The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 01, 1904, Image 1

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    Oi-oRO.i Historical SocjeL
3 Wttkctkt
No. 61
Paul Morion, -who succeeded the present attorney general, W. II. Moody, as secretary
of tlie navy, is x. son of the late J. Sterling Morton, secretiry of agriculture during Presi
dent Cleveland's second term. Yonn Mr. Mort.m was born in Detroit in ISo" and since
JbSO lias been in the railroad buMi-&3. At tli time of his recent appointment to the
Cabinet he was third vice president of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa re railroad.
Mrs. Lucinda Bryant, Pioneer of 1852, Hangs Her
self at Albany.
Albany, Or , Jul' 30. Mrs. Lucinda Bryant, a
well known Alban- woman and an Oregon pirneer,
committed suicide at her home in East Albany earl'
this morning by hanging herself. Mrs. Cyrus, her
housekeeper, missed her from her room at 6:30 this
morning and was unable to find her in the house.
A search was instituted, and Mrs. Bryant's body
was found in the barn, -where she had hanged herself.
She had been dead some time.
Mrs. B yant was 76 years old, Since the death of
her husband, in April, 1903, her mind has gradually
become more and more affected. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant
were married young, and lived together over 50 years,
and she missed him so much that her brooding led to
partial insanity and finally suicide.
Mrs. Bryant was a well known and respected
woman in Linn county. She was an Oregon pioneer,
having crossed the plains to this state in 1S52.
R. W. FENN . . U. S. Deputy . .
TITt Mineral Surveyor
Civil Engineer &
Lately with the govern- L Qffl Postoffice.
ment geographical and
geolo-ieal survey of Bra- ROSEBURG, OREGON,
zil, South America ... Correspondence solicited
Nothing will add so much to the appearance and at
tractiveness of your home as a new coat of Paint, and
the COST will be SMALL if you buy your Paints and
Oils from :::::::::
AUG 15
we will sell all odd pairs of lace curtains
in our store at cost, and w.ill give ten per
; cent reduction on all other lace curtains.
: Ail Remnants of Carpets at Cost Until Aug. 15
J Get your rugs, and small rooms covered
now at small expense
tetty Mount Tabor Girl Weds A
Wealthy liopgrower.
Emma Schrum is a white jrirl, her folk
living at .Mount Tabor. In her child
hood days, like most of her playmates,
she laughed at the Chinese peddlers
when annoyed by had boys throwing
rocks after them as they passed along
in the quiet and peaceful way character
istic of the Chinese when in a strange
land. Little then did she dream that
some day she would swear lifelong al
legiance to one of them, and had any
one dared tell her so trouble would have
followed But Cupid's darts aro some
times aimed in a strange direction and
with remarkable results, and after a
year's courtship sweet-faced Miss Emma
aged 21, has become the better half of
Sing I-ope, aged Ati, and a Celestial of
great wealth.
The wedding, which came about in a
most romantic way, was held the other
day at Vancouver, Wash., and was jer-
formed in true American style, a Justice
of the Peace officiating. Some way or
other, facts remained buried, although
there was no particular reason for se
crecy, for Sing is a highly respected
man of his race, and the girl has many
friends. After the ceremony, which
was performed in the presence of an at
torney and a wealthy Chinese merchant
from Portland, the bridal couple cross
ed the Columbia on the ferry and theti
hurried on to Portland in an electric car.
A few days later the happy couple
took possession of the groom's SO-acro
hopyard at Greshsfn, where they will
be at home to their friends, and all is i
said to be running along "smooth as
mooth can be."
The girl who flinched not at wedding
outside of her own race, will have con
siderable to say concerning the opera
tion of one of the largest hopfield in the
state, and it is due entirely to the ex
istence of this yard that Miss Emma
Schrum is today the wife of the wealthy
Celestial. About a year ago when the
lops were ready to be plucked Emma
ecided upon going out into the fields to
make a little pin money and also inci
dentally to have a bit of recreation in
the healthy hopdelds.
She worked so well and industriously
that Sing, the proprietor, could not
help admiring the girl from Mount Tab
or, and he spoke to her about hops and
things until at last the two were pretty
well acquainted. The hops were picked,
baled and eventually disposed of at a
handsome profit, bnt all the while Sing
could not forget the pretty white maiden
who had helped him to reap his harvest.
The knowledge of having ample funds
to give a woman a comfortable home
ave the hopgrower courage to propose,
so his friends say, and the ceremony in
Vancouver shows that he knew how.
even though his language is somewhat
broken and his hair not parted in the
But, in this connection, it might be
said that to one of the witnesses at the
wedding Sing confided that soon his
queue would be a thing of the past ; that
he would adopt the customs of a white
man as much as possible in order to
overcome the racial contrast of the two
who are now one.
Southern Pacific Railroad Company Preparing to
Build Spur Mill Machinery Arriving Dam
will be Raised Big Storage Basin.
Was Manufactured by an Uncle
of Two Roseburg People.
Act of Heroism In a Douglas
County Mine.
The staid little pioneer village of Win
chester promises to be abruptly awak
ened from its long Rip Van Winkle
sleep at a very early date, which is evi
dent from the preparations being made
by the Umpqua Improvement Co., to
establish a largo sawmill and wood
working plant, besides many other new
industries at that place, at once, where
great water power facilities are found
and havo been secured by this company.
With D. S. West, the editor of the
Flaixdkalcr enjoyed a pleasant drive tr.,
that place, live miles north ofKoseburg,
Friday evening, where we found George
A. Steel, a prominnnt member of the
company, and Supt. Fred K. Gutting,
who kindly pointed out the mill site and
yards for the big milling enterprise,
soo.i to be established, and piloted us
through the great power plant of the
company, which supplies Koseburg with j
both light and water. Three large tur-j
bine water wheels of about 250 horse
power each, supply tho power for this
great plant, while a 250-horsepower
boiler and engine is held in reserve to
meet any emergency that may arise.
A large modern triple power pump
forces water from the clear, cold North
UmKua river five miles through a
twelve inch main to a reservoir at an
elevation of 300 feet near Koseburg from
which the city receives its water sup
ply, and in order to increase this sup
ply to meet the growing demand for
water, the company is preparing to in-J
stall a second pump of about the same
capacity of the present one, and will
also install an additional dvnamo for I
light and power purposes. I
As soon as the new saw mill is com
pleted and ready for operations one of
these great turbin wheels will be usd
exclusively to supply power for the mill,
for which a carload of machinery has al
ready been placed on the ground and
upon which a force of carpenters will be
gin work laying the foundation sills and
putting up the heavy framework this
weeK, some delay having been occa
sioned by the Johnson Mill Co., at Myr
tle Creek, bang unable to cut and de
liver the foundation and frame material
at the lime specified.
This mill will have a capacity of from
00,000 to 70,000 feet of lumber per day,
it being, however, the intention of the
company to erect its largest mill and
kiln driers at a point on the opposite
side of the river about one-hi-lf mile be
low the dam, where nature has provided
a C0-acrc basin, which may be supplied
with water and logs by a race or Hume
from the dam along the foot of the hill
on the north side of the river and in
which thousands of feet of logs may be
kept in reserve in perfect safety even
during freshets, the outlet from which
log-storage basin will have a 20-foot fall
and thereby furnith great additional
power facilities. Between this basin
and the Southern Pacific railroad is an
ideal mill and yards site comprising
some 50 acres, on which the large mill
ing plant will be established. Consid
ering the fact that all of the billions of
feet of timber bordering on the banks of
the North Urnpqua river can find no
other outlet than to this point on the S.
P. railroad, the magnitude of the lum
bering industry which is likely to be
come established soon at Winchester,
can be readily recognized, an institution
or enterprise which promises to excel
that of the Booth-Kelly Co., tho one
great advantage this new company will
have over the Booth-Kelly people being
the concentration of all its manufactur
ing institutions at one point, under one
superintendent, whereas, the latter com
pany, to utilize its timber supply have
found it necessary to establish various
'milling plants at different points on
I.ane county water-ways. A live-foot
raise in the present dam will render this
great storage basin project practical and
inexpensive, as well as creatly increas
ing the Company's power facilities at
the same time, and this improvement
will be undertaken soon.
To accommodate this new milling
company at Winchester, the Southern
Pacific Co. has just completed the sur
vey and set grade stakes for a spur or
siding from the depot at that place to a
oint above the county bridge, a dis
tance of a half-mile or more, which will
traverse the lumber yards of the new
mill company, and work on this spur
will commence soon.
The location of this big sawmill and
power plant at Winchester will soon
furnish employment for a large nnmber
of laborers, many of whom will desire to
establish homes at that place, and a
thriving town will spring up. Members
of the mill company, together with a
few prominent citizens of Koseburg,
have therefore organized the Winchester
Townsite Co., with the object of platting
an ideal townsite at that place, with
uniform lots and commodious streets,
the fite being one of the most pictur
esque and commanding locations for a
town to be found in the state, a beauti
ful oak-clad tableland rising about fifty
feet above the mill and yard site on the
bank of the river, and extending back
to the foothills, the soil being of a dry,
sandy nature and very fertile.
Owing to this ideal location many
will locate and build up comfortable and
modern homes at this place, the com
pany having already received many in
quiries regarding its town lots. That
a nourishing city ill spring up within
the next few years at Winchester, which
will no doubt be connected with Kose
burg by an electric road, is the opinion
of all those who are acquainted with the
conditions and well laid plans of the
people belund tho big enterprises at that
Our townsman, Fred J Blakely, has
been working diligently on this treat
enterprise for the past two years, the
late organization of these substantial
lumbering and townsite companies of
which he is a prominent member, being
the successful conclusion of his well
laid plans, which will no dcubt develop
one of the largest milling industries in
the state at Winchester.
It is safe to assume that few persons
know who made tho first straw braid
hat for men.
This familiar form of summer head
wear was the production of Charles
Slocum, the subject of this sketch, who,
in 184(5, in company with Fdward F.
Brown, of Walpole, Mass , conducted an
establishment for bleaching and press
ing bonnets, etc-, at 256 Washington
St., Boston.
One day Mr. Slocum, while watching
the evolution of the woman's bonnet, at
a Boston millinery shop, then and there
conceived the idea that straw braid
could be converted in a similar manner
into a hat for men. The next day he
had Borne of the braid sent to his shop,
and aa a result he appeared out in a
straw hat, the first of its kind ever made.
The following year tewed , hats were!
manufactured in Walpole and two years
afterwards the business was established
in Foxboro, which town became the
straw hat manufacturing center of the
For many years prior to the introduc
tion of the sewed braid bat men had
worn manila, panama, leghorn and
palm-leaf hats.
Charles Slocum was born in Wrent-
ham, now Norfolk, Feb. 13, 1S19. His
parents were Simon Slocum and Eliza
beth Herring. He married Mary M.
Griswold, of Enfield, Conn., and has
one son living, Edward M. Slocum,
manager of the Newark, N. J., bill post
ing company, lie alto has three grand
children and four great-grandchildren.
Mr. Slocum is an uncle of Mrs. C. I..
Hadley and Clay Slocum, of Koseburg.
M. II.
Vie-i Howard Metedf, mho tak- the piae cf George B. CorUljoo, bov kllraax
of the U-piiblvean national curnitte. .u ferctarrof commerce and Labor, -wax bora is
Uticrf. N. V.. in 18SJ ami wax grsHtuttd from th f al Law school in 1876. He refeored
o u.kttwi, ui., litre tv became a prvminevt attorney. la 1883 be wu elected to
creu (torn the Tluid California diitrici acd was rveUeted ia 1900 asd ajaia in 1902.
Russian Minister Assassinated.
ST. l'ETERSBCBO. JUlV S. Jl . lie
Plehve, minister of the interior and one
of the most prominent figures in Euro
pean affairs was assassinated this morn
ing by an anarchist who hur'td a bomb
beneath the carriage in whk-L be was
driving on an official errand. A Jen is
reported to have been secretly arrested
by the police for the crime. The carri
age was almost entirely demolished and
in the debris were foend the mangled
bodies of the minister and his coach
man. So great was the mutilation that
to collect their bodies a cashmere net
was used. The fragments were carried
to the minister's residence.
M. de Plehve was the czar's home
secretary, ani the most powerful man
in Russia behind the throne. When
orer two years ago the former minister
of the interior was struck down it was
to M. de Plehve that the czar instantly
turned. Two ministers of the interior
had fallen by the hands of assassins
within a year, but M. de Plehve did not
hesitate to step into the murdered men's
place, the most dangerous port in all
Russia. lie was a stern and fearless
man who never hesitated to speak what
he regarded as the truth.
Jap Cruisers in Pursuit of Vladivostok Squadron
Armies Soon to Clash.
One Widow of the Revolution Still
on the Pension Rolls.
A boy who was employed at one of the
mines on Mt. Reuben, while in the pow
der house that contained 1,250 pounds
of dynamite, dropped a lighted candle
into an open box of the explosive on
Wednesday evening. Horrified at the
probable consequences, the boy rushed
out of the magazine, shouting "fire in
the powder house."
Engineer Fred Gaedecke ran to the
scene, where he found fire burning in
the sawdust packing around an open
box of dynamite. He tried to put out
the blaze with his bare hands but was
unable to do so; then he ran to the en
gine room, got a pail of water, returned
to the powder magazine and subdued
the flames which by that time were
wrapping themselves about the dyna
mite. When at the engine room he was
cautioned not to go back to the powder
house or he would " be blown to pieces."
"If I don't go back there and put
out that fire every man on this moun
tain will be blown to pieces within a
minute," was his reply. He went, and
by that act of heroism he doubtless
saved the life or averted tho maiming of
every man at the mine, and tho des
truction of thousands of dollars worth
of property. There are good men for
every emergency. Gaedecke was tried
and found not wanting. Glondale News
Self-Styled Joshua Dragged From Under Corvallis
Residence and Taken to Jail.
Probate Orders.
In the matter of the estato of Magda
lene Hardman, deceased, W. S. Britt,
executor, authorized to pay the second
bequest of decedent's will, i. e , $1000
to tho children of each of her sisters and
In the estate of M. E. Dillard, deceas
ed, Admr. S. L. Dillard ia directed to
distribute to tho decedent's heirs, S. L.
Dillard, Jennie Miller, Candace Cobb,
and F. L. Dillard, the sum of $303.07,
remaining in his hands as the residue of
said estate. Admr. and bondsmen wore
thereupon discharged.
In the guardianship of Minnie Belle
Weatherford, a minor, Mrs. A B.
Weatherford, guardian, is authorized to
sell the interest of said minor in the pro
perty known as the homestead of John
P. Weatherford. being tho noli f 8ec 6
tp 29 x, r 8 west, containing 150. 33 acres.
In the estate of W. C. Hildebrand,
deceased, the admx., .Mrs. M. E. Hilde
brand, has filed her final account and
date of settlement is fixed for Sept. 5,
1904, at 10 o'clock a.m.
Corvallis, Or., July 29. Naked
as a new-born babe and emaciated
from starvation, Edmund Creffield,
the former sleek and sanctimonious
leader of the Holy Rollers, was hauled
out from under 0. V. Hurt's house at
10 o'clock this morning by officers of
the law. From all indications this
has been his hiding place ever since j
his disappearance some three months
ago. Crefiield changed his name to
"Joshua" when he founded his new
Securely hidden in his unsuspected
retreat, he was fed at first by the in
fatuated members of his flock, and
from there ho gave out the messages
from on high, which now accounts
for many of the peculiar bareheaded
and barefooted on tho streets.
As his followers were in turn ar
rested, and sent to the insane asylum,
things began to come hard for Crof
field. His food supply was
cut off, and rather than come out
to certain capture he lay in his
cramped quarters and starved.
This morning Roy Hurt, aged about
10, while playing around, crawled
under tho house and found tho apostle
lying there. Ho - came to town and
notified his father and Chief Lano,
who hastened over and verified tho
boy's report.
The place where tho apostle has
been'hiddon is under a floor about" 18
inches from the ground in a cave 15
inches deep and G feet long. A
I blanket, a pillow and about two dozen
j empty fruit cans comprised his
worldly possessions. Not a stich of
clothing of any kind could be found,
except a soiled shirt.
His only remark when captured
was to raise his hands to heaven and
exclaim :
"I am Elijah."
Creffield is now in the County Jail
here. The house where he was found
is the same one at which household
articles, musical instruments, wearing
apparel and other articles of value
were burned in spectacular demon
stration that astonished all Christen
dom several months ago. In all, half
a dozen of his followers havo been
sent to the asylum, and two or three
to the Boys' and Girls' Home. The
last to go was Mrs. Hurt, who
was committed to the asylum four
weeks ago. It is supposed that in
her going the agency for Creffield's
maintenance and food supply was
largely cut off, which accounts for
the apostle's starving condition.
The dirt taken from tho hole was
leveled off, and under it wero found,
besides tho 18 fruit jars, all empty,
a little sugar, a little flour, two tin
cups and a knife and spoon. One of
the jars showed that he stirred the
fruit and flour together for his
At first when accosted by tho of
ficers Creffield refused to como out
from under the house, but at last
yielded and crawled out alone. A re
ward of $350 was offored for his ar
rest and conviction which will no
doubt be paid young Hurt.
Washington, July 30. Among the
pensoners of the government are many
widows of soldiers who rirved in the
various wars. Only one widow of the
revolution now remains, however, two
having died during the last year. This
solitary survivor is Mrs. Esther S
Damon, and she lives at Plymouth
Union, t. Her maiden name was
Esther Summers, and she was born in
Plymouth in 1SU. When she was 21
vears old she was married to Xoah
Damon, then 70 years old. who had
served two years in the Massachusetts
continental, and was in the battle of
Lone Island. The marriage took place
in 1S35, and Damon died in 1S53.
Mrs. Damon, who is now 90 yeai
old, may bo regarded as a very interesting
jterron, inasmuch as she furnishes a con
neciing link between the Avar for inde
pendence and tho present day a time
bre k of 125 years. Though she herself
did not witness the birth of this great
republic, her husband beheld that event
and took part in the doiugs which led
to tho formation of our government It
seems wonderful to think that a man
whose wife is now alivo and drawing a
stipend from the treasury was old
enough to bear arms wheu tho shot fired
at Lexington was heard around tho
Surprise Party.
A company of young peoplo very
pleasantly surprised Oscar Lindsoy by
calling in a body at his homo in West
Kondiurg Friday evening, the surprise
having been planned by his mother and
sister, Mrs. Lindsoy nud Mrs. Sharp
Games and social converso occupied tho
evening hours which sped by all to
fleetly and at a little before inulnigh
excellent refreshments wero sorved
Among those present were: Misses Ev
Cloak, Mario and Waitio Jones, Lacy
Sharp, Millie Strader, Nora and Maud
Jones, Laura Spalding, Mr. and Mrs,
Earnest Sharp, Messrs Arthur Strader,
Walter Cloak, Kussol Harness, Bert
Bryant, and Oscar Lindsoy. Tho even
ing was reported as a most enjoyable
one by all present.
Tho oil fever in Pratnm appears to
havo somo foundation. The oil indica
tions aro strong.
St. Petersburg, July 30. A rumor has reached
here that England is preparing for war with Russia in
the event that Russia insists on the right of her war
ships to pass the Dardanelles.
Tokio, July 30. Short!- after the discovery of
the Vladivostok squadron off Izu this morning four
Japanese warships were seen chasing the Russian
cruisers to the southward. The vessels were then
ahout fourteen miles distant. Three more Japanese
warships are known to be but fort miles from Oshima.
Tokio, JuVy 30. A dispatch later in the day
states that the Vladivostok cruisers were seen east of
the entrance to Tsugaru, but nothing was then seen,
of the Japanese warships puisuing.
Hia Chexg, July 30 The Japanese have resumed
their advances. They attacked the Russian right
fiank Friday under cover. The infantry pushed along
the line of the railway and the advance was temporari
ly checked at 11 o'clock, but was again continued af
ter noon.
B Al K
ZitsblisheJ LSJ
lacarpotxtcd 1301
Capital Stock
President. Vice Proldcat.
m he !
1111 ;
Is now prepared to do all kind of
machinist work, such as tnrninc,
milling, drilling, grinding, buffing
aad. plishiu; Saws gnmmed,
knives and shears eround ; clippers
ground on John Van Benschaten
clipper grinder ::::::
New Arrivals
Every day brings something now in Spring Goods.'
VIOLE the latest thing in dress goods for suits
Skirts and Waists.
Also the "Cotton Crepe" we are the only ones in
tho city who have imported this goods direct from
Japan. It comes in all colors and will sell for 20c ts
per yard.