THE Rose burg Plaindealer Published Mondays and Thursdays. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. W. C. CONNER, Editor F. H. ROGERS, Makaqer Subscription f 2.00 per Year. Advertising Ratea on Application. Entered at the Post Office in Roselmrg, Ore., as second class mail matter. JULY 2S, 1904. FOR PRESIDENT Theodore Roosevelt, of New York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Chas. W. Fairbanks, of Indiana. The burning question with the Democrats during the past fortnight has been the National Chairmanship, a post for the time being almost as im portant as that of the candidate. Mr. William Sheehan, of New York, seemed to be the most capable and desirable man, but he had personal reasons for not taking the responsi bility. Mr. Taggert, of Indiana, was strongly urged by his friends, and finally on Tuesday agreed to serve as chairman of the Democratic national committee, at which time Urey Wood son, of Kentucky, was chosen as sec retary. This question now being set tled and the presidential letters of acceptance written, the war of elo quence will begin. Mr. Cleveland will probably be heard for the Demo crats, at least on one occasion, and the eloquent Bourke Cochran has of fered his services to Judge Parker. On the Republican side, Speaker Can non is to regale the public with his quaint humor, and such men as Seth Low and Elihu Root will sound the praises of Republican rule. The most heated discussion for the past two weeks amone Democrats has been concerning Judge Parkers now fa mous telecrram. As customary m political discussion, very great ex tremes of opinion were expressed. On the one hand, Judge Parker was hailed as a man of heroic mould, un equalled and unapproached in his nolitical couraee. while on the other his action was denounced as that of a siifty politician, who played a trick on his helpless constituents and posed as a defender of a doctrine without which his defeat would be sure. Homer Davenport, America's fore most cartoonist, and a product of Marion county, has again taken up his pencil, and will be busy during he campaign, but this year in the Republican cause. Four years ago Davenport was drawing caricatures designed to make Democratic votes, and his figure representing the trusts became known in every corner of the country, and everywhere it made a deep impression. This year Daven port has taken up his same style of trust cartoons, but instead of being aimed at Republicans they are aimed at Parker, Belmont, Sheehan, Hill and other Democratic leaders. One of Davenport's favorite cartoons of to day is to represent Parker nestling in the arms of the trusts, and New York leaders snuggling close to the pin-headed giant. The merit of Dav enport's cartoons is readily recog nized, and instead of being published in one paper, as heretofore, they now appear simultaneously in several Re publican dailies. The presidency is the highest of fice within the gift of the American people and the vice-presidency is the next highest and the lowest It is said the way they prevailed upon Senator Fairbanks to accept the nom- ination was by showing him a picture of the strenuous President Roosevelt trying to make his horse jump over a six-foot fence, while Grandpa Davis accepted the nomination for this of fice on the opposition ticket after be ing told that the reason the Sage of Esopus did'nt speak earlier was be cause he has weak lungs. Mr. Davis is said to be a good old man, whose ripe judgment and still riper fortune will add strength to the Democratic ticket. It is further stated, how ever, that he looks twenty years younger than he. really is, and it is safe to wager that he will feel about a million dollars younger in his bank account before the campaign is over. From all indications when the obitu ary of Grandpa Davis is written you will find in conclusion: ' The writer will pass over his closing career has tily. It is enough to say of this pain ful period that after a lifetime of de voted service to his country and par ty his declining days were clouded by a great sorrow. He became a candidate for vice-president on the Democratic ticket." Why should the whole American public be made the victim and suffer er in a contest between a few meat packing firms and their workmen? That query was propounded when the anthracite coal strike was on and when the coal famine threatened a national disaster, and there was no satisfactory answer. The only reply is that such a condition should not be. and shonld not be permitted to arise, but where is the statesman ship that can suggest a practical plan of confining the effects of a labor strike to the parties immediately in terested or of doing away with all labor differences that involve the general welfare? The Eugene Register rather boast- fuly remarks: "A distinction of Lane county will be that it is the first place in Oregon where the government has interested itself in building a sample of public highway according to the latest and best improved methods, The government probably selected locality which it considered the most in need of such a demonstration and it is to be hoped that Eugene and Lane county will profit by the generosity and timely action on the part of Uncle Samuel, and get out of the old rut. Advices received by the Exposition Management are that there will be a considerable travel to the Pacific Northwest from east of the Rocky mountains in 1905. Low rates will be put into effect by the railroads and the people who will come will in vestigate the advantages which the Northwestern states offer to invest ors and homebuilders. The Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition will make Portland the point of concen tration and distribution of this travel. Portland desires that all who come to the Coast next year shall scatter out and take in the whole state and be come thoroughly conversant with its vast resources. The Plaindealer would suggest that Douglas county take steps to get its share of the 1905 travel. The visitors will want to know all about agriculture, horti culture, dairying, mining, lumbering, irrigation, scenery, hunting, fishing, the possibilities of manufacturing and the thousand and one things con cerning Oregon with which we at home are familiar, but about which the East knows comparatively little. You can help to enlighten them by preparing a small exhibit of fruits, cereals or other products, and your county in general, and your own busi ness in particular will be benefited by whatever you do. A Brownsville man in digging a well struck a paint mine, the strata of regular red paint clay being seven feet thick. When they begin to paint the old town it will be in order to change the first part of its name. It is worthy to note that the plat. form of the New York Democratic convention carefully steers clear of the Philippine question. It may be as sumed, therefore, that Judge Parker, who is the mere creature of the State machine as now ruled by Bill, will not expand on anti-imperialism, By the way, what are the issues from the Democratic standpoint? Henry Watterson, the distinguished Democratic editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal says: The money ratio in the first place, should never have been made a party test, but, as a test, it wrecked us. As well might we fight over the Constitutional amend ments, or the institution of African slavery, as fight over silver and gold." And soon the war in the far East will pale into insignificance before the political war in this great land of the free. But here there will be no blood shed, only ink and eloquence, and instead of the ambulance and the trained nurse, our only need will be nerve tonic and headache powers, Let the spellbinders do their worst! une oi our exchanges well says that money the government pays the old soldiers in pensions is at once put into circulation and tradesmen of every community get most of it. It is not the idle dollar of the nabob, but the nimble dollar of the poor man go ing about like a missionary and doing good in the channels of trade. Mayor Harrison is planning for a great Democratic meeting in Ghica go, at which Judge Parker, W, Bryan, Champ Clark and Charles W. Towne will be the speakers. If the mayor can pull it off he will be as sured of a great audience, and the greatest attraction of the season, bar ring the late Democratic national convention. residential years are always pro ductive of great strikes. Strikes, however, are not signs of hard times. When the workingman cannot ge another job, he will look a long time before he walks out. Under Repub lican rule he usually knows that pros perity is broadcast. There is not a city in the country where a clerk or wage-earner can ob tain a home of his own, delightfully situated and accessible from any pari of the city, at a lower price than such homes can be obtained in and about Roseburg. Russia's latest effort to crippl japan dv intenenng with the mer chant marine of other countries search for "countraband of war" operating to strain the relations wit! more than one neutral power. A great many Democrats yet be lieve that Bryan's ideas and proposed policies are those oi true and pro gressive Democracy. HEODORE ROOSEVELT NOTIFIED. he Notification and Acceptance Speeches Given in Brief. Speaker Cannon, of the house of representatives, made the speech for mally notifying President Roosevelt his nomination, Wednesday. Ho said in part: "The Republican party, under your eadership, keeps its record from the beginning, under Lincoln, oi doing the right thing at the right time and in the right way, notwithstanding op position by those who oppose right olicies from a selfish or a partisan tandpoint. They dare not tell the truth about your official action or the record of the party, and they con demn it. They can, for selfish or partisan reasons, abuse you personal ly and misrepresent the party which ou lead. It is true, however, that so far their abuse of your action and their alleged fear of your personality is insignificant as compared with the personal and partisan carpings against Lincoln, Grant and McKinley when they were clothed with power by the people. Those whose only grievance is that you have enforced law and those who carp for mere partisan capital will not, in my judgment, reap harvest of success. The Republi can party is for you, and under your eadership appeals to a great body of people who live in the sweat of their faces, who have made civilization, 11 11? 1 A 1 Al1 control me repuonc, ngni us Dames and determine its policies for the ap proval and continuance in power. The office of president of the United States is the greatest on earth, and many competent men in the Republi can party are ambitious to hold it yet the Republican convention met at Chicago last June and simply with one accord nominated you as the can didate of the party for president. am sure all Republicans and a mul titude of good citizens who do not call themselves Republicans said amen.' In pursuance of the usual custom the convention appointed committee, of which it honored me with the chairmanship, to wait upon you ana miorm you or its action, which duty, speaking for the com mittee, I now cheerfully perform with the hope and confident expectation that the majority of the people of the republic will in November next ap prove the action of the convention by choosing electors who will assure your election to the presidencv as vour own successor." Mr. Roosevelt replied: "Mr. Speaker, gentlemen of the notification committee, I am deeply sensible of the high honor conferred upon me by the representatives o the Republican partv assembled in convention and I accept the nomina tion for the presidency with the sol emn realization oi the obligations assume. I heartily appreciate the declaration of principles which the Republican national convention has adopted anjl at some future day shall communicate to you, Mr. Chair man, more at length and in detail a formal written acceptance of the nomination. When I became presi dent because of the death of my la mented predecessor, I stated that my purpose was to carry out his princi pies and policies. To the best ot my ability I have kept that promise. We are more fortunate than our oppo nents who now appeal for confidence on the ground that if triumphant they may be trusted to prove false to every principle which in the last eight years they have laid down as vital. There is nothing experimenta about the government we ask the people to continue in power. In deal ing with trusts we do not have to ex plain why the laws were not enforced, but to point out that they actu ally have been enforced. Assuredly it is unwise to change policies which nave wonted so wen, and which are now working so well. We hav placed the finances of the nation on a sound ground basis. So long as the Republican party is in power gold standard is solid. That whenever next arises that there should be a re adjustment of tariff schedules it undoubted but such changes can be made with safety only by those whose devotion to the principle of protec- tive tariff is beyond question. We believe in reciprocity with foreign nations on the terms outlined in Pres ident McKinley's last speech, whia urged the extension of our foreign markets by reciprocal agreements whenever they could be made without injury to American industry and la bor. We have already shown that our policy is to do fair and equal jus tice to all men. The construction of the Panama canal is now an assured fact. But most certainly it is unwise to entrust the carrying out of so mo mentous a policy to those who hav endeavored to defeat the whole un dertaking. A party, is worthy only in so fa :l i - i - . . . as lfc promotes national interest and every official, high or low, can serve his party best by rendering to the people the best service of which he is capable. Effective government comes only as a result of loyal co-op eration oi many dinerent nersons Wo who have been entrusted with power as public servants during the past seven years of administration and legislation now come before the leople content to be judged by our record of achievement. In years that ave gone by we have made the deed square with the word, and it we are continued in power we shall unswerv ingly follow out the great lines of public policy which the Republican ;arty has laid down." Secretary Henry F. Reed of the ewis and Clark Fair, is out with an address to the Oregon press in which he suggests as a means of inducing immigration to Oregon, that the local papers publish extensive write-ups of their respective communities and en courage home people to mail marked copies of the paper to Eastern rela tives and friends. It is evident that Mr. Reed has never been engaged in the country newspaper business. It costs money to issue even a country newspaper and, besides, their sub scribers expect these papers to con tain some local, state and general news, as well as the city papers. The country editor does not object to be ing made a public benefactor, but few of them are able, financially, to pose as philanthropists as well. Representative Democrats from all parts of the state will assemble in ortland Fridav evening for the mass meeting which is to indorse the presi dential and vice-presidential nomina tions of the St. Louis convention The gathering will be held in the Columbia theatre. Hon. Franklin K. .ane of San Francisco, will be the principle speaker of the evening, and the list will include Governor E Chamberlain, 0. P. Coshow, M. A Miller and others. Ihere will be a great waste of eloquence on the des ert air, as it were. NEWS OF THE COUNTY I i The fninily of Dr. Kuykondall of Eu gene, is anions the campers at Win- hcstcr Hay. Peter Nelson lias returned from Port land fully recovered from his accident. Ho was treated by Dr. Rocky. Perkins Hros., were successful in secur- ng n liquor license at the last term of court. They had their opening last Saturday night and there was a hot tituu in the old town while the band played Annie Rooney. Soapy Smith presides. Will Beckloy, of Beckley Bros., of Oakland, is on the river looking for stock cattle. There arc several car loads of prime beef cattle now ready but buyers in this class are scarce. The four masted schooner, Caroline, Capt Westerdalo, arrived in Thursday and the three masted schooner, Lucy, I them to stay a few weeks Capt. Peterson, came in today. The ' steam schooner, San Gabriel, is also at the dock. All are loading lumber for San Pedro. The Gardiner Marine and County Hospital opens a week from nextMjn- lay. Miss Maggie Wessela, a graduate nurse of St. Vincents Hospital, at Port land, will be in attendance. The hos pital will be in charge of Dr. R. H. Barber who has many ye.ira hospital ex- pereuce. He will be assisted by ur, Jean Barber, who also baa bad a large ; on n,a uac.fc 1 romli acuon ,e practice in medicine. Gardiner is to be aler "e "au !"", congratnlated on having such an insti- ' waru' anenuon lution under such able nractitionera. 1 a" rigm, uui we en-iu FACTS ABOCT GARDINER. A Democratic paper is authority for the statement that Henrv Gassaway Davis is worth $10,000,000. Down with plutocracy! Haven't we been told repeatedly by the apostles of true Democracy that no man can honestly become the possessor of more than one million dollars, and that there Is some doubt, even about that? Again, we say, down with Plutocracy and the Cross oi bold, whether lrrevoc- ablv established" or not! Salem Statesman. After all this suspense President Roosevelt and Chas. W. Fairbanks have at last been acquainted with the fact that they were the choice of the Republicans in national convention at Chicago for president and vice-presi dent respectively. The dispatches do not state that they manifested any unusual surprise upon receiving this official information. Little mistakes that if they changed the facts accordingly would be big ones, are sometimes made in the best newspaper offices. For example, an item stated that the soil around Helix is three feet deep, when 53 feet was intended. Fiftv feet of soil makes a difference. So does $30,000,000 to a man. for Grandpa Davis is said to be worth $-10,000,000 not $4,000,000. The season has arrived for people to get drowned while attempting to swim at the summer resort; for men to shoot other men by mistake for deer; and for excurtionists by rail or water to be killed bv the score and bv the hundreds. All of these sum mer events have happened recently and the dreadful tragedy continues. The boast is made that the Belve dere theater, San Francisco, is the wickedest place on the coast. Port land has some bad enough places, ac cording to Editor Nutting of the Al bany Democrat, who probably knows whereof he speaks. Monday's daily Portland Telegram contained a double page write-up Cottage Grove and tributary indus tries accompanied by numerous lustrations, the largest being a view of the town. The Albany Democrat says Judge Parker and the Democrat man learned to swim in the same river, to whic an envious contemporary remarks "what a proud river that must be." in Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain has returned homo from his sojourn i i i . . . . me east anu nas settled the presi dential campaign. Ho has Parker and Davis already elected. Grandpa Davis is said to be wort $4,000,000. What a sweet, dear old candidate to a campaign committee chairman. When Mr. Bryan advises democrats to vote the Parker-Davis ticket he believed to slyly wink the other eye, 1TTI M. 1 wnen a ranroau man has an easy run and big pay the brakeman says he has a pension run" Wo notice that as we grow older wo are more neglectful in hating our enemies. Gleaned by an Able Corps of Special Correspondents. Gardiner News. with his sisterH Ruth and Lena are cam. ping out near Black Butte. Aubrey Applegate, a horee and cart got mixed up some way last Sunday, resulting in the destruction of the cart Wo were grieved Jo hear of the death of Mrs. Benton Myers, of Drain. She has many relatives and friends in this vicinity. Dr. C. P. DeVore and wife are heie from Sutter City, Cal. The Dr. ha-j ex tensive fruit interest here and is airing for them well. Miss Rena Applegate of Eugene is visit ing her brother at Scotta Valley, and Mies Ella W'ooJy, of Cal , is visiting her sister Mrs. G. W. Cartwright. Mae Bishop and Ruba Weitfall tpent several days at Drain last week visiting at the home of Mrs. Alice Edwards. Miss Lotus Valentine came home with GROCERIES, FRUITS AND Mrs. Emma Miller and Mrs,. Winnu 'I Applegate, accompanied by the latter I mother, Mrs. Cawlleld of Roeebur.' I earns? nut from Hvlinr.t UVilni-ilnr in call on the Misses Lucy and Irene A plega'e. Fred Applegate's little ton narrowly : escated drowning last Saturday. Mr. i Geo. Potter hearing a cry at the creek near the house saw the child in the j water, he had quit (struggling and was . ' on his back. Prompt aciion expelled the PRODUCE life keep the laryost and best assortment of Staple and JFancy Srocorios, Jrosh bruits and Sarm Produce in the city, and can snpply , your wants at as cheap or cheaper prices than can be had anywhere. Remember that we kaop the ficst. sTCruse 6c Jfewland der at the cloi-euess of the call. Gardiner is sitinted near the mouth of the Umpqua river, 55 miles west of the Southern Pacific railroad, and is the ' metropolis of a large and proserous ranching, dairying, lumbering and lish-' ing district. It is Douglas county's only seaport town, and had a population of 4'X); daily mail by stage from Drain, Station, on the Oregon and California' R. R. tri-weekly stage and mail from Florence, on the Siuslaw; regular line of schooners plying between it and San Francisco and San Pedro, Cal., engaged n the lumber trade ; gaod school, three . Clover CreeK News. The smiling face of Albert Kent was seen in our vicinity Sunday. Thomas Dixon, of Oak I-awn Farm spent Sunday on Oak Creek. Mips Merle Moore, of liojebur, whs visiting friend here last week. Mr. DM Smith, of Green Station, was buying cattle in our vicinil, Saturday. Mr. Weiuscott, of Wilbur, was tiKs of J. li. Slwrt SUtunlav and Suu- churches, nine secret societies; two gue.'t large general merchandise stores, drug day. stoie; barber ehop; saloon and brew-! claU(e Sbort Mt Wedaeeiliy erv; shoe shop; large creamery; notei restaurant; two canneries; tannery; saw mill with a daily capacity of 100,- 000 feet ; good society ; cood physicians ; a weekly newspaper. Gzette. Yoncalla. Rev. C. F. Moore of Cresswell, preach ed two interesting sermons at the M. E. church Sunday. Ernest Helliwell and family together Drew, Oregon to look after the farm of V. J. Short. Victor Short, of Drew, Oregon, i very j sick at the home of his parents, Mr. and I Mrs. J. H. Short at the Clover Creek i Creamery. Walter Dixon, in company with hi? aunt, Miss Kate Champaignean l Jamv Dixon, of Dixonville, Msrted for Klamath Falls Monday. II. Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce at McNamee's Grocery GETTING READY FOR FIGHT AFTER PACIFIC COAST SHIPS. Great Britain Holds Squadrons, tngland Has Issued an Ultimatum And Recalls Sailors On Leave. to Russia. Ixindo.v, Jnly 27. It is reported that all orders for the British naval maneu vers have been ojuntermanded, that the various squadrons have been ordered not to move, that all leaves of absence have been canceled, and that officers and men on furlough have ben recalled. The home and channel fleets had al ready been moved into positions to un dertake important maneuvers. Tokio, Jnly 27. The Russian Vladi- vostok squadron was today sighted CO miles off Tokio Ray going (With. This move it i believed is for the di rect purpose of intercepting several steamers which are now en route fron ' Pacific coast ports of America. I Dispatches received lterc from Amer ' ica state that vers! between Seattle. ; Portland ami San Francisco art net ; heading the Russian seizures ami the A Grape Vine Special. presumption is that this information has fallen into Russian bunds ami is the ' cause of cruising grounds. England's oltimatom. ! London, July 27. While excitement 0vst2r Bav, July 27. Roosevelt has here is not so high as when the first just been notified that he was nominat- seizures of British ships by Russia were ed. Teddy, with a surpised glance, ex- announced, there is still considerable claimed : "Who me? this is so sudden !" anxiety. It is currently reported today, j without confirmation however, that The average girl of the present day , Gnat Britain has issued an ultimatum is of few ideas and full of nonsense. She , to Ruesia. If so it will bring matters to appeareth on the street clad in much ; an immediate focus. This was appar fine raiment and hunteth up a beau at ently borne out by Balfour today, whose expense she drinketh soda water until the setting of the sun. She chew- Notice for Publication. eth her cum in the morning, and when ! -i-S-33 -i-5-J-S -S-S-S3 JOB WORK The FInet in ihe County to Be Had at the : : : PLAINDEALER OFFICE For Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, WeJding Stationery, Posters, Legal Blanks, Briefs, in fact anything in the Printing line, give ns a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1-5-S-S- SOMETHING NEW Utopian Mat Finish Pottery New. up to date, fancy and Ornamental. 25 Different designs. Various designs and assortments of Jardinier's at vVINSLOW'S JEWELER And OPTICIAN If you want to buy a farm f you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house i If you want to rent a house II you want to build a house ! If you want to move a house ! If n don t kaow PAT ! Cap nn or sddres ... Krsebari Oregon. Rw-eburp. Oreion, thi pvt-nine nnnroaclies she is Still chew- July s. 1 'AH . ine. She getteth the notion in her head ! Notice U hereby Rivn tht the lo'liou-iac ' U. i : .. t. .!. l,.tl. ,,n 1 nmcl Killer hut fllet notice of his lu citl- n latshecan sing, atid she warbleth un- , makcnnRirrootinar.portorhUciim.nrt : til her father becometh - , , .1?.. er and the neighborhood getteth out an Oregon, on Aucut is,im. nx: injunction. She goeth to a par'y gown-1 on hu H No- ,;,s-,t for thi M tp s ed in adresa that is too short at the top rSw. , ,,e n.,Iaes xbe ,'pHon u , - , .i. proro bt. contlnuiui residence upon amt cu! and too long at the bottom and giggletn tivation ct ull Und, tU: Kuuolt AmiMn. one uein in , f..m viir till the night waxeth old. blie lletn in bed in the morning till the eleventh hour while her mother humps around and doeth the housework. She sigheth for a husband with a long mustache and plenty of money, but finally mar rieth eomo fellow who emoketh ciga rettes and holdeth up two fingers to the barler when he getteth a shave. Kx. J.T. kKlDGES, Kejlster. Teacher's Examination. The next regular semi-annual teachers examination will bo held in Roseburg, Aug. 10-13 inclusive. Arrangements are being made for the coming Annual Teachers Institute to be held in Roseburg Sept. 0, 7, S and Oth. Among the instructors will bo State Supt. J. H. Ackerman, Supt. R. F. Robinson, Co. Supt. of Multnomah Co. Pres. B. F. Mulkoy, Pros. Southern Ore gon State Normal School at Ashland, Pres. W. H. Dompslcr, of the Drain State Normal, Prof. A. M. Sanders, Prin. of the Roseburg Public Schools, Notice. Notice is Lercby given thai t, Catherine At frola Loulf a Marallto i. (iiiarillan aud Mo her of Bodcrlck SUlner Jamc-9 lUmlltou, and Ex ecutrix of the Last Will and Testament ol M.i- OCT Kobert Hamilton, all of IViusIm Count-. urcgon, uo, inuuay oy mjtuai approval anu content, and, to further the best interests of the said Roderick Sidney Jamc Hamilton, ? rant and give to the said son and ward, bis utl time and majority, with lull power to act for himself, lu all his busines-t and other rela tions. After the date, heieof, the said son and ward will be solely responsible tor any and all debts that he may contract, and shall be the sole pos.cssor ol all his property an-! taming. Catherine Alfreo i Ijohisa Havltvx, Mother and Guardian of Roderick Sidney James Hamilton. j 11-a 2-p Call for Bids Sealed bids will be received for tho keeping of the following ferries at the Septomber term of the County Court, to-wit, on tho Oth day of September 1004 at 1 o'clock p. in.: Smith's Ferry, Dimtnick's Lone Rock Fern1 and J. A. Sawyer's Ferry, bids to be given with or without equipment Bonds will be required of the sueeefsful Prof. Geo. Sawyers, Priu. of the Oakland J bidder. Tho Court reserves the right to Tho meat strike has again brokon out and is tougher than before. Public Schools, Prof. O. C. Drown, Prin. of tho Training Department C. O. S. N. S., Mrs. R. G. Dreedon, newly elected High School teacher, of Rose burg Public Schools and V. A. Smick, of Roseburg. Remember that it is quality, not quantity, that we strive for in furnish ing our city trade, therefore you will always get tho clieapost milk of the Gaddis Dairy, because tho boat. All eject any and all bids. M. D. THOMPSON 37 tf County Judge. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Thia remedy Is certain to bo needed in almost every homo before tho Hummer is ovor. It can always be depended upon even in tho moat severe and dangerous caBea. It is especially valuable for sum mer disorders in children. It ia pleasant mtntl mill- ilnlivArnil in hnttl(A. Our specialties an cream, milk and butter-j to tako and never fails to givo prompt milk. If you don't see tho wagon, relief. Why not buy it now l it may l phone to the Creamery. 14-tf save life. For sale by a. J. JIarstera. MnDIIAMQ, ICE cream parlors NUltlYIRriU H FINE CONFECTIONERY -HENDRICK'S BLOCK OPPOSITE THE S. P. RAILROAD DEPOT. qg"pS?to j The Best Ice Cream Soda Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, DIAHONDS AND SILVERWARE Watch Repairing a Specialty A CoWm o n PRACTICAL "WATCHMAKER , JEWELER - - OPTICIAN .... WORK OVER ANY OLD THING .... Your BOY neinls a btnlncss education. The tx-st place to get one l : : : : ; Garland Business College SILVERTON, OREGON We have a Correspondence Course in Shorthand In vestigate : : : J B. GARLAND, Principal HOME MADE CREAMS Drink Soda & from.... iy rnnnicnp k vUKKILK d FINE NEW FOUNTAIN fine Taffies Icecream Ui