The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 20, 1904, Image 3

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If s the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Soring goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their
quality. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for
you to give us the opportunitv.
Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are
uobby and pretty, our Shoes are staunch and comfortable, our Hats are stylish
and shapely, our Furnishings are new and nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty
and cheap in price.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAfl, Prop.
One Door Southof P. O.
and Main Streets
Airs. Belle Collins
I'nittd States Land Office,
Koseburc. Orecon, June 10 1901
s ffioier.t com est affidavit having been filed
:n tins utlice bv William A Sprasne. t-ontts ant,
HcaitiM Honifrtead entm 2s 10057, made Jnne
Jfi. 1(W lor nlj sb'4, ?e; m, sec 31, tp. S6 s,
r 3w . by Je-e U'mtioX-, contest, in which
it is alleged that Jesse Whitlow is dead, hav
ing been cea 1 about two cars; that none of
his. heii. it he ha any such heirs, have en
tered ut on, or in any "manner cultivated the
la d embraced in his said rlaim;tbt the said
iaim It wh -liy abandoned l-aid parties are
hereby o i8el -o appear, riond and off?r
evUenee touchinc aid all"Ka!ion at 10 o'clock
a. m on Ju:y 1J. 19n, before the Register and
Reiner t the United States Land Office in
Koseburg Oregon.
1 he sain constant having, in a proper affi
davit filed Jui.e 0, 19. -1, et forth (acts which
show -hat aiterdue diligence personal service
of this notice ca 1 not be made. It is hereby
01 1t red aDd directed that such notice be given
by due aod proper publication.
Vol -7-6w-pd Receiver.
State or Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lccas Cocstt.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cored by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before nie and subscribed to
in my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber, 1SS6.
Seal.) A. W. GLEASOX,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, and acts direety on the- blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pilis for constipation
Photographic supplies of all kinds at
Graves' Art Emporium. Mr. Graves
will gladly give you the benefit of his
years of experience in that line, by ad
vising vou about vour kodaks, supplies,
etc. " 46-tf
Of Local Interest a
Dr. Cheadle Dentist.
J. P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's build
ing. 49tf
Dr. J. P. lohnson is attending to busi
ness matters at Drain today.
There will be fresh salt-rising bread at
I. J. Norman's every afternoon this
week. tf.
S. R. Weiser left this morning for
Eugene where he will spend a few days
on business.
Fred Chapman arrived in this city
Saturday and is employed at the Ham
ilton drug store.
If yon want good work done, try the
jRoseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ington and Kane St.
For sick headache take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tabletes and a quick
cure is certain. For sale by A. C. Mar
sters & Co.
Thos. Banks, an old pioner resident
of Oakland, is visiting in this city with
his son John Banks of the Empire
Livery Stable.
Surveyor C. E. Roberts and F. E.
Fenn went to Drain this morning on
business. Mr. Fenn is finishing the
survey for the Kelleher City-Drain
Forest Raneer G. M. Ingrim, who for
the past ten days has been laying off on
account of a felon on his finger returned
to work today and left this city on horse
back for Peel.
Miss Nellie Martin of Cottage Grove,
who has been visiline her sister. Miss
Edna Martin of the local telephone of'
flee for the oast two weeks returned
home on this morning's local.
At the last reaular meeting of Rose
Hose Co No. 2, Rosebnrg Fire Depart'
ment the following officers were elected :
L. B. Moore, president; Silas Rieren
stein, vice president; C. S. Jackson,
secretary; John rreecnern, treasurer;
M. F. Rice, foreman ; James Stevenson,
assistant foreman; C. V. Bradford, 2nd
assistant foreman. Members of board
f Aer ares. Will Sovern. John Presch
pm and F. G. Weicks. W. H. Carroll
was endorsed for chief engineer and J
H. Svkes for assistant chief.
Won lx)Bt Percent
Saluni 22 0 .710
Eugeno 10 17 .485
Albuny 10 11 .470
Koseburg 13 l'J .400
Glorious Street Fair
and Call and See Us While Here
Dr. Cheadle Dentist.
Log Cabin Creams at Currier's.
Wood for sale. Leave order with J. F.
Baekxb. tf
Miss Marie Masterson of Eugene is
visiting in this city.
Mrs. M. E. Bollman, of Eugene, is
visiting in this city.
Russell Wallace of Albany is in this
city visiting f rie nde.
Elmer G arley of Canyonville was a
Roseburg visitor Friday.
Furnished house for rent. Inquire of
R. R. Johnson, Marks building.
Miss Beatrice Ross of Portland is the
guest of Mrs. Mollie Mattox of this city.
Reliable crown and bridge work, J.
P. Johnson, dentist. Grave's b'ld'g. 49tf
If it is a "Floral" it is the latest and it
can be had at Stratfords gallery only.
If you want to buy Angora Goats call
on or address L. A. Maraters. Cleveland
Ore. 455 t pd
Mrs. Russell of Oakland is the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Kelley of
this city.
H. A. Williams, editor of the Myrtle
Creek Mail was in this city Friday on
Floyd Ramp, a student of the State
University at Eugene is here to spend
the summer.
If you want mats cut a all the late
styles, ovals, circles, etc., go to Graves'
Art Emporium. 46-tI
Prof. J. B. Horner, of Corvallis, will
lecture on "Oregon Literature" at Ash
land Tuesday evening.
Our popular music dealer, Mr. W. A.
Burr, is quite sick with erysipelas of the
face, head and throat.
If you want grinding done, call at the
Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ing and Kane St.
Co operative Dentistry Dr. W. H.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Patrick Murphy of Coles Valley was
in this city on business Saturday and
paid this office a visit.
Mr?. Bosley of Rice Hill who has been
visiting Mrs. A. O'Neil of this city re
turned home Sunday morning.
You probably never saw folder photo
at less than $8 00 per dozen they are
$4.0j and up at Stratfords. See them.
Mrs. Oscar La Forest who has been
visiting relatives in this city returned
to her home at Los Angeles Sunday
Miss Victoria Chaddock, formerly
saleslady for Fisher & Bellows Co. but
now residing in Grants Pass is visiting
relatives in this city.
Maurice Moore and wife, who have
been visiting relatives and friends in the
Willamette valley, returned home Fri
day evening.
Rural Free Deli very No. 1, up Deer
and Oak Creeks and down Roberts creek
is now carried by Mr. Tnornton on a
moter cycle.
I. L. Grenenger and J. A. Buchanan
have formed a law partnership under
the firm name of Buchanan and Gren- Wooda thinking he was persued,
Miss Lizzie Parrot left Sunday for
Dallas to visit a short time.
Dist. Attorney Geo. M. Brown, is at
tending the court in Lane County.
J. D. Hamilton arrived yesterday
from Marahfield, where ho has been on
N. G. W. Perkins and wife, of Myrtle
Point, aro registered at the Hotel Mc
Clallen. For all the late fads in fancy work,
stamping done to order, go to the Art
Emporium. 40-tf
E. McBroom, of the Gr.ingavillo, Ida
ho Free Press, is visiting relatives and
friends in this city.
S. W. Bell, of Elkton, was in this citv
last week visiting his daughters and
taking in the carnival.
Gus Lane and Mike Dick of Myrtle
Creek spent several days in this city on
business last week.
Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. II
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Mrs. F. K. Gettins left Saturday for
a six weeks visit with friends and rela
tives at Salem and Portland.
Mrs. C. L. Clevenger, of Grants Pass,
is the guest of her parents, E. Wimber
ly and wife, of North Roseburg.
Mies Pearle Tweedly of Winchester
lias been spending the week with Miss
Audrey Bridges taking in the carnival.
Miss Maude Johnson, of Seattle, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. H.
Crandall, of this city, has returned
Mrs. Bert Westbrook. wife of the pop
ular manager of the Hotel McClallen, is
visiting relatives in the Willamette
Miss Flossie Shambrook, Douglas
county's genial deputy clerk, ia sick at
this writing. Measles is supposed to be
her affliction.
Mrs. J. A. Bnchanan and Mrs. J. A.
Perry went to Peel Sunday for a few
weeks' visit with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Bond.
Mrs. Howard Martin, who resides on
the Ramp place east of this city, is
suffering from blood poison caused from
a scratch on the finger.
Mrs. I. M. Looney, who has been vis
iting for the last year with her sister,
Mrs. P. J. Bond, of Peel, returned to
her home in Kansas City, Friday.
Mrs J. H. Hawkins, of St. Croix,
Calif., who has been visiting Miss Echo
Gaddis, of this city, left this morning to
visit relatives at Drain and Oakland.
Clifford Benson, son of President F.
W. Benson, of the Douglas County Bank,
is now employed in that institution,
having returned from school at Corvallis.
Now that the carnival is a thing of
the past let's shake the confetti out of
our clothing, pull ourselves together
and get ready for the glorious Fourth of
Gertrude O Bnen, who for the past
season has been in charge of the millin
ery department at Josephson's, left this
morning for her home at Eugine to
spend the summer.
Weldon O. Cordon and wife of East Los-
Vegua New Mexico, arrived in this city,
on todays delayed local to reside. Mr.
Cordon is a son of Jake Cordon the
painter and formerly resided in this city.
Misses Bessie Kidder, Ella Black and
Nellie Negley started Sunday for a visit
with LeNoir and Lucile Ragsdale, at the
heme of P. J. Bond, of Peel. Two of
the young ladies are school teachers, and
were so anxious to enjoy the free, coun
try life that they started on their jour
ney afoot, at 4 o'clock in the morning,
Invitations are out to the marriage of
Miss Ennis Stewart to Mr. Mark A.
Brownell at the residence of the bride's
parents at Eugene on June 29, 1904.
Miss Stewart is well known in Douglas
county having taught in a number of
the different school districts throughout
the county, teaching the primary grade
of the Roseburg school last year. Mr.
Brownell is a filer in the lumbering
mills of the Gardiner Mill Co. at Gardi
ner of which his father is superinten
dent. Both are members of the Baptist
church and very highly esteemed.
Mathew Jenning, a resident of Beaver
Hill, Coos Co., was taken to tne State
Asylum for the Insane at Salem, by
Sheriff Parrott and P. A. Webb last
evening. Mr. Jenning, as near as can
be learned has a claim on the east Ump-
qua and was bound for that place last
week when he became violently insane
and commenced to run through the
Roseburg Won Three out ol Four.
Tho Roseburg Shamrocks won three
out of four games pluyud last week with
the Albauy boys. Heavy batting, tine
outfield work and liratclasa work on the
intield were features ol the Shamrocks
playing through the series.
Roseburg suppriaed the Albany aggre
gation Thursday by their excelent team
work and hard batting and after they
had batted Howard out ot the box und
Gregory took his place the viaitora were
only able to win by one run after a ten
inning game. Score Albauy 0 Rose
burg 6.
Friday's game waB interesting from
start to tiuisli. In the first inning by
hard well placed hits, Roseburg scored
five runs and again in the third, Morrow
made second on a long drive to left field
and stole third und home while Donovan
and Raymond were rag chewing. After
the first inning Slata Taylor settled
down and piicucd a ateudy game, bui
Bilyeu for the locals was juat aa steady
nd easily won out.
Saturday aa fine an exhibition of base
nail as can be even any place was wit
leased by a email crowd at Rose Park,
Albauy leading off with a score in the
third inning, Johnson's lino base run
ning being a feature of the game. Suias
again scored for Albauy in the fourth
ud in the sixth the score stood 4 for
Albany, Roseburg 0, but the fine works
commenced in the seventh after Albany
made their total five.
White's ginger seemed to get into the J
veins of the Irishmen and things were
doing. White, Bradley and Hunter all
scored on five hits and things looked
different in the 8th Reed's three base
hit scored Sullivan and White and in
the ninth with two men out and Newell
on third base, Sullivan made a hero of
himself by bringing a warm one to
Howard that he failed to handle and
landed safe as fast as Newell crossed the
sack. Score, Roseburg C Albany 0.
Sundays game was a warm one, and,
although there were numerous errora
and heaps of runs the large crowd of
pectatora were highly elated at the good
playing of the Roseburg team. In thej
6rst inning Reed retired the Albany
bunch by pitching just five balls across
the plate. Scoring commenced in the
third, both sides making two runs. In
the fourth Roseburg scored five more,
Newell being responsible for two bv
placing the ball over the fence. By hard
hitting Albany registered four more in
the fifth, then by first-class bunting and
and base running coupled with Donivan
and Ravmond'a jawing which rattled
their team mates Roseburg made five
more. Gregory was removed from the
game by Umpire Jackson and Slats Tay
lor took the slab, but he too was at the
mercy of the Roseburghers. Roseburg
scored again in eighth which ended the
run getting with Rosebnrg 14 and Al
hanv C.
House Furnishers
Now's the time to buy your Furniture,
Carpets and House Furnishings
OUR $6.00 IRON BEDS g qq
OUR $8.50 IRON BEDS n cn
for J'DU
Xow's the time when vou can enioy solid comfort.
Our Superior Steel Constructed Couches, regular
$15.00, now $13.00. Good Serviceable Couch in
Plush Velvet for $7.50.
a range to use. They are far cooler than the old
kind. Two special beauties and no better sold; 4-hole
size for $30; 6-hole size, the popular size, sold most
places for $45, our price $35.
Now's the time you should visit our Crokery
Department. When you are through buyugyou r
furniture you can go on buyiug the crockery for the
whole house.
We make a specialty of mail orders.
This is all the space we have, sr. call and we will
be pleased to show you through.
The Wholesale and Retail
House Furnishers.
Is Called to Our Immense Line of
Choice Summer Furnishings
Below we mention a few of
the good things
Cool, comfortable, perfect fitting gar
ments In cotton, lisle thread and silk.
We ase prepared to please you in style,
quality and price.
We make a specialty of oxfords for men
and women, in calf, kid patent leathers.
St3'les strictly up to the minute. Ideal
for bad weather.
The great popularity of Lace Hosiery
has encouraged ns to put in a large, se
lect line of these goods. Many styles.
Prices range from 25c to $1.25.
Golf and Negligee shirts, the kind
that fit look stylish and make yon stop
kicking about the weaither. A large
assortment. Prices range from 850 to $2
Drain Normal Re-Elects Boird.
""I 1
Lyons, president, and C. E. Ila&ard, j
etary, were both re elected. J. A. ,
At the annual meeting of the board of
regents ol the State Normal School at
Drain Thursday evening there were
present Secretary of State Dunbar, State
School Supt Ackerman. Regents Jos.
Lyons, J. A. Black, B. D Boswell, W.
V. Kent. Dr. Wm. Kuvkendall. Hon.
Black succeeds Hon. R. M. eatch as a !
membr of the executive committee, j
A uak Lyiiiniivi. d I j
Capt. B. D. Boswell, Jos. Lyons and J.
A. Black.
With two exceptions the entire facul
ty was reelected as follows : President, '
W. H. Dempster; chair of mathematics,
R R. Grant; science and history, Sibyl
Kuvkendall; training department, O.
C. Crown, principal, Mrs. O. C. Brown,
Miss Minerva E. Call, asseistants. Miss '
Mikired Smith, teacher of English and a
literature, and Miss Jennie Crawford, J
fnow Mrs. Grant Hefty) did not apply
for re-election. Miss Smith will be suc
ceeded by Frof. A. L. Brings, of Cottage
Grove. The music departmeit is not
yet tilled.
The last tiling a man ought to do is to
die. Some, however, are dead for ears
before the undertaker gets around to
them Some of them are unfortunately
engaged in business pursuit, but their
names do not appear in the advertising
columns of the local paper. Thev do
not advertise. Ex.
Annual School Meeting.
At the annual school meeting this af
ternoon the proceedings were as follows:
Reading of call for meeting ; annual re
port of school clerk; election of J. G.
Flook as director and Miss Clara Dillard
as clerk. The financial report of clerk
shows f-t,SG9 02 on hand at beginning of
school year, June 15, 1P03 ; receipts for
year, f25.-HS.9S; total receipts, 132,553;
disbursements for year, $24,129.55 ; bal
ance on hand June 15, 1901, 15,723.-15
The census shows 94H children of school
age in School District No. 4.
Notice of Dissolution.
Drain Nonpareil.
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Weathcrford & Marsten, barbers, ha
been dissolved by mutual consent, T. D.
Weatherford assuming full charge of the
business. All bills will be receipted
for and paid by the said f. D. Weather-
ford. 49-4 w
BAYER ISON At the office of Justice
J. A. Buchanan Saturday evening
June 18 1904, Fred A. Byer to Etta
H.Ison, Justice J. A. Buchanan offlcia
BYRON To tho wife of George Byron
at the 18 mile house on the old Coos
Bav road Saturday June 18, 1904 a son.
enger.omcein aiaratera Duuaing. found by Mr. Webb and Garrity hia
Mrs. C. T. Curry, who for the past I clothing was almost torn from his body,
several yeara has been residing in Now He was brought to this city and exam
York City arrived in this city Thursday I ined by Dr. Twitchell and Judge
evening for a visit with relatives and Thompson who committed him to the
friends. Asylum. It ia understood that his wife
Mrs. Flora O'Rouke, daughter of Mrs. and family live at Beaver Hill
M. D. Thompson, and two sons arrived
in Roseburg from Kellogg, Idaho, Fri-
I day eveuing. They will remain for a
visit several months.
Col. W. H. Taylor of Olalla waa in
this city on business last week. He in
forms us that it is probable that he will
move tho headquarters of the Olalla
Specific company to this city.
Miss Eva Howard of Portland, who
baa been visiting relatives in this city
returned to Portland Sunday morning.
She was accompanied aa far aa Wilbur
by her mother, who spent the day vis
iting relatives there.
Rev. Zimmerman, pastor of the Can
yonville M. E. church and Mr. Miles
Mclntyre, specialist in watch and all
I around repairing, of that city, were
callers at thia sanctum the lost of the
J. G. Flook, who with hia wife, were
I in attendance at the Grand Army en
campment at Hood River returned
home Saturday evening, Mrs. Flook re
maining in Portland to viait for a time
with friends.
Cheadle and Johnson, dentists, hare
dissolved partnership and Dr. Johnson
has fitted up office rooms in the Grave's
building whero we will be. pleased to
I see all old patrons ; also all whojwiah up
I to-date dontiatry at reasonable prices.
Remember that it ia quality, not
I quantity, that we strive for in furnish
ing our city trade, therefore you will
always get the cheapest milk of the
Gaddis Daisy, because the best. All
Attorn ey-a t-La w
Notary Public
Maraters Buildiug
JACKSON At Riddle June 10th, of
Consumption Perry Ellis Jackson,
aged 24 years, 2 months and 11 days.
W. C. T.
U. National Organizer
Looking Olass.
Mrs. Bailey, National Organizer of the
W. C. T. U., will give aflecturfa on tem
perance, at the church in Looking Glass
on Friday evening, June 24th. Mrs
Bailey cornea highly recommended, and
all who come to hear her will be richly
repaid. Al) are cordially invited to at
tend. Rec. Sko. of W. C. T. U.,
Looking Glass, Oro
Pay and Get a Nice flap.
For the next thirty days to all who
retail milk delivered in bottles. Our Pnv UB two dollars on subscription, wo
specialties are cream, milk and butter- will present them a nico map of Oregon
milk. If you don't seo the wagon. anQ a maP of tho world. Tho value of
phono to the Creamery. 14-tf I the map is ono dollar.
Administrator's Sale of Real
In the County Court, Siato ot Oregon, lor
In he Matter ot the TartnenhlD Estaf ol
Iiidor Caro aud Bimou Caru. farmers as Caro
Notice It hereby Riven that umlcr and pursu
ant to an order of the County Coif t ot Douglas
county. Oregon, made on tho "th day of June,
1SKH, ana fDlcrwi oi rccor.i in oi. u ai page
475-476 of the p obate record ot laid county, the
unde'ilgnvd administrator ot salil par neithlp
etlrfte will on and after the ird day of July.
I'AH. at Kosctiurtr, uregon, oner lor aaio nu ten
to the highest bidder fur cash In hand al pit
vateale allot the right, title and interest of
aald DaitnershlD estate in and to the toltotriog
described n-al prorxrty of (aid estate in Doug
las county, uregou. io-w
1 he lots six, seven and eight in oiock 73, t irst
Southern Addition to the city ot Koseburg,
Also the following described premises In Rlv
crsido addition to the city ut Roseburg, Oiegon,
t,i 1 . it .wt rr ra -n.i .i.AhlnjiVan
and U, and the lots 1,2.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in mo lots huu oin u.ocsz. Aisomai
partol Alder street hi-retoforo vacated lying
between dioces 27 an i su; ana n mat pari oi
Alder street heretoioro vacated mil Di-iwi-ctt
blork. 26 and 29, -nu all that pari ol Vine street
heretoioro vacated lying Deiweeu biocic.zi atiu
Also all that part ot Vine street and Post
street ntrctoioro vacated tying east oi a line
drawn north and south betuceu a point on the
north lino ol Ward atreet in tuo center oi vino
street and a point where said lino when drawn
north aim soutn would como opposite to mm
due wesi of the north-west corner ot block "C:"
Also the eact half of that part of Vt mow street
heretofore vacated lying between mocks li anil
a no tne louowine uescriocu premises in saiu
Rlvrrslde Addition to the city of Koscburg as
follows to-wlt:
Tho lots n, 7,8, 9, 10, ll, 12, 13 and H in diock
TbelotsS. 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 1J, and 16 In block
! ....
Tho lots 8. 9. 10. 11. and 12 lu blocK 1.
Tho lota 16 in block a. 1 ha lota 11 In block S
Also the lollowlnir described orrmlsca to-wlt
The south hall ol the north-east Quart- r. and
the north-east quarter of tho south-east quarter
ot section twenty, township thirty-two south of
rango seven west ip uougiaa coutuy, urcgou
rnntalnine on, bundled and tweutv acnl
The said real property will be sold In ono body
or in separate parcels as lu th Judgment of the
undersigned administrator will bo for tbo best
Intnroaf of aid e stale.
Dated at Koieburg, Oregon, this 13th day ot
47-60. Simon Caro, Administrator.
C. R. Franklin, of near Elkton, was
transacting business in Drain Monday.
A number from Yoncalla were in town
Tuesday taking in the ball fame.
E. L. Meacham is visiting friends and
relatives at Elkton thin week.
V. O. Bridsrea & Co., of Yoncalla, i
have sold their stock of goods to Beck
ley Bros., of Oakland.
Mrs. G. M. Basjett is viftins rela
tives and friends at Myrtle Creek and
Roseburp this week.
Ben Huntington, Jr , is home from
Eugene, where he has been attending
Bert Marcy has sold his farm north of
Yoncalla and will go to Eastern Oregon
to reside.
The Yoncalla ball team was defeated
at Oa eland last Sunday by a score of 2S
to 5.
A number of the farmers in this vicin
ity have commenced to harvest the hay
County Surveyor Roberts was here
lart week tintshini up the survey on the
Billy Creek road.
Mrs G. W. short, of Wilbur, is visit
ing I rof. and Mrs. Brown this wek and
attending the graduation exercises.
The new picket fence at the school
house makes a great improvement in
the appearance of the tchjol grounds.
Mrs. C. Wam-ley, of Yoncalla. has re
turned home from California, where she
went in quest of health, but the climate
faikd to be beneficial.
The course of study of the Monmouth
State Normal has been increased from
three to four years, with a view to pro
viding a course for teachrra who inund
teaching in the high schools.
J. W. Krewson has sold hia stock of
merchandise to enton Mires, who took
nosession yesterday. Mr. Mires ia an
old resident of Drain and a hustler and
. . . i . i r i ? .
will no douot get. nis snare oi uusineaa.
The case of the state vs Campbell for
throwing saw dun ia the creek at the
AIca mill was to como up for hearing
Monday before Justice Krewson, but
when it come to drawing a jury it waa
found that the Pass Creek jury list had
not been properly filed aud the case was
dismissed, aa the jury list cannot be
remedied until the first Monday in July
We are showing a fine line of Lace Curtains
which have just arrived.
Fifty paira of Portiera in the latest designs
and colorings.
I We carry from 500 to 1000 Window Shades in
; stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
J the best that money can buy.
H D. Graves
All Kinds of
One Door West of Rice & Rice's Furniture Store
Railroad Notes
Mrs. L. J. Spack and children and
sinter. Mrs. Haidie left bunuay morn-
ng to visit with relatives in Portland
Brakeman A. J. Carmen and bride,
nee Misa Mary Riches of Silverton, will
arrivo in this city on thia ovening'a local
to visit for a ahort time with hia broth
er, Engineer Frank Carmen of thia city.
Tho following railroad men aro on tho
lay-off list this week: Brakeman A. T.
Morinn, S. V. Starmer, C. M. Wilson,
0. D. Smith, C. C. Nelson, J. L. Andere,
Vnrdmastor A. C. dirty. Conductor J.
N. Flook and H. . Gilvon.
F. W. Ilamilton ia acting aa night
yardmaator during tho absence of A. C.
Lately with the jvrnm3nt'i-iphi,;il inl doloisal aarray ol BrxMl,
South America.)
U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor
Ofllco over PostofBce. ROSHBURG, OREGON. Corrwcosdefica Baliflst!
Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optici
Watches. ClocKs, Jewelry
Diamonds and Silverware
Watch lep&iriag
a Specialty.
Mohair Wanted.
It will pay you
ell your mohair,
to seo us before you
Kruse & Newlaud.
Mount Nebo Dairy
W. S. WRIGHT & SON, Prop
solicits the patronage of the citizens of Roseburg.
A specialty is made of pure milk fresh from the
cows every morning and evening. "
Please leave orders at M.DeVaney's Restaurant
or drop a postal card in the post-office.
All orders promptly attended to. 38-im