The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 01, 1904, Image 2

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Rosebura Plaindealer
rubllihed Mondays and Thursdays.
W. C. CONNER, Editor
F. H. ROGERS, Manager
Subscription f 2.00 per Year.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second claes mail matter.
by a New Comer.
that he therefore wants the paper OREGON 5 OPPORTUNITY.
to make him regular twice-a-week
visits again, and that many of his kome Good Suggestions Offered
11 1 1 ! 1 A - JJ
neignoors nave aeciuea 10 re-emer
their names on the Plaindealer
subscription book. This is the kind
nfnnain urhinh n rnmino-tn May 1 taK6 a I11U6 SpaCO 111 your
the Plaindealer from all parts of PaPer to tel1 a fow of my impressions
thfi ,ntv. nnd needless to sav. thev of thia 6reat state of Oregon." writes
. I i .1. n-LL rt
are very gratifying and encouraging a new comer 10 ine uim
tn , r,r,r. Leader- First of all what impressed
AUG. 1, 1904.
me most was the lavish way in which
nature had dealt her bounties: for
ests, mines, water, quarries, and good
soil for agriculture. Coming from
The New York Herald publishes California where irrigation prevails,
the result of an attempted poll of the fields and gardens, watered only
members of the New lork Stock Ex- h,y rains seemed strange. Oregon
change, which completely upsets as- streams, their banks covered with
sertions repeatedly made since the vines and flowers have been an un
I n. t . iliil r I
bt. l,ouis convention, tnat sne nnan- ending source of pleasure, for many
cial and business interests will turn rivers in California are 'dry creeks,'
Drv land alfalfa is Droving a sue- from Koosevelt to rarKer. ine as their banks too plainly show
I xt n i . i t it. -irvl ... . .
ness in Umatilla county. Last year neram wrote to eacn oi wie j.w Traveling f rom Los Angeles to rort-
s Pendleton merchant sold 1800 members of the stock exchange, ass- ian(j one passes through great changes
Dounds of seed, in small lots, which mg for an expression of preference, 0f scenery. Immediately upon leav
I 1 1 T 12. J Tl 1 I . . ... .
land all the way as Detween nooseven, anu ramer. ,ng the southern cities, we pass into
Theodore Roosevelt, of New York.
Chas. W. Fairbanks, of Indiana.
Apostle Creffield Taken to Port
land for Trtal.
Narrowly Escaped Lynching His
Capture May Have Good
Effect on Followers.
Portland, July HI. While making
the journey here CrelUeld liml absolute
ly nothing to any. Ilia only answer to
questions by the detective was: "1 am
Elijah." Only once, when Detective
Hartman told mm a mob might meet
them at the Portland station did he an
swer, and then to say that he expected
to le killed. Hartman asked him
auoui uio autmery case, ror a lew mo
ments Crellield would not answer, then
ho said that he would tell the whole
story today if Hartmau would see that
they allowed him to have a Bible in the
jail. The detective will make an effort
was sown on drv
from HenDner to Walla Walla, and it Owing to the absence of many from ard land, save where irrigation
. I.i . 1 11 A t I ..... a.i 11.! f . I . I
has done well in almost every in- tne city oniy -iio replies nave Deen reclaimed the desert, and all thro' the eri.ouii t. K u pan oi me
j received, but onfc of that number 307 ufi, ff,0 ctofQ mrAan nnrl nrJ miserable story from the erstwhile high
Stance. llUS SBttl IS uuk pcuuuoi . , -- l w b - ,,.;. nf ,i, ..lnlv lnllr
......... ii- J I Ha.lai-a f hmi" infonrinn nf vnrinrr f nr I i i 1 .. . 1.,. 1, l.h I 1
cept that it 13 the prOQUCt oi seeu v cnarua are inuue w Biu ujr ..u- Cretlield is not in as bad a condition
t ,na v.oon raised Roosevelt ana only are
i 1 1 1 1 1 ;( 1 1 ;t 1 1 r n iiiiu iiai lvu
Linda Parker.
lUi 4 OUtVWOOtVU w. J .w w
which were semi-arid, and as a result
it has become "acclimated" to hazar
dous and unfavorable conditions of
soil and moisture, and for that rea
son is perhaps more hardy and will
withstand drouth better than the
every town
1 - 1 1 1 Ml 1.. 1
made their first serions blunder in nas a nver inai SUP-V waier
i ? j.j i... t i
selecting Tom Taggart for chair- Power a IS surrounaeu uj lurou,
nt n n vn-i n that suddiv lumDer ana iuei. iow to
Gleaned by an Able Corps of Special Correspondents.
Days Creek.
for ptoI iisa nf w.iter. TAivintr California no
and Dassine into the Umpqua Valley, flnement. Though lie is weak from
farms and orchards look green and
Dromisin? and there is a dearth of
starvation, tie lias not Hie appearance
of a starving man. His features are
viilltil imt flint ori nnl ctittliti Iln
it . !. :n r H.-m ,V, I 1
tne UDiquitous winuumi. uu evMentv i,atl ,,lenty of food ,,ntii jli9j
i ttii 1 1 . trn n.LiAn,i i . . -
Democratic and independent papers e aiie lu 1 UUJU ' loiiowcro were one t.y one removed, but
which have heretofore announced au tt Breeu- a"u wv 1 " Cl a"u " uwo ,k " " . b . - , K ..
thpir niipai-MM fr, PArVr nlmnsk nn. more attractive than dry plains
product of seed sown where there is Ln:mnnsi npTeft tht tha nflmnnrafo and brown hills. Nearly
. r mv. 1
Harvest is nearly over.
"A bono of contention" the Days
Creek hog.
The hum of tho thresher will be heard
next Thursday.
Jule Pool, has gone to Kalamath to
reside for a while.
Walter Cornutt, will soon move to
Canyonvillo to reside.
Mrs. Willard, has gone on a short
visit to her mother, in Tacoma.
Dennis Hanks family and mother,
nave gone to tne coast for 1U uaya vaca
The new Days creek brick yard was
favored with a number of lady visitors
A new Saw mill passed through Can
yonville to be located on Cow creek
about 20 miles from hero.
Last Wednesday a large buck deer en
tered the harvest field of Geo. Newman,
and fiercely attacked the men at
work, He cleared out the field and then
started dow n towards Days Creel: P.O.
fitthting every tiling he met, until he
ran up againBtof Johny Rashor with a
riffle who soon laid him out.
county are
. . i mi
an aDunaance oi moisture. ine
Plaindealer would suggest that
some of the enterprising farmers of
Douglas county give this dry land al
falfa a test on some of the fertile,
exercise, u lien lie readied the ouce
station last evening in the patrol wagon
he had to be assisted into the office. It
was plainly eeen I hat he was in a criti
cal condition and that a separate cell
and cot would be necessary. As the city
fop my point, for all Oregonians know of Ja waa conjested with men in durance
their advantages. " . w 1 ...w. "
I CI tariff Wiii1 -lntl rKt fit mil tuirnudcinn
r -i ill il i-ll. iX. "
ltus ten oi mem, ianv uiew for Cretlield to be removal to the county
constantly to outsiders. Do you know jai, where he can receive every atten
what has made California the strong
state that she is? It is her everlast-
mittee. Aside from the
that Taecrarfs Dolitical ex-
but dry grassless slopes and small perience has been confined to Indiana
rolling hills in and around the great and more particularly to Indianapolis,
Umpqua valley. There is little doubt it jg ound tnat e is proprietor of
but what this variety of grass will the French rick ramblintr-house in
thrive far httpr in this countv than t j.-oo 4 ine boastine. at all times and at all
- i muuua, duu buu uiut ju uio icvuiu I
in the semi-arid sections of Eastern may be against the partv Which Vc You nev er hear a Californian
i ?. ?ii i.i j. I . ..u :u i.:, it -i
uregon ana it is just possioie mat has chosen him to conduct its cam- uuu liluu' HIUI UU5 au,tc LU """"s51'
it farmers and stockmen will find a pajgn. and California yarns are famous
grass that will give them pasturage Ifc the opinion of some Parker throughout the United States and the
the greater part of the year, instead Dat)er3 that Taeeart's connection with world- But these ver' fitories attract
of only during the spring ana eany this gambling resort is sufiicient PeoPie awaken a aeaire to ne in they tried to kill me; they will try it
. l 11 .1 1 . ..1 1 l. 1 . .
summer months as is tne experience reason to have rejected him as chair
irith the wild and tame grasses now regardless of his lack of ex
produced in this county. Should this perience in National politics. Others,
alfalfa thrive on the oak hills and however, think a erambler leadine the
tion. It is thought that the apostle will
eventu illy recover and stand trial. He
will probably be arraigned before Jndge
Hogue on a charge of adulterv as soon
as he is able to go to the courtroom.
When seen by a representative of The
Oregot.ian last night Cretlield refused to
"1 am Elijah," he said. "I am doing
as the l-ord ordered me to do. i know
that wonderful countrv or at least
visit there,
"Now what greets a stranger, who
on coming to Oregon, admires the
rnllmtr nastnrA lands of this countv! r. k t : ; countrv? Generally this. Oh but
v fc-w.w - , j. cjiiifi.r dLlL UfUllV 111 1 tlLll IJiXlU 11 lll I - -
which now become dry ana barren Dy do n0 i,arm to the ticket
midsummer, these grazing lands
would at once advance from fifty to Here is a coincidence strange Iive here wh malie tho best of ifc'
one hundred per cent m value ana enough to drive people almost to uo ?m reailZQ tnat most PeoPie KnOT
tlm Arirv and creamerv interests! pTiirii n MlnothiDff of Oregon save that it rains
MV h i cuujiiniuut vjiiai i wo Auuuiwy a i c i "
which are slowly being developed in mittance man from London, was killed a reat deal here? Wh not' instead
this part of the state would at once at preSno a year ago by a mule, the of say "B that ifc rains a11 the time
Wnmo nun of ihpi cTeatasfc indus- n;m 'It rains enough to make the
www w o I UmUMAA UKlUUUg U1U1 VU bUb jun I
tries of the county, together with an(j th such force that the man's
stock raising, which, under present sknH wa3 fractured. He had been
conditions, has been found profitable there a vear when the accident oc-
in Douglas county. curred. On exactly the same spot,
Jeffrey Ruddle, a brother of Charles,
A GOOD SUGGESTION. and likewise a remittance man. was
kicked in the face bv the same mule possibility of mud and dark days. Tell
i - i . . . .
The school system of this city seems Saturday morning. His jaw is shat- r yur mmea our Ioresto' our -
... I . . . I ft la tmllatra mnlo nannlo foal n fOCirA
f n Ko nmcmpriTitr alnntr with other terea into hits ana tne base ot his - -
nf unfB ThP inrrPe in the skull is iniured. The surgeons sav to sse what yu of and once the-v
t,w nf r,nnik i a siVn that not that he cannot recover. This second come "e them feel that J'0"
" - r-r o- - ij .i 4 ii.i x.
alone is the city growing, but that victim has been there just a year, Biau are nere' not mat juu nope
tnat tne nret snower win anve tnem
again. 11 the Uml wants me killed, 1
will die.'
Cretlield made these statements in a
matter-of-fact way, as though he thought
it strange that every one did not look at
it as he did. When asked concerninc
wait until winter and you will be glad the Starr case, the apostle turned away
to get out, or 'Well if you have to his head, with just the suspicion of
sneer upon his lips, and walked to the
other end of his cell. He absolutely
refused to talk concerning the case, and
repeated nuestions elicited onlv the re
sponse, "I am hlijah.
As soon as the news of Cretlield's cap
ture was wired to Portland, Detective
Hartman, who was originally assigned
to the case, was ordered to Corrallis to
lirinc fru'fliiilil twir.1 ir nncu-Ar ti iVta
sound more attractive to strangers ; char,e of aduhry preferre(j again6th;m
1 he suggestion Ot veraure ana pleas- bv II. E. Starr, who alleges that the
ant summers would counteract the anostle broke up his home. Detective
country productive, our wet winters
make fertile summers, and keep our
streams flowinc. Would not that
Mrs. B. D. Cornelius made
visit to Medford last week.
Cal. Duboll has moved to town and
occupies the Kd Day house.
Miss Laura Pardee, has returned home
having completed a term of school on
upper Cow Creek.
Two of J. W. Swank's
whose homes are in Linn
visiting their parents.
Miss EfTielirooks returned homo Sat
urday, after having taught a three
month school at Starvout.
Born, July 29, to the wife of Will
Cockerill, of Leiand a y, lb. daughter.
"Grandpa" Jack Wilson is highly elated
over the new arrival.
i.nisi ouuuuy morning Kay owanK
went out hunting, and failing to return '
that night, his parents were very much !
alarmed. Monday morning two search-
ing parties started out, and he was found ;
by George Albro and Lloyd Zimmerman '
about four miles from town. He had I
killed a large deer late in the evening,
and was unable to get home with it, to 1
hung it up and stayed with it. j
Ufa koop tho largest and
bast assortment of Staple
and Sancy Sroeorios, jtresh
bruits and Sarm SProduee
in tho city, and can snpply
your wants at as cheap or
cheaper prices than can be
had anywhere.
Remember that we Maep
the 'iSesi.
11 1
JCruse dc 9fewland
Great Ledge of Medicated
Quartz Located by Andy Pool.
city growing,
the citizens take pride in patronizing having come for the purpose of set-
tVo onlinnla instead nf spndinp- their tliner ud the estate of his brother af- away-
children away, as is the case in many ter the latter was killed. The father "Do not talk of hard times. If
towns. The new brick high school of the two brothers was crushed by a they are so to you, don't think it is
nniLW and annaratns is modern, and horse falline on him ten vears azo so to all, it does not help you any,
... ... ..! . .i.i... I anil tnav diannnratro tVip npwnmpr
is about completed, ana tne scnooi ana an uncie met a violent aeatn in a - - did not seem to have the requisite
hoard has been the recipients of railway accident shortly afterwards. who otherwise might help to make Lmonnt of nerve t0 attem pt l0 overcomo
Hartman left for Corvallis yesterday
morning, n. b. btarr and male mem
bers of the Starr family also journeyed
to Corvallis, with the intention of form
ing a mob, taking Cretlield from the
jail and lynching him When the au
thorities heard of this a guard was set
over the jail, ami all Friday night men
with ritles and shotguns in their hands
paced up and down before the Corvallis
Bastile to protect the prisoner. Starr
did succeed in forming a mob, but it
was a small one. Three times during
the night they advanced on the jail, but
W. B. Vinson, superintendent of the
county farm, has just returned home
froinfa visit to Coffee Creek and the
upper South Umpqua valley. While at
the home of Andy Pool he loarned of a
recent mineral discovery of unusual in
terest. In hunting and prospecting in
that part of Douglas county, which is
becoming somewhat noted for its rich
minerals, Mr. Pool observed that doer
were frequenting a certain ledge to lick a
peculiar sandstone formation, which Mr.
Pool supposed contained salt. He how
ever, decided to test the peculiar miner
al formation and found tbat it dissolved
readily in water. He then decided to
test its medical merits, water in which
it was dissolved having a decidedly
brackish taste. The first experiment
with the solution was an external appli
cation on the back of his faithful watch
dog which was sutlering from mange
and strange to relate a cure was speedily
effected. The experiment was next
tried on a friend oi .Mr. Pool who was
suffering severely from contact with
poison oak and a cure was as speedily
effected as in the former case. The fo
lution was also found very beneficial in
cases of eczema and other skin diseases
and stomach disorders were relieved by
taking it in ordinary doses regularly. So
much interest has been awakened in
this strange quartz with respect to its
peculiar medicaljqualities. that an analy
sis of the mineral will be made, a quan
tity of the quartz having been sent to
Fullerton & Richardson's pharmacy in
this city for that purpose. Mr. Pool
says there is a large deposit or ledge of
the peculiar formation, which may be
come as valuable as a gold mine
Mr. Vinson says Jas. Camaron.a miner
of the Coffee Creek district claims to
have recently discovered the mother
lode from which source the placer beds
of that vicinity are supplied. The gold
and quartz specimens displayed by Mr.
Camaron seem to fufly justify his claims.
Mining operations are very active in that
part of the county and many good mines
are being developed.
many congratulations. Of course, it
takes time to do so many things and
vexatious delays have been encoun
tered, most of which have now been
nassed. The coming school season
Tired of the Matrimonial Yoke.
Two divorce cases have been filed for
hearing at the next term of Circuit I
your fortune better. Speak a good
word for your own town and state.
With the wealth of Golconda buried
under knocks no state could pros
per. Better have a name for boast-
- x i. ... .- m C0"1' wblcn are Anm R,der ing than for knocking. Remember
promnx u ue tne u u. vu uj v8 Jacob L R5derj on the RronndB of -
of the city and every citizen is urged cruel and inhuman treatment. Of thlg
to take an interest in the building up issue are two girls, age 1 5 and 3 years,
nf thA Hfhonls. It has been surest- respectively, of whom the plaintiff asks
edbvF.-W. Woollev. a member of
the school board, tbat
custody. She also asks $75 from her
I htlflKftnr? irith trhinh tn Mtmrv nn tlita
- . ...... . . v j " -"
nrnmirDTir I .. .... . ...
suit ana to De decreed one third owner
and public spirited citizens of Rose- 0f eighty acres of land at their home
bunr step forward and permit the near Gardiner.
mVft their names to the iae 0lner 0468 18 entitled u. w.
O I tTTl 4 TT I -l TTTL !i . r J
VT Y1ATTT hlrfh Cfh fC I I
building, to be designated by name in 1888 and have one chiid) a daughter,
plates on the doors of the rooms thus Znba, aged 14, now with Mrs. White
named. This would not only enable elsewhere, but of whom White asks cus-
nafrnnn nf t,Tm Rr-.hnnl to more easilv Adultery on pait of the defend-
lT:t a 4- nf t! 0t,rtn1 ant is alleged by the plaintiff, the co-re-
uslt mm wjuiHuw. apondent mentioned being John Attwell,
desired, but would tend to inspire a a former merchant of thia city, against
greater interest in educational mat- whom White filed a suit for heavy dam
ters on the part of the leading citi- ages some time ago for alleged aliena-
... ... iin rf Ta W Vi I n' a affantiAna
liberty to make donations of books,
appropriate pictures, statuary or any-
Al - . ..1.3 i.MJ . noA 4-hmi
muig wuitu uuiu uu w Mvrtle Lodee A. F. and A. M
boasting has boosted many places to
the front that had not one-quarter
the natural resources that Oregon
NICHOLAS. At Ten Mile, Oregon,
July 24, 1D01, to Mr and Mrs. A K
Nicholas, a 9-pound girl.
PICKENS. On Lower Calapooia, July
30, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pick
ens, a daughter.
Highest Market Price Paid for
Country Produce
at McNamee's Grocery
Roseburg Houfe Hotel, Aug. 1, IK)!,
L. W. Uatcheller, of Ixw Ancel??,
California, and Miss M". C. Taylor, of
Portland, Ore., his honor, Justice of
the Peace, John Ixmg, officiating.
The groom is a well known Com-
cial traveler while the bride is an es
timable young lady of the Oregon metro
polis, the couple having decided to meet
at a half way point and unite in blissful
wedlock. This is said u be Judge j
Long's first matrimonial knot, which he j
however warrants to be secure ana it is
stated that he officiated with a 1 the
dignity, grace and exactness of au adept
at the business, even to the kiting of
the blu-hing bride.
Letter List
Roosevelt could have astonished
the notification committee by telling
them he knew it all the time.
New Masonic Lodge.
Paris, July 31 Relations are decided
ly strained between the French govern-
respective rooms attractive, cheerful instituted at Myrtle Creek last Satur- ment and Pope, official relations between
and interesting. Those honored with day evening by local members of that that country and the Vatican havin
such a memorial would no doubt vie order assisted by prominent members been severed, ibe Papal siuncio lias
-5H, W.WintWendP.avnrtn '" Roseburg, Riddle, and Canyon- been told to leave Paris and the French
nv v.-w-. ... " I ;it rrl 1 t . ra Vmhaaair Ihn VlrvTvr hno uutn nr.
i viiiH. i iiH riHW nriifr HTrrfn nnt wir n i muvaooj w uwn sxsv w-v.u v.
promote the interests Of our schools. U charter membera and foQr applica. deredhome, while a formal denuncia.
The Plaindealer management thinks tiona for mnmh.rRh5n. Th nrinMni tion of the concordat is expected. The
inn onfrcrpsrinn an excellent onp. officers elected and inHtnllRcl in ihn note Bevenne the relations between
nwiv orennizAd lodun wnr? k. Tt. Han. urance ana me vaucan was coucnou in
XT f u. D: Q xxr Tt t I Mm fnllnnrinff tormn-
. . rr. Anifp inn w wit till. 1 ' ' 'I i
HLAlNUCAiXK LUUlU UUUU 1U niM Armitaee. Sec. Willis Kramer. Treas. "After having on tevoral occasions
After the organization, election and in- pointed out tho blows struck at the uov
stallation of officers a splendid banquet ernment right under tho concordat by
P. M. Good, the genial postmaster was served. Among the Masons in at- the Vatican's dealing directly with tho
tendance from Rosebnre were: I. Wol- French bishops, without consultation
.. ,- tj i. i lenberg, Simon Caro, D. R. Shambrook, with the power with which the concor-
been a staunch friend and supporter Secretary Robinson and Grand Chaplain Pontifical Secretary of State in his reply
of the PLAINDEALER except during Preston were also in attendance. The of July 25th affirmed these proceedings,
the past year, when like a good many hiew lodge starts out under very favora- the French Government has decided to
the guards. Finally O. V. Hurt, under
whose house tho "Holy Roller" was
found, and whose home was also broken
up by CrefTL Id, addressed the mob and
asked them to let the law take its course.
After listening to his words, the Corval
lis portion of the mob dispersed and
went to their homes.
The Starrs then announced their in
tention of killing Cretlield as soon as he
emerged from the jail, or at the railway
station. When detective Haitman
heard of this threat he made arrange
ments with the railway people complete
ly to fool the would-be lynchers. When
the train arrived at Corvallis, instead of
stopping at the station, it started to run
through the town as it usuallv does.
All the world's a stage, and those However, it stopped suddenly two
people who don't think just as we do blocks north of the station, opposite the
are the villians. Yes? Courthouse, where Hartman had Cre-
ihelu concealed. As soon as the train
pulled up Hartmau hustled Creffield
across the Courthouse yard and into the
car. The train then pulled out of the
town, before the men at the station had
time to realizo that they had been
fooled and thnt Creffield was on his
way to Portland.
Salem, Or., July 30.-Phyeicians at the
State Insane Asylum are very hopeful
that tho capture of Creffield wi l have a
goou eitect upon ms louowera wno are
now confined at that institution. Before
Creffield went into hiding he told his
band of Holy Rollers that they need
have no fear f jr his welfare for tho Lord
would protect him. Ho assured them
that it would be impossible for tho offi
cers to arrest him Subsequent events
seemed to prove his claim to be true, for
many weeks of zeal ius search failed to
bring about his apprehension. The ap
parent fulfillment of his prophecy serv
ed to increase the faith of his followers.
It is hoped that his capture will bo ac
cepted as proof that he an impostor and
that his followers will lose the delusion
by which they have been controlled
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg postoffice
Barton, Mr Milton
Jamieson, Mr George W 2
Danner, Mr II C McKay, Mr Donald
Dekenster, Mr William 2
McLsne, Mr Ona
Gilman, A C
McCullen, Mrs Maggie
Hobbs, Mr J H Meagher, Mr P
Harding. Mrs P J Stevens, Dellburt
Homer, Mr C E Thompson, Mr Geo
Harris, Mr S K Thornton, Mr II
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on which they are
advertised, August 1, 1904.
The letters mill bo charged for at the
rate of ono cent each.
Wm. A. Feat k.
HOOVER. At her home in this city,
Monday, August I, HOI, Mrs. Hnlda
Eveline Hoover, aged 73 years.
Deceased was born in the state of In
diana in 1S3I, and was united in mar
riage to Dr. George W. Hoover, in Sulli
van county, Slissouri, in October, 1S4S.
They crotsed the plains in 1S54 and Io-
cited at San Jose, California, later go j
ing to Sacramento. They came to Rose-1
bnrg and located in 1S5S, where the,
hnsband of the dtceased died, October, i
12, 1SS6. Seven children were born of !
this union, five of whom are still living,
namely: Mrs. Rose Mensor, Seattle;
Clara S. Hoover, Roseburg; L. E. Hoov-i
er, Medford; Geo. W. Hoover, Port
land, and Dr. Elmer V. Hoover, Hose
burg's present mayor. The elder
Mr. Hoover was numbered among
the pioneer physicians of this coun
ty, he and his wife being closely
identified with the early development
and npbuilding of this city and county.
Mrs. Hoover was a very estimable lady,
kind and considerate to all, a noble pio
neer lady, a loving wife and mother and
a kind neighbor. She was widely known
in thia part of the state and the news of
her death will be received with sorrow
by all who knew her. Funeral services
have not yet been announced.
The Flnert In the County
to Be Had at the : : :
For Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements,
Envelopes, Wedding Stationery, Posters, Legal
Blanks, Briefs, in fact anything in the Printing
. sive us a call.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Tir wf
Utopian Mat Finish Pottery
What is home without the home
newspaper. Subscribe for the Twice-
Official Relations Severed.
Coll for Bids
others he took exceptions to its policy
during that time and withdrew his
name from its subscription book. He
says that the paper under its present
manazement looks mighty good to
ble auspices
For Osteopathy, see Dr., Stud ley.
the postoffice.
conclude official relations with the Holy
See, whose desire had become object-
Some lovers of pleasure say : We will
A young lady applicant for a school in
a Kansas town was asked tho question :
t,;m ,BJ tW no ?q nWqed tn note 06 a long time dead bat il is Painfally "What is your position upon whipping bo given witl
him, and that he is pleased to note true that we are often a ,ong time aliv3 chiIdren7 and lhm rcp)yJ was: l!,My iWds will be
that in it the Republican party of and freqaentiy g00d luck and healtb UBUal Mion is on a chair, with tho ,)."1,ler' rho,(
n i i : x,a o f j . i .1 , ........... '. . elect any una
Douglas county again has a true,
' loyal, able and reliable exponent, and
desert ub, and then we are a long time child held firmly across my knee, face
poor downward." 8he got the school.
Sealed bids will ho received for tho
keeping of tho following ferries nt the
September term of tho County Court,
to-wit, on tno Htn nay ot September
1904 nt 1 o'clock p. in. :
Smith's ForTV, Dimmick's Lono Rock
Ferry and J. A. Sawyer's Ferry, bids to
i I : l .....i .a ' i
wiiu " wiuiuui equipment.
requireu ot the successful
Court reserves tho right to
eject any and all bids.
iu. u.TiiuiurauiN
37 tf County Judge,
No better wav to health is found than
Osteopathy. Free consultation with
vour local Osteopathic Physician, Dr
H L. Studley. Office over the P. O.
New, up to date, fancy and Ornamental.
25 Different designs. Various designs
and assortments of Jardinier's at
f you want to buy a farm
f you want furnished rooms
f you want to buy a house
f vou want to rent a house
i you want to build a house,
f you want to move a house
FARQUHAR In this city, July 25,
1904, John J. Fanj uhar, aged G2 years,
uncle of Mrs. George Brandenburg, of
thia city, and Miss Birdie Farquhar
of Seattle. Funeral notice hereafter.
Mr. Farquhar was for many years a
resident of Roseburg where he conduct
ed a restaurant, and was well known
here. His brother, Thos. Farquhar,
lives at Coffee Creek in this county.
The deceased had been in the I. O. 0. F.
home at Portland most of the time for
the past two years.
I If -ndon tkoow PAT
Cal on or addross ...
F F.pattBfSon,
ad BoiUar
Manv a good kitchen mechanic
been spoiled by attempting to fill
I position of stenographer.
JfljH We offer one of the lar-
Sst aad Finest Stocks
jgk on the Pacific Coast. V
I Write Immediately fl
j CHIjj
MDDMAMQ' SB ICE cream parlors
S?Puies ill The Best Ice Cream Soda
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Watch Repairing a Specialty
A, 5alzman, JEWELER
needs a business etlneatlon. The bct place
to get one Is : : : ; : t
Garland Business College
We have a Correspondence
Course In horthanil In
veMlRate ; : : :
J. B. GARLAND, Principal
Drink Sola &
from.... &
uunniLn o
Flue g
Crisp & The BEST
Taffies Icecream
, H