The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 30, 1904, Image 4

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Tills 5s the manner in which Frank Bun ess expiated his distardly crimes
in the electric chair at Sing Sing last Monday. The picture shows the manner of
applying the electric current to the prisoner in the electric execution chair. In
many ways this execution was one of the most remarkable that has ever taken
place in the state of Xew York.
Burness refused to receive spiritual consolation on the ground that he had
nothing to be consoled for, and that he was in no wise responsible for his crimes.
He eagerly awaited the hour of his execution Mondny and requested that he
be allowed to make the death march unattended. With no companion he almost
ran to the death chair, so eager was he to have it over with.
Seating himself in the chair he smiled chcerfnlly at the witnesses as though
merely posing for a photograph and seemed to lcok forward to his death with
great satisfaction. Fcur distinct shocks were necessary to produce death, the last
being continued for an unusual length of time.
The specific crime for which Burness paid the death penalty was murder of
a sea captain in the port of New York last fall. In addition to this murder Burn
ess confessed at his trial that he had killed more than half a dozen person during
the last 10 years.
At his trial Lurness confessed his crimes to assist in expediting the pro
ceedings. Then his lawyer, who had been appointed by the state, appealed the
case, which drew from Burness a letter to the governor, in which he asked that
this be overruled, as it was "the work of a scheming lawyer to get more fees," he
Only a glance from two bright eyes,
Only a smile of pleasure,
Only a whisper of glad surprise
Reveal love's hidden treasure.
Only a few low, tender words,
And the fate of a life is spoken,
Only a strand in love's silken cords
Parted, and hearts are broken.
Only the hope of a day more bright
Shall nerve us to a strong endeavor
Only one slip from the path of right,
And a life is wrecked forever.
Only a duty too long deferred,
Only a warning slighted,
Only a thoughtless, careless word,
And the joy of some heart is
Only a kindly thought and deed,
Only a tear of pity,
For the darken'd lives and the hearts
that bleed
In the sorrowful, sinful city.
Only a helping hand to raise.
The fallen and help the wean-
Only a smile and a word of praise,
Making these lives more dreary
Summer Normal.
Following is tho Roster of tho Sum
mer Normal to bo hold nt Eugene from
June 27 to August 6th.
F. S. Ilaroun, Stipt , Book Keeping.
V. W. Dixon, Theory anil Practice
and I'sycol, Geography, Grammar, Rud.
of Drawing and .Music.
W. B. Dillard, Algobr.i, Physics,
Phys. Geography, School Law.
D .C. Kullems, Reading, Orthography,
Physiology, Hygiene.
W. G Beattiu, History, Civics, Arith
malic, Composition, Rhet.
u. V. Lobdell, Vertical Writing 50-5t
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that tho part
nership heretofore existing between
Weatherford & Marstera, barbers, has
lK-en dissolved by mutual consent, T. D.
Weatherford assuming full charge of the
busiin'.s. All bills will bo receipted
for and paid by the said I'. D. Weather-
ford. 4iMiv.ini
- I'"
Still In Business.
W. E. Clingenpeel, the jeweller, instill
in business at the Burr Music House
fully equipped to do all kinds of watch,
clock and jewelry repairing. His work
Only to hearts that can think and feel tZZTf ?1 " M& TIT,
c , . , teed, hyes tested and glasses fitted. i2 it
i vi tiuuis vy auversny riven,
Citinll l 1 e ;e- i
.mu c,c auauuwa oi me reveal, Special Excursion to the World's Fair
Ihe mhnite wisdom of Heaven
The Denver A Rio Grande, in connec
tion with the Missouri Pacific, will run
a series of Personally Conducted Excnr
sions to the World's Fair during June,
These excursions will run through to St.
l.ouia without change of cars, making
snort stops at principal points enroute
The first of these Excursions will leave
Portland June 7th, and tho second June !
Only to feel that life is given
For good in its transient span.
Should make man pure in the sight of
And just to his fellow-man.
Professional Cards
Court House
Down main.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0. Robkboeo,
'Phono Main 691. OkwoK.
jyK. W. H. DARBY, D. M. D.
Office in the Abraham, .Building
(Over the Postoflce In the office here
tofore occupied by Dr. J, B, Chapman
Roseburg, Oregon
Phy.scian & Surgeon.
nfSce Ri'Tleu Uia.
Phone. Main 31
KeTlcir Building,
releprione Mo. .
M. Cbawfoud a J. O. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
Rooms 14 1, Bank Bulldr.. BOSIBORQ, US
MP-Bualaett before tha U 8 Land Office an?
mlnln caaei a specialty.
W .J?rc.Uo?,,n S11. ia 8UU -floral Court
iu iuu oiojc., ngeaonrg. urogon.
Triumphs of Modern Surgery.
17th. The rate from Roseburg will be Bank Bu"d"r
fioAo to M. Louis and return. Excur
Douglas County W. C. T. U. lieid
in Roseburg.
County President, Mrs. A.
ters Ably Presided
the Meetings.
C. Mars
The ninth annual convention of the
Douglas County W. C. T. TJ. has passed
into history. It was held in the M. E.
church of Roseburg June 22-24 inclusive
The first meeting held Wednesday
evening with its program of addresses of
welcome, songs, recitations, etc. wa
published in full in Thursday's PLAIN-
TheThursdav morning: session was
opened by devotional exercises led by
Mrs. Diana Moore of Drain. Convention
was called to order by Mrs. Ida Mars-
ters of Rosebure. Co. Pres. The work
of this session comprised the appoint
ment of committees, reports of count;
officers and reports of local unions. The
report of County Pieaident showed that
she had dene good work throughout the
year. She had procured national speak
ers to lecture in the county, had urged
all local unions to put forth special ef
forte in the interest of-Local OptioD, and
kept in touch with the Local Unions in
the county personally and by correspon
dence. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
Louis Barzee, also gave a very satisfac
tory report. She had written a great
ouxnoer of letters and assisted in organ
izing a new Union at Looking Glass.
Mrs. Bishop of Yoncalla, recording
eecretarv, in her report showed that she
had performed the duties cf her office
well and faithfully.
Mrs. H R. Ferguson, county treasur
er, reported that the financial condition
of the organization was very good ; and
that all Local Unions responded gener
ously to a call for help for State and
County work, and paid their County
dues promptly. Mrs. Mary Lyster sent
in an itemized treasurer's report from
their Union which was a model report,
and all Local Unions were advised to do
likewise. The County Treasurer's book
showed a membership of one hundred
active members in the County. There
were eleven delegates present, represent
ing five Local Unions, namely; Drain,
Yoncalla, Riddle, SJyrtle Creek, Look
ing Glass and Roseburg. Their reports
showed that the work in the Countv is
progressing and temperance sentiment
increasing; and that they all put forth
extra efforts for Local Option ; for ex
ample the Drain women stood all day
near the balloting place, and used their
influence. At Riddle they posted no
tices contradicting that one, "Vote No"
for Local Option. Ihe women of Yon
calla canvassed their precinct and dis
tributed copies of the bill and leaflets.
In Roseburg they were also active and
distributed hundreds of copies of the:
bill. :
An excellent paper was then read pre
pared by Mrs. Amy Marian of Drain. It
treated on the progress of the temper
ance cause, and the good effects it had
on the young people; an interesting dis
cussion followed. Rev. and Mrs. Hicks
were then introduced, and Mr. Hicks
gave an interesting description of the
blind tigers that used to be in operation
in their former home in Tennessee; but
now liquor is sold in only eight counties
in that state. Mr. Hicks is the new
Baptist minister; both he and his wife
attended the convention, showing great
iuterest in the work and we know that
they will do what they can to help the
cause. After noontide prayer, all the
delegates and visitors were invited to
lunch which was bountifully served in
the church parlor.
Afternoon session was opened by a
praise service led by Mrs. Bennett; af
ter which the County President gave
her annual address. Sue thanked the
women for their loyalty and help dur
ing the year and urged that all should
work hard to secure prohibition in the
Fall. Mrs. Bishop then read a paper
she had prepared, entitled, "Why yon
should belong to the W. C T. U " She
gave a good many practical reasons why.
The Free Parliament conducted by
Mrs. iiasley was verv instructive. A
sketch of the history of the world, Na
tional, and State of Oregon, W. C. T
Unions was obtained through questions
and answers. There are half a million
women wearing the white ribbon
throughout the world.
The evening meeting was opened by
devotions led by Rev E. H. Hicks, after
which Mrs. Bailey gave a stirring ad
dress which wasjistened to with the
closest attention.
Friday morning the work consisted of
election of County officers and an hour
with superintendants. Mrs. Ida Mars-
ters was unanimously chosen for Countv
President to succeed herself; all the oth
er officers were re-elected. Mrs. C. J.
Armitage of Myrtle Creek, Vice Pres. at
large; Mrs. Zadie Bishop, Yoncalla,
Rec. Sec.; Mrs Louis Barzee, Roseburg,
Cor. Sec. ; Mrs. H. R. Ferguson, Rose
burg, Treas. After noontide prayeT del
egates were again invited to lunch in
the church parlor. A thank offering
service was held In the- afternoon con
ducted by Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. Flint
sang a beautiful solo, after which Mrs.
Barzee held a model morther's meeting,
her subject was Literature pure and
impure. After discussions all present
agreed that papers which contained full
reports of the criminal court proceed
ings were unfit to be brought into the
house. Before adjournment several
loving tributes were paid to the memo
ry of Sarah Kern, who for a number of
years was recording secretarv of the
State W. C T. U.
The utmost harmony prevailed all
during convention. Mrs. Marsters. the
faithful County President presided at
all the meetings. Mrs. Bailey's help
was highly appreciated and we are very
grateful to the choir for their services
and to the white ribboners of Roseburg
who showed such unbounded hospital!
ty to the delegates and visitors.
II. R. F.
If you want Machine work done call
at the Roseburg Machine Sho p, corner
ashington and Kane St.
Wouderful things are done for the hu-
....... u, omcr. organs are ta- sionists going via the Denver k Rio
ken out and scraped and polished and Grande have the privilege of returning
put back, or they may be removed en- via a ditlernt route. This is Hip mnt
tirely ; bones are spliced ; pipes take the pleasant wav. as well as tii n,.t .,-
nloM - f (1!nAAf.u1 T ... - r . I i . r
yj, uicmku cCT-uuiis oi eins; anil- lignum route, to cross the continent.1 Booml
septic dressings are applied to wounds. The stops arranged give an opportunity Hu,,tn Baili
n.u.zv, uu.ubbuu use injuries oeiore oi viMting the various points of interest
mnammation sets in, which causes them in and about Salt Lake C itv. Denver am!
to neat witnout maturation and in one- Kansas City. If you wish toaccompany
third the time required by the old treat- one of thesj excursions write at once to
ment ciiaiiilierlaiu's Pain Balm acts W. C. Mi-Bride, 124 Third Mreet Port
on t;.is same principle. It is an anti- land, for .sleeping car i..:i!.
septie anil when applied to such injur
ies, causes them to heal verv miiollv
Itals . allavs the n-?n and . r. nn 4n,rUi u eS an" Carnival at I'oitlnnd
Keep a bottle of Pa i Halm in vour
home and it will save V..M tune and mon- .a .ilmli urns and Carnivul will be
ey, m-tto mention t ie inconvenience i ' ortlatiu June 23th to Jnlv 7th
and s-.itterine whirh sue'. 1'iiurie.-entail I vliinw pecwl uiiroctionf have
been pr. vided to make ihi- the nio-t
successful carnival ever -.riven in p0rt
land. Special rate have Ix-en uranted
uy the Ssoulhern I Wine Co. for thi oc
ean in. tie dates JmielVtli. Jnlv Jn.l
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary PabHe.
Collections a Specialty.
Osteopathic Physician
rwpot.l to the treatment, ConiollatloD Irtt.
OOreorer the Pmi UHoe So. 1011
Houri to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 P. M.
Keslrfeube II. D. Urarea place, l' So. KH
For s:.le by A. C. Maii-t. r- A Co.
County Treasu-tr's Nothe.
Notary Pullic
Marster Kuilding
Arc Viu Going; to S'. LouI?
-oi:ce is hereby given thai all parties 3rd, 4ih and 7th.
holding county warrants endors-ed prior IWitii: Agent lor parti, ulnr
to ami including .May 10, IWJ, are re
quested to present the same at the
County Treasurer's otlice for payni-nt a
intert-t will cease thereon after the das
of thi.- notice.
uaiel Koseburg, !.. ileitis fount.
Oregon, Mav23, 1904.
Geo W. Dinmick,
-ll-St Countv Treasurer.
Call on anv Southern
Notice of Forfeiture
CotU Grorr, l-ane County, Bu- ( n-ron,
March 2S. 1904.
To E. C. Gnnn a alralnUtratorof lbelate
j ' D- B- COlwn. rlecetavd, at1 to Xra. T V. Wll
i us, Mo.CLik J TIlel.M:.iCrr)e E. laon.
' MUs May Maaoa.Erutui Colton, Ben T. Utmn,
and K.C.Gnnn. helraal law uf old t H Vt.
' tOtl. dfTMMl. mil In all nth.. tw.MAH. -I -f
" - - " .. . .iuu.
ing any rtht, tllie or Iniere.l. ellher In law
II -'i oa.I tor your tieket.- vi.i tl
KUL K l.-l..l.YSTKM, th- linel.av
ng I er initial at ei.trawiv Knir (iround-. ! oi e-iullv In or to the ralnlur eUim i ri,
RfHiml trip ra'eflu W). i;o furniiielv j '!U,d. belnof the aald I. B.Col-
dnyR from dale of sl.. Cltoi.e rot.t. 1 ..drceVtJ or othrnrl,:
i uu idu eacn oi j ou are liervby DoUBii, that
Administrator's Notice.
In County Court of State of Oregon for
Doaglai County,
In tho matter of the citato of John II shupe.
deceased: '
Notlco la hereby glcn tliat the undersigned,
by order of bo7j-named Court, made and
fP.r?5.ln Ue Journal of laid court on April
12th, 19M, rraa appolnte 1 administrator of the
above-named state.
All person" having claims against said estate
are requested to present the same.duly verified,
within six months from of this notice, and
cniui iuueuieu io saia ctiaic are rcoucnt-
ed tO make lmmRfllatft navniAnt tn fV.n . ........ gfflw, Kevlew building, Uom.-
Dated this 12th day of April, WW.
J, C. FutLEBTOrf, Admlnhtrator.
foiVob,Xrccoln Buus 01 "'n
H. Wollenberg, as administrator oil
the partnership estate of 8. Marks and
II. WoIIenberg, plaintiff i
Jarob J. Chadwlr-V an1 It. ..I., I '
Chadwlehlwfe.defendants. "l
Notice is herebv fffvon that k t.t....
fJWtillon and orderof sale duly Issued out oi
' meu couri ia causa on the 3 at
daVO! Mar. 1904, u.nn a .V I... .
duly rendered and entired la aald court and
cause on tha nth day of May, 1M, by foreclo..
: i..r. Wlol,rffl ineaoove named
Plaintlrx and asalmt th nam..t ..uf..
dants and against the hereinafter mentlone.1
-fi VZ ,uou ;"Kagpa prop rty tor (lie a im
LT,!,rtJr-jne Thousand Hlx Iliindre.1 and
iweniy-nre ana seven tr-evpn hnnrtri h.
r, k! Ti i ... . - . ---- " '
vt 1 1 1 Abulia ro, witn
uv raw oi iu per cent
lay ni ADrll 1M. an.1
Dm-tntliprtnniim fMm v. n w.i.
nured and
I h.
Intuicst thereon at
.nnum imm 'nfi.
efnthcr sum of Klve
, .Saituaxx i
Ho! for St. Louis and the World's Fair
Xatiiru'M Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to the at
tractions at St. Ixjiiis. Thit can only !xj done Uy uoinc or
returning via the 'SCKXfC LINK OF THKWOKI.D"
Hundred WQ Collars attorneys feea. Wow
therefore 1 will on Saturday, the Snd day o'
Jttlr.l3W,atono'cIcK:k p. m of said day, at
the court hou front door, in Roseburg. Ujue.
!!tl?.u2,Jr:955on.,I, IJthllc auction to
the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the
rllhl. title and lntrn-n ohioh th. .; .,...:
daots or either of them had on tbeSOlh dar of
ika Xii ' j Tir.. '"ereauer in or to
CLf""""a uct5iiu remi properly, to-wlt:
The entire Vonxt Ion Land Claim of fwae
Bailer and Rlli it.n.. ki.
maps BltuantUurreTsol the land office at
. "Irituo.. anu inr wcich a patent was
UU. and described In said patent, as follows,.
af-TS chains son
Beginning atapolnt 1S3 chains west, and
th, from the quarter aectlnu
Write for ilhistrateil liooklet of OiIorado'H famous oiahta and resorts
VV. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent,
124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON
poi aa me line between section 6
ujwoiaip au. soutn ot rante 5 uki n,
nl&g.tae&ce north '661 cbalni, ttence sonth i
?d.e?IJT i.11 tol"ut eut. chains . thAuce
north 11.25 chains, thenre west UtM linta
thence south chains, and thence eas: 1
gsa ehaltts to the place of beginning, contain. I
ept 1 07 acres more or !
Hans Weaver, out of
Inr i!a acres, aarii and rst
lonneTiT conveyed to Hans Weaver, out of
iTi i. i iana, leanng m acres
Aun lam ml main. i. k . . i . . -
Lota one and two and i he wxt h.if nr ,.
onthtastquartCBtnd the son theast quarter o I
JS!i2?Jb,.e't 1QIter etUoa in lownthl p .
23 south orranr 6 wtst, and the northeast'
quarter Qf tha northeast quarter of ectlon 12 1
iSi?"?. S ' ?Pth ' rnKe west. In the dis
trict ni lands subVct to sale at Knaphitr. fl i
ron,conUlnlngMIacresand75 hundredth of'
We will pa' the liighest cash price for Hides,
green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes
i",T..:r:n,,::;',::.:,Haresorae splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
hip 30 south of nageft west, la the district of '
-ssv:rr; roseburg junk and hide co.
The Fair R.iute
t rotit-9i
uoint: and rtstuniiti' vt.t
ver, Cuionttlo Sivrtii"-.
lH. Slou oer iH-rtnitli-.l in lt. Hnndrel lKtlar. upon the "Uomei" lod
mining caim,sUuat.d In tb- Bol.exa Mining
t P... I. i x . w7 Muuwiaii
. I. t ail , Ulmi- i . the uudenigned.ave expended money and
I'tlfhlt or El j performed Uber and wok to the amount ot
Via Chicago or Xetr i trleans ta St
Louis, j the one that ;-ivyoii I he mosl
for yonr money, and tl.f fact ihat the
passed servick via these tKiiii s tn the
VORLD'S FAIR, ar. l in this connec-
uon to an points neyon.i, makes it to
your advantage, in cas- on contemplate
a trip to any point east, to wrile 119 he-
fore making final arrangement? .
e can offer the choice of at kitt a
dozen different routes.
B. II. Thdmucm..
Co m menial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. A V. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson F. & P. A.,
Room 1, Colman BIdg., Seattle, Wash.
Datbs or Sale: June 7th. 16th, 17ih,
ISth. .Inly 1-t, 2.,d. :nl, Anc. S'h, Jth.
ept oth. lith, 7th. Oct 3nl. 4th 5lh.
On aUive date.- rale i.f 7J hU w ill )
made li Cl.ifao mid return.
Ir IihiImt iiifiiriimlioii an. I ylreping
car le'ervati.uis call upon or addie?,
A. II. VcI)o.VAl II,
(.ieneral Agent
UOThir.1 St., Portland, Oregon.
Society Meetings.
r. .x A. jl. Lanrrl Loi!i- Ntt. IS
llild- rnuliir nii-ptincp 00 ectjnrt
Anil f n-th HeilneMUv nf rh
monin. .1. t. Hriii v
N. T. Jkwstt, Secretary.
Do you like your thin, rough,
short hair? Of course you
don't. Do you like thick,
heavy, smooth hair? Of
course you do. Then why
Hair Vigor
not be pleased? Aytr's Hair
Vigor makes beautiful heads
of hair, that's the whole
story. Sold for 60 years.
lime. It Is, Indeed, a wonderful lialr tonic,
restoring liealth to the lialr and scalp, and. at
the satue time, proving a splendid drilnc."
Biu J. W. Tatom, Madlll, Inf.T.
JI.CO a bottle. , , .. , r i;,it."5iS?:'
Weak Hair
I O. ELKS. Rtehnrg Lodge No.
326. Holds nvnlnr enmmanica
tionp at I O. O. F. Hall ,.n
ina tourth llinre.laye of each month
ah member? rqueeied to attend reira
larlT and ali vicitir.r hr .ilioro rA,
c. -ii , - . . . I .ii j . . . .. . '
ccaicu uius win oe received lor tiie mvueu to attend.
keeping of the following ferries at the F. B. Waitk, K. R.
September term of the County Court,
to-wit, on the 9th day of SeptemlR-r
1904 at 1 o'clock p. m.: fOD, let Shl'ARATE BATTALI.ION
Smith's Fern-, Dimniiek's Ljne Rock b mw'8 t Armor Hall nvery
Rov McCl.llfs, Secretarv.
Ferry and J. A. Sawyer's Ferry, bids to
be given with or without equipment
Bonds will be required of the successful
bidder. The Court reserves the right to
eject any and all bids.
1 37 tf County Judge.
Thursday evenine, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hashjh, Capt
Coriolon 51179
0. a. F. Philetarian Lodee No. S
-Meete in Odd teJiowV Temnls. cor
ner Jackson and f!a; irUAi nn
...... 1 .. . . v. , .
obiuiub) evening 01 eacn wepk Mem
oent 01 tnu order in good standing ar.
uvueu iu Hiienn.
J. C. TwirciiELL, N G
N.7 Jbwktt, Secretary.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47.
ooti eiinaing are invited to Attend.
, t,E0- ,Kimbali., C. C.
Llmkr Wimberlv, K. of R. & S.
every Wcilneeday, in I. 0 O.
nan a', 7:30 p. m. Member
Ihe Imported Perclieon
"Coriolan" belonging to F.
B. Waite will make the sea-
iiMU oiuui.. rso. 49. Women of
Woodcraft Meets on 2nd ond 4th
IhursdaVB of each mnnih t . t
rv r. u it ,1
yj. r. iiHii. vinllintr mamhnn 1-
--uou uuiniiinu am invitnt m utinJ
Minnie Jones.. Guardian Noiehhor'
Jell Morian, Secretary.
jwuhm unit rouna Liuirsuaya.
E. 8. Roeebnrff Chnntnr Nn
Holda their reaolar meeting on the
urn aim inirn innrRilava in ...k
cor. of r r nonth. Vimting members In cood
SOn at the Empire Live ry Handing are respectfully invited to Tt-
leuu. Alaudn Knaf W At
Regina Rast, Secretary.
If ,r"0;,1?, Meetaatthe Odd
Fellows' Hall in Roseburg, every
urat amJ third Monday evening. Viif
mg neighbors alwayp welcome.
, . N- T. Jkwett. 0. 0
J. A. Buchanan, Clork.
Stable of Kelly & Banks.
Every body is invited to call
and see this elegant stallion
and get prices and terms.
His weight is I7OO pounds
color black and his cost was
I no invmm ,h.I.,I1i
f as., UIU U .J1JL1IIII.II I I tin limilliln.
He Was recently imported blemish on shoulder, weight about n,-
lUUllIIlH. linoilnrLr nr.. mn.A 1 ,
t? 1 " -----.- ,.. ...u. uranueu
xm rianuc auu ins mil peu- U-Vfon right Blioulder, blind in one eye
i-cror. J. ovl.;KU: - """""vara win do paid for inform
v,.. y.,. i..s.ivfu ai mc tion lead ni7 to their rer-nt,r
" "J
Matt SEianxDUiiit,
Jefferson, Oregon.
above named Livery Stable. 1 48-im In the o.inijr -oi Douslas. aute oi
Tbat tSp ui.uif j m jj--nli-l an I the labor'
irtirKl t--r'i-rtn.-. an I rin!rdon
and !--. f n ll.c lit .l.r uf .t.tcrnl r and the
th lai itt S pte Uer .K l. Uux, lu rOcr to
rmliliall preralar- uml.r t . inrl.loat ol
-vrtfn 2 21 ol th." IteTlt rltat.trs of li.r
United SUta and lawsot thr Stair ol Omon
being the amount iuln-d to hol.l toe saae
tortbejnr rndln lrl?rsl, luB.
inai sua vorc npon said cialra s per
formed itj Edd. Jnsa and Bo. Cnrrj tor and
at the expense of the node isigned.
And II within Kin. If fM) dajs trua the ser
vice ot thl .N'oilce apoa yoo by the Sheriff or
within Ninety (X) days after serrl e ol tbU
nottce by pabllraUon yoa (all or rctow Vicon
tribute tbe proportion ot aoca expenditure as
co-otrner. your interest In the said claim will
become the property ot the nndarsifnrd under
aid Section 2Ci by reason of aaldiaUorato
contribute said proportion ol said cxpasdlture.
Notice for Publication.
UnliaO States Land Oflce.
Boseburr. Urexoa Jane.1V 19M.
otlce is hereby itrsn ih 3 eotupllaaoa
with the proTljlons or tha ast or- Conariss - bt
ne . 8.. entlHed "An aet for. the salt at
Moiwtiinoi in me starts or csnroruts.Orsroa
Naradand U'aihln rtnn T.n4iA."....rf.
jdjto!! the public land states by act u! Aug-flst
01 Kcseburr.countT of Oouslaa. stale ot O-
mis nay niea in mis ocic an sworn
tatemcnl No. etlS. lor the pu ol the ei
""Ja.nJi nrtf ot section No. Jlln tpNo., sl
r No. 9 w.
and will olfer proof to show that the UadsoocM.
ts more raluable for Its Umber or stona liasi
. . vrr""4 PnrPO. and to.silablUfe fete
w.iuj uiuio iur nexuier ana Kactirar ot
(ic o(Iloabarr.Ortron.
on Friday, the 9lh dar of Septenbers.Ujl. Us
uiiuna. witacncs; v,naries i nom. 'onnTnom
Kesebnnr, Ore: William Stciner, Kdvard Von
Pes!. Ol Cleveland, flre.
Anr and all Tmni elalfnlna- ajtMralw Ik. described lands are IMHMt li tA flta thai
" 011 or oeiore saia m nay 0
Ju 30.38-pd Refjste?,
Notice for Publication.
Cnltel Stales Land oMca. i
uKoarc, urrgonaJanlt..M.
notlco IS hsrabT elran thai rn ntniMtan
with tha proTlsiona of tha act of Contrast of
.uuad, iciiLiuuun ah set tior iax sua.ajxt
timber lands In th States of Canfornta.Orars
Nerada .and Waihlnctoa Trrltory,''asxua4-.
owm u puiuia uuia siaias ay aei oi AttfSit
ol Kosebursr, county of Douilas, state of Ore
Kon, bai this day filed In this office hi sworn
statement No 1 232, lor the purchase otthesK
ue!. n- se of section No. it, tn tp Ho. 26, i r
and will offer proof to show thauhsiaad social
Is mors raluable for Its Umber or stone
rsr of
er. IMM.
Tltom, J
i Inert Ed
for atrlcultural nurDosas. and ta aataMi.s kta
elalm befora tha Reciitar anil IjmIh. m ku
am uiatiHBuiBivnna.
on Friday, the 9ih day ot September, I9M.
names as wunessea: UDanea
Th.ira, Roseburr, Ore: Wl Ilam8tlner(
von t'tssi, oi meTeiand.ure
vu a ei ' xysv s ciauui VB
Any and all persons clatmlcr adrerselri tha
aboTu described landa are, requested: .to 81
ineir claims in tnu omce on or before aald 9th
day oi tptomrxir, iwi.
J.T.BK1D0IJ. ,
Ju 30-88 rl Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosebunr. Ottconi Jnna xo.1901-
A sufllcIectconlestaQldavlt huTlnir 1mi ntn.1
In this office byW'Illtsra a 8prafU,wntcs1.mnt.
asalnst Homestead entetv No 10057. tnada Jnna
2C. 1900. for nU sitH. te twV.'. ml' si. tn.
r3w. by Jcve MuUo.v, con let to,. in which,
it in aliened thai Jesse Whitlow-' Ur dead', barr
ing wen ueaa suoui iwn jesrt; tni .nonaof,
his heirs. If he has ahv anch heirs, hararanl
lerod upon, or In any manner cultivated tbs
ra.n An. r. ..... . i .1 rt t m ..111 . . 1 r . h . . . l . .
' lUIIIIBl. .U ...U ...U.b.U. MJC Hill
claim Is wholly abandoned. Hald parties are'
ucreuy iiuiiuvu iu tappvar rcaponai ana. 0ST
evidence touching raid allegation at'10 o'clock
a. m. on JuIt 12. 1S04. before .the. RMl.ur.mi
Kecciver ai me unuea Biatct una Offlce In
Roseburg Oregon.
Thi aalil rntinRtant havlnv. In a nrrtr am.
davl', filed'Jui.o 10, 190f, tet forth facta Which
show that altcrdue diirrenceiDeironaliaervien
of this notice can not be made, it is hsreby
ordered and directed jthkt sUoh rioticbftlVin
DiicatlOn. , , , v . , 1
by due and proper publlcal!
. V, ,Regtter.ii
An nndlTldCd One-half nf lh t.-i . Jl
scribed as iollowii.
.,rn.n"F,,nt25a;cb,n nih and
10 5 cnalos we t Iroai th.- mur m
seren elsht, s. rentecn and eUhtten. In town
hlt. south o!-raniie f wet and runn'ne:
k I5.J2?,rinW ft,,lt"'. 5 chain,
n-ncv loath 40 ehalne ami iv.
chalna to the iacr ol beluning In ibe ..If
irlcl of Unds suWect to saTe at Rorbun Ore
r.f. ran elnli:St.TO aw. ,.T .m
!,'- mCS! mo eorl.s, formerly conr.e.l u.
ti sni aver
Also the fol'pwlnc .lecrlbed preml-. to wit
7 he west half of the ra.t h.irr w 1 .
the northwest oiarter of th nn,r,.-..t n. .
01 section twelve and lots nnr and two ol sec-
non twetre. in lownship 30. ulh of janse 6
west lit Douilav County, Oft-c n. conulniu
i acres more or Je. and all the. I.nds -nd
iremttea herein dearnUl iin. ........
UourUa County,tate of Own, toother Ith
the tenements. hcJiiampm. .nri
snors thnrrtmlcfcelonriuc or In aarl-e a.
pertatun.; and wl apply the proc ed of ,och
r-aie'Dra lotlw r.ira.nt ni ...... r .
aleandthesumt JiOIO attiuet. fee . and
thesumottSlx2- due ihe j-Iaii.t fl wlla i.
terest therro:. at tb. r.te oflu t-ercent r-r an
torn from the tath rfat nt .., ...
orerplbs If an there r.I will p4T to the a(d byorderof sad can. In Mid
execution K me directed and d.tlrerr.1. trm
msndlnx me to Jdl said drcrr- real
property In Ihercacnrr t.rcrlJol br law
I'ated this 31st day of Mar. ikm
fchrrlffof Diiujlai County Onxon.
Notice ior Publication
United State Land Office,
Roseburt- Ureton, April 2i, 1501
-..SV?"-1.1" lta that tn eoapllsxca
wlta th proTUlons of th act of Consress ot
J,"1,,,i,a,,,ua4"Aart tot the sal of '
Jmbtriaad's tn tha Slates ot CUlfcrnla, Oregon
Nsrala and tt a.Mn -r-i. ....
- Still . H tiWHO
STum!" r,bUl wt y act of Antnat
lAberd ea. Walh. itan-yoi
naJhtntu-n.bjss thlida? diet It. ibnoCre ;.
w rn statemrnl N f9 r ih parch je "
b e nwtf uf t-e--UHn S. tp JT . c.r rane 3v,t
end will oiler proot losLowttalihelaudsoJcht
la more TaluaWe for lu timber or stone than
tor ajrlcnlturallmrptea. nj to establish Lis
gUtn bsjor lh Rerister and RacelTer ol this
ir T'tL . : . cs OI. A'r.leen, Wash
When you
you are there.
The Rock Island System
has an enormous advantage
over other western railroads
in the fact that its Chicago
terminal the La Salle Street
Station is the only railroad
station on the Elevated loop.
It a locxtrd tn tie heart of Chicifo
uy smock xroxa me noxra or
two Hocks (mn the Post OrSce;
euy wilting r'rcincc of the ft
theatres, baki ioi rara.
The trxiss of a3 Chkafo's c
nUroiij paa hi doon tai oi
tjsaciJTsaJ fers 5-cesitre
tn any part of the city.
Three roata East ra
Cant Aot
140 Third
on Thursday, the Jih day of July. 1KH lie i
a witnesses- Bernard Knltntttxtr. of
Ettfles.ofPfeI.Un - W "it u-L..n rl
w a, -w t o.
Any and all pecmu clalminic adre-tely the '
bore deacrlb a lands are requested to file their 1
uuaiiaiauKareoo or Detote the said 7th
day of July. 1904. ). t. BRIIKiEi.
Administrator's Sale of Real
In the County Coart, Sute of Oregon, for
la -he Matter ol the Partner.hlr. EsUt ol
IstdorCaro and Moon Caru. Partners as Caro
Notice U hereby airen that under and rnna
anttoajjordeiol the County Court ol DouxUi
countr. Orecotf. made onth.rthd.TMinn.
WMvnU sosered ol record la VoLllatpare'
. r-ttv vji iu. j-uwic rrcvru oi saio county, the
undersigned administrator of said partnership
eatate wUl on ajid after tte Zird day ol Jaly.
I9M. It Roaibun. Orecnn. ofier for . n.t
io th, highest bidder for cash In hand at ml.
Taw tale allol ihe right, tlUe and Interest of
saia pmuQenxuD estate in aiui to th faiimrimr
deacrlDed real property ot said esUIe la Doug.
Ma WUttlJI vo-au
1 ha Int. air. air.n mnA IK. In i-, .
Southern AddlUon to the city ol Roseburg,
Also the'folUrwIcr deacrlbed hnMniaea In Rip.
rode addition to the city ol Roseburg, Oregon.
Tb blOCat I?... 37. r0 and alar. 1.1w.V. r
.au u,saa netois i, 5, 6, and 8 In
bloca;"2L The tots and 5 In b.ocl 2. Alto that
part ol .Alder ftreet heretofore Tacatcd lrlns;
between blocks-27 sni sot n.l alt that ,
,uer street heretofore vacated lj0l- between
viwuuu i, ana ait mat part or vine street
heretolor Tacaltd lying between block. 21 and
Also all that nart nt Yin. .ImI mnA D..i
Street heretofore naml lTln. .... r .
drawn north nd south between a point on the
north llneof.WArd street in thecenur of Mn
street ajxd.apalnt there said line when drawn
aorta and south would come opposite to and
due west of lh north-west corner of bl.k "C:"
Also the earl hair of that part of Willow street
heretofore vacated lying between blocks 11 and
Also the lollowlnr deacritd nwmiui. tn .l.t
RtTersldeAddlUon to the city ol Roseburg as
follows to-wlt:
The loll (!. 7. S. 9. 10. 11.12. Hand ft In hl-v
The loU 9. 19, 11. 12, 13. H, 15, and 14 In block
The VoU 8,,J0. II, and 12 In block 1.
The lout ltin.bock S. 1 he lot II In block 5
A'to thafollowlneiliMKrl
vThe ,onUl tJKoIlho tiorth-cast quart r, and
iuv uurva-eaa.nuarxer ni m uinihot.! nu..tur
x .cu.j, .umiiaip iniriyiwo ffoutn ot
rangeteyen west Ic Douglas county. Oregon.
v.MH.H. uuuuint .uu iwenij acrrs
In one body
Lumber & Building
At a Sacrifice
Read Our Cash Prices
Rough Lumber $S.oo
Sized Luuider $S.oo
1 x 12 Common s 2 s $S.oo
Sliiplap $10.00
r x 6 Flooriug $10.00
And all other LUMBER in proportion.
Lumber Yards near Depot
By J. . KENNEY, Pres.
The aald real properly will be sold
be for the best
or la separate parcels as In th judgment of the
Undersigned administrator
Interest of said main
. "JL" KowDurg, Oregon, this 13th day of
7-W. SlMOrtCattO, Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement
. Kollco It hereby alveu that Ihe undersigned,
adflilnlttrator .o(.. the eaUte,ot M E. Dilianl,
deceased, has died hi final account at such
administrator In thndnntv (!n.i.t nf rvmi.
wpuu.wwuiiii ukkou, sua test saia county
COnrt hat Set Tue1sT thn-Uh rinl Inlr linl
at 10 o'clock o( aald day. at the court house
u.f.ueuuj?, ixjugist (.ouniy.aiato ot Oregon,
aa Ihe tlmn and idare nl haarlnv nti(Miliina
mi.icivi uu lur .ue unai ni khiii
Wjat. , 3. L. DILLARD.
AamlDlstratorortheeslatnof 11. E. Dlllani.
due ea rd
Dated this 21th day 1904.
Wood Wanted on Subscription.
rhoae wishing to pay up their bud-
sbHption to the Plaindkalku anil not
bavinc tho Caall. htlt liavinc wnn) ivq
arp willing to mako tho eichanco and
ypfejyo wpod on.suhacriplion at tho reg-
ptijr ijiafKei pqee. yye win accept froth
stove and heater wood.
Plaixdxalkr Pub. Co,
Of every tlescriytion. Farina and Min-
Oregon, Washinstou and
oral Landa.
Title tiuaranteet&Loan Co.
I. 0. HakILTO,
Sery. and Treas
0B3 co In the Court llouo. Have the onlr com
pletetet of abstract Ixtot tit Douitlas Count
Abstracts stnlCertiflcates of Titio furntshed.t
Douglaa county land and mining claims. Ua
also a complete et ol Traciucs of alt tonnah
plata In Jho Kiebur. Oregou, 0. . Land Dl
Will make blue print espies ot any town
H. Little,
- Oregon.
Abstract oi Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Bine Prints of Township Maps showing
all vncantLands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates forall Build
ings. Special designs for Office Futures
Office in new Bank Buildiug. 'Phone 415
Reliable crown and bridge work. J.
P. Jqhn&on, dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 40tf
is prepared to wait upon old t
andnewcustonier8andfriemI r
with a fall and complete
stock of
AU fresh and of the vnr- ia.
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Your patronage
solicited. R
305 Jackson St., Roseburg