The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 15, 1904, Image 4

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commerce and IfaJe of every kind.
that the American people, if they show :
their usual practical business setise,
will insist that when these lawsearo .
modified they shall be modified with '
the utmost care and conservatism and j
by the friends and not the enemies of ;
the protective system. They cannot af- ;
ferd to trust the modification to those
who treat protection and robbery as
synonymous terms.
In closing what I hare to say about
the system of promoting American in
dustry let me add a word of cordial
agreement with the policy of in some
way including within its benefits by
appropriate legislation the American
merchant marine. It is not crelitable
to os as a nation that our srreat export
and import trade should be well nigh
exclusively in the hands of foreigners.
The Army.
It ts difficult to know if our oppo
nents are really sincere in their de
mand for the reduction of the army.
If insincere there is no need for com
ment, and if sincere, what shall we
aay in speaking to rational persons of
aa appeal to reduce an army of 00.000
men which is taking care of the inter
ests of over 80.000.000 people? The army
Is now relatively smaller than it was in
the days of Washington, when on the
peace establishment there were 3.600
soldiers, while there were a little less
than four millions of population;
smaller than it was in the peaceful
days of Jefferson, when there were
6,100 soldiers to 5.300.000 population
There is now one soldier to every 1.400
people in this country, less than one
tenth of 1 per cent We cannot be
asked seriously to argue as to the
amount of possible tyranny contained
in these figures. The army is now
used aa never before for aiding in the
upbuilding of the organized militia of
the country. The war department is
MpafjaJ In a systematic effort to
strengthen and develop the national
guard in the several states, as witness
amrvng many other instances the great
Held maneuvers at Manassas, which
haTe Just closed. If our opponents
should come into power they could not
reduce our army below its present size
without greatly impairing its efficiency
end abandoning part of the national
duty. In short, in this matter if our
opponents should come into power they
would either have to treat this particu
lar promise of the year lt04 as they
now treat the promises they made in
1896 and 1900 that is. as possessing
no binding force or else they would
have to embark on a policy which
would be ludicrous at the moment and
fraught with grave danger to the na
tional honor in the future.
"Extravagance of the Government."
Our opponents contend that the gov
ernment is now administered extrava
gantly and that whereas there was "a
surplus of $80,000,000 in l'.i; j" there
is a "deficit of more than $40,000,000"
In the year that has just closed.
This deficit is imaginary and is ob
tained by including in the ordinary cur
rent expenses the sum of S." . I IQjOOO
which was paid for the right of way
of the Panama canal out of the ac
cumulated surplus in the treasury.
Comparing the current or ordinary ex
penditures for the two years there was
a surplus of nearly eighty mil -ns for
the year 1900 and of only a lit e more
than eight millions for the year that
has just closed. But this diminution of
the annual surplus was brought about
designedly by the abolition of the war
taxes In the interval between the two
dates. Since the close of the war with
Spain there has been no substantial
change In the rate of annual expendi
tures. As compared with the fiscal
year ending In June. 1901, for exam
ple, the fiscal year that has just closed
showed a relatively small increase in
expenditure (excluding the canal pay
ment already referred toi, while the
year previous showed a relatively
small decrease.
The prime reason why the expenses
of the government have increased of
recent years Is to be found in the fact
that the people after mature thought
have deemed it wise to have certain
new forms of work for the public un
dertaken by the public. This necessi
tates such expenditures, for instance,
as those for rural free delivery or for
the Inspection of meats under the de
partment of agriculture or for irriga
tion. But these new expenditures are
necessary. No one would seriously
propose to abandon them. And yet it
is idle to declaim against the increased
expense of the government unless it is
Intended to cut down the very expend
itures which cause the increase. Do
our opponents grudge the $00,000,000
paid for the Panama canal: Do they
intend to cut down on the pensions to
the veterans of the civil war? Do they
intend to put a stop to the irrigation
policy or to the permanent census bu
reau or to immigration inspection? Do
they intend to abolish rural free deliv
ery? Do they intend to cut down the
nary or the Alaskan telegraph systesnl
Do they intend to dismantle our coast
fortifications? If there is to be a real
and substantial cutting down in na
tional expenditures it must be in such
matters as these. The department of
agriculture has done service of incal
culable value to the farmers of this
country in many different lines. Do
our opponents wish to cut down the
money for this service? They can do
ft only by destroying the usefulness of
the service itself.
The Philippines.
Our opponents promise independence
to the Philippine Islands. Here again
we are confronted by their irreconcila
ble differences of opinion among them
selves, their proved inability to create
a constructive policy when in power
and their readiness for the sake of
momentary political expediency to
abandon the principles upon which they
have insisted as essential. In their
platform they declare for Independence
without qualification as to time, and
Indeed a qualification as to time is an
absurdity, for we have neither right
Everyone who has occasion
to spend good money for har
ness wants good harness for
tbatmonev. That's tbekind
we sell. Beery article that
goes out of our shop is hand
made and guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction. That's
as much as yon can expect.
new and second hand furni
ture, shelf hardware and a
thousand and one other ar
liclcs 1" 1..' found in a store
like ours. We are in a posi
tion to make it to your finan
cial interest to trade with us
nor power to bind our successors,
while if there is any principle involved
in the matter it is just as wrong to
deny independence for a few years as
to deny it for an indefinite period. But ;
in later ami equally official utterances i
by' our opponents the term self govern
ment was substituted for Independ
ence, the words used being so chosen
that m their natural construction they
described precisely the policy now be
ing carried on. The language of the
platform indicated a radical change of
OaaET: the biter utterances indicated a
continuance of the present policy. But
this caused trouble in their own ranks, i
Slid in a still later although less formal S
r.tterance the self go eminent promise recanted, ami independence at j
some future time was promised in its
place. They have occupied throe en
tirely diii'ereut positlous wilhln titty'
rays. Which is the promise they really
intend to taeeatl If such ambiguity af-l
f.vtvd only the American people it
would not so greatly matter, for the;
American people can take care at I
themselves. Hut the Filipinos are In no;
such condition. Confidence is with!
tlioni a plant of slow growth. They
have been taught to trust the word of
this government because this govern
niont has promised nothing which it
did not perform. If promised inde
pendence they will expect independ
bee not in the remote future, for theit i
descendants, but immediately for them
selves. If the promise thus made is not
immediately fulfilled they will regard
it as broken and will not again trust tc
American faith, and it would be Indeed
a wiikeU thine hJ deceive them iu such
fashion. Moreover, even if the promise
were made to take effect only iu the
distant future, the Filipinos would bf
thrown info confusion thereby. In
stead of continuing to endeavor to fit
themselves for moral and material ad
vanoement in the present they would
abandon all effort at progress and le
gin factional intrigues. j
If. on the other hand, our opponents
came into power and attempted to car
ry out their promises to the Filipinos
by giving them indeHndemv and
withdrawing American control from
the islands, the result would be a
frightful calamity to the Filipinos
and in its larger aspect would amount
to an international crime.
During the last five years more has
been t'one for the material and mora
well leiug of the Filipinos than eve!
before since the islands first came
within the ken of civilized man. W
have opened before them a vista of or
derly development in their own inter
est and not a policy of exploitation
Every effort is being made to fit thf
launders for self government, and
they have already in hirge measure te
ceived it. while for the first time ii:
their history their personal rights and
civil liberties have been guanuiseed
Tfcey are leing educated, tfiey have
been given schools, they have beer
given libraries, roads are being built
for their use. their health is being
cared for. they have been given courts
fc which they receive justhe as ab-'
solute as it is in our power to guaran
tee. Their individual rights of life, j
liberty and the pursuit of happiness
are now by act of congress jealously ,
safeguarded under the American flag,
and if Uie protection of the flag were ;
withdrawn their rights would ha lost,
and the islands would be plunged back
under some form of vicious tyranny
Surely we had better await the re
sults of this exeriment for it is a
wholly new exi-rimeut in Asia be
fore we make promises which as a na
tion we might be ton ed to break or
which they might Interpret one wuy
I ,
The Fourteenth Amendment. I
Alarm been professed lest the !
Filipinos should not receive all the ben- j
efits guaranteed to our people at home
by the fourteenth amendment to the
constitution. As a matter of fact, the
Filipinos have already secured the sut
BtHUce of these benefits. This uoveiii
meat has been true to the spirit of the
fourteenth amendment in the Philip
pines. Can our opponents deny that
here at home the principles of the four
teenth and fifteenth amendments have
been in effect nullified': In this, as in
many other matters, we at home can
well profit by the example of those re
sponsible for the actual gaanastemeut
of affairs in the Philippines. In our
several commonwealths here in the
United States we as a people now face
the complex problem of securing fair
treatment to each man regardless of
his race or color. We can do sotonly if
we approach the problem in the spirit
of courage, common sense and bUh
minded devotion to the right. which
has enabled Governor Taft. Governor
Wright and their associates to do so
noble a work in giving to the Philip
pine people the benefit of the true prin
ciples of American liberty.
Our appeal Is made to all good citi
zens who hold the honor and the inter
est of the nation close to their hearts.
The great issues which are at stake
and upon which I have touched ure
more than mere partisan Issues,
.v,. i..i,. ms.u .,.. i
the individual pride and
well being of our people. L'nder condi
tions as they actually are good Ameri
cans should refuse for the sake of the
welfare of the nation to change the
national policy. We who are responsi
ble for the administration and legisla
tion under which this country during
the last seven years has grown so
greatly in well being at home and in
honorable repute among the nations of
the earth abroad, do not stand inert
ly upon this record, do not use this rec
ord as an excuse for failure of effort
to meet new conditions. On the con
trary, we treat the record of what we
have done in the past as Incitement to
do even belter In the future. We be
lieve that the progress that we have
mm o may be taken as a measure of
the progress we shall continue to make
if the people again intrust the govern
ment of the nation to our bnnds.
Low Kates to California.
The Triennial conclave Knights Temp
lar will be held at San Francisco Sep
tember 5th to 9th, an.l the sovereign
grand lodge L 0. 0. F. will be held at
same point September 19th to 25th.
For these occasions tiie Southern Pacific
Co. will place in effect the extremely
low rale of one and one-third fare for
the round trip, not to exceed $25 the
rate from Portland. Those who are
planning a trip to California should take
note of these rates. 8 1
When troubled with constipation trv
Chamlierlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. They are easy to take and produce
no griping or other unpleasant effect.
i For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Men W anted at Alca.
ynm ersnteJ for mill and yard work
I at Alca, Oregon. Apply to mill super
intendent, Pacific Timber Co.
In Praise
Chamberlain's Colic,
Diarrhoea Remedy.
"Allow me to give you a few words in
praise of Chanilierlain's Oatfe, Classen
and Diarrhoea Remedy." says Mr. John
Hamlett, of Kagle Pass, Texas. "1 suf
fered one week with Ixiwel trouble and
took all kinds of me-liciiie without get
ting any relief, when my friend, Mr. C
Johnson, a BM reliant here, advised mo
to take bhet remedy. After taking one
dose I felt greatly relieved and when 1
had taken the third dose was entirely
cured. I thank .oil from the MM of
my heart for putting this remedy
in the hands of mankind." For sale by
A. C. Marsters & Co.
Cattle Strayed.
Three steers bran. let! "V" o i left hip.
lea " I. D," on left side. Suitable re
ward tiven for information leading t.
their recovery. E. R. Dovs, Uose
burt:, Ore. t? ;
Sour Stomach.
When the iiuantity i. fool taken i?
too larp or the .iiality to. rich, sour
stomach is lik.-l t follow, an.l Bf tcisl
ly so if the .litest i"n hM baeal weaken, il
by constipation. Hat slowly ami not
too freely olejajjjy digtWhaJ ieod. Mas
ticate tlie foo.1 thorotittlily. I-t live
hours elapse Ivtween meals, an.l when
you feel a fullness ami weight in the re
gion of the stomach after eating, take
Chambei Iain's Stomach antl Liver Tab
lets an.) the sunr stomach may W avoiJ
eJ. For sale hv A. C. Marsters a Co.
.len N anted.
To cut cor 1 wood at
Fir timber to work in.
per cord. Apply to
filendale. Ore.
Olen.lale. (iood i
Price paid, 1.75
V. K. Minaki).
tf I
Em;rt;ency Medicines.
It is a creat convenience to have at
hanil reliable remetlie? fur use in C3fes
of acc-i.lent an.l for sliuht injuries an.l
ailments. A :o.l liniment an.l one that I
i- leal beooniini; a favorite if not a hntise-
hold necessity is Chamberlaiu's I'ain !
Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut ,
bruise or burn it allay!1 the p?in an.l
causes the injury to heal in altoul one
third the time usually renuired. an.l eg
it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger
of blood poisoning. When Pan Balm
is kept at hand a sprain may lie treated
before inflammation sets in, which in-
sures a iiU'ck recoverv. ror sa;e ov ..
C. Marsters a Co.
Notice of Guardian.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigr.-d
by order ol the county court, made and entered
iii tb.' j ournal of ald court on Beat, ggfft. tfef
was it: ;:.' : guardia'i of the HT-.n an.j ej
tate of N T. Day.
All persons having claims ag-nt sai I esfesec
arenqn sted to present the same wrhin n
month from dale of this notice All p-rsona
indebted lo said csta'e are re.Ueste1 to ma:.
immediate p.vment to th.- undersigned
It R. sli AM BROOK, guardian.
Dated this Tlh day of Sept U04.
Executor's Notice.
Notice la hereby civen that the under.u'iit -l
was. on the Bat day of ne tembcr. 19CI, by tin
Coanty Court of Ilouiela County, state of tire,
gon. duly appointed as l xecutor to execute the
will and administer the estate of Julius A'-mm,
dr.- -seed, late of said county. All persons hsv -irg
elaiois against sai.l . state, are hereby rc
quind to present the same. Bang pmv.-n, to me
within six months Horn the date of this notice
in Rosebunr, Oreeon.
Published first this 12th day of Septec.bcr.
A. . 19U4.
CAaU. Hoffmann.
Executor of the estet-. of Julius Abrum. de
ceased. Louis Barzee. Atty. for Fxcciitor
To Constractors and Builders.
Sealed bids will 1-c
Frank ti. Mirelli in K
tembei Ul l'J04. at the
esgeeB at the .iff.
syjSMgf Oregon, until Befi
hour of 7 ::Ji o'clock p.m.,
Kraternal Temple of the
lor the erc.-tion of
Maccaitecs niliciliig ip nosettiire. .tr.-g..ii
Maasaad suecitications for the same can be
Men at the store ol j. V. Rapp in Roscbuig.
A certified check of five percent of the amount
of bid must accompany each bid.
The right and Is reserved to reject
any and all bida. By order of the B.tard of
Dirt .-tor sol the Maccabees Building Aaroia
tion, of Roaeburg, Ore.
FrAHK . Miest.Li.
tl Secretary.
How About Vour Summer Vacation?
Newport on the Yaiuina Bay is the
defl seaside resort of the North Pacific Hound trip tickets at greatly re
dtsred rates on sale from all St.utiircn
Pat i lie points iu Oregon, on and after
Jut a 1st. Ask Agents for further infnr
illation and a handsome' v illustrated
souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin
Stone. Manager C .t K K. IL., Alliai.v
Ore, or W. E. Cotnan, G. P. A., S. P.
Co., Portland. 4ti tl
He luced Round Trio Rates Account
World's Fair? St Louis.
First class tickets on sale May, 11, 12,
13, June, IB, 17, IS, July 1, 2, B, Aug, S,
9, 10, Sept, 5. 0. 7, Oct, 3, 4, 5,. Kose-
burg to St liuis, and return, good 90
days with stop over priviliges, at rates
rai geing from $75.45 to $82 50 according
to toute chosen. Passengers will have
privilige of starting on any date which
en I Je them to reach destination w;,hin
tei days from the sale date.
luuuire of Agent Southern Pacific
Company, Koseburg. fb
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Ad:im Johnson and John L. Clark, as
Johnson & Clark, liquor deal r has th s
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Mr. Clark retires and Mr. Johnson
continues the business. All bills will be
paid by said Johnson and all accounts
di e said firm will be collected by him.
Dated this 10th day of September,
1903. John L. Clabk,
Adah Johnson.
Professional Cards.
Attomev-at-I x
Court Houm
Down Stain..
Olhce in the
(Over the 1 os
latere eeaeeas
Abraham BnikUaf
tlli. c in the .flice l..-rt -
l bf Dr. J. k, Chapeaea
Rmeborg, Oregon
QR.GE0 K. ii-
Physcian & Surueoi
Olt' t' Review Km.
fhiaia. Hsla
ROrlKB! .'.
w. iiYSKs.
Review Bnl'.iing
Rooms tt aad I
Telei ( eat lie
KdsKrit Ru iilo,
, af. Catawpoao a J. O. sVatbosi
Attorney s
doom 1. VS. Bank Uui i
s I .nil ' f CI '.'
Bus.r.t-ss w-ior- th
all :
ug cao - a spec-tall)'
Attorncy-at Law .
BfU pracil.v m all ;l i si ,;. .
Office In Ma:. Bldk . K. .
FeeeraJ i ri
nr. OiUfgoa
Attorucy-at-Law .
Bank Building HOBSBCB6, OKK o-N
J. A. Bi . it im
I I.
Bseseas Least :
Maru-p. Bull
li. I., sn DLKY
Osteopathic Physician
ami r.
else re
hieeHii Macaaes cer
moves lose iee giowttt)
aJsSBsl SSBatU W lite tr
arrange for atsiiui
aents bw
OBaee etser tht- Pt
Resi le: II il
N ..
Attorney-at-La w
Notary l'ul.iic
Marsters Iiuil.liti);
Ay. a a
Hal i
...1 f
ML L art 1. .
N.J. 13
.te p
- reiiii..- n:-
nrri Wml e
mr- .. j. r. Ba Daai
N. T. JgWLTT, Set telarv .
o. KI.KS. Boat tbttrg
iCiti. rt'gitiA' c r.
tione at I l'. O. W. Hi.!i n s.
acti fourth Tf.or-tlayr ol encb a.
All members ivojiMMesj to s teatd
lariv sn! a v . I ibeTB are c
ally inriic l tc , bged.
r. I - Wane, K
Bot Mi Clai u , .- 'e'a'v.
CO. D, 1st
O.N.t. .
me. ts at I i' or Hit . .
fhareda-. ev- - . .
r. Hash;.- Cr
O. i. F - I':.::. I i: : , .,.. -
Mrfte in IM I fti -r T t t
cer Jackson a: d Cu-' at.-.e'", c
satarda ererniig o; isacfi Men
net- oi Ihn r.rdf in grtml eail:tlig sr
invite.' r. il or..t
N. f Jlv.. n . - :..!.
(if P. .-.I I III L.s.Ce N I 47 y.
.verv V.'e : : - I I il t.t . r
Hal! a. 7 JH p m. M sabMe
coral eindit-g .- invite.! la
Gbjd, W. Kimiiu i . C. C.
Kl.MHII WlMIIKKI.V, K. of it. .V 9.
I LAC CIUCLK. No. 4-, W. men nl
V'o .tfcraf'. MelK on Snd aad 4th
Tbursl-iys of . !'. snon t: a: tha L
O. O. F. Hall. VisitiiiK Bsamberg u
gocai staSwltest arc ir: t t-- to , t.
Minnie .loiicf. Neighfior.
Bafl Moriau, Secretary.
Second and Fourth Tliursxliiys.
K S Rnti-'niit ( l i.r.'er Nn
Holds tlieir refii'ttr HBHatillM Ml Hi
first atii! third rhnrf I.-vp ir ettff
nontb VWtiasJ rnwrahan in foo
'tan-ling ere IWyaeafalll irnv1-, t
nd Man. I.- I.'.iv. . .
keginti Km -t . So r.-tary.
Camr No. 125. M- I i tl
Fellow' H til i !. - irg
first and third Mond.r. e-
ing t..:i.(,hjorB a'ws-.
P. P. r ism; it
J. A. BrciiANAN, t'!erk.
MTKI) ARTISAN'S, riiiNiia As
wnilily Nn. Ill", mi'i'tN -.'.-1111,1 mi.
f'Hirtli Siitnr-lavM ofeaeb month, in
Ntitixe Sons' hull. VitRtag rMmben
will receive a cor.lial welfonie.
A. c. iUamtmm, M. A.
Minnik JoMMB. BecTCtary,
Notice to the Public.
Uniled Stales Land tifiioc.
Koaebu'ir, Oregmt, July la, Wui
To sTaeas it may concern.
Not lie l hereby given itiat the Dn-goii ami
Cal lornla Railr.tad t'oini.ittiy r,s llle.1 lu i ti is.
Bass a list ot lands situatnl in tae townsblps
descril-e.) b. low, and ba. Hprlli-.l for h patc it
forssi.l lands', mat tbe list is op. u to Hie i, no
lle lor latspeeUeaj and n copy jaei e if by des
cripti e R-jbilivlslotis bus Im'.-ii misIi d in a run
venieiit plat.' I., this office, for the lusici lion
of all person'- lulereste.1 sntl ilie pub'Icgeneral
Iv, 8outl. of Ba.e Line and west of YV M. All
ol sec HI, tp ill a r 9 w.
Within the next sixty days followiiur the
dale of this notice, protcs's or t ont. s's auai'.st
the claim of tin' I men ie III lh any tia.-t or .ul.
divlslon wltlil'i any S' . or pari of s. ctlou
described In the list, on the ground that the
SR'ne is Sanaa valuable for mineral I hee lor
agricultural purpa-es, will la- received mid
noUd for reart io Hie 0. ueral land Otllc-j nl
Washington, 1). C.
J. T. RRIIGI-:-.
B el-:, r.
j. ii uotiiii.
JIB i A IucviVit.
Notice to the Public.
I'niti 'I slates Ijiml Office.
Roooliorg, Oregon, July 5, l'JO-i,
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that thf Oregon and
laiifoima Railroad eosaaeny has Baa in this
oAeealtstef lan-is situated in the iwnaiiiis
desei I" 1 Im-I.iu, and hasapt.lic.l for a patent
lor said Inn. I.; that Hie list is open to the pub
lic tor ;;-( rlioii ami a copy thereof b. de-
seriptti i nUvtstoaa bas area peoteemneser
vcine"! place i this oiric -. for the inspection
of al! peri .us .tiler, stcil ami tin- public general
ly. south ! Iln .- t i ii.- am! Went of Willamette
Mori, ian SsV'.4.NW'4 BWV, Sec B, T
98. K ; alt hte 1. T II. K ; all sec :T, T SI, K 9;
11 Sec i. Til, R ; all S.c7. T It, K 9; ail see 9 T
:IK ii is,,-11 l II K K'j NK'4 KU M, W
(- Sec IS. T t. Re; all Bee lit, Tp 31, X 9; all
nee n, k : a l Bee , T M, R. all Hee 21.
Til. R : all T.t. T .H . R 9: all Sec 25, T 31. R
9, aii -. , i it, i: aii Bee a i at, r 9; ail
11 It' R; n!l Bee 3',, T 31 R 9. all
Be. 1 : II, K l: 'l Bsc ::. T 31. R 10; all Beg 6,
I II, l: III; all Sec 7. TBI R lu; all Reg 9, T 81,
It io; lis, i- II Will; all See 13. T 31. R
; n ace 15, al R iu: ail Bee P. T 31, R IU;
allHrcIt.TII.RW; all Been. Tit. R V; a
- . .' . T I. R 11'. all Bee tt T 31. K 10. all See
r.. T .it, k i . u.i in .h'. T, R in, ail an 3t, i
.1 R in; allStv ,c: T 1, R lu. a 1 Hcc 3'i. T .11, R
l !;a-- I lnc an. I I st of Willamette
M. rMian all s.-. .. f ft, Hi: all s.-,- t. T tt,
I; 1: Sm. Shi 9 I R l; all.) N1,. Sec
17. 1 H I : all Bee I9. T IS, R I .
v illon On- n-xl slt ilays folloalliir the
t; : ii taa potior, seotests er eesnesaj acainnt
tin-1 l,im oi lie- compsuy t, any tract or sob
- oe arliais ant section, or part ol aec
ti.Mi deagillied IP the list. ou the
eroorWl tbst (tie sarne Is more valu
able lrr minor:.! than or i.Krici.ltural purpoaea
rill be re. Ived aal ntt'ri tor report to the
iii tic-a Ij.ii I .lli .- -v shin o.n. I.C.
J7s . .' I BKJDU ks, Reasb r
J li UOol II, Receiver.
Notice of Publication.
t' lilted states Ijiud Office.
ReaehaaR, or. luly U. iw.
Hoi Ire li hereby given that In compliance
with the proriai naoftceeet of rjaeajreag of
iui entitled "n a-t tor the sale of
Umbel lands fh i! e -tateaof California, Oregon
Nevada .and weshlngtoe Territory. " aaextend
e.1 t. all the public land slates by act of August
4. H -.
Riiit tRI H . HfNTKR
..: I:- bt nt. com ty ol lk. uglaa . state of Ore
Ls da bled in tins offi. M his sworn
stab m nl So. MM, lor the purcl ase of the lot
I. n. in.1, n . in o , ,n o Is, tp a. r 9
an -t
: .f to ihow that the land aought
:'. ls.-r or atone than
- i. ari l to eetablish Ms
the Register and liecelver of Una
u lea al iioseburg, Oregon.
on Frlde lbs 11 a; oi iK tober, 1D4 He nam.-
as itneax - : J. bn o. V'eaaaea, char lea Thorn.
nBcatly aoJ I. M. Martin all of Rose
bum. O'f.
A sad all taeieeas claiming adversely the
abovi lean bed laadsaietmqaested to ale their
linla'aoBkce on or bt-fure said Mth day
of o ober, iSW J. T. BRIlxifB.
.'t - -.. n Register.
Notice tor
: offic -.
R.. berg, nr.-ij.tD July Zi. 1904
!Cttee is heresy glren that la eotnpltanet
w-.-.: tbeprovlsl 3i.'!H.nrt of Congress ol
June s. ists. entitled "An act for the sale el
t ill tha rates f( alifornta, Oregon
Narada jm i Waahington TerrHory."eaaxtenaV
ad ti al) the public laud stales by act of Auguat
t. l.v .
J.i!!N KID tRE.
irtapl gi .nt of lajuglaa State ol
to- mi, ha tin- .lay ti:.-l in this otter his
Ictoenl N.i gfQg for the purchase of
HI . I. S. and t1 S'!4 of Section
I iwnefatB .t Beata ..f Rage 3 West,
t- s' :.r 'and sooght
1. .a' : - ::- -.imrr or stone than
for ail ire) ; poaag aa ! M establish his
- a .d Koeeirer of this
o . i;.4 burg, Oregon.
on 1 liui.--
th dav of 0-oter. tM
uiinesses. Warren B-tly.
Bd llsrr. Sirph. ns. of Rose's-
:es B Sedorc. of Sulphur
. t:
- --n claiming 'adversely
la. ds are r. . . to
their claims : :i lh oul; e on or before sa-d 20th
a-r Register.
" a t
H Jae
i-'.s will be received at the store of W
.nil K-stburg. Ore.on. until Sep
. I i ::..- aeaji of 2 o'clock p m
cd ... Kit's Hal. building la
IjHSjuta. 'Una an I spec! fie. ions
cs:: l seen st the offire of J C
. t- :;i R,t-t.nrg Oregttn.
led chev k of & per cent ol sasoeat at
at), ea. h I id.
prtvllrge Is reserved to re)ecl
sm and all bi 1.
Elks Lodcv No. m.
Building c.vmnii itet
Notice for Publication.
t s:t: Kr-r.t1!-:-; hsd office.
Baas l ju is. OsesjseL June a isst.
" -n here's atven that In eo nil
the act el Congress ef
- 1 "An en tag tha sale al
-Is Steles 1 allfornla.Onsgon
'- s c . : . :;-ory. ' aaextend-
s ill they . . si,d by act of Aogwat
4. ti.'i
to: Pierre stale of Washington
hast.;- : n th's office her sworn state
n'-utN .-.." f-.r the purchase of the VY1-,
i.e.. of section No. so, in township No 'S.
south of rantfc No -t west
and will of far proof to show lbs land song hi
- 'or Its umber or stone thaa
ire pa : scs. and to establish his
ela the Kes-tsier and RecelTsr of uue
a... t -.! Koseburg. Oregon,
oi, I . ada the JKb day nf September ISM.
imes as wltBeSsea W H M. . ressen and
J spin, r, ol Ross-burg, ore., 1. T Shelton,
Me t Ward ol Tacoraa. Wash. persons claiming adversely ihe
eheee earril-l lan-is ar- rrquesud to file
theirs a:r.: in thi .-ftice on or before tha said
BJ k -Ut of ,-ci.temtier. MB.
In the Circuit ' ourt o! the State I
lor the county ol Iftotiglas.
ad f. l'arm'.y. r. and ',
BsaeeMl r. Vmim'.j. Jr
" I
Walvtn A. Wtns'ow. Lillian I
M. W.nslou. his w.fe.Johni
ST. sj.-ct and Fannie K. I
Bsreet, his wife: The state I
laud Board eaai The Ameri
can RlesJe Minins Com
pany, a coritoratlon. I
IVfendant. J
g itaoe t w lejaJew, l.iilisn M.
v.. ot. Fannie K. Sweet.
. Ni. kle Mining Company.
and lb.
s . oi j- irs
ti. n ileleinlanis:
I the naive ..I the State of Oregon, you and
t an lo raaf re.iulre.1 to appear and
Iks complaint tiled attains! you in the
- : i w ithin six aeeks trout and
ni . he date ol ti e first publlca'lon ol this
i- Ibe saesft befssg Use time prescribtd
In I la in ill i fm piiMhetlteei. eesB lljee fall an
lasso a-ai tl answer for want thereof, the
pielnt. lis will ani lv to ihe court for the relief
anded In the lomplaint. a succinct atate
! oi which Isthst there is due and owing
to the DlelatlB eta the aees asiB trust deed ee
1 the eonipla nt the sum ol l.1 7ta.1T
iitn inler st thereo Ir .ri November l-t, ISO;!.
I sn ja r i in : f ir tlie lorvciosure
ofaaldtftM detsf aid sale of ihe premises
: - r.l.d in the nisnner provided by
lee thai the p eseeda of sa'd ale be applied
lo toe payment of Use cases and espenses of
foreclosure and sale wl h reasonable attorney's
i il . ii to l laln'tfTs' dentancs and the
: al .c. It any to w homMH'Ter may be tawfull
and that deleinianls and ear
of ,hen I . fou M r barred of all right, title and
Interest mi. I ..iult of n-d motion in th
ir aesdescrloed In the complaint or any
cart loreol.
Thi summons Is pnbl'shed by oriler of the
Hon J tt . Hamilton. Ju nr.- of Ihe Circuit
Coiiri ol the .-tale ol Oregon lor the 2nd Judl
clal I'.'trict. dated July -Tlli MBA The date ol
the ti st iitiitlieatioit of this summons Is July
sVtearJJg vi tor I'laintilt
Sheriff's Sale.
Iii (he it nil Court of the Slate of Or .on
or itonglas eestaty.
P i. A ut. ii and I. s llealield 1
Isalrll Minine I
urn ale cori-orall.t
Pel mlanl I
Notice Is n. 'te'-y given that by virtue of an
ex ftjtioii . .'.til. issued out ot the above nametl
court ami can.' . u the :11st .lay of August 1901,
Been h j tdaeaaeel and d.-fn-e July rendere.1
nil. I . iiLT.-d i 'i sanle -urt and cause on the 17 h
Baj nl Ms) lBBs,ta tutor of the ataive named
plafullfl and agalaet the above named defen
dant, Isabel Mluine t'oinpsny. alpitvate cor
I oiat oil lot the sum of $11:96.42 upon which
lodgement there was ere. tiled Aug. 27th I90t,
the Mint of ?: BtBi leaving a deficiency there
on oi ?-'" "Hit In cost thenon iroin
Aug .'7 1901, at Ihe rale el ( per cent pir an
num. winch Jadgegsettl na-. duly enrolled and
.1 ckclcd in the e k's office ol said court on
the 17 h .lay of May. 1901.
Sou therefore I will on
Saturday the 8th day of October 1904
ni ,, ii.. o'clock p. ni ol said day at the eoatt
b ,, , Iron .'on., iu Koseburg, Masjeg county,
0 , sell at i tiblic auction, to the highest
bl i.le- lot cash lu timid, all the right, title and
Ibe siil.l defendant Isabel! Mining
Company, a private n eeeaeeasat, had on the
29th day oi Neveatber. lhUH, or at any time
thereafter, lu or to the followiug described
nrciiiises t -imi .
rneNW'Xol Ntt'4 K'.ofNW'.BWJjtof I
i. Nl- '. .. S ',..! M'4 ami K", ol SW' of
. ol .- c T ip 52 . K 7 w Willamette merld
. . ,,- ...... alt .
t. t'i i, an u. .' ,
f BW
on. Ian
cninly. "r nn. tocetii'tr wnn an ami
-ui' ul" ii tet.e- entf, liereduaments and ap
pnrteni ni . - the ennlo bektBglna or In anywise
ipporls in :, and "HI apply the proceeils ol
sn. I. mi c. ti -t to the costs ol such sa'e, and to
ihe t mem ot the sum of Jit2 76 due the
plaint ih mi test thereon at the rale ol 6
I i t cenl per annum from the 27lh day ol Aug.
I'sii god ilu oveiphu if any there be. pay over
10 Ho- sni.l de(. n ant Isaboll Milling Company.
,i private corporation, their assigns and legal
Roaeburg. 'h' T McCIlikNT
Snerlfi ol Douglas county, Oregon.
Notice for Publication
United states !.anl otr. '
Roaeburg Oregon, Inlv i.ih.4
Notlea u hare by glrao that la compllaucs
with tha proTlilons of the act of Congreaa of
June 8, IBM .entitled "An act for tha lale of
.loiber landi In the SUteaof California. Oregon
Narada .and Waahlngton Territory," aeextand
ed to all tha publla land atatoa by act of August
. ltt
of Kibe, county of Pierce slate ol Wash
ingum, has this day tiled in this office bis
sworn statement No. 6270. for the purchnae of
Vt'j EJj of section J8, tp XSa, of ranae 8 treat,
and will offer proof to show tbat tha laud aojgbl
la mure valuable for lu limber or atone than
for agricultural parpoeee, and to eataMlih but
lalm before the Ueifiaier and Uecelrer of tnJa
efllea of Roaeburg , Oregon.
1 haaaaav the ti day of September. 1901. He
names a witnesses: John Rogery. John Clark
snd VJ H Mei'msseii ol Roaeburg, Ore.. John
B. Oreen of Roy. Wash,
Any and all peraons claiming adve sely the
above deacnb a lands are requested to tile their
claims In this office on or before the said 22d
dayofSept. 1904. J. T. BRIDOES.
Jl I sap Register.
Notice for Publication.
Culled Stales lnd Office
RneeburK, Oregon. June 29, 19U4.
No'.lce la hereby given that in compliance
with the .r visions of the act of Congrvaa nf
'mi.- 3. BRB.eeglllrd An act for the sale of
liaitag l-li'l- In the states of Caliloruia Oreeon 1
Nevada aud W rerrltorv as extended
Ui all the public laud state, by act ol A-ieiiat 4
of K.svt-burg. c.tunty of Ikiuglas. state ol On
gon, has this day flle.1 lu this nlHIce bis aweea
statement "I BML for the pnnthase of the s'4
of Section No 4, Towrshlp 27 S. Raince 3 w.-.i
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
la more valuable for Its timber or none than
for agricultural, and to establish hu)
claim before the Regnuer and Iteoeive of tbia
offloa of Roaeburg, Oregon.
on Weinewlay the 21sl day of September. IBJM,
Sbe names aa witnesses John Kvarta. K
Eva is of Pi el. Ore., B Krakenberger. of Ko
bunt. Ore . H A Cooley, of Ker y. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Sbove described lands are to rile il.elr
claims In th s office on or before said 21sl day of
Sept. 1901. J I l.Klli .K-
JMp Register, i
Notice foi Publication.
I'm ted Stales Laasl Office.
Rose b ure, Oreaon July 1, I9ut.
Notice ta hereby glean that In compliance
tlh tha proTlatona of the act of Consresa of
I June S. lie entitled "An art for the sale of
Umler lauds In the States of California. Oregon
Narada. and w uhlngbm Territory." ssei'.eud-
ad to all tha publla lend stales by act ol August
a. ia .
of Roy, county nt Hearce. state of i
Washington has this day filed in this office his
worn statement No for the purchase of
the NE of sec M. Tp JK .-, R s i-sl
and will offer proof to show ' hat the land sought
la more valuable for Its timber or stone than
lot agricultural purposes, and to his
claim before tha Register and Receiver of thu
efflca of Roaeburg. Oregon.
on Thursday the tnd day of September, 190 I
He names as witnesses John Raters. John j
i ".ark. w H McCrosaen ol Roaebarg. Oregon.!
Morris O Hill, ol Elbe, Wash.
Any and all peraons claiming adversely the 1
above described .audi are requested to file their .
r, aims In this office on or before said 2m d dav lui. J. T BRILMiEs, !
JUp Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'mtcl States Land offi. e.
Ruaeburg. Oregon, july 7. 1904.
fotlca is here y s"iven that In compliance
with the provlsi ns of the act of Congrrsa of
June t, tS. entitled "An act for the sale ol
Umler lands In the States of Calt'orn'.e. 1 .-aron
Nevatla .and w aaMngton Tarritory," aseztend
ad to all the public land slataa by act of August
t. ISM.
rf Roaeburg. county of iKmg'as. sute of
treeon. has this ar t. :.- in .his .ifB.-e h-s
I sworn statement No tBT. for the purchase of
. - . ol Nt',. and b.:- 1 and 1 of see-
tion 4. township tx south, range 3 west.
I an 5 w.;: ofter proof to shew that the land sought
' Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before tha Register and Receiver of that
office of Roaeburg. Oregon,
on Monday, the leth day of Octobe-, 1904. He
names as witnesses: S W Tumell. Wm. Dar
nel, I'ress Tumell. H. J Robin, lie. all of Peel ,
IVsnglas county. Oregon.
Anr and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are rvitiested to file the r
claims In this office on or before se loth day
of Oct 1904. I. T BRIlH.r--
-Jallp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Rose burn. Ore . June IstM.
Kstlce heret-y atren that In compliance
with the proTlsf.-ns of the act of Congress ol
June 3. ifr. entitled An act for the sale el
timber lands In the Stales of California 'regoe
Narada and ttaahtngton Territory." aseztend
ed to all tha public land states by act of August
Is asm
of Tacoma, county of Pierce state of
Washington, bas this day filed ia this office
her sworn statement No A2S3, for the pur
chase of the lots I and B, and S ut sec
No. 30, township 27. south of ranee 1 west
aad will offer proof to show that the land a tight
la more raluaMe for Its Umber or stone thaa
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim before tha Register and Recetrer of taia
office of Roaeburg. Oregon.
on Tuesday, the JDth day of September. 19(4
She names aj witnesses : WH McCr.waen snd
J W tia-dner, of Roaeburg . Ore.. L T Sbellon
and Mrs Kara tt ar 1 ol Taco-na. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to filt
their claims in this office on or before said .Mtb
day ol sept 19W.
JyU j. t. BR1I ;b
In the t'ircutt Court of the .-late
for BgSjejM County.
J A Buchanan. )
ol Oregon,
MKt rtsitham and Mrs
M E t' rook ham.
KefenJant. I
To M E Crookham and Mrs M K t'rookhsm.
the above named defendants:
In ihe name of tbe -tate of Oregon: You are
hereby required io appear and answer tbe com
plaint ol plaintiff filed against yon la said
court and cause, on or belore tbe 10th lar of
Octebe-. 1904. being the date prescribed by tbe
couil In the order tor publication of said sum
mons for you to appear and answer said com
plainl. and tf you fall to appear and answer
said complaint on or before said late, plaintil)
will take jutgment gainst you for ibe sum of
150 .V being the amount due him on a.vounL-,
together with bis coats and disbursements of
said action. And thai plaintiff will apply to
the court for an order of aale ot the folloin
desert bed real property heretofore attache I in
said action as tae property o! satd defendant.
M E Crookham and Mrs M K Cnknam. to-wit :
Lou one and two. Block M. lis-sell a Addi
lion to tbe city ol Koseburg. Doutlas couutv,
This summons is nuMishe I in the Roseb-in:
Plalndealer by aa order of Ha M 1 Tbomion
county judge of Dttugtas eouaty. Oregon, bv an
order made on the 2th d y of August. I t
The first publication of this summon- is of date
Thurs.lar, August 'JMh. Pau, aod Ihe last pui.
li.-aiion thereof will be Thursdav, Ocbtber 6,
Attorneys for f laintift.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office al Roaeburg. Ore. Aug 17. BM
Notice la hereby liven that the following
named settler has filed notice o nls intention
to make final proof in support ol his clslm and
that said proof will be made nel.uv Register
an.l Receiver n. 8. land office al Roseburg,
Oregon, on Saturday. October 1st, 1904, vli:
of Roseburg. Oreeon, H. E. No. 0.J7 for the
lot :t, s c :, si. Stt i... NE4 S' Sec T -'7
s, R 4 West.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis cot tlnuous residence upon an.l cultivation
of said land, vis: Robert L Mclaughlin, David
W Hun er, Ueorge tt.Bonebrake. Ssrj M In
gram all of Roaeburg, Oregon
AW J.T. HKll'i.K-, Register,
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Douglaa County.
August Rlenke, plaintiff,
lna Klcnkc, defendant
To Lena Rlenke. above iia ied ditlemfant:
In tbe name of the titate of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and reqilred to appear and
answer the complaint riled against v. a In tfio
above entitled cour'. and cause, wlth'n six
weeks I rum the date of the first publication
of thlssucinons lo-wlt, on or before the 6th
day of October, 1904 ; and if you fall lo appear
and answer as herein required, for ..ant there
of plaintiff will apply to said emit lor the re
lief demanded In his complaint, which is for a
decree from aald court dissolving the marriage
contract existing between plaintiff and defen
dant, and for such other and further relief as to
the court may seem meet.
This summons la published once a week for
at least six successive weeks In the Ptaiu.lealer
a semi-weekly newspaper, published at Rose
burg, Oreeon. bv order of Hon M D Thompson.
Couuty Junge of Douglaa conn y, Oregon.
mane August J. 1904. The first publication of
this summons la nn August to, poi
Attorneys lor PlaintiS.
A Snap.
For sale, io acres, near Koseburg,
mostly choice garden ground, good
building and very desirably situated.
Apply Box 533, Koseburg, Ore. sl2p
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking i. to have goo'l
And to get them promptly when yon order them. Call up
Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service.
Ho! for St. Louis and the World's Fair
Nature' Art t iallery f I lie Ka kie in aaMltsoal t'i the Re
tracti'ins at st. Loajsa. That eaat aasiji a deeae by sptnae; ee
retumiuK! via the "s-CKMC US OF THE VVORI.D "
Write for illustrate.! Ixxiklet of Cjlorai!o's famous sights and reports
W. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent,
124 Third Street OUTLAID. OREGON
FOR sar
We will pay the highest cash price fur Hides,
green or dry. Pelts .goat skin, fan, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes
Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
Are You Going to St- Louis?
If so Purchase vour Ticket via the
Choice of Route? troing or returning, via
St. Pasii, Den . c-
or Pueblo
For Rates Call on pour Local Agent
Dates of Salt: June 16-1 7-18 July 1-2-3
Aug; S-9-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 5-5-5.
For farther information and Sleeping Car Reservations
Call on or AdaTe-s
a. h. Mcdonald
140 Third st., Portland, Ore. Gen'l Agent.
Lumber & Building
At a Sacrifice
Read Our Cash Prices
Rough Lumber $S.oo
Sized Luuider $8.00
1 x 12 Common s 2 s . 800
Shiplap 10.00
1x6 Flooriug $10.00
Aud all other Ll'MUKR IU prapodtioBa.
Lumber Yards near Depot
By J. J.kfWEY. Pres.
Ofovory desfriytion. Farm m.l Min
eral Lands. Oregnu, Washi sSBBBi
Minnesota .
Title CiuaranteetSLoan Co.
1. U. Ui
Secy. a J Trees
OBlee in tht lio.irt Hi'.ise. Have the only com
pletesel ol atntr jlt books In Douglas t" .. u:
AbalracuauJ t'i'r'.itlraroB .t! Tt.t'o turu
LKmglas oounty land and mining claims. Ma
also a oomplete set of Tracings o all '..
plats lu the Roaebure, ONajaai, 0. S. land Di
trtrt. Will make blue print copies of any town
li. Little, ej.
Reliable crown and bridge work, J.'
P. Johnaon, dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 49U
. : i.t.e ' IWetl Land.
Tispor? ,rttsred for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Bine P'ijit;- of TowtuLip Maps ehow'ng
al' vacant Lands.
r-s-r,a..r ......
AKhitoet, VMr.u'ter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build-
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Othce in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
Bwe. - sa e
is itrepare.1 to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All treat, and of tbe very besi
qualitv. Teas aad coffees are
specialties Yonr patronage
J05 Jackson St.,
Ro.eburg '