The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 16, 1904, Image 4

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    Leag Step in Right D rectlon.
Recently the state of Oblo entered up
on a commendable experiment in the
matter of restricting marriage. Under
the terma of a law passed at the recent
session of the Ohio legislature, appli
cants for Hcenee to wed must, upon ap
plying to the probate judge.-answer the
following questions:
Is either party a habitual drunkard?
Is either an epileptic?
Is either insane?
The Buekeye legislature might with
equal propriety hare added many more
questions to the list printed above. Im
proper marriages are responsible for
most of the misery of this world, and it
ia the duty of the framers of our state
laws to minimize the suffering which
follows the marriage of persons who
should not be allowed to wed.
Applicants for government positions,
and in many states for positions under
state, county or city must stand thor
ough examinations and prove them
selves fit to administer the duties of the
department in which they aspire to la
bor. Yet in the greatest department of
life, that of wedlock, persons are per
mitted to promiscuously marry, and
without resfraint to bring children into
the world who may be idiots, physical
or moral deformities. Astorian.
Ode To Douglas County.
Douglas county is bounded on the
west by Coos county and the Pacific
ocean. The population numbers 25.000
a substantial growth having been made
each year. Schools and churches, Ame
rica's eentmel costs, dot thn Inn!.
In every direction, adding materially to
the advantages offered to homeseekers
by this section, where with small capital
any industrions man can obtain a living
by aa little exertion as at any point on
Hemisphere. Here -the settler can avoid
me summer neat and the winter snow.
for under our bright sunshine the fruit
of the tropics ripen without the climatic
discomforts of the torrid zone. Here
the brown of our autumn hills and the
golden stubble of the after.harvest sea
.aoq are the only winter we know. Here
a spring-like Terdure is the harbinger of
the coming autumn season, when the
warm brown earth is turned by the plow
lor seed time, and spring, with its flow
era and ripening grain, is opulent with
the prophecy of hopeful industry. Here
nature haB wrought her best enchant
meat in sublimity of mountain heights,
the bold grandeur of cliffs, the peaceful
ness of the lovely valleys, and the splen
dor ol fertile canyons. All these are
but a tithe of the advantages offered bv
Douglas county. Intending settles
should consider them carefullv before
selecting a spot in which to locate their
Homes. blendale Kews.
United States Assay Office.
The shipping room of the United
States Assay Office at Washintrton dnr
- - . .
ZJT 'T611-91108 had
the aDDeAr&nrA nnH nntro f
Vt . .
ana Doys nave been busy
""'""li pacing into nttie kegs
hvmn-,,-" ' ' ,
ahined t ,, W "
www.ww u Kum uu ueeii nan ten nnn i
' "iv-c. xuc Krcuier
luuunnasoeenon account of the
payment 01 me i-rench Canal firanranv
, . - ... . j i
" " xauama ianai pro-1
rutrtv - fccr-- I
, ' lce 18 a cnnoue
jJuwjBjuiiui lurnaces and fceUlps fnrl
, . , .
ZZ ;Z Z -rZ Dg , 801d alyer
7-r 7 T r4e,ML8caie8 wmcn
are so delicately adjusted that thev can
. - - , . , -
weizh one-half of nn hnir rr a r.e I
. , T . - vmju n
neao. in its strong steel vaults are piles
ot gold and silver bars. The gold bars
"D'u fcwo Baea' me 8maer worth from
siootn irnn Banh u r i
-n;ni.- i - . .
mse in the arts and sciences; the larger
wun a value varying from f5,000 to f 8.
000, . used m exporUng the precious met-
. mo euiu ion
, " reuu!:
XirjrTS" A"D"
" " " wu,t,ra
hnt ft,o .u t. . '
. m0 uorujcuv oi ioren?n aems I
-uiMiunm tne journey
OPmOQ thA A tlnn. I 1 ... I
mucu greater than I
tne exchange on the gold bare. The
bars are so carefully packed that they
""viiCTa mm uui lltue 1083. In a
big shipment of gold this means much
r , - i
Gold bars were sent to Eurore hut
wt v.l . tin fw. nnn .
-v: , . '
HW Tiwv.wu. Aiuiinpri
cuiiuuieut. amountea lO iy.UOU.OO0 MnRt
of th int ivv. nnn" r .u T
fi !-?Cet!?5.,000'000of l.he JaPanee
tulo cuuntry will De expor-1
ted in cnlrl. Thn tt., kwiw
t. . . . '
vi iuo liuesian war loan to be sent ovpr.
Wrln7t,n0Veme f g,d
500.000. Th rr,v,i ; p..:. .n
a K t v ' U4UUU1PB Lll I I
000 of this money drew an immense
-- . , f , , . , "
consisted of 1,8 barreb or gold .carried
fn ff.nnmn.oncA fa;k4. I
..CJfiu. tarn.
A general summary of the rrnn rani... I
- X- " I
uuub ui uib state oy me climatA nnri
crop Service Weather Bureau for Tnes.l
day the 14th, is as follows: The week
has been dry and too cool for ranid
growth. Except in the coast conntip
and a few localities in thn Willamono
valley, rain is badly needed for late crops
iiui.uu iwuvj aiDucauijjg mce-1
y and promise god yields. Early
sown wheat, barley and oats are also do-
in? fairlv wpll.Tint lilAimin nt oil l.: i.. I
a j 1 6.aiuViaii&iiiUt
is making alow growth, and without
timely rains will give unusually light re-
turns. The nights have been too cool
for corn. Frosts occured on Hvri
mornings, but they did no harm emmi
east oflhe Cascades, where it is renort.
ea that tenner vegetables were killed in
few exposed localities. Havintr !. I
well started and the firpt rmn nf oUu I
has generally been secured, with yields
lU...n.fl.n n .... . 1 . , . I
- - t Miiaim I
uuio uuc oicjftKc, uui. uieaaow nayisl
not so promising, and a short crop is in
dicated nearly everywhere in the Wil
lamette valley and Eouthren Oregon
Pasturage continues cood on the
Stock is in fine condition, and the flow
of milk in the dairy districts is excellpnt
Hops, potatoes, field onions, sugar beete
and gardens are growing slowly, and
althonehinneedofrain. hav t ;
suffered seronsly for lack of moisture !?
Strawberries and cherries are ripe and
of excellent quality. Apples are doing
well, but pears, prunes and peaches ar
uneven, in some 'localities being good
and in others almost a failure.
A dispatch from Seattle, dated June
lst.eaya: "Today several Nome liners 1
tart on their first northward trip of the
season, and until the day of their depar-l
tnre owners bat'e been skirmishing I
accomodations are pretty well
accomodations are pretty wen taicen,
Knf nn tkn Imlf.rtnlrnn Mr. Oocaola Isnva 1
nn,f in iha naVt iroat nv lit Hn.a Vi n m I
port in the next week or 10 davs there
are scarcely more than 300 reservations
by workingmen going north to work in
the mines or at general labor. This is a
situation that was not thought possible
a few weeks aso All the oueratora are
aii ), n,.(nf. nrn
worried over the prospect that thev will
not have enough men in the vicinity
iNome to carry on the work they have
planned, so few are sailing. Last year
was not a good one for the workingmen
and they are going to the other parts of
Alaska instead of to the Behring sea
coast. The Tanaua, the Alseek diggings
Whitehorse, and the Klondike camps
are getting most of those who will seek
labor. The boats to southeastern Alaska
are filled to the limit every trip, and are
forced to turn away passengers. Many
operators are preparing to go north in
the next few days. The season promises
to be long and good, and they are cheer
ful, except at the prospect of a labor
shortage. Captains do not fear much
difficulty in entering Behring sea, as
they believe the icj will be pretty well
out by the time they reach there."
Professor Georce Davidson sends the
following: To obtain the San Franci. co
standard time of stated epochs at the
following places, snbstract the hour
and minutes opposite the name of each
Hrs. Min.
London 8:00
Paris 8:10
Rome 8:50
Vienna a:05
St. Petersburg 10:01
I Tokio . .
Chefoo 1G:0G
Shanghai 15:15
feking 15:50
Port Arthur 16:05
Vladivostok 16 :4S
Seoul 16:28
Moukden 16:14
Harbin 16:27
For example: If the report of a bat
tie should come from Tokio dated June
30th, 7 hours 30 minutes a. in., the San
Francisco time corresponding thereto
would be June 29th, 2 hours 11 minute.
p. m.
A Mormon tabernacle at L:i Grande
in this state, the finest onteide of Utah,
was dedicated Saturday, the occasion
being of the importance that President
mitu and Apostle toune came all the
way from Salt Lake to do the dedicatory
work How comes it? A Morni n col
ony has purchased laud andis extensive
ly engaged raising sugar beets for the
La Grande sugar refinery.
End Ol Minnesota's Forests.
The ninth annual report of the chief
forest fire warden of Minnesota contains
some information as to the condition of
of the forests of Minnesota, which should
be a warning to thouchtful people in the
umucr oaitai oi me necessity oi com-
Uencingtbeworkof reforesting More
I .....
.5 1 . ...
umoer siaies oi tne necessity of com
me umber has approached as near the
iine 0f absolute extinction as is the case
in Minnesota,
e snows that the amount of pine
i . - i ?n r
"sa tul ,u lue mlna ol -"'nnesote dur
,n, the- vr lPai in, o oivi Roa nnn f,..
U iiK.ri Mt;m.,.
1 U.M1UUM, J-t0 11Q ( cuia I 111 1111
L...j: - ....... . .. . I
outuuiuE uiiib in iinnesoia at Z3.uuu.UUU
ooo. feet. H the" mills wen all tn L-n
up their present rate of consumption
.i . . ..
iuc m me tunuini; pine in .tiinne
hota flt for I" U sawed with.
in the next thirteen years and the great
1 i "r .. h
luuiucuug luuutuj ui inai state would
. ..
oecome extinct.
Military Trouble At Eugene
The general mnrtn,,rt;.l .;i,
""v-" -uu
rpnorf in Rnrono Innl lfi f
w uugcuc Aprxi io, to luuuire in-
to differences existing in local military
circles, has handed down its findings in
the cases tried and the same were sub-
mltted to W Yn Saturday. Capt.
J-M-Willlamieut. Raymond Babb
and private Ora and Wade Wilson were
t. r j : ,
1UUUU 8u'"y m Pa" as cnargea, and
I, apt. Williams and Lient. W.lnn
' "
each sentenced, "to h Brp,lr r
manded in orders by the Commander
in Chief." Private Ora Wilson was fined
1,00 and ordered to be dishonorable
uiev-uttigcu. xrrivaie n aae vi son wa
iiftMJ..i...J.., .
discharged. Private Wade Wilson was
lu'w "uu erea w ""epriman
aj i
iu oiuer.
ti i. c.J: . .
mc.uu.BmiuiDgBareine nnaie to a
general all around row that occured
gome time atro in thfi E,,apn
. " -.-j
nK. I. , T . , ,
nucu we tnu unvsu were oraerea
W by Capt. Williams in answer one
nl ns J r tlV .
" i""ala UJttue "u tuning remarK
across the shoulders with his drawn
onu,u utucr pnvauj LOOK up Ihe
fight and Lent. Babb an officer of the
company to wh ch the WilBnn hnr. u
Ion Pen tnot their narf
nniet.nir tliA rnir nttomnfarl t.
-a - - r Hajv luoivau ui
1 O " w uic illC
men to a renei-al
A good hay farm in Yukon Valley is a
better paying proposition than an ordi
nary gold mine. This fact has been de-
monstrated by J. A. Rouse, a Diwnnn
freighter, who is farming a large tract of
J v-?cl 0kc, uu me trail
between. DawEon and the Duncan dis
tnct Stewart River. Last Fall Rouse
tint in an Immpnm nnonilin of Ann u...
-j.. ...j w nay ,
enab''ng him to bale more than 600 tons
thifl winter. Besides wintering his own
'arBfi herd of stock, he has had consider
able feed for sale, receiving 1:140 a tnn
At this price his croD was worth JS4.00rt
Rouse clears a profit of at least 100 ner
cenl Winter weather has not prevent-
ed continuous work. A crew of ten men
has been pmnlnuAl nnrl turn oir.mni.
,eama to collect the bales and carry
fkam n 1 . T T f
J " oiA-uiuio
ci" uhuhbi. nu enure crop was
cut with scythes and handled in a pri
mitive manner. lext season he will
Replace these methods with modern
farming implements.
Russian surgeons are Quoted as asser
ting that the small caliber bullets used
! lDe JaPaneBe nHes are Projectiles of a
hunane type: Since they drill neat holes
th? anaton,y and do not r or rend
")ei"88Ue8 "e case with the big
bulIeta m the earlier conflicts. The
fiame ru,e. do.abtleS8 ,,0,d8 Bood with re-
BPff.1 10 tle bullets used by the Czar's
fiace ihe' a,8 are PPPed
mm uiuucni weapons, ine mtie mis-
Sils which flv with snrll nrnfnpinn frnm
the magazine guns are deadly enouch
when thp.v hit n v;ta mnt wimn i,,.
strike elsewhere, the
chance of recovery if he has competent
medical attendance.
around for Bteerags paeiengera
At ttlO COlUffll OfetTOrl Statd NOrRlSl
D ClI DOl .
iMCommencBment w'k exerclrtS '
W,D " l-'uul "l "r'u"eu
""Pieiouaiy on Sunday morning Wi.
1,10 PeP'B OI o town an.i surrounui
country, and some from neighboring
" "
towns, gathered at the school building
w ui;ui t-iiu untxninuiuaiu somiuii in uv
delivered by Rev. Ora C. Wright, pas
tor of the First Baptist church of Eu
eene. The weather was all that could
be desired and every seat In the large
audience room was filled, even some
could not be accommodated with seats.
The school choir rendered a beautiful
selection, which was follow el by u solo
by Miss Leona Perkins, entitled, "He
Leadeth Mo." Altera r-ertpture read
ing and prayer by Rev. D C. Kellems,
of the Christian chim-h. PreBiilmii
Dempster introduced the -peaker, Rev
Wright. From his subject, "Making a
Life." a most excellent discourse was
delivered. The distinction between
making a life and making n living was
made at the outset of the .lidresa. V
have many examples of fortune build
ing, in a financial sense, but the same
were a dismal failure in the making of a
life; while on the other hand m.iny ex
cellent lives had been made in the en
tiro absence of anything like a financial
fortune. Thus the distinction.
The speaker sought to .specially im
press the younger people and hoped that
older ones might be ben fitted. Many
phapes ol character building were
touched upon but he urged all to have a
purpose to do some good in life if we
would succeed in "Making a Life." Af
ter the close many commendable words
were heard on the excellence of the ser
mon. The further programs of the week
were: Field Day Spcrts on Tuesday af
ternoon; Commencement proper on
Wednesday evening. Mrs. G. W.
Short assisted in the exercises.
Baptist Association.
The Annual Baptist A'focialion for
the Corvallis District convenes in this
city today and will be in session at the
Baptist Churcn the balance of the week
Following is the pr gram :
1 :30 Praise Service. Rev. S. A. Douj
2:00 Reading church letters, and
permanent organizition.
Announcement of visitors.
7-Ao Devotional exercises Rev.
S:00 Annual Sermon -Rev. J.
S:00-Devo:ioual Service. Rev. H. A
8:30 Report on Ars.vmtionnl Mis
sions, S. C. Miller.
9:15 Report on Convention Work
Rev. W. G. Miller.
10:00 Report on Home Missions
Rev. W. E. Thornton.
11 :45 Address on Evangelism, Dr
C. A. Wooddy.
1:30 Piaise Service, Rev. W. A.
! 2 :0T Report on Foreign MU.inn.
, n t
! Bf. J. W. Stockton.
o..i?.n -v- a it
---w u. i. i.u.anu n oni an
Lula Pickens and others
Appointment of Committees.
7 :45 Devotional Service, T.
8:00 Sermon, Rev. S. A. Douglas
80 Devotional Service, Rev. F. W.
9:00 Report on S. S., Hon. O.
9:45 Report of Special Committees
10:30 Doctrinal Sermon, Rev. J. C
11:20 Report on Temperance, Hat-
tie ilonan.
1:30 Praise Service, Rev. W. H
2:00 Report on Religions Literature,
Kev. J. C. Richardeon
Miscellaneous Business and Reports
7:45 Praise Service, Rev. W. A. Nos
8:00 Sermon, Rev. R. Lamar.
10:00 Sunday School, Hon. 0,
ll:00-Sermon, Rev. A. W. Rider
8:00 Sermon, Rev. L. W. Riley.
Gardiner Gazette.
The election passed off quietly and
everybody seems satisfied with results
Jonn ira himms, the chief butcher at
Reed's meat market, is keep busy these
uays cutting i-bone steaks.
Father Donnelly passed through
oarainer Monday on his way to Marsh
. . O "
held. He has been in New York for
several months.
Uapt. N. Cornwell's family arrive-)
from Berkeley, Cal., this week and are
stopping at the Hotel Perkins, where
they will remain for the summer.
O. W. Hughes, the blacksmith, had
the misfortune to cut his left hand
badly oue day this week while chonDlni?
wood, consequently the famaliar sound
of the village anvil was not heard this
A meeting of citizens was held at Odd
bellows hall Saturday night to discuss
tne celebration of Independence Dav
non. j. a. uray called the meetine to
t T T n ...
order and was elected chairman. On
motion, it was decided to celebrate in a
proper manner. The following commit
tee of five were elected and given power
to act in all matters pertaininz to the
celebration: A. F. Smith, chairmnn?
Louis Keymour, John Lyster. John Noel
and Frank Barnes. The chairman of
the committee was authorized to fill
any vacancy on the committee Every
body should co-operate and assist tho
committee prepare for a glorious Fourth
of July.
(ardiner is situated near the month
of the Umpqua river, 55 miles west of
the bonthern Pacific railroad, and is the
metropolis of a large and prosperous
ranching, dairying, lumbering and fiel-
line district, It U Douglas county's on.
ly seaport lowni ana nas a population
I nf infl I rlollv moll hlf otnno TtI
Inn Hid flrartnti find fl.ill Frkw t.. 1 1 1
on the Oregon and California railroad i
trl-weekly stage and mail from Floremo
0n the Siusluw; repair lino of echoon-
ers plying between it ami Sun Pedro,
Cal., engaged in thu lumber trado; good
school ; three churches; nine secret eo-
clolle 8.8aloon nntf brovver , ; H,lne 8,
Uo large general merchandise- stores;
shoe shop; drug store; large creamery;
hotel; restaurant; two tanneries, saw
mill with a daily capacity of 100,000
feet; good physicians, a weekly news
paper that publisher all the nt-wa of the
listrict and goes to any address in the
United States, Canada or Mexico for
f 1 60 a year.
Society Meetings..
F. A A. M. I.Hiuel LhiiIl-. V f.
llll-l" in-'Hiuu-H -in sHc.iiii
and I tirlli W1ip-iIhvi ..i ......
nonth J. T. Uridoks. v . vi
N. T. Jkwktt, Kcriary.
r. O. ELKS. K-wehnrg Lnii;e N
3-ti. Holds rfiiular coniirinnicu
lions t I O. O K. II-.H .... ,
nd fourth Thursdays tl each month.
11 member rtqiiHeted to attend reau
tarlv and all visiting brothe rs are cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Waits, E. R.
Roy McClallkn, Secretary.
O.N. G , moftti at Armorj Hall every
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt
O. F Phlletariao Lode a Ni. S.
Mw-te tn Oild FidlowV Ti-mple, cor
ner Jackson and f!sj truat nn
3tnrdaj evening ol each vn-t Mem
Oeri ol the order in wind standing art
invited to attpnd.
J. C. Twitches. l, N .
N.l J icwktt, ecr-ury.
ol P. Alpha Lodge No. 47 Mee-J
every etlneedny, iu I. 0 O. F
Hall a 7:20 n. m. Mnmtra i
good sUnding art. incited to attend.
Geo. W. Kimball, C. C.
Elmer Wimuerly, K. of R. A S.
1LAC CIRCLE. No 4 . Wouin ol
Woiorafl Me-tn oi- 2nd nd 4th
Thurs Ihtb of HtU'll Ki.infli a, Ih. 1
O. O. F. Hull. VieititiB uinnti-re in
noil an t'nc are invitisl tn a'txnd.
Minnie Jones. Guardian Neighbor.
I5ell Morian. Secretary.
Second an I Fourth Tliur.dtvg.
iheir rtk-i'ar intini.' nn ll
41 ill thir-l Tliiiruil.r. i
nonth Vii'inc ru-" lr- in f-x"1
itandi n nr rrpHif-,), :nv-t-.t i.. 4.
"nd. Mju ! Ka.-t. U . M.
Regina Ilatt, Sectctarj .
Camn No. 125 .Mt-ets At the Olo
Fallows" Hull ill K,vb.hur
drst Bnd third Momla- evening. Vlcit
in Dcigtihore a!w ot-lcim.
X. T. J ElfETT. C. 0.
J. A. Kcchanan. Cierk.
Triumphs of Modern Surgery,
Wonderful things are done for the hu
man body by surgery. Organs are ta
ken out and serapod and polished and
put back, or they may be removed en
tirely ; bones are spliced : nincF taLp thn
place ol diseased sections of vein ; anti
septic dressings are applied to wounds
bruises, burns and like injuries before
inflammation sets in, which causes them
to heal without maturation and in one
third the time required by the old treat
mem. unatntierlain's I'am Halm nets
on this same principle. It in an anti
septic and when applied to f uch injur
ies, causes them to heal very quickly.
It also allays the pain and soreness.
Keep a bottle of Pain Ralm in vour
home and it will save you time and mon
ey, not to mention the inconvenience
and sufferini: which such injuries entail
tor sale by A. C. Mareters A Co.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
wj sou mciuuing .May iu, iyui are re
quested to present the same at the
County Treasurer's office for payment as
interest will cease thereon after the date
of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Douclas Countv
Oregon, .May 23, 1901.
Geo. W. Dimmick.
41-8t Countv Treasurer
Baptist Association.
The annual meeting of the Corvallis
Baptist Association will convene witl
iuh uapusi cnurcn at Hoseburir. on
i. .. n . i . i
Thursday, June 16, 1904, at 10 o'clock
a. m. All the churches in the district
are urged to send full delegations of
messengers. T N Humphreys,
Thrown From a Wagon.
Mr. George K. Babcork was thrown
from his wagon and severely bruised
He applied Chamberlain's Pain .Balm
freely and says it is the best linimen
he ever used. Mr. Babcock ia a well
known citizen of North Plain. Conn
There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for
sprains and bruises. It will effect a cure
in one third the time required by any
treatment. For sale bv A. C. Mnn-tprs
Baptist Association to meet
At Roseburg.
The Corvallis Baptist Association wil
meet at Rosebure Orecon. on Thurmlav.
June 16. 1904, at 10:n0 a. in., with the
Roseburg church. Reduced rates will
be granted by the S. P. Co.. provided 25
or more tickets are sold. Tho brethren
attending the Association nro requested
to obtain certificates from their ticket
agents. These, when countersigned bv
the clerk of tho Association, enfitlii
them to return tickets at K of the full
fare. An interesting meeting is antici
pated, and it is hoped that the churches
will be fully repesented.
T. N. Humphreys.
Clerk of Assn.
Still In Business.
W. E. Clingenpeel, the jeweller, in still
in business nt the Burr Music Hour.
fully equipped to do all kinds of wateh.
clock and jewelry repairing. His work
is all done promptly and is fully guaran
teed. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 42 tf
The Fair Route
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Louis, is the one that gives you the nmt
for your money, and the fact that tl.i'
passed service via these points to the
WORLD'S FAIR, and in this connec
tion to all points beyond, makes it to
your advantago, in case you contemplate
a trip to any (mint east, to write us be
fore making final arrangements.
We can offer the choice of at least a
dozen different routea.
B. H. TnuMitULL.
Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson F. & P A.,
Room 1, Colman Bldg., Seattle. Wash.
Coriolon 51179
The Imported Percheon
"Coriolan" belonging to F.
B. Waite will make the sea
son at the Empire Live ry
Stable of Kelly & Banks.
Every body is invited to call
and see this elegant stallion
and get prices and terms.
His weight is I7OO pounds
color black and his cost was
He was receutl imported
from France and his full ped
igree is on exhibition ;.t il;..
above named Livcrv Stn'.-.
Abstract of Title to Deeded l.and.
Hpers prepared for filing on Govern
uirui utuu.
Blue Points of Township Map showing
an vacant
Architect. AlKtr.ictT.
Claris nnd list I mates forall Build
Special designs for Office Fixture
ltSif in new Hank Building. 'Phone I1F
Notice for Publication.
C. S. Land OOr. RcucMirx re .
V . p.. l. "V
wlthtbr iTOTiikni ol lt et ot Concrri ol
Jane 1. tntltlis! "An fnr tv. ..v. .1
Umber Uix!i in lie 5iutioI California. Orefon
d to all It public land !! bl act ot A a suit
1 lfetr
Vam f ' n k. 1 1.
il Roeburjt. rountv ot I-iKt. .utp of Oie
on. nai iht? i1r fttctl ia -hsoffi.-c bcr nr
V- u-r'h. at qianrr ot ttic omhro.l oe le.
viemrui 'otivii.riv imrch-fe it ib !
of M'cilon li
l-t.n Ipsa uln ranee . w.
and w ai offer proof to thow that lb land aoafbl
.,..v . ..u.uic iu: iu iimuer or iiona lLn
rnr r-r.itiT...T .. . . ... . . .
. l?n lb RSlr and RclTr ot iMi
flic of RoMbnrr. On no.
on rur-lai. lh-Jl.l dr of Mar. 1SOI ;h
aame iiu ei: Blward H !nox. Gcor
r S i o 01 KO-'u. Oregon, sm
lnr.i.l.ll.u...l.i-i . . ..
AToxe de'TlbeJ Un t are rmut-.tcl to file
Ihelr rial ma In 1 i 1 Am . . . . ....
. 111 , ' ' ." u uu ui ic iui c raia Jill
J.T. Beidoh. RcgUKr.
Notice for Publicatiou
rnltt.J Sute Land nmce.
llfVIKnM Omah 1 1 . .v.
" ' " v. . v .... , n iii. ij.
otlca ti terahj jlTtn tbal te compltanoa
wun tne DroTlilom ai th art nt rv.n....
J,Bns- ".entitled "An acl for tbe tale ot
:: ' aiaieioi Laii;ornia,orcon
t a ITI V r T T Pfnntt
f A rwnl tt'a.h ....n.-i -k. II. ....
AsblDeln.hAKfhUt1rtT fllel in ihU office hi
" ...rinilWrlM.Mt, 1 or ine parca ol
ind will olferproor lo ihow that the UndGJrM
U more Taluable for iu tlrnU or ttone than
.?r.S c"UurJ parpowa, an3o eataUith hU
llAim tfore the Kceiiter at
Ulca offioMburr.Orcffon.
w.At .aAV
on TburKlar. ihe 7'h il.T of Jul v. lscu Hi.
- witnorra: Bernard Krakenberxer. of Hoe
liiinr Alt.u.1 ft v. .. 1 .1. t . . ... .
iL" t7lEn,,"liyre.. W. II. McCMven.ot
""11 "Id
claims In (Ms office on or brio re the ii. 7lu
Kc Inter
Of course everr one knew when they
cuKdgcu sou ctcij- one preienaea to
DC auroriiied when
they heard it was
suaaeniy Droken
oH It was first said
she had kmten it
ofl, then that his
neair nad changed
but finally fthe rTin
fesaed that she had
been so irritable, so
depressed and blue
that the had fairly
ariTen mm away.
Her Rood looks were
vanishing". She was
Benin? nun, pale
and hn11nnr.rlif.V
ed, with dark circles
around her eyea.
Suddentv nit mpi.t.
J ... . .-w.v.j
was pleased again to
near 01 me engage
ment beln? renew.
ed, and it was not
lonu Del ore a beau-
tiful and radiant
bride was taken to
. .I. oi.. 1
, . ... "c 011c nau
recr4inH Tier crnnH InnV. 1. .- f.. . t
- ,UVBOi ti luiuicr nappy
" " ........ n, Hc .it iniouRa a
secret a friend pive her. A few bottles of
ui. ricicc i-avonic rrescripiion Is what In-n w T . t " 1 . .
uqjjjj unu a raainni
bride more beautiful than she had ever ii ui tt mitu oi a century
of remarkable nnd uniform cure, a record
such as no other remedy for the diseases
and vnl'ttcaei nii1in n
TJ , r, .,1 i. r. V. .. .1... r
I. i v--- j'v"4i iu numcn ever
attained, the proprietors and makers of
T uiic x icscripuon now icci
111 11 v u.nrratitfrl tn . .
legal money of the United States, for any
case of Leucorrhea. Female WrnL-nru
Prolapsus or Fallinc of Womb which thev
cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of their means of cure.
write ; rtor nerIy two years I was a creat
iifft-t-fr with tilrvrfitln mA .t. .
womb, also suffered severely with dyspepsia ond
'- " "" i uuciorca ior
everal years ; got no better, until about seven
mmilh. nnn I liMT.n I.Uh. . Tl.' I f.
Tr.f-r) r.t tn.. a ti A 111...,,, n.11... .
on my feet and work hard all day.. I feel that life
ia now worth living, and shall ever feel grateful
to you and shall always recommend your mtdl
due to all who are luffcriag- ia any way.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offlco ttoiebmg Oregon, May IS, 1901.
ffntlce li horeby given tha.thefo lowinir
named .ottterhaa tiled nitlco of bis Intention
to make rtnal pfiof In his cUlra, and
tha- mid pr.Mif will be mde before the neKln
terand llecclvcr U. H. UnilOfTi-i t K-ituburK,
r-Kii, mi Mo'iiUy, June Z7, IIMI, vlu
William II. Ilnnitr,
nn 11. K 'JWS, for Ihu A'4 HW'i, SW'j HWU.
HJf HWK aw h, Tp. 26 1, Tc, H W 4 A
He names !h fnlIowlnK Hllnfmies to prove
his cnnliiiiious re-iilence upmi and ciiltlvntlon
of ald Unn. viz: A. O. Ko.e, Win. I. Lnniler
and i'.h- les Tlmm, all of How; -urg, Oreitnli.
and M. K alUhan, of Wrlioii, Oretcnn.
40-Ow-jkI J. t. ltHllwua. lU'Kl t.-r.
Administrator's Noticf.
In fdiinty Court of State of Oregon for
Donglak County,
In the matter of the estate of John II Shur,
Notice la hereby gli en that the underelicned.
by order of abov iiameil Court, nmde and
entered in the Journal of ald Court ou April
Villi, lil, w aripolutcl admlulatrator of the
aliove-immid estate.
All ktwi. bavliu rlim Kald .nttt
are reipu'steil uiii.etenttheMme.duiy vertned,
within .U months frnm n le f til. notice, ai.d
all IH.TXHIH lmlvtiied In tald elte urn it'otimt
ol to mate Imint-llatc payment tn the undcr
iRneil.athln ollloe, Uuvlew building, Kiim-.
buig, Oregou
Ualed this 12th day of tnrll, 1'jOI
I. C. Fulleeto.s, A lm.nKtrntor.
Sealed bids will be received for the
keeping of the following ferries at the
September term of the County Court,
to-wit, on the 0th day of September
1WM at 1 o'clock p. m. :
Sinith'i) Ferry, Dimmick'fe Lone Hock
Fern- and J. A. Sawyer's Ferry, bids t
bo given with or without equipment
Bonds will be required of the Huccentful
bidder. The Court reserve the right to
eject any and all bids.
37 tf Countv Judge.
Wood Wanted on Subscription.
Those wifliin to jkiv tip their t-ub
ecripiion to the Plai.nkki.ek and not
having the cash, but having wood, ue
are willinj: 10 make the exrlMiiire and
receive wood on Mibtcrijitinn &t the reg
ular market price. We w ill accept both
stove ami heater wood.
I'l-mndealkk In. Co.
iMohair Wanted.
It will pay you to tee ii- l y
ell yoir itioituir.
a 11
Knife A New land.
re" ! rxcw-Tfi: to ills w.. U's f-.
I- I .n 1 C ..j. (irrni I
w.lh ihf li.-srouri P.. 1:
4 serk i tj IVr-onjlIr Ctid 1
1 ly
i-iong Ui tlie WmW- F.iir .j in
rile.-" 1-Xi-nr-i.Kii- will run : n. un . tn
IMii- nitbunt change o mr.. ii-.ii.:.
-Imrt -lops at p.' 1 - ..,i r--The
fir-t of tlni-v Ex-'iir-i'isf ,r ii
Portland June 7th, and ll- I . .
17th. The rate from Kof'-iirj
VbA't to St. !-ooi ami reti.n . I.s
sionifts vina im the l-i -r A Ki
Grarxle hare ihe privihe .-f n-t-i-Mi ,j
via a dinVrnl route. TUn i n. -t
pli-mit way, s well as tli t i -lihtlul
ntute, to cro tin c : tii.irtr
I he s op armtnre-l give an ( r: ;i h v
ol viMttnu the van .us tltF ,f n,t
in and air .111 Salt Lake in . Dri.w
-.1 .1
KaiiMi? City. If vm wi-h ti.tM nil- nv
one of tln-rf exi-ur-kms wril- at 0 .1 1
W. C. M. Brkl. 124 Third im-!,
land, f'-r sltepin car reerv. i , s.
j a r"pareil to wait upon old
. and newcuetomereand friends
. with a fnll and complete
' etocl. of
r All freih and of the very best
t quality. Teas as J eolith's are
i ppeciilties Your patronage
. solicited.
r. r V
H. Little, s
Oregon, j
Of ever' desoriytion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Title (juaran tee & Loan Lo.
0. Himi.TOH,
D C HanaiTiK.
Sccj. and Trc
IM.. I n 1 1. . 1 1 r. .L
umj iu tur irtjun iiiiu'li. nitre wenmjcoi
1 ui " fl.ltl (HKJl in LMUC1H 4 U
abttneuaud CcrtiQcatc ot Title furolth-d -
vusiwivuuuij iiuu tuu oiimu cmiia. lift
Oo complete ctoI Trmcltin o ill town.n-
Uti In the Kmetmre. Orwra, U. tf. Uud rti"
let. Will make blue prtnl copies of ui town
ship. Are You Going to St. Louis?
If so call for vour tickets via th
ROCK ISLAND &YSTE.M. the lino hav
ing Terminal at entrauee Fair Grounds.
Round trip rate $07 60. Hood forninotr
days from date of sale. Choice routes
uoinR and returiiinK via St. Iau Den.
ver, Colorado Springs, Pneble or El
Paso. Mop over permitted in both
Dates of Sale: Juno 7th. 10th. 17th.
18th, July 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Am:. S'h. Hth.
S. pt. 5th, Oth, 7th, Oct. 3rd, -1th 5th.
On above dates rate of $72.50 will be
made to Chicago and return.
For further information and sWimm
1 -- r
car reservations Kill upon or addrers,
A. II. cDona D,
General Anent.
140 Thin! St., Portland, Oregon.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Better tlnn a Doctor's
Mrs. J. W. Turner, of Truhart. Vn..
eays that Chamberlain's Stouiuch und
Liver TaMeta have done, him inoro lmxmI
than ntiything hu could gut from thu
doctor. If any physician in this euun
try wan able to compound a iiiediriue
that would produce such gratifying
results in cakua of stumarh tnnililci,
liilioiifiu'Pa or const inat inn. his
time would be used in preparim; ihif
one mcilicino. 'For sale, bv A. C. Mar-
ters & Co.
FNVEH Pro u u
lioIforSt. Louis and the World's Fair
Nattire' Art Gallery of the Rockies In addition to the at
trartiona at St. Iuts. Thin can only be don hv iuitri or
returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE OKH) "
Write for iilti.-trated liooklet of Colorado's famous eights ami resorts
VV. C. flcBRIDE, Genera! Agent,
124 Tlilrd Slrett
We will pay the highest cash price for Hides, - .
green or dry, PelLs ,goat skius, fur, iro.n .
brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots it shoe .
Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture
When you
you are there.
The Rock Island System
has an enormous advantage
over other western railroads
in the fact that its Chicago
terminal the La Salle Street
Station is the only railroad
station on the Elevated loop.
It a located ta liic hart c Chiaro
cd? 1 Heck from lie Baud of Triir;
two btadcj from tie Poc OrScr; wiiua
eajjr wiScki; ijwnnce ot tie priac-pii
cKetsa, hettk iad sora.
The tniru of aB Chicjja'i cimtrd
niroi.ii pan itl coon acd rati jou
oiiJCtlj fori Srnt are
to xaj pirt of the dtr.
Tkrre routrt East nt
DeaTer.OisiluiaJSt. PadL
Cant Act-,
140 Third
Ppofesslonal Cards.
Coart Hoqk
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0. Rossbobu,
'Phone Main 591. Orgoon.
JJR. W. H. DARBY, I). M. D.
OtTice in the Abraham Building
(Ot or ihe office in the dee tere
tufore eecttpM t.r nr. J. R, Chst-rata
Rofeburg, Oregon
Physcian & Sureeon.
Oaice Keriew tua., Mln 11
ttTw Sultillnp,
Telephoac So. 4.
korpru. .ts.u.
.M. Crawfokd . J. O. Watso.v
Attornejs it Law,
Rooms it, Baak 8uii.t., RvMRBURU, .
,tF"BulneBsbeloreth n S LandOSceand
mining cate a ipecialtr.
WU- practice In all the Slate and Federal Count
Otllre In Marku" BWk.. RoseburK. Orcson.
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Pohllc.
Collections a Specialty.
Rnom H
Mantir Bu.Min
Osteopathic Physician
A driietiKA mMh.i.1 nr i...tuA .11 .11 .
rciO' il tn the troilmcnl Uniaultatlott fre.
Oihce ovr the Pot uitlce. Vh -ne Ko. lull
ll.inn.vlt) 2 A. 2ti(kl M. II. I), liraves placo. I'houo So..l!EM
lloiilth t uuwrned by conimon setiee
prun iples, thus O-iteopathy in ttonular :
its cures permaneut.
i SiiiRli.:'i 'S SALH.
1 iBllwiimm &mn otUe :UK ef Oreron
, for D.1 t'oaalT. .
. H Wolimber. ftJnlsMnt ir ntl
Cbkdvtek. hn wile lelea!aB I
Jolelf iH-rebt sitrn lh.c by rtmie rf n
eo'loa mmi -rderor ttle -tali mil of
the boy- Bimil eoan ! na mt lb 31ft
dj- ot Mt. imm, a a a JidnMi aa.l dxe
duly rvrnl. rwt aa4erwl IB aM eeart aaj
we es be IT hvw V j. Wm. fer tertb
1 .wB"rJK",f 10 Tor tbesbnnre sDed
, - ... ne KoaTe 3imi thMra-
oni. ,.d ,e BM lb hetetntiVT aenttoned
j awl J-vnbr.t rattcsW w.,o rir for rb ,m
ol Thlrir-..Be TbBnd Six Huixtrr-t xmO.
T?: ,,, -'Trr.tT-ea h lwlrrJ h
tHl.Si.77) rvM .r?. with ate est iher-a l
' trV1"L.Sfr.t Prnnam from tbe SMb
drf April d. u-e (qtner son f Fire
Hundre.1 if.) Doll.r. .timers fees .vV?
. f!.1 "l 1 oa mrdT. Ihe Son dy of
jJulr l.mtofoVUtp.a of MM dr; at
. the coort tmv front door. In Rrearjr. Dm-
the hlenet bxt-'er for cash la had. all th
right. UMe ajhl interest, which the aM deten
' fttHJ1 t,,hot oeBi hw.1 on theSOsh dar ot
St30.1? ,T' 11- ?r l la'' Uue hea'ter in or to
the fU .flr.n Jevc-iUd real pr-penr to-wif
The i nitre ft.nai on 0. i,c
laioantT M.ieoi O-wron. s hawn npon th
maps plats mljuneT,ot tbe land offlce at
kc bo nr. Orcoa. ami f.r arhteh a paleitwas
JduIvUwirJ.dattheUthd.y ol July . d
' ?.K .flul. ,rom inrtr et..n
j post on the line heiween section 6 and 7 in
, lownthlpan. fonthnf iane S we-t and rnn-
.?II?L14 P' nt cr. S chain., th-uee
-orth 115 rhaiHs. theno t lit K Hnk.
. v . . imiD.x ease
,?39liril'D',otl,ef,ce',0,?st n'n- e ntala
1 Ins SS2 acres. s-Te and except .0' acres more o
1 !, ionne.-lTctnreeit to Haas WVarer. oat nf
Irina fA.l.l . a. - a , . . . .
which are hercbTconrMmj
AUo the f llowlne des:rired premises, lo-wit:
I I-otore and two and ite west hall of the
the wuihet iur(er . faction illr. tonhip
S3 Vinih or rane 5 wjt, and the nriheat
quarterot ihennitheant qnaiter of section 13
in tOMrn.hipS math oi ranm6w.$L la the dis
trict of nd subj cttoaIe at Rieburr. Ore
pm.contalnlBgui acre and TJ hundredths ot
an acre
Also the followln? described pretakes, to-
Ujts one. two and ihree of section 6 tn fwn
hlpsosoiuhofianseiwe,tntae district of
tafnbi? Vcre?. " Ro,ekorifl. n-
Al.-o the following describeil prw.Is. to-wit
AnundlvHcrinne-bait ot the p.-xlj de-
yribvil follow;.
BcKinn'ntap'lnta28ch4ln sonth ami"
. . - ....... ,Mlr vvuiri tt KQUPua
I seven el. ht, arwntecn and eighteen, la town-
,sW..a9 s mi o' raime 4 west and nimiins
I thence north -10 chains, tet. 79S55.chalal:
h lice south 40 chain, and thuceatl Z
chains to ihe Hare o beinnloif tn the. m
j - . ... ... Hyp. in
K? ctm 'hl" !9-o acre .-Ata amt bxcJta !
Han"vavererUSS' kam"t xt. .
Alw u.e 'oj owlnc describett pre'micsf to"lt;
the nnrthwe.i ufiarter of ihe oanrter
01 section twelve and Ints one and .tan. ,,t s-
SSSVKS-'fi: ".'? :"- ?'?
wuuii, urrs 11. cntuaiutn
i acres more orkM aud all the! UirJs nd
Douglas Count;, State of Oregon, ntethor-with
the tenements, hc-tdltaments an ppnrioH.
ances theroenti. belouglmt t In" antwt.
Jitriainiiiirand H a(.piy of such
sale firs to ih i .miJ.,, .
Mlo ami tho sumo- .V0.i atMtueys fe. ndf
theumoll.KTT diiH-ih .if....rt S.V ..f
teresi thereo . a' the r-te ot lu ivT cent rwraul
Mim from the anh day ot April 110? d ?? -.frcr..t.
I. a..- .here 'e. t wfil,' , ,he ,W
de,nd;ms.abyonlcrotsHl o-ur", in lU
ex u iou to nieHlrocted and tUlvere.!
pruprriy lu the wymer VMrHcl b) lawT
n.ted this SUt day ot Slav, oi. '
SherifrorDoagiaHCmmiy Orcggn.
shell,. Buy 'tliem af tl. 'pf; nT:.....
'corner, Lane and Tine streets. tu 5