The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 20, 1904, Image 2

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Rose burg Plaindealer
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Subscription $2.00 per Year.
Advertising Rates on Application.
The Editor of the Plain-dealer has no Inten
tion of mating a false statement reflecting upon
the life or character of any person, officially or
otherwise and any statement published in these
columns will be cheerfully corrected it erroneous
and brought to our attention by the aggrieved
party or parties. Our intention is that every
article published of a personal or political
official natare shall be news matter of general
interest and for the welfare of the State at
JUNE 20, 1904.
The shades of night were falling fast,
When o'er the Yalu river passed
A Cossack who, mid snow and ice
Carried a flag with this device:
His brow was sternsky, and his beard
Made in the breeze a whistling weird;
Cold, vodka-numbed, he wished to die
But still the pi line waved on high:
"Beware of Japs!" a private said,
"Beware you flying pill of lead!"
The stubborn Cossack only sneered
And muttered through his icy beard
"Stay here" the tavern keeper cried:
"We've got an easy game inside;
You ought to win full many a stack,"
The whiskered horseman answered
They found him at the break of day,
On a Korean veldt he lay,
And to these minions of the czarsky
A voice came like a falling starsky
. W. F. Kirk in Collier's.
Three Great Policies.
Let us again admonish the Voters
of Douglas County to stand by the
party which you know to be per
fectly safe and secure in its policies.
The Republican party has been i
consistent party throughout its career,
and it stands to-day for the three
great policies for which it stood at
its birth and during its every year of
existence since. Those three great
policies are Liberty, Honor and
Progress. Equal liberty for every
man, woman and child under the
shelter of our flag; liberty to live,
liberty to toil and liberty to acquire.
Honor in a standard of value, and
money of redemption, equal to the
highest known among nations; honor
to pay in full every obligation;
honor to redeem every promise, im
plied, spoken or written. Progress
not only of our own people, as has
been shown in an elevation of the
masses to the highest standard of
living attained by any people of the
human race; as shown in the de
velopment of our public school sys
tem, of our literature and its dis
tribution, of our labor laws and .of
our industrial and financial under
takings throughout the length and
breath of the land; progress not
alone in the elevation of the people
of the United States, but in the ad
vancement of every people and every
Country where our influence is felt
progress not only in a mental and
moral elevation as welL Material up
building but in this is what the
Republican party stands for and
what it has accomplished and we can
not afford to trade these certainties
for any uncertainty.
A Good Man Defeated.
The defeat of Senator A. C. Mars
'Jers of Douglas county is to be re
cretted. and it will be hard to fill his
place in the upper house of the legis
lature. Factional strife led to the
result and he was slaughtered to sat
isfy petty party jealousy. Senator
Marsters has worked hard for the
party and his friends, both in Doug
las county and the state and he deserv-
edjbetter treatment. He hasjbeen victo
rious in every fight until now. At
torney General Crawford was nomi
nated tnrougn his Hard work more
than any thing else, and Congress
man Hermann had an able lieutenant
to manage his campaign prior to the
Oregon will hear of Mr. Marsters
again in the political field and it is to
be hoped that his home people wi
better appreciate his ability when
comes before them again. Capita!
Dark Cabin Tragedy.
Jack Snyder shot and killed Tuffy
Potter and fatally wounded Donald
McKay Friday evening in his cabin
about 36 mile3 south of Klamath
Falls. The men. had been drinking
together in the cabin when all of a
sudden Snyder pulled his gun and be
gan firing, with the above stated re
sult. He claims self-defense, alleg
ing that his two visitors were at
tempting to get away with some
property in the room.
According to the last report from
the scene of the tragedy, Snyder was
sitting up with the corpse of his vic
tim, Potter, and McKay had been
carried away with his lower jaw en-
tirely gone. A man named McManus,
who was in the cabin at the time of
the shooting, assisted in taking care
of the wounded man, but it is doubt
ful if he can recover.
The murdered man was well known
in the district about Picard. across
the California line, near which town
the shooting took place, and was con
sidered square in his dealings and a
man of his word. Donald McKay, it
will be remembered, pastured a band
of horses near Winchester for several
months. He made himself conspicu
ous on our streets on Norris & Rowe
circus day, being in a badly intoxi
cated condition.
Earthquake at Portland.
The city of Portland was thrown
into consternation Friday by several
distinct earthquake shocks, and al
though the tremors were not severe,
many ran out of their houses, antici
pating heavier shocks to follow. The
excitement lasted sometime until the
news spread over town that the cause
of the earthquake was the crew of
workmen who were using five-pound
charges of dynamite for the purpose
of removing an old, stone and timber
pier that has held up the Morrison
street bridge for nearly a score of
years. The explanation is that the
small charge of five pounds of dyna-
mite being discharged at the river's
bed is held down by the tremendous
weight of fifty feet or more of water
and the shock of the explosion radi
ates until its effect reaches for sev
eral blocks.
An exchange says the most pros
perous town is the one where there is
the greatest, evidence of local pride.
It doesn't require mansions and great
lawns and the trappings of wealth to
make a prosperous town or city, but
order, cleanliness and the evidences
of civic pride are an absolute essen
tial. The neat, clean, well kept home
with tie evidence of personal inter
est, clean streets and back alleys free
from rubbish, the things that may be
possessed by all save the really un
fortunate, are the things which make
a town inviting and upon which pros
perity in large measure rests.
The Massachusetts man who has
made a great fortune by inventing
shreded wheat biscuits, has invested
a quarter of a million dollars in
large farm near Baltimore, where he
will establish an Industrial Science
School. It will be open to both sex
es. The estate is to be divided into
small farms of from ten to eighty
acres, and upon each iarm one or
more tenants will be placed. But the
young farmer must be seif-helpfnl
and not look for outside assistance.
He will have to pay hi3 own taxes.
To predict the result of the elec
tion two years hence under the
direct primary nominating law and
existing circumstances is practically
impossible but that personal likes and
dislikes should be settled and a com
plete harmonious organization should
be effected before it comes time
cast the regular ballot, and then that
every Republican vote the Republi
can ticket is THE essential to success
This is Republicanism.
Philander C. Knox, attorney Gen
eral of the United States, has been
selected to fill the seat in the United
States Senate made vacant by the
death of M. S. Quay. He will accep
and serve by appointment of Gover
nor Pennypacker. Unless political
complications should arise as a result
of this action, he will be elected for
the full term by the legislature which
meets in January.
The Evening Post of North Bend
(Coos Bay) comes to our table marked
XXX. It is a neat 6-column folio
containing all the late telegraphic
news with home events well repre
sented. The Post is about the firs'
Coast daily and starts in with a circu
lation of 1,125 subscribers. May
much success attend such a worthy
rrouDie m bouth Africa again
War vouchers given by British offi
cers to the Boera for sheep and catt
seized and crops destroyed, amount
ing to over $75,000,000, are unpaid
Chamberlain, who declared "a Britis!
officer's voucher is as good as a Bank
of England note," says he is "con
founded" at the amount due and wi!
not pay.
Western Oreeon needs rain at the
present time as the late sown crops
plainly indicate. Should it fail
come there will be a noticeable short
age in the vield of erain at harvest
time this season.
Why wouldn't it be a good idea for
Uncle Sam to practice a little deceit
with the Morrocan bandit and thus
save the lives of the American prison
ers? This, it seems to us, would be
justifiable under the extreme circum
stances. President Roosevelt will make no
speeches, Judge .Parker refuses to
talk and Hearst has closed his head
quarters at St. Louis It begins to
look like a quiet campaign.
(Continued from page one)
en off by the awful heat, scorched and choking. Dead
bodies of women with their burned arms clasping close
the pitiful forms of little children and babies were
found, their tiny arms enfolding each other in a tight
embrace. The dark side hinted at along the water
front seems to be the inevitable accompaniment of all
great calamities.
There has been no evidence of a character specific
enough to fasteu it upon individuals and permit of
punishment, but survivors and eye-witnesses say that
some brutal acts t f selfishness and cowardice on the
part of the Slocum's crew were seen and that distress
signals from the burning boat were disregareed by
passing craft.
One man avers that a big white yatcht passed the
Slocum when the bodies of women and children were
going overboard and did not even slacken speed. Ac
cording to this man the yacht flew the pennant of the
New York Yacht Club, but not the owner's pennant,
which always siguifies that he is aboard, aud after
passing the Slocum she steered over the western shore
and hove to, while on her bridge a man in uniform
with binocelars to his eyes, watched the vessel burn.
Even more horrible thau this aud similar acts of
incredible callousness is the story of Miss Martha
Weirk, who says that while she struggled in the water
a boat containing several men drew alongside of her
and after stripping her of her rings and other jewelr',
pushed her back into the water.
A heavr pall hung today over the public school in
Fifth street, near First avenue, which is in the center
of the residence district is most affected by the Slocum
disaster. Of the 2000 pupils of the school, a large
portion were relatives of the excursionists, and nearly
300 of the regular attendants did not appear in
their classes today. Of this number 110 had received
permission on Tuesday to be absent yesterday to go
on the excursion. Just how man' lost their lives or
were injured, has not 3'et been learned. Scores of boys
and girls, their ej'es red with weeping, toda' asked to
be excused because a brother or sister or oilier relative
had been lost. In ever' room there, were vacant seats.
Stud' was almost out of the question. The school
flag hung at half-mast.
From midnight until long after sunrise today the
work of arranging the hundreds of unidentified bodies
which were being brought down from North Brother
Island progressed uninterruptedly. The scenes about
the morgue and at the docks where the relief boats
came in laden with their ghastly freight were heart
rending. Men and women who had waited for hours,
swaying between fear and hope, gave way to bitter
grief when at last the bodies of their loved ones were
found among the piles of burned and mangled dead.
Lying side by side were two women who died clasp
ing 1 heir infant babies in their arms.
A pathetic figure among the searches and watch
ers was 16-year-old Fred Hartung, the sole survivor of
a family of six who went on the ill-fated exclusion.
His mother and four sisters have not been heard from
since the Slocum went down. The boy saved himself
by jumping to a tug.
New York, June 17. Another
step toward the grave was made in
the Slocum tragedy today. Five hun
dred dead lie in their late homes,
shrouded and encased for burial. A
few funerals will take place today,
but the greater bulk of the dead will
go to their last resting place Sunday.
The stricken district is swathed in
black, while white and purple crepe
drapes the doors of hundreds of
houses. Great crowds throng the
district, many of whom stop at the
houses of the dead to pay their last
At the morgue early this morning
the coroner's list showed that 599
bodies had been received. At 8:30
o'clock the bodies of 529 persons
who lost their lives in the disaster
had been identified. Six hundred are
still reported missing. At the morgue
at that hour there were 107 bodies,
only 32 of which had been identified.
Nearly 500 bodies have been re
claimed and removed by friends and
relatives. Le3s than a hundred bodies
remained on the East Twenty-sixth
street pier at 10 o'clock this morning
but scores of persons were again on
hand looking for their lost ones.
It is believed, that when the story
is all told the dead will be found to
number about 800.
The men to whom was assigned the
gruesome task of recovering the
bodies from the wreck and waters of
Long Island sound were at work ear
ly this morning. They were finding
corpses more slowly but will stick to
the task for some days to come.
Wreckers now believe that many
bodies will be found entangled in the
port paddle box.
The first of the funerals was held
this morning. Nearly 100 ministers
of all denominations met this morn
ing at St Mark's Lutheran church to
make arrangements to officiate at the
funerals and to devise means of rats
ing funds for the needy and injured
in the hospitals that are recovering
At three o'clock this afternoon
morgue figures remain unchanged
More bodies are coming up the river
to be placed in- the morgue. More
than $S000 has been subscribed for
relief fnnds.
New ouk, June IS Identified at
all morgues, hospitals, homes, police
stations, etc., up to 12 o'clock
night, G94; reported missing, 5S9
unidentified dead, unrecognizable, 30
at morgue, 9; at North Brothers is
land, 8; total, 47.
Injured still in hospitals, all
whom will recover, 63.
Estimated lost and known dead, 1
wore man izd reported missing
prior to today, wore found today,
either dead or living, while 63 were
reported "missing" today at the
Hearst "American" bureau.
President Roosevelt i3 thoroughly
satisfied that Oregon is alright, so he
now directs his attention to states
that are doubtful.
Thrown From a Wagon.
Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown
from his vagon and severely bruised
He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm
freely and says it is the best liniment
ho ever used. Air, Babcock is a well
known citizen of North Plain, Conn.
There ia nothing equal to Pain Balm for
sprains and bruises. It will effect a euro
in one third the time required by any
treatment. For sale by A. C. Handera
North Coast Limited Held un
Robbed of $60,000.
Missoula, Mont., June 17. Big
posses of Joflicers, all determined men
are to-day pursuing bandits who, at
1 o'clock last night, held up and
robbed the North Coast Limited
train of the Northern Pacific railway
near Bearmouth station. But two
masked men are supposed to have
ccomplished the bold holdup and
they are supposed to have been mem
bers of the notorious "Kid" Currie
gang. They got away with a sum
which is believed to have reached
$60,000, although express officials
ire reticent regarding the amount
The holdup occurred near the same
spot and was similar in nature to that
of two years ago in which Engineer
O'Neill was killed. The train stops at
Uearsmouth to take water and it was
at this time the robbers boarded the
tender of the engine. After leaving
the water tank the train had only pro
ceeded a short distance when the en
gineer and fireman were covered with
guns in the hands of two masked
men who had climbed over the coal
from the rear of the tender. The en
gineer and fireman were ordered to
throw up their hands, and at a dis
tance of about two miles from the
station Engineer Wade was ordered
to stop the train, which he did. The
two robbers then forced the engineer
and fireman to accompany them to
the express car, where the express
messenger was ordered to open the
door, which he refused to do. One
of the masked men handed the engi
neer a stick of dynamite and ordered
him to light it and place it against
the express car door.
After the explosion, the force of
which completely shattered the door
and side of the car, the engineer and
fireman were forced to proceed the
bandits into the car and the attack
on the safe was "at once begun.
half dozed sticks of dynamite were
placed on the top of the strong box
and ignited. The force of this explos
ion was void of any result and an
other and heavier charge was prepar
ed and iirnited. The terrific force of
this second charge completely demol
ished the interior and side of the car
and hurled the safe a distance of 10
3ards from its resting place.
1 he contents of the sate were ap
parently unharmed andjafter securing
them, the robbers warned the train
crew that they would not be harmed
if they made no resistance and obyed
instructions. One of the masked men
accidentally struck the engineer dur
ing the proceedings and during his
conversation, while making an apology
called the engineer by name. This
cave rise to the suspicion that the
robbers may be the railroad men
After the looting of the safe was
completed the engineer and fireman
were ordered hack to the engine by
the robbers, who kept them covered
with revolvers. When the train crew
reached the engine the robbers shot
out the lights on the rear of the
train and quickly disappeared in the
Passengers were- under seats and
secreting valuables in every con
ceivable place that offered a hiding
place. The rear brakeman, realizing
what was going on, quietly slipped
from the train and made his way to
Bearmouth, where he reported the
affair to the superintendent's office
in Missoula. Shortly before 1 o'clock
a sheriffs jiosse, accompanied by
Superindent Palmer of the Northern
Pacific, left Missoula for Bearsmouth.
It is reported that the railroad
company had been forewarned that
an attempt would be made to rob one
of its trains, and for several days
guards have been carried on the ex
press trains of the Phillisburg branch.
It is believed this course prevented a
robbery on that branch last Wednes
day. At the break of day posses started
in pursuit of the bandits. The safe
blown open contained shipments of
currency en route from Portland
Chicago and New York.
Baptist Association in Session.
The forty-oighth annual session of the
Corvallis Baptist association met with
the Roseburg Baptist church Thursday
afternoon, Rev. F W Leonard, of Wil
bur, acted as temporary chairman.
Letters from the various churches show
ed substantial progress during the year.
Election of ulcers resulted in tho choice
Rov. W G Miller, of Dlllard, moderator:
Kov. O. O Wright, of Eugene, clerk, and
Rev. E II Hicks, of Roseburg, treasurer.
The following delegates are in attend
ance: Mr and.MrsTN Humphreys, of
Canyonv:llo; Rev. W G Miller, S C Mil
ler, W G Gago, M F Howard, Rev. Win.
Thornton, of Dillard; L Lemons, .Mrs M
E Bollnian, of Elmira; Rev. Or a C
Wright, of Eugene; T J Medley, Minnie
Manning, Pearl Sedge-, Aggio Bogard, of
Fair Oaks ; S E May, of Lone Rock ; Rov.
W Stockton, Mrs Stockton, Mrs Pickens
Rov. Delbert Loreo, of Oakland ; Rov. T
N Humphreys, Mrs Nora Humphreys,
K W Miller, of Myrtle Crook; P A Wil
son, Maudo Riddlo, Mrs O II Lake, o
Riddle; Rev. E W Hicks, O P Coshow,
Ed D Neeley, Mrs Hampton, of Rose
burg; M Adams, of South Deer Creek;
Bev. Leonard, of Wilbur; Bertha Craw
ford, Cora Cox, Mable Wilson, Yoncalla
Others are arriving.
Letters wore read from tho churches
as follows: Canyonvillo, Coquille, Dil
lard, Eugeno, Fair Oaks, Lono Rock,
Mnrehfield, Mt. Olivet, Myrtle Creok,
Oakland, Riddlo, Roseburg, Wilber, and
The moderator nppointed committed!
on enrollment, obituaries and nomina
tions. At eight o'clock p. 111 Rev. J. W
Stockton preached the annual .fcermon
after which association adjourned until
eight o'clock Friday morning.
Fhidav'h Session
The second day of the t'orvallls Bap
tist Association closed a very interest-
ng session. Besides) considerable busi-
'sa pertaining to the prosecution of
AfiHOciiitional work, various reports con
cerning the local work and especially of
national and foreign missions were made.
rheeo roports indicated splendid suc
cesses on the part of the societies and
thousands have been Hived through
agencies. An interesting feature of the
morning session was a sermon on "Per
sonal Responsibility" by Bev. Del her t
Lorce. At night Kev. L. W. Uiley, stale
missionary for Oregon, gave a stirring
address on: -'Are the Baptists Makiitr
Any Progress?" He rm1 in London,
hngland, the Baptists lead all the other
cliurches, with 113,000 memlers. Tlieie
are in the United States over four and
one-nau millions, reporting last year
231.S21 baptisms, having a property
valued at niiiety-fivi- millions Tliry
nave in halaries twelve millions and for
missions alout one million ami a half.
and for all purKj-es gave last year nearly
sixteen millions. In Oregon the i'lapiists
baptized more last year than my niher
protectant church. Following thi- ad
dress was a helpful sermon hy Kev. O
Wright, pastor at, liiigene. Bev. C
A. Wooddy, I). I)., will address the con
vention tonight in addition to the doct
rinal sermon hy Bev. C. !t I.amar.
Dr. C. A WocxIJs, Sup', of Missions
Rev. A. W. Killer. Dist. Secy ; Bev. W
II. Latoun-tte, Fin. Secy, of the Me
Minnville College; Bev. M. M. tledfoe
correspondent fiom West Willamette
Association, arrived Frid.iv.
Bev. C. B. Lunar, preached an inter
esting sermon r-aturday evening wbk-L
was followed by a graphic account of the
Baptist Anniversaries which met in
Cleveland Ohio.
iuuday morning a good co;el sermon
wa preached by Bev. W. G. Miller and
in the evening Bev. W. A. Latourette
preached a good sermon ami the session
closed to meet next year in SprinsHeld
lhe new raster Kev. h. 11. nicks is en
courgrtl with the outlook for his churcl
in Boseburg. Delegate
.Mrs. J. t, bus and o lighter, i-is
Oaka, have returned (roin the Gold '-.i-r
Mrs. J. T. Hen wood recently relutred
from an extended vitit to Portland.
Max Kim met hail tint mhdouon
get his nose broken while ptayias !-
ImII one day last t.
11. J. ilson s new cottage 1 neami
lite 1. u. u. t. immune 1 l-'iD-; s.s -a
a fresh coat f paint, which greatly int
proves its appearance. Charier Md
Bernard DeVore ar doing ll work.
Beulah Carter is con lined U itw bn.e
bv an attack of measles.
Mr. W. H. Darby, of Kogwbarg, has
been doing dental work for smm of o ir
citizens this week.
Frank llopkiii" ainl wife are fjin-'ii
the summer 011 their sloek ranch t)t-
miles from town.
Grant Levens sjent $evral ol
last week in Portland.
Mrs. J. W. Swank, who ha s9ered
really from eryfipelas for -v. r1
months, straws bnl little improvement.
Lloyd ZtminermaE, who has spent she
last soltool yiarat Willamette t'nii-isi
ty, returned hoaw Thursday.
Rev. L. C. Zimmerman returned i ri
day from a methodist ministers' n.t I
ing at Medford ami, Saturday, went to
Kcebnrg to hold quarterly ntelin.
We bo)e that under the nw manage
ment the Piimalkr will bo iuoi e
what the republican party and the peo
ple oi Douglas county wish it to he.
Succei!' to it.
Miss Grace Bartley and little nephew
passed through from Elk Creek Wednes
day, enroute to Kansas, where they will
visit relatives. They will also visit in
Nebraska and Indiana before returning.
Henry, the little son, and ouly child
of Mr and Mrs. W. R. Bentxen, died at
S:30 p. m., June 14th, aged 6 years and
15 days. Complications caused by mea
sles were the cause of his dtth. The
funeral was held at tho M.E. church
Wednesday, Rev. Ixiree, of Kiddle, con
ducting the services. The bereaved rela
tives have the heartfelt sympathy of all.
V. C. T. U. Convention
Wtdnesday Evening, at &00.
Devotion.', Re7. II C. Allen;
Mrs. Nathan Fullerton ; Addresses of
Welcome: In Behalf of the City, Louis
Barzee; In Behalf of the Churchos, Rev.
G. C. Ritchey; In Behalf of the W. C.
T. U., Mrs. II. R. Ferguson; R sjonse,
Mrs. Zadio Bishop, of Yoncalla ; W. C.
T. U. Rally Song, the Choir; Address,
Mrs. L- E. B.uley, National Organixerof
thoW. C. T. I.; Free-will Offering;
Song, Congregation.
Thursday Morning, st 9:30.
Devotions, led hy Mrs. Hello Black, of
Drain; Convention Called to Order;
Rending of Minutes of Last Convention,
County Recording Secretary; Reports
of Local Unions; Appointments of Com
mittees; Noontiilo Prayer; Lunch
served in tho Church Parlors, Delegnies
and visitors invited tu temaiu.
Thursday A(trnoon, at 2:00.
Praise Service, Mrs. G. II. Bennett;
Minutes, President's Address; Mu
sic; Paper, "Why You Should Be
long to tho V. C. T. U.," Mrs. Zadie
Bishop, of Yoncalla ; Freo Parliament,
conducted by Mrs. Bailey; Adjourn
ment; Meeting of County Executive.
Thursday Evening, at 8:00.
Devotions, Rev. E. II. Hicks; Solo,
selecled, Mrs. S. C Flint; Address,
Mrs. L. E. Bailey; Quartette, "Silver
Chimes," Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Stanton,
Mr. Bradford and Mr Patterson ; Bene
diction. Friday Morning, at 9:00.
Devotions, Mrs. Viola Sackett, of Rid
dle; Minutes; Report of Committee on
Credentials; Roll Call: Election of
County Ollicera; Music; Superintend
ont'a Hour; Nooutido Prayer, Mrs. U.
0, Reeso.
Friday Afternoon, at 2:00.
ThanK-otteriug Service, Mrs. H. R.
All meuls first class 2 cents.
Board by the week, $3.75.
W, E. DEWEY, Prop.
TTwrrrraiiiiii 1 .mmm, li .1 (iilUjiJ. iii.Hi
Don't Forget that
ruse &
Carry a full line of
highest Market Price Paid for
A ' McNamee'sGrocery
man Mat
N 'w, uy .to date, fancy and Ornamei.taL
linVrtnt designs. Yarioii.- designs
arid a?o?tmt'iits of Jardinier's at
At a Sacrifice
Read Our Cash Prices
Roujrh Lumber
- Sized
1 x 12 Common
Shiplap . .
ix6 Flooring
Aud all other LUMBER in proportion.
Lumber Yards near Depot
By J.J.KfNNEY, Pres.
Ferguson ; Minute; "A Model Mothers
.Meeting," Mrs. Louis Barzee; sntyect,
"Literature Pure and Impnro:" Dis
cussion; A Memorial Servke ot Mrs.
Sarah M. Kern; Report, of Committees;
Unfinished Business; Adjournment.
Fridiy Evening, at 5:00.
County Gold Medal Contest
'Devotions, Rev. G. II. Bennett ; Mu;
sic; Subject of Reeltnti'ons : - 'The
Dykes . f Holland ;" "A Defense of the
Drunklxnk" Solo, selected, Miss Vera
Bjars, ofSalem ; "The Convict's Solilo
qhy ;!' "The Wisdom and Justico of Our
lnv Makers ;" Duette, Mrs. Edith Kel
ley and Mrs. F. V. Woolley; "The
Court's I-nst Appeal;" ''The Face on
the Bar Boom Floor;" One title not
knownt :5olo; "CToodl'to theTay,7
hy Vynnah, Miss Maud Itagon; Decision
of tho Judges; Piesontation of Mevlal;
-ATl"mimbr2nt ' '- - -
, Thcople of Roseburg fare especially
invilVd' to attend the afternoon and.
evening sessions.
,C The 1 Imber-. Business. -"
Thoso engaged in- haudling timber
lands do not agree on tho present eitua
Short orders quickly served
'"i'i 1 1 1 1 1 'i nil"
Finfcfi Pnffprv
. SS.00
. $S."oo
? 10.00
s 2 s
. .
tton, iu regard to the prospects of tra de
nml tiie demand for tantler ami ti mber
A prominent, lumberman oi Portlstid
lately visited the middle west and east
em states, and wu being interviewed by
the Portland Journal sukl: "lhe banks
ami trust institutkma have .plenty of
money on deposit, which will be loaned
on gdt-edged securities at 11 low raie oi
interest, wit at present are slow about
investing i,i timber lands. While there
is no apprehension of a possible financial
piliic, eastern" liiiaiwiera clturauterize It
aaa quiet time, and prophesy that there
will Ixi three lean year?, followed ya
period of fat yetirs. limber lands have
not decreased 111 value, although umber
has fallen in price, aud eastern investors
ttrt? iiHlili"K.biok nul'1 ul times aa
some tunberland Iwlder mfsM be forced
to tell at reduced prices. Ii it should
turn out that timber holders are lot
f .Tml to sell, the lands will $o at tho
afrkm&priee JusU at this time there
are heavy shipments ofl timber from the
south, to the,middle western and east
ern states, aud the vrieus ahrotui con
iiucupns between the north and south
kIw low- freight rat s on lumber pro
ducts. 1 he t mber prodm t of the south
wil. in a snort m?ruxt be Kreu'lv impover
ished and the demand for building mat
erial will be fitted from the forests of
the northwest." Ex.
& Building