The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 16, 1904, Image 3

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    T ' i
Its the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Soring goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their
quality. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for
you to give us the opportunity.
Note that our clothing 6ts well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are
nobby and pretty, our Shoes are staunch and comfortable, our Hats are stylish
and shapely, our Furnishings are new and nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty
and cheap in price.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop. One Door Southof P. O.
Cor. Washington
and Main Street
Mrs. Belle Collins
United 8tit t Land OOc .
Boiebunr Oregon, June In isoi
AtnfieleLtcooicsraffidaTU b Ting ben filed
In this office bvWJl lam A. Spnurue. hioUi ant.
asvltmr Homestead ente J Xo 10057. ma Ik June
2S. lor nK .w. eJ4 ec 3. tp. SS a
rSw by Jew V ratio, con letter, jn which
It li aliased that Jeste Wbl lnw Is dead. hav
ing been oea.1 about two ean; that nn of
hit fcetrr, II he ba any inch heirs, hare en
tered U' on, or In any manner rulilvatKl the
la-d unbraced In his aald c laim: that the said
claims u wh lly abandoned raid parties are
hereby o Ifled o aj pear, respond and off r
evidence tonchlne a:d all-ailon at 10 o'. lock
a. m on July 1.', 1904, before the &-giter and
Reciter at the United States Laud Office In
Kosebure Oregon.
Theniiii contestant having. In a proper affl
davl ,-tileJ Ja. e 0.1, oet Inrth IcU which
show hat aiterdne .lligence personal service
of this n tlce ca not be made, it is hsreby
oidrred and directed that such notice be given
by doe and proper publication.
Vol tf-6w-r4 Kecrfvvr.
State or Ohio, Crrr of Toledo, )
Locai Cocstt. f
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be
is aesior partner of the firm of F. J.
Chepey & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
find that said firm will pay the turn of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cored by the use of Hull's Catarrh
Sworn to before rae and subscribed to
in my presence, this flth day of Decem
ber,:iSa. (Seal.) A. W. GLEA80JJ,
NOTABr I'dexic.
Hall's Catarrh Care u taken internal
ly, and acts direrty 00. the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold "by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family PiLs for constipation
Of Local Interest.
Dr. Cbeadle Dentist.
There will be fresh salt-rising bread at
I. J. Norman's every afternoon this
week. tf.
If yon want good work done, try the
Roseburg achine Shop, corner Wash
ington and Kane St.
Miss Dora Grifiths left Wednesday
evening for Grants Pass to visit for a
short time with friends.
For sick headche take Chamberl.iin'e
Stomach and I iver Tabletes and a quick
cure is certain. For s!e by A. C. Mar
sters & Co.
Thos. Bank', an oi l pinner resident
of Oakland, is visiting in this city with
his son John Banks of the Empire
Livery Mable.
H. W. Coe, representing The Irwin
Hodson Co., h shaking I auds with
friends here and incidental:- taking a
few orders for the housa.
Hundreds of tons of h.iy is down in
the vicipity of Roseburg aud the weather
for curing it is simply r'i-t The hay
crop is abundant and t:e ti l.ilry will be
The crop of strawberries is about ex
hausted and many gardens in this
vicinity have derived handsome returns
from their sales, bat there is a scarcity
of the late varieties which would ju-t at
present be in demand at a good price.
E. H. Lenox, Recorder of Roseburg
Lo-dge No. 16, A. O. U. W., received
.'uesday a warrant for $1000 from the
Grand Recorder, in payment of the
policy in that order held by the late
Edmond Millman, who died at Reston
several treks ago. The insurance is
made payabls to his mother, Mrs. Eva
Dr's. Cheadlo and Johnson, the
dentists who, since Mr. Johnson's resi
dence hem have been associated together
I)r Cbeadle Dentist.
Log Cabin Creams at Currier's.
Wood for sale. Leave order with J. F.
Barker. tf
Jeptha Green, of Dillard, is in the
city attending the carnival.
Grace Fryer, of Gr.mts Pass is visiting
Miss Ruby Thomas, of this city.
Furnished hoii-e for rent. Inquire of
It. R. Johnson, Marks building.
B. F. Pilkinuton and family, of Oak
land, are attending the ruiint.
John Porto", of Camas Valley is at
tending to business matters in the city
If it is a "Floral" it is the latest and it
can be had at Stratfords gallery only
If you want to buy Angora tioats call
on or address L. A. Marsicrs. Cleveland
Ore. VtTt t pd
Miss Vera Byars, of Salem, i visiting
her brother C. L. R -e.l and family of
this city.
If you want mats cut in all the late
styles, ovals, circles, etc., go to Graves'
Art Emporium. 4G-tf
Our popular music dealer, Mr. W. A.
Burr, is quite sick with erysipelas of the
face, head and throat.
Tf yon want grinding done, call at the
Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ing and Kane St.
Cooperative Dentistry Dr. W. H.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations frte.
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Author Bogartl of Millwood" was In
Hosebtirg this Week.
George Tumor of Gardiner is register
id at the Uosubtlrg House.
Attorney A N. Oreutt is registered at
Hotel Portland on the 14th.
Mrs Amanda Whitney left for Port
land Wednesday, to visit relatives.
fi... .1. Powers of West Fork is
:egistered at the Roseburg House.
John Alexander -and wife of Glide
were in this city 011 business today.
For all the lato fads in fancy work,
stamping done to order, go to the Art
Emporium. t-t
D. C. .vicWilliams left this morning
for a ten dava business visit to I'ortlanil
and Eastern Oregon.
A. S. Ireland, the timber warden left
tbis morning for Cottage Grove and the
Bohemia country.
Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. II,
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Diseard artificial methods of treat
ment and try Osteopathy, natures euro.
It hever disappoint. 3lKf
Co-onerativo Dentistry Dr. W. 11.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. 4ti-tf
If you want Machine work done cab
at the Boseburg Machine Shop, corner
ashiugton and Kane St.
Wui. Ford of Millwood and 1. D,
Walker of Dillard were registered at the
Roseburg House this week.
Judge M. D. Thompson is busily en
gaged in abstracting the ;it Handing
warrants of Douglas County.
Miss Jessie Bowen uho has been visit
ing Mrs. Kaiherine Waid at Yieka,
Cat., returned home Wednesday evening.
Arthur Cometrys, of Salem, and .Vbert
Gillette of Eugene, S. P. telegraph
operators, are in this city on business
before the U. -y. laud o lice.
Invitation has been received by our
townsman, Simon Caro, to the marriage
of his niece. Miss Hazel Cam, to Mr.
Maurice Goodstein, at San Fram isco.
Miss Nellie Whipple, of Drain, who
has been visiting the familv of F II
Rogers, of this city, for the past two
weeks, returned home Welnesd.iy morning.
Col. Bryan says he ha-" always been
honest with the K-ople, an exchange
says the vote cast the last time Mr. Bry
an ran for president shows that the
people were honest with him.
C P. Barnard is h iving an addition
built on the livery stable on Rose and
Washington streets, it being vcy neoes-
sary to handle the increased patronage
j of that Stable siuce Mr. Barnard" man
I agement.
Sockless Jerry Simpson and Mary
1 Elleu Lease have both declared their
' intention to return to Kansas. Sow all
' the Kansans need to remind them of old
Dr. Little and wife of Oakland were in
this city Wednesday attending the j times is a grasshopper scourge,
funeral of Mrs. A. Mahoney. F Lonc; anJ sonit tho harne3 mak
You probably never saw folder photo: ers, i .form us that owing to the leuher
at less than fS.OO per dozen they are ' workers' strike in Portland, Sacramento
N.Oii and up at Stratfords. See them. I and San Francisco, they are uuable to
. 1 n t . . get suppliei fir several I.fgtf orders
Z. L. Dimmick, G. J. Stearns, . L. . . , . ' , . , .
t, 1 , 0 1 1 p. r n 1 1 ; hich they have lately received.
Bogard and Ralph Stearns of Oakland, I
attended the funeral of Mrs. A Ma-! Walter Joeeplieon has just received
honev in this cit v Wednesday. ' bw motor-cycle from San Francis-.
This niHchine is one of the finest on the
Grave"' Art Emporium is now open to iu built esecillv for icing
the public Everything in the line ot j alHl ls ar d verv lljgll "Dllrim. tbw
Art, lanry wor,:. pyrngrarmy. ami puo- ; mot(jr cvc,e raCt;, jn California 1
SGeo, Wilson o( MclrosQ was in this
city this Week.
James Laird of Sltktim is registered
at tho Roseburg House.
Win. Ford and A. Bogard of Millwood
are viewing the carnival t day.
F. J. Williams, tho Wilbur merchant
was in this city on business today.
Letta Cooper and Mary Downing of
Ashland are registered at tho Roseburg
M. F. Callahan of Wardton and F.
Forlin of Coles Valley were carnival vis
itors this week.
Hon. J. T. Bridges and O. P. Coshow
are in Portland attending the Grand
Lodge of Masons.
.Mrs. Charles Medley of Oakland was
111 this city Wednesday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. A. .viahouey.
Miss Kate Fullerton loft this morn
ing for Seattle, Bremiugtou and Port
land for a month's visit with friends.
Miss .Mae Fisher has returned home
from a visit with relatives in Idabo.
She was accompanied by Mrs. Cbas.
Fisher of Boise, Who Will Visit here for
11 limo with her muiiier, .Mrs. Owens.
Salzuiau and Beard have let the con
tract lor the Liui.diug of tneir 4ux(0 feet
brick two story building on o.icksoii
olreel oposUe tlie armory, to Contract
or r. K t-uUersou. Tne buiidiug will
uu tin up to dale store, two story hlgli
with two store rooms belov.-
Elbert Hermann arrived in this city
last evening trom Washington, I). 0.
He was accompanied as lar as Portlam!
by nis motiier ami sister, Mrs. H. P.
uatley, where they were met by .Mr.
Hermann, Mrs. Hermann and Mrs. Gat-
ley remaining over in Portland a day to
oe accompanied home by .ir. Hermann.
rbey will arrive here tbis evening.
As an example ot line mechanical
:ibility tlie cripple's tricycle which hat-
just been built throughout by U ill
odson at the bicycle repair shop of
Harry Miller for Will 'oliuson of UVi
Roseburg, is a secinieu that is worthy
of praise. It is constructed with bail
bearings and runs very easily being
geared so that the operator may go in
any direction or climb any ordinary hill.
The friends of Mr. Johnson deter-e
credit for the funds so lilterally given
and Mr. Hod -on for the faithful latior,
lime and fxpense which he has sacri
ficed in order to benefll his unfortunate
fellow man.
Prof. Hunt's domain! monkey circus,
under the personal management of Mr.
Hull, independent of the carnival, has
i-enoneof the biggest attractions on
the midwny, not only for tlie voting peo
ple hut enj yed tiy the older ones I he
ease with which the dogs and monkeys
do the bidirgof their master is most re
markable and the rapidity with whii h
each is carried through without a hitch,
makes one almost believe that the ani
mal actors are hum n. The clown dog
ami the larg- monkey riding the bicy
cle olfordi a great de-il of amu-eiiKMit for
Is Culled to Oar Immense Line of
Choice Summer Furnishings
Below we mention a few of
the good things
Cool, comfortable, perfect fitting gar- The great popularity of Lace Hosiery
ments in cotton, lisle thread and silk has encouraged ns to put in a large, se
We ase prepared to please you in style, lect line of these goods. Many styles.
quality and price. prices range from 25c to 1.25.
We make a specialty of ox fords for men Golf and Negligee shirts, the kind
and women, in calf, kid patent leathers, that fit look slylish and make you stop
Styles strictly up to the minute. Ideal kicking about 'the weaither. A large
for bad weather. assortment. Prices range from 853 to $2
Mrs. A. Mahoney Dead.
Mrs. Grace Mahom-y, wife of Arthur ;
Mahoney, proprietor of the Kos-borg
oda works, dirt! at her homo on Kane j
street in this city Tuesday morning June j
14, 1901, of consumption. Mrs Ma
honey was a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F
W. Carroll of this city, and was bo. n in
Itosebun: twenty six years ago, and all
of her life has been a resident 01 this
citv, receiving her education in the pub
lic school here. Of late years her health
bus been failing and several times she
has made visits to southren California
and Ashland for her health. On the
third dav of March of last year she was
married to Arthur Mahoney, of this city t aae4tatt
ami until the time of her death enjoyed ' fmBS&
a happy married life. Her death was f MammA.
1101 a surprise to her many friends, as
ir the past month she has U-en very
low and it was known tbtt she coald
not survive a areat length of time. J
The funeral was held Wednesdav af-
t-riKKu at two o'clock from the Presby-
teriun church in thi-t city, the services !J
beinu conducted by Rev. W. S. Smith, I
ol Oakland t he I'.we mr O roast ra of
which Mr. Mahoney is a member fitrn-
1 lie little ones. fcveryooe shoukl srtr j jtjlej mUtic al the church, interment
. 1 1 1 1. 1 .
ineutn; ami miiKe sm-.
j following at the I. 0. O. F. comeu-ry
The htrje number of fi tends in attend
auc.- at tlie Mrrvices and me profusion of
HISl.E MAYKs At Kiddle. Ju-i- ti -ver which decorated the jrrave sIkiws
12, 1904. J T. Hisle and Mi" Kvs-ie with what huh esteem Mts. Mahoney
Mayes, Hev. E. A. Child olticiatin.-. wa held by ln:r friemls in this city.
Hvsides her hu-bnd ami parents, Mrs.
Ma'i'wey is survive 1 by two brothers
W. H. ami Sbvllaii Carroll, and a sister
Mirs Fmvc Cat roll, all of this city.
Mrs. J. II. Mahoney ami rs Charles
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
GIBBS PROCK At Camas Vailev.
Jnnnl W0 T. J. J GibM and Vre
D J. Proc;. Rev, M. W. Hampton
We are showing a fins line of Lace Curtains
which have jast arrived.
Fifty pairs of Portiere in the latest designs
and colorings.
We carry from qoo to iooo Window Shades in
; stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
' ; the beat that money can buy.
Photographic supplies of all kinds at !
. . . r i n '
tirares Art emporium, jir. uwin
will -srUdly give you the benefit of his
years of experience in that line, by ad
Tising yoa about your kodaks, supplies,
jitc. .
2n.rioiii ni:itiii. mil itf rarrii in - , rt .t
f ni...jii r. i,.,.o, Htci.-..! " --, sou una roacuine uasny carried on tne
mir. "sia. 4f-tf fir.t honors
partnership and will lireafter condi,-i . nr.i nonors.
.onaraiP i.tBLes lr. Cheadlo at his id Jode and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, at- Jas. Hansbroah and wife have
' Meddler, of Oaktaud utteodrd the fnne
' ral of Mrs. A Mahonev Welneday.
l. ,., . . I. n -
Mr. Graves ' placo of business in the little brick vp- ! lepaet tne i ommenccmeni nxercises j turneu irom soutnern ure.'on. .Mrs
i t-. -i . .i.:i.. n, Tnt,nc.i 'of the State Universitv. Ju-dje Hamil- , Hanhronib ha hwn vi-itimr rlntit-oe
ton being a member of the loard of at Grants Pass while Jim has been tee
reg-nts- ins the edford-Portland ball game at
Dr. H. I. S'tudlev, the Osteopathic j Medford. Of course Med ford lost but
noehe the Ai mory. while Dr.
hs rented the north front room in the
H. O. Lewis photograph gallery, ai.d
will fit offices there.
BENTZEN At Cauvonville. Oreiron.
June 14, It'.U. Henry, tlie foor yr-;
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Uent '
Congratulations to all of onr scres- '
Glorious Street Fair
and Call and See Us While Here
base U .11.
House Furnishers
Now's the time to buy your Furniture,
Carpets and House Furnishings
Physician, is a graduate of a Standard
School of Osteopathy. Consultation
free. All disoa-iaa yield 'e-dily to the
treatment. tf.
Thf yonnjr people of the Presbyterian
Christian Endeavors, are to sive a Rose
Show on the church corner on Cas and
Rose streets next Friday,
and cake will be ferved.
Ice cream
Mrs. R A Reagan and two
(daughters, Misses Albert anil Myrtle
i Bojress, left Wednesdav morninn by
j private covevance for Coquille City to
spend the summer.
At the last grand session of Grand
Chapters of the 0. E. S., which con
vened in Portland June 13th, our fellow
townsman. Hon. Q. P. Coshow was
elected Grand Worthy Patron for the
ensuing year.
Remember that it is quality, not
quantity, that we strive for in furnish
ing our city trade, therefore you will
always get the cheapest milk of the
Gaiidis Dairt, because the best. All
retail milk delivered in bottles. Our
specialties are cream, milk and butter
milk. If you don't see the wagon,
phone to the Creamery. 14-tf
just the same they touched Oruhol up
for two home runs and a two bacuer
and scored three runs while Port ami
lined three home runs off Medford's de
livery and scored eiiiht ru- s. Jim wtn't
tell how far back the fence was.
J. J. Kensiey pre-ident of the Leona
.Mills Lumber Lompiny, was in
city this week and plait-d at .id. for his
compauy in the Plai.vhealer whicii will
be seen elswhere in this i-gue. By rend
ing the pric Hat closely it will tie seen
that at present the Leona Mills com
panv are offering good lumber at greatly
reduced prices. The company's name is
their guarentee for tho best.
In this morning's telr im there ap
pears a picture of .Mr-? Dolla L. Hous
ton, of Portland, wh j !i .) just been in
stalled as a worthy grand matron of the
grand chapter of Oregon, Order of East
ern star. Mrs. Houston js the wife o!
the well-known P. passenger conduc
tor, D. L. Houston, and a sister of Mrs.
Philip iathewt, of this city, and is a
former Roseburg girl.
Governor Chamberlin, Secretary of
State 1. r. Dunbar and Superintendant
of Puplic Instruction J. A Ackerm n
The Alhanv baseball team under I be
ful candidates. It is no surjwi-e to the;
: residents of the south counties that j
Binser Hermann will still be our repre- '
seAtrttiVf in Centres. Hi- faithful, un-
mai.asement o- Pilclwr Frwl Gr-gory, j ,fish work fif ,,e JwpV 0,on has '
furmerlv ol the shamrocK, arrive, iu
his citv la-l niht to cro-s clulw with
tlie local buncli. The R-ter of the Al-
Ijanvians is follow: i-uies, CMicher,
re.ory, Taylor and Howard, pilrhers.
ll.VIS. Olin, l-l tMSe, UlltllllVtlll, "Jod
U se, Uaygiond 'horlsVip, lartwrig'l,
3rd iwf, O'Div, oluisn Hiid Hxrer.
delders ftullivan al-o came up wl h
the team, but is under su-pesijn and
will pro ably be released.
The Stumrock-t will line up .n follow-"
in to days c-mie White, catcher; Kev.1,
pitcher; Morrow, ti st Ui-e; Bradley, "Jrd
twe; Sh.uv, Sni base; Sullivan, Rup-rt,
ami Hiiveti outhaid. lanuer Morrow
has signed Sullivan, formely of the
Mbauy team, as an outtiilder.
One bay mare branded 11 on shoulder.
hlemish on shoulder, weiiht abmlll,-
000 Ib-i One dark liray mare brai.ded
OX on tight sboulder,;bIiud in one ev.
mi table reward will be pud for informa
tion leading to their recovery.
Matt EtOESBCiiR,
lS-lni Jeflersoii, Oregon.
wet its jnt morid of ppreci.ition. Ore-!W
iron li spnken in no uitcer: in way for .
Hr owN , hem, statesman, Theolore!i
Rt'seelt. w!h will be ele,-tel fr tlt -. !fj
lltvbe-t tfi e in the vifl of the e -pie, in
n-xi N en b-r He lot- eHrnel it -ver;
Mi-mii In hi- ie ainl jnt ndmini-'r-;
tnm of llit tiiif when he wm lit-d
h-re by the band that dealt ill- a.t
sii'V l-tow that tik front ns iHir Ivloreil
chief ruler, Wm McKiidey, ami a a na
tion of ndniiriiic and crutefnl peiple. he
will receive our generous and hearty
We regret the loss of one, of our candi
dates, especially so the defeat of our
trusted and honored state senator. A.
Marsters, wh- was defeated by political
intriutt'', because he had made a shilling
mnrk in our state Senate He will not
lone remdn in set-Iu-ion: io venrs
luter we will see to it that he is called to"! 3
fi. D. Graves
All Kinds of
;1 One Daor W.sL of Rice & Rice's Furniture Store
OUR $4-5o IRON BEDS $.gQ
OUR $6.oo IRON BEDS - qq
for O
OUR $8.50 IRON BEDS cn
for 1
Now's the time when you ran enjoy solid comfort.
Our Superi-r Steel Constructed Couches, regular
$15.00, HOW $13.00. Good Serviceable Cv,i ch iu
Plush Velvet tor 7.&U.
" 1. .1 .1 1 J
a ranee to use. iney are tar comer man mc um
kind. Two special beauties ana n Deuersoia; 4-nuie
size for $30; 6-hole size, the popular size, sold most
places for $45, OUT price $35.
Now's the time you should visit our Crokery
Denartment. When von are through buytigyour
furniture you can go on. buyiug the crockery for the
whole house
We make a specialty of mail orders.
This is all the s;ace we have, sn call and we will
be pleased to show you thr mgh.
A. B. McCoy, a son of M. McCoy, of j local from Ashland where
is city, who has been in the U. S. : been attending a meeting of
Navy for the last three yenrs has just re
turned to the coast from New York,
where he lately arrived from the orient
on battle-ship Kentucky, which is now
out of commission. Mr. vlcCoy has ask
for a transfsr to the coast and it was
granted, and he ha8 reported at San
Francisco for duty. It is probable that
before be is assaigned he will visit his
parents in this citv.
passed through here on this morning's Adlllillis rator's Sale of Real
of Regents of tho Southern Oregon
fctato Normal school. They will stop ai
a higher position. Whil we can truly
eoiiiiraiiila'e 'he peojde of O'ecr.n that
Mr. Masters' plare will be filled bv a
liguitied, Clui-ti m uentletn in of un
questionetl.abili'r, who hn- only one ob
jectionable point to his eminent qualifi
cations lor the lii:u otlice, -intl that l-1
that he is not a republican, our other
in the Count- Court, State ol Oregon, lor nete-ileu auiuwai- s were also defeated
i).tii v.011 i. . hv men cood and true, whom we honor
was rendered and a grand. oMtime din
ner w is -rve-l to one hnn Ired and fifty
four People, the whole beins manal
hy Rev M C. Davi-, who is represent
ing the Congregational church
u (1 rCiiraml5iuioiiCr., lVrtuen Onro Mild restect. and wi"h tuev all could see
urain today wnere a ue meeting 01 tne - u bcrev ,., Mdw imI mr.n. a3 ttc see, Hitically, and there woul
itoaru 01 uegenis 01 me central uregou ltlt to n ontt-r 01 ti c t i
State Normal school will be heldr
Pay and Oet a Nice flap.
(' .unt Co. 1 t ot Douxl.g ,A .,, .,.A .! ..inn
o in'y. Ort'Kon, inmie on iiie ,in tmy ouunc, - -
101, nmi 01 rccor-iu nr n nuuiican panv
.l7.l?K.,f lhi 11 r..-. rtl Ol Bttll COUIllT. ttltt I
uiide aUniiiui ia.rioroi mM ir ncniiij Miss Fannie Shank, of San Francisco, win ! ami -- 01 u.,. . . , . ,
t-l. -1 Kn.i-titirv. (iiecun. tiller lurfAic nil n.uiiiii'tiirai vo.i. iv t
10 tbo hlKtcsl l.Milcr .trcah lu linnd ttl jt 1
The Wholesale and Retail
House Furnishers.
Hon. Binger Hermann had a narrow
escape Tuesday evening while enroute
from this place to Portland. .Some
miscreant had tied a log down to the
rails with the apparent object of wreck
ing tho train, but the obstruction was
discovered in time to avoid injury to
both the train and its passengers. This
is the second experience that Mr. Her
mann has had of this nature. The con-
eressmann is in Portland to meet his
family who are returning from Wash
ington, and will return to Roseburg with
M. Wm. II. Vincent was in Roseburg
yesterday receiving the machinery for
his sawmill at Coles Valley. About a
I year ago Mr. Vincent installed a pl tnt
at that point and has used a water
wheel for power, but the increasing de
mand for the production of the mill has
induced him to add a due new 25-1. oree
power engine and a 30-horso powe
boiler together with a new, plane
and matcher, sash and door machinery
and hard wood working machinery. The
I capacity of the mill is about 20,000 feet
i. f fir per day.
pay us two dollars on subscription, we
ill present them a nice map of Oregon
and a map of tho world. The value o
the map is one dollar.
treat all
For the next thirty days to all who vate.aic u o. iherUnt. ml- ana n.urest m
a ti't ! i .nvi.ii u'"u'L -
;eetiteil rat iOnri 01 s ui esiaie iu uouk
a-i county, renou. i -n
I uu I..i nix. mvi n and elftil In b tx-k 3 Fit
Sout cru Aililitlun 10 tho city oi Kofdm-p
O em:
Als 1 1 -a lollo Ing itcKrlbcl pretnlsv In lv
bin de ad lltlou 10 tne cilj yl Kose- ur, -iCK""
r .vrti-
lbo block 17. 16. t.iy. and S aimi Di h.-k u
ant U, and t c 1, 2. -1. -I. and S in 21. Tbc lols nu oiu o uck nini
l.altoi Aldtr mreel ti rttul.ire ViC.ite.1 lylUK
ctetn l.l.iclc nn sn; nu n mat pari
Dociress M. M. Flndley.
diseases by this
Call and see her.
land, passed through Glcndale last week.
Sloan I Sbtitt, who ba resided in our
citv at out a year and a half and who
bought out the Glendale News plant
and most successfully mnnaued and ed
iti-d that pttper during his residence
hero, has sold out and removed with his
f tmily to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Slant
A first class O-iteonithic doctor ol I ..ait. it Aldtr wmt ti rttul.ire vicattsi lytuit ,UkI their three brmht, young sous.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, will be at the UMr' UmM. n"J Perc-V- hiul 0,1
MoClallen House all this week, and will ? .""''A9.-.'iJlV, ?,,.lrXl?& deand themselves to our whole popula
6; tion and one voice of sincre regret bade
.aSK,l Sib "Itul aane them goodbye when they left onr city
drawn tiu th and ontltti l.elween a pomi on in Tt ... i,avu nro.'ppred in Glendale ; thev
street and a l ilnt where l t lino when drawn I still own very valuable property hero ;
i"",V,wVwe;trb1 S-'c," they lcit our city with regret. -They
Alf o the cart hall o that lan Ol iiion aireei , ftV0 llwatL.(l ut Ashland for tllO purpose
h-icto(oroviicaudl)liisbctwieublot;knand .. i
l.n ii.o r.iunuiin. iiremiw) iu
HlterKldc Addition to tho city ol ItowburK as
follow t.t-wlf.
Thelntk h,7,8,, 10, 11
Tho lots 9, 10, 11, 13. 13, H, Wi aim iu in uihok
Tl.n H lO II nnrl 17 111 ltl.ICK 1.
The lint Hi ii block a. IU lot- ii io uiw. o
A so the lol't. wini: iit.rr. hot prtmt-t lo-wo
'I'heM.uih half hi ilio norti -vafl ti.iart r alio
dm T.o.ih. hi i.iottit r oi ttio Komli-eit.i Quarter
I,... .....I, ti. l.,i-.tti n fid ith .it I
tbe ySSfn wVit'iv l0,,!? 00 re,ia,,nl)eri!tl ,n so,e
8t. contitiiiii.i; ou hiimiiud rtij.i tweiiij air.a ..Oregon, rundo tni-moraMo ay tne grant
Home Baking Sale.
Tho Ladies of the Episcopal church
will conduct a sale of home baking at
Cannons Book Store Saturday. The
baking will consist ol cake, germau
coffee cake ami bread.
Reduced Rates Acc unt Alardl Qras
and Carnival t Portland.
of educating their children tnero and
that citv is to be congratulated over
s ell an acquisition to her imputation
Our loss is Asblaid's gain. Mr. nu
rs. Shutt are ieoplo of culture and in
tclliienco and will illumine any locality
in which they live.
Sundav, lune 12th, was a day that
On June 7th, ntid July "ill,
. -if y m - 11 I .inutttliili.i mi tiniuliil rftitl ttrt'llW HtT S
sout iiern I'ucinu uomna v win en " " . " ; . - i. : :.v.ii. .,ai,,i.
reduce.1 rates, account Mardi Gras and IZKmT"1 " K in thU grove at Wolf creek to celebrate
r...:.:.i i,. L. i n,.i ; t,,o Pal-tl at Kosebur, Ou-eiih. this 13th day in nhllilien'a dav. blX SsillUlay 8C110O1
28ht to July 9th, inclusive. 47 to 54 I 47 to.
Simon Caho, Administrator. I were represented and a fine program
The Dixie Carnival at R scburg.
Crowd are coming from surrounding
tow us and from t..e country to visit the
different attractions of the Dixie Carui-
al. As the week progresses the crowd
increases aud every txxly seems to be sat-
sfied with the shows. The writer has
oeeu through the different tents and
tiads everything as represented by tUe
pielers " hue some thiiigs are uot ex
actly as they are puiutoJ on the canvas
one is assure I ot their money's worth ai
uverv perlormance. All shows are mor
al and i.ilereatliig. As usual the snake
eater, "Esau," draws lare crowds ot
people. "Dixie laud,"' the coon show,
is having its share of patronage, as the
negro shows always do. The laughing,
oking aud siiigmg darkies always add
life to the tired sightseers. In the
Laughing Palace, where one laughs at
himself tiecanse he is the whole show
and pays his money to see himself look
tall, short, fat, round, crooked aud
sttaigbt, is visited by hundreds. "No
Natnu the Malay W'ouder," has tbe peo
pie guessing aiid is continually euter
tabling a large. crowd of people. The
Electric Palace is doing a great busluess
and all who see the statue turn to life
go away mys ili-jd Luna, the lady of
beauty ana flowers, together with the
moving picture machine, is turning peo
pie away at each performance. The
Swisu Village, why called we are. unable
to say, as it is more a Palace of Median
i.'S, Is au interesting exhibition. Sam
son, the bur snake, is undoubtedly tin
most wonderful repUl- ever exhibited
on this coast. It is all its spielera claim
for it. The Glass Palace is a flna rahU
The Maccabees onder whose aospice
the carnival is conducted deserve great
praise for the saccesa.of the affair.
Railroad Notes
Mrs.J.D Huff returned home Wed
nes ay eveing from Portland where tbe
has been visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. L. S. Pengra. who has beea Tilt
ing relatives in this city left Wedaeadar
to visit at Euirene and Portland.
Engineer and -Mrs. P. E. Prettys
arrived in this city Wednesday bom
Ashland to reside and have tested th
house formerly occupied by W. J. Men
on Washington street.
F. W. Miller and J. L. Hamlin two
freight breakmen at e laying off thi week
Chief Dispatcher .Morris and wife
have returned from their visit at Port
land. For the past week the manager of tbe
Plaindkalkh has been kept busy Uatiag
up new subscriptions.
Do not wait for us to hunt yoa up bst
drop into the ofiL-e and give us yoar
name for a subcriptt m and we will jrivj
you in tetun. a gocd n- wspaper.
First Christian Church; coiner Piaa
and Woodward streets, tieo. Ritcher
pastor Bible School at 10 a m Juaior
and Senior Christian Eudeavor Society
at 7 p ra Preaching at Ham and 3 pm.
moruiug subject: 'The Lord's Supper."
evening subject: "The Question of tW
Ages." Good music. Alt Welcome, corn
and bring a friend with you.