The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 05, 1904, Image 2

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Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
F. H. ROGERS, Iiiim
Snbecription $2.00 per Year.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Entered. Poet Office in Robur,,
Ore , ae second class mail matter. ;
Theodore Roosevelt, of New York.
Chas. W. Fairbanks, of Indiana
G. B. Dimmick of Clackamas Co.
A. C. Hough of Josephine Co.
J. N. Hart of Polk Co.
E. A. Fee of Malheur Co.
Secretary Shaw has an inexhausti
ble fund of stories at his command,
and he uses them freely to illustrate
bis argument. These were among
them told at Portland.
"Once, when I was in Vermont, I
saw a man go into a sawmill- There
was a circular saw in full blast, and
the man wanted to know if it needed
sharpening. So he touched it with
bis finger. A second and he had only
four fingers on that hand. But he
hadn't quite determined about the
sharpness of that saw, so he touched
it again. Then he only had three
fingers. The foreman of the shop
came along. 'Funniest thing' said
the man who was injured, 'I touched
this saw twice and "lost a finger each
time. I touched it just this way,'
and he Dlaced another finger on the
saw. He lost that, too. I have seen
a great many people go on like that
year after year. There is something
the matter with them somewhere and
they do not know when to stop try
ing to find out the sharpe ns of the
machine, or else are perpetually try
ing to show other people how it hap
pened by illustration. My Democrat
ic friends, haven't you shown us near
ly enough? Do you not think it is
time to stop monkeying with the
The authorities at Washington
have fixed a penalty of $200 on any
person taking out of the postoffice
mail other than their own. All post-j
masters are liable to make mistakes
and get the mail in the wrong boxes,
and the law says that the people
must examine their mail before leav
ing the oflice, and if they have mail
other than their own, it must be re
turned at once. That it is the fault
of the postmaster makes no differ
ence. This law includes newspapers
as well as first-class mail. There is
a class of curious people everywhere,
and they are, as a rule, contemptibly
curious about letters and other mail
matter which they chance to get hold
of. They will open all letters coming
into their possession, and often when
knowing full well they do not belong
to them. They will, after reading
the letters, write on the envelope,
'opened by mistake,' and without sign
ing their name, drop it back into the
postoffice box at night or during the
daytime when not observed. This
class of curious individuals are
warned to be careful in the future.
If they open a letter hereafter which
does not belong to them, they must
sign their name and state why they
opened same, whether by accident or
The clam-digger who edits the
North Bend Post, in the midst of a
late pipe dream exclaimed : "From
all reports Coos Bay's worst knockers
reside in Roseburg, and if a man who
runs the fiosebtrrg gauntlet and
braves the trip to Coos Bay he is gen
erally so well pleased that he remains.
The exaggerations cause a man who
has tLa least bit of spunk to remain
here. Gentlemen, it don't pay to
knock. Even the papers over there
don't fail to get in a blow now and
then." In the same column of the
same issue of the Post appeared the
following, which proves that con
sistency is an unknown virtue in the
Post editor's make-up: "There is a
great future for all the Oregon coast
country, in Coos, Curry, Douglas,
Lane, Lincoln and Tillamook and
the future is not very far away eith
er Roseburg Plaindealer. To which
the Post editor replied: "Yes, Broth
er Conner, that future is drawing
nearer, nearer, nearer." Roseburg
and Coos Bay's interests are mutual,
Oil i,; wossp -r"7
Pohnroers ffenerallv recognize
ajW ttrjseDurgei a
Sept. 5, 1904.
When the people mated
DOaL he
got them coal.
When the people wanted an isth
mian canal, he got them the Panama
When Gnat Britain ami Cermany
endeavored to ignore the Monroe doc
trine he called them down.
When men were wanted for the
war. he organized the rough
When the time came to fulfill Wil
liam McKinley's promises of aid to
Cuba, he carried the Cuban recipro
city bill.
When matters in the postal depart
ment needed investigation, lie forced
the investigation.
When the time came to enforce
John Sherman's anti-trust law. he es-
forced it.
When it has been necessary to
speak "right out in meeting" he has
done it.
When there was work to be done
on behalf of the whole American peo
ple, he has done it.
When relations with Spain wen
becoming strained, he put 1 ewey and
his fleet where it might be wanted.
When the time came to assume
William McKinley's burden of respon
sibility, and to carry out his policy,
he did both.
When the people of New York Cfty
sent him to Albany, as assemblyman.
to protect their interests, he protects
ed them.
When the people of the state of
New York called him to the gover
nor's chair, he made one of the best
governors the state ever had.
When his party nominated him for
the presidency on the platform they
adopted, he did not dodge, or seek to
dodge, any of its planks.
When he accepted the nomination
he accepted it without reserve as to
any of his party's issues.
When his party nominated him to
stand on a platform of gold, he did
not wobble on one of silver, w ith
gold trimmings of his own, as does
his opponent: therefore
writes Walter J. Rallard. of Schenec-1
tady, New York, to the PLAINDBALE8,
a summary of facts backed up by the
official records of the past adminis
tration. Thomas Benton Kay, Arlie Aim sat
Railey and W. 1. Yawter beheld each
other and heard speak the voice of
the enemy at Portland, during the
political conclave apropos the coming
of Leslie M. Shaw, but what each
said or did to erect fences or reduce
the fighting capacitV Of the other no
man knnweth outside the ranks of
the chosen few, says the Telegram.
Thomas Benton Kay is confident that
the speakership plum is his. Bailey-
says that all is well along his politi-
cal Potomac, and w.l. awter win
stand to be quoted to the effect that
ko ;e ; nnu snil i in it to stav
UV. AO IU 111'. 1 Lv V uiiu " - - J
until the last doe decamps this ephem -
l .r. for that honme from
r , mi
which no traveler returns. They
all talked it over with those who nave
x i iL. :
votes to spare ot tue b '
conclave of solons, ana eacn resumed
the even tenor of his way in strength -
ened faith, glad that he is alive and
happy to think they have such things
as Legislatures, where good things
are to be had. All of Southern and
Southeastern Oregon is solid for the
Medford man. William I. Yawter.
There is only one possible result
upon character of falsehoods, wheth
er acted or told, and that is perpetu
al deterioration and demoralization.
No one can act a lie or live a lie with
out being dishonest. When a man
sacrifices his honesty, he loses the
mainspring of his character, and he
can not be perfectly honest when he
is lying by frequenting costly restau
rants or hotels, by wearing expensive
clothing, or by extravagant living in
any of its varied expressions, when
he cannot afford it.
We frequently hear that "the
money question is settled for once
and all time," but the Plaixhealer
would insist that the money question
is only settled permanently so long as
the Republican party has a firm grip
on the reins of the national govern
ment. Democracy, divided as it is
on the currency question, is not to be
trusted. Don't be fooled.
It is rumored that the Southern Pa
cific will put its lands on the market
within a couple of months. This sale
would greatly facilitate development
in Southern Oregon, for not only is
the land held out from settlement
now, but even prospecting for min
erals is almost at a standstill, no one
caring to develop a mine on property
that cannot be purchased.
The Glendale News has entered up
on its third year of usefulness to the
thriving community in which it is
published. Editor McKenney is cer
tainly giving Glendale a good, live
local paper, and the business people
of the town seem to reciprocate by
extending him a liberal advertising
Ashland is a "dry" town, but the
j druggists are bothered by suspicious
The song of "boxfull" is now
reverberating through the hop fields
of the Datpaaa and Calapooia valley.
1 'oiilas county has as fine a crop of
hops as can be found in the state, al
though the acreage is not so large as
in some of the Willamette Valley
The Irrigon Irrigator says it makes
one's heart ache to see tens of thou
sands of watermelons going to waste
in the fields of that section. Is the
Brother uuite sure he suffers from
"heart" ache as a result of the bump
er watermelon crop.' That is not the
diagnosis of the affliction down here
The speech of Secretary Shaw at
Portland was clincher, backed up as
it was with facts, figures and
history. Not being able to answer it
sanely Oregon Democracy has worked
itself into a frenzy and is seeking to
tan the hide of the worthy Secretary.
The editor of the Kugene C.uanl
has received an invitation to attend a
church dedication at Cloverdale.
Brother Campbell must be somewhat
of a stranger in that part of I .ane
It is tpiite probable that the Ohio
baby which was named Theodore
Alton Roosevelt Parker Jones, will
simply sign his name, Theodore R.
Jones, as soon as he gete big enough.
A new party is to be formed to
advocate .leffersonian principles. The
party of Lincoln. Carfield and Mc
Kinlev remains ever the same.
Alton B. Parker has a cousin at
Albany and a brother at Astoria, but
it"s dollars to doughnuts that they
will both vote for Roosevelt.
The new weekly newspaper soon to
appear at Cotjuille City, will be called
the Spokesman.
Mrs. Maybrick will not go n the
stage: therefore everything is for
given her.
Parker is red-headed. Think how
mdi he will be on the morning of No-
vember '.!
Little Mildred Ixive was quite sick
f veral day? last week.
Mioses Dora and Mav Bailv have r-
turned from the Gold Hii.- mine.
Mrs Martha GfBgecy and family have
returned from a trip to the coast.
L. M. Dutell ami family are now oc-
i-uiiinir their new residence ahoilt two
mile- from town.
Mr an 1 Mrs. .Noah t ornntt am
daughter Evelyn, of Kiddle, attende.1
eh irch here Sun lay.
ra. J. C iihbs and lauuhter tuka
returned iast week after a month's vu-it
'with Mr. Gibba at l.inkville Klamath
j County.
Bra. J. W. Swank hat returned from
; Albany, where eee went to secure medi
i oal assistance for eczema. She is much
1 i"P"ved iH '
Mr C ny. of Tiller, paased
through here one dav last week enronte
Uj OIa,u where he work on (Jonie
: ,.ulintv bridges.
Mr. Kasley left a few days ago to visi
i ,,e St. Louis Kxosition, an i will also
' visit ids old home, from which he has
been absent thirty years.
Mrs. Cochran ami two children have
returned to their home at Brownsville
after an extended visit with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swank.
Walter. Cornutt and wife of Dm
Creek, have moved to town, and will
take care of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Woods
grand-parents of Mra. Cornutt.
Sundav there were several additions
to the M. K. Church, as follows: Mr
and Mrs. Grant livens and sou 6a
Mr. anJ Mrs. Arthur Afbro, Mark B
liott, Beulah Carter, Mrs. 15. A. Stewart
Mrs. I. C. (iibbs, Bvrde Klliott and
Mrs. Kosb.
The party who left herealtout a month
ago for Crater Lake, returned last week
fhey were quite successful in getting
deer and fish. Miss Maud Mar.j'tane
was dragged from her horse by an over
hanging tree and painfully bruised
other wise the trip was very enjoyable
Mr. W. J. Cockerull went to Iceland
last week, and after attending to some
business there will return hereto reside
He has rented part of the old Brigg
olace, now owned by H. J. Wilson
Mr. G. W. Matsler and family hav
started for their old home in Texas. Mr
.1. W. Berkley having purchased their
tine farm about two miles from town
Wq are sorry to lose such good citizens
Do Yoa Kaow
That the argument for prohibition
frequently answered with a "smile."
That nothing makes a girl so angry as
to have a young man threaten to kiss
That an immune is a politician who
an run for ollice all his life and never
catch it?
That when a man begins to take
whisky as a medicine he soon becomes a
streak invalid.
That between the wolf at his door and
the stork on his roof, the average man
lias about all the menageries he can
In The Circuit Court:
a Writ el attachment has been filed
j iy K ruse & New-land to recover (,80,2(1
1 t i a a I
! ine va,ue
of goods bought from the
lantiffs by the defendants, Shepard
and wife. Buchanan & Ureninger are
the attorney! for the plantiffs-
Eva tiaila.'h.-r Ins tiled a suit for
divorce from Jno. D. (Jallargher. She
dso asks for tbe custody of two minor
, bildren. The plea is non-support.
Robber of Oregon Express Train
Arrested in Wyoming.
Good News From Bohemia Mines.
Mill to be Erected.
EsGENE, Sept. A stabbing af
fray which, created great excitement
occurred in the Manhattan saloon
about ten o'clock last night. The'
principals in the affair were Arthur
Dilts, a plasterer, who was employed
for the day as bartender in the sa
loon and Robert Steptoe. an employe
of the Royce & Peterson excelsior
factory, the latter catting Dilts in
several places with a big pocket
knife, indicting six severe flesh
Steptoe had been celebrating the
advent of the circus during the day
and was in an ujrlv mood. He was
making a disturbance in the rear room
f the saloon when Dilts expostulated
with hjm and attempted to lead him
out tkf back door by the arm. Sud
denly Steptoe whipped out a big
pocketknife. which bystanders say he
had up his sleeve, and commenced
utting at Dilts. He wielded the
knife like an expert, inflicting six
wounds, one verv deep one on the
left arm, and other minor ones on the
face and chest.
The one on the arm
required a number of stitches to close
.. ,
une cut was u.recuv over tue
heart, and it is abaoal certain that if
the youn man had not been so leek? :
the L-nife hlide would hnve reached
that otfSB.
CatlBNSS, Sept. 3. "Kid" Kiley.
one of the outlaws who robbed the
Oregon 1'acitu- Kx press CoaSMSH at
Kemmeree three days ao.
captured by a posse today. A por
tion of the monev was reoorered.
Rilev is an ex-conviot.
LaSBI Kmmett. the old man who
was recently arrestei at Heceta Head
for killinc elk. and who was tries! be-
fore Justice of the Peace H olden at
Florence, was fined and cost-
all amounting to $1 lf. :
State I '.ame Warden Itaker who is
in Roseburg today. ISM rep-Tts thai
Thos. Kiliard. of t'l.ickamas countv.
was fined for killing CMSSM
pheasants out of eeesM last week.
Iite reports from the North Fair
view mine, in the l'.ohemia district.
north-east of Iloseburg. show that '
the big tunnel on the Itelle of Fair
view ore body is now running along
in rich free-milling ore that pans a
fine showing of free gold. This tun
nel is blocking out one of the larg
est deposits of free milling quartz in
the Bohemia district, and the quality
of the ore proves to be even better
than was expected.
Work on this property has been
carried on without intermission for
the past fourteen months, and as j
sufficient ore is blocked out arrange
ments will be made to install a twenty
stamp mill.
F. J. Hard has just installed a new
ten-stamp mill in his Vesuvious mine
and is putting in a portable saw mill
on his Oregon-Colorado property to
supply timbers to use in the tunnels
on his property.
The Oregon Securities Co.. is push-
. ... . .
ing Work With the electric drills in
, . .. . , . . , (
their big ore tunnel and a great deal
ol prospecting ami development won
is going on in this rich new mining
To Vote on Local Option.
There is now practically BO doubt but
that local option will be voted on at tin
November election in this county. Pe
titions are being circulated over the
county, and, though but one has so far
been brought in. it proved very Matter
ing to the temperance workers In this
case, which was at Drain, .'11 voters
quickly signed their names, making al
most 10 per cent of the number ret aired
in the county. Reports from other
places also show that the petitions are
being libe ally signed. In the June
election this county gave local option a
majority of 715, which ihows that the
chance are in favor of prohibition.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the tunes.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues inflammation. It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor will
explain this to you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
"We haye usarf Ayar'i Cherry Pectoral lu
our family for 2S yean for throat ami Iuhk
troublei and we think no medicine equali It.
Mrs. a. PoNKKor, Appleton. Minn.
2Sr.,50c..l 00.
All drgyatata.
1 C. ATIlt CO.,
Lowell. Slnll.
Weak Throats
Ayor s Pille greatly aid recovery.
Purely vegetable, gently laxative.
Corm-lius N. IHim ami (iron; KtT lVallv, the sespectivM trvasuivrs of th-
put.lM-.iii hik! DesssMnfth natum. c:imit t -
the larirrst business nt im ih-h. him. I tit
Peabody. who birn in Georgia in IKVJ. in
has bet'ii treasurer since MOB. has tWMM nleetimd
and was secretary of thu interior under Mi KinW
Cow Creek Bridge Repaired.
The Triennial conclave Knights Teiiip
K. Jennie, the efficient county bridge ' iar lie held at San Francisco 8ep-
nil.ler, completed extensive repairs on tt-mlier .rth to Hh, an.l the sovereign
thebigt'ow Creek bri.lce above Olen
dale late last week and relumed to
RoMbaig. II loaad thi bridge in i.a i
condition and couhl repairs have leen 1
made fall considerable expense .
would ha . e liecn save.1 the county, but it ;
oftimes ocenrres that the actual damaged
condition oi these MAgM are not -!
P' untl lUv ,'riJ:,' buil',er UlM
to overhaul tin in rile CuOnty c.tirt
its best efforts to
k(, tbe bri ife itl tl lV(lntv in KMi
re,ir, beiag often handicap! in ee
curiiii: the n cessary materials lor the
repairs and improvements, which some-
times causes slight delavs in the work, i
T-w;.. ,UU u.., ,., i,, :..i
the very large number -.1 comity 1.
to hsik alter the court is t; le coiigratu-
late.1 ui"n its ellicient
..rk in till-
dinvtion. The Cow ereeh bridge
as tfMl a new .
HI IE LEWELLEK ! the Ander
son house parlors, t .'..-ndae. Thiirs lay
evening. Sept. 1. P"04. by K"corder
Montgomery, Mr. tieore White la
Miss I.ewelUn. both ( ".rai ts Pas.
Mr. aud Mrs. W hite have leased the
-lining r.m of that imtei ai.a vuieene
meals to all comers. Th- ineini includes
all -lainties at popular price-.
, i STKk 1 A i BMMITT
At the nd-
dence of K. A App'.egate. Fridav eve
ning. Aug. 1'.'. I hM, Mr. Join Oster
tag and Mrs. P. I. Fmmitt. Instuv J.
W. Kr"soii ( tficiating.
The greeea is M yeaie eld but doatal
lk il and the blushing bride ha- n
ii7 summers.-Irain Nonpareil.
., ,., ,. miahdsav , ,i i ,
I KI N'll.r. Til' 1 Pm At the home
oi ine on ie s parem-. ir. an.i .r. ,,j,,.e Kxp- nse money advance.1. fcx
Thee. Tkaeepaon. in Cob's Valley, j perience not essential Knrloee self
M rims l-rinifle. of .n envelope, lieneral manager.
Francisco, and Mis Marie Ihornps-m,
Kev. F. W. Leonard othciating.
l BIN -In,
to Mr. an 1 Xfrs. .lt-x.
lee, l, p.04,
ubiu. a hey.
I JONES. At Oakland Augu-t i'.. l ull.
t- Mr. arid Mrs. Austin Jones, a Boy.
Big Mfmchjum Brd Fouftd.
Siiosnonk, IdamO, Sept. 2. Keport
has leeched here of the discovery by
men named J-a- Montgomery and tieo
(Vlus of a big le 1 of meerschaum near
Soldier, terminal of a stage line running
out ol Hailey. It is said the deposit is
over half a mile long a filth of a mile
wide and 18 feet thick. Meatrschaum
deposits are exceedingly rare.
Mention was made in the Pi.imkal-
KK a week ago of the proposetl trip of
!...., B s.,.l...rlin an.l Battle Hurd to
i Kran.-is. .. in Mr Rntherlin'a OtO-
j rrann-Hoin .nr. uiiienui
mobile. After a combination ..i exier-
lenrea me amo nn us
Josephine county, where, that side of
I i rants Pass it balked and refused to go
further, keeping John and ltillie out all
night in the mountain fastntss in a sever
thunder storm They made to iirants
Pass the next day and shipp d to San
l-'ran. isco. Verily, the horse has not
vet been superseded by the auto.
Volume 1, No 1, the Madras, Crook
county, Pioneer. Madras is on Willow
creek, a small tributary of the IV-chutes
river, and is 40 miles northwest of Sban
iko, and :15 miles souib of Prineville.
-'adras is likely to bocome an interest,
ing town.
i iw a tt
Tin Hnjt In hi County
to Be Had at t e :
For Letter Heads, Bill Head", Statement,
Envelopes, Welding Statioiiory, Posters, Lagal
Blanks, Briefs, in led BJaythiSg in tbe Prin'inj
line, give us a call.
Sat isfacti on G u aranteed
mwmirr 'r'
Ayers Pills
aaaa aaa-iaaaa.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or ncn oiacK r use
n, htt both bankers, both citric tin km in
niffiwho euiint thir wealth in the millions.
com paruti veil MfJ in politiae, hil bliss) ,
the nomination for jroYernor of New York i
Low Kates to California.
gran ) lodga I O O. F. will he held at
same September lfth to '5th.
For these occasions the Southern I'acifn
(,. wi
place in effect the extremely
ow rate one and one third fare for
tie r,,uU, trip, not to exceed S the
rJt,. fp.m Portland. Those who are!
planning a trip to California should take j
rtM- 8 1
!. - ., J
no' AtKH" ,our
,;fX NorT FacX '
H,.,,n.l tri.. ii.-kih it uratlv r-!
duceil rates on sale from all Southren
Pacini- points in Oregon, on and after
."' 1-t A-k lor mrtoer inior
mation and a handsome illusiratfl
HlUV,.nlr ,klet. or wr'i-e to Kilwin
stone. Manatser C .V K K. K... Albany
Ore., or X . h. I an, ti. I'. A., . I . i
Co., Portland.
4. tt
Blacksmith Shop for Sale.
A gixai blai-ksmilh alio... lot aud two
sets of tools for sale at Myrtle Creek.
A i piv P. W. A Powell, Mvrtle Creek,
Shropshire Rams.
For Sale 15 thoroughbred Shropshire
! Rama, fit for service in fall of W. I
G Hughes, Mont Alto Kanch, (ilide.
Men Wanted.
T. cut cor I w oral at Olendale. ood
Fir tiaabei to work in. Met paid, tUf
per cord Apply to W. F. Minaro.
tileudale. Ore. tf
W vsrkn Indus' man or woman j
as pern. ant nl r'pre-ntative of big man
ulacturing ..lin.anv. to l'ik alter its
j busiress in this conny and adjoining j
t.-rritory. Business successful and es- f
taWisheil. Salarv J0 00 weeklv and ex-
. - . . , , . - . I
lenses a arv paid wteklv iron, home
; Ooeao Block, Chicago
Sour Stomach.
When the .juantity of food taken is
too large or the quality lis. rich, sour -stomach
is HSWilj t follow, and especial- ;
ly so if the digesti. -ti has leeii weakeneal i
!v constipation. Kat slowly and not !
HM freely of easily digested total. Mas
ticate the food thoroughly. I-t live j
hours elapse U-tween meals, and when
vou feel a fullness and weight in the re
gion of the stomach after eating, take
rhanil)et Iain's Stomach and I.irer Tab
lets and the sour stomach may be avoid- ,
ed. For sale bv A. C. Marstera A Co. I
To Ccostractors and Builders.
s.-lo1 bl.i will he ircetTed a-, the oflee of
Frank ' Siicelli.ln Koaeburg Or--n. until Sep- :
u-mbei IS. 1304. at the hour t ? :& o'r'.ork p. m.. !
f.r the rreclion f a Fraternal Templr ol the j
Mm'i'f! Hiloa ir Koaebura. Orvcon
: t'lan and trwidcatlo:. r th aamr ran be
wj at IRC tore 1 u. . Kapp :n Koeru:g.
rcrtiried check of 6ve paaaaat ol the amount
3"!?5!SK3fSt-. . a
i ,- riaii l'.. e rrwi.p. w . r. v
anvan.lall bida. By opter of the Board of
n.fe. tor aof the Ma-al..v Eutl.lin Am
,,..n. : Ko.tfi.ura. ore.
fhare parrectad
system ot
hoaae treatment
for Loat Vitality.
M WAstelng Drains,
Small Organs.
Nerrons Debility,
"Blood Poison."'
IStrletBre, Varteoeele. Rupture, PI lea.
iK.on.-y ana Bladder Troubles aodAii
iDtteaseaaad Weakness peculiar to men
orrvspondeoee ecntldrntiai rises eeaa-
Innable. Cores guaranteed or money re
funded. Write tor free M-page book, and
'.larks Address K. C Holsmmn, M D.,
Market St.. San Francisco. CaL
linw av aV v
Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills.
Ayer's Pills. Keep saying
this over and over again
The best laxative. tSiSL
l U U Rl N U II AM 0 UlC
nm m, mm
i.nn oa.r. uAU.tco..iuaii..a
7le coop the iaryost and
best assortment of Stapc
and Jancy Srocories, &resh
bruits end arm !Produc9
in the city, and can snpplt
your wants at as cheap or
cheaper prices than can be
had anywhere.
Remember that we haep
the Rest.
Highest Market
New and upto-date, Fancy
aud Ornamental; Twenty
Five Different Designs : -
: s
: o
: n
: e
: t
: h
: q
rTjSjej ...........aaaejm "jgj
The open season for deer hunting will commenc Jnly
i c; aud before buying your guc and ammunition you should
first call at the popular hardware store and consult
Uoods and
Prices that Please
If you want to buy a farm
f you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
If ndoa tkuow PAT C C
r-l , a ,f l.lnai 11.
. .--'..'.'.'
ffir Papules i The Best Ice Cream Soda
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Watch Repairing a Spec i a ty
a aiZlTian,
To Buy Bonds?
U an, vou want th.wc thai pay
tin- tx-'st .livl.len.ts A biiin- m- better .livl.teti.'"
than anv MB Thr t!t lai--to
art a bualntrw nttioatirtti l
Garland Business College
We have a CorrwponuVnre
Course In Shtirthand ln
TUtt8ta : : : :
J B. QARLAND, Principal
Notice in hereby iven that the andenurned
ilminiiilrator etuleof D A Frock, lereued ku
Hlrl h! linal a ' (.am arn nminnirujr iu
. . . , ..I rw.uvla. rniinlv. atate of
Or-vron, an! Out all court baa aet Toeaday
; ihi- fith ln of S-pU-mber. 1904. at 1U o'clock a.
1 m of ail .lay. ai the court bouae ID Roaeburf.
1 LwoKlaa couniy. 3tate of On gon. M the time
ann BHwa lor neariDK wja-wuui
for the final M-'tlemenl M aM eala'c
Arliriulntrator of the eata'.e of 1'. A. Frock,
.lri'-aacl. "'
City fllarshal'a Notice.
All parties are hereby notified that
the Ktittern along the Btreet in front of
busineas houae must be kept free
from garbage by order of the City Coun
cil made Aug. 11. 1S.
alo-L't D. J. Jakvi, City Marshal.
A-I-Farms To Rent.
i haw two good grain farms, with
too.1 bmlaflaga and other improvmenta
add will rin th.-ae for a term of years.
i. ........ -i... I- Mawkaai txithor without
lajtack, leant" "i"1 " "f farming
implement ! r file.
A . LTw. Oakland, Ore.
Kambotiillet Kama lor Sale.
We have a fine lot of rams for aaleone
and two years ol.l and a few four years
old that are thoroughbred; registered.
Our rams are on the range all the year,
are heavy ehearerg of fine wool and good
ruttlers. J- S Herein A Sos,
I f Ashland, Ore.
Price Paid for
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : : : s
iti :a:'i-r
Orwcoa. eveeye-eevei
KKAtllCAL W A I til M lKCK
Drink Soda HOME
from.... 1st MADt?
Fine X
Crisp Tbe BEST
Taffies 1st icecream