The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 14, 1904, Image 4

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Gold In Sacks, In Cans, In Bottles and
i rvmwino- Utensils at The
Briggs Camp.
A journey by wheel to Holland and
thence by trail on foot up Sucker creek
and over the mountain brought us to
the spot which is justly entitled to be I
considered one of the wonders of the
world, says the editor of the Grants
Pass Courier.
David Briggs and his family, son-in-
law and brother, in all five men and
two ladies, are in camp bv their bonan-
za, carefully watching and guarding it
and taking out some gold from time to
lime. They are making no euori to
mine it and are rnerclv taking out a few I
slabs of gold or hau Ifc me quartz speci-
mens to pass away t p time until they
can safely deposit the treasure already
secured. They argue with reason that
the gold is safer in the ground than it is
out of it. It is one of the peculiar con-
ditions of this mine that the gold can be
taken out far more rapidly than it can I
be taken care of. The fact that they
are not working night and day on the
vein, hastwen misinterpreted by some,
who do not understand the conditions
and the report has thus got abroad that
the place is worked out. Nothing could
be further from the truth. From all
appearances thev have only just begun
to take out the gold which is lying near
the surface.
The milk pan full of gold in slabs,
which was on exhibit at a Grants Pass
bank, is only a preparation for the won
dera that greet the eye when the mine
is visited. At the Briggs tent, there is
gold in sacks, in cans and in bottles, in
the mortar, in gold pans, in tin cups and
cookinc utensils, everywhere. There
seems to be enough gold in sight around
their camn to satisfy a family for a life
time vet the inaior part of what they
hare taken oat has been cashed away.
The place where all this treasure has
been taken out, is an insignificant hole
Borne twelve feet in length, as wide as a
ledge, which seems to run from 12 to 14
inches, and from one to two feet deep.
All the excavation which has been done
could be done by one man in an hour,
though it would probably take him long
er than that to pick out the gold. Mr.
Briggs estimates that all the work which
has been done is not more than half a
day's work for one man, and the esti
mate seems a reasonable one.
The find is no "pocket." It is a true
fissure vein on a contact between cranite
and pornhvrv and is traceable for a lone
distance alone the side of the mountain.
No tests have vet been made to show
the extent of the rich Dav chnte. which
still continues both lonrftndinallv and
vertically from the excavation. The
quartz, exclusive of the seams of pure
gold, carries mining values from fS to
$20 to the ton. Gold is diffused through
the rock itself and is not found alone in
the seams. This is presumed to be a
good indication of
permanency, xne
vein at the end of the
excavation is
about 12 inches wide.
The find is located on one of the spurs
of Tennant peak of the Siskiyous. Ten
nant peak is the culmination of a triple
watershed which embraces tributaries
of Sucker creek, Althouse creek and of
the Klamath river. The ledge is on the
slope which leads to Thompson creek, a
tributary of the Klamath, and is only
about 100 yards from the top of the
divide which slopes on the north side to
Fehely gulch, a small tributary of Suck
er creek. It may be considered the
same divide or "backbone" which sep
arates Sncker creek and Althouse. This
ridge is one of the biggest gold carriers
on the Pacific cost.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Ten Years of Suffering.
"Irish to sayka few words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy," says Mrs. Mattie Burge,
of Martinsville, Va. "I Buffeted from
chronic diarrhoea for ten years and dur
ing that time tried various medicines
without obtaining any permanent relief.
Last summer one of my children was
taken with cholera morbus, and I pro
cured a bottle of this remedy. Only
two doses were required to give her en
tire relief. I then decided to try the
medicine myself, and did not use all of
one bottle before I was well and I have
never since been troubled with that
complaint. One cannot say too much
in favor of that wonderfnl medicine."
""This remedy is for sale by A. C. Mars
era & Co.
The finest military post in the world
is being constructed by the government
a few miles from Manila. It is called
- Fort William McKinley. This post has
been established on a piece of high
'ground where the troops will have the
most salubrious surrounds. Within
easy reach of Manila it is yet far enough
away to keep men away from the
temptations of the city, while the sani
tary conditions will be perfect. Thus
the health and efficiency of the soldiers
will both be promoted. This does not
look like early abandonment of the
- islands.
The cascara bark industry causes a
scarcity of farm hands in Lincoln coun
You can depend on Ayer's
Hair Vigor to restore color to
your gray hair, every time.
Follow directions and it never
fails to do this work. It stops
Hair Vigor
fallingofthe hair, also. There's
great satisfaction in knowing
you are not going to be disap
pointed. Isn't that so?
" My hair faded until It irai about white. It
took uit one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor to
restore It to Its former dark, rich color. lour
Hatr Vigor certainly docs what you elalm for
It." A. M. BooaAH, Boeklngham, N. C.
fl-00 a bottle.
All drnggists.
J. a AVER CO.,
Lowell. Mass.
Fading Hair
Lament of the Democratic Mule
Tbeae ears that Jackson once caressed,
This back that Jefferson has pressed,
Are now pawed over think of that
By each ambitious Democrat.
And stable boys, like "Gum Shoe Bill,"
Like Parker, protege of Hill,
And he of all the boys the worst,
The Journal's little Willie Hearst,
Come 'round to pat me on the side,
dread this presidential race,
Where I am doomed to sure diegrace.
The elephant, in perfect shape,
Now breasts with confidence the tape
The ablest rider in the land
Has now my mighty foe in hand,
Oh ! he will ride without mishap
The presidential handicap
es, handicap, for much disease
Has leu me spavineu in me Knees,
have the epizootic, now,
And headache lurks behind this brow
My back is lame from Cleveland's weight
Thrice has it borne that sacred freight,
And yet, despite my grief and pain,
That portly saint would ride again,
Twice to defeat did Bryan ride,
This much-enduring back astride.
That rider who is all tirade
Such an outrageous racket made,
Yelling and howling while he told
All the iniquities of gold,
that both these ears are useless grown
And I am deaf as any stone.
But drag me out upon the track,
Throw Judge Parker on my back
Sponge out my mouth, tie up my knee,
Inject some cocaine into me,
I'll do my best to win the race,
I'll try at least for second place. Ex.
Early History Oregon's Firsts.
Geo. H. Himes has compiled a list of
first events in the history of Oregon
Some of them are:
First white child, Alice Whitman.
born March 14, 1837, near Walla Walla
First marriages, Rev. Jason Lee and
Anna Pittman, Cyras Snepherd and
Susan Downing, July 16, 1S37.
First funeral service, July 28, 1834,
over a French-Canadian, by Rev. Jason
First religious service by Rev. Jason
Lee, September 23, 1S34. Rev. Lee also
cradled the first grain.
The first thresher was brought to Ore'
gon by Thos. Otchin, coming by wav of
Cape Horn and costing $1,550.
Kev. J. L. rarrish brought some
white clover here in 1840.
P. W. Gillette brought the first roses,
strawberries and raspberries to Oregon
The first saw mill was near Vancouv-
er ,n 13J0 or xtuo DJ "onam Jiason
William Meek brought some grafts
lo u,m in ish
The first brick waa made 'm Oregon
P - v George Gay at Wheatland, lamhill
county, in 1841
The first frame house was at the
Dalles built by Rev. Perkins October 1,
Etiene Lacier cultivated the first soil
in 1829 near Portland.
The first printing was May 18, 1839,
1 t T An.a: rtA U m Tl.n 1
luc ",D1- ""wi
spectator, at uregon uity, em-nary o,
Interesting State News.
There is a physician in McMinnville
named Wisecarver. No wonder he does I
a slashing business.
A Linn county newcomer, being sick,
and in a hospital, five of hia neighbors
turned in and did his haying.
For land that he paid fS an acre for
11 years ago, a Hood River man receiv
ed last week $200 an acre.
Dallas has passed an anti confetti
ordinance. One is needed at times in
other and larger places.
1 lie Mood Kiver trait O rowers asso
ciation and Apple Growers' association
have amalgamated.
One Polk county farmer had 300 tons
of hay, most of which he has shipded to
Portland, receiving from $13 to $15 a
Salem may have a linen mill during
the winter. A woolen mill in winter
and a linen mill in summer would be
more seasonable.
The West Side Enterprise says : "Cor
vallis has recently bad a case of Manila
itch, smallpox and holv rollers and still
the place won't down."
Many fish are being caught these days
in the streams of Tillamook county,
along whose wooded courses cne can
have a very enjoyable outing.
Ashland is supposed to De a ury town,
hut a man sold wet goods openly on the
Fourth, and left the town next morning
O ".A1 -vrtl" sjtT,K a sww4 Alaatinn
a o J wavfvA nun s fcWdL bieauui i
Two carioadB of Hood Elver straw-
1 - n 1 T . 1 . I 1
Demes, nnumg a puur uiarjtet at urn a
ha and Chicago, were carried on to
Massachneetts, where they arrived in
good condition.
The next annnal encampment of the
Southern Oregon Soldiers and Sailors
Reunion Association will take place at
Jacksonville. It will open Sept. 19th
and continue for five days.
Fine farms, prolific orchards, rich
metal mines, promising coal measures,
and the whole overspread with bountiful
grass and belted with clfoice timber
such, in brief, is Douglas county.
Safeguard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that is done by
boards of health and charitably inclined
person b, the death rate among small
children is very high during the hot
weather of the summer months in the
large cities. There is not probably one
case of bowel complaint in a hundred,
however, that could not be cured by thp
timely use of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For
ealo by A. C. Marstera & Co.
Valley Chautauqua
The Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Association will meet at Gladstone Park
near Oregon City, "July 12th to 24th,
1904, inclusive. The Southern Pacific
Company will make reduced rates on
the Certificate plan for this occasion.
Call on any Southern Pac Agent for ad-
vertifintr matter. J16
When bilious take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale
by A. C. Marstera & Co.
Notice to the Public.
United States 1-and Office.
Kosclmre. Orceou, July 8. 190J,
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby Riven that the Oregon anil
Callloirila Railroad company Iirh Med In this
offico a list ot lands situated In the lou-nsliI
described below, aud has applied for a patent
lor said lands; mat me nsi is open u mo puu
He lor Inspection and a copy thoroot by de
scriptive subdivisions has been posted in a con
venient place la this ottii-e, lor the inspection
ol all persons Interested and the public general-
HOUII1 Ol UHBU IIUU tlUOfc 111 M llllt lUi;
Meridian. SW'i NWli. NW'i Sec . T
. . 11 VI 1 t. . - I tll1-M..4 I..
36. R7; allSiCl.TSl. K9; all Sec :1, T 31, It J;
all Sec 5. T 31, K 9; all 8ec7. T Jl. K i: all sec II T
31 R 9, all Sec 11 r 31 K 9; EK NBJi V-M 5r-U, W
U Sec 13, T 31, R9; all See lb, Tp 31, K 9; all
Sec 1". I" 31, R 9; all Sec 19, T 31, R 9. all Bvc 21 .
T31. ll'J; alUeclM.TSl, K9: all Sec as, T 31, K
9. all Sec 27. T3I, 119; all Sec ir, I :1, R 9; all
SCO 33 1 31" K y; an sec i .u n v, an
Sec IT 31, RIO; all Sec 8, T 31. RIO: all Sec 5,
T31.R10; all See. 7, T31 R 10; all Sec 9, T 31.
RIO; all Sec 11 T31.R10; all Sec 13, T 31, R
10; all Sec 15, 1 31 R 10; all Sec 17, T 31, it lo:
all Sec 19. T 31. H 10; all Sec 21. T 31, R lr-; nil
Sec23,T31,R10: all See 25. T 31, K 10; all Sec
27. T 31. R 10; allSeci'J.TSl. R 10. all Sec 31, T
31, R 10; all Sec :, T -1, R 10. a l Sec :, T 31 , R
South of Bas Line and ol Willamette
Meridian. All Sec 5, T 22, R 1; all Sec 7. T 22.
Rl- KlVi. Sw9.T2RI: SWI and NU. See l: all Sec 19. T 32. R 1.
Wltk-n the nut sixty dajs following the
date of this notice, protests or conuls again!
the claim of the company to any tract or sub
division within anv rvotlou. or nart of sec
tlon. aercrloea in mc nsi, on me
ground that the same is more valu
able for mineral than (or agricultural purpose.
will be received and noted lor report to tno
G.'iipml Land Office at Washington. D.C.
Jj7 S15 J. T. JiKU'uiss, ueRlsier.
j. ii iiwi 11, neveiter.
In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon,
for Douglas County:
Augmt Klente, riaiutin, )
Lena tClenke. Defendant. 1
To Lena Klcnke. above named defendant: In
the name of the State of Oregon, you aie here
by summoned and required to appear and ans
wer the complaint tiled against you in the
above entitled court and cause, within six
weeks from the dale ol the nrsi publication ol
this summons, and if you fall to appear and
answer as herein requited, for want tbeteol
plalntitl will apply to said court lor the relief
demanded in his complaint, which Is lor a de
cree fiom said eonrt dissolving the marriage
contract existing between plalntltTand delend-
ant, and for such other and fur Jier relief at to
the court may seem meet.
This ummons Is published once a week for
at least six successive weeks In the 1'lxiMiKal
Ka, a semi-weekly newspaper, published at
UrMotitirir Oroi-nn. lir nnlpr of Hon. M. I).
Thompson, County Judge ol Douglas County.
Orego , made June 21, 19M. The first publica
tion oi inu summos is on June auru, iah.
Buchanan A Uremnceu,
60-60 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sealed bids will Ikj received for the
keeping of the following ferries at the
September term of the County Court,
to-wit, on the Otli day of ieptemler
1904 at 1 o'clock p. m. :
Smith's Fern-, Dinunick's Ijjne Rook
Ferry and J. A. Sawyer's Fern-, bids to
be given with or without omipment
Bonds will be required of the successful
bidder. The Court reserves the right to
eject any and all bids.
37 tf County Judge.
How About Your Summer Vacation?
Newport on the Yaquina Bay is the
deal seaside resort of the North Pacific
Coast. Round trip tickets at greatly re
duced rates on sale from all Southron
Pacific points in Oregon, on and af'er
June 1st. Ask Agents for further infor
raatiou and a handsonielv illustrated
BTin V IM1 1 V
booklet, or write to Eduin
Stone. Manager C A E R. R... Albanv
Ore., or W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. V
Co., Portland. 40 tf
Coriolon 51179
The Imported Perchcon
"Coriolan" belonirinir to F.
B. Waite will make the sea
son at the Empire Livery
Stable of Kelly & Banks.
Every bod' is invited to call
and see this elegant stallion
and get prices and terms.
His weight is I7OO pounds
color black aud his cost was
He was recently imported
frrm Fmiif.,- nnrl h full nml.
igree is OU exhibition at the
above named Liverv Stable
The microscope shows that in the blood
ofeTcry person snfferinir from typhoid the
little fenni can be found as shown above.
They are supposed to (ret into the water or
milk we dnnlc. The germs multiply so
that one germ is capable of producing
about one hundred trillion genua in twenty-four
hours. That is why if they ever
get into the water supply of a town they
multiply so fast that nearly everybody
drinking the water comes down with the
distase. There are exceptions, however,
and they are the persons whose health is
perfect, whose blood is pure, and liver
active. When the germs gel into a healthy
body they are thrown off with the other
poisons. Recent Chicago statistics show
that one-eighth of all the deaths in the
past two years in that city have resulted
from pneumonia.
The best advice we can give is to put the
body into a perfectly sound, healthy condi
tion. Be assured that you have rich, red
blood and an active liver.
Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, who is
consulting surgeon to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y
found certain herbs and roots which, when
made into an alterative extract (without
the use of alcohol), seemed to be the very
best means of putting the stomach, blood
and vital organs into proper condition.
This seemed to him as close to nature's
way of treating disease as it was possible
to go. For over a third of a centurv Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lia' had
a wonderful sale anr. the cures resulting
from its use aie numbered by thousands.
It in a tissue-builder, better than cod liver
oil because it does not sicken the stomach,
or offend the taste. It strengthens or
renews the assimilative or digestive pro
cesses in the stomach and puts on healthy
flesh when the weight of the invalid is
reduced below the normal.
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." Nothing else is "just as
Dr. Pierce' Pellets cure biliousness.
Summer Normal.
Following is the Hostor of the Sum
mer Normal to be held at Htiguno from
Juno 27 to August (Hh.
F. 8 llaroim, Supt., Book Keeping.
W. W. Dixon, Theory and l'rnctiro
and 1'sycol, Geography, Grammar, Hud.
of Drawing and Music.
V. B. Dillard, Algebra, Physics,
Phys. Geography, School Law.
1) .C. Kellems, Heading, Orthography,
Physiology, Hygiono.
V. U Beattio, History, Civics, Arith-
matic, Composition, Hhet.
J. W. Ixilxlcll, Vertical Writing 60-5t
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Weatlierford & Mnrsturn, hurlwrs, has
been dissolved by mutual consent, T. I).
Weatlierford assuming full charge of the
business. All bills will bo receipted
for and paid by the eaid T. I). Weatlier
ford. -HMwpd
The Fair Route
Via Chicago or 'ew Orleans to St.
Louis, '.s the one that gives you the most
for your money, and the fact that the
assed skkvice via these points to the
WORLD'S FAIR, and in this connec
tion to all jwints boyond, makes it to
your advantage, in case you contemplate
a trip to any point east, to write us be
fore making final arrangements.
We can offer the choice of at leaft a
Jo.en different routes.
B. II. Tbcmiiull,
Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson F. A P. A.,
Room I.Colman Bide, Seattle, Wash.
Special Excursion to the World's Fair
The Denver A Rio Grande, in connec
tion with the Missouri Pacific, will run
series of Personally Conducted Excur
sions to the World's Fair during June.
These excursion will run through to St. ,
1-ouis without change of oars, making
short stops at principal points enroute.
The first of these Excursions will leave
Portland June 7th, and the second June
17th. The rate from Roseburg will W
175.45 to St. Ixniis and return. Excur
sionists going via the Denver A Rio :
Grande have the privilege of returning
via a ditfernt route. This is the most '
pleasant way, as well as the most de
lightful route, to cross the continent. ,
The s'ops arranged give an opportunity
of visiting the various points of interest '
in and altout Salt Lake City, Denver and '
Kansas City. If you wish to accompany 1
one of these excursions write at once to '
W. C. MeBride. 124 Third etreH, Port-J
land, for sleeping car reservations.
Are You doing to St. Louis?
If so call for your tickets via the
HOCK ISLAND SYSTEM, the line hav-1
ing Terminal at entrance Fair Grounds.
Round trip rate $07.50. Good forninety
days from date of sale. Choice routes
going and returning via St. Paul, Den
ver, Colorado Springs, Pueble or El
Paso. Stop over permitted in both
Datbs o- Sale: June 7th, 10th, 17th,
ISth, July 1st, thiil, 3rd, Aug, Sth, tth,
Sept. 5th, (1th, 7th, Oct. 3rd, 4th 5th.
On above dates rate of $72.50 will be
made to Chicago and return.
For further information ami sleeping
car reservations call upon or addres,
A. II. Mi Do.v.tii),
General Agent.
HO Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Society ffleetlngs.
AF. A A. M. Lanrrl Lodge No. 13.
Ilsld regular meetints on socono
and f nrlh Wednei-d.tve ol each
month. J. T. Bridges, W. 11.
N.T. JkWLTT, Secretary.
BI . O. ELKS. RoflPbtug 1
31'S. Holde recnlar cot
tioneat I O. O. F. Unl
on con(l
tnd fourth Thurpdnys of eAcb mouth.
All membfrp rpqUBJted to auetid rpgn
larlv anil alt vieitine lr .ihT nre conli
illy invited to attend.
F. b. Waitk, K. K.
Uor McClallks, S?cretarv.
O.N. G , trier-lb et Atmorj Hall overy
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlix, CaH
O. . F. Philetnricu l.odi:e No. 8.
SItB in Odd Fellowd' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass etreets. nit
Saturday evening ol each t-x Mem
bers of the order in irood emniliriL' ar
Invited to attend.
J. C. TwrrciiELL, N U.
N.T Jkwktt, Secretary.
Kof P. Alpha Lo.l(co No 47. Meet
ivary Wediipwlay, in I. O 0. F
Hall 8t7:30 p. m. Members It
good standing are invited to at lend.
Geo. W. Kimiiall, C. C.
ElMEK WlMBEKLY, K. of It. it S.
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
vooacrail. Meets on 2nd and 4th
ThursdaTS of each month nt thp I.
0. 0. F. Hall. Visiting members in
good Bt.'inding urn invited to attend.
Minnie Jones, Guardian Neighbor.
Hell Morian, Secretary.
Second and Fourth Thursdays.
E. 8. Rosoburp OhaDtor No. S
Holds thelrregular meeting on thp
first and third ThnrsdHvs In esrl.
nonth. Visiting membpre in eoorf
itandiug are respectfully invito! to at
tend. Maude Rnst, W. M.
Regina RaBt, Secretary,
U.irnn No. 125. Meets at the Odd
F'-llows' Hall, in Rosnbnri?. everv
first apd third Mondav evening,
ins noinnore aiwnys welcome.
N. T. Jewett. C
J. A Hpciia.van, Clerk.
One bay maro branded 11 on shoulder,
blemish on shoulder, weight about 11,
000 lbs. One dark gray mnro branded
OXon right shoulder, blind in one eye.
Suitablo roward will be paid for informa
tion leading to their recovery.
Matt SEiouNntmu,
48lni Jefferson, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
Court House
Physician, Surgeon.
Oflice over P. O. Robkbuiw,
'Phone Main 691. Okkoon.
W. II. DAHBV, D. M. D.
Olliie in the Abraham Building
(Over the I'oi-.olllce In the illiee here
tofore occupied by Dr. J. K, Chapman
Roseburg, Oregon
Physcian & Surgeon.
Office Ilcvlcw Hin.
Pnnnc, Main ftl
Kuvlew Building,
telephone No. 4.
M. CnAwroKD d J. O. Watsox
Attorneys at Law,
Koomtl&S. Bank Bulldg., KOSSBUHU, OF.
CVUuslness before the P .-J Land Offr nc!
amine caet a specially.
WD' practice In all the Stale and Koderal Courti
ucre in jsarxs nw KoaeDurg, Oregon.
Bank Building
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary PnMic.
Collections a Specialty.
K.-o n
Martoi Kulldlue ROdKBOltli. o
Osteopathic Physician
A drugle method of healing All dl-i i
ivpoo.i 10 me trraitafni i: nttltatkn free.
OSice ovi-r the l: USice Ph nc Xo. Mil
HiHinS to ll A. -..2 to 4 P. M.
ReIdeub II. D. Urattt plarc. 1'hooe So. V&i
A 1 1 o r n ey-a t-La w
Notary Public
Marstera Building
Notice of Forfeiture.
Cottao! (Irore, Lane Count j. State of Orrjon,
March 3C XH.
To K. C. (ienn a lmlnbtratorof the ri'.ale
ol I). B. Cohon. dmiwl, awl to Mrs. T. F. Wil
ton. Mr. Cktk J.TiIrt,yit. Carrie E. Mason.
Ml.vt Maj Man.ErutQfi Collon. Bn T. Gann,
anil K. C. (iuun. heirs at law of nid I). B Col
ton, deeeawd. and to alt other rw2i claim-
l"R t rl
title or intere.t. either. In law
oi eialty lo or to the mining elsisi herein
after described. a heir oi the said D. B. Cot
ton. deceaK-d or otherwise:
You anleach of you are hereby ooilOtO. that
I. Ihc nndcnlsae-J. have cxlx-mled aaoner and
! p-rformed UW and sw k to toe amount of
I Onellnndrol Dollars, non the "lineiet" lode
ailninc rtalnt, situated in the Bobetnla Mining
District. In the Coanlr of IHmicIu, state of
Thai the money mi expended and li e Utor
jcrlortBed was irfornivd and exjinled on
and betneen the lt oy of ente-nter and the
JWhdarol ?pteter A. I. KW, In order lo
bold said premise under the provisions of
Section 2 CM of the HerUed Hiatite of the
Pnlled Slates and laws of the Slate of Oretcon.
11 PR the amount tequlred l hoM Die same
for the year endin; iKTomler 31. IlIS.
That said vort nrii saM rUli t u per
formed by Edd. Jenks and Ren Cnrry lor anl
at the expense of the undersigned
And if within Ninety (.)) days Itom the ser
vice of this Notice upon you by IheSheriSor
within Ninety (SO) days alter serti e of ihlt
notice by publication you fait or refute 1 1 con
tribcte Ibe proportion of such expenditure as a
co-owner, your interest in the said claim will
become the property of the undersigned under
said Section 2321 by reason of uild failure to
contribute said proportion of utd expenditure.
Notice for Publication.
I'nltml States Limit office.
HoscUunr. Orvcoti June is, 1WL
Notice is tterety given tnat la compliance
with the ljrovislona of the act ot Coi:rea of
June X, eatltleil "An art for tl e sale of
tlmtier Is mis in t c stales of California Orejroa
Nevada .and W asblrm, n Terrluiry." aseilenJ
el lo all the public land stales br actoIAngust
of Koscl.urif, toiimy ol IV iula state of Ore
kod, has this day flleil tu iliis olllcc Ills snorn
statement No. riSSV. lor the fii rhae o' the e!
nJi. n1, ne'4 of section No. SI In lj Xo.2fi, s,
r No. 9 w,
and will olfcr rnxf to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than
for agricultural urioses, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Keccivor ot thla
otfice of KoseburK.Oresoa.
on Fndav, lhe9lh dav of Septembers, 1S0I. He
names as witnesses; Charles Thotn. lohn Thorn
Kosebunr. Ore; William Sie ucr. Edward Von
1'cssl, of Cleveland, Ore.
Any and all persons clalmlne diversely the
abnve described lands arCrcqurstcd to file their
claims In this office on or bc'oro aald 9th day of
September. 190J. J T. BRIUC1K8.
Jn W-Ss-pd Register.
Notice for Publication.
Unite! Stales Land Office,
RoH-btirR. Orvson, June II. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congrcsi of
June S, 1S.S, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, aud Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tha public land states by act of Aucnxt
ot Rosclmrg, county ot Douglas, state ot Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No Citt, for the purchase ot theH
Bc!f. u)g cJi of section No. 'Jl, In tp No. 26, a r
No. 9 w. '
and will offer proof to show that theland sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, aud to establish hli
claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
ofllc of RoubuiT, Oragon,
on Friday, the 9lh day ol September, 10M. He
names as witnesses: Charles Thorn. John
Thorn, Itnscbunr, Ore; Wl 11am Steiner, Edward
Von I'ssl,nf Cleveland, Oro
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands arc requested to tile
their claims In this office oti or before said Sth
day of September, 1901.
J.T. BRIDflKd,
Jn SO SS pd Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosubunr. Oregon, Jnno 10 lvot.
A iifficle!.lcontejtnfndavlt having been Sled
In this office by William A Spracne. rontca ant,
against Homestead cinery No 10057, made June
as. 1900. tornJi twi, ci sec. 31, tp.SGs,
r3r. byJoMtc Wlutloiv, coutcstoe, In which
It la alluded thai Jesse Whitlow, Ls dead, hav
1"K Iwoji den.l about two j oars; that noneot
lita heirs, If he has any such heirs, have en
teral nt on, or In any manner cultivated the
land embraced In hia said claim: that the said
claim la wholly abandoned, fnld parties nre
hereby i ottllod to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching raid allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. on July VI, lil, before the lletlstcr and
Receiver at tho United Btatos Land Office In
Roseburg Oregon,
Tho said oontoMant having, in a proper affl.
davl', filed Jui.o 10, 1901, set forth facta which
show liint aflerduc dltsvcnoo personal service
of this notice can noil bo made, .It Is hereby
onlered and directed that such notice bo glvon
by due and proper publication.
J. T, BR 11)0 KB,
Vol 47-Ow-pU Receiver,
Administrator's Notice.
In Cotintr Court of
State of Oregon for
Douiilaa County.
In the matter ol the catate of John II
defeased :
Notlrc 1m hefphv ul vn that Iho iiridfirslflrried.
by order of abornainod Court, made ami
cutered in the Journal of said Court on April
12th, 1901, was appointed administrator of the
above-named estate.
All persons having claims aaainst said estste
are requested to present the same, duly verified,
within six months from dte of this notice, and
all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment to the under- his omce, Review nuiKling, Rose
burg, Oregon.
Dated till) 12111 Hay ol April, UAH.
J. C. KulLebtok, Administrator.
Notice for Publication.
United Statea Laud Office
Rotebure, OioKon, June 20, l'jot.
No'.lcti U hnby civen that In compliance
with th prnvlaloni of tb act of CoiiKn-M ol
June i. lb7H, entitled "An rt for the ale of
Umbur Und in theHtalca of California. Oregon,
Kavada and Washington fertltori a exunded
U all the public land italei by act o- VijusM,
of Roseburg, county of DoUKlas, utate of Ox-
on. has tlilaoar nieu In tbli omiee his nrti
itatem. nt of 6262. for the ntircliase of the EW1
ot Section No 4, Toicahlp'27 H, Kmiue :i wtt j
and will ulir prool to ihow that the land nought
U mora raluaLl for It timber or ttone than
for agricultural tiiitnowi. and lo Mtabllih bli
claim bafort tb IteKlitcr and Recelvar of thU j
ofllc of RoMbarv, Ortion. I
on We ne-flay the 21t day of September, 1VH ,
8he natnea a wltne-'tn: John Kvarta. K I
Kva-t of Piel. Ore., U Krakenberirer, of Rom;-I
buru. Ore.. II A Cooley, of Kert.y, Ore.
Any and all peraont claiming advcrwly the
abivedecrlLeI Iandi are reiutUd to file their
claims In thu office on or before wild 2Ut day of .
Jup Kejleter
Notice foi Publication. j
Cnited Stales Land Office.
Kosebunr, Oregon July 1, liOt. !
fetlit it htrabr rlrta that In eotscllaoca '
with tht wroTlilons of tha aot of Concrast at ,
Juntt.ini niltled"An act for tb taU at I
timber laadt In the Stattsof California. Ortfea '
Karada .and Washlnaton Ttrrttorr." assxttna- I
d U all tha f a all land lUtai by aat at Aafut ;
of Roy, county of i'earce. state of I
Washington has this day filed In this office bis
worn statement 'o (-y) fnr the purchase of
the KEJ-i of i-ec 34, Tp S. II s west
and will offtrrof toshww J;aithlaadsocs;ht
la mora TatuaU for its limber or stone tfcsa '
for agricultural purposes, and to estaMlsh his ;
alalm befort tts Reilsierand KecelTer of thxt
su2)ca sh Maaoursj.viesou.
on Thursday the J2nd lay of September, I'M.
lie names as wuntases Jonn n icera. jonn
Clark, W II McCrutsen of Koseburg. Oregon,
ilorrlsti lllli.ot tite, nun.
Any and all persons cUlmlnjt adversely the
abnredtacribed lands are re)Uested to ale their
claims In this office on or before said 2nd day
of Sept 1901. J. T BKIDGEi,
JUp Keirister. ,
Sheriff's Sale.
in the Circuit Court of th- Slate of O ofnn
for IkMJRlss County.
Murphy Urant A Co 1
a corporation
I'laintin" ,
The McUee Co , a corpor
atlon. IT McGee and F J
Mc ee.
Defendants. ) '
Notice is hereby given mat by Tirtie oi an
execullnn. duly issued out ot the abure nasaed
court and cause m the "th day of July
uim a JuJrerot ni an1 decree duly renderi
and entered in said eourt and ni on the lttth
day of May I'AIi. la faror ol the above named
plainild and axainsl the above narssed defend
anis, me itcoee i o . ami r i xcfn.
for the the sum of tZTIJK upon which
judgement tht re wat credited July
l- liOi. the sum of J101r leavUc
adeSciency therroo of UTi'.O with interest'
thereon from July 12. 1'ju2, at the rate of i per
cent per annum, which judiceraeni was duly,
enrolled and docketel in the deck's oSee ol j
sa d court on the M day of May YAK.
Now tht refore I will on 1
Saturday the 20 day of August lrjO-i,
at one o'clock p m. of said day at Ibe eonrt
Bouse front do-jr. in Hoebure, IKMisla. eoonty
Oreeon. sell at public auction. l ihe blabesl
bidder, for cash in hand, all the rUht. title and '
Interes the said def-ndaau. The Mc",e C. '
and I T MeOe or either of tbesn
had on the l.-U day of July V.'iz. or
any time Iheresfter. -n or to ih- f-i'towme de-
sertb-! premises, to-wit: The north west quar
ter o mc nortbeasl Quarter ot eettoa ?. tuwa
ship 2 south, taste I wet ol W i Itontlts Oreeon. totether with all and iau ar
the tenements, herclitamena and apparlest
snies thereunto beloaclai or in aaj wise ap
trtalninf: and will apply the proceeds of such
sale, first to the Cause of such :e. and to the
payment of the sum of I172JO due the plait) It:
with interest tnereon at the rale of S per cent
per annum from the 12th dsy ot July. KMC and
the oserplus If any there be. par over lo she
sld defendants The MCiee Uo . an-l I T Metre-
their avisos or Ie. si representatives
Dated at Boveburp. this ixth day of July 194.
JUtls H T. MevLLLEN,
sheriff of Docj! is county. Oretoa.
Notice for Publication.
1'nHe.I Sutea Laad OflJre.
Rfsebury. firesron. jaly T. HM.
Notice is herefT irtven thai In coaipilaBca
with the provul. n of the a of CoaereM of
JnaeS.'T. entitled "An art for the sale of
Umber laads in Iterates of Call jjrala. Ore reo
Nevada .and n ashlnxton Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land i'.iUi by act ot Acrust
i f ' Rosebqnr. rountv of Isoaz'as. slate of
Oregon, has this ''ay n!el in .his oWce hi
ssrorn s'atvmeDt NoCm f-r Ibe treliae !
the i ol SP,. and Lots 1 and J ol se
lion 4. ownship 2s oatb. ranee x snt,
and will olf er proof to show that the land soe fit
li raore valuable for its tlmt-er or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
olflca of Roaaburx. Ore ton.
on Monday, tnelvth day of O.-tobe -, 19JI. ile
names a wltneases: F. W. Turaell. Wsn. Dar
nell. Press Tnrnell. H.J Kobmeltc, all of Peel.
Doaslas county, Oregon
Any and ail persons claisnia; adversely the
above described lands are rtoeled to Sie the r
claims In this omce on or before saw- Mtiiday
olOct. 13JL I.T BK1DGKS
-Jult Roristcr.
Administrator's Sale of Real
In the County Court, State of Oregon, for
Doorl-is County.
In he Matter of the Partnership Estate of
IstdorCaro and Mmon Caro. fanners as Caro
Notice is hereby clven that nnder an.1 parss
ant to an order ol the County Conn of IHsuglas
county. Oregon, made on the TUi day l June.
1901. and tnterrd ot record In Vol. 11 al page
475-176 of the p'obate. record of ald county, tkc
undersigned administrator of saM r.nershl
estate will on and alter the -ird day of Julv.
I9W. at Kosebunr. Oregon, nder for sale snd
to the highest bidder for cash In band at pri
vate sale all oi the right, till aud Interest ot
said paitnetshtp estate in and t the foDotviag
described real piojrty of sld estate In Doug
las county, Oregon. t-wlt
Ihe lota ix. seven and eight in blocs J. First
Koulhern Addition to the city ol Roovburg.
Alo tne following describol premises in Riv
erside addition to the city of Roseburg, Otegon.
i -wit.
The blocks IT, X, 27. '.9, and SO; alv blocks C
and I), and the lots 1, 2.. 1. t. 6, 7, and S In
block 21. The lots 4 and 5 In b.ock 2. Also that
partot Alder street heretofore vacated lying
between blocks 27 an 1 30; and U that part ol
Alder street heretofore vacated lying bvtweeu
blockva; and i9. na all that part or Vine street
heretofore vacated lying between blocks 21 and
Also all that part ot Vine street and Post
street heretofore vacated lying cast of a line
drawn north and south between a point on the
north line ot Ward street In the center of tne
street and a pilnt where said Hue when drawn
north and south would come opposite to and
due wesi of the north-west corner of block "C:"
Also the call half ot that part of Willow street
heretofore vacated lying between blocks 11 and
Also the following described premises In said
Riverside Addition to the city of Roscburjt as
follows to-wit:
The lots 6. 7, S, 9, 10, 11.12, IS and H In block
The lots 9. 10, 11. 12, 13, II, 16, and 16 in block
The lota 6, 9. 10, 11. and 12 In block 1.
The lots IS in block 3. 1 he lots 11 in block 5
Also the following described premise lo-wit:
The south half nt Iho north-east quartr r, and
tho north-east quarter of the south-east quarter
of section twenty, township thirty-two south of
range seven west 1c Douglas county, Oregon,
containing one hundred and twenty acres
Tho said real property will bo sold in one body
or In separate psrccls as in th- Judgment of the
undersigned administrator will be for the best
interest of said estate
Dated. at Koseburg, Oregon, this 13th day of
47-60. SlMojt Caro, Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement
Kollco Is hereby given that tho undersigned,
administrator ol the estate of M K. Dillard,
deceased, has tiled his final account as such
administrator In the County Court of Douglas
County, Slate ot Oregon, aud that said county
court has set Tuesday the 2Clh day of July. 1904,
at 10 o'clock of Mild day, at the court lioue
in Roseburg, Douglas County, State of Oregon,
as the tirnn and place ol hearing objections
thereto, aud for Iho final settlement ot said
estate. 9. 1.. DII.LAKD,
Administrator of the estate of M. K. JHIlard,
Dated this 24th day of Juuo 1901.
Wood Wanted on Subscription.
Those wishing to pay tip their sub
scription to tho Plaindkalkr and not
having tho cash, but having wood, wo
arc willing to mako tho uxchtuigo and
rocoivo wood on subscription at tho reg
ular markot price. Wo will accept both
stovo and heator wood.
1' Pub. Co.
nub. jz'o) i
Ho! for St. Louis and the World's Fair
N;iMr-V Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to the at
tritions at St. Ivoais. This can only be done by going or
returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD."
Write for illustrated looklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorts
W. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent,
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoe3
Have some splendid bargains in second band Finite
Are You Going to St Louis?
If so Purchase yonr Ticket via the
Choice of Routes going or returning, via
St. Paul, Denver,
or Pueblo
For Rates Call on pour Local Agent
Dales of Sale: June i6-i7-i8July 1-2-3
Aug; S-9-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-5-5.
For further information and Sleeping Car Reservations
Call on or Address
a. h. Mcdonald
140 Third St., Portland, Ore. Gen'l Agent.
Lumber & Building
At a Sacrifice
Read Our Cash Prices
Rough Lumber $S.oo
Sized Lumder $S.oo
i x 12 Common s 2 s $S.oo
Shiplap $10.00
1x6 Flooring $10.00
Aud all other LUMBER in proportion.
Lumber Yards near Depot
By J.J.KENNEY, Pres.
Of every description. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Title (iuarantee&Loan Co.
I. U. Hamilton,
I) U. IUxutok,
Secy, and Tress
Office in tha Court House. 11 are thoouljcom
plete set ot abstract books in Douglas Count
Abstracts and Certificates ol Title furnlshrdo
DongU omnty land and minim; claim. Ha.
also a complete, set ot Tracings of all townsh
plate lu the Itosfburg, Oregon, U. S. Land Dl
trlct. Will make btue print copies of auy town
H. Little,
i Oakland.
- - Oregon.
Unliable crown and bridge work, J.
P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 49lf
Colorado Springs
Abstract ot Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on GoTera
ment Land.
Bine Prints of Township Maps thowiaf
all vacant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
is prepared to wait npoa old
and newcnstomersaBrdfriBds
with a full and coapleie
stock ot
AH fresh and of the Try beet
quality. Teas aad ceffeea are
specialties. Your patroaage
ff.t. c?a rs a. .