The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 28, 1904, Image 1

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No. 59
y mum.
New York, July 27. The ke3'note of the Repub
lican presidential campaign was sounded today. In
the presence of a committee of distinguished party
leaders representing every state and territory in the
union, who called at Sagamore Hill to formerly notify
the Republican nominees of their nomination by the
Chicago convention, President Roosevelt read his
letter of acceptance, discussing at length the political
events of his administration and his views on the
platform adopted by the party at Chicago.
The notification ceremonies took place early this
afternoon and were marked bT extreme simplicit-.
After the president had shaken hands with each mem
ber of the party the visitors gathered ou the lawn in
front of the house preparatory to the formalities of
the occasion. The crowd was considerably larger
then had been anticipated and Secretary Loeb and his
assistants were kept busy for some time in providing
for the comfort of the guests.
Speaker Cannon was intrusted with the task of
delivering the notification speech and he acquitted
himself with credit,as was evidenced by the enthusi
asm with which his remarks were greeted.
The President, in a characteristic and able speech,
accepted the nomination and dwelt at length on part'
R. W. FENN . . U. S. Deputy . ,
n. X Mineral Surveyor
Civil Engineer a
S2SJgW&ra Office o v e r Postoffice.
geological euroy of Bra- ROSEBURG, OREGON,
zil, South America . . . Correspondence eolicited
Nothing will add so much to the appearance and at
tractiveness cf your home as a new coat of Paint, and
the COST will be SMALL if you buy your Paints and
Oils from :::::::::
Harvesting Has Commenced.
Fall Grain Turning Out Well.
The weather during the week lias been
unusually warm and dry, which was
favorable for harvest work, but it caused
the grain to fill and ripen a little too
fast. Fall wheat west of the Cascades
has mostly been cut and shocked, and
cast of the Cascades its harvest is pro
gressing rapidly. But little thrashing
has yet been done in the Willamette
valley. In the Columbia River valley
and in Southern Oregon the yields are
generally reported to be better than ex
pected. Early sown spring wheat and
oats were greatly improved by the rains
of last week and they promise from fair
to good returns. Late sown spring
wheat and oats are thin, heading Bhort,
and generally so poor that they are be
ing cut for hay.
Feed on the ranges continues better
than usual, but in the Willamette val
ley pasturage is getting short and stock
is beginning to lose llesh. Where prop
erly cultivated hops, gardens, corn, po
tatoes and field onions are doing well,
but they all, as well as pasturage, would
be greatly benefited by more rain.
Some spraying has been done in the hop
yards, but the hot weather killed most
of the lice, and, as a rule, the yards are
remarkably free from vermin. Apples
continue to drop, but not to an alarming
extent, and an average or better than
an average crop of apples is expected.
Teaches and blackberries are plentiful,
and early apples and early pears are ripe.
Bay City, Tillamook county, Capt J.
J. Dawson.- Light warm rain fore part
of week greatly benefited spring sown
grain, which was at a standstill ; fruit
trees and gardens have taken on
uew life; large amount of hay was on
the ground in different forms, but a
clear sky and warm, diving winds saved
it from spoiling and it is being housed
in good order.
Sumner, Coos county, Anderson
Wright Week warm ; grain crops do
ing well ; range improving from last
week's rain ; fruit doing well, but light
yields are expected.
Salem, P. F. Clark. Winter wheat
and oats about all in the shock ; spring
grain that is worth cutting will be har
vested next week, but there ia some hay
yet to be cut ; the late rain helped hops,
late potatoes, corn and apples, but more
is needed ; thrashers will begin August
1st; pastures drying up; stock not fail
ing much.
Riddle, Douglas county, Geo. W.
Riddle. Weather favorable for harvest
ing; gardens and fruit much benefited
by the rains of last week ; a large crop
of peaches being picked.
Table Hock, Jackson county, S. M.
Xealon. Week very warm; grain lias
ripened fast and harvesting is progress
ing favorably ; second crop of alfalfa be
ing cut; yield light; corn on bottom
lands has made rapid growth; grain
yield will be much less than usual in
this section.
Dufur, Wasco county, Alex. Strachan.
Weather very warm and dry; har
vesting icily under way ; gram appears
to be plump ana well failed; spring
grain light : haying mostly done ; gar
dens and orchards where irrigated do
ing well ; pastures getting dry.
Erwin, Baker county, John Erwin.
Showers on foothills Thursday aud Fri
day and rain in the valley Saturday
morning; first crop of alfalfa secured;
yield good; wild hay being cut; average
crop; late potatoes doing well; early
ones nearly all killed; range on low
hills dry, in timber good ; apples about
half a crop.
Joseph, Wallowa county, S. M. Crow.
Weather warm; alfalfa and clover
hay being harvestel; the hay crop is
heavier than for years, and grain is
looking fine; cherries ripe and the crop
U fairly good.
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
We are Bhowing a fine line of Lace Curtains
which have just arrived.
Fifty pairs of Portiera in the latest designs
and colorings.
We carry from 500 to 1000 Window Shades
stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
the best that money can buy.
Judge M. D. Thompson Selects Ten Representatives
to Attend Oregon Development League.
In response to the request of the Portland Com
mercial Club, County Judge M. D. Thompson has
named the following delegates to attend a convention
called to meet at Portland, August 2 and 3, for the
purpose of organizing an Oregon Development League:
Zene Dhnmick, Oakland; Frank Waite, Myrtle Creek;
W. A. Burr, Roseburg; Warren Reed, Gardiner; E. L.
Parrott, Roseburg; L. L. Hurd, Glendale; John Alex
ander, Glide; J. B. Riddle, Riddle; C. Ross King,
Yoncalla; Benton Mires, Drain. Each of the county
editors are also delegates, by special appointment on
the part of the Portland Commercial Club.
The gentlemen appointed by Judge Thompson as
delegates from this count' are all prominent, repre
sentative citizens who have the best interests of the
count' at heart aud are sure to co-operate to bring the
best results for Douglas county in the organization of
the state league. The Roseburg delegates appointed
by Mayor Hoover are: Fred J. Blakely, Frank Micelli,
O. P. Coshow. It has been suggested that as many of
the delegates as possibly can, attend this big conven
tion in person, as it is very important that all sections
of the state be Substantially rep-eseuted. It is also
urged that the delegates from Western aud Southern
Oregon get together as soon ass possible upon arriv
ing in Portland and outline a plan of proceedure and
be prepared to co-operate and work in harmony for
their part of the state wheu in convention assembled.
There is no question but what the Eastern Oregon
delegates as well as those of the northern part of the
state will come to the convention well organized,
hence, it behooves the Southern Oregon delegates, in
particular, to organize and guard well the interests of
their part of the state.
An Enterprising Roseburger.
Wertz, of Cottage Grove, Killed While
Out Fishing on the Coast ForR.
The North Bend Poet says: C. P.
Barnard, the proprietor of the Roseburg
Cooa Bay stage line, went to Coquille
City this morning to make a proposi
tion to the county court to plank North
Fork hill. Mr. Barnard is willing to de
fray $ 1000 of the expenee personally and
will ask that the county pay $2000 to
wards the improvement of the much
needed highway.
Several miles of the Roseburg road
have already been planked and it is now
in quite excellent shape except for the
bad hill before referred to. In previous
years, the mail was not infrequently
two and three days late on account of
the fact that at North Fork hill the road
is simply impassable at times during the
winter months. If the road were plank
ed this delay of the overland mail would
not occur, as the stago would be enabled
to get through in 24 hours, which latter
Mr. Barnard guarantees in case the road
is planked.
It is hoped that the county will ex
pend the necessary $2000 for tho im
provement as this is a matter of vital
importance to all the people on the bay.
Cottage Grove, Or., July 25. H. M. Wertz,
aged 34 years, accidentally shot and killed himself
yesterday and died last night. He, with Photograph
er Shannafeit aud another man, went on a fishing tour
about 21 miles from here, up to the Coast Fork river,
taking their guns. He ordered the dog to go into
some thick brush for deer. The dog refused to obey
and he grabbed his gun aud shot the dog. He re
loaded his gun, laid it down and resumed his fishing,
whtn the gun commenced to slide down the embank
ment, causing it to discharge. The ball entered the
front of the left thigh, and traversed the pelvis, but
failed to make an exit.
He immediately fired three shots from his gun in
rapid succession, which is the hunters' distress sig
nal, and his companions were soon by his side. One
of them left for medical aid. Owing to the rough
country, many hours elapsed before they got him to
the settlement, and he died on the way. Just be
fore he breathed his last he raised up and said, "Boys
when you get tired I will help you." He did not
seem to suffer severely from his wound. He was a
member of the Odd Fellows' order, and wife and three
children survive him.
Miss Anita Thurston Meets Death
In The Surf.
Eocene, July 25. Sunday morning
tho many friends of Miea Anita Thurs
ton, of this city, were surprised and
ehocked to hear of the young lady hav
ing been drowned Saturday afternoon
near Gardiner, Douglas county, whero
she has been teaching school.
Tho details of the drowning were not
learned until this morning, when the re
mains 0 Mies Thurston arrived, accom
panied -iby Alias Baldierc, who gave an
account of the sad affair.
Mi'es Thurston had been teaching
Bchool at Sampson, a little village on the
banks of Schofield creek, about six miles
from Gardiner, and 'in an other week
the term would have been completed
and the young lady intended to so to
the beach, a few miles distant, with
friends for a short time before return
ing home.
With two other girls Anita was in the
habit of going bathing in the creek and
learning to swim, so as Xo be able to en
joy swimming in the surf at the beach,
On Saturday afternoon about one o'clock
the girls went in bathing as usual, the
water being about four or five feet deep.
The tide was going out and there wag
a strong undercurrent. The three girls
took hold of hands and waded in and
before they realized it they were carried
into . deep water and all went under.
The girls began struggling and tried to
swim, but in vain. Miss Thurston's
companions came to the surface and
were rej-cued by a lady who could swim
and was watching them from the bank.
but Anita sank to the bottom and did
not come to the surface. Help was call
ed for and in about twentr or thirtv
minutes the body was found and taken
from the water. Everything possible
was done to bring the young lady back
to life, bnt without result.
Anita Thurston was the daughter of
Mrs. Marietta Thurston, of this city,
and was born on the Thurston farm.
near Springfield, on the 12th of Novem
ber, 1SS3. For the greater part of her
life she lived in Eugene and receive- her
education in the city schools. She grad
uated with high honors from the high
school with the class of 1902, and was
always prominent and exceedingly
popular with students and teachers,
who honored and respected her. Besides
her mother she leaves a father, whose
present whereabouts are unknown, a
sister. Miss Sybil Thurston, in Eugene,
and a brother, Samuel It. Thurston, at
San Francisco.
a CluHe W. Fairbanks, ncmiu; of the Republican party for ti vice prenlaaey tS thm
United States. U SI jtxn of a. H- vu born on a farm Bear IJttioaTilla Center, Ohio.
In be bezan the Dractice of lav in IodiaxuDoIi and vras toon in the tavirmsst el oa
of tbe largtft and most Inrratire practices in Indiana. Be waa elected to ta Uatd
Boy Spanked in Court.
Portland, July 25. Probably the
most unique punishment ever imposed
at the Portland Police Court was dealt
out today to young Hans Hanson, who,
by order of Judge Hogue, was severely
spanked by Officer Goitz. The officer
did it in the old-fashioned family wav.
taking the boy over his knee.
Young Hanson had been arrested for
assaulting Martin Toomey, both 16
years old. In court Hanson said he
heard that young Toomey was looking
for him. This kept Hanson on the look
out, and the first time he met Toomey
a fight ensued. The boy had his choice
of going to jail for two and a half davs
or taking the spanking. He was
hire. Hanson was present, and after
her son had been punished she made
him shake hands with Judge Hogue, the
Toomey boy and Mrs. Toomey.
War Risks Take a Jump.
Poktlaxd, July 26. During tho last
2-1 hours war risks have jumped to such
high figures that those who are in a po
sition to know say it may have the effect
of paralyzing tho shipping business be
tween the Pacific coast and the orient.
Yesterday the risk on tbe Aragonia, now
loading at Portland, was quoted at IS;
percent; now it is 3 per cent. M. C.
Harrison Co. state that their quota
tions at San Francisco have been in
creased from 3 to 10 per cent since yes
terday when announcement was made
of the seizure by the Russians of the
Portland-Asiatic company's steamship
The members of a Lane county char
ivari party are passing the beautiful
summer days picking rock salt from
their respective anatomies, tho samo
having been donated by the serenaded
bridegroom, who fortunately had a re
peating shotgun in tho house. The jolly
serenaders will probably get most of the
salt out, but enough will remain to
keep them from getting too fresh again.
St. Petersburg July 20. General
Kuropatkin, in reporting tho Russian
reverse at Taschikao, says the fight last
ed from the 23d to the 25th, whon tho
Japanese outflanked the Russians' right
and left. A third flanking movement
was prevented by the arrival of rein
forcements. The Russians retired and
the Japanese occupied l'hanby pass.
Tho Japanese are advancing in forco
from Saimatse and Sypsion along tho
Mukden road.
London, July 20. Tho Central News'
correspondent at Mukden wires the ro
port that two Russian generals and
threo hundred and fifty officers and men
were killed in the Russian roverso at
tion of the sinking of the British steamer
Knight Commander by the Russians has
been received. The crew was saved.
Suez, July 20 Tho Pacific & Oriental
steamer Formosa has arrived here with
a Russian prize crow aboard.
The M'Vehjhs Go Free.
Eugene, Or., July 20. At tho exam
ination of Charles McVeigh, wife and
daughter, Bessie, on the charge of at'
tempted manslaughter in throwing a
now-born baby into the brush near Eu
gone to porisli, tho trio was discharged
Justico Wintermeier held that, inns
much as tho child did not die, there
wero no statutes to cover the case.
More harvest
Morrow county.
hands are needed in
London, July 20. Lloyd's Now
Chwang correspondent announces this
morning that CO Japanese entered the
town. The French flag waves from all
tho Russian buildings. Tho Japancso
advanco guard was expected to arrive
this morning. Tho town is quiet.
London, July 20. Official confirma-
Safeguard tho Children.
Notwithstanding all that is don e by
boards of health and charitably inclined
persons, tho death rato among Email
children is very high during tho hot
weather of tho summer months in the
largo cities. Thero la not probably one
caso of bowel complaint in a hundred
however, that could not bo cured by the
timely ueo of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For
sale by A. C. Marstera & Co.
Chinese Aid Wounded Japanese.
Portland, July 27. The Chinese of
Portland havo started a relief fund for
the benefit of wounded Japanese soldiers
and their families. Seid Back, mana
ger of Wing Sing Long Kee fc Co , start
ed the movement and Seattle, Astoria
and other coast towns have taken it up
Beid hack says tnat tne worK is moving
slowly uow, for there aro few Chinese in
the cities, most of them being in tho
canneries, fruit farms, and other fields
of work. Several hundred dollars have
been collected, however, in Portland,
and it is expected that this ireo will
sum will riso to several thousand by
fall The Japanese, in collecting their
Red Cross relief fund a few months ago
sent about $16,000 from Portland alone.
There were some marked cases of sacri
fice, one young Japanese who was work
ing in a family for $4 a week pledging
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Better than a Doctor's
Mrs. J. W.Turner, of Trnhart, Va.
says that Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets havo dono him moro good
than anything ho could got from the
doctor. If any physician in this coun
try was ablo to compound a medicine
that would produco such gratifying
results in cases of stomach troubles
biliousness or constipation, his whole
timo would bo used in preparing this
one medicino. For ealo by A. C Mar-
tore & Co.
St. Petersburg, ny2j. The newspaper Russ&y
Viedoniosti today prints a striking article on the
possibility of war between England and Russia, show
ing that England's navy is stronger than the com
bined navies of Russia, Germany and France. Great
Britain could close all the Baltic ports and bombard
the coast wherever she desired.
Liverpool, July 26. The owners of the British
steamer Calchas, bound from Puget Sound for Japan,
have received a telegram from Hongkong reporting
that the Calchas had been seized by the Vladivostok
Washington, D. C, Jury 27. Senator Mitchell,
of Oregon, as attorney for the Portland Flour Milling
Company, today filed a formal protest with the state
department against the recent seizure by the Russian
squadron of the steamship Arabia, on the ground that
the vessels carried a cargo c f a hundred thousand
pounds of flour consigned by the company not destined
for Japan and not contraband.
Incorporated 1301
Capital Stock
X C.MXB3TXS3-YtePreddst.
K. L. itILLES.
Is now prepared to do all kinds of
machinist work, such as turning,
milling, drilling, grinding, buffing
and pilishinj Saws gammed,
knives and shears cround; clippers
grouu I on John Van Bensohaten
. Upper grinder ::::::
New Arrivals
Every day brings something now in Spring Godds.
VIOLE tho latest thing in dress goods for suits
Skirts and Waists.
Also the "Cotton Crepe" we are the only ones in
tho city who have imported this goods direct from
Japan. It comes in all colors and will sell for 20cta
per yard".