Our Holdovers Must We must make room for our new Fall Stock that is en route, so now is the time to get bargains in Light Weight Clothing, Wash Summer Goods, Shirt Waists and Skirts. Do not fail to taKe as money saved is money earned and we can surely save you money. The People's Store I. ABRAHAH, Prop. Dr. Cheadle Dentist. Los Cabin Creams at Curriet's. Miss Birdie Slocum of Portland is a guest of relatives in this city. Mrs. Ed Lorn: and little dmshter are the guests of fiiends in Ashland. Senator Robert A. Booth of Eugene, passed through Saturday to Coles. Mrs. A. Moser and daughter are en joying their summer vacation at Seaside. J. P. Johnson, dentist, Grave's build ing. 49tf Mrs. Howard, cf Keltopr, is visiting her ster-iu-law, Mrs. Moe Parrott, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Terrell and little ; son are visiting with Mr Terrell s par ents at Mehania. If vou want grinding done, call at the j Kosobarg Machine Shop, corner Wash ing and Kane St. Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. II. Darby, over P. O. Examinations free. All work guaranteed. 4(5-tf When bilious take Cliamberlain's i it- n 1 1 siomacn ana i.tver laoiuis. ror taie j by A. C. Marsters & Co. j Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Hamilton have re- , turned home from a much enjoyed ont- j ing in the vicinity of Peel. j For Sale Fine Scotch Coolie pups, j Prices reasonable. Enquire Jas. T. j Dixox, Dixonville, Or. 57 4 t. i If yon want to keep posted on county : affairs, subscribe for the oldest paper in J the county, the Plaindealek. i The J. A. Pooler hop crop ( 1903) of 9S j bales sold at Salem lately to Catlin fc , Linn for cents per pound. R. F. Window, the jeweler, has re turned to Roseburg after an enjoyable visit at his old home at Sheridan. Geo. R. Riddle and family of Grants Pass, pasted through Saturday, for an onting at Colestin. Ashland Tidings. Miss Vera Bvars returned to her home in Salem last Tuesday after a two j months visit with relatives in this city. JiEWSOF ; THE CITY AMD COUNTY RICE & RICE THE COMPLETE House Furnishers Now's the time to buy your Furniture, Carpets and House Furnishings ....A FEW WINNERS.... OUR $4.00 IRON BEDS j-q OUR $6.00 IRON BEDS - qq for 5 OUR $8.50 IRON BEDS -n for J'DU Now's the time when you cau enjoy solid comfort. Our Superior Steel Constructed Couches, regular $15.00, now $13.00. Good Serviceable Couch in Plush Velvet for $7.50. a range to use. They are far cooler than the old kind. Two special beauties and no better sold; 4-hole size for $30; 6-hole size, the popular size, sold most places for $45, our price $35. Now's the time you should visit our Crokery Department. When you are through buyugyour furniture you can go on buyiug the crockery for the whole house. We make a specialty of mail orders. This is all the space we have, sn call and we will be pleased to show you through. RICE & RICE The Wholesale and Retail House Furnishers. advantage of this One Door Dr. Cheadle Dentist. If you want good work done, try the Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash ington and Kane St. Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. H. Darby, over P. O. Examinations free. All work guaranteed. 40-tf For Sau 15 head of good young horses, 9 to 1203 pounds each. Call at S. M. Cobb's ranch or on A, D. Clink city. 51 Another Chautauqua admirer, Miss Elsie Benedict returned to her home in Roseburg Saturdpy, says the Ashland Tidings. . Lfldybngs introduced into southern Oregon orchards to destroy sacle are not visible, but it is Iwlieved they are doing their work well. Conductor H. H. Gillette has been assigned 10 a work train at Wolf Creek and was joined by his wife and family Monday evening. D. U. Shambrook, the hustling life insurance agent, was looking after busi ness at Drain and other points in north Douglas this week. Jas. Fialer, of Portland, was in town Tuesday on a short vacation. Mr. Frater is employed in Schiller's Cigar Store of that place. Z. L. Dimmick anil daughter Vivian of Oakland, and the latter's friend, Mis3 Mable Farmer, of Corvallis, drove over from Oakland Tuesday. The Roseburg orchestra will give a social dance at the Armory Saturday night. Good music and a pleasant time assured. All are invited. Mrs. J. W. Hamilton and daughter, Miss Ruth, returned home from a brief but pleasant visit with friends at Glendale Tuesday evening. Cheadle and Johnson, dentists, have dissolved partnership and Dr. Johnson has fitted up office rooms in the Grave's building where we will be pleased to see all old patrons; also all who wish up to-date dentistry at reasonable prices. 49tf Go Now grand opportunity South of P. O. No trouble in keeping cool today. New subscriptions are coming in live ly to the Plaindealek. To arms, Co. D. the Russians have captured one of our merchant ships. Eugene now has a startling lesson for girls keeping bad company. Jas Schaffer is just completing a neat modern Cottace on Pine street in the vicinity of the Christian church. i Boys have legun to run off with the circuses again. R.iys are as much given j to "the mad chase after nleasure" as their parents, iu these days. Dr. Cheadie gives especial attention to crown and bridge work. The latest and most scientific methods in every branch of dentistry at lowest prices. J27 C. E. Gaddis, the Roseburg and Med ford creameryman, took hia departure Monday for Crater Lake to enjoy a re spite from the daily griud of business cares. Misses Rase and Abbie Parrott, of this place and Mrs. Casey, of Dallas, are visiting their brothers Jean and Charles Parrott, at their ranch on East Umpqua. Don't forget the Chatlin University Jubilee singers at the M. E. church this Thursday evening. Their singing is re- j ceiving much fav rab!e notice from t,e ' tate press. Mrs. Jennings, sister of Mrs. W. B. Singleton, left on Wednesday's local for a short visit with friends at Riddle from where she will go tohir home in Grants Pass. CO. White, of MyrUe Creek, was transacting business in Roseburg Tues day. He says the annual vacation time being at hand renders business a little quiet in his home town. Louie Reizenstein, the reporter for uie noseourg ueview, lett on Wtines-Ia. day's local for Albany to be gone three or lour days. In his absence Editor i Wimberly is doing the local stunt. - Dr. H. L. Studlev, the Osteopathic Physician is g lining popularity by his1 honest dealings and permanent cures It will pay you to see him about your case. Uuiceover the postofhee. J1A1 The editor of the Oakland Owl, D. E. Vernon, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Katie, and Mrs. Hurd, left Tuesday for St. Louis where they will attend the great exposition and then isit with eastern relatives. Before leaving for your summer out ing order the Plaindealek to follow von. It costa you no more while you are away than it does at home. No trouble to make the change in your address. It is like getting two letters a week from your friends. The only place iu Roseburg where a omplete line of Photo Supplies, practi cal Cameras and Kodaks are carried by man who thoroughly understands the photo business, is at Graves' Art Emporium, where you get free instruc tions and use of dar.k room. When a man reaches that stage where he must take an "eye opener" when he gets up, a "bracer" at 10 o'clock, an 'appetizer" before dinner, a "feeler"' before ho goes to bed, it is time for some member of his lodge to give him the danger signal. The Salem Daily Journal says, Rollie D. Ramp has purchased the meat mar ket of Miller & Hock, in this city, and will run an up-to data market. He is an experienced butcher and stock buyer, and his many friends will be glad to see him in business. The Plaindealer job priming de partment has been crowded with work uunng me past weeK and some very y ii a artistic and up-to-date work is being turned out. Give us a trial order and bo convinced. Our prices are as pleae ing as the quality of our work. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Toye were in this city Monday evening enroute homo to Marshfield. They were married Julv 12, 1004, at Napa, Calif., the bride being Miss Olive Pearch, of this city. From San Francisco they came by steamer to Portland where tho doctor attended tho A. O. U. W. grand loduo. Mesdamea D s. West and Amata Bradford and Misses Marie Jones and Mae Fisher went to Oakland Tuesday to participate in the installation of officers in the Rebckah lodge at that place Tues day evening. Miss Mario Jones acted in the capacity of installing officer, she being the district deputy president of tho Rebekah order. Attorney-General A. M. Crawford joined his wife and eon, at tho Watson place, 18 miles east of Roseburg Tues day, to enjoy a brief vacation and rende a lew opinions on the quality of the mountain trout and venison which abound in that locality. Tho Judge was accompanied by Mr. C. Patton,a young businoBS man of Salem. Tho striken) uro atill heeling A farm of -180 acres has been sold, near Saxo Station, for f 10,000. Miss Maud Rast, returned last night from a mouths outing at Newport. Mrs. A. E. Nichols of Nichols Station, was visiting in Roseburg Wednesday Dr. Lowe tho opticion left on this mornings local for his homo in Lugene Mrs. Chas. T. Curry, left Wednesday night for her home in Now York, City Rev. W. G. Miller, of Dillard, and Row Jas Conner, of Wilbur, were in Roseburg Wedneeday. Mrs. J. T. Bridges and son Ralston, left on this mornings local to visit Mrs Bridges mother at Drain. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross King, of Yon calla, are among tho recently arrived guests at tho McClallen. A. C. Hampton, who has spent tho past two weeks in Roseburg, left on Tuesday for his homo at Monmouth. Mrs. Nation ought not to frequent sa loons. When she goes something genor all happens either to her or to to tho saloon. Because she was snubbed by a variety actress, Miss Hope Clayton, a local actress at Astoria, drowned herself Tuesday. E. J. Butrick and W. G. Farrar, left on this mornings local for Pendleton, whero they will ho employed for the next three months. H. S. French, left for Cottago Grove this morning where ho will meet J. G. Blake, General manager of the Postal Telegraph Company. Manager Wickham, of tho New Al maden mine on Galice creek, was in Roseburg Wednesday, having with him some tine samples of rich oro taken out there. Mrs. A. T. Steiner and Miss Lillian Stanton, returned from their outings in Coos County last night. The former was at North Rend and the latter at Bandon. Fred Brown has returned home and unfortunately was very little benefited by his treatment for rluminitistn at the Klamath Mot Springs where he has been for sometime past. Henry Ritzman, who went with Co. 1) of this place to the encampment at American L.ike. hut who was taken to the Hospital at Tacoma on account of sickness, returned home last ni.-ht. J. C Aiken and wife leave Friday for I a tno months trip through Yellow Stone j Park. 1 hey will go from here to Port- land where they will stop for a few days, from there they will go to visit a fister of Mrs. Aiken, after which they will join a jrty at Redlocks, Montana, to go through the National Park Asis:erof W. H. Pickthorn and her husband and five children arrived at 1 this place Tuesday direct from Lon Ion. England. The family's name is New man and thev have come here with a viou tn Irwvitint. iwirm'inoritli Tin. pLA1N-DEA,XR trust8 lher wi ' ,MseJ with their newly adopted home. i Chas. H. Spaugh, formerly of Looking ' Glass, but now of Crook County, ar- rived in Roseburg Wednesday, having made the trip on horseback which oc : cupied four days. He will remain here until about Sept. 1st, looking after busi ! ness matters. He reports hav and grain good crops in Crook County this year. First Christian church, corner Pine and Woodward street?, Geo C. Ritchey, pastor. Preaching every Snnday at 11 m and S r. m. Morni "The Pure Religion of Jesus." Eveninu- iTV t4 VSlt . 'The name that Saves " Bi ble school at 10 a. m. Junior and Sen ior C E meetings at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Messrs Rabat and Murphy took their departure for Dutchman's Butte Wed nesday morning on a hunting and fish ing expedition. Game and fish are re ported plentiful in that locality. Mr. Rabat as armed with a 40 SJ caliber Winchester, so if you hear a loud deto nation from the South you will know Mr. Kabat has located some big game and has got into action. Mention was made in the last issue of the Plaindealek relative to the com mitment to tho asylum f a prominent merchant from Port Orford, regarding which the Salem Statesman eavs: P. J. Masterson, a native of Ireland, aged 45 years, and a merchant of Port Orford, was received at tho insane asylum from Curry county Saturday. His mental alteration is supposed to be due to the excessive use of alcoholic beverages. J. A. Snell, representing the Whita- ker & Ray Company publishers and booksellers, of San Francisco, was in Roseburg last week visiting with his cousin, Miss Dollio Hefty He was ac companied by Miss Hefty'a sister, Miss Lura, of Drain, who after enjoying a hrief visit at Myrtle Creek has returned to this city to visit with friends. Mr. Snell returned to San Francisco Satur day. There are good reasons for believing that home people aro buying less of their goods away from home than ever before. It is a good sign.So long as home merchants deal fairly and sell goods at reasonable profits it is the duty of homo people to patronize them. On at least half the orders given to the mail order house the purchaser is fooled, if you buy at home and there is anything wrong with your purchaso you can have it made right. Not so when you order away from home. Ray Moore and John Townsend have joined the great majority of pleasure seekers in tho mountain fastnesses here abouts to enjoy a few days recreation Upon therottirn of Mr. Moore ho will relieve Operator Shcasgreon, who has been employd in tho Western Union tel egraph office transmitting telegraphic dispatches to the Marshfield daily Mail and the North Bond daily Post, those papers having found this service too ex pensive to continue longer, owing to their limited field and patronnge. A letter received by A. L. Kidder from his son, Stanley L. Kiddor, who has been in charge of tho Unitod States pos Lai station at Cavite, Philippine Islands, states that ho has been appointed postal inspector for the islands, tho appoint ment dating from Juno 15. Tho mauy friends of this ostcomed young Rose burger will bo gratified to learn of his deserved promotion, as well as tho im provement of his health, which has wen very poor for some time past, but which is now excellent. Committed to the Asylum. I DuCIos, a sheep raiser of Wilbur, was brought before Judco Thompson and Dr. Twitchell Tuesday and exam ined as to his sanitv. Ho is a married man with a largo family and a careful examination and evidence submitted disclosed tho fact that liu is a sensual pervert and a dangerous man to bo at large. lie was therefore committed to tho asylum, it, however, being a ques tion whether that institution or tho penitentiary was tno proper place for him. Ha has beou greatly anuoying the people of his community, on one or more occasions entering tho home of a neighbor at night during tho absence of the male members of the family, and making himself obnoxious to the female members of the household. It is tated that his wife was not agree able to tho commitment, but was granted permission to disnose of all of the personal nronortv of the familv upon agreeing to leave the state, it be ing her intention to iret her sensual spouse out of the asylum on parole as soon as possible. Du Clos was taken to Salem Tuesday night and turned over to the authorities j at the asylum by Sheriff H. T. McClallen. The Claflin Jubilee Singers. The people of the M. E. Church have an interesting musical event in store for the public in an engagement with the Claflin University Jubilee Singers, of Orangeburg, South Carolina, who will give a program in tho church this Thurs day evening July 28. This group of sin gers it a quintet of young colored men, who are said to be vocalists of usual ability. We bespeak for them a liberal patronage, assuring the musical public that they will be amply paid for their attendance, for the organization comee to us with the highest recommendation In the Justice Court. A complaint was tiled in Justice of the Peace, Jno. T. Long's court yesterday. milled 4 State of Oregon va Walter Criteser", the complaint being filed by N . S. Jones. The crime charged in the complaint was that of assault with a angerous weapon. The assault was made uikhi the person of W. S. Jones, near West Furk on Julv 'J7, the weapon used being a large rock. The case will be called for trial Fri day at 1 o'clock p. m., District Attorney Geo. M. Brown, apptaring for the prose cution and Attorney Dexter Rice for the defense. Constable H. C. Slocum went vester- ilay to West Fork and returned with the defendant. He will go again this even ing for witnesses. DIED. TUCKER At the familv residence in South Salem, Oregon, Sunday even ing, July 2 1001, Mrs. Rhoda Tucker, aged 70 years. Deceased was born in New York, and came to Oregon several years a so. Eight children are left, Palmer Tucker and E. E Tucker, of Salem, Mary Wil son and T. L. Tucker, of Blair. Neb.. Harriett Preiton and Harry Tucker, of John Day, Oregon, Stephen Tucker, of Seattle, and Ella Rently, of Myrtle Creek, Ore. SACKETT At the state asylum for the insane, at Salem, Ore., July 25. 1WM, Mrs. Mary Sackett, of Canyonville. Mrs Sackett was committed to the asylum from Douglas county in 1S90. The unbalancing of her mind was caused bv extreme depression due to the death of her husband and two children. DOWING At her home in Salem, Mon day, July 25, 1901, Miss Mabel Down ing, aged about 17 years. Deceased was a cousin of Mrs. Fred K. Gettina nee Sehlbredc of this citv and was quite well known here having visited relatives m this city several times. Married. PAINTER ROGERS At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. F. J. Reed in Roseburg, Wednesday evening, July 27, 1004, Mr. J. L. Painter and Miss Edna Rogers, Rev. E. Hicks otficiat ing The wedding was a quiet and un- ostentations affair, only a few relatives and intimate friends being present. The decorations were pink and green Roses and Ivy. The bride was cowned in white silk muhl, while the groom was attired in conventional black. The happy couple, after receiving con gratulations, led the way to the dining hall, where a dainty wedding supper was served. The bride aud groom first met at Dunsmuir, California, some time ago, the groom being formerly of Pitts burg, Penn., but is now located at Iger na, California, where he holds the posi tion of bookkeeper for a large lumber company, ihebriucisa very estima ble young lady, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rogers, of Wardton, but dur ing tho past four years she has resided with her sister, Mrs. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Painter took their departure on tho early Thursday morning train for Igerna, where they will reside. Tho Plaindealek joins their many friends in wishing them a prosperour and happy voyage through life. COBB-PARKS In Portland, at the parsonage of tho M. E. church. South. Tuesday, July 20, 100 1, Thos. C. Cobb ana .Miss bminn Parks, Rev. Mowery, officiating. Tho groom is a prominent young man of this city having rccontly been ap pointed deputy county clerk. The bride is a popular and accomplished young lady who has taught school very suc- cessliuty in tins county, hor home being at Yoncalla, the family being formerly of Minnesota. The happy couple have a host of admiring friends in this county who unite with tho Plaindkalep. in wishing them health, happiness and prosperity through life. 'Thoy will ro side in Rosoburg. BORN. flECKLEY To tho wife of I it 7. r Beckley, at Oakland, July 1, HUM, a ten pound boy. a 1 I I it Wfs$ Owing to the success of this venture we will continue the HV) SamC ffer dU"ng thlS m0nth' Commencing July eighth we wil1 issue "'lth everv cash Purchase a dated duplicate sale check 5 bating the amount of your purchase. At the end of the month v a date wiU be selected and every person holding a check of that ift&Zg date '$r?l In &f SpeCial iuducements in the Hues of Bargain Sales. tfttS' Remember, your money back if you are lucky. Latest Market Reports. The local market quotations toJav are as follows : Wheat S5 cents. Oatf-i35 AO cents. Barley 50 cents. Hay Loose, 8; biled f 12 Potatoes 2 cenw per lb. Itutter Dairy, 20i; creamery, 27- Egiri JO o-ms per dozen. Chickens Mixed, Uc per ound. Veal 5c, dreel Beef Cows 8:ie: e twry. I1. nnf- Heifers, 2c. Hogs Fat, 4 ft, 4)c live ; dreal f';. I'OBTLA.VI) MARKET. The principal features of the Portland wholesale inirketa tod.iv are: Poultry market slumps again Kgg market on up grade. Dressed meats now wanted. Tomatoes and corn lower. Peaches are comins azain. Demand for expert Hour fair. Wheat market is dull. Butter has better to e. Small falmon receipts continue. Wheat 77 cents. Oats 1.20 per cental. Hay Clover t' ; timothy, $ 15. Hops 2-1 cents. Hogs Gross, 5Xc Sheep 2.4 Beef Gross, 3,4c Veal 7 cent?. Egcs 21 cents. Butter Creamery, 20c; dairv, 18c. Chickens Mixed", 11c lb. Fruits Apples l 00 1.50 per box ; Burbank plums, f 1 00 per box; peaches, early, 50 and 75 cent per box. Craw fords 75c (S S-c per box; watermelon!, B4 cents per lb; cantaloupes $1-00 per doien; dried prunes, Italian! 3,4 i 4)$, French, 34 ; dried apples 7c Sc per )b. Shropshire Rams. For Sale 15 thoroushbred Shropshire Rams, fit for service in fall of 1904. W. G. Hughes, Mont Alto Ranch, Glide, Oregon. Here is a case which the authorities will do well to investigate. Almost im mediately upon his return home from Portland our supposedly worthy towns man, Dave West, Lies himself to the barber and instructs the knight of the razor to remove the massive hirsute tc pendage which for lo, these many years has adorned his upper lip and has been the admiration of numerous lady friends. That Mr. West should make such a sacrifice without cause or provo cation is hardly reasonable to suppose and the only conclusion we can reach is that he seeks a disguise which by his recent rash act is quit effective. Why? May possible ever be vei'-l in deep, dark mystery. Some friends now liken his visage to that of tho talkative W. J. B., others say he resembles a notab e divine, but the Plaispsvler thinks he looks like well the deuce. J. L. Tooley of Cleveland, is hauling wood to Roseburg, having cut consider able for sale during the past season. How About Your Summer Vacation? Newport on the Yaquina Bay is the deal seaside resort of the North Pacifie Coast. Round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates on sale from all Southrcn Pacific points in Oregon, on and after June 1st. Ask Agents for further in for mation and a handsomely illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin Stone. Manager CAE R. R... A limn v Ore., or W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P" Co., Portland. 40 tf BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Washington and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the best, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. I hr found tht Ayer'i Clierry l'octornl lthe b meillclno l cn prtcrlbo rorhrou cliltli, Innuenia, routht, and hunt colilt. M. LODEMAN, M.U.. Ithc.N. Y. :se.,scc..;i.oo. All drngiiltu. J. C. ATin CO., for Bronchitis Correct any tendency to constipa tion with small doses of Ayer's Puts. Avers JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE liave tlieir money refunded. rder t0 make this a more momentous event we will offer MUlinery Reduced 1-3 to 1-2 in price All Summer Dress Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices JUST RECEIVED 2 CfiR LORDS Z Mitchell Farm Wagons Road Wagons Surreys3Biiggie3 , Hacks Champion Binders, Mowers, Reapers, Hay Rakes, Etc. We can save -ou money on anything in the Wagon or Implement line. Give us a chance to figure with you and you won't 1 egret it. J. F. Barker & CoM Grocers, Phone 201 FARMERS' CASH STORE, E. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALERS IN Staple ane Fancy Groceries. Highest Price paid for country produce. Fresh bread daily Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. Private Free Delivery to ill Parts of tke City HELLO 55 HUiiTERS The open season for deer hunting will commenc July 15; and before buying your gun and ammunition you should first call at the popular hardware store and consult Goods and S Prices that Please Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is to have good FRESH GROCERIES And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. List I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS AND CAN SELL Ayer's Pills Want your moustache or beard a beautiful browser rick black? Use TROXEL BLOCK OPP PASSENGER DEPOT. ATTEiTIOi K.SYKES ggPM Mil Your Ranches and Timber Lands with me. : : : : R. R. JOHNSON, OFFICE IN MARKS BLOCK. ROSEBURG, OR. Vegetable, liver pills. Thatf , is what they are. I hey cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache J. C.ArrCo.. uwukiuaa. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE wn.aMwia(ia.rjuu(i.ww..v