'Got Even With the Widow. ;"It took-mo a solid week to think it , but I did it," said the summer girl. !I paid the widow up for all she had Ter done or expected to do. I'm stay Jlig wken I'm not called home this way to entertain country cousins, who will legist oa coming to Washington in hot ireather at a place up on the sound. Ot course, there aren't many men there, tied when one does happen along the widow reaches out and grabs him. I'm iet dtft overmen, but a summer land Mapelsn't complete without a few, and aoomplexioned-doctored widow has a iight'to monopolize them when the sup jfly is so much less than the demand. I'm opposed to monopolies and I set out to turn the widow from the evil of her way e'as .soon, aa I arrived. "I marked out one dancing man as say share of the loot and began to pre pare lor war. The widow danced with t&at man and walked with him and talked with him and held hands in the corner of the gallery, and try as hard as Lmight I couldn't get a chance to fire a hostile shot. .Bathing up there is a sort of a side line. We don't make a blow mg horn of it. We just sneak off and take to the water when the tide's in. There's no .parade about it. The widow aid that she couldn't bear this way people have of sitting around on benches is bathing suits, and as soon as I heard her I knew what made her feel that way. "I took to her trail, however, and one day a very hot day when the man was busy writing letters, I asked her if she didn't want to take my brand-new bathing suit and go in for a dip. Sba said s&e'd enjoy it, though as she didn't as a rule care for sea bathing she hadn't brought a suit. Now, a woman without a bathing suit in her luggage well, I knew then I had the widow's range and could -rout her ioree, foot and dragoons. She 'went off to the sheltered cove, 'where the bathhouse is, and as soon as I was sure she was in the water I hunted up the man and 'asked if he didn't want to go and. .800 the widow swim. Of coarse he did, and he said he'd wonder ed all along why she didn't go in bath ing. "We went down and sat right smack in front of the bathhouse. The widow was out in the water paddling around and when. she saw me the look she gave me made ice crystals form all over the eel grass. She tried to get as to go back to the hotel and get her comb that she'd .forgotten, bat I told her she could use the one I had in the bathhouse. She Tried well she tried every way she could think of to get us to go away, but I was bound I'd sit there till that widow came out of the water, and I sat as if I'd been nailed down. I knew she couldn't stay in the water forever, because the tide goes out there and you'd have to be a clam to hide, when that happens. She stuck it out till "you could hear her teeth chattering half a block offhand then she came in. "We made way for her to en'.er the bathhouse, and as soon as the man got one good look at her my bathing suit wasa'little too short for her I knew the widow was a has-been. Stunning looking she was in full dress, but in a bathing suit she was simply paralyzing. If a mosquito had lit on one of her knees he'd have had to use the long distance phone to let his wife on the other knee Oraow what- had become of him. She was the bowleggedest widow in nine states." Seattle Post. Taken with Cramps. . v"ffn. Kirmse, a member of the bridge gang working near Littleport was taken suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps and a kind of cholera. His case was so severe that he had to have the members of the crew wait upon him and Mr. Gil ford was called and consulted. He told tiwBKi he had a medicine in the form of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy that he thought would help him out and accordingly several .,dp30i were-administered with the result .that the fellow was able to be around next day. The incident speaks quite Ykialr of .Mr. Gifford's medicines. El tfder.Uowa, Argus. This' remedy never fails. Keep it in Tour home, it may save life. For sale by A. C? Marsters & Co. YSi SUp Calves to California. J. N. Burgess, the Eastern Oregon cattleman, whose cattle to the number of several hundred head the government inspector-condemned and would not al low to be shipped out of the state on ac count of "scabbiea" as recently told about in the Plaindealeb has decided to tfp the calves and ship them to Cali fornia. The cows will be driven across th"5mbnn tains to Mr. Burgess' ranch in Eastern Oregon. t, Call for Bids Sealed kids'.- will be received for the keeping of the following ferries at the i beftemDer term oi tne uouniy iourt, towit,- on the 9th day of September ! 1904 at 1 o'clock p. m. : Smlth'fl Ferry, Dimmick's Lone Hock Terry and J. A. Sawyer's Ferry, bids to Bands will be required of the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to eject any and all bids. M.D.THOMPSON 87 tf County Judge. Laying New Sewer. Cottage Geove, Aug. 19. Mummey l Bros.frEugene, who have the contract i for pslting'in the sewer system here, are 4 making good headway. They haTe been I s atwork but two weeksand at the close of this week they will have the job half completed. The length of the sewer main is 5800 feet. The contract price for this system complete is $12,150. A Snap. For sale, 10 acres, near Roseburg, mostly choice garden ground, good buildings and very desirably situated. Afiply Box 533j Roseburg, Ore. sl2p Niklce teVPiroperty Owners. All fwepetiy owners having sidewalks outHf repair- along their premises are hereby notified that unless they are pst-ta good condition within ten days from the date of this notice, the city - "Vill Tepalr the same and assess costs thereof, tojtbe property. By order of 1 1535. V, J. U&vib, City Marshal, HEADLIGHT RESTAURANT HOW OPEN FOR ....BUSINESS.... MEALS 25 CENTS NEARtheDEPOT MRS. JOHN FREEBURY, PROPRIETOR Lewis and Clark Souvenir Dollars. A Washington dispatch has the follow ing in regard to the Lewis and Clark souvenir dollars: Unless the people of Oregon are will ing to put sentiment aside they will have to wait indefinitely for the first is sue of the Lewis and Clark souvenir dol lars, which were promised by Septem ber 1. Dies for stamping these coins have been completed, and the Philadel phia mint is ready to go ahead with the coining, under tne instructions issueu by Director of the Mint Roberts, at the request of Senator Mitchell, these coins must be made of Oregon gold. Herein lies the cause of delay. Up to date, though all the Oregon gold deposited at Boise and San Francisco has been shipped to Philadelphia, there is on hand only $15,C00 worth of gold. Be fore proceeding with the coining the mint officials believe they should have available at least $100,000 in gold. This status of affairs has been ex plained to the authorities of the expo sition, and until their reply is received nothing will be done looking to striking the first lot of the LewiB and Clark dol lars. If they are willing that other gold shall be used, the mint authorities as sert that the coins can be completed and ready for shipment in two or three weeks. It will require a very nice adjustment of mint machinery to turn out the Lew is and Clark dollars, not only because of their diminutive size, hut because of the fast that the coin will bear the head of Lewis on one side and the head of Clark on the other. It is rare that coins are stamped with beads on both sides. Stamping such coins requires careful manipulation and adjustment to pro duce perfect results. A Satisfactory Gtan-up. The final clean-up was made at the Olmstead & Co. mine formerly the Sturgis mine on Forest creek last week, and it was an eminently satis factory one. Some $10,000 worth of the yellow metal was taken out. This, with the spring clean-up, which amounted to about $5,000, makes the total yield of the mine for the year foot up to $15,000. The mine is one of the best pieces of property in Southern Oregon, and the owners are naturally well pleased with the result of their first season. Med ford Mail. Fairbanks Family's Big Reunion. D ed iiam., Mass., Aug. 20 From all over the world descendants of Jonathan Fairbanks, founder of one of the oldest families in America, have assembled here for their third annual reunion The family association numbers thou sands of members, prominent among them being Senator Charles W. Fair banks, the Republican candidate for vice-president, and Secretary Victor A, Mecalf. The reunion, which will last several days, is being held at the historic Fair banks homestead, which was built of timbers brought over by the original Fairbanks settler from England, in 1633 Crop Placed at 245,000 Bales. North Yakima, Wash., August 20 Fred Alter, representing Louis Lachmund & Co., of Salem, Ore., and Paul R. G. Horst, of New York City, have just returned from a tour of in spection of the hopyards of New York State. He went there to make an estimate of the hop crop for the year 1904. He has also made an estimate of the crop, by bale, of the Pacific Coast, with the following results: Oregon 9o,ooo California 55,ooo Washington 4o,ooo New York 60,000 Total 245,ooo These estimates are based on fig ures gathered by close inspection of the various districts and represent the hop production of the United States for the year. Mr. Alter pre dicts that there will be 17,ooo bales in Yakima county this year, an in crease of 2ooo bales over the 1903 crop, leaving only 23,ooo bales for the rest of the state. The crop in New York will be better than usual on account of the good season. City Marshal's Notice. All parties are hereby notified that the gutters along the street in front of all business houses must be kept free from garbage by order ot the Uity Uoun cil made Aug. 11, 1904. al5-2t D. J. Jarvis, City Marshal Notice for Publication. . . it n .v.. r 1 . . r inn 1 LU1U UUlUtt a. UllBCUIIIKt UIU., AUK. II. L9V . Notice li hereby Riven that the following named settler nai a lea notice o nit intention tn make final rjroof In sUDDort of hla claim and that said proof will be made oelore BegUter and Receiver n. 8. land office at BofeDnrg, Oregon, on Saturday, October lot, 1901, viz: KDWAttD H LOUGH. of Roseburg, Oregon, H. . No. 10557 for the lot 3, Sec 32. $X N W& NE N WJ. 8ec 33, T W B, it 4 wen. He namei the following witnesses to prove hla rnntlnnnun residence UDon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert L McLaughlin, David W Hunter, Oeorte A. Bonebrake, Guy M In- AW J. T. JJBIDCJK8, Keghter. Reduced Round Trip Rates Account World's Fair? St Louis. First class tickets on salo May, 11, 12, 13, June, 10, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, Aug, 8, 9, 10, Sept, 5. 6. 7, Oct, 3, 4, 5,. Hose- buri: to St Louis, and return, k00'! 90 days with stop over privlliges, at rates rangeing from $75.45 to $82 50 according to route chosen. Passengers wHl have privilige of starting on any date which enable them to reach destination within ten davs from the sale date. Inquire of Agent Soutliurn Pacifle Company, Roseburg. f b Men Wanted at Alca. Men wanted for mill and yard work at Alca, Oregon. Apply to mill super intendent, Pacific Timber Co. Sick Headache. "tor several years niv wife was troubled with what physicians railed sick headache of a very severe character. She doctored with seovral eminent phy sicians and at a great expense, only to grow worse until she was unable to do any kind of work. About a oar ago she began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver lablets and today weighs more than she ever did before aud is real well," says Air. Geo. E. Wright of New London, New York. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. Cholera Infantum. This disease has lost its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy came into general use. The uuif-irm success which at' tends the use of this remedy in all cases of Ifowtil complaints in his children has made it a favorite wherever its value has become known. For salo by A. C. Marsters & Co. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Douglas County, Ore ijon, will meet in the office of the Coun ty Clerk of said county, in the court house, in the city of Rosebuiv, Oregon, on Monday, August 29th, 190, at H o'clock a. m., and will continue in ces sion until Saturday, Sept. 3d, 1904, at 5 o clock p. m., to publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, therefore, all parties who may be ag grieved by eason of valuation, descrip tion or otheiwise as to their assessment, will take notice of the meeting of the Board of Equalization at the time and place as above stated, and make their complaint to the said Board of Equaliza tion. Otherwise their assessment will stand as made by the assessor. George W. Stalet, Assessor, Douglas County, Oregon. Dated Monday, Aug 1st, 1904. til-4w Sheriff's Sale. In the Orcnit Ourtof the State of Oregon fur tueccuntrof Multnomah. Rotbcblld Bros., a cor-"l potation I riaintiflTI vs B. F. Shambroc t. I Defendant. Notice la heriijy given that by virtue of an execution, duly iaaued out of the above named court aud cause on the eihdar of Augnit, 1901. upon a judgement and decree duly rendered and entered in aald court and UiUN on the 5th day of August. 1304, in favor of the above named plaintiff and arainst the above named defendant. B. F. Shambrook. lor the sum of I&41.21 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 9th day of May, 1901. and the further sum of fSCO.GO with interest therroa at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the loth day of February, 1904, and the further rum of S0 attorney lee., and the further ram of J3s.1T aos a and disbursements and the costs and expenses of and uptn this writ of execution commanding me to mate sale of a'l the right, title and Interest said defendant, B. F. Shambrook had in and to the following described real property on the 13th day of May. 1904, or since has had, to wit: The Wm Churchill donation land claim No. Ifi. situated in sections 25 and 38, township 23 sontn, ranee 7 west, containing zujw acres; The J. A. Cole donation I.nd claim No. 45 in sections' and 26, 35 and 3G, township 25 south. range, west, containing ssibi acres; Tne Geo Leeper donation land claim, No. 40, in sections 25 and 26. to nshl d 25 south, rang. 7 wett. con taining 160.S5 acie; The frac'lon.l SE ofSEV of section 26 and the fractional E',"! N! nu tne fractional n r.ji oi tne ot; section so. town ship 25 south, range 7 west, containing 3i.0i acres, all in Douglas county, Oregon, contain ing in the aggregate S34 acres more or les. To be excented therefrom the tracts heretofnr sold to J. h and B. F. Shambrook, Mary Mc- Kecnnie,. n m Kamp, m urimtn, ana inurcD Cemeter" and School District, the said tracts heretofore conveyed, aggregating 41 acres, more or lets, leaving in tne aggregate ;w acrvs more or less. Also thtt part of Wm Cadwalder do nation land claim No- 37 in section 24 and 25 townshlD2o south, range west in Douelas county. Oregon, containing 1;0 acres more or less. Also iota 7 ana s oioce m in ttoseourg, Douelas county, Oregon, attached in said act ion on the 13th daj of May, ISM. Now therefore I will on Saturday the 10th dav of September 1904 at one o'clock p. m. at the front door of the county court bouse in the city o( Roseburr, Douglas county. State of Oregon, sell at public auction. suDject to redemption, to tne nigncst bidder for U. S. Gold Coin, cash in hand, the above described real property and all the right, title and Interest the said deiendant had there in on the date of said attachment, to wit: the 13th day of May, 1904, or since has had therein to satialy said writ of execution, and all ac cruii g costs. First publication Aug. II, 1904. H. T. McCLALLEN, Sheriff of Douglas county, Oregon. Notice of Guardian Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue and In pursuance of an order of license of the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, duly made and entered therein on the tlrst day of July, 1W4, In the ma'terof guardianship of the per son and estate of (.'. . Langdon, a minor: the undersigned, duly appointed, qualified and acting Guardian of the sai l minor, will on Sat urday, the 27th dav of August, 1901, at the front dojr of the Court Bouse in Roseburg, Douglan Coan y, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of aald day, offer for sale and sell at a I'ubl'c Auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand all the rivht, title and interest of said minor C. K. Langdon In and to the following described real property to-wit: TheWH of the and the WJJ of the NWJi of bectlon 18, Township 23 South of Range 7 West of Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County, Oregon. Dated this 26 day of July. A. D. 1901. GEO. W DIMMICK, Guardian of the Person and Estate of C. E. Langdon. J2S-A25 Summons.. In the Circuit Court or the State of Oregon for the county of Douglas. Samuel P. Parmly, Sr. and Samuel P. Parmly, J r. I Plalntl ffa v . wauon a. winsiow, i.mian M. Wlnslow, bis wife; John W. Sweet and Fannie E. Sweet, his wife; The State I and Hoard and The Ameri can Nfckle Mfnlng Com pany, a corporation. Defendants. To Watson A. Wlnslow, Lillian M. Wlnslow, John W. Sweet, Fannie E. Sweet, and tbo American Nlckle Mining Company, a cotpora tlon defendants: In the name of the Blatc of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and ansv-cr the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within kIx .tccks from and after the date of the first publlca'ion of this summons, the samn being the time prescribed in the order for publication, and if you fall so toaparand answer for want thereof, the plalntifl's will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, a succinct state ment of which is that there is duo and owing to the plaintiff on the note and trust deed ilc scriledlnlhe compla nt the numol f 13.743.47 with interest thereon from November l-t, 1903, at tbo rate of six per cent; for the foreclosure of it id trust deed and sale ot llio premises therein described in the manner provided by law; that the proceeds of said fale b. applied to ti e payment of the costs and espenscs of foreclosure and salo vtiih reasonable attorney's fee and then to plaintiffs' demand and tbo balance If any to whomsoever may be lawfully entitled thereto and that defendants and each of them be forever barred of all right, tltlo and interest and equity of redemption in the premises descrioed In the complaint or any part hereof. Tb! summons Is published by order of tbo Hon J W. Hamilton, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon for the 2nd Judi cial District, dated July 27th 1901. The date of the first publication of this summons Is July 28, 1904. 63 CBAwroBD & Watson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Professional Cards. Q.EOUQE M. KNOWN. Attorney-at-Law, Uoutt Home Down Stairs. KOHKMUKG.OKK JQK. V. II. DARBY, I). M. 1). Dentist Oflico in the Abraham Building (Over the t'oatofficc In tlio jlllce here tofore occupied by Dr. J. R, Chapman Roseburg, Oregon GEO. K. HOUCK, Physciau &. Surgeou. nmce Review ilia. ROsSBUhU OKKHON Phone. Matu31 J W. HAYNKS. DENTIST, Review Building, TeUpho'ne No 021 Rooms 8 and 9 KOSEBI'ttii o.tKii.r. M. Crawford d J. O. Watson Attorneys at Law, Rooms 1 A J. Bauk Build.. ROSEBURH, H. S7Buslncu before tha D S Ltnd Office in mining cases a specialty. J C. FULLERTOK Attorney-at-Law. Wll' practice in all the State anJ Federal Coaru umce in Marks' Bldi;., Roseburg, Orugon. W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Bank Building ROSEBURG. OREGON gUCHAXAN A GKiSXIXGKR J. A. BrciuNis I. L. Gbe.vimek Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1 and 1 Marsters Building ROSEBURG, OREGON JIl. H. L. STUD LEY, Osteopathic Phj'sician Cures chronie dlreaes, orrwtn defonnaties and removes forvicn gmwth Acute deae. alto respond readily to the treatment. CoitMtittatloii Kree I'leaH? arrange for appointment by phone Office over the l'ot Ufllce l'h ne No. Mil ltealdei.ee H. D. liraves place. Phone No. l't W. MAHSTEKS Attorne'-at-Law Notary Public Marsters Iiu'ilding DR. P. W. HUNT DEMTIST OflKLAfiD, : : OREGON. Society Meetings. AF. A. A. 31. Lanrrl Lodge Ko. 13. ilsld reicular mee:ini:on snri and f nrih WwlrelKvs ol hrtI. month. J. T. 1'eiixies. vv. M N. T. Jbwstt, Secretary. Br. O. ELKS. RoPebnrK Lodge No. 3'.'6. Holds regular coramoaica- tione at I O. O. F. Hsll oa econd rjd fourth Thursdays of each rtiontli. All tnenibers requeEied to attend resn larh and all vipitiuc brothers are cordi 4lly invited to attend. F. B. Waitk, R. K. Ror McClallks, Jiecretarv. c O. D, let SEPARATE DATTALLION O.N. G , tne-ta st Armorj Hall tvry Ihurway evening, nt 8 o'clock. F. B. Hamux, Capt 10. O. F. Phtletarian Lodge No. S. Meets in Odd Fellow' Temple, cor 8 ner Jackson and Cass streetB, nn satnrda evuning of each week Mem ben- of the order in good standing ore invited to attend. J. C. TwrrcuKix, N G. N.T. Jkwktt, SecreUry. 1 of P. Alpha Lodpe No 47. Meot n HVArv WlMlnuBilar in X f f P Hall a'. 7:3(1 p. m. Members in oou eianainp are invited to attend. Geo. W. Kimball, C. C. Elmer Wimbehly, K. of R. & S. LILAC CIRCLE. No. 40, Women of Woodcraft. Meotn on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. VidtibK niembere in good standing arn InvittM tn a'tend. Minnie Jouea, Guardian Neiglibor. Bell Morian, Secretary. Second and Fourth Thursdays. f E. 8. Rosebnre Cbaptnr No. 8 II Holds their rozolar meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each noDtb. Visiting morobers In (rood Handing aro respectlnllv Invited to at ond. Maudo Hast, W. M. Rcgina Rast, Secretary. IlOODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak Vf Camr No. 125. Meets at the Odd 1 " Fellows' Hall, in Rosebnre. evorr first and third Monday overling. Visit ing neighbors alwavi welcome. D. P. Fisher. C. C J. A. Buchanan, Clerk. UNITED ARTISANS, UiiiqiM As sembly No. 105, meets second and fourth Saturdavs of each mnntli in Native Sons' hall. Visiting members win receivo a cordial welcome. A. C. Marsters, M. A. Minnie Jones, Secretary. Notice to the Public. United Stales Land Office. Rosebuic. Oregon. July 15. 1'joi. To Whom It may coucern. No ice is nerjuy given mat mo Oregon and Cal furnla Ral road Company I-hh flleil In this office a list of lanas situated in ine townships described below, and has applied for a patent for said lands; that the list is open to tho pub lic lor lnpection and n copy thereof by des crlptlie subdivisions has been posted In a con venient place In this office, for tho Inspection of all person Interested and tho pub tc general ly. South of B&ie Lino and west of W. M. All of sec 31, tp 81 g r'Jw. Wllhin the next sixty days following tho date of tills notice, protes's ortonteB'e against tho claim of the company to any tmcl or sub division within any section or part of section, described In the list, on the ground that tho same Is m ire valuable for mineral lima for agricultural purposes, will be received nnd noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. J.T. BRIDGES, R- ghter. J. II. BOOTH, J 18 1 26 Receiver. Notice to the Public. United States Ijind Office, ltoneburg, Oregon, July 5, 1901, To Whom it May Concern: Notice 1 hereby given that the Orceou and CitllfoinlH KnUron'l company haft Hied In this otlli'U n lint of liinils sltunted In the townships described below, and has u ( 1 lel for a piifnt inrpniu inuux; imii me list is open to mo puu Uo lor liiFpi'Ctlou mid a copy thereof b? ile ncrlnllve miIhIIvikIoiih hax been potted In a con venient nlncc !u this nlfice. for the Insnectlou of nil persons intercMcd and the public general- 'J- Houth ot IIum) l.lue and West of Willamette .Meridian. SWJJ NVl.NW!i 8W. Sec 2. T 36. It 7; all Stc 1, T It 9; all Sec 3, T 31, R 9; KllSco&,T3!, K9;all8t-c7.T U. R 9; ail sec 9T 31 R U, nil See II l 31 R 9; VXi NKU Eli dy'A, W 4 Sec 13, T 31, R 9; all Sec 15, Tp 31, Tl 9; all Sec 17. I 31, K 9; all See 19, T 31, It 9, all Sec 21 , T31. R9; allie 23,T31, R 9: all Sec25,T31, R 9, allfcr27. T3I, R9; all Sec 29, I XI, R 9; all ,-co S3 T 31' R 9; all Sec 35, T 31 R 9. all Se-1 T 31, it 10; all Sit- 3, T 31. R 10; all Sec 5, T31. It 10; all Sec 7. T 8! R10; nil Sec 9, T 31, It in: all SfC 11 T3I. It 10; all Sec 13, T 31, R 10; nil Sec 15. I 31 It 10; all Sec P.T 31, R 10: all Sec 19. T 31. R10; all Sec 21. T 31, It K; all Scc23,TJl. R10; all See i'., T 31, K 10; all bee 27, T 31, R 10; all See 29, T M , R 10, all Sec 31, T 31, R 10; MllSecXI.T .1, R 10. a 1 Sec 35.T3I, R 10. Sin til of lla0 Line and K at of Willamette Meridian. All Stc ft. T 2.'. It 1 ; all Sc 7. T , It l; s t,WJ, l Kill; ainl ef 17. T 12. It 1 : all Sec 19. T J2. il 1. Within the next sixty days following the dale of this notice, protest or comesU against the rlnim of tn- comp.uy to any tract or sub division within any section, or part of sec tion ilcM-rittcd lt the list, ou the ground that the same ! more valu able for mineral than 'or ncrlc'iltural purposes will be received and noted for report Wi the ucueiiti ianu umce m iiiiii;inn. ill.. J7bl5 J. T HKIIKiErf. Register. J. 11 BOOTH, Receiver. Notice for Publication. I'nliod Stales Land Office, Ro).eburg. Oregon June V. I'M. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congren of Junes, la.. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of Callfornla.Oregon Nevada. and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all the public land stales by act of August , INK. HENRY C. RITZM ANN. of Rcebiinr, county of Doutlat . state of Ore gon, has this day niol 111 tnli omce his swoin Matemeut No. ftSt'i. lor the pu-cliae of the fcU n!. n!j ue!4 of section Na. 21 In tpNo.26, s. r mi. y , and n 111 olfer proof to show thai th land sought Is more valuable for Its tlrber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish hla claim before the Register and Receiver of Ihll atuce of Roseburg.Ortgon. on Friday, the 9th dav of Septembers, 1901. He nameiai witnev: . narics mora, mnn inom RciM-biirs, Ore: William Stelner, Edward Von I'fl. oi Cleveland. Ore. Any and all nerons elalmlne advcrselv the above deocrlbed lands arerequtstrd to file their claims in tnis nmce on or ueiore sam 'Jin aay oi tf piemwr. ivui. J 1. uniuuts. Ju 30-iS-pd Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Roteb-irg. On-gon. June 11. l'.H Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes. is,, entitled "An t for the sale ot timber lands in the States of California. Orertm Nevada. and Washington Territory." asextend d to all the public land states by act of August t, IKZ. EDWIN J. lirTRlCK. of Roeban;. couqtr of Douslas. statoof Ore con. bat this day file J in this office his sworn statement N-, IX!, for the purchase of thei',' or,, n-. Be-4 oi let-lion 7o. in tp .o. jb, s No. 9 w. ana will offer proof toshow that the land sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim before the Register and Receiver of thla stiiios of RoMburg, Oregon. on Friday, the 9a day ot September. 1904. He names as wltnestet: Charles Thorn. John Th iBi. Roeburc, Ore; Wi Ham Sterner. Edward Von ' f Cleveland. Ore Any and all perwns claiming adversely the above described lands are rttjurtted to file meir ciaiets in tnu omce ou or oeiore saia vtn day of ptember, 1901. J.T. BRIDGET, Jn ?0-Sa pd Register. Notice of Street Improvement. Aueumettt for the Improvement of Kane siren. Notice Is hereby given thai the Common Coufcoll oi Km burg. Oregon, at a meeting held lBctnuayoi iH.y ii. nrciarea tne ase ment by Orilmanee No !l for the Innrovesaent ol Kane street, beinc "An ordinance levvint asea.ment for the improvement nf Kane Hivei'' tn Ko-bnrr. Oregon. u:on each bit. part of 1 t and parcel of land, which are specially uetieuieu, iomii ioiiows to-ivii: I f I'rwent Owner 5 I? I 31. Josephs -n KU 1 A pt2 3) 21 ja 21 21 21 il 2S 140 (41 20 foj MrG 9V 24 70 SO 20 N) SO 23 SO M 20 W SO 2- 6-1 2tt 79 30 io.' as 52 mural lo-ue Mi !. A. F. A A. M P II. A,dhnfl- jiAptJ Jme Millltea... K Williams ... L H. and W. S Hamilton. . .. P. W. Cairoll Catholic Church. B C. Agee. .. . A C. A ReUcea J. Msrstcra . ... C W l'.rls Epbcopal Church F A. vict ab Wm. F.GIUam . A. O Row. ... O. N. stlclney... Moore (". Uregorj llMrl Alir.h.m i pl 4 l-t pi 4 I ICS CO 80. 40l 43 SO Ml, SO .vs' 10i, m; si, 163! 92 S 40 2!) M 20 SO 10 40 10 40 23 CO 2SC0 20 61 15 OS 31 32 23 ST, 21 Ofi 49 92 49 W 33 SO 16 12 20 10 20 SO IS 20 31 20 202 20M 26 26 26 26 19 fO 24 70 2T 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 IS 41 16 4; 47 47 fo 60 CO CO 4 5 6 F. H. App!bo0 J part" j7 S i. iiaiaiiion . N. Rice f. W. Hamilton -J. W Hamilton... H C.Mncnm Anna R.Churchill Helen G Smick . John C. Aiken .. 6 7-8 1-2 162; 100 CI e!,'tApto pi J t E. Benedick .. MamleSykt-s... Adella Itadley J. K. Rarvcr II. I. Marsters H.D Graves lea Rice. .. R. O. flint SO! pis 4 A It 3 31 A H M A B M A B 31 A X 31 A B 31 A B 70 90 47 49 llll 101 73 95 ilra. K. Howard.. - Total 43 A statement of aforef aid assessment has been entered In the docket of City Liens, and tsnow uu ami payaoie at tne omce oi me city Ticai liter. In lawful money of the Culled states, and If not paid within twenty days Imm the date of this notice such proceedings will be taken for th collection of the same as are provided by the charter of the the city of ivvtmiif;, urcg'iu. The above assessment will bear Interest ten naj s alter the nrst puhllotlon of this not're. Haled this 13th day ol August. 1904. (sFAL) 11. L MARaTERS, hecorder of the city of Roseburg, Ore Notice of Publication. I'nltcd States Land Office. Ilowburg. Or. July 11, 1904. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June 3, IS.8, entitled "An act for the salo ot timber lands In the Plates of Callfornla,Orcgon Nevada .and Washlnstbii Territory," asextend ed to all the public laud slates by act ot August . 1892. ROBERT If. HUNTER of R' seburg. county of Douglas, state of Ore gon, nas tnu nay men in tuts omce nis sworn statement No. Ktos, lor the purcl ase of the lot 1, noli nU. n'j neVi of sec ro IS, tp 2f s, r9 wist and will offer proof to show that tho land sought ts mora valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hli clalni before the Register and Receiver of thla offtce of Roseburz. Oreeon. ou Friday the 14 ua; ot October, 1904 He names as vltneos: John O. Vcaascn. Charles Thorn, Warren Bcatty and I). M. Martin all of Rose burg. uio. Any and all persons clatmlng advcrselv the above described lands are requested to fllo their claims In this oflico on or before said 14th day oi ucoocr, I'.vi. J. i. uiiiuufs. J 21-s 29 p Register. Notice for Publication. U 8. Land OHlr-n. Roseburg, Oregon July 23, 1901 Notice is hereby given that In compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the salo ot timber lands in the States of Callfonila.Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," aiextend ed to all the nubile land states by act ot August 4,1892. JOHN HKDTRE. nf Sulphur 8prlng. county ot Donglas. State of Oregon, has thli day Hied In this office hi gworn statement No. 6330. for tho purchase of mo ixjis a, j, n, nun nr.;i rtivj-i oi eection No. 6, Township V8 South of Range 3 West, and wll. " fer iiroof toshow that tho land sought Is more jl..ii' Ie lor Its limber or stono than for agri 'til' iral purposes, and to establish his claim boiuru tho Register aud Receiver of this office of Roseburg, Oregon. on Thins 'ny, tho 2 'Hi day of October, 1904, Ho mines as witnesses: Warren Beatty, Gcoriris Turner ami Harry Slctihens. of Rose- bur i. Oregon, and James il. Sedorj, of Sulphur Springs, Oregon v A i y and all persons claiming adversely tho above described lat.ds are requested to IIlo their claims In this ofllcw on or he torn said 20th day ot OOtober, 1904. J.T. BUIDUK3, at-p iiegisier. Notice for Publication United States Land Office, Roseburg Oregon, fulv 1, 1901. Notlca la heralir rlran that 1n with the provisions of tha act of Congrrss of June 8, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of .imoer lands in the States of California, Ortgon Nevada .and WaahlnrtAn Tvrrltnrv t nil- d to all th publlo land staUs by act of August MOItHIAH II II. I. of Elbw, county ol Plen-e Mate nl Wah- ingtoii, nag iiusaay tiled lu this oalcu bis sw.tii statement No. 6270, for the purchase of WU EU of section 26. tp 2Mb. of ranee H win and will olfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, ana to establish hla tlalm before the ReirliUirand knrlr nf thl. title of RoMburr. Oregon. Thursday tho 12 day of Hjptemlxir. 1901. He names ai witnesses: jonn Jtogers. Jnnu Ularic an it Jicuro.en oi itoseburg, ure., Jonn B. Green of Roy, Wash. Anr and all nersons claiming advp-telr the above descrtb lands are requested to file their claims in tins omce on or oeinre tne sain -zza day of Sept. 1904. J.T. BRIDGES, Jiiszip Ke.Ister. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office Roscburir. Oiemn. JiumW. 10U4. N'lilce Is herebv elren that In ramullanre with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. iTS, entitled ai act for the sale ot timber l-nd In tlicStates of California Oreuon. Nevail and Wastiingtou TerrllorV asexteude.1 to an me public laud slates by act of Anust 4 JIR3 HATTIE DANIKI of Roseburg, county of Douglas, state of Ore gon, nas mis nay nieu in this nnilce his sworn statement ofCSCi. for the Mirchase of the KWI-. of Section No 4, Township l'; 8, Range .1 wot and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more vaiuaoie lor lis iimoer or sione man for agricultural nurno-et. and to establish his claim before the Register and Receive' of thla omce olRoaeburg.uregon. on Wednesday the 21st day of Sentemher. 1304 one names as witnesnvs.- jonn cvaru. K Eva ts of Pel. Ore., II Krakenberger. of Ro-e bnrg. Ore.. H A Cooler, ol Kert'V. Ore. Any and all tK-nons clalmlnir adverselr the above described lands are renntsud to file tbelr claims in in soniceon or oeioro said zui day of eepu.iwi. j. i. uniifita Jnp Reguter, Notice foi Publication. DnltedStates Land Office. Roebunr. Oregon July 1. 1901 Nolle u hereby given that In compliance with the nrovUlons of the act of Commas of JnneS, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sals of Umber lands In the States of California. Orezoo b'Tada,and Washington Territory," as extend- sa to ail ins pucus lasa states Dy act oi August a, usn. IOHK B GREEK of Roy, county of Rearce. state of ahtnglon has this day GIel in this office hla sworn Ha'ement No for the purchase of iiic .c;-i ui rc? i, i p 3 o. n a west and will offer proof toshow 'hattbelandsought la more valuable for Its timber or stene than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Kecelrtr ot this ffloa of Roseburg. Oregon. on fhnrtday theilnd day ot September, KOI lie names as witnesses- Joan tuwen. jonn Clark. W H McC rotten of Roaebnrg, Oregon, Morris G Hill, of Elbe, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file tbelr claims In this oCice on or before ta!d2indday oisepi 1WJU J.T. Hill ixir.-i, Jllp !gler. Notice for Publication. "nited SUtes Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon, july 7, IftH. Notice is bereiiy given that in compllaaca with the provisions of the act ot Congress of Junes, identified "An act for the sale of Umber lands In the stales o! Californla.Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory." aseitesd- d to all the public land statu by act of August 4,192. CHARLES H.MEl'SCH cf Roseburg. cunnty ol Ikmg'as, state of Oiegon. has this ay bled in .his orn-e bis .worn statement No CrT for the curchase of the S, of NEt. and Lots 1 and 1 of see Uon 4. lownship t tooth, range 3 west, and will offer proof to show that the land songht U more valnabla for 11a timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before tea Register and Receiver of this elite ot Boa burg, dragon, on Monday, the loth day of Octobe 19H. He names as witnesses: S W.TnrnelL Wm. Dar nell. I'resa Turaell. H. J Robinctle. all of Peel . Douglas county, Oregon. An v and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file the r claims In this oSceon or bfclore tak- 10th day of Oct. 1904. I.T. BRIDGES -Jullp Regiuer. Sheriff's Sale. In IbeClrcult Coart of the State ot Oregon, for the County ct Multnomah. Allen A Lewis ITalnUff 1 vs I Mrs II T Burr. Defendant. ) By virtue ol a writ of execution dn'y itued oat of and under the seal of the aUivc enUtled eonrt in the above cnUUrd action, to me di rected and dated thelttbdsyof Ja:y, HOI, up on a Judgment recdercd and entered in said court oa the 9lh day nf Jnly, 1901 In favor of Allen A Lewis and aga!ut aald Mr- ft T Ittirr for the sum of four hundred ihinj-one dollars and seveniy three wnu (fUl-73) with Interest th reon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the Sth day of Dec. El ber. 19U. and the further sum of tventv-tilne dollar, and twenty cents (ISb)cols and disbursements and the ens s and disbursements of and npoa this writ of execution, commanding me to a ike sale ot the following docribed premises, to-wit: The -iulheat qnsiter (SE) ot section twenty-six (S5) in lownship twenty f.t)) ab of nuiice eUht (S) west nt the Willamette Meridian in Donglas county. Slate ot Orexon. at'ached In said action on the 6tn day of April. 1904 Now therefore In compliance with the com mands of said writ, 1 will, on Thursday, the 35 day of August, 1904, at t.u (10) o'clwk a m at the front dor of the County Couit House In the city ot Rosebarg. Douglas county, State of Oregon, sell at public arction. subject to redemption, to the higatst bidder for U S. gold coin cash In band, the above described real propertv and all the right, tide and Interest the said defendant bad therein on the dateot sad attach ent, lowit: the Sih day ol April, 1'aM. or since has bad therein to satisfy said writ of execution and all accrung costs. H.T. McfLALLEN. Sheriff ot Douglas county, Oregon. jii Sheriff's Sale. Ia tbe!Circnlt Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Multnomah. Allen A Lewis, Plaintiff) vs I II T Burr. Defendant ) By virtue of a writ of cxecu'fon duly Issued out of and nnder the seal of th- above entitled court in the above entitled action, to me di rected and dated tho 13ih day of Jnly, 1904. up on a judgment rendered and entered In said conn on the 9th day ot July, 19H, In favor ot Aliens Lewis and against .aid U. T Burr for the sum of three liuudredelghly-slx dollars and thirty-tour cents with Interest thereon at the rate of S per cent ner annum from the 30th day of Dec ember 1903, and the further snm of twcn'y-nlne dollars and twenty cents (129.20) costs and disbursements and li e itl and disbursements nl and np-m this writ of execuUon, commanding me to make sale ot the ollotvlng descrlltd premisrs to-wlt: The Sortheat quarter (SE4') section tw n-ly-tno fil) m towushli twenty (JO) south nf range eight (8) est of the WUIanie'td Meridan In Douglas county. Slate of Oregon, attachtd In said action ou the Mh day of April. 19M. Now therefore In compliance with the com mands of said writ. I will n Thursday, the 25 day of August, i904 at ten (to) o'clock a m at the ftnnt door of the County Court House In th city of Rowburg, in Douglas county State of Oregon, sell at pub lie auction, subject tn redemption, to the high est bidder, for united Slates gdd coin cash in hand, the above demerit el real property and nil the right, Utle an I Interest the st!d defend ant had therein on tho dale of said attachment, to-wlt, the 8th day ot April, 1901, or since has had therein to satisfy said wilt of execution and all accruing costs. n. T. McCI.AI.LEN. Shcrlffof Douglas county, Oregon. J 25 Public Sale. Tho Janioa Beasloy heira will offer at public sale at Looking Glass, Oregon, to the hijjheat bidder, on Thursday, Aug ust 25, 1004, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., the following real estate: The nJa of swKC and aw of ewKj, and nw,lX of eoiX of sec 7, tp 23 e, r 7 west, containing 100.27 acres. This includes about 45 acres of bottom and bench land suitable for cul tivation, with atroam of never-failing water running through the same; also two never-failing springs. Two small orchards of apples and pears, and largo blackberry patch, all laden with fruit. Sulphur spring on the place. Balance of land covered with brus'i and timber, some of latter being suitable for saw mill purpose. This is a good stock ranch. The fencing was recently repaired. About eight tons of hay in barn. Four- room box house. Place is located on Uooa bay stago road between Looking Glass and Reston. Titlo perfect. Terms cash or its equivalent on llio date of transfer of deed and title. 0-22 Men Wanted. To cut cord wood at Glondale. Good Fir tirabor to work in. Price paid, $1.75 per cord. Apply to W. F. Minard, Glendalo, Oro. tf Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is to have good FRESH GROCERIES And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. n TW E- r . fl n sk- sa a Ml I I i;sct!rji RID ERANDtWee? Ho! for St. Louis and the World's Fair WILL YOU BE THERE? Nature's Art Gallery of the Kockies in addition to the at- J tractions at St. Louis. This can onlv be done by coinz or returning via the "SCENIC LINK OF THE WORLD." See u NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALLED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for illustrated booklet of Colorado's famotis sights and resorts W. C. JlcBRIDE, General Agent, 124 Third Street PORTLAND OREGON CASH FOR CLEANING UP YOUR PLACE We will pa' the highest cash price for Hides, green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes Have some splendid bargains in second band Fnnitare ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. Are You Going to St Louis? If so Purchase your Ticket via the ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SYSTEMS Choice of Routes going or returning, via St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo For Rates Call ou pour Local Agent Dates of Sale: June 16-17-1S July 1-2-3 Aug; S-9-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-5-5. For further information and Sleeping Car Reservations Call on or Address a. h. Mcdonald 140 Third st, Portland, Ore. Gen'l Agent, Lumber & Buildi Materials At a Sacrifice LUMBER IS CHEAP Read Our Cash Prices Rough Lumber. $S.oo Sized Lumder $S.oo 1 x 12 Common s 2 s S.co Shiplap $10.00 1x6 Flooriug $10.00 Aud all other LUMBER in proportion. Lumber Yards near Depot GIVE US A CALL LEON MILLS LUMBER COMPANY By J. J. KENNEY, Pres. N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT LANDS Of every descriytion. Farms and Min eral lantla. Uregon, Washington and Minnesota. (J23) OAKLAND. OREGON Title (Juarantee&Loan Co. ROSKBOKU, OREGON. I. D. Hamilton, President D C IUmiltom, Socy. and Trcaa Odce In the Court House. Haro the only coa pleto aet o abi tract booka In DousUn Count Abttracu and Certificate ot Title turnlhdo UougUacoantrUnd and mining claim. I a alto a complete aotot Tracing of all townin plata la tho Roaoburs. Oregon, D. 8. I-ana m met. Will make blue Drlnt cnnlr-i of anv tnn Ship. r H. Little, Oakland, Oregon J Reliable crown and bridge work, J. P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 49 tf Ms as s . rtin m in linn . zr. at pri mm Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on GoTern ment Land. Bine Prints of Township Maps showing all vacantLands. FRAME. ALLEY Architect, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Of f ice Fixtures Office in now Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG, OREGON p MRS. H. E ASTON is prepared to wait upon old ? nnri nflvinatnmar.nil fYfanr? with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES- All fresh and of the very beet qualitv. Teas aad coffees are 9 specialties, lour patronage solicited. x 305 Jackson St., Rweburg sW"is3