The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 26, 1904, Image 3

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Have Made us Many
Have attracted customers and by means of this advertisement we seek to gain
new customers to please, along with our old ones : We want to call attention
to the new goods arriving constantly, many of which are pretty novelties that
have made big hits iu the cities, and which we have made
!'! lccr 10 more thoroughly demonstrate the fact that we
We Dispense Soda
Water at 34 Fahr.
All our Syrups ari Prepared
from Speciil Material by : :
In Pieparing our Ice Cream we
use Clean C-eam, Rich in But
ter Fat Only 20c Per Pint.
For nervousness tiy Osteopathy.
Now for ag'd, brNk fall trade.
J. P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's build
ing. snii'He at M.trster
I L. Hard, the Glendale postmaster,
is in town.
A. T. Thompson of Myrtle Creek was
i n the city Friday.
Gold crown and br.d.-e work of hart
quality by Dr. Strange.
The rain will benefit pastures and
help ;he stock industry.
A home without children is alx.ut as
interesting as a hotel lobby.
Dr. Ixwe, the optician will be in
Rosebnrg O totter the ti and 7.
H. J. Robinette has been ee ted
principal of the Melrose schools.
Miss Josie Parrott left yesterd iv for a
two weeks' visit in Seattle, Was'-i.
nas !
A farmer 15 miles from Foe? 1
WuO sweet potato plants doing well.
S. C. Miller, of Dillard, passed
through Saturdav en route to Wiibur.
Why run the risk of voir lifebyanots
eratioa w hen Ostei-tttthy will cure you.
V. S. Patterson left this morning for
Oakland to attend to business matters.
School books and school supplies, the
best and cheapest, at Marsters' Drug
Hugh Kllison, of Oakland, cam -over
Saturday evening and returned this
Geo. Wilcor. of Oakland, came over
Saturday evening and returned this
Mrs. Ben Watkins. Yoncalla, has l-een
visiting with Mrs. D R. Sharnbro k, of
this city.
Dr. Goble, the occulist. accompanied
by his wite left Friday for a few weeks
stay in Astoria
Mrs. A. C. Marsters left this morning
for a few days visit with Mrs. Wheeler
of Cott ge Grove
Now has dust anil smoke of summer's
discontent been swept away by au
tumn's welcome rain.
Mm. Cotton is verv ill at her home in
Mvrtle Creek, and at last report was
not expected to recover.
Attorney C. ft Jackson returned Fri
day from Oauyonville, where he was at
tending to legal matters.
Miss Agness I'itchford has returned
from a month's visit with relatives in
San Francisco, Sn Jose and Placerville.
Can Furnish Ycur House Complete
Largest Store jJ Largest Stock
Can we sell you a sew
ing machine? Call
and we will convince
you we hold no rela
tion with agents aid
can save you at least
1-2 the price they want
You Can Save Money by
Enable us to
Osteopathy cures throat troubles.
For the best dental work at most rea
sonable prices, go to Or. Strange in the
little brick appariif Slocum's hall.
.las. Nosier of Coquille City is in town
having driven out with Deputy Sheri0
Gallier and his party of guirds and pris
oners. .Win. Iu..t-ll. late with the Dougias
County bank, Roseburg, is noW head
acomi'tant at V. 1'. Reed's t'ardiner
Fr.uik Kennedy left on last night's
iverland for Portland, where he will re
main a few days attending to business
Rev. K.W. Leonard is building a neat,
commodious and a large liarn
on his little farm alout one mile west
of Wilbur.
Rev. Mark Munson left this morning
for Portland, where he will at ten i the
State Association of Cougregational
Mrs O. A. Ashby and daughter, who
have lieeu visiting
here with Mr. and
, returned home to
Mrs. 6. C. M I ri
Marion today.
Carl Hoffman ret 11 rned yesterday from
San Francisco, where he had Iteeu at
tending the Sovereign Grand Ledge of
the Old Fellows.
U. Savage and son, J. F. Savage, of
! Yoncaila. arrived iu this city this m rn-
in,; by private conveyance. They will
return tomorrow.
Mrs L. C. H. Mahn of Yoncaila re
turned home Friday morning. She was
I accompanied by G. W. Kruse's young
est boy, Bei tram.
Miss Haz -1 Drennen, alter an extended
visit with iriends in this city, left this
morning for her home iu Portland where
she will enter school.
Mr T. D. Gilmore has lieen trans
ferred from the 6 if station at Dillard
to Dothan temporarily at least. His
family accompanied Warn.
Don't over look our Crockery Depart
ment. We have the largest stock in the
city and the prices are right. Rice V
Rice, The Hou-e Furnishers.
Misses Dallis Miller and GaaduMa
Lars returned Friday to UkeU homes
in Glendale after a short visit with Vliss
Miller's suter, Mrs. Jesse Clements.
Deputy Sheriff F.d. Gallier of Cooe
Co., arrived Saturday evening ei:-oute
home from Salem, where he had taken
some prisoners to the penitentiary.
Rev. A. .1. Stormer left this morning
for Harrisburg, where he will attend the
conference of the M E. Church, South, , down last week an 1 placed her son in
which will commence there uext Thurs- I the I'niversity of Oregon at Kugene aft
jav er which she spent a few days in Port-
Marshal Jarvis is on the street in a fine 'ana
new uniform. When asked (alien he j Kugeue V. Del, soc ialist presidential
was coine to get a new can he sai 1 he ! candidate, passed through Ros-burg
would have to catch just one more hobo
Grant Bunch, who came out from
Coos county with Deputy Sheriff YA
Gallier as guard for the prisoners, will
go on to Walla Walla, Wash., to nter
Hon. K. L. Smith, of Hood River,
passed through yesterday enroute home
from Grants Pass where he attended
the meeting of the Oregon Development
The school at Canyonville is reported
by Supt. Hamlin to be progressing nicely
under the management of Prof Stone,
aaaiated b.' Miss Weaver and Miss
Rudol ph.
Mrs. Burt Acteson and friend, Miss
Victoria Kyman, who have lieen visiting
here with the former's mother, Mrs. G.
. DimtnicK, left this morning for their
home in Seattle, Wash.
Don't throw
away old Chairs.
We can re-seat
them at a small
cost to yon :
Baying Your Furniture of Us
All the new a-.-! Ix.-aun.'iil In B 1 Meal
F'lrn.ture at very lo prices. All lae n-ell
patternfl from the ' Im-hit-i 3-piece Mill i
ill in best iMj.isiie-i nut in i. siirei -run
II- 1- at tt-'ii u J5. HandMine L'reH-rs,
tun an, s.5o ;o j
Mcauli'ul new i nreU in mil the laleir
weaveti hu 1 coloriug. It will jy fee Ut
ee them Iroin aH Ui il.4u per y
Ulty ml. siil amiuiK-iiiK-Hi Hue you ever
shw at from M to per yard :
Toe Peer of all the acine of MaflaBCiea
our line 01 stoves an I Kauces Heaters tJ ;
Ufl6. C 10k .sloven fv.iO to S3 1. Bevilnul
Sled Kan Ken Willi lilKh CUM LU for 4-h le
t ,:.' aud BB for 6-liole, delivered to your
ueareel raiirjau muuj wiiuoui exira com
Retain our Customers
special effort to procure
keep abreast of the times
Strange, dentist.
Hon. C. A. Sehlbrede of Marshfi. Id
is moving his law office from A atieet
into the building recently vacated by Mr
Douglas . Marshlield Mail.
If you don't understand Osteopathy,
see Dr. Stmlley alwut it. He is in a o
sition to present the iiestion to you
better than those who know nothing
altout it.
Dr. C. V. F"isher, who for sometime
has been sick at his residence in this
city left Thursday night for Salem. lb
was accompanied by Harry Stephens,
who will act as nurse.
Thos Gr.iyham, a nephew of Mrs. I.
A. Townsend, who j? studving for the
ministry in a Theological School at
Toronto, Canada, preached in the Pres
byterian Church yester'ay.
Remember the New England dinner
to be given iu the Board of Trade build
ing Fri fay, Sept. 30, from five to nine
o'clock p. m., given by the la lie-- of the
W. c. T. U. Price Tt eena.
The ladies of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union will give a New
England dinner in the Board of Trade
building next F'riday from five until
nine o'clock p. m. Price 25 cent.
Hon. ti. V. Riddle, J. B. Riddle and
Attorney Ira I!. Kiddle, represented tin
Cow Creek valley at the ti rants Pas
meeting of the Oregon IV'velopinent
1-eagne F'riday and wore the "Dongtai"
If you are in need of Lace Curtains we
have a large stock, hut if yon want
something eserially nice wait for our
new line which we expect in a few days
The swellest ever brought to the city.
Rice ft Rice.
While returning from hop-picking.
Miss La ale Htmilton. of Ke.leher City,
was roblnsl of her purse, containing all
of her m ney an I som jewelry keep
sakes, and now she wishes she had tak
en an outing otherwise.
Chas. F'isher, of Cove, I'nion County,
Ore., is visiting the family of his half
brother. F'rank Kennedy, of this place
Mr. Kennedy ami Mr. F'i-her had 11 nfl
met for eighteen years, or since Mr.
F'isher was six years of age
Geo. H. Himes, the Oreg m histo. ian,
is in Rosebnrg holding a little confer
ence with some of the pioueers of this
city, in the interests of the work which
he has iu hand. The Pi.aindkvlkb was
favored with a pleasant call.
Mrs Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek,
passed through enrotite home from Kn
gene and Portland t dav She went
this morning
this morning on his war to Portland
where he will sneak tonight. He was
net at the train by a bevv of local
Bocialirts who were given a cordial greet
ing by the great labor leader.
W. C. Chase, who was acting as one
of the guards with Deputy Sheriff Galli
er, in taking his prisoners to Salem, will
go on to Newberg where his family have
j been visiting, aud accompanied by his
family will return to their home in Co
I unille via the steamer Alliance.
Very choice fruit trees, all leauinv
varieties. Spitzenlierg and Yellow
Newton I'ippin apples a specialty. All
guaranteed true to name and free from
' pests. For sa'e at very reasonable prices
by Roseburg Nurseries, II. Schroten,
Koseburg, Oregon. tf
Deputy Sheriff Bd Gallier, with W. C.
j Chase and Grant Hunch as guards, ar
rived in this city Thursday night from
! Coos county with Karl Steele who was
given a lite term ana r.. A. suckau, who
was given a twenty vears term in the
penitentiary. They left for Salem Fri
day morning.
Do yon kuow that Kice & Rice have
more goods in their store than all the
other furniture store in Douglas county.
and sell it at lower prices. They can do
this liei-anse they buy in carload 1 ts
and save freight and can save you money.
Come and get our prices and make com
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Gallup, of Myrtle
Creek, were transacting business in Kose
burg today and favored the I'
with a pleasant Mr. Gallap says a
diligent search has been instituted for a
Parker democrat in the Myrtle Creek
precinct without avail, and predicts that
Douglas will give Toddy a rousing ma
jority. Supt. Hamlin has returned from the
south end of the county. He met with
the directors of the new school district
at liller on Saturday and assisted them
in perfecting ttieir organization. 1 tie
Board have employed Miss Primer of
Kiddle, for a three months term and are
preparing for uie a vacant building near
the Tiller store.
Prof. Brings returned on Friday night
from his first weeks teiclrng at the
State Normal scho l at Drain. He
states there is an unusual large attend
ance this term. Prof. Grant, who was
the instructor in mathematics, resigned
and departed for California. Prof. Briggs
was appointed to till the vacancy, and
Prof Sites of Washington, formerly from
Michigan, has been employed as teach
er of Knglish language. Cottage Grove
Chester Howe, left Saturday for Salem
for a visit with relatives.
County Assessor G. W. Stale is in
Yoncalla looking after the crop from his
apple orchard at that place.
Miss Violet Cox, of Wilbur, is sM-nd-ing
a few days with the family of F. W.
I'illard of this city, after which she will
go to San Francisco.
F. J. Delta and wife, of (iage, New
Mexico, are visiting in the city. Mr
Delta is s. P. operator at (iage. Mrs.
laulla was formerly .Miss Jennie Whit
sett, of rnis city.
lu the target shoo; ing coiiti -l at Pow
ley's Shooting Gallery, the first prize a
;ll-;!0 Winchester Carbine, was won by
Chas. liiglow, the oecood prize " by
Ben Shields, and the third prize $:! by
Fiank K. Alley.
A plague of watermelons is running
wild over the ranches in the 1 in M-riul
Valley, neai LtM Angeles, t'alifornia.
The vines choke out the w heat, barley
and other crops. Rnralf of the meli !l
bare been acattered everywhere by the
irrigation pcececa Although small they
are aaid to be rich, juicy and as sweet
as honey. The ladi ms have moved in
and are fattening on them.
B. F
a -ting
Nichols, of Kiddle, was trans
business iu ttoeetmrg Saturday
and favored the l'i .nhkai hit with a
subscription. Ben recently suffered a
-t vere dislocation of the left arm at the
elbow joint by a wagon loaded with wottd
turning over with him. Hi' is able to
use the injured arm a little now we art
phased to note Mrs. Nichols accom
panied him on their visit to this city.
Some time last Thursday the house of
Harry Williams i;: N rth Koseburg was
entered and a coat an. I reel and two
pair of trousers ami some provisi ms
were stolen. Mr. Williams was just
moving into the house an 1 wa- away at
the time tor another wagon load oi his
household furniture and did not eel
back till the next dav, so when Marsha!
Jarvis wa:- no'.itie 1
too late to catch thi
.f the
theft . it w as
Taxp tying is in progress now. Many
of thoae wfaarpaU only ball their taxes 1
in March are taking out their receipts
for the balance Of these there is a
considerable numlier and the delin
quency is further heightened bv a
uiimlier w ho have as ye" ma-le no pay
ment at all. The tinal data lor pay
ment, is the tirst Monday in October
All taxes not paid then w ill have a ten
ht cent penalty and six mouths inter
ests at twelve pec cent adde t it. them.
Railroad Notes.
Conductor Tom Patty left for Port
land Thursday night.
Fireman Je Kirk is in llalsey for a
j few days 011 a hunting ex -ditioii
FM. Renin lias letnined from a hnat
ing expflition 111 Cow Creek and repOCt
! ed for work.
Conductor J. W. Tynan left Thursday
j night for Portland to isit with fri-mls
, and relatives.
Juo. F;ng"rs. of Portland. 1- here tak
ing the place of Bd Pengra. wh.le Mr.
Pe: gra is taking h.s vacation.
Jas. McCollough has re-igntsl his posi
tion on t he bbccJJm crew, and has gone
to work f-r the Tea-phone Co.
Mrs. L. B. Moore and little -laughter,
wife and daughter of Station Agent
Moore left for Portland Thursday night.
Brakemau Correa Catching, while
running to make a coupling at Central
Point Saturday night, fell and split his
kneecap He was taken to Port I ind to
jibe hospital yesterday.
I '
In the justice Court
In the case of the State ol Oregon vs
W. H. Watson arrested on the charge of
arson Watson was boaad over until the
next term of the Circuit Court under a
bond of t 'AWO.
A. J. tsteen, the complaining wit am,
charges Watson with setting tire t the
lodging house belonging to Mrs. I.ou
Shey on the night of -ept. IS. at Glen
dale. Probate Court Notts.
In the matter of the aetata of Carl
Fischer, deceased, The alore Castor pn -
sents a etition asking authority to sell
all personal property at a private .ilc.
Petition continued.
In the matter of the guardianship of
the estate of Ida, Holla. Katie and Km 1
Gray, Mary C. Gray is Ordered to buy
needed supplies for each.
have perftctefl
a system ol
home treatment
for Lost Vitality.
vo-in Draina,
Small OrgtDi,
NerToun Debility,
-Blood Polaon."
ISlrlrmrti Varfporflr. Rupture, P!!e.
IKidney and Hlaoder Trouble and All
liiKrasNiml W. nkii'nwrulitrto men
5 Correal .nilence contliirntlal. Feenrrns
,.. t rsiM. miKranunl nr nionev re
Ifunrtial. Write for fn-e (M pure hook ami 1
IM.nlis AJ.Iresn K C -man. m. i.-.
TJH Market St., San Fraoclaco. Cat.
You can hardly find a home
without its Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral. Parents know what
it does tor children: breaks
up a cold in a single night,
wards off bronchitis, prevents
pneumonia. Physicians ad
vise parents to keep it on hand.
The beit coach menlrlne monsy can buy
U Ayer-t Cherry Vnctoral. Fi.r the aiaa! of
clillilreu uutbluK coiiM mat My be better.
Jacob Bucll, Saratoga, Ind.
J. C. ATKRen.,
LdwH. Maaa.
Throat, Lungs
avers ruis arrcntiy am mo
I p"tnri m breaking up n cold.
Myrtle Creek Development Club.
A meeting of citizens of Myrtle Creek
was called Tuesday evening, the result
of which the Myrtle Creek development
club was organized.
Dr. Bogue was elected president, B
A. 1 1 unsaker, vice-president, II. P. Rice,
secretary and S. W. Bayless, treasurer.
C. O. White and H. Hughes were elected
a board of directors. B. A. Honaacker,
C.O.White ami H. I. Bice were ap
(Hiinted a committee on constitution and
C. K. Bojue, Andrew Willis, N. Sel g,
C. O. White. W. I'. Willis, W Kramer
S. W. Itayles-, B. Hnusacker and J. A
Bice were appointed delegates to attend
tin' mass meeting at Grants Pass today,
the 23rd. Mail.
Methodist Episcopal Conference.
The annual conference of the Mot ho
lisi F'piscopal church ivenes at F.u-
gene Tuesday, Sept. ''7, and continues
even days or until Monday evening
Oct. It. Many distinguished divines will
lie in attendance ami will address the
meetings and a fine program has baaaj
prepared for each day. Mayor G. R
Chrisman will deliver the addreaa of
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Kose
burg postotliee
Alexander Mr J II
Barker I S
Baker Mrs J D
Butler Mr F C
Borsos Mr Mitchel
Batis Mr R E
Crooks Mr Fred
l: vanlv M
Gallup Mr K II
Gilbert Mr Van R
I b.:i, s Mr F W
Morgan Mr I' J
Philliphs Miss Ada
Preston I! F
Stanton M r F" F
Wilev Mrs Ali. e
Green Maud
Persons calling for these Ictturs
pleaaa atate the del 1 which they
advertised, Sept. St, 1904.
The letters lll lie charged for at
rate of one cent each.
Wi. A. F'batr.
A Double Bereavement.
Glide, Ore..
lent, 24, 1904.
Koseburg l'i. wnhealkr
A little four year old eon of Tip Hill's
who has lived with his grand patents,
Mr aili, Mrs ejBMta ,t ,t.jr
,.mieat H-aglin, Sept. ;i, after anilities
ofonlv twentv-foiir hours So N Iden
was his death ami so great the shock
that Mr-. McMillan was completely
Sept. II, James William Hill wa- laid
to rest in the Oak Creek Cenieter lie
side his mother who died soon aft r his
Hardly had th - family realized that
little "Happy" had left them when they
were called together by the serious ill
ness 0! Mrs. .McMillan's youngest child,
a sweet little girl two years and thine
mouths old.
For live days every thing that 1- ving
hearts could prompt, and loving I auds
do. was done for the sufferer. On the
night of Sept, IS, little Alice Ma was
allowed to rest from her sufferings She
was buried at Oak Cnx-k Tuesday.
Mrs McMillan who had sirtial re
eoaetnd was again stricken down. All
day yesterday she lay unconscious, and
this morning we hear that she i- no
I letter.
The doubly tllaictisl family have the
heartfelt sympa'hy of the entire OOae
uiunitr. Mrs. Coxnik.
Aaotrr Pointer to Boteburt.
The young women of Menominee,
' ich., have organized a club, the ineni
bers of whii h pledge themselves to wear
black silk sharking, with the inscrip
tion, worked in white silk on the ankle:
"Menominee is a gxl town." Now,
with the skirts property held, that
ought to le a gixal advertisement, if the
uirls travel. Perhaps they expect the
city to send them on free trips ar--und
the eonntrr.i
Lost 1 Guard.
A gxxl story comes to our heari rig re
mrding the recent trip of the sheriff of
Jackson county ami his deputies in con
veving prisoners to Salem. As the story
coes a country merchant in our neigh-
oring county desired to have a trip
down the liues and see the state fair,
Portland and the sights, but not want
ing to buy a ticket he applied to the
sheriff to go as one of the gnards with
the next anteh of prisoners. This the
sheriff assented to and the country mer- j
chant started for his outing asa prisoner 1
guard will) the sheriff and another guard
alamt two weeks since, says the Grants .
Paea Observer. On reaching Koseburg!
the three guaids and two prisoners went
to a restaurant for supper. They all
finished eating about the same time ex
cept the merchant guard, who on I cing
! assured that he had plenty of time to
; eat all he wanted remained. When he
, had finished Mr. Merchant Guard
hoarded the train, tilled and lighted his
pipe and as the train moved out the
station he started for the smoker to re
sume duty. He went through several
ears and more cars, but not seeing the
smoker made Inquiry and was told that
it was 011 the second section about 15
minutes behind. So he decided to gut
Oaf at Oakl ind and await the arrival of
the train that lull the prisoner; almard.
Meanwhile, however, the trainmen had
Iparnrd of the bv t that one of the guards 1
had taken the first section. When they
were accosted by a gentleman on the
( 1 akland plat form enquiring if the pris
oners were on that train, they said no
j that they had made their escape at Kose j
burg. Feeling that it was his own fault
j for having lieen so derelict of duty the
merchant guard let section .No. pass
north aud boarded the first south Isiund
train that night, landing in Koseburg in
the wee small hours of Sunday morning
He immediately sought the chief of po
lice and asked what aUiut the -escaped
prisoners that night. Had they been
caught yet? lie was told there was
nothing in the story, and that the guards
and prisoners went out on the second
section. Worn out, ina strange town,
in the early morning hours, this same
guard sought a lodging house and got a
room saying ho needed rest very Iwdly
and did not wish to be disturbed until
time to dress for the "first train for
Wanted Immediately Teacher for
the intermediate department of the Yon
calla public school. School to liegin
Oct. 1104. Write to K. Helliwell,
clerk Yoncalla, Ore.
Of Gage Pattern Hats
Sept. 20
19 0 4
Gorton's Great Minstrels.
Gortons famous Minstrel will be at
Koseburg Wednesday evening. Sept. 2S.
The show is entirely new and much
larger than when here before. The new
first part setting is very elaborate and
represent" the broad lawn of the Ponce
de lieou hotel, Florida's famious winter
resort. The idea is nicely worked out,
the colors are good and the electric ef-
1 "c;s niHKe me selling one ui mr (rci- ,
tiest yet shown by a minstrel companv.
The costumes are rich even gaudy.
The jokes are fresh and timely. The
songs are up-to-date, and there are
voices such as few men possess. Kenneth
M-Adams and the juvenile tenor, Mister
Richard Cole, are entitled to high place,
while the humorous melodies of Welby,
law and others and the remarkable
voice of Arthur Fulton prove features
The Crescent Sextette is certainly a
clever combination of voices. The first
part winds up with a sketch that amuses
"The F'emale Shoppers." In the olio
of fashionable vaudeville the wonderful
acrobatic comedians, the Brothers
Faron. make a hit in remarkable per
formances. Welby, Pearl and Feil are
amusing comedians Harry Gibbs does
some remarkable whistling, and the
clever child artiste. Cleone Pearl Fell,
joins in dancing, monologue and other
clever work. She is a great feature of
the show. The performance concludes
with an acrobatic turn bv the Manh
Brothers such as is not often seen on a
stage The brothers are gracefu
marvels in their line of work. Gorton"?
Minstrel" are worthy of patronage. They
fulfill all promises made and give a real
ly creditable performance.
Filed ia the Circuit Court.
Maurice Abraham, Albert Abraham
and Mollie Mack, plaintiffs, vs Mrs. C. j
Clara, defendant : suit to enjoiu defend- :
ant from interfering with and diverting,
water from, and from molesting cr injur
ing a ditch through certain property in
Glendale. and to secure judgment at
100 and eaaaa.
(Jiurtrrh Iftsacctioa.
Pursuant to Orders No. Head
quarters 1st Sep. Bat.
All members of Co. D. 1st Sep. Bat.
O. N. G. are hereby ordered to report at
Armory Hall, Friday evening, ept. 30
at I p 111. equipped and prepared for Iu
spevtion. F. B. Hamux,
Capt. Co. D.
A-I-Farms To Rent.
I have two good grain farms, with
good buildings and other improvements
and will rent these for a term of years.
Also two stock ranches, with or without
stock, teams and all kinds of farming
implements for sale.
A. F. Bbown. Oakland, Ore.
fJ AS K. Sawyers
Notary Public
Room t, I pstairs, Douglas Co. Bk. Bid.
Koseburg. Oregon.
Rose burs Orchestra. N a a a $ r s
PRICES 75,50,35
We have the exclusive sale of Gage Street Hats and Pattern Hats, a com
plete and carefully selected assortment of which will be placed on display
Tuesday, Sept. Stth, l'J04. (iage Hats positively cannot lie obtained else
where in Roseburg :::::::::::
We Display Fall Lines of
SKirts and Waists : Coats and CloaKs
McDonald Union Made Shirts
Sorosis Petticoats
Bkidler-Riciiabos At the home of the
bride! parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Richards, at Stephens postotfice,
! Douglas county, Oregon, Sunday at
' hi.h n-n. Sept , ', ltfut, Ira J. Beid
ler and Miss Anna L. Richards, Ker.
F". W. Leonard, officiating.
This was a very pretty Autumn home
welding, howe er. a quiet and unos ten
tgg affair
on Iv relatives and a few
friends witnessing the impressive cere
mony. The bride is a charming, viva
cious and winsome young lady who
looked very pretty in her handsome wed
ding gown of cream silk. The groom was
attired in the conventional black and is
a most exemplary, industrious and
worthy young man, a on of the late W.
H. Beidler. who is survived by Mrs.
Bei Her. t lie family having resided on the
Calapooia for several years. Following
the pretty ceremony, the bridal party
repaired to the dining room where a
splendid wedding feast was pi.rlaken of
ami gool cheer prevailed. The happy
couple were the recipients of many use
ful and valuable . resents. They are
both very popular and highly esteemed
young people of the Calapooia, who are
held in the highest regard by all who
know them. The grom is a cousin of
the Plaindealke editor, and the happy
couple will make their home on the
Cooper farm north of Wilbur which will
be conducted by the groom. With their
wide circle of friends the Plaishealeb
joins in extending the happy couple
hearty congratulations and wishes for a
long, happy and prosperous wedded life.
Among the guests present were: Mr.
and Mrs 1. Abraham and daughter Fay,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conner and son
of Roseburg; Mrs. Jas Star. Mrs. E. J.
Beidler. A. T. Beidler, Mr. and Mrs.
J"- Richards, John. Ed. Bert and Will
Richards and Miss Annie Turner,
William Witte, a prominent farmer
of London, Lane county, and Miss
Howards, of Shoestring Valley, Douglas
county, were married at F.l ahead. San
day. Sept. IS, at I p. m , by Rev. Sun
derland. The happy couple are row in Kngene
taaiog in trie uistrict lair. itie groom
owns a nice farm at London and is
counted one of the most prosperous citi-,
tens in that part of the county. The
bride is an exceptionally charming
young women. Fiuene Guard. Sept B.
GOFF RFFSE At the home of R. I..
Stephens io Calapooia on Sept. l!, J.
B. Golf and Ellen Reese, were united
in marriage. R. F. Stephen. Justice of
the Peace, o'ficiating.
W V A N T M E LSON-At the Court house
Monday.Sept 'Jt!, J. Allen Wvant of
Cooe County and Elizabeth Melson of
Looking Glass, his honor Judge M. D.
Thompson officiating and Frank H.
Kogers ac;ing as best man.
SELLS VANZ1L die residence o:
Thos. Weatherford in"Vhis city Sunday
evening S-.-pt, LVi ti. M. Sells and Edith
M. van .lie. Kev.K. H . Hicks pastor
i the Baptist Church officiating.
Card of Ttuaks.
We desire to express our thanks and
I appr, ciation to the kind neighbors and
friends who have tried to assist and
e.mifort us in this terrible trial.
Wm. Mi Mii 1 aw.
Mks. D McMillan.
Get ready for the opening of
the Public School Momlay, Sep
tember 1 2th, by purchasing
supplies required by the pupils
The Big
lle keep tMe largest and
best assortment of Staple
and ancy Sroceries, resfi
J-ruirs and 3"arm Produce
in the city, and can snpply
your wants at as cheap or
cheaper prices than can be
had anywhere.
Remember that we haep
the SSest.
Kambouillet Rams for Sale.
We have a fine lot of rams for sale one
and two years old and a few four yean
old that are thoroughbred.1 registered.
Our rams are on the range all the year,
are heavy shearer? of tine wool and good
rustlers. J. S. Hebrin & So,
tf Ashland, Ore.
W ood For Sale.
About 25 tier of grub oak
woo. I,
inches iu length, spilt and bioes
Applv to E. T. Woodruff. Cleveland,
Ore, s26 p.
Look At This.
A complete and up-ti-date line of
street hats shown at the Bell Sisters.
Notice of Guardian.
Notice is hereby even that the underlined
by order of th county court, made and eau-red
in the journal ol said court on Sop. Mil. 19m.
as anisiini -d guardian of the person and es
tate of N.T. Day.
Ai: person having ciaio aca n-t aaid estate
are requested to prex-ni the lame wtthm six
months from date of Ihia notice. All persona
indebted to said estae are ieiae:el to make
immediate pi merit to the undersigned.
l R. s!i AMBROOK. guardian.
Dated this Hfe day of Sept. ISO.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby civen that th
sat. on the Srd day 01 sep tern her lt, br the
t ounty Court of Ivnula t'ounty. stale oi Ore.
gon. duly appointed as Kxeeutor u ejeoute the
will and adrutnister the estate of ialnu A brum,
de-eased. late of aaid county. All persona hav
ing claims against said estate, are hereby re
quired to present the sam-. duly proven, to me
withiu six months trr-m the date of Una notice,
in Roseburg. Oregon.
Published first this Uth day of September.
A D. 19M.
Executor oi the of Julius A brum, de
Louis Barsee. AUy. for Execntor.
ilen anted.
To cut corj wixaJ at Glendale. Good
Fir timber to work in.
per cord. Apply to
Glendale, Ore.
Price paid, $1.75
Shropshire Ra
For Sale 15 thorooghbred Shropshire
Rams, tit for service in fail of 1H0L W.
G. Hughes, Mont Alto Ranch, Glide,