson. .JAS E. Sawyers At torney-at-Law Xotarv Public Room (, l"puirs, LXalas Co. Bk. Bid. Rosel ury, Oregon. lsttjolbt, Osteopathic Physician ; t ures ,-hroni.- ttiaMay i-urr-u defennatte I f,"f n gu.wtiu. Arnte dis, a' A also rvsjamd reajily u tbe treatmeut. Conaaltatlon Free Please arrane for a..p..mtments by phone over the it UfB-e. Phone No. toil Realdetve 11 D. i.raves place, phone So. liii W. MARSTERS Attornov-at-Iiw Notary Public Mars'.ers Building DR. F. W. HUNT DEHTI5T OAKLAMO, : : OREGOM. 2Qth hBL kLW mtm Hb ft SB I IB ' , ti. Little, 2 . DSTi3T. Oakland, Oregt.n.