The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 30, 1904, Image 3

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    Our Holdovers Must fio Now
We must make room for our new Fall Stock that
is enroute, so now is the time to get bargains in
Light Weight Clothing, Wash Summer Goods,
Shirt Waists and Skirts.
Do not fail to taKe advantage of this grand opportunity
as money saved is money earned and we can surely
save you money.
The People's Store
One Door South of P. O.
r T T Tx. t. U
Dr. Cheadle Dentist.
J. P. Johnson, dentist, Grave's build
ing. 49t
How many cherries have yon "put
The Salem Journal ha9 editorially in
quired, "Why not pray for rain?"
The good old summertime is working
a good many hours a day of this season.
A number of Roseburgers will cele
brate the glorious Fourth at Cottage
Grove where a good time is assured.
Miss Anna Asboe, clerk in the Junc
tion City postoffice, was elected Goddess
of Liberty in the contest at that place
this week by a 254 plurality.
A three days celebration has been
planned for at Corvallis. Saturday and
Monday will be devoted to sports, while
on Sunday there will be patriotic union
rervice, a sacred concert, etc.
Oakland Owl : At the age of 71 years
J.B. Goffof Fir Grove has discovered
that a baby can be kept quiet for 5 cents
per month, or perhaps a trifle less, by
giving it a common tumbler and a few
toothpicks. Mr. Goff says the child will
put the toothpicks in the glass and take
them out all day, and remain perfectly
At Dillard, Oakland, Yoncalla and a
few other places in the county Indepen
dence Day will be celebrated appropri
ately. Of course the bands will play,
the small boy will fire bombs, the young
maids will blow their best fellows,
whilst the elderly ones will wish they
had one to blow. Peanuts, soda water,
pink lemonade and ice cream will strive
for supremacy, and there will be the
usual patriotic oratory and sports. 'Tis
well, don't miss it. You'll have a life
long regret as a daily inheritance if yon
do. You mav think vou can fail to show
your broadest smile there on the Fourth
hut yon can't and live happy afterwards,
eo go and help the eagle scream. "If he
don't get up enthusiam enough, pull his
tail feathers a little for luck and help
things along. You're wanted and want
ed bad, but don't be bad when you get
Good-bye, strawberries.
Weather forecast: Fourth of July,
It's a wise huaband who lets his wife
make all the arrangements for the sum
mer vacation.
A marriage license has been issued to
C. F. Wilson and Miss Mettie GoodmaD,
of Looking Glass.
If you want good work done, try the
Koseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ington and Kane St.
For sick headache take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tabletes and a quick
cure is certain. For eale by A. C. Mar
stersifc Co.
A Portland man has been fined $100
for kissing his typewriter girl. The dis
patches don't say how much it cost him
to square it with his wife.
A Salem humorist who undertook to
scare a night policeman got shot for his
pains. Nothing ia more dangerous than
to suldenly awaken a heavy sleeper.
Ex-Engineer Walter Drennan last
week received his annual check for $300
from the K. O. T. lodge. These pay
ments are made under a permanent
disability regulation of the lodge.
Photographic supplies of all kinds at
Graves' Art Emporium. Mr. Graves
will gladly give you the benefit of his
years of experience in that line, by ad
vising you about your kodaks, supplies,
etc. 4&-U
The beet crop in the Grande Ronde
Valley is exceptionally good this year.
A farge number of Indians from the
Umatilla Reservation and many Japs
are engaged in thinning and hoeing the
Court Douglas No. 32, F. of A, oi this
city, entertained their wives and sweet
hearts and a few invited friends at their
hall in this city last Tuesday evening.
An excellent lunch was served and all
enjoyed themselves.
The fourth annual meeting of the
Western division of the Oregon State
Teachers' Association opened in Port
land Tuesday. Among the teachers in
eluded in the program were: F. B.
Hamlin, Supt. of schools in Douglas
county ; President W. H. Dempster and
Mrs. 0. C. Brown, of the Drain Normal
School, and Miss Rosa B. Parrott, of
House Furnishers
Now's the time to buy your Furniture,
Carpets and House Furnishings
OUR $6.00
OUR $8.50
for ,
Now's the time when you can enjoy solid comfort.
Our Superior Steel Constructed Couches, regular
$15.00, now $13.00. Good Serviceable Couch
Plush Velvet for $7.50.
a range to use. They .are far cooler than the old
kind. Two special beauties and no better sold; 4-hole
size for $30; 6-bole size, the popular size, sold most
places for $45, our price $35.
Now's the time you s hould visit our Crokery
Department. When you are through buyngyour
furniture you can go on buyiug the crockery for the
whole house.
We make a specialty of mail orders.
This is all the space we have, so call and we will
be pleased to show you through.
The Wholesale and Retail
House Furnishers.
Dr. Cheadle Dentist.
Log Cabin Creams at Currier's.
Wood for eale. Leave order with J. F.
Barker. tf
Mrs. Louis Baner and family are the
guests of relatives in Portland.
Furnished house for rent. Inquire of
R. R. Johnson, Marks building:
Fayno Coshow, of Brownsville, is visit
ing here with his uncle, 0. P. Coshow.
If you want to buy Angora Goats call
on or address L. A. Marstera. Cleveland
Ore. 455 t txl
If you want mats cut in all the late
styles, ovals, circles, etc., go to Graves'
Art Emporium. 46-tf
If you want grinding done, call at the
Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ing and Kane St.
Cooperative Dentistry Dr. W. H.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Mrs. R. O. McCroskey and Mrs. J
Jennings, of Grants Pass, are. visiting
Mrs. J. A. Townsend, of this citv.
Mrs. T. C. Bloomer, wife of the genial
proprietor of the Hotel McClallen, re
turned to Albany Tuesday morning.
H. J. Wilson, the hustling real estate
dealer of Canyonville, was looking after
business matters in Roseburg Tuesday.
Miss Goldie Clements, of Glendale,
who has been visiting her grand-mother,
Mrs. A. Parks, of this city, returned
home Tuesday evening.
"The Oregon Sportsman" published
at Eugene has been emerged into the
Lane County Herald, a weekly news
paper. It is a neat, newsy little sheet
and should succeed.
Cheadle and Johnson, dentists, have j
dissolved partnership and Dr. Johnson
has fitted up office rooms in the Grave's
building where we will be pleased to
see all old patrons ; also all whowish up
to-date dentistry at reasonable prices.
Miss Jessie Hurshey, of Seattle,
Wash., who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Edward Lang, of this citv, returned
home Tuesday. She will stop over to
day in Portland, where she will be
joined by Mrs. Lang who left for that
place on this morning's locaL
A warrant has been issued by Justice
Buchanan for the arrest of Albert
Hanks, on a charge of rape, alleged to
have been committed on the person of
Myrtle Worley, age 15 years. The
charge ia preferred by the girl's father.
F. O. Worley, and is the outcome of the
elopement mentioned in the last issue of
this paper.
Remember that it is quality, not
quantity, that we strive for in furnish
ing our city trade, therefore you will
alwavs eet the cheapest milk of the
Gaddis Dairy, because the best. All
retail milk delivered in bottles. Onr
specialties are cream, milk and butter
milk. If you don't see the wagon
phone to the Creamery. 14-tf
Major L. D. Kinney is here from San
Francisco and will remain in Oregon for
a few days. He still believes the large
natural resources of Douglas county will
be the means of producing great wealth
when properly developed. Of hia busi
ness enterprises he has nothing to say
for publication at present, but is atill
Eaneuine reeardinz the future of Rose
burg and Southern Oregon.
The Secret of Lone Life and
How to Overcome Waste.
mil i lx w m x
T K'nirut Ihvself.' 1 to take advantage
of "He's secrets and equip one's self with
as armor which will snccessf ally resist the
aiiacic oi disease in
the battle of life,
The old idea of fate
or "kismet." and
that a person al
ways dies when his
time comts, is now
exploded. Every
mechanism, wheth
er made by God or
man, nas a aenniic
amount of wear
and its life can be
lensrthened or
i shortened accord
ing to the care that
is given it. ii ac
cident or careless
ness destroys the
works of the watch
nr thf human mecnanism an cnu comes
to Its usefulness, but it has not actually
"worn out." Man's system at times gets
rusty like the wheels of tne waicu ana
only needs a little cleaning and oiling to
.2. -1 lir.i. Vit1.
PUI it 1" DUifc 1W !. .......
in Imitation of nature's method Of re
storing waste of tissue and impoverish'
ment of the blood and nervous lorce
used when vou take an alterative extract
of herbs and roots, wunoui tne use oi aico'
fcnl lit Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. This vegetable medicine coaxes
the digestive functions and helps in the
.imiTittion of food, or rather enables the
Oram to take from tne iooa inn me
nutriment the blood requires.
Prof. t. H. Taugusy. of6i Bt. Peter Street, Q
rfim- ithnilhn 111 for some time with
Grippe and did not regain my strength. With
in a week after uInr Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ii tumxTt. T u able to be around aciin,
and I found that my system was entirely free
now keep a bottle of the 'Golden Medical Dis
covery on nana, ana, whib ku.u unu, ia.c
few doses, which keeps rae In perfect heslth,
As a builder up or loci strengia ana vuaiuy
o not beliere your 'Discovery' has sn equal.
Accept no substitute for'Golden Medical
Discovery." mere is nomine -jui m
rood" for diseases of the stomach.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pullets, the best
laxative for old people. Tksy curt con
Upttlon &d kill cuj n!.
II. 0. Slocum has returned from a
business visit to Portland.
Mrs. E. L. Gray is tho guest of rela
tives at Grants Pass this week.
Willis Kramer and wife, of Myrtlo
Croak, aro in this city today.
No more Juno brides after today, but
six months more of leap year yet.
Anna Saltzinan is visiting with Miss
Vera Phipps at Dillard this week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Webb, of Lurley,
aro in this city visiting friends today.
Wm. P. Johnson, of Myrtlo Creek
was in this city on business Tuesday.
E. H. Pinkston, of Oakland, was
registered at the Hotel McClallen this
Miss Frankie Dimmick is the guest of
relatives and friends in this city this
T. N. Humphreys, of Myrtle Creek,
was registered at the Hotel McClallen
this week.
Edward Labrie, who has been attend
ing to business at Coquillo City, has re
turned home.
Mrs. I. A. Lee and littlo child left this
morning to visit relatives in tho Willa
mette valley.
Mrs. C. B. Baker left today for Cot
tage Grove to spend tho Fourth with
her parents.
For all tho late fads in fancy work,
stamping done to order, go to tho Art
Emporium. 46-tf
II. O. Wilkinson, of tho Hotel McClal
len bar, has returned from a ten days'
visit iu Portland.
Hon. Willis Kramer of Myrtle Creek,
spent Tuesday in this city looking after
business matters.
We are having some very warm days
at present which aro hastening the
crops to maturity.
Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. II
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Conductor L. J. Speck left this morn
ing for Portland to join his family, who
are visiting in that city.
Mrs. F. Sperger of Silverton, and Mrs.
L. W. Deyoe, of Myrtle Point, are regis
tered at the Hotel McClallen.
Miss Flossie Shambrook, who has been
ill with the measels, is again able to re
sume her duties as deputy clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Follette and
sister. Miss Mattie Clyne, leave tonight
for a pleasure visit in California.
I. B. Riddle is in this city acting as
stenographer in the case of William P.
Johnson Lumber Co. vs. Willis Kramer.
"Jim" Newland says some new corset
covers are being called half-backs, be-
caueo you can see nan oi tne wearer's
Mrs. F. V. Laugh and children left
this morning for Portland to join Mr.
Laugh, who has rented a rooming house
A Marriage license was issued this
morning to J. B. Tonoli age 22 years and
Angilina Perini age 15 years, both of
Miss Maxie Thompson is spending
her vacation at her old home near Scotts
burg and during her outing she will visit
the coast.
The condition of Mrs. Twitchell, wife
of Dr. Twitchell, is reported as some
what improved todav. Her illness has
been quite serious.
James Inman, of Looking Glass, In
dependent candidate for President of
the United States was in this citv on
business Tuesdav.
Mr. E. O'Rourke, of Kellogg, Idaho,
arrived in this city this morning to join
his wife who is visiting hero with her
mother, Mrs. M. D. Thompson.
Dr. Cheadle gives especial attention
to crown and bridge work. The latest
and most scientific methods in every
branch of dentistry at lowest prices. J27
Rev. J. A. Crutchfield arrived Tues
day evening from Albany, and took
Wednesday mornings stage for Coos
Bay, where he will spend the summer.
Graves' Art Emporium is now open to
the public Everything in the line of
Art, fancy work, pyrography, and pho
tographic supplies, will be carried in
stock. 46-tf
Dr. II. L. Studley, the Osteopathic
Physician, is a graduate of a Standard
School of Osteopathy. Consultation
freer All diseaees yield adily to the
treatment. tf
Private Ira Cole left this morning for
Portland to join other members of the
state guard composing the tryout team
to shoot at the inter-state tournament
at American Lake.
The Portland Journal is fearful of a
calamity when 800 nickels are thrown
into a crowd of children ton the 4th at
Junction. Keep cool. ro one will get
hurt enough to hurt.
Bert Westbrook the popular chief
clerk of the Hotel McClallen, accompan
ied by his wife returned Wednesday
evening, from Albany where they have
been visiting friends and relatives.
A New Fire Company.
The Board of Fire Delegates met in
special session at request of Chief Engi
neer W. H. Carroll, last night, and de
cided to purchase six new fivo-gallon
Babcock flro extinguishers, to be placed
in tho cart now used as a tender for tho
Uinpqua Hose company. Tho chief was
also instructed to form or organize a
now company to handle this apparatus,
to bo known as a chemical company.
This move on tho part of tho firemen,
themselves, is timely, as now there is a
deficiency in the water supply during
the irrigation hours, and although the
water company keeps a reserve reservoir
for firo purposes, should a fire break out
it would take probably fifteen minutes
before this reservoir could be tapped, in
which time a firo could destroy a build
ing, while the lire fighters would bo pow
erless, but with tho chemical apparatus,
if tho firo can not bo entirely choked
out, it will be held in check until tho
water can bo used with effect.
Several montliB ago Chief Carroll
asked the city to purchase these fire
fighters, but the city fathers refused,
and although tho department is not very
well fixed financially, thuy decided to
spend what littlo they havo on hand, for
the city's protection.
Mrs. J. M. Reeso ia visiting relatives
at Wendling.
J. E. Martin, of Eugene was register
ed at the Hotel McClallen this week.
Hon. A. T. Stearns, of Oakland spent
a portion ol luesday in tins city on
Mrs. E. P. Long and little daughter
will celebrate tho Fourth with Mr.
Long's parents, at Cottage.Grove.
Mrs. J. G. Flook and daughter Ellen,
left this morning for San Francisco to
visit relatievs for a short lime.
For Sals 15 head of good young
horses, 9 to 1200 pounds each. Call at
S. M. Cobb's ranch or on A, D. Clink
citv. 01
There will be an old fashioned picnic
on July 4th at the pine grove near Lone
Rock ferry. The dinner will bo a lead
ing feature. Everybody cordially invit
Supervisor S. C. Bartrum, of the Ore
gon Forest reserve, contemplates spend
ing Independence day at Cottage Grove.
He will bo accompanied by Mrs.
S. P. Stewart left Tuesday morning
for Portland to attend the teachers As
sociation. He will remain in Portland
until July the 7th, when he will join Co.
D of this city, there and attend the en
Fire last Sunday night destroyed a
large portion of the town of Sissons,
California. Over 50 buildings were
burned, entailing a loss of over $300,000,
with very little insurance.
The local military company is busy
getting ready for the big encampment
at American I-ake, Washington, next
month. Company drills are being held
four-times a week. Equipments are be-
Is Called to Oar Immense Line off
Choice Summer Furnishings
Below we mention a few of
the good things
Cool, comfortable, perfect fitting gar- The great popularity of Lace Hosiery
merits in cotton, lisle thread and silk, has encouraged ns to put in a large, se
We ase prepared to please you in style, lent line of these goods. Many styles,
quality and price. Prices range from 25c to $1.25.
We make a specialty of oxfords for men Golf and Negligee shirts, the kind
and women, in calf, kid patent leathers, that fit look stylish and make you stop
Styles strictly up to the minute. Ideal kicking about the weaither. A large
for bad weather. assortment. Prices range from 850 to $2
Cor. Washington
and Main Street
Mrs. Belle Collins
R 5
Base Ball.
The Roseburg baseball team, under
the supervision of Manager Morrow, left
this morning for Eugene minus Bradley,
the big third baseman, who has signed
with Ashland in the Southern Oregon
league. There is considerable dissatis
faction expressed among the players at
to not receiving a pay day lately, and
therefore we may expect listless ball. It
is well known that if the men are not
paid they will not work. We under
stand that ample funds were subscribed
by the "fans" for the support of this
years team, and it is the complaint of
many who subscribed that the money
has been used to py off last years debts.
We are not familiar with the circum
stances and only make this statement
as we have heard it from the members
of the team and citizens. It seems to
us that the players should have the first
; consideration, and if they cannot be
I paid it is better to abandon the team as
' an unpaid ball team is a poor advertise
! ment for any town.
W. C. Sanderson and wife who have
been visiting in Salem, left yesterday i
for their home at Bandon, Oregon i
.Mrs. J. T. Bridges and daughter, Aud
rey, who have been visiting Miss Byrd, ;
left for their home at Roseburg last eve- j
ning. Salem Statesman, Wednesday.
Attorney General A. 51. Crawford is
in the city on business pertaining to the I Mrs. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va.,
Kramer-Johnson water right case, testi-! iavs that Chamberlain's Stomach and
mony in which is being taken by Court 1 Liver Tablets have done him more rood
uepoiter ira u. Kuiiiie. me witnesses than anvthine he could get Irom tne
in attendance are Messrs. Johnson and ! doctor. If anv nhvsician in this coun-
Chambcriain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Better than a Doctor's
Kramer, F. B. Waite, Lloyd Andy and
N. Humphreys. The proceeding is
held in Mr. Crawford's law office.
F. M. Rice, of the enterprising house
furnishers firm of Rice fc Rice went to
Ashland Wednesday to put in a bid for
the furnishings for the new High School
building at that place, they being a
position to supply black-boards, desks
and oUier school furnishing in competi
tion with Portland or San Francisco.
Mr. Rice will look after some business
for his firm at Grants Pass on his return
McBROOM-To the wife of E. McBroom
of Grangcville, Idaho, in Roseburg.
June 28, 1904, an S pound girl.
Mother and child are getting along
very well, and the Plaixdealeb joins in
congratulating the Idaho newspaper
man, who is at present generously dis
tributing Havanas' among his many old
Roseburg friends.
CAM PELL. In West Roseburg June
23. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Campell, a daughter.
Fred Pilkington and his brother-in-
law Mr. Gallagher, had a littlo alterca
tion today and came to blows, the latter
being pretty severely punished. Family
affairs was the cause of the trouble.
It has been arranged that the Eugene
and Roseburg baseball teams of the
state league aro to play their two games
on the 4th of July at Junction City
where a grand celebration is to be held
Mrs. G. W. Dimmick is in Seattle,
Wash., to attend hor little grandson
who is in a hospital there. Ho lost his
evesieht when two years old, and it be
come necessary to remove the diseased
F. H. Woodruff, of this city, has been
confined to his bed by a severe attack of
rheumatism. He is able to again bo on
the streets and informs us that ho in
tends t j soon loavo with his family for
Eureka, California, to locate.
County Clerk-blect Zopher Ageo is
familiarizing himself with the duties of
tho clerk's office preparitory to assum
ing his new duties noxt Wednesday
Ho has selected his two office doputit
in the persons of Thos. Cobb and E. H
Lenox, both of this city. Mr. Lenox
was a candidate for county treasurer on
the democratic ticket four years ago,
Mr. Cobb has been in the real estate
business horo for the past two years
with his brother, W. L. Cobb. Both aro
reliable and competent young men and
will make efficient deputies.
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
We are showing a fine line of Lace Curtains
which have just arrived.
Fifty pairs of Portiers in the latest designs
and colorings.
We carry from 500 to 1000 Window Shades in
; stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
J the best that money can buy.
try was able to compound a medL:me
that would produce such gratifying
results in cases of stomach troubles,
biliousness or constipation, his whole
time would be used in preparing this
one medicine. For sale by A. C. Mar
ters & Co.
In the Justice Court.
Juno 29, 1!04, Geo. C. Graham and
Miss Isabello Lyster, Father M. H.
Stravens, officiating.
The groom is a well known engineer
he Steamor Juno plying between Gardi
ner and Sulphur Springs, and an em
ploye of tho lato Senator A. S. Reed.
Tho bride is a nativo of Gardiner and
well known through out tho county be
ing a daughter of Mrs. William Wade
Tho happy young couple left this morn
ing for Portland to visit the carnival
McCULLOCH REESE. At tho homo
ofEzekiel Allen, in Roseburg, June
27, 1901, A. D. McCulloch and Ver
die Reese, Rev. Geo. II. Bennett, offi
Pass June 20th, 1904, Mr. Charles J. J
Smytho to Miss Victoria Chaddock.
Mrs. Smytho is well known in this
city being a sister of Wm. Chaddock of
Roseburg Mrs. amy the wra formerly
emnloved as saleslady in tho store of
Fisher and Bellows Co.
Fred Pilkington was arraigned Wed
nesday morning before Justice Buchanan
on a charge of assault with a dancerous
weapon, preferred by his brother-in-law,
John Galligher. Pilkington furnished a
cash bond of $230 for his reappearance
for trial Thursday afternoon. The case
is the outcome of a quarrel between
Galligher and his wife and subsequent
attempt on her part to get possession of
their two little eons. Mrs. Galligher
nlisted tho aid of her brother. Pi king-
ton, and personally demanded the child
ren. Some words ensued and Pilking
ton, although the larger man, it is al
leged struck Galligher in the face with a
stick of wood knocking him down and
breaking tho nasal and upper jaw bones.
The boy was then taken away but later
he came back to his father.
The case was called again Thursday
afternoon and a number of witnesses ex
amined, but owing to tho absence of im
portant witnesses, was set for final hear-
ng Saturday.
A quiet home wedding took place at
121 East Thirty-fifth street Wednosday
evening, Juno 22, when Mr. John Mc
CnllUtor and Mrs. Helen Johnson were
uuited in matrimony by Rov. J. J
Staub, of Sunnysido Congrogationa
Church. Mr. McCallistor waB formerly of
Drain and ia well known in this county
, Oregonlan.
Are You Going to St Louis?
If so Purchase your Ticket via the
Choice of Routes going or returning, via
St Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs
or Pueblo
For Rates Call on pour Local Agent -Dates
of Sale: June 16-17-1S July 1 -2-3
Aug; S-9-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-5-5.
For further information and Sleeping Car Reservations
Call on or Address
a. h. Mcdonald
140 Third st, Portland, Ore. Gen'l Agent.
AucUon Sale of Horses.
Thcro will be an auction sale of young
horses, ages ranging from 3 to 5 and
wciching from 900 to 1300, at the Livery
rtorn nf Kellv and Banks, opposite the
Central Hotel, in Roseburg, Oregon,
commencing at 2 o'clock in the after
noon of Saturday, July 2nd, 1904. There
aro twelvo horses to bo sold, and you
cannot afford to be late, as tho salo will
Win as above stated. Any of the said
n -
horees can be bought at private ealo, be
tweon the hours of 10 and 2 of said day
at tho said barn.
Cash or approved Notes.
Locis Barzke,
Weather Report.
S. Wkatiikk Bubkac Office,
Roskiiuko, Oro.
Week ending 5Ip. m.,Juuo 29, 1901.
Maximum temporaturo.Ol on the 29th
Minimumtomporaturo, 40on tho 24th
Rainfall for tbo week, none.
Total rainfall sinco 1st of month, .03
Total rainfall from Sept. 1, 1903
dato. 39.97.
Avoratro rainfall from Sopt. 1 to date
Total excess from Septl, 1903 to
date, 5.31.
Avorago precipitation for 26 wet sea
ona, 33.32.
Tuoa. Gibsox, Observer.
to buy a
to buy a
rent a
build a
move a
SIl Pill
Ifrn don't know PAT
Call on or address . . .
F F. patron, Srarer
Reiel urg
James Arrance
Is now prepared to do all kinds of machinist work,
such as turning, milling, drilling, grinding, buff
ing and polishing. Saws gummed, knives ground,
shears ground, clippers ground onijohn Van Ben
schaten clipper grinder.