The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 25, 1904, Image 4

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Oil Wei! Operations-Big Saw
to Resume Operations.
Miss Bertha Braden of Myrtle Point
is visiting her cousin, Miss Carrie Buell
in Myrtle Creek, and .expects to remain
here a month or so.
A man named Sweek, from Grant
county, Eastern Oregon, is here, we
understand, for the purpose of buying
J. y. Walsh's farm.
W. V. Hurst lias his threshing ma
chine out pounding out No. 1, Hard
His head men are, Fred V. Shanipine,
JoseDh Rice. Frank Mulkey and Jim
4. -
Win. Berdine went to Kosebnrg Mon
day and theie met his wife who came
out from Arlington, Kansas. This is
Mrs. Berdine's first visit to the west,
and lopes'that the change will improve
her health.
Birney West and wife of Portland are
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H
K. West on North JJvrtle. Uirney is a
first-class barber and we understand it
is his intention to soon open a barber
shop in(. Myrtle Creek!
Charley Austin, the Glendale livery
man passed through here Tuesday
morning with three teams for Dillard,
to haul the old sawmill of that place to
the Cheney place on Cow Creek, 17
miles east of Glendale, where it will be
John Marsh, who manipulates the
dril at this coming great oil producer,
made provision this week to clear the
well of all obstructions, and work" will
be pushed with renewed vigor from this
time on. The Myrtle Creek oil fields
will no doubt soon become world-famed.
A Masonic lodge will be organized in
Mvrtle Creek within a few days. The
dispensation has been granted and
Grand Secretary Robinson of Eugene
will be here on July 80th to organize
the lodge. Tbe Roseburg and Canjon-
ville lodges will be present to assist in
the work.
The,Wm. P. Johnson Lumber Co.,
announces that their big lumbering
planrhere will resume work next Mon
diy with a full crew of men. This will
be welcome news to our business men,
as it will make a big payroll again with
nearly one hundred men at work.
Mr. Wm. Linville, of the Brewer &
Hurst threshing crew, aged l5 years,
was called to Canyonville Wednesday to
visit his father, who is over 90 years of
age and rapidly neariog the sunset of
his life. At the age of 65 years, very
few people have the privilege of visiting
their parents.
ThB'Odd Fellows and Rebeccas jointly
installed their new officers Saturdav
night, as follows: S W Bayless, X G ;
H W Jones, V G ; Frank Weaver, Sec
K Selig, Treas. The Rebeccas installed
Miss Minnie Selig. SG; Miss Addie
Weaver, V G ; Mrs Lulu Kramer, Sec.
Deputy Grand Master of Riddle was pres
ent, also several visiting members from
that place. After the ceremonies were
over, a nice supper was enjoyed by all
The Myrtle Creek country is destined
to beceme one of the greatest producers
of strawberries to be found on the west
em continent. It has just been recent
ly discovered that strawberries grow
lareer here and ripen earlier by three
weeks than they do in the famous Hood
River valley in Eastern Oregon, which
is noted almost the world over for its
fine fruit and berries. But while it re
quires irrigation at Hood River, it is not
the case here, and in this respect Myr
tie Creek has a decided advantage over
any other section in the growing of
berries and fruits, as tbe nature of the
eoil here is such that it does not require
irrigating. Myrtle Creel Mail.
A Feminine Sawmill Operator.
Tuesday the Owl family and Mrs
James H. Dearing and children were on
the Upper Calapooia and Hinkle Creek,
We tarried a few hours at Cooper and
Dake's Saw mill, drank cool water from
living streams and enjoyed refreshing
breezes from mountain forests. The
saw mill .above mentioned and Xorris:
shingle mill were busy filling orders for
their respective products. In the even
ing we tarried at McCollum's mill
where Mr. McCollum, Miss Emma and
Sir Edwin were busy planning as uperio
grade oMumber. Miss McCollum is not
only a good house-keeper, but an all
around saw mill expert. She can ran
the engine, the saw or the planer. If
we were 20 years younger we would buy
a saw mill and employ Miss McCollum
as general manager. While the rest of
the family are working in the mill, Mrs
McCollum is not idle by any means
Besides attending to her household
dnties she grows one the best gardens in
the state. We hope to become better
acquainted with the people of Upper
Caliapooia and Li inkle Creek in the
near future. Oakland Owl.
Auto Record Broken.
Brussels, July 23. In the open races
for heavy motor cars today, M. Baras
in James K. Bennett's big "Darracq'
covered a mile from a standing start in
forty-eight and three fifteenth seconds
clipping eight seconds from the best
previous world's record.
A woman got in the way of firemen at
Myrtle Point, and a fireman told hei
that it- she didn't get out of the way he
would turn the hose on her. She repl:
ed that sho would turn them herself
when she returned home, and explained
that in the excitement of responding
the-fire alarm she had not noticed that
Ehe,put them on wrong. At least that
is the way the Enterprise tells the story.
State Game anion Baker reports
that Marvin Drury of Lane county, and
U. W. o. iolK oi uougias county, were
on the 20th inet fined $25 each. They
were.arrested and fined for killing deer
on the 14th, one day prior to the open
The Southern Oregon Baseball League
consisting of teams from Ashland, Med
ford, Jacksonville and Gold Hill, con
tinues to exist regardless of weather or
financial baseball depression.
Latest Revised Dictionary.
This is a work emanating from Boston,
purporting to be executed by unleon
Wienlz. We give a few specimens from
this book of reference to un-certain
English words, their illegitimate use,
Accident A condition of affairs in
which nresence of mind is cood, but
absence of bodv is better.
Good Adviro Something old men
give young men wnen mey can no longer
give them a bad example.
Alderman A political ofhee known as
the Crook's Road to ealth.
Apiendicitis A modern pain costing
about ?200 more than the old-fashioned
Athlete A dignified bunch of muscles
unable to split the wood or sift the
Worrv A state of mind that leads
to fear, everv time the
t?i.o fTfus out. that it won't come in
WmvU Fonnd in caruens and on
n-iHnws. For removinsr easilv, marry
the widow.
Trust A small body of capital entire
lv surrounded by water.
Tobacco A nauseating plant that is
consumed bv but two creatures a
larire creen worm, and man. The worm
doesn't know any better.
Sinner A stupid person who gets
found out.
Rhetoric Language in a dress suit
Polvelot A narrot that can swear in
several languages.
Postscript The only thing readable in
woman's letter.
Pullman Porter A legalized tram
Pole-cat A small animal to be killed
with a pole the longer the pole the
Piano A tool frcouentlv used in
building a Rough House.
Pants Trowsers' country cousins.
Parachute A successful method for
getting the drop on the earth.
Orchard The small bov a Eden of to
day, in which the apple again occasions
the fall.
Onion The all-round strength cham
pion of the vegetable kingdom.
Obesity A surplus gone to waist.
Xip Something bracing from without
or within. When felt in the air it's a
frost. When found in a glass, a life-
emhbor One who knows more
about your affairs than yourself.
Mouse The freauent cause ot a rise
m cotton.
Mine A hole in the ground owned by
Mark In Germanv twenty-three
cents. In the United States only Twain
Love A man's insane desire to be
come woman's meal ticket.
Lawyer Oue who defends your estate
against an enemy in order to appropriate
it to himself.
Kilts A Scotchman's apology for in
decent exposure.
Hug A roundabout way of expressing
Hoot Mon The Scottish National
Earth A solid substance much desir
ed by the seasick.
Dust Mud with the juice squeezed
Cinder One of the first things to
catch your eye in traveling.
Cauliflower A cabbage with a college
Birthday Anniversary of one's birth
Observed only by men and children.
A few sage proverbs are thrown in at
irregular intervals in the book, only a
few of which we copy:
Home is where the mortgage is.
Pe pie who live in glass houses should
dress in the dark.
A word to tbe wise is useless.
Where there is a will there is a law
A fool and his wife are soon parted
A miss is as good as her smile.
It's the first Etraw hat which shows
how the wind blows.
"He who cannot save a little when
he is young will hnd it impossible to
save much when he is older."
Special Excursion to the World's Fair
ine Lenver & Kio Urantle, in connec
tion with the Missouri Pacific, will run
a series of Personally Conducted Excur
sions to the World's Fair during June.
These excursions will run through to St.
Louis without change of cars, making
short stops at principal points enroute.
The first of these Excursions will leave
Portland Jnne7th, and the second June
17th. The rate from Roseburg will be
75.45 to St. Louis and return. Excur
sionists going via the Denver & Rio
Grande have the privilege of returning
via a differnt route. This is the most
pleasant wav, as well as the most de
lightful route, to cross the continent.
The stops arranged give an opportunity
of visiting the various points of interest
in and about Salt Lake City, Denver and
Kansas City. If you wish to accompany
one of these excursions write at once to
W. C. McBride, 124 Third street, Port
land, for sleeping car reservations.
The Fair Route
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Louis, ia the one that gives you the most
for yonr money, and the fact that the
passed service via these points to the
WORLD'S FAIR, and in this connec
tion to all points beyond, makes it to
your advantage, in case you contemplate
a trip to any point east, to write us be
fore making final arrangements.
We can offer the choice of at least a
dozen different routes.
B.H. Trumbull,
Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson F. & P. A.,
Room 1, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
City Treasurers' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Aug. 27th, 1902, are requested to present
the same to the city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cease thereon after
tbe date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Ore., July.6, 1904.
H. C. Slocom,
C'ty Treasurer.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Ten Years of Suffering.
I wish to sayia few words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy," says Mrs. Mnttio Itnrge,
of Martinsville, Va. "I Miffeied from
chronic diarrhoea for ten years and dur
ing that time tried various medicines
without obtaining any permanent relief.
Last summer ono of my children was
taken with .cholera morbus, and I pro
cured a bottlo of this remedy. Only
two doses were required to give her en
tire relief. 1 then decided to try the
medicine myself, and did not use all of
one bottle before I was well and I have
never sinco been troubled with that
complaint. One cannot say too much
in favor of that wonderful medicine.'
This remedy
is for sale by A. C. Mars
tera & Co
Oregon Development League.
The Portland Commercial Club has
issued a call for a convention of the Ore
gon Development League, to ho held at
thoMarauam Grand Theater in Poit-
land, August 2nd and 3rd. All commer
cial, agricultural, mining, stockraising
and irrigation interests will bo repre
sented : every editor in the state will be
invited to attend as a delegate ; County
Commissioners and Mayors of all towns
and cities will also be called upon to
name delegates, the Portland Woman's
Club will look after the comfort of ladies
accompanying delegates, and, amon
other entertainments, have arranged for
a trolley rule on August -tnl, taking m
the most interesting and beautiful en
virons of Portland, and on August 3rd
ten street cars will be provided for a
trip over the entire city.
The Southern Pacific Company will
sell tickets at a very low rate of one fare
for the round trip, from all points on
Oregon Lines to Portland and return,
for the occasion, and it is hoped that ev
ery section of the state will be well rep
resented at the convention, to work in
harmony for the development of Oregon.
Arc You Going to St. Louis?
If so call for your tickets via the
ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM, the line hav
ing Terminal at entrauce Fair Grounds.
Round trip rate $67.50. Good for ninety
days from date of sale. Choice routes
going and returning via St. Paul, Den
ver, Colorado Springs, Pueble or El
Paso. Stop over jvermitted in both
Dates of Sale: June 7th, ICth, 17th,
ISth, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Aug, Sth, ttth,
Sept. 5th, Gth, 7th, Oct. 3rd, 4th 5th.
On above dates rate of $72.50 will be
made to Chicago and return.
For further information and sleeping
car reservations call upon or address,
A. II. McDonald,
General Agent.
140 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Instruments Repaired or Packed.
The Burr Music House is now pre
pared to repair your piano, organ or any
other kind of instrument and also makes
a specialty of safefly packing musical
instruments for shipment. Charges
reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
Jv 1 tf
Corioloii 51179
The Imported Percheon
"Coriolan" beloncintr to I
is. wane will make the sea-
son at tne iiinpire lviverv
Stable of Kelly & Banks
Kvery body IS invited to Call
and see this elegant stallion
and get prices and terms.
His weight is I7OO pounds
color black and his cost was
He was recently imported
from France and his full ped
igree is on exhibition at the
above named Livery Stable.
Itier Worus.
Our sole knowledge of the peo-
: on otner worlds ana now far
people there differ from our
inhabitants, can only be guessed by
comparisoB ith animal nature on this
small sphere of ours. More important
to us is a knowledge of ourselves.
"Know Thyself" was an old Greek
thought. How to take care of one's
own body is not so simple as seme think:
the human mechanism is a wonderful
thing and requires watching.
One man who has done more to teach
the American people how to care for their
bodies than almost any other, is Dr. R. V.
Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the Author of the
"Common Sense Medical Adviser." He
jays: It is not the quantity of the food
eaten which produces strength and health
(for some people can keep stronp on a very
meagre diet), but it is how much food is
absorbed and assimilated by tbe blood and
carried to nourish every organ of the body.
It is, therefore, vitally neceasary for the
body that the stomach be in a healthy
state. If disease of the stomach, or what fs
called "stomach trouble," prevents proper
nutrition then the heart, liver, lungs, and
kidneys do not get proper food they are
not fed on rich red blood, and in conse
quence, begin to show signs of distress.
Outwardly these sins may be pimples
and eruptions on skin, pale face, sleepless
nights, tired, languid feelings, or, by reason
'of the nerves not being fed on pure blood,
they become starved, and we receive a
warning in the pain we call neuralgia.
Rheumatism, too, is a blood disease. After
years of practice and study Dr. Pierce
found that an Alterative Extract, which he
named "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery," made from the extracts of several
plants, invariably produced a tonic effect
upon the system. It helped the process of
absorption of the healthy elements in the
food and increased tbe red corpuscles of
the blood, as well as eliminated the poisons
from the system.
Business is business. No time for head
aches. Constipation causey them. Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure them by cur
ing.the cause. Laxative and mild.
Professional Cards.
A ttor ucy-a t-Law ,
Uourt Houfo
I V FISHEli, M. D.,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. ItosKiiuiui.
'Phono Main 591. Orkgon.
W. H. DAI5KV, 1). M. U.
Office in the Abraham Building
(Over the I'osioiliee In the illlce here
tofore occupied by Dr. J, It, Chapman
Kosebnrg, Oregon
Physciau & Surgeon.
OQco Review HM.
Phone, Mutu 31
Bovlew Building-,
Telephone No. t.
M. Ckawfoui) a J. O. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
Rooms IAS, Bank Buli.l.. KOSEBOKO, OB
CJF-nuflncus before th 0 a Land Offlce antf
mining cafes a specialty.
Wit1 practice In all tbe State and Federal Court
Office in Marks' Bid.. ltotebiirg, Oregon,
Hank Building
J. A. Bn hanan I. L. C.rsn!.i:k
Koom 1 and 2
Marnier L-iitdtna;
Osteopathic Physician
1 HIV ehroillr tlar rorm-U alr-furmalla
aud rvmox tr f
also n-iud re
h tMim
..........,. rrec
ilea- arrange f..r appointment by phone
OSce over the Iot office l'hone So. loll
Kestdet ce II. 1). l.rav.w place, l'tnme So." 1M
Notary Public
Marsters Hnildin
Society Meetings.
F. A A. M. Lanrtrl Lodire No. 13.
1 regular merlins? on second
and f nrtb WedneMlave of eact
month. J. T. BeAxjim, W. M.
N. T. JKKrrr, Secretary.
P. O. ELKS. Ronebnrp Lodge No
326. Holds regular cutumanica
tions at I O. O. F. Hall on tconf
and fourth Therefore of pach month
Ul tnemtxTP rexine'lexl to attend ren
arl? and all vMtioe hroUiere are cordi
tlly invited to attend.
F. B. Waits, K. U.
Kov Mi-Cl allfk, Secretarv.
O.N". U , meet at Armor; Halt everj
riiuredar evontni:, at S a'cfock.
F. B. Uamlim, Capt
O. U. F. PtiilelartBD Loike No. S.
Meets in Odd Fellow?' T-mple, enr
er Jdcfceoo and Oats streetp, or
Saturday evening oi nat-h weft Mem
bers of tbe order in 3od eianditic ar
invited to attend.
J. C. TwrncuKLL, X G
N.T. Jawrri, -crtery.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. -17. Meet
every Wednesday, in I. 0. O. F
Hail a. 7:30 p. m. Members it.
good landing are invited to attend.
Gbo. W. Kimball, C. C.
Elmbr Wimbeuly, K. of S.
LII-AC CIRCLE. No. 4I, Wotren ol
Woodcraft Mets on 2nd and 4th
Thursdays of each month at the I.
0. O. F. Hall. Vifitii.g member' ir
good standing are invitt-d to attend.
Minnie Jones. Guardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian, Secretary.
Fecond and Fourth Thursdays.
E. S. Rooeburg Chapter No. 8
Holds their regular meeting on tin
si -.1 t.: i ti I 1
uie ouu wjuu luurtKittya id eaui
nonth. Vtailinc members in goof
itanding are respectfully invited to at
tend. Maude Rast, W. M.
Regina Raht, Secretary.
Camp No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hail, in RoBoburtr. everv
Brat and third Monday evening. Visit
ing, neighbors always welcome.
N. T. Jkwett, C. C.
J. A. BrciiA.tAN. Clerk.
One bay maro branded 11 on shoulder,
blemish on shoulder, weight about 11,
000 lbg'. One dark gray mnre branded
OXJon right shoulder, blind in- one eye.
Suitable reward will bo paid for informa
tion leading to their recovery.
Matt SEiOExnciiR,
48-im Jefferson, Oregon.
Notice to the Public.
United States Lam) Office.
.... Itoseliwg, Oregon, July 15, loi.
To liotn It may concern.
Ntitlce Is hereby given that the Oregon and
t'al .lornla Rallrnail Cotiinny baa filed lu thla
ofDcoallstoflands sltnatvd In the townships
for fold landx: that Hie list is open lotliopun-
crlntiiv miikUvIkIoiis haa been poitcd lu a con
venient place In thla offlci:. for tho Inspection
of all perrona Interested and the pub'Ic general
lv. South of Ilaie Lino and west of W. M. All
of w?c31, tp3i a rl) w.
llhln the next Mxty days following the
date of thla notice, prou-s'a or contests agalltst
tuiiclalm of tliu com any to any Inict or sub
division within any atctlon or purl of mctlon
dei riliod In the Hat, on tho grouiM that tho
aamu la in. ire valuable for mineral than for
agricultural purpoH-, will lo received and
nottd for icport to the General Ijind Offlco nt
Washington, 1). C.
I R glstcr.
i( J. IL BOO I'll,
JlaJsM Kecolver.
i ' . .
Fprsiek hcadaulio take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablutes and a quick
. euro is certain. For sale . by A. 0. Mar
sters & Co.
In tlio Circuit Court ot tbe Mate ol Oregon,
(or DoiirIhh County:
August Klenue, I'laliitin,
littnn Klotiku, Delvntlnnt, )
Tnlycna Kleiike. above named dcfenditnt: In
the Mini! of the State ot Oregon, you are bcre
!y itimimincd and rcjulrud to appear ami ana
wur tbe complaint tllsd agalna! you In tbe
akuro Kitltlcil court ana cause, wllliin in
weH trran the date or tbe Drat publication ot
thin summon, and it you fall yi appear and
answer aa herein required, IorraiH thereof
planum win apply to xaiu court lor tne reuei
demanded In
complaint, wnlcn u for a ue-
crce from ald court dlaaolvInK tho marriage
contract existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and for such other and fur. her relief aa to
Hip court mav aeem meet.
Tula Mimmons la published once a week for
at least Mx successive wccks in mo I'LAINDSAL-
kk, a semi-weekly newspaper, putmaned at
Unst'liurir. Orecon. br order of Hon. M. I).
Tnompaon, County Judge of Douglas County,
Oregon, mane June Ji, vm. iuh nrxi publica
tion ol una mi in in o ia on June vcmi, l'joi.
M-CO Attorneys for l'lalntlir.
Notice to the Public.
United States Land Office,
Itoseburg, Oregon, July 5, 19W,
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice la hereby given that the Oregon and
California Railroad company haa filed In tbla
olllce a lltx)f lands altuated In the townships
described below, and haa applied for a patent
lor saiu lauus; inai wiu usi is open 10 ine puo
lie for Insectlon and a copy thereof by de
kcrlnllve nubdlvlf Ions has been Doated In a con
venient place lu tbla office, for the Inapect'on
ol all persona inienatea ana me punnc general
toutb of Bae I.lne and Weat of Willamette
Meridian. tV$ MVJ, NW 8WJJ. Sec 1 T
36. R ; aUBecl.TSl. 119; all Hec 3. T 31. K 9:
all Sec 5, T 31, R 9: all Ec7, T 11, K 9; ail sec 9 T
31 It U, all Sec 11 r 31 R 9; EU NE K,' AYVi, w
!, Sec 13. 9; all Beefs, Tp 31, ft 9; all
Sec 17. 1 01, ti v; an sec rj. i ji, k y, an rcc i,
T31. K9; aU.rec23.T3I. R9: all Bee 25, T 31 . R
J. all Sec 27. T 31. It 9: all Sec 23. I 1. K 1 all
See 33 T 31' R 9; all 6ec 35, T 31 R 9; all
Sec 1 T 31. R 10: all Sec 3. T 31. RIO; all Sec 5,
T 31 . R 10; all Sec 7. T 31 R 10; all Bc 9, T 31.
Rli: allSrcll T31.R10; all Sec 13, T 31, R
10; all Sec 15, r 31 K 10: alt Bee IT. T 31, K 10;
all Sec 19. T 31. R 10: all Sec 21. T St. R 1": all
Sec 23. T tl. R 10: all Sec 25. T 31. R 10: all bee
27.T3I. R 10; all Sec , Tat. R 10, all Sec 31, T
31, R 10; all Sec 33. T-l, R10. all Sec 35. T 31, R
South of Bae I.lne and Kant of Willamette
Meridian. All Sec 5, T 22. R 1. all Sec 7. T 22.
It I: NW'.,Sec9.T22 R 1; rtWU and SU. Sec
17.T12. k 1: all Sec 19. T X. R I.
Witaln the next sixty daya following the
dale of tbia uoilcr. proteata or contest against
the claim of tne company to any tract or sub
division within anv section, or part of sec
tion, docrllanl In the Hit. on the
I (rround that tbe same la more ralu
able for mineral than for agricultural purposes,
will be received and noted for report to tbe
i General Land Office at Washington. D. C.
1 J)7S15 J. T. liRlIHiEa. Register.
J. II BOOTH, Receiver.
Notice of Forfeiture.
Cottage Grove. Lane County, State of Oregon,
March 24. 1904.
To E. C. linnn as administrator of tbe eatate
of D. B. Colton, deceased, and to Mrs. T. F, WII-
on. Mn.CUrk J. TIsdel.Mias Carrie - Mason,
Mlj May Maton, Krastus Colton, Ben T. Ounn,
. and E. C. Gunn. heirs at law of said D. B Co!
1 ton, deceased, and to all other persons claim-
f Ing any right, title or lnteret, either .In law
! ot eonlty In or to the mining claim herein
after decrlted, as heirs of tbe said D. B. Col-
tin riwviuil r Mhf rurlu
' You and each of you are hereby notified, that
1 1. ine unaersigneu.naveexurnut-u money ana
performed labor and woik to the amount of
j One Hundred Dollars, upon the "Homer" lode
mining culm, situated In the Bohemia Mining
1 District, in the County of Douglas, Stale of
That tbe money to expended and the labor
performed ww -orformcd and expended on
and between the 1st day of September and the
30th day ol September A. D. 1903, in order to
hold said premUcs under the provisions ot
Section ZEI of tho RevUcd Statutes ot the
Cmted Slates and laws of the State of Oregon.
being the amount required to bold tne same
for the year ending December, 1903.
That said work upon said claim was per
formed by Edd. Jenks and Ben. Carry for and
at the expense of the undersigned.
And If within Ninety (SM) days from the ser
vice of this Notice upon you by tbe SheriS or
within Ninety (90) days alter service of this
notice by pub!talion you fall or relate to con
tribute tee proportion of sacb expenditure as a
co-owner, yonr Interest lu the said claim will
become tbe property ol the undersigned under
said Section ZSll by reason of aaid failure to
contribute said proportion of said expcndltnre.
Notice for Publication.
f ntid Stale Land Office,
Roeburr. Orrgon June Ii.
Notice is hereby given that In coaipllanca
with the provisions ot tbe act of Congrras of
Junes. JJ7S, entitled "An act for th sale of
tlmtwr lands In the Slates of California, Oregon
.-.eraiia .ana n aininirton lenltorr. asexKna
ed to all the public land statea by act of August
f Rovborc. countr of Doutlas. state of Ore-
ion, has this day fifed In this offlce bis sworn
tatrmenl J. C33. for the purchase of the e'
nw. n4 neJi of section No. St In tpNo.25, s.
r.o. .
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
u more valuable lor Its iiciLer or alona man
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Reglstar and Becelvtr of thla
aauc of Koseburs. Oregon.
on Friday, the 9th dar of Septembers, 1901. He
name as witnesses; Charles Thorn, Inhn Thorn
Keebnrs. Ore: William Steiner, Edward Von
PcsM. of Cleveland. Ore.
Any and all pcrona claiming adversely the
alivc described lands are requesud to file their
claims in this oOcc on or before said 9th day of
September, ivui. J l. ukiuuxh,
Ju 33-pd Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnlleil States Land Office.
Rutcbtirg. On-con. June It. 1904.
Notice is hereby given that In comptlanoa
with the prorlaloaa of the act ot Congress ot
Junes. 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands In tha Slates of CalKornla.Oreron
Nevada. and Washington TerritorT'asexUnd-
d to all tha public land alatca by act of August
a, un.
of Roeburg, county of Douiclas, state of Ore
gon, has thla day nica in this once nis sworn
statemcntJCo ZQ. for the purchase of thesU
ne'4. n?i st'4 ottectlon No.i't, in tp No. 26, a r
.o. V w.
and will offer proof to show that tha I and sought
is more vaiuaoie ior iu umoer or aione man
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
ciaim Deiore tne Kegisier sxa Kccelver of tali
mc olUoMburc.Orccon.
on Friday, the 9:h day of September, 19M. He
names aa witnesses: Charles Thorn, John
Thorn, Roseburg, Ore; Wi 11am Stclner, Edward
Von l'easl, of Cleveland, Ore
Any and all persons claiming; adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In tbla office oil or Wore aald Sth
day of September, 190L
Ju SO SS pd Register.
United States Land Office.
Rocbunr. Oregon. June 10 1901.
A snfUclcctconleataSldavlt having been filed
In this office by William A Spraguc. contes.ant,
against Homotead entery No 10057, made Jnne
26. 19U0. lor on sw'i, se;s swij. sec. 34, tp. -x a,
r3w, byJeoao hitlo-, rontcatee, tn which
It in aliened that Jesse Whitlow Is dead, hav
ing been dead about two years; that none of
his heirs, II he haa any such heirs, have en
tered upon, or in any manner cultivated the
land embraced tn hia said claim: tbat the said
claim Is wholly abandoned. Hald parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching ratd allegation at 10 o clock
a. m. on July 12, 1901, before the Register and
Receiver at tho United State Land Office In
Kmu'lmrir Orecon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit, filed JuiiC 10, 1904, set forth facts which
show that atlcrduo diligence personal service
of this notice can not bo made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that sucn notico do given
br duo and proper publication.
. 11. BOO
Vol 47-Cw-pd
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice la hereby given that tho undersigned,
auininiairawr i mcwwwui mnu,
deceased, has tiled his final account as such
administrator in tho County Court of Dounlaa
County, State of Oregon, and that said county
court hna set Tuesdav tho 20th day of July; 1904,
at 10 o'clock of said day, at the court house
in Roseburg, Douglas County, State of Oregon,
aa the tlrriu and plaoo ot bearing objections
thereto, and for the final settlement ot raid
ftatf. B L. DILLARD.
Administrator of tho eatateof M. E. Dillard,
Dated this Still day of June 1901.
Wood Wanted on Subscription.
Those wishing to pay up their sub
scription to tho Plaindealkr and not
having tho cash, but having wood, wo
aro willing to make the oxchango and
receive wood on subscription at tho reg
ular market price. Wo will accept both
etovo and heater wood.
Flaindkalkr Pub. Go.
AdmiisteAtr's Notice.
In Countr Court ot Htate of Oregon for
Douglas County,
In tbe matter of the eatateof John H.Bburie.
I deceaaed :
Notice Is hereby ill en that the undersigned.
by order of aborj-nained Court, made and
entorcd In the Journal of said Court on April
mn, law, was appointed administrator of tbe
above-named eatate.
All persons having claims against aald estate
are requested to present the same, duly verified,
within tlx months from date of this notice, and
all persons Indebted to aald estate are request
ed to mako Immediate payment to tho under-
ignea.ainis omce, Keviow bunaing, kobc
burg, Oregon.
uatea una urn day ot April, i'ah.
j. c. fullxbtok, Adminniraior.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Rosebunr. Orciron. June29. 1904.
Notlco la hereby elven that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of CouKress of
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for tbe sale of
timber l.nd In tbeStatcs of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory" aa extended
to all tbe public land states by act ot August 4,
of Roseburg, county of Douglas, state of Ore-
icon, has this day filed In tbis offiice his sworn
statement nfG202. for the purchase of tbe BV'A
oi dccuou ro s, TowDsuip 27 h. iiange west
and will of far proof to show tbat the land sought
Is more valuable for lta timber or stone than
(or agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before tbe Register and Receiver of tbla
otllca of Boaeburr, Oregon.
on Welnesdav the 21it day of September. 1904
She names aa wltnessts; John Evarta. K
Kva'ta of Peel. Ore., u Krakenberger. of Roe-
burg. Ore.. II A Cooler, of Kerhy. Ore.
Any and all persona claiming adversely tbe
above described lands are reoutsttd to file their
claims In this office on or before said 21st day of
ecpi..iwi. J. i. UKiixitM
J up uegisier.
Notice foi Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon July I. 1901
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
dth tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
Jane 3, )S78. entitled "An act for tbe sale of
timber lands In tna BlaUaof California. Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asextend
4 U all the yabtle land states by act of A u rust
a, ibm.
of Roy, countr of fcarce. state of
Watblnglon has this day filed In this office bis
sworn statement No C2G9 for the purchase of
the NKV of Sec St. Tp 2t 8, R 8 west
and will of fer proof to show "hat tbe land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before tbe Register and Receiver of this
ziice ox ttosetmrg.uregon.
on rnuiaday the 22nd day of September, 1904.
ne names aa wimtcsea- jonn Kogers, jonn
Clark. W II McCroaseu ot Botebarr, Oregon.
Morris G Hill, of Elbe. Wash.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to ale tbelr
claims in this office on or before said 2nd day
of Sept 1901. J. T. BRIDGES.
Jiip Kegisier.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Orecon
for Douglas County.
Murpbv Grant A Co 1
a corporation j
The McGee Co.. a corror
atlon. rT McOee and r J '
Mc ee.
Defendants, j
Notice Is hereby riven that bv rlrtne of an
execution, duly Issued out of the above named
court and cause on the 7th day of July lJOt,
uron a ludtrement an1 decree dufr rendered
and entered In said court and rante on the :6th
day of Hay 1512, In favor of tbe above named
piainun ana sjrainsi uie above named aeiena-
ants, the McGee Co.. and P T McGee,
for tbe the sum of R73.SU nton which
Judgement there was credited July
u. ivji, ine sum oi tioi m leaving
a deficiency thereon of I172.V0 with interest
thereon from Jnly 11, las. at tbe rate of it per
cent per annum, which Judgement was duly
enrolled and doekete t In the clerk's office ol
sa d court on the 10 day of May, 190Z.
Now therefore I will on
Saturday the 20 day ot August loOi,
at one o'clock P m. of said dav at the court
house front do jr. In Koiebarg. Douglas coantr.
Oregon, sell at public auction. In the highest
bidder, fcrcash in hand, all the righu title and
latere ice said dei.naan, Tne McGee Co..
and P T McGee or either ot them
had on the Uth day of July 1993. or at
any time theresiier, n or to thd following de
scribed premise, to-wlt: The northwest quar
ter of tbe northeast quarter of aeetlon s, tosrn-
snipzi soutn, range t weat ot w jt., n lKagl
I'ouutr. Oregon, together with all and
the leneraenu. nerediumenu and appurten
ances thereunto belontlm; or In anTwlse at-
pertainine and wilt applr the rroceeds ot such
oale, first to the cause ot such sale, and to lb
payment of tbe sum ofJ17LSO due tbe plain US
with Interest thereon at the rate ot S tr cent
per annum from the 12th dr of Inly, 1902, and
tbe oserplus tf anj there be, pay over to the
Mid defendants. The McGee Co. and P T Mc
Gc their assigns or 5e al representattrea.
Dated at itoseburg. this 131 a day ol July 19H.
Sheriff of Douglas county, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon. July 7, 13M.
Nolle is hereby given that In compllaac
with the provisions of the act ot Coagreas ot
June S. 1ST. enUtled "An act for the sal of
Umber lands In lh Stales of Callfornla,Orgoa
Nevada .and Waahlnalon Territorr." aatxrand-
d to all th public land state by act ot Angus
a, mi.
I of 'Roseburg. county of Doug'as, state of
Oregon, has this dar sled in .his oSr-e nt
worn statement No tf7 for the purchase oi
the S. of NEVi. and Lois 1 and I of sec
tion 4. township 2S south, range 3 weat.
and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought
Is mon valuabl for Its timber or stone than
tor agricultural purposea, and to estahlUh Ma
claim befor th BeaisUr and Receiver of thla
attic ol BoMburg, Or tod.
on Monday, the 10th day of Octobe-, 1901. He
names aa witnesses: r. n . Turneu. n m. Dar
nell. Press Turnell. H. J Roblnette, all ol Peel ,
Dougtaa county, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are mints led to file the r
claims In this office on or before salt 10th day
of Oct. 19M. t. T. BRIDGES
-Jnllp Register.
Sheriffs Sale.
In tbeCircalt Court of the State ot Oregon.
for the County of Multnomah.
Alien & Lewis, riainus
Mrs II T Burr. Defendant.
Bv virtue of a writ of execution duty issued
out ot and under the seal ot the above entttled'
court In the above entitled action, to me di
rected and dated th ltth day of July. 1904. up
on t Judgment rendered and entered la said
court on tbe 9lh day of July, 1904. In favor' ol
Alien . Lewis ana against sata Mrs. n t Burr
for tbe sum ot four hundred thirty-one dollars
and seventv-three n-ati (tul.73) with Interest
Uw-reon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
irom tne zin a ay oi uecrmoer, iu, ana ine
further sum ot twentr-tilne dollars and twenty
cents (IS.2j) coU and disbursement and the
ns'i and disbursements of and upon this writ
of execution, commanding me to mike sale ot
the lonowing aetciiDeu premise, to-wii:
Tbe Southeast qnaiter(SE)ot section twen
ty -six () In township twenty CX) south of
range elcnt ($) weat nt the Willamette itrrtdlan
In Douglas county. Stato ot Oregon, attached
tn said action on the 8tn day ot April, 190L
Now therefore in compliance with tha com
mands ol said writ, I will, on
Thursday, the as day of -August, 190-4,
at ten (10) o'clock a m at the front door ot the
County court House la the city ot Roseburg,
uougia county, biate oi uregon, sen at puoitc
ai'CUon. subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder tor U S. cold coin cash ia hand.
the above described real propertr and all the
right, title and Interest the aald defendant had
therein nn the dateot sad attaeh-uent, towtt:
tbcsihdayol April, 1904, or since has had
therein to satisfy said writ ot execution and alt
accrutnt costs. H.T. McOLALLRN.
Sheriff ot Douglas county, Oregon. JiJ
Sheriffs Sale.
In the!Clrcult Court of the State of Oregon
for the County ot Multnomah.
Allen A Lewis, Plaintiff)
II T Burr, Defendant )
By virtue of a writ of execution duly Issued
out of and under the seal of thn above entitled
court In the above entitled action, to me di
rected and dated tho I3lh day of July, 1904, up
on a Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 9th day ot July, 1904, In favor of
Allen & Lewis and against said a. T. Burr for
the suui of three hundred clghty-stx dollars and
thirty-lour cents (Msa.31) with interest thereon
at tho rate of S per cent per annum from the
30th day ot December. 1903, and the further
sum of twenty-nine dollar and twenty cents
(9.20) coats and disbursements and tne coat
and disbursement of and upon this writ of
execution, commanding mc to make sale of the
following described premise, to-wlt:
The Northeast quarter (KEj) section twenty-two
('it) in townshln twenty (2U) south ot
range eight (8) west of the Wlllamett Meridan
in Douglas countr." State of Orecon. attached
in aald action on tne sin a ay ot April, l'JOt
now therefore incompuan
rnanda ot said writ, I will on
Now therefore In compliance with the com-
Thursday, the 25 day of August, i904
) o ciocg am at tne noni uoor ot tne
ourt House In the city of Roburg,
In Douglas countr. Btato of Oregon, sell at Ptib-
Ilo auction, subject to redemption, to tho high
est bidder, for United Stales gold coin cash In
band, tho above describe i real property and
01 tho right, title and Interest the said defend
ant had therein on tho date ol said attachment,
to-wlt, the 8th day of April, 1904, or slnco has
had therein to satisfy said writ of execution
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Douglas county, Oregon. JlS
Pay and dot a Nice flap.
For tho next thirty daya to ail who
pay na two dollars on subscription, wo
will prosent thorn a nice map ot Oregon
and a map of tho world. Tho value o
be map ia one dollar.
Ho! for St. Louis and the World's Fair
Xnt'ireV Art Gallery ot tbe Rockies In addition to the ftt
trai-tinna at St. Loafs. This can only be done by going or
rcfi-ning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE-WORLD."
Write (or illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorts
W. C. flcBRIDE, Genera! Agent,
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes
Have some splendid bargains is second iaii Fontifira
Are You Going to St Louis?
If so Purchase yonr Ticket via the
Choice of Routes going or returning, via
St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs
or Pueblo
For Rates Call on pour Local Agent
Dates of Sale: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3
Aug; S-9-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-5-5.
For further information and Sleeping Car Reservations
Call on or Address
a. & Mcdonald
140 Third st, Portland, Ore. Gem'l Ageat.
Lumber & Building
At a Sacrifice
Read Our Cash Prices
Rough Lumber $8.00
Sized Lumder $S.oo
i x 12 Common s 2 s $S.oo
Shiplap $10.00
1x6 Flooriug $10.00
And all other LUMBER m proportion.
Lumber Yards near Depot
By J.J.KENNEY, Pres.
01 every descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Landa
Oregon, Washington and
Title Guarantee & Loan Lo.
1. D. Hamilton.
D C. Hamilton,
Secy, and Tteu
Offloo In tho Court Houto. Hare the only cob
pieteiel ot abatmct books In Doaslai Count
Abatracta and Certlflcatei ot Title rornlihcdo
Dooglaa county Und and mlnlncclalma. Ha
alao a complete set otTraclnsi ot all town ah
plats In the Koteburg. Oregon, O. 9. Land SI
trict. Will make bine print copies ot any town
H. Little,
- - Oregoa.
Reliable crown and bridge work, J.
P. Johnion, .dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 49tl
Abstract ol Title to Deeded Laad.
Papers prepared for filing "on Go Twa
in ent Land.
Bine Prxnta of Township Maps showing
all vseantLands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates fer all Balld-
Special desigas fer Office Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
is prepared to wait upon old 5
and navmntftmaraanil Manila T
with a fall and cosaplete
stock of
. AAA USUI Ui UiO . O t J UW
r quality. Teas aad ceffeea are
Sepeciaitiee. Yonr patros&ge
35 Jacksea St., ReMfearg