The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 27, 1904, Image 1

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    1 Wtikder.
No. 86
in township 21 and .22, south of DADKFD l
range 1 west, in the Coast Fork I iKIlLK 13
c mntrv, and is said to be the finest ; . . ...
j The frioe received for this him b
etai i to bare been $15 per acre, which
lis eanlfered bv men wM posted ia I
For Stupidity In firing Upon the the timber ibmbim to be about one-
1 I 1 a 11 .1 M l
; nan wnai it is ac tually worm, me
; sale is reported to have been made bv
trustee who had the holdings of the
several interested parties in trust,
and it is said that some of tliose who
all satis.'.-.! with the
British Fishing Fleet in
the North Seax
Information on Government Ex
penditures Is Not
s U are not at
!. i e received.
One of those who sold Btot holdings
:i this tract has admitted Lbe truth of
New Company HwAltiSSK"!1" -
Holders Purchase Bi Timber
Tract in Lane County
St. PErERsnruc., Oct. 26.-4:10 p.
m. It is asserted n liigh authority
that Emperor Nicholas this afternoon
received Ad BB1 ll Roj stconsky's re
port, regarding tbe firing upon the
British fishermen.
Vice-Admiral Avellan, Ch;ef of th
Admiralty, has gone to Tanko-Sel",
and will n t return ur.iil late thb
There is no ele.v ynt as to the
character of the r ;-. If MwiriJ
Avellan In ings t!f rcyort back upo
hLs return fairs -S-Ki twnigh!.
the Admiralty iutimat-. a that the Mb
stance of ltj stv.-nsky's explanat: n
will at nce b given out. It is en
tirely pr b ible that if Ii.-jestvensk .
Is found to be responsible for the
blunder and he is recalled. Vice-Ad-!
statements of Democratic
Wasn't Recognize!" Until He
Gave His Name
Kixosrov, X. Y.. 'M. 1 I A lone
iMnaSBM rode into tliis ri. v BBBB and
fm Ul Bp in front of tin old pMK
-v vie llie reuii-tration IxiHr.l of the
I'iiioi I) strict of the Ninth VV;ul was at
dork. A young mmWt af tiie liar.i
kl up a t i a-K 1 :
"1K yon want to r'iMr.'""
"Yes, sir,"' was the reply.
"Your lull name, please."
'Alton BMoks I'arker.'
The fMMTC r.-ti-lraii.ii
-in m il fiim-l mr'-p i
i i .ii nvraph if III ''e f t IV -"nl-vit m it--I
'. f : r:i In .us of il.i
i A I'uel u-.tllv lu-exp. :
Y. u k n' we ask the ij taftMM as a
aiiferoi ;.:in, Jinlge."
W - nmQWi Oct -""'
Acting ii i UMJ of the
iwnJ the following st
" I'lio a. (en i inn of tin
bet-n ralle.1 to tl.e slat'
II A. Taylor,
l'reasnrv. tLiy
ten.ent :
.It part merit I as
mnrl t wire inaile
ei-l l -k
i u-l; ai i
'l r i i
. i I hi-
weil knewn as that. Ed
Oregon Wins Prizes at St. Louis.
Ti e Ju bjB iiotlJe.1, hut his ft tHink-
. . . . i Ui! as he turn tiled to the tact that tan
niinu ciioumun cumiictiioer 01 i' vmh;; n,an had failed to reooeni him
1 'lack si fleet, will succeed mm in i jg wondeiful to have a candidate as
command of the second Pacific squad
London. Oct 2G.--A dispatch from
St. Petersburg asserts on high au
thority that Admiral Rejestvem-ky
will be recalled and made minister of
marine. Admiral Choakins will suc
ceed him as commander of the Baltic
TI e Oregon exhibit at the Pt. Lous
Exp si:ion was awarded a number ol
pnM nn da - aud one grand prize. For
t. i-xhitrt ia the asriculiural dt-part
Mt, Oregon nceived the trrand prize,
( the grain and jrrass eKliibibs and for
oih art i.les in this depart meat it was
iiuaided 35 gold medals, -14 silver med-
. -. and 23 bronze medals. In the fish
Great Timber Land Deal in Lane Cowty erv , xhihit , )repon wag awar,i(.(1 9
El'GE$E, Oct. 2-r- A report comes " edals, 4 silver and 1 bronze medal In
from a well known Portland timber I he department of Forestry Oregon re
ceived i gold medals, J silver ai d 2 j tj,a, Congress w ill tie asked to apprpri
broDze medals. In the educational ex
hibit Oregon was awarded I gold medal,
A num-
by Judge Tarker that ihe.e have Imm n
Admiiiistiatioii otder furbidding tie
MbHealMM of infoim.itiin HamniUMI
tiove. nmental i xpendi KCi This is a
mi-lake Mr. I'arker n-cnis to have un-!
(..i. una fly aiiirvd from iintriistui r ,
thy MUM eonsideiable misiiifuriiia- j
tioli, t-spN-iIlv atkiilt the in inagemeo t ,
and i.ii.d lii.n of the TMMM Dtaput" i
:iii ii', and al-o about lnKtl issue-l t'i I
lnwri i'-iuirtiii-iittl alii t fif ally.
TI I order is-iil ilMMWMMMl es-
liniHieil -x ir-n- ilure" a that M Mb
. i e sltoiild III ik- any t-siimali-s
.ii ir mil the hrwt of the ili put
nif. I had ,gone over them ith the
I'xeM.le t and they had I eeli approved
RpHM Mr I'arker had made his HMed
stalemeiit in reference to an order lo
withhold information, the l'ostoffice. In
terior and Agricultural Departments
and the District of Columbia had made
and published their estimates. The es
timates from the other departments will
be given out in the ordinary course of
business, as soon as they are made aud
approved, just as they have liecn in
previous years.
"The practice of the department in
thi respert has not been in any manner
departed fn.m this year
'"Mr. I'arker tins, ev ideally been led
into .m error on that iint. He seems
to think that the nrrent monthly ex
pense accounts haw some relation to
these e-timates. These est i mates have
no relation whatever to present expen
ses I nev s.miilv represent the sums
man that R. A. Booth, J. H. Booth,
S. H. Friendly, A. C. Woodcock and
others have just sold 24,000 acres of i ih-er, and l broni.e metal
timber land in Lane county to the
Eastern men who recently bought a
large block of stock in the Booth
Kelley Lumber Company.
The track of land in question lies
b r of other claims are pending for more
ii! data in these departments.
A young bear, with almost blue hair,
w is captured n ar Riddle. Maybe he
ii: ned blue liecanse of bein: caught.
R. W. FENN . . U. S. Deputy . .
, . 5 Mineral Surveyor
Civil Engineer I
Lately with the govern- offlce 0 v e r Poetoffice.
rii, South America . . . Correspondence solicited
Nothing will add so much to the appearance and at
tractiveness of your home as a new coat of Paint, and
the COST will be SMALL if you buy your Paints and
Oils from
ate to meet the expenses of the various
departments for the fiscal year begin
ning July It, UiOo, and June .', ltWii
"Mr. I'arker Favs further that for tne
first two months of the prewnt tical
year the expenses exceed the receipts
by ILM .000,000, and adds:
"How much more we have run tie-
hind since I am unable to state, because
tin- public has lieen denied all informa
tion pending the camiiaign. Ibis is a
very remarkable statement, and Judge
Parker must have made it on the spur
of the moment without reflection. He
surely knows that the Treasury issues
and publishes a daily bulletin each day
and a monthly bulletin each month giv
ing tbe receipts and expenses by the
day and month, and that these bulletins
are regularly published in all the lead
ing papers of the country. For instance
the bulletin of October 20, the dav be
fore the Judge made the Bpeech referred
to, show the deficit up to that day, from
July 1 to be $20,33ti,542, a decrease of
about 14,000,000 during Septemlier and
np to October 20. Should this rate be
Increased of receipts over expenses con
tinue, it is quite certain the deficit of
July and August, so alarming to the
Judge, would lie wiped out during the
"The student of government finance
understands perfectly that expenses are
heaviest at the beginning of the fiscal
year, and that a deficit for the first
raonthe is to be expected nd is no evi
dence that it will continue through tne
months to follow.
"If Judge Parker would apply to the
Treasury Department for information
as to the methods of Government busi
ness and the condition of the public fi
nances, he would get prompt and accur
ate information and avoid the embar
rassment of being led into very palpable
Douglas C unty Presidential Can
didate Submits His Platform
to the Press
sides will have won the heart of every
poor man, woman and child in the
Not until her name is seen in the
Platform or read on the tickets will
the public learn of hLs rurfning mate.
Then the wondering, anxious people
need no longer clamor at the gate of
mystery, f..r the veil will be Iiftel.
He Gives the Plaindealer a
sis of His Great Document
Jas. J. Jeffries, the World's (.'hampinn heawweight pugilist, supported
bv an excellent theatrical company will appear at the Koseburg Theater
next Tuesdav evening, Nov. 1st, in that famous frontier drama, "Oaw
Crockett," in which the big fellow is playing the leading role. The com
pany carries special scenery and is personally directed by :-am 1 t. Mott.
t-or the edification of lovers of athletic sp rts, immediately following the
theatrical performance, a physical culture demonstration will be given by
Mr. Jeffries and Joseph Kennedy, his training partner, practically illustrated
in three rounds of boxing. Admission prices, ."'), .To and $1.00 Seats on
sale at Hell's Confectionery store.
Paul Mohr, the Boston Railroad Promoter to Fi
nance this Road. Myrtle Point to
Roseburg Best Route
MaBUFnUftj r.. 'krt. 24. - The els Coos Bay. Roseburg
object of the visit here of Paul Mohr. Railway to Myrtle Point.
& Eastern
the Kinney
the Boston railroad promoter, is now belt line railroad around Coos Bay and
definitely known. Mr. Mohr is under-. the new line to Roseburg will all
taking to finance the building of a work ii harmony. This is one result
railway connection from Coos Bay to of the conference of railroad men.
the Southern Pacific at Roseburg. I Manager Samuels of the Spreckels
This means either a new line or the steamship lines, who was at the meet-
extension of the present road from ( ing, returned on the last steamer to
Myrtle Point. ; San Francisco. Behind all this there
Three routes are being examined, j is believed to be still a deeper signifi-
and two surveying parties are in the ' cance. Mr. Smith is president of the
field. One of these is trying to find a Southern Oregon Company, which
owns 17.000 acres of Coos county
timber. It is desired to get the lum
ber back over the belt line and over a
railroad to the Eastern market. To
this purpose nothing is accomplished
by stopping at Roseburg. Lumber at
Roseburg is worth even less than it is
on Coos Bay. To get the benefit de
sired, the road to Roseburg must
lead to the building of a transconti
nental line to the East.
Mr. Smith was formerly president
$35.00 to $50.00
Capacity of the Opera Moose Assured.
Heating Stoves in Large Variety
FROfl $2.50 UP
We are showing an immense line of Fur
niture, Carpets and Wall Paper and can
make you prices better than you can get
in Portland. Call and be convinced : :
From all indications Jeffries will be
greeted by a capacity audience and a
little more when he appears at the
Roseburg theatre next Tuesday evening
with his company in a revival of "Davy
Crockett". He has fourteen people in
his organization. One of the members
of the champion's retinue is William
Delany, who first brought Jeffries to
the fore and has been his counselor and
adviser ever since Delaney is a prince
in the sporting world and is a thorough
bred gentleman whose name and word
is good at any bank in America for any
thing he may ask for. It is Delaney
who has directed Jeffries fortunes. He
performed the same service for others
in the athletic world and whenever he
was with them tbev were invincible.
As soon as they broke away from him
their downfall quickly followed. Delaney
is a good Judge for human nature, and
one of the things that Jeffries deserves
credit for is that he never was troubled
with the swelled bead, and heisstaunch
in his loyalty to his old time friends,
and it is a quality that has made him
such a favorite with all classes of people.
He is furthermore moderate in his hab
its and is blessed with a good wife, who
accompanies her husband on his present
pass along the stage road up the mid
dle fork of the Coquille. The route
up the north fork of the Coos River
by Loon I-ake and through Elkton
Pass has also been explored. It is
believed the most feasible route is
from Myrtle Point to Camas Valley
through a low pass east of the Mount
ain House to Looking Class Valley,
down Looking Glass Creek to Happy
Valley and eight miles up the Urap-
qua to Roseburg.
This route gives a grade nowhere of the 0. R. & N. Co., and not the
to exceed 2 per cent. It makes an Northern Pacific, as stated. Mr. Mohr
elongated letter "S," and the distance is still here and receiving reports
is little over fiO miles from Myrtle from the parties in the field. Major
Point. This move was inaugurated j Kinney returned yesterday from
by Elijah Smith, and he has been j trip to Portland, and will go back in
working on it since he arrived here ' a day or two. It is expected that
from Boston two months ago, but in work on the belt line and on the road
carrying out the project there will be t to Roseburg will commence this Win-
co-operation of interests. The Spreck- ter
Resolutions Adopted at W. C. T. U.
I AM&janlAit
Jaw. Inman, of Looking Class,
Houghs county. Oregon, Independent
candidate for the presidency, was in
Roseburg Wednesday on business,
part of which was political, at least
so far as complying with the request
of an agent of the press association
in having a photograph taken of him
self and home, which is to accompany
a short biography of hLs life, and also
his platform in full, which has been
typwritten, all of which will be fur
nished the Press of the country a
soon as the negative can be de
veloped. Mr. Inman says he founds his plat
form on truth, since truth is the
easiest backed up, and that truths
must we teach to save a retrogres
sive nation, politically speaking.
The first plank in his platform
treats on the labor question and like
all the rest is treated scientifically.
he says. He states further that each
succeeding plank befits and aids the
one following, thus reading grace.
fullv. smoothly and instructively, and
with no uncertain meaning. I'nlike
some platforms of the present and
past that go bumping along like an
old wagon over a poorly constructed
corduroy road, with uncertain mean
ing to the subject matter, yet with
an eye looking ever to Wall street
His second plank is on money, the
third on pensions and the fourth on
the tariff. The foregoing planks, he
laims. fully embracing the para
mount issues of the campaign.
The next plank is on whiskey or
the Prohibition question, which is
treated in a natural light, all of
which including some following
planks, are centered in money.
The next plank is on Woman Suf-
ferage, which is given a thorough
The next one of importance is on
good roads, containtaing a few new
ideas on the matter.
The one following is on the burn
ing Philippine question which is given
justice, for as Ella Wheeler Wilcox
says "nothing is ever settled until it
is settled right,"
The four planks following are on
the race question, including the
Chinese, the Japanese, our Negro
race question and the Ruso-Japanese
war, which after all is virtually a
race question, all of which are treated
practicality, therefore uncontrover
table, and will be of much interest to
the world and coming history.
The next plank of importance is
the Mormon 'question, which is treated
justly and fearlessly. Mr. Inman
claims that he is not afraid to ex
press his honest thoughts on any pub
lic or private question.
Another plank is on the election
of U. S. Senators by a direct vote of
the people and he gives his reasons
for favoring the measure.
Concluding planks concern the
marriage and divorce question, the
God in the Constitution and the
Papal delegate to Washington.
There are two planks favoring the
annulment of two unconstitutional
laws on the U. S. statutes, which re
ceives a careful, just, scientific and
instructive treatment.
The platform concludes with an ap
pendix giving a short biography of
the candidate's life, and with an ap
peal to the voters of the country
to rote for their own interests the
Co-operative commonwealth, not for
the capitalists nor their ticket where
interest in private gain begotten by
exploiting them.
Mr. Inman also informs the public
that adequate methods have been
adopted, wherein all the counties of
all the states will bear his name on
the ticket with the rest to be voted
for. He also announces that if the
press association publishes his Plat
form in full, though it be but a week
before election, he will get the votes
of the farmers, the soldiers, the
mechanics, the tradesmen and a large
portion of the news-paper fraternity
Through the courtesy of lira. Ida F.
Marsters, state recording secretary, and
president of the Douglas roimty W. C.
T. V., this paper i-- MppjIkJ w ith the
following additioual Hal of officers elect
ed at the ronventiou held in Portland
last week and the resolutions adopted at
that meeting.
the newly elected State Siijeri -t?nd
ents of the W. C. I". I". are:
Labor Dept., Mrs. Fulton, Allieta;
Christian Cit zenship, Mrs. E. L. Wood,
Richland ; Anti-Xarcotic, Mrs. Kern
Leo, Portland; Work among Lumber
men, Mrs. Barnard, Cobarg; Rescue
Work, Mrs. M. K. Hoxter, Portland;
Mothers Meetings and Cradle Roll,
Mrs. Iouis Barzee, Roseburg; Legisla
tive, Mrs. Madge Mears, Shrdda; Xon-
Withdrawn Southern Oregon Area
Will Attract a Big
Expectation is That the Department
WHI Soon Release
There in much rejoicing in Southern
Oregon over the notice from Washington
that the forest lands of Southern Oregon
withheld from entry several years ago,
are soon to be thrown open to buyers,
settlers and squatters. From prepara
tions being made it is evident that there
will be a great rash for these lands as
soon as they are released. It is not known
yet just what will be the the date of re
lease, bat it is announced that the sane
will be done with the reserved lands m
Miss Patience Dickinson.
Alchohol Medication. Mrs Atlanta 4 1
buiy; Parity in Literature and Art, I thl as was the caae
Mrs. Helen VC. Hber ; D ot of Mas ic. ! Bun " ,n 11 "regon.
- I I I. 1 I L . .
1 uc 1 is nenj are noi me regular lor
eet reserves, hot they cover a large area
of Josephine, Carry and Jackson Coon-
pskamble ties, in -Oregon, and parts of Siskiyoa
In this the twenty -second Annual orte Counties, in California.
Convention, we, the Woman's Christian j Practically all this land is monntainooa.
Temperance I'nion of Oregon, express i mDd not moca ol it will be available for
oar gratitude to Almighty Go 1 for the I immediate Urming, except on a small
achievements of the year wrought in His 1 9C'e' or stock range. Some of it ia
strength, and recognizing His leader- covered with sparse timber, bat a great
ship, trust Him for the power to carry portion of it has a dense growth of fir
oat the spirit of tbe following principles : nd P"1- with considerable sugar pine.
hich rants close to the fa moos red-
Believing that total abstinence ia not
only necessary for individual self-poise,
and that self-control which guarantees
the safety of the social fabric, bat also
fundamental for enduring national life,
we do affirm a deepened conviction for
this righteous principle.
The experience of years having taught
us that what is morally wrong can never
be made politically right, we denounce
any legal sanction of the liquor traffic
wood in point of general value.
There is no question bat that the
throwing open of these lands will be of
great benefit to this section of the state,
as the reserves surrounds Josephine
County on three sides, practically
"bottling" it np. It likewise was de
trimental to mining progress as pros
pectors are slow in prospecting lands
t V. t a M HaI,1 in ftlnM titlo Kv Ik ' "
eminent. A good many squatters hare
already been placed on locations, aad
others will be taken ap rapidly, aa the
as noi on iv contrary 10 tne gospel, tmt ' nn,s n( miii nH th t ,i
unconstitutional in law. And we do kII,, inmh timr- t.n.
even in the more remote parts, of ex-
herebv affirm our belief in National Pro
hibition as the only righteous and ef
fectual protection for the people against
the most unscrupulous and demoraliz
ing traffic on earth. We pledge such
aid as women may give to the forces that
make for that end, and express our 1
gratit ude to every man who uses his
ballot to secure that for which we are
Concluded on Page 2 )
ceptional value,
vet unsurveved.
Some of the land is
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitaenberg and Yellow
Newton Pippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true to name and free from
pests. For sale at very reasonable prices)
by Roseburg Nurseries, H. Schroten.
Roseburg, Oregon. tf
With all sincerity we
say t yea oar c n
stant purpose is to
dispense Pare Drags
and perfect products,
and we ask yea ta
help as in oar GOOD
WORK by giving as
your patronage .
SstabllstMd l.-3
Incorporated 1901
Capital Stock
Vies ftsataaat.
K. L. MIliLBB.
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : : :
Naw York Evanlnfl MalL
and the cowboys of the plains, be-