The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 24, 1904, Image 4

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Sheriff's Sale.
Free With the Plaindealer
For the Next Thirty Days
All subscribers to the Semi-Weekly Plaindealer who pay up all arrearages and one year in advance will be given a receipt in full for subscription to
the paper until January 1st, 1906, and their choice of any one of the following premiums. Any new subscriber paying $2 will get the paper until Janu
ary 1st, 1906, and their choice of any one of the premiums mentioned below. This offer holds good for 30 days only. Come in and let's talk it over.
One Good Township Map of Oregon With Map of the World on Reverse Side
One Year's Subscription to Toledo Wdekly Blade.
One " " to New York Weekly Tribune.
One Year's Sub. to N. Y. Wkly. Tribune-Fapner.
One Year's Sub. to Western Empire Magazine.
0n' Year's Subscription to Portland Rural North
The TwiceaWeek Plaindealer is Better Than Ever
will discus; mnm issues
AT 1:30 P. n
mm V yM mt m f Hi m I WfSSW mmB HBB
w Lm m kwawawR m mm finlHHHI
W B mm I 1 R m ' m m m
at 7:30 p. n.
Both of these gentlemen bear the reputation of being among the most eloquent and interesting public speaK
ers of western Oregon. Everyone invited to be present on these occasions. Special invitation to the ladies.
In tbc Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County.
m f Callahan, i' tintirr
John K. f'ampl ell
.i I 1
Nellie A. Campbell S j
Nolle in beiebv given, that '.y virtue of an
execution an outer of lale Issued oat of the
above-named court and cause on the 17th day
of I'rtoDer. I' 4 upon a judgment anl mure
ilul; rendered and entered In raid Court and
ran eon the 7lh day of October, 104. by fore
closure of a mortgage in favor of the above
uan'ed plalntir) and sgeinst the above-named
defendauts and against the hereinafter nren
tioied and dekcrited mortgaged property for
the um of ' mj with interest thereon at th
rale of 6 rer cent ix r annum Horn the 2sth day
ol Juue and lor the further turn ol flUu.'U
attorney a feea and lib. 20 cofta and disburse
m -iila, now theiefo e, I will, on Saturday the
lytb day of November l'JOl, at one o'clock p in
ol anld day at tl e eou't bonae front door In
Ko-. burg, Douglas Count , Oregon sell at pub
lic auction to the I. igtest t'idder, lor cash In
hn i, all the right, title and Interest whlcb
the said defen'.aiil or either of tbem lied on
the nth day of June, lai?, or at auy ino IJaefe
aie' in or to the lo lowing described j-rcmiaec,
Tl e south U of the inithwest of section 2 .
and 'be norih '., ol the southwest 1 , and lots 1
and l ol lectloo 7. containing 199.61 acres, also
the north :, ol the lim at on I an l Calm i. 47
of J. AtUrbury annate In aectlous tl 2, --i and
14. c ratainiiig tu aires more or lets, and con
tain ng In the arkrega'e a.t.l seres more or
a., all being situate in township 26 south of
ranee 7 si at ol ill. Willamette Meiidian. in
iNiuglaa CeWIJ, Oregon, toge her with the
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
He reunto la- onaing or In anywise epper
tain ng and will apply the mooted ol such
.ale lint, to the payments of the c sts of such
.ale and the cots and disbursements herein
tax d st II-.. om0. to the payment ol $1(0 un
tniney fees and to the payment of the .um of
Ifjaj ij dne the plaintiff with Interest :h re n
at the lat- o sis pe te it per an am fr in I'e
2vhofJune 1 oi, nod the oierpu, if si J
ih. r l . t-ay to the id defe a its, tbei- as
igna r ie: r I'T- . -- a. by water of
asM eonrt in asld i-ie nt oo 'o me llnoi!,
i-otnin-io BaYnwete ae'l toe starve -leer it i
real props in the maun ;r pr..v ded by la a .
l'aie.1 this I7th day of October, PM.
H T. Ml-4 LA1.LEN.
02u - ' .' ff n! faiugias Coonty, Oregon.
In 'he Circuit court of the State of Ong .n,
lor Ia'iglasCounty.
Kll a N lson. Plaintiff. i
lolm L Nelson. De enlait.
To John L. Selao.p. ab ive name-1 defendant
In ihe Laueof Hie St tf of Oregon, you are
I hereby mmoued and rei:ired to appear and
: aower the i oinplalnt ' ed against yon In the
above entitled conn and cauae. within six
weeks from the date nf the firt pub (ration of, P. wit, on or lie'ore the first day
of December. MI, and l you fall to a s and
answer on r b fore aaid date, for want thereof
I pi Intlff" will apply to said court for the relief
i detnsnded in nercomplaint, which Is f r a o
I cree Iro i fiM Marl dissolving the marriage
i contract existing be'ween plaintiff aud defend
ant, for the ne and rnstody of her minor
ebf dren, MyrI Nelson, Raymond Nelaoo, and
Hlancne Nelsot, for toe sum of $25 la-r month
for tl e sopp rt of said minor ebi den, that
' plalntiiy be deelaivd and decreed to be the
owner o' an undivided one-third inte-eatln and
to the W'.of tne S 111 the KE'4 of the NvtJ
j and th- S '. ' th- SPi of erti-.n lt, Uwn
I UpSa ft. 14 wist if be V Uametle Meri
I, in Cooa eounty, Oreg-'u. . r such other
i relief as to the c nrt msy seem meet anl for
, ber cts and dl.bursemenu in this salt.
This .amnions is rablihed once a k for
' at least six sueceas ve weeks ir tbe P aindeaier
asemi-weekly i u.paa r published at Koae-
leirg, Oiegou. Dy order ol lion. J. n aamuum,
Jndge ol the Circuit Casts of the 8tte ol Ore
gon, for the aecond Judicial Piatric', msle
t 1 lan. Toe 3 rat publication of 'hi. sum
mons is on October 19 lH
Bl 11 A NAN A OHJ--.MV.kH.,
tm N2i
A'toyne:slor Plainuff.
City Treaswer's Natkc.
!?'itice- is hereby given that all parties
holilini; city warratite emlorserl prior to
Nov. II, IMS, awa requested to present
the same t" the city treasurer for pay
nun'. :i inters: will cease thereon af
ter ti e 'late of thin notice.
DAtc-1 Kofeou-j, Ore.. ct. 5, l'.04.
II.C. Sloctjm.
City Treaanrer.
Wanted, Information
Information a to ad'lrena of Robert
M. in ey. or IstM heir?, if he is ileait.
rhe a l.lie-a w m IUebarK abont 1S71.
Sm !l n-c.vrv rail be made. A'l'iresg
Har -, A Sons, Wafhington.
D.C. U
ia orepared to wait npon old
and newcaetomereand frienda
with a fall and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the verv 1
quality. Teas aad coffees are
eperialties. Yoar patrooaire
. a la.pma -,
Ro e burg
4 441
Th- Finsitt in the County
to Be Hail at tne :
For Letter Head, Bill Heads. Sutements,
Envelopes, Weldine Stationery, Posters. Legal
Blanks, Briefs, in fact anything in the Prin'inz
line, give as a call.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Soeiaty Mtincs
Professional Cards.
f. A V. Laurel Lffwa? N '
J aVI Iwatw BsatJwa or -
taal " I" J"aH'-el ol ea
n ife J. T. Bbiuobs. ". M
N . T . J stt, secretary .
Br. 0. ELKS. Bosebnrs Lodge N
326. Holds regular com muni.
tiotts at I O. u F. Hall oo secot
nd fourth Tharadarc of each moot!..
ll memTer- reqnetel to a'tend rean
rlt and a- tiitn nrwhera are co.-ti-
t '-r r1 to 'tepd.
. I.. a t, K. K.
Ka MtVLALLTa. ! re'aie.
-- .r i . .
auwsi'u- I
M. D, 1st Sh.PAKA i K KATTAIXKlf
-O..V ts , te at itnv ' Haal -v-
' Thnraday evwiiDg, ai 8 e'clock.
t. O II ASlUfc.
)K. W H. DARBY, I. M. D.
D ntit
tfliceintbe Abraham Uiiil.line
(Over Use I'osioake in the See ben -t..;.M-
firruvie! kaj tr. J. R. ha-Mn
ko elior:. lrevoo
K. ttJiO. E. tlMUi.
Physcian & Surgeon.
OSee Kevew Bid. KOEhl'lt
r bone. Main a ORKoOtt
I t). tA F Poiietanan Lnlge N . I
I Meet in Od.i Fei."W-' T-mpie. c a '
oer Jackson and lass streeU, on
'iaturdat evening ol each week Mem
wia o: the order in good tnanding at
o Tiled to attend.
J. C. TwrrcHaXL, S. U.
N. T. Jbwbtt, Secrsury.
W. HW.N.
Kof P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet
erer WdneadaT, in I. 0 O. F
Hall a'7:lp. m. M-amhers ir
raai standing are invited to attend.
Gnu. W. Kimball, C. C.
KlMKB WlBBKBLT, K. of K. Jl S.
Lll.AO OlKOLK. .No. 4, wTwawea a
WweawA Mi la on 2nd n 4tl
Thurslavi of mon.ti a' th- I.
). . F. HslL VlKitii g memSe it
ia.' stou'tinc are invito to t- n.
Minnie Jones, fitiardian Neighbor.
Hell Morian. BagTCtMT,
flecand and Fourth Thursdays.
Rooms and 9
Telephone So SJ1
M. Crawtobd a J. O. Watbom
Attorneys at Law,
BooaslAt. 5s. t Buiidc. ROSBBCKts. OB.
Jjay-Bnaine before 8 Land OBW aa4
inina saea a specialty.
J & KCLl.r RH..N
Attorney-at Law.
Wtl practlee In all the State ami flaierai llivtrta
Omo- mi MaiKs' Bids.. BawHMrn. Unn
OK K i-e'inri: Cliafter No
Ho:da thuir rertiir meeting aaj U-
first an 1 third rhurmlaT? in eae;
.ninth Visiting members in roc
tandiug are respec'inllv invited to at
end. Maude Rast, W. M.
Regina Rast, Secretary.
Camr : . IA .Meet at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in R.oabnr, every
that and third Monda' evening. Visit
ing neigh' rr alwavs welronie.
D P. Fish ir 0 C.
1 J. A. BtCUABAM. C.erk.
Attorney -at-Law.
Bank Buildin
I H IT I D A R VIS ASS, I'm nana As
I I sembly No. UV, meets second and
" fourth Satimlays of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive cordial welcome.
A. C. Mabstbrs, M. A.
Minn ik Josbs, Secretary.
J. A. B' , himv I. Lutisiwu
Rooms 1 and 2
Marsterv BuiMiag KtSEBrRG. OREiioS
,JAS- E. Sawyers
Attorney -at-Law
Notary Public
t Room ti, I'psUirs, Douglas Co. Bk. Bid.
Rosehurg, Oregoa.
Ramboulliet Rams for Sate.
We have a fine lot of rams for sale one
and two years old and a few four years
old that are thoroughbred registered.
Our rams are on the range all the year,
are heavy shearers of tine wool and good
rustlers. J. S Hkbkin & Sos,
if Ashland, Ore.
Gm Snap Opened.
I have opened a shop in North Rose
burg at my residence abont two blocks
from the bridge where I will Jdo gun
work, saw tileing, make keve, repair um
brellas etc. D. Jackson.
Osteopathic Physician
fures ehrouie .lipases, eorrwis deformaties
and removes forelttu iriowths Aeute diseases
also respond readily to the treatment.
N Conanltatloa Free
Please arrange for appointments by phone
OfBee over the rst Ulnce . Phone Ho. 101 1
Keaidei.ce U. D. u raves place. Phoue No. 1JS4
Notary Public
Marsters Building
H. Little, wii
.. DS.NTiST. ..
Oak tend, - -