The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 20, 1904, Image 1

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    1 Imttfcakf .
No. 49
$3,800 Mortared Out In a Day. Two
Boys Dlticovered Rich Mine.
Cripple Creek, June i$. The Teller county
commissioners, finding that offers of rewards for the
capture, dead or alive, of the perpetrators of the Inde
pendence dynamiting outrage, are not likely to bring
results, have voted an appropriation of $10,000 which
will he used for the purpose of ferreting out the crimi
nals. It is believed that by employing competent de
tectives to assist the county officers the identity of the
men will in time be disclosed. It is not believed, how
ever, that anything which may be taken as a good
clew has thus far been unearthed. The action of the
commissioners in making the appropriation would in
dicate that they, too, believed that nothing had been
accomplished. Up to dale 145 men have been deport
ed frcm the district and 72 others are still confined in
the bullpen.
A writ of habeas corpus for the production of
Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation
of Miners, was issued yesterday by Federal Court
Judge Tha3'er. The writ commanded Governor Pea
body, General Bell and others to produce Moyer at St.
Louis on July 5.
Application for the writ was based on the ground
that the constitution of the United States was being
violated in this state by the acts of the militia. The
writs were to have been served on Peabody and the
others today.
Cripple Creek, Col., June 16. Assistant District
Attornej' Crump has wired the sheriff at Ttlluride to
hold Moyer until a secret service agent can bring him
to Cripple Creek. He will be brought here on a
warrant charging him with aiding in the murder of
Charles McCormick and Melvin Beck, who were blown
up in the Vindicator mine by an infernal machine No
vember 21. It is rumored that W. D. Haywood, sec
retary of the federation, is also accused.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking is to have good
And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up tte following day. The country
rnone io. 101 lor goou guuub anu gooa service. th orth of th rive . -ch d
covered with timber, among which we
procured the ash for oars. At two
miles in changes to extensive prairies
and at seven or eight miles distance
becomes hieher and wavine. The'
rfcfitlfciifrjffc watered and provided
Medford, Or., June 16 News has
just been brought here from Gray
back mountain, 20 mileseast of Med
ford, hear Waldo, by William Gil
more, of the greatest gold strike
ever made in Southern Oregon. He
brought rock containing 64 per cent
of free gold.
Harry Briggs, 18 years old, and
l - tt j iri 1 1 ' if
wiariea nowaru, wnue nuuung juuu- Tp n. ... P.,,n m mir I ITT1 P ftnnT III Tlir
day, discovered the ledge. They I flL DLUff rALLO IN UNt LI I I Lt Of U I IN lilt
were resting, and picked up a small
rock which was literally covered with
gold. They broke off a piece of the
ledge capping which weighed six
pounds and mortared 'out $700.
J. C. Howard, Frank Thompson,
David and Harry Briggs pounded out
$3900 worth of gold Tuesday, using
and old-fashioned mortar and pestle.
They have opened up a vein 60 feet
long and 10 inches wide, exposing
$20,000 worth of gold at what is
claimed to be a conservative estimate.
There is greater excitement than
in the famous days of Gold Hill.
Miners are leaving for the camp in
parties and singly, rivaling the stam
pedes of the Klondike. The location
of the strike is naar the California I
line on a divide between the Illinois
and Klamath rivers.
This section was the scene of rich
placer diggings in pioneer days, but
no ledges were ever uncovered.
A. L. Morris, secretary of the Ore
gon btate Miners association, ana a
considerable party left today for the
scene of the strike.
Another Sheep Slaughter.
Lewis and Clark.
On the 16th of June, 1804, Lewis
and Clark note in their journals that
"early this morning we joined the
camp of our nunters, who had pro
vided two bear and, two deer, and
then passing an island and a prairie
on the north covered with a species
cf timothy, made our way through
bad sand bars and a swift current, to
an encampment for the evening on
the north side, at ten miles distance.
The timber which we examined today
was not sufficiently strong for oars;
the mosquitos and ticks are exceed-1
ingly troublesome.
'On the 17th we set out early,
and having come to a convenient
place at one mile distant, for pro
curing timber and making oars, we
fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Hendrlck's Black, Opp. Depot
I. J. NORfiAN & Co. Prop.
V with erame. such as deer, elk and bear.
V The hunters brought in a fat horse
v which was probably lost by some war
party this being the crossing place
tr for the Sauks. Avauwavs. and the
Sioux in their incursions against the
T 0 sages.
The Southern Pacific
t and present it at Lewis Photograph Gallery and it will entitle yon to
- - . . . . . w-iTr-.T . . . t J ITLt
UINfc AINU uncnALT pnoios ai me price 01 ana uuzru. -turn
will apply on any size and style of picture we make. We guarantee satis
faction on all onr work or money refunded. This offer holds good until
August 1st. OVBnnz this adv. with you in order to secure the benefit
of this offer.
I n. 0. Lewis' Photo Gallery
Comer Cass and
Jackson Streets.
offers a reward of $500 for informat
ion that will lead to the discovery of
the person who placed a tie across
the track near Grants Pass on the
At Marsters' Drug Store
Of Superior Quality
Three War Vessels supposed to be the
Monitor Wyoming and the torpedo
boat destroyers Paul Jones and
- 1
Preble are anchored off Astoria. It
is supposed they are on their way to 1
Portland for the Fourth of July.
It is reported from Chicago from
reliable sources that an official an
nouncement will be made about June
18, placing A. L. Craig, general
passenger agent of the 0. R. & N..
in Portland, in charge of the South
ern Pacific lines in Oregon. The
passenger departments of the two
roads, it i3 understood, will be com
bined under Mr. Craig.
Here's the way the Ashland Tribune
tells how baseball games are con
ducted there: "The manner in which
the games are conducted is worthy
of mention. Spectators are kept off
the field entirely and no rowdyism or
profanity ib a allowed. Betting on
the game is prohibited on the grounds
and everything is orderly, so that no
lady need miss a good game of ball
for fear of ungentlemanly conduct on
the, part of Spectators."
How About Your Summer Vacation?
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : : : '
Newport on the Yaquina Bay ia the
deal seaside resort of the North Pacific
Coast. Round trip tickets at greatly re
duced rates on sale from all Southron
Pacific points in Oregon, on and after
June 1st. Ask Agents for farther infor
Imation and a handsomely illustrated
souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin
Stone. Manager O & E It. R.., Albany
Ore., or W. E. Coman, Q. P. A., 8. P.
Co.. Portland. 4 tf
NEW York, June 16. The loss of life by the
burning of the steamer General Slocuni, in the East
River yesterday, will approximate iooo. This esti
mate is based on the opinion of the Chief of the Fire
Department, of the Coroner's office and of the police.
At 2:0 o'clock this afternoon, 522 bodies had been re
covered, of which 155 had been identified. There were
reported missing 449 persons, and the hospital had 117
injured. Tho fact that 24 hours after the disaster
there are still missing nearly 500 persons warrants the
belief that the above estimate of the dead will be vei
fied, for the authorities have used every source at
their command to locate all who escaped
Mayor McClellau announced this afternoon that
he had decided to issue a proclamation asking for sub
scriptions for the burial of the dead and lor such other
immediate relief as could be rendered. He said he
would ask ten men of prominence to serve on a com
mittee to take charge of the fund.
New York, June 16. When the dread tale of the
General Slocum is fully told when the last blackened
body has been taken from the burned hulk and the
swift waters of Hell Gate give up their dead, the ca
tastrophe will take its place as the most appalling that
has ever occured in the inland waters of America.
Definite figures on the loss of life caunot yet be given.
That more than 600 persons perished is a horrible cer
tainty, but how much in excess of that number the to
tal will run will only be known when the "missing"
column is finished.
All during the night and through the early dawu
of today the sad work of exploring the Slocum hull
went on, and from dock to morgue the procession of
ambulances, each with its pitiful load, wound its way
from the river front to the morgue at the font of Twenty-sixth
street, until at noon, 504 bodies lay on the
slabs. In addition about 450 persons are reported as
missing. The Coroner's office, the Chief of the Fire
Department and the police agree in the estimate that
the total loss of life will closely approximate iooo.
Most of the bodies came from the wreck but the
night-long patrol of the waters of East River added its
ghastly quota.
There are many bodies still in tho hold of the
burned vessel, according to the divers and wreckers
and the river is looked to to complete the list. How
many preferred drowning to the agony of death by
fire and went over the rail never to rise again, during
the mad race of the vessel for the beach, may never be
known, for the treacherous waters of Hell Gate do not
willingly give up their victims.
Unlike the Iroquois Theater and other great ca
tastrophes of recent years, where the woe of the disas
ter had covered all parts of the land, the blow of the
Slocum's mortality falls practically upon one little
neighborhood of a great'eity.
St. Mark's parish, which furnished nearly every
victim, lies within ten crowded blocks of the middle
of the East Side, and there is today hardly a house
that is not one of mourning. The membership of the
little Lutheran church is practically German or of
German descent, and all of the comparatively well-to-do
The race of the burning steamer from the moment
the fire was discovered until her bows crashed on the
shelving beach of North Brothers Island lasted little
more than ten minutes, yet that time sufficed for deeds
of heroism whichjnake the one bright chapter in the
heart-rending story. Brave men, devoted mothers and
even maidens and youths of tender age each contribut
ed their part to the roll of heroic acts. There were
rescues in the face of almost certain death, and useless
.but exalted self-sacrifice.
The credit for the greatest saving of life is due to
the hardy tugboat men and other followers of the
river, who braved the flames and held the noses of
their boats against the fire-warped steamer until driv
(Continued on second page)
Primeville, Or., Juno 17. Conflict
ing range territory in Crook county
led to tho first open slaughter of
sheep last Monday, when masked men
shot and killed 65 head belonging to
Allie Jonas, a sheep owner residing
about 15 miles east of this city.
The killing occured on Mill creek in
the vicinity of the "dead lines," the
men threatening a greater slaughter
if the herds were not removed in
stantly from the district.
The sheep were in charge of one
herder who was taken unawares and
was unable to offer any resistance to
the attack. He was compelled to
stand quietly a short distance away,
guarded by one man, while the others
went about -their work. After
G5 of the band had been killed, the
herder was told to turn the remainder
back and keep them out of the terri
tory in which they had been found.
This first outbreak against the
sheep in this county recalls vividly
the wanton slaughter which has re
cently occurred in Lake county and
marks the first step in the range dif
ficulties which are likely to be en
countered here during the coming
season. The scene of the killing is
in the territory where an effort was
made a short time ago to establish
lines for the sheep and cattle.
Three weeks ago the district was
visited by a party of sheep owners
from Antelope and a meeting ar
ranged between them and the cattle
men in the southeastern part of the
county. The matter of ranging stock
in the Blue mountains was gone over
thoroughly but a decision relative to
the establishment of lines failed to
be reached. The sheeumen went
home and the slaughter this week is
the result of their futile efforts to
c ome to an understanding.
While it is not believed that open
hostilities will break out between the
sheepmen and cattle owners in this
territory during the summer ranging
months, it is asserted that an en
croachment upon this disputed region
by nomadic sheep will be the signal
for forcible resistance. The "dead
lines" of last year will be strictly en
forced, which means that stockmen
in the Blue mountains this year will
not be occupying a peaceable neighborhood.
The Scum of Northern Europe.
Owing to a fight between the
North Atlantic Conference and the
Cunard Steam Ship Company the rate
across the ocean for foreign immi
grants has been reduced to $9.50.
The result is that the scum of North
ern Europe will be unloaded at Castle
Garden. Most of the new arrivals
have only from fifty cents to $2.50 a
piece. Many not a penny. Not in
cluding those in the hospitals, Ellis
Island on the 15th had more than
1,000 immigrants detained for one
cause or another. The inspector re
ports that it will be almost impossible
to house all the immigrants who will
have to be detained if the rush con
tinues. It is probable that tents will
have to be pitched to shelter the de
tained cases. Commissioner Williams
has ordered that unusual care be ex
ercised in the examination of immi
grants now coming as a result of the
$9.60 rate.
London, June 16. The Tokio correspondent of.
the London Daily Chronicle cables that the Japanese
have defeated a force of 8000 Russians near Fouchou,
70 miles north of Port Arthur. The Russians are de
clared to have lost iooo killed and wounded, and fled -toward
Tashichias and Kaiping, retreating in great
disorder and leaving their guns in the field.
The Daily Chronicle's correspondent at Tokio ca
bles the same news, adding that the Russians to the
number of 7000 men, are now in full flight.
Tokio, June 16. Details obtained from the sur
vivors of the ill-fated Japanese transports show that
the Hitachi and the Sado met three Russian warships,
nearlki Island at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning
The Russians fired on the Japanese ships and stopped"'
them and soon afterward they torpedoed and sank, the
helpless transports. The transport Sado and, several
men were captured. Over 100 men escaped in boats -and
landed at Kokura.
Niu Chwang, June 17, 8:40 a. m. A report. has .
reached here that desperate fighting is in progress at
Port Arthur and that the Japanese have captured all
of the outer defenses,with the exception of the inner
line. The report is not confirmable, but comes from
native source.
The Third and Fourth Batteries of the First Bri
gade of Artillery were literally cut to pieces by the -fierce
shell fire of the Japanese and of their 16 guns -13
were so badly damaged as to be rendered utterly
worthless and were abandoned.
The other three guns, which were practically un
injured, were safely carried off after a display of her
ism on the part of the gunners seldom exceeded, in;,
modern warfare. They had no horses left, all of tier
animals having been killed early in the engagement,'
so the men took the harness of the dead brutes and,;,
fastening the straps about their own waists, saved ih
pieces by dragging them for a long distance up a slope
and finally getting them under cover of the main Rus- .
sian column, and bej-ond the reach of the enemy.
The Japanese loss, it is stated, will exceed 1800,
while the Russsian loss will be much less.
Word by Cable comes that the
bandit Raisuli has exaggerated his de
mands to a point where they have be-.
come rediculous. It is quite certain
that this government will not comply
with any of the demands relating to
itself and cannot consistently ask the
Sultan to do as the bandit asks.
that i'erdicans and variey are in
great danger is admitted but even
tneir lives are not regarded as
sufficient stake to warrant this Gov
ernment in establishing the danger
ous predent that would follow the
granting of the demands of the ban
dit as no American would be sate in
that locality thereafter. It is hoped
that Raisuli will be more reasonable
and perhaps free the captives when
he knows that his life will be de
manded by this Government as
ransom for theirs. Troops will be
landed and immediate action will be
taken by the United States.
Because it was shown that he bea
his Irish Setter in a shameful manner,
Mr. A. T. Thompson, of Portland, was
fined $50 Wednesday and consigned
to jail for ten days. Some people
are not competent to have tne re
sponsibility of dumb animals and an
example should be made more often
I of people who abuse the dumb brute
simply because the animal is at their
Dr. II. L. Studley, tho Osteopathic
Physician, ia a graduate of a Standard
School of Osteopathy. Consultation
free. All diseases yield adily to the
treatment. tf,
New Arrivals
Every day brings something now in Spring Goods. -
VIOLE the latest thing in dress goods for suits
Skirts and Waists.
Also the "Cotton Crepe" we are the only ones ia
the city who have imported this goods direct from
Japan. It comes in all colors and will sell for 20cts
per 3ard.
Douglas County Bank,
Established I883. Incorporated x&ex
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
A general banking business transacted, and customers gina a vary
accommodation consistent with safe and consermtiTe baakiaff.
Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three.
James Arrance
Is now prepared to do all kinds of machinistwdrk' 1
such as turning milling, drilling, grinding, bnffrl
ing and polishing. Saws gummed, knives ground,
shears ground, clippers ground on John Van Ben- "
schaten clipper grinder.