The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 26, 1904, Image 4

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The Snubbtnn of the "Saturnalia" by
the Metropolitan Huirn m nrad the
Came of the "Baeehante" by Mae
Koaalea Where Crltlea Uiaasree.
Th suit brought by the Italian sculp
tor. Ernesto Blondl, against the Met no
polltan Museum of Art in New York
city recently was of a very unusual
character, and the controversy precip
itated by It was a singular eue. Hiou
dl Is the sculptor of a group entitled
"Saturnalia," which the museum se
cured for exhibition about two years
ago. When it was placed on view in
the sculpture hall it Incurred the criti
cism of members of the National
Sculpture society, on account of which
the museum management relegated it j
to obscurity. Then came the suit of
the sculptor against the museum trus
tees asking $110.000 as balm for injury
to his artistic reputation. He claimed
that the museum was under contract
for public exhibition of the group for
one year. The suit brought fo the
championship of the snubbed sculptor
members of the Sculpture socie$- who
disagreed with the criticism expressed
in regard to the work, with the result
that the museum authorities decided
to reconsider their action and restore
the group to its former place. The
opinion had been expressed by those
who disapproved the work that it was
objectionable from a moral standpoint.
Blondl was at work for many years
on the "Saturnalia." When it received
the Grand Prix at the Paris exposition
of 1900 and a replica of it was pur
chased by the Italian government for
the National gallery in Home ho felt
that his reputation was tiruily estab
lished. The group was exhibited at
the Pan-American exposition in Buf
falo in 1901.
The subject of the work is a scene
on the streets of Rome during the old
heathen festival of the saturnalia.
The group has nine figures. In the
center stands a gladiator and at his
aide his wife, a patrician woman. A
priest is taunting the woman of noble
birth because of her marriage beneath
her station, and her little son has
raised a hand in protest against the
Insult to his mother. The pagan priest
shows In his attitude and expression
that he has been celebrating the fes
tival of Saturn with some abandon,
and one of his companions, also a
priest, has just fallen prostrate In con
sequence of overindulgence in wine.
Other figures In the group portray
characters such as might have been
in the streets of Rome during
thia popular festival, and the work as
a whole is intended as a study of hu
man nature. In the opinion of many
crltlea it conveys a wholesome lesson.
Better known sculptors than Biondl
have had to submit sometimes to snub
bing of their works. One of the most
widely celebrated of recent cases of
thia kind was that of the "Iiaechnnte"'
by Frederick MacMonnies now in the
Metropolitan museum, but which was
made originally for the Boston Public
library. It was rejected by that insti
tution because it was considered by
the trustees to offend public morals. It
Is a little singular that the MacMon
nies "Bacchante." which was snubbed
by Boston because of its alleged vul
garity, should have been placed In the
most prominent position in the sculp
ture gallery of the Metropolitan mu
seum while the same management rel
egated the "Saturnalia" to the store
rooms because it was supposed to of
fend moral standards. The coincidence
Illustrates bow opinions may differ on
such a subject even among persons of
educated taste and high moral ideas.
The "Bacchante" of MacMonnies Is
the figure of a woman exhibiting en
joyment of a free, exuberant life. Ac
cording to the Intention of the sculp
tor, at least, the figure typifies simply
enjoyment of physical pleasure and Is
not, as some have supposed, an exalta
tion of wantonness and dissipation.
An amusing objection was made to a
work of sculpture executed for the ex
position at Charleston, S. C. in 1902 by
Charles Albert Lopez, one of the cham
pions of Slgnor Blondl. The work of
Mr. Lopes for the world's fair at St.
Louis, the Pan-American exposition at
Buffalo and for the appellate court
building. New York, brought him much
praise, and he has won several notable
commissions in competition with art
ists of the first rank, but his group for
the Charleston exposition failed to
make a hit It represented the negro
race, and colored people connected
with the exposition criticised It on the
(round that certain figures in the
group that were partly nude should
bare been clothed la trousers and other
articles of modern apparel Instead of
the scanty garb of slavery days.
Everyone who has orcaMon
U8pen4 good money for har
ness wants good harness for
that monev. That' the kind
we sell. Every artfele that
goes out of our shop it. hand
made and guaranteed to give
entire hatisfaetion. That's
as much as yon can expect.
new and second hand furni
ture, ahelf hardware and a
thousand and one other ar
ticles to be found In a store
like ours. We are in a posi
tion to make It to your finan
cial interest to trade with us
Humor on? Philosophy
Copyright. I'M, by Daawaa ij. Smith.
No man ever discovers he is being
attend, no matter how bungling the
Batterer may be.
The credulity of the newly married
woman is so beautiful In its simplicity
that It ought to be a Joy forever-but
It isn't.
The heavy coal bill will crowd so
closely Ike heavy ice MB that we will
Ly again reminded" that extremes meet.
You ean"t always tell whether a man
is able to raise the wind by the amount
of blowing he does.
A man can't help taking chances
sometimes. taeaun some folks are such
easy marks.
The chronic toucher loves to keep his
hand in the other fellow's packet.
It takes alot of faith to make u wo
man fool humble when she Is wearing
a new dress.
When a man Is in love he is either too
miserable to care what he dot's or too
happy to lie of any use.
Predictions won't bring rain In dry
A man does not need to take a course
In music to be able to blow his own
Never try to borrow money of the
man who gets up early In the morning
when he doesn't have to.
He Deserres It.
Seme thinis there are that I don't like
1 find ns 1 perambulate
Along the busy, teeming pike
The way of life we designate.
But. most Cat all. 1 hate like sin
The man who's always butting In.
No matter who or wha( or where
The person, subject SB the spot.
You'll always find this fellow there.
And also you will Una you'll not
Bo able more than to begin
Before he's calmly butting In
He has no nice sense of affront.
You cannot snub or turn him down.
Yt ur speech may be both plain and blunt.
Your brow be wreathed In blackest
fro am
The Idiot will sit and grin.
The man who a always butting In
His fool presumption drives me mad.
I've tried in vain to kindly be.
And gentle patience I have had.
But toleration's fled from me.
Borne day I'll rise and spoil his skin
This man who's always butting In.
In SUvery.
vw"- i
"She has her husband well In hand.
"I should say so. She picks out hi
necktie and his typewriters."
An Impossible Man.
"These pies are not like mother's."
"Why didn't you stay with your
"I said they are not like hers. Moth
er's were not half as good."
"Have another piece, dear."
Always Looking.
"Why don't you go to work?"
"It would interfere with my
"What Is your business?"
"Looking for work."
Spick and Span.
A man so clean you'll seldom find.
A model, goodness knows.
Because the fellow changed his mind
Each time he changed his clothes.
A Different Metal.
"Eat blacklferries from the bushes to
get jour system full of iron."
"You'll get It full of lead If you are
not careful as to the ownership of the
Believed In One Kind.
"Is he opposed to unions?"
"But he has 7U0 employees."
"Also five marriageable daughters."
Down and Up.
With summer drawing to a close
We read the cheerful sign
On goods that once were fifty cents,
"Marked down to sixty-nine."
Why Should It?
"He has Invented a flying machine."
"Will It fly?"
"Didn't I tell you it was a flyln
No Incentive.
"Why doesn't a man put his arm
around his wife?
"Because he can."
Small Fsim for Kent.
A 2i acre farm suitable for gardening
poultry raising and haying, one mile
and a quarter east of Roseburg on Deer
(Jreek. plenty of farm tools and impli
ments on the place. For further parti
cular call at Millikin a Shoe Store,
Koseburg. tf
W anted. Industrious man or woman
as permanent representative of big man
ufacturing company, to look after itf
business in this county and adjoining
territory. Business successful and es
taiilislietl. Salarv t'0 (10 weekly and pt
penses. Salary paid weekly from home
oinee. r.xpense money advanced. Ki
perience not essential Enclose self
addressed envelope. General manager
Como Block, Chicago. A 22-tf
A Snap.
For sale, 10 acres, near Hoseburg,
mostly choice garden ground, good
j buildings and very desirably situated
Apply Box 533, Koeeburg, Ore. s!2p
The straw hat begins to look athamed
of itself.
HE great public interest In the
illness of Senator George FTls
blc Hoar showed what a
strong hold the "grand old
man of Massachusetts" had uion the
a erections and respect of the American
people. Many anecdotes are told illus
trating his independence, his devotion
to old friends and his readiness in de
bate. One day a senator Introduced
the editor of a well known paper, and
Sei ator Hoar promptly turned away.
""That Is the paper which said when
Senator Morrill died that he had been
walking around for years to save fu
neral expenses." he exclaimed. "I will
not shake hands with you, sir!"
In a recent number of the Outlook
Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott gave Senator
Hoar's characterisa
tion of General But
ler's flat money
"He (General But
ler! had said in ex
plaining and defend
ing his flat money
scheme that the
word "flat" means
'let there be.' j God
said, 'Flat lux'' (Let
there be light), and
there was light
General Butler argued that fiat money
was excellent from the very fact that
It c st nothing and had no intrinsic
value, so If a bill were lost or destroy
ed a new one could be supplied with
out cost. He also said that It would
stay In the country and would not be
sunk In the morasses of Asia, especial
ly In China and India, where silver and
gold were absorbed and never heard
of In civilised nations afterward. Sen
ator Hoar quoted these sentences, with
the following comment: That, fellow
eitlxens. Is precisely the difference be-
twet u omnipotence and humbug, be
tween the Almighty and General But
ler. God said. "Let there be light" and
ttiere was light. General Butler says.
"Let there le money." and there Is
rags. This is the first time In our histo
ry that the American worklngman has
been gravely aaked to take for bis
wages money it costs nothing to make,
that it is no loss to lose, that It Is no
gain to get and that even a Chinaman
won't touch.' "
Mark Twain, who recently lost his
wife and who has decided to pass the
remainder of his days in New York,
once made a Journey down the Mis
sissippi incognito In order to gather
material for stories about Mississippi
pilots. The steamer was hardly under
way when, through the automatic ac
tion of the brain, the author instinc
tively wandered to the pilot house and
essayed the role of the greenhorn. The
pilot loaded him with the kind of river
chaff aud badinage that must have re
called the days of his youth more rlr-
ldly than would
nave the taste of
one of his grand
mother's pies, and
our author was en
Joying It as keenly
as if he were at a
country circus,
stowing away page
after page of the
most delightful ma
terial and secretly MAM twajm
hugging himself with the thought that
he was getting a large amount of de
sirable copy. At the moment when he
decided on beating a retreat in order
tbat his stenographer might take down
the Interview while It waa fresh in
his mind the pilot left the wheel, and,
turning to the humorist, calling him
by name, said: "Here, you take her
and lie awhile -you're handler at it
than I am. Trying to play yourself
for a stranger and an Innocent! Why,
I knew you before you had spoken sev
en words, aud I made up my mind to
And out what was your little game. It
was to draw me out. Well, I let you,
didn't I? Now, take the wheel and
finish the watch, and next time play
fair and you won't have to work your
Tho Countess of Yarmouth, who has
returned to America on a visit, was
Miss Alice Thaw of Ilttsburg prior
to her marriage to the somewhat im
pecunious earl In April, 1U03. During
her sojourn abroad she has acquired
an excellent British accent, it is said,
and can say "Oh, fawncy!" as if to
the manner born. Her marriage to
the earl, who had been an actor and
newspaper writer in New York for a
time, caused a great deal of comment
and there were all sorts of exaggera
tions printed concerning the amount
of her fortune and the income she al
lotted the earl. Her personal fortune,
it appears, consist
ed at the time of
the marriage of
only $500,000, the
major portion of
the Income from
which the countess
herself receives.
When he Earl of
Yarmouth was an
actor in New York
he lived in a fru
gal manner be
cause his allow
JfOUTH. ance from England was Insufficient for
bis needs. He rented an apartment
of seven rooms for $30 a month. This
flat was without latter day conven
iences and adjoined a saloon. The earl
lived on the sixth floor and was
obliged to climb stairs, there being no
elevator. Without a servant, ths
British nobleman did chorea in a good
nn lured manner and cooked many of
his meals and kept the place in good
order. In fact, hla Are escape looked
JSC' ??Sa
like that of' any modem cliff Dweller,
with pots and bottles of milk In a
most "unearllsh" profusion.
Not long ago Representatives Tiro
Sullivan and Sulier of New York and
State Senator Grady were in Virginia,
guests of the Eagles of Richmond.
Both Sulzer and tlrady were to make
speeches. While Sulzer was talking
then was a loud call for Grady.
"That reminds me of the llrst time
I ever met Senator Grady." said Mr.
Sulzer. "It was In
Klmira In 1888.
when we were both
stumping the state
and were to speak
that night In the
opera house. Dur
ing my speech a
big rawtoned fel
low kept shouting,
't Irmly, t irmly!" I
was embarrassed,
but continued and
finished. 1 took
the man out to ask
him why he Inter
rupted me, but got BO satisfaction.
When we returned Senator t : rmly was
talking. The big fellow liegan to
bawl: firstly. Grady, Grady! Speech)
" "That's Gndy talking now." I told
" 'Nothing of the sort.' the man an
swored. "That's the fellow who gsvs.
me $10 to holler for Grady."
Shortly after the Fairbanks vice
presidential btMSa took form a BMUI
with a camera came In and told tln
senator he would like to have him
"Go ahead." said the senator. SSSajsa
lnir a statesmanlike attitude at Ids
"But." said the photographer. "I
would like to have you step down In
front of the capitol
so I can take joti
"Nonsense." ex
claimed the senator.
"Why should I KO
down in front of the
capitol V"
"Why." explained
the photographer, "I
hine a fine new au
tomobile there, and
I want to get you
to sit in it and have
your picture taken."
"Young man.'' the
senator almost
shouted, "you get
I'll do nothing of the
SEN AKiH l.t
right out of here.
"But, senator," protested the photog
rapher, "you do mot understand what I
want. This is a new kind of automo
bile, and if you will only come down
and sit In It I'll guarantee that you
will have your picture printed In the
advertising pages of nil the principal
magazines of the country."
Bloodshed wrs averted by S-cretary
Matthews, who led the photographer
to the door and turned him Uv in the
The other day Kepresctitative James
E Wat. 'ii of Indiana was reminded
of a story they used to tell on Adlal E.
Stevenson w hen he
was vice president
of the DaaaTsadStaass
"Stevenson w a s
walking sjasag the
street one day." he
said, "when there
started a discussion
of tlie ineousc'iuen
tlal position of tlie
vice president.
" Tie wears a hat
the same size as
anv other m:m. one
jaw:.- f.. waton.
of those discussing the question said,
"and wears the same size shoe as any
other man. and he has not a darn
thing on his mind but the health of the
president." "
Senator Tatrlck H MeOarren. the
Ieniocratic leader of BrooktyTa, who Is
at war with Tammany Hall. Is one of
the country's original Parker men.
Lone before Judue Parker's nomina
tion was considered anything like s
certainty the Brooklyn leader was
working like a leaver for the Judge,
while Just across the East river Tam
many Hall wus more than lukewarm.
It is said that Mri'arren is ambitious
to succeed David B. Hill as Iemvrat
ic leader of the Empire Stute as well
as to keep lirooK-
lyn msflrr londer
shlp Hint Is Inde
peutlent of Tatn
mauv. Senutor Mo
Carren Is six feet
three Inehes tall,
thin nnd smooth
shaven. Ity strap
per he has often
lieen mistaken for
n priest. When he
Is not listening
Bom" of his admirers call him "I-onx
Pat." He snys very little, seldom
smiles and has plenty of countse. He
once, called David It. IIW a liar to bis
face, It Is said, brat the two men nre
now political allies.
According to the New York Times,
a woman's rights advocate worried
Senator McCarren considerably at one
time about bis vote upon a bill con
eernlng her sex. She haunted his fa
vorite places and one day advanced to
his desk and began examining objects
pen it.
"What's this?" she Uniuired. plck'ng
up a weighty brown thine, which slip
ped out of her hand nnd dropped like
a heavy stoue to the floor.
"That?" replied the senator. "Oh.
that's a tea biscuit lmkiil by some
women reformers who are eater to
get a bill through on some kind of sci
entific cooking. It's the finest pajier
welght I ever had."
The woman departed silently and
troubled him no more.
Cattle Strayed.
Thr.'e stei-rs branded "Y" oa left hip,
also " I. I), " on left side. Suitable re
ward given for information leading to
their recovery. K. It. Downs, Kose
burg, Ore. tf
Notice of Dissolution of Partm rship.
Notice is hereby given tli tlie part
nership heretofore existing U'tween
Ad:m Johnson and John L.Clark, as
Johusnn vv ('lark, liquor deal r has th -day
la ii dissolved by mutual consent.
Mr. ( lark retires mid Mr. Johnson
continues ihe business. All bills will lie
paid by said Johnson and all accounts
tlue said linn will lie collected by him.
Dated this 10th day of September,
1903. John L. Clark,
Adam Johnson.
When troubled with constipation trv
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. They are easy to take ami produce
no griping or other unpleasant effect.
For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
1 If vv
Professional Cards.
Court Boms
Down Mtnlnt.
U. W II. DARBY, I). M. D.
I Mice in the Abraham Building
(Ovrr the I'ostortW-f in IfM tflice here-
lllpllll I,) Dr. J, K. lm mail
Ro eburg, Oregon
Physcian & Snrgcon.
Offli e KevSew Hid
i'lione. Main II
li V N EH,
tterit Hii.i'llng.
tiiMtlllK t 9
Telephone No ' . I
M. CaUOTOaJI lJ.ll. Watso.N
Attorneys it Law,
ttonraa I A 2. Batik Qui t . KOSBBU an. k
fa Buint a before tha f S laud OSJca anr
tnimuK r a (peclaUy.
Attoruey-at Law.
Wll' ajaajaUaela all the Stale an.1 fe-teta '.on
OIBte in Maiaa Bi-U . Koaeburf Or. a. m
Hank BulMing
J. A. Hi It AN AN
KnsKBI B.. oKKi.oN
' rsteopathic Physician
t'urv ( hrttu.
atii. n-tiiox - t
a..) rinl r
. ..rr-- .1 formttea
llfttlfMVtll Aruir !
al.l) Its Ihr trratnirUt
1 otiHulUitlon Free
I lrac arrange Iir a(a.iumriil hy j t..-r.v
f!. . ur the l'.t Office f'ti Df No. lul
IU-l1t . .e II D. ra.r larv. ITwih No. 12H
Notary Public
Maraters Building
DR. r. W. HUNT
Society fdestings
h A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
lipids reitular meetings on second
sod f nrtb WedteMiate of eael.
month. J. T. BanniEs. W. M
N. T. JsweTT, Secretary.
r O. ELKS. Rosebtirg Lodge No.
ffoids tvgrilar ommnnica
tione at I O. O. f. Hal! on second
ii '. lot-.rth Thnrvdare of each month,
v.: BMSBberi requested to a' tend mtro
arlv and al: Tinting brothers are eordi-
liy iariteii to Bttastd.
F. b. Waits, K. R.
Ball McCTuAUM, Secretary.
. I. 1st SkPARATK K ATT A 1 .1 .1 1 IN
N. li , meets at Armory Halt every
rhnrrtdav eremne, at 8 e'clock.
t. B. rJAatua. Uspt
O. . If PtUe4avtsjSJ Ldlge No. 8.
Meets in CK11 Keliovs' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass streets, on
-'star tat eTening ol each week Mem
hsts o! the orvier in c- t itandiog are
uvited !o at'eml .
J. C. TwfTCHELL, N. G.
N. 1" JkWkTT. ecret-ry.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet
ewerr VVeilneedsy, in I. 0 O. F
Mall : ...n p. m. Members tn
good anding are invited to attend.
Qao. W. Kimball, C. C
Kl.MKK WlMHKKl.V. K. of K. iX S.
LILAC CIRCLE. No 4, Women of
W o ajajrafl Meets on -u.l and 4th
Thurs Uys of each monih at th I.
0. ti. K. Hall. Visiting members In
good standing are invited to attend.
Minnie Jones, tiuardian Neighbor.
Ilell Morian, Secretary.
Second and Fourth Thursdays.
E S RoseSorg Chapter No. b
Holds their regular meeting on Lot
first ami third Thursdays In sad:
nonth Visiting members in woo'
(Landing an respectfallr invitsni to st
tend. .Maude Rast, W. M.
Bagifaa Kast, Secretary.
Cm i No. 15. Meets st the Othl
Fellows' Hall, in Roasbarc. ever
firs' and third Monday evening. Vudt
itig neighbors alwav welcome.
D. P. Fisher C C
J A RrritANAN, Clerk.
11 seaabiy No. 105, meets second and
v fourth Saturdays of each month, in
Native Sons' hall. Visiting members
will receive a cordial welcome.
A. C. Marstkrs, M. A.
Minsik Jones, Secretary.
Has Sold A Pile Of Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy.
1 have sold Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for more than twenty years aud
it hits given entire satisfaction. I have
' sold a pile of it and can recommend it
1 highly. Joseph V.cKlhiney, Linton,
Iowa. You will And this remedy a good
friend when troubled with a cough or
cold. It always affords quick relief and
is pleasant to take. For sale by A. C.
Marsters it Co.
Men Wanted at Alca.
Men wanted for mill and yard work
at Alca, Oregon. Apply to mill super
intendent, Pacific Timber Co.
Notice for Publication.
D 8 ! ii' : Ofllc '
Roaeburg, Oregon July 21. J90I
Netlea M harabr gtren that In oompllauca
with the provision! of tha act ot Cons ma of
Jan S, , milled "An act for tha aale of
timber land In tha State of lallfornla, Oregon
Merada.aud Washington Territory, " uexlend
I to all tha nubll land alata by act of augual
a, law.
of Sulphur Spring, county of Douglas. State of
Oregon, baa thia day tiled in thla office hla
sworn statement No. GXIO. for tho purchaM of
the I .ola 3, 4. 6, and K' SW, of Heotlin
No. 8, Townahlp 'JS South of Kangu 3 West,
and will offer proof to ahow that the land aougbl
ta more
valuable for lta tlmbei or atone than
for agricultural purpoaea, and to ealabllab
claim before the Register and Receiver o( thla
afflca of Roaeburg, Oregon.
on Thursday, tho 'ZHh day of October, VJM
He name a wltneaaea: Warren Butty,
ieorav Turner and Marry Hlephena, of Rune-
t. ura. On kmii, and James n. scan
ore, of Sulphur
springs. Oregon
Anv ana si. iM-r"iia nanmus aoveraeiy
Iks !
ahovu described lands are reii-ted to tile
their rlatina In thla ofoee on or before said Atli
lay of October. 1WM. J. T. HKIiatas.
rtt-l ivegiaier.
Notice of Publication.
I'ulttsl Hutea Land Office
Row hunt. Or. July II 1'jot.
Nolle ta haral.y alveu that in compliance
lth the provision! of Ui act of 'oi. art-fa of
June 3. tarn ciilitltsl "An art for the alu of
Mm lsr land In loo state of t alltornia. oeirc.n
Kavada.and waalilnKtiii Ierrltory, aaritetio:-
Sd to all th public laud atate by act of August
. law.
of K'Mbunc. county of Uoualaa , utaU- of Ore-,
iron, ha tbiailay filed In thla offlrr hla aarnrn !
alaU incut No. tajs. lor the purer BBS of Ihe lot
1, nri am'i, u , ntJi ol ax eo W. lp a, r :
and will offer proof to how that tha land sought
I mora raluall lor lta timber or atone u.a I
for acrteultural parpoea. and to elMIb hla
alalia before the Kea later and Becelrer of thla
sines of Baeatmra. Orearoa.
on Friday the 14 oaj oft u.ber, 1904 He name
witnesses: Joono. eaaaen.i n . inom. ,
Warren Huatty and li. M. Martin all of K.,-.
burg. Ore.
Anv aud al neraona claiming aovcrwn uk-
aborc deecrtbtsl land are requeausi to file their
claim lu data office on or before aald 14th day
of October, i904. J. T. BKIlX.gS.
,:!. P Keeiater.
Notice for Publication.
I tilled State Land Offire,
Koaeburf . Oreajon, joly 7,
Notice u hereby siren that lo compliance
with tha provlaloue of the act of Consreaa of
June J. !Tt entitled "An ta t (or tha aale of '
UbUt lands In the Stateeof California, 'frearoa
Nevada aad Waahtnffton Territory,'" aaextend- !
ad to all tha publle land atetae by act ef aucae
a. ISM.
f I Ron-bar, conntr of boue'ea, atate of
t irecon, haa thla day filed in hia offl.-e hi
worn atatement No 6iV7 for the purchase o'
Ihe of NE4, and Lou 1 and . ol aec
Uon 4. townahip 2a aouth. ranee 1 west, j
and will offer proof to ahow that the land tough
la more valuable lor lta timber or atone thaa
for agricultural purpoaea and to ealabllab. bis
elatui before the Reenter aad ataaalrer of this
effloe of Roaaburg. tJraauo.
on Monday, the loth day ot Octobe-, 1904. He,
uaui. at witnesses: . W Turtle. 1. Win. bar-;
neJl, Preaa Turnall. H J Robinntc. til of Peel ,
iiouglaa county. Oreeon.
Any and all pereona i laimluaT lrerarly the
abore deaf n bed lands are requeeteo to file the r
riaima in thla office on or before aai Uilb day
olOct 1STM. I. T BRlbWtt
-Jul4p ..'. : I
In the l lrcult Court ol the State of Oregon,
tor boiutla County.
J A Buchanan, 1
M K i rookham and Mr I
M E i roothun
Defendant. I
To M E Cruokham and Mr V E t rookham. '
ihe above named defendanta
In the naaae of the tate of Orrpn ! You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com- ;
plaint of plaintta filed againat you Id said
court and caute. on or before the loth day of
Oeaataar, ISM. being the date preeenbed by the
coutt In the onler for publication of said sum
mon for y ui to appear and answer said com '
plain L aad if you fall to appear and anawer
aaid complaint on or before said late, plaintiff 1
will take judgment fcaiant yon for the sum of
lao.a. being the amount due him on amouuL.
uarelher with hla costs an I dtsburaemeuL. of
aid action. And that plaintiff will apply to
the court for an order of aale of the follow in
dcarnbed real proparty heretofore, attached in
said action as tee property of said defendants. :
at E t'rookhnm and lira E Cruokham. to-wil
Lou one and two. Blork M. Ha-aril Addi
tion to the cit of Koaeburg. Uoulaa county,
This snmmona la po' liahed ta the Roes-burr
Plain tealer by an order oi Hon H b Thomin
county judge of Uouglaa county. Orecon. bv an
order made on the Uih d y of A uut 1H.
The first publication of this summons is of dale
Tbur-day, August 4h. 1404. and the last pub
lication thereof will be Thuradar. October 6.
aJj At tome rs for riaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Boar burg. Ore.. Aug IT, l-aj .
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aetlier haa filed notice o nls Intention
lo make final proof tn support ot his and
that said proof will be made oeforc Reeilcr
aad Receiver P. S. land office at faosebnrg.
Orecon, on Saturday. October 1st. IS04. rla :
of Roaeburg Oregon, H. E. No. !u.r for th
lot .1. Sec X. s', NW SK'.sa ,,, J... T r
-. West.
He names the following wtineaar to prov.
hla cooUnoooa reaidence upon ami cultivation
of said land. Tit: Robert L Mclaughlin. Iavid
W Hunter, ocorge A . Bonebrake, ttuy M In
gram all of Koaeburf. Orecon
AIS J. T. BRlIXiES. Reclater.
In tbe Circuit Court o( Use Stale of Orecon.
tor Douglas County.
Auaual Kleoke. ; a.:.:
lna Klenke, defendant '
To Lena Klenke, abore oa led defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, rou are
hereby summoned and req-ilreal lo appear and
answer tne complaint Died against era In l&e
abore entitled court aad eanae. wlib-n six
weeks from the date ol the Aral publication
ol ibis summon to-wtt, on or before the 6ib
dar ol October, ISM . and It too fail to arp ar
and anawer a herein required lor sat there
si nlalnliS will apply to aald SStati lor the re
lief demanded in hi. complaint, which la for a
decree from aald coon diaaolTlng the marriage
contract dialing between plaintiff and deten
danl. and lor such other and Inrther rellel as u
the court may seem meet.
This eatnwvons la publlehed once a week for
al least lx ucceire weeks in the P'.aindealcr
a aeml weekly awepaper, published al Kose
barg. Orearoa. by order of Hon M D Thompaon,
County Jnnge ol Uouglaa oMin v, Oregon
made Augual r. 1S04. The Ural publication ol
Ihla aummona la on Augual ti. Iwt
Attorneys tor I'lainnO.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the circuit Conrt ol the Bute ol Oregon
lor IHxigiss countr
P L Auien and i s Heaflekl 1
ra V
laal-ell Mining Company, a ,
private corporation.
Deb ndant j
Notice It hereHy given thai by virtue ot an
execution, dulv taaued out of Ihe above nam, si
court and cauae on Inc 3lat day ol August l'A'i.
upon a judgement and decree July rendered
and entered In aaid csmri and cause on the 17 h i
aay ot May In tavor ot the above nanusl
Slalnim aud against the abore named deten
ant, laabell Mining Company, agprtrate cor
iorailoa lor the aum ol III 5'..J upon which
judgement there waa crctlted Adg. 27tn 1AM.
the sum ol J 60 leaving a deficiency there
on ol to ins with in ran Ihereou Irom
Aug.. T. 1904, at the rata ol 6 per cent per an
num. which Judgement waa duly enrolled and
d' keted In ihe Cleik'a office ol aald court on
Ihe Kih day ol May. tail.
Now therefore 1 will on
Saturday the 8th day of October 1904
at one o'clock p. m. of aald day al tne court
house front door. In Koteburg. Doug) comity,
Oregon, aell at ubllc auction, to the hlgheat
bidder toi caah In hand, all the right, title and
Interest the laid defendant laabell Mining
Company, private c .rporatloo, had on the
Jvth day ot November, I89H, or 'at any time
thercailcr. In or to the following described
premiaos. i -wu
Tne NW
W. ol K'.ol XW',. 8W ol SW
ol N W ol av i. and S, ' N w ' sw
C27, tpxl S, k 7 ' Willamette mertdan.
i. N Kt .
'I ol Sec
IHiuclaa county. Oregon, together with all and
alngular the tenement, hereditament and p
pnnenancea the run to balongtiig or In anywise
appertaining, and will apply the proceeds ol
such sale, first to the coat ol such aale. and to
ihe pay meat ol the turn ol $23o2 76 due the
plalutIB with thereon at the rata of 6
Kr cent per annum Irom the 17th day ol Aug.
M. and the orerplui II aur there be, pay over
to the aald defendant laabell Miuing Company,
a private corporation, their assigns ami legal
Dated at Koaeburg, thla lat day of Hep' , 1904.
Sheriff ol Douglaa county, Oregon.
Reduced Round Trip Rataa Account
World's Fair? St Louis.
First class tickets on sale May, 11, 12,
13, June, 16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, Aug, 8,
9, 10, Sept, 5. 6. 7, Oct, 3, 4, 5,. Rose-
burg to St Louis, and return, good 90
days with stop over priviliges, at rates
rangeing from $75.45 to $82.50 according
to route chosen. Passengers will have
privilige of starting on any date which
enable them to reach destination within
tan days from the sale date.
Inquire of Agent Southern Pacific
Company, Roaeburg. f b
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in gotxl cooking is to have good
And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up
Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service.
Ho! for St. Louis and the World's Fair
Nature's Art .allery of the Rockies in addition to the at
tractions at t. louis. Thi can onlv l done bv joing or
returning via the "SCENIC LINK Or' THE WoRLD."
Write for i!luetratel laxalet of O'lorailo'e famous sights and resorts
W. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent,
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron
brass, coper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes
Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
Are You Going to St Louis?
If so Purchase your Ticket via the
Choice of Routes going or returning, via
St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs
or Pueblo,
For Rates Call on pour Local Agent
Dates of Sale: June 16-1.7-18 July 1-2-3
Aug; 8-9-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-5-5.
For further information and Sleeping Car Reservations
Call on or Address
a. h. Mcdonald
140 Third st, Portland, Ore. Gen'l Agent
Lumber & Building
At a Sacrifice
Read Our Cash Prices
Rough Lumber $S.oo
Sized Lumder $S.oo
i x 1 2 Common s 2 s 5S.00
Shiplap fio.oo
1x6 Flooriug $10.00
And all other LUMBER in proportion.
Lumber Yards near Depot
By J. J. Kt NNEY, Pres.
N. A. FOSTER ti CO.,
Of every desrriytion. Farms tod Min
eral L.t nds. Oregon, Waahiiinton and
Title Ouarantee&Loan Co.
I. u.
!cj. and Treat
OfBoe In tb Court Hnuaa. Hare the nolr com
plate k of abatract booka lu Douglas fount
Abstracts and Certificate ol Title lurnlahido
Douglas -wunty land and mining claim. Ha
alao a oomplele et ol TraclUKa ol all towuab
plaaln the Boaebnrg, Oregon, I'. 8. Land Di
Will sake blue print copies ol an? town
H. Little,
.. D2NTIST. ..
Reliable crown and bridge work, J.
. Johnaon, denUet. Grave's b'ld'g. 4tf
A I etract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers ;rp.-ireI for filing on Govern
ment Land .
Blue Prints, of Township Maps allowing
al vacant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Sprxial designs for Office Fixtures
OfHce in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
is prepared to wait upon old
and new customers ami friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the verv beet
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Yoni patronage
305 Jackson St., Roaeburg