The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 09, 1904, Image 3

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    -f' -
It's the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Soring goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their
quality. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for
3'ou to give us the opportunitv.
Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are
nobby and pretty, our Shoes are stauuch and comfortable, our Hats are stylish
and shapely, our Furnishings are new and nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty
and cheap in price.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAfl, Prop. One Door Southof P. O.
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belie Collins
National Guard in Camp. General
ders'Numder il.
Headquarters Oregon National Guard.
Adjutant General's Office,
Portland, Ore., May 19, 1904.
The following is announced for the in
formation and guidance of all concerned:
The Oregon National Guard with the
exception of Troop A will encamp at
American Lake, Washington, July 7 to
21, 1904, iuclusive. This will be a joiut
maneuver camp in which the regular
troops in the Department of the Colum
bia and the National Guard organiza
tions of Washington and Idaho will also
participate. Orders covering all details
w ill be issued later.
Major Franck S. Baker, Third Infan
try, is hereby detailed as State Inspector
of Small-Arms Practice. Upon receipt
of this order he wi.l report in person to
these Headquarters.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
Adjutant General.
State or Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lccas Couxty. J
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and everj case of Catarrh that cannot
be cuicd by the use of Hill's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed to
in my presence, this 6 h day of Decem
ber, 18S6.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's'Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, and actslir:ty on the blood and
mucous furfaitfS of the system. Send
for testimonials it its.
;F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pihs for constipation .
L Of Local Interest.
Dr'a. Cheadle Sc Johnson, dentists. All
work guaranteed.
Miss Effie Willis, of Dillard, is visiting
friends in this city.
The Misses Rabat are spending a
short outing on the North Umpqua.
J. L. Churchill, of 8unset Ranch, In
Coles Valley, spent Tuesday in this city.
H. H. Brookes, formerly editor of the
Plaisdkaleb, is in Ashland on business.
Osteopathy is highly recommended by
those wlw have given ! a f.tir trial. 42tf
Stonewall Sutherliu of Winchester,
spent the first part of the week in Rose
burg. John Standley, of Olalla. was attend
ing to business matters in the city, Wed
nesday. Mr and Mrs. John S. Punham, of
Wardton. were Roseburg visitors, W ed-
One half-pound coffee free at Kruse fc
Newland's for sir days, commencing
June 6th.
Senator-elect, O. P. Coshow, with his
family, left this morning for his home
stead near Glide.
Discard artificial methods of treatment
and try Osteopathy, nature's cure
never disappoints.
If von want good work done, try the
Ttnsphun? Machine Shop, corner Wash
ington and Kane St.
Mrs. Mary Stearns and daughter, Mrs.
Ralph Terrill, and Master Irvine Terrill
visited in Oakland this week.
Mr and Mrs. T. J. Brown, of Port
land, after a short visit with Roseburg
friend, letnrned home Wednesday.
S Peterson, arrived in this city Tues-
Hr from Tucson. Arir. and will spend
.mmw visitins with friends here
For sick headache take Cbamberlai iSt
Stomach and Liver Tabletea and a q-m-k
cure is certain. For sale by A. C. .Mar
sters & Co.
Mrs. Ed. Renfro, who has been in
Portland undergoing an operation at the
hospital, has returned home much im
proved in health.
42 tf
Glorious Street Fair
and Call and See Us While Here
House Furnishers
Now's the time to buy your Furnitare,
Carpets and House Furnishings
for 'xJ
Kow's the time when you ran enjoy solid comfort.
Our Superior Steel ConstriicL-d Couches, regular
$15.00, now $13.00. Gojd Serviceable C-.uch iu
Plush Velvet for $7.50.
Now's the time when that good wife should h iv 0
TUt nra for nnnlpr thin the la
a range to ube. xiicy - -
kind. Two special baauties and no be tersoia, 4-rioie
size for $30; 6-hole size, the populir size, sold most
places for $45, our price $35.
Now's the time you should visit our Crockery
TWortmPtit. When voti are tnrouun Duyiug your
furniture you ran go on buyiug the crockery for the
whole house.
We make a specialty ot mail orders.
This is all the space we have, an call and we will
be pleased to show you through.
The Wholesale and Retail
House Furnishers.
Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. AH
work guaranteed.
O. L. Rutherlin, of Oakland, is in this
city on business.
Claire Godfrey, of Portland, is visiting
friends in this city.
Mrs. Dive Comstock is in this city
from Leona, visiting friends.
E. Ambrose and wife, of Yonculla,
were in this city this week on business.
Osteopathy is highly recommended
by those who have given it a fair trial.
:iu tf
You will not believe In Osteopathy
until you are convinced of its efficiency
by a trial.
For all the late fadB in fancy work,
Btamnine done to order, bo Lto the Art
Fred Laugh left on this morning's lo-
local for Eugene and other valley points,
in quest of a location.
Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. H.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. -tG-tf
Discard artificial methods of treat
ment and try Osteopathy, natures cure.
It hover disappoints. 39tf
Co-operative Dentistry Dr. W. H.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free,
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Attorney-General A. M. Crawford,
wife and son, James, returned to Salem
on'tbU morning's local.
If you want Machine work done call
at the Boseburg Machine Shop, corner
Washington and Kane St.
B. F. Page, left last Tucrfay evening
for"a visit at his old home in Viiginia,
and to attend the St. Louis Fair.
Thoa. J. Brown, of Portland, accom
panied by his wifo spent Sunday and
Monday visiting friends in this city.
In be half of the Plaisdealer foYee
we desire to express thanks for a box
of cherries from the fine farm of Enos
Mrs. James Young, who has lteen re
ceiving medical attendance at a Port
land hospital has returned home much
improved in health.
Lost: Between ttie o8t-otlice and the
corner of Oak and Kane St , a ladies
gold watch. Finder will please leave
same at this otfiee. Suitable reward
will be paid. m 'J-l m
The people of the East are waging a
campjign for noisless Fourth of July.
If it seems to meet with opposition from
the fire works vender, the doctor and
small boy.
Miss Flossie Perry is visiting at Junc
tion City with her aunt, .Mrs J. A
Bieka. Before her return home the will
also visit her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Russell
at Coburg.
Photographic supplies of all kinds at
Graves' Art Emporium. Mr. Graves
will gladly give you the benefit of his
years of experience in that line, by ad
vising you about your kodaks, supplies,
etc. 46-tf
Rice and Rice are selling more crock
ery than are the other stores in Rose
burg. Glass Water Tumblers 20c toOO
per set of 6. We've all that goes to
make the Crockery Line complete.
Now is the time to bny your Jelley
Glasses. 45-1 t-f
Salzman Beard, receivea a check for
! $1,000.00 today, being the insurance in
j full on their building that was diatroved
by fire on the 26th, day of May. They
were insured in the Hamburg-Bremen,
Insurance Company. D. S. T. West, is
their agent.
Ihe little seven year old son of W. H
Boyle was injured in a runaway yester
day afternoon. He was in one of the
delivery wagons, holding tnc horses,
when they became frightened and ran
down Kane street and up Washington
to Chad wick, where the wagon was
overturned and the horses broke loose.
Dr. Hoover was called and dressed the
little fellow's bruises and within a few
days he will be again at play with his
Remember this! Don't buy your Car
pets until you have seen our line.
The largest stock this side of Portland.
A few pairs of those patent, folding, ad
justable Curtain Stretchers left; only
$2.00 while they last. For sale by us
only. Rice and Rice. -JO-lt-f
New York society is "surprised" by
the news that the Duke and Duchess
vaiencayare preparing to sever mar
riage relations in a Paiis divorce court
Railroad Notes
Log Cabin Creams at Currier's.
Wood for ale. Leave order with J. F.
Baexeb. tf
All disorders yield to Osteopathic
Famished hou e for rent Inquire of
R. R. Johnson, Murks building.
Miss Myrtle Dixon, of Eist Umpqua,
is visiting in Roseburg this week.
Coffee given away at Kruse Jc New
land's during wek of sale, fith to 13th.
If it is '"Floral" it is the latest and it
can be had at Stratfords gallery only.
If you want to buy Angora Goats call
on or address L. A. Marsters Cleveland
Ore. -155 t pd
Maurice Moore, wife and little child,
are visiting relatives at Walton, Lane
Clerk-elect Znpher Agee is in this
city, receiving the congratulations of his
If you want mats cut in all the late
styles', ovals, circles, etc., go to Graves'
Art Emporium. 46-tf
Dorothy, the little daughter of F. S.
Godfrey, of Portland, is visiting rela
tives in this city
If you want grinding done, call at the
Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ing and Kane St.
Cooperative Dentistry Dr. W. H.
Darby, over P. O. Examinations free.
All work guaranteed. 46-tf
Health is governed by common sense
principles, thus Osteopathy is popular
and its cures permanent.
Mrs.-F. W. Woolley has returned from
a visit with relatives and friends at
Portland and Goldendale, Wash.
Judge A. F. Stearns, of Oakland, was
in this city on business Wednesday.
This office received a pleasant call.
You probably never saw folder photo
at less than fS.OO per dozen they are
$4.00 and up at Stratfords. See them.
Wm. Moore and family, who for the
pal two yeirs have resided in this city,
are moving to Nnrih Bend, Coos county,
to reside.
Mrs. Merta Mehl. of Bandon, who
has been visiting her HBter, Mrs. H. D.
Graves, of this city, Is now visiting rela
tives at Eugene.
Helen and Vivian Cardwell left
Wednesday morning to spend the sum
mer with relatives at Salem, Portland,
and Olympia, Wash.
Miss Eva Howard, of Portland, ste
nographer for Crane Bros. Hardware
company, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Emma Howard, of this city.
Dr. L. H Hamilton, of Portland, is
here, having come to attend the wed
ding of His siter, Miss Stella M Hamil
ton, and-W. H. Richardson.
The correspondence of 'Mollie" of
Glendale, we are sorry to state, came to
us only in part and will be published
upon receipt of the balance of the copy.
Graven' Art Emporium is now open to
the public Everything in the line of
Art, fancy work, pyrography, and pho- tbe duchess was a xew ork girl when
tographic supplies, will be carried in
stock. 46-tf
Mrs F. H. Appelhoff, who has been
I visiting her son, George Johnson, at
I Berkeley, Cal , where he recently gradu
ated from the University of California,
has returned home.
The Southern Pacific Company are
taking great interest in the good roads
movement of Oregon, and will give their country and a largo crowd is looked lor
Georgo Cramer, night ticket agent at
the depot, was called to Salem, Satur
day afternoon, by tho serious illness of
his father.
The S. P. steam shovel was overturn
ed near Hugo, Friday morning, and do-
l.iyed tho arrival of train 15 in Ashlnnd
about live hourw.
The Brotherhood of locomotive En
gineers, which has been holding its hi
ennial session at Los Angeles litis chosen
Memphis, Tenn , as itw next place of
Claude A. Pengra, who has been night
operntor at Glendale for the past eigh
teen months, has been trasferred to
Junction City, where he will bo in
charge of that ofiice.-Ashland Tidings.
Conductor Sam Veach, of Portland
accompanied by family and parents
passed through this city on lunt evening
local for Galveston, Texas, where they
will visit for some timu Later they will
attend the St. I-ouis Fair.
Bert Adderton and wife left Wednes
day for Portland to reside. Mr. Adder
ton will fire on the Oswego local.
A letter from George T. Myers, Jr.,
superintendent of the Oregon fish and
game exhitbita at St. Louis, to his fath
er, says that the Oregon exhibits are
now all installed and are attracting
much attention. The weather hereto
fore has been wet and disagreeable and
the attendance has been small, but with
the advent of pleasant weather the at
tendance has greatly increased and all
having charge of exhibits are kept busy
answering questions. "Homer Daven
port has been eeveral days here,'' the
letter states, "and has been taking in
everything. He was at my exhibits sev
eral times, and said to me, well Mr.
Myers, your Oregon exhibits of birds;
has certainly skinned any other collec- j
lion here. I felt Mattered by a compli
ment coming from so distinguished a
bird fancier, who has tho largest collec
tion of wild and tame birds in the Unit
ed Stales on his farm in New Jersey.
Ihe Oreeon state building looks grand
and is admired bv everybody for its de
sign and beauty, and is filled from mor-J ceiling
ning until night General Superinten
dent Wehruug and his daugher have
their hands full entertaining the many
victors that call. I visited the build
ing yesterday, and seeing the demand
made upon him, told him I would not
take his job for fCOO a month. Mr. We
hruug has been assiduous in his work,
and deserves commendation for his suc
cess in getting the Oregon exhibit so well
arranged. Other states have more niou
ey to spend on their exhibits and have
a greater amount, but in quality I think
all our Oregon exhibits will excel. I am
waiting to hear of your sending fresh
and canned salmon."
Is Called to Oar Immense Line of
Choice Summer Furnishings
Below we mention a few of
the good things
Cool, comfortable, perfect fitting gar- The great popularity of Lace Hosiery
nieiits in cotton, lisle thread and silk, has encouraged ns to put in a large, se
We ase prepared to please you iu style, lect line of these goods. Many styles,
quality and price. Prices range from 25c to $1.25.
We make a specialty of ex fords for men Golf and Negligee shirts, the kind
and women, in calf, kid patent leathers, that fit look stylish and make you stop
Styles strictly up to the minute. Ideal kicking about the weaither. A large
for bad weather. assortment. Prices range from 850 to $2
Hotel McClallen Office Improved.
Htnndliie of Clulj.
Won Lost Pet.
Albany 9 i .0P2
Salem 14 9 .009
Eugene 13 12 .520
Roeburg. 9 15 .375
The appeurauce of the otfiee and re
ception room of the Hotel McCIalleu
has been greatly improved in appear
ance by the present management. The
larise room and hall floors have been
covered with linoleum, the walls and '
neatlv papered and repainted, j
I he register desk has Iwn moved far- t
ther from the wall and a fine new roller- j
top desk in-tailed for the chief clerk, j
The guests' large writing table has ben '
taken out and in its place are six small :
individual writing tables with an elec- ;
trie stand-lamp for each. A telephone '
booth his been added to the office and !
the wash room ch'inged from the main
room into wha wus formerly the bai:- 1
gage room. Several other changes will !
be made, among which will be impove
ments in tbe dining room. Mr. Bloom
er intends to make the Hotel McClallen
the bet in Southern Oregon and from
the change in appearance f far, we be
lieve Ite will succeed. An inviting of-
fice and reption roin, the bel of
Christian Endeavor Hotel, World's Fair
St Louis, Mo.
Headquarters for Christian people and friends of
morality. A respectable hotel for respetable people. Lo
cated 100 feet from gate to Fair Gronnds. Street cars di-
mu and bi. obliging and competent uuluu JLaLluu- saiecy ana comiort.
help and the best of management dd to Capacit 3000 gueste dailv. Backed by men of highest
the popularity 01 the Hotel McCUHen. j standing and endorsed by Worlds Fair Officials. Thou
Foiiowiog ii an extract from the P.ed-; sands of representative people from all sections of the
hmdiieview. (country have already emgaged accommodations. Rates
tile llliril uav cm. wie nrerauu: v,i J -J - , .
nhaiwaby f'ar the bet attended of arranged in advance $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Send for
i any iim far this week and the local de- 5 booklet giving full particulars. Tell your friends about it.
, fttrttnent expects to realize more than jrjrjj'egg nr once
The Eugene Blues arrived in this civ , enough from it to iav for the desired
last night to play four games with tl.e uniforms. The tho i all that the ad
Shamrocks, after which the local. ill , vertifers claim, from one end of the mid
cross bats in eight consecutive gsines ' way to the other. When one lakes a
with the Albany team, nuking twelve ride on the Ferris wheel, pitches a few
straight games on the Roseburg gronnd?. ' ring? at the glittering knives, throws a
The Shamrocks are considerably crip- ball or two at the "nigger's" head, frees
pled, but will le alright in a few dny Lima," "Ueorgie" "No Same" and
with the addition of several new players, takes a trip to the moon, still he is not
it is nrobable that "Pop" Morrow, tl.e . had wjv around, for there are the fam-
old reliable, will retire from the game ; ous glass blowers, samson the big boa,
the balance of the season as soon us, a ; theSwisS V-llageand many olherthmgs. a
new man can be secured. His left arm To i-oe tltem all takes the better half of J
is in such a condition that it will be im- an afternoon or evening.
possible for him to do justice on first! The talk of the town is Dan. Thorn p-
bag. He will still look after the b?i- j son's high dive. No more daring ex- J
neas end of the Shamrocks. ' hibition of human nerve ha ever been :
Bradley, the old favorite, will release 1 witnessed by the Hollands and there I a
third bag to Sadler until he has recov- j are several hundred people who have 5 J
ered !rom hia injuries and Willie O'Day, I not yet missed oneof these performances. 1
Christian Endeavor Hotel & Auditorium Co.St Loais, M.
the general utility man for the Suite
League, will occupy second for a time.
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
the duke married he-, or rather hi
30,00oa year, four y.ire ago.
The Maccabees have about completed
arrangements for their Street Fair aud
Carnival to hold in Roseburg June 13th
10 18th. They have the good will of the
town almost to a roan. The advance
men for the Carnival Company have
been doing extensivo advertising in the
DINIKKV. At his home in Roseburg,
June 4, 1904, C. H. Dininny, aged 58
years, of consumption.
Mr. Dininny formerly resided at Kel
logg ainl Liter at Wilbur. Ho was a
teter.iu of the Civil war .ind belonged to
:i Kansas t5. A.
The deceased ii survived by his wife
and son, Clay, an S. P. Fireman, and
daughter, Miss Uury, all of this city.
The funeral was held Sunday, inter
ment taking plare in the Maonic ceme
tery. Services were conducted at the
residence bv Rev. Geo. H. Bennett, of
the M K. Church, and at the grave by
Reno Post, G A. K.
The one feature of the show, however,
which is most remarkable of all that
may be mentioned is the fact tht not
one flash of Jirauiondity can t-e charged
against any part of it. The Swiss
Village, Negro .Minstrels, dancing girls
aud all, are .iltr.icting the best people.
One ciliren remarked that it did not
seem like a carnival for the "bunco"
games were not there.
J We are showing a fine line of Lace Curtains
which have just arrived.
2 Fifty pairs of Portiere in the latest designs
and colorings.
We carry from 500 to 1000 Window Shades in
; stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
the best that money can buy.
support to it. Now it ia the time for the
I people themselves to become interested.
As we go to presa we are advised by
wire of the death by drownlngof a young
man, Ed. Thornberry. who lost his life
while rafting logs near Eugene. The
I body has been recovered and will be
taken to Eugene for interment.
A No. 1 stock farm of 155 acres, near
from surrounding towns. Wo are in re
ceipt of flattering press notices from dif
ferent cities in which this carnival has
shown and the press speaks highly of
them as having good clean moral shown.
Jane 14th will be a gala day in Med-
ford. On that day the Med ford and
Portland teams will meet in an exhibi
tion came on the Athletic Association
ly all fenced. I have land as good as a grounus, 1110 game 10 uB caiiea ai 1 :w
crow ever flew over, well watered, with o'clock. At 1 o'clock Prof. Bartlett, a
unlimited outside range ; house and out- famoua aeronaut will make a baloon as-
hniHinr waII worth S1400: nt nraaent cension ana paracnute lump Irom near
will take $750. Can you beat this? the Southern Pacflic depot. In the ev
Allen Wilson, ening a benefit ball will be given for tho
Mv M-rvl Ounu Vallev. Medford team.
j - 1 -
The Christian Endeavor Society of the
Christian Church will serve lunch and
ice cream in the room formerly occupied
by the Board of Trade, on Tuesday June
14th. Lunch 25 cents. Ice cream and
cake 15 cents. Strawberries and cake
15 cents. Come and enjoy a good lunch.
Remember that It is quality, not
quantity, that we strive for in furnish
ing our city trade, therefore you will
always get the cheapest milk of the
Gaiidis Dairy, because tho best. All
retail milk delivered in bottles. Our
specialties are cream, milk and butter
milk. If you don't see the wagon,
phone to the Creamery. 14-tf
The ' title Guarantee and Loan Com
pany are busily engaged in preparing
their new quarters In tbe old Caro build
ing for occupation. Tbe fine largo vault
is now complete and being prepared for
the shelving and salety deposit boxes
and tbe main room will be partitioned
off with fences and low glass partitions
for the different departments. When
I arranged this will be the neatest office
I of tho kind south of Portland.
Pay and Got a Nice flap.
For the next thirty days to all who
pay us two dollars on subscription, we
will present them a nice map of Oregon
and a map of the world. The value of
the map is one dollar.
Mohair Wanted.
It will pay you to see us before you
ell your mohair,
a 11 Kruso & Newland.
Doc tress M. M. Flndley.
A first class Osteopathic doctor of
Minneapolis, Minnesota, will be at the
McClallen House all this week, and will
treat all diseases by this marvelous
method. Call and see her. 4Stf
Home Baking Sale.
The Ladles of the Episcopal church
will conduct a sale of homo baking at
Cannons Book Store Saturday. The
baking will consist of cake,
coffea cako and bread.
F. E. Alley, the abstractor, left this
morning for Salem on huine-s.
O. 11. Hiiis Ule and C. E. Ricker of
Gardiner, and A. E. Ozmf of Scottsburg
are in Roseburg to lay.
Date Eielman, who has been employed
at the drug store of Hon. A. C. Marsters-
in now employed nt dunnns book store.
Dr. Luther Hamilton, of Portland,
niwwimn.nil 1... ltio d 1 ft.. '
Dr. Geo. Houck cf this city, is spending
a few days in Bowstcr Valley fishing.
Miss Virginia Byrd, formerly clerk in
D. S. Land oUce hero has resigned her
posltlonjon account of an affection of tho
eyes, and left this morning for her home
at Salem.
Swantie Peterson who acted as clerk
in the music house of Burr nbout two
years ago, but of lato has been East and
in Arizonia. for his health has returned
to this city and will spend the summer
II. J. Wilson, Canyonville; A. T.
Stearns, Oakland ; C. D. Drain, Drain ;
S. G. Long, Yoncolla; E. T. Euegles,
Peel; J. U. Hutchnson, Kellog; 0. M.
Barker and John Height, Galcsville;
Dee Hanks, Perduo; G Gilboitson, Glen
dale; Kay Tibbctts, North Bond; Al.
Bogart and A B Haynes, Jr. and wife
Elkton; Michael Goetz, Bohemia; II.
Moonoy and Mrs. Edwin E Bright,
Anauf; J W Hobbs, Eugene; G W
Wanacott, Riddle; G W Stepheis and
J E Medley, Umpqua Ferry; wero regis
tered at the Hotel McClullcn this week.
New Yokk, June S. Friends of the
1is lUmlv. ot New York, have re-
. . . :.. . !
eeiveu trom lenna news mat me young
women are in a medical institution in
that city, having been taken there for
observation and treatment while labor
ing un ler excitement or hysteria,
suys a Herald dispatch from Paris.
The story of their atllction is a strange
one. ix months ago the three sisters,
who are between the ages of J0 and SO,
left New York for Europe unattended
j for a trip to the Mediterranean and
1 Esvut. Thev were well supplied with
j money and proficient
European Suits from $16.50 up. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing
languages. After visiting the Holy
buil they visited Kgvpt, saw the pyra
mids and went some distance up tho
Nile. A month ago they reached Con
stantinople. There they met a party
of Americans whoobtained for theyoung
ladies a reliable courier to escort them
to Havre, where they proposed embark-
inu on their return voyage, lhoy were
evidently in a nervous condition, and
told stories of an attempt made to kid
nap them near tho pyramids, and of
their having been pursued across Galilee
by ft bandit Sheik. They gave tho im
pression to nil who camu in contact with
them that their nerves hart been con
siderably shaken by their adventures,
fancied or real On the arrival of the
sisters iu Vienna their nervousness be
came more marked They evaded the
courier and moved from hotel to hotel,
declaring thoir lives wero in danger
Finally thoy cdled upon tho police for
protection and were turned over to tho
United States Consul, who is having
them cared for ponding tho arrival of
relatives. Tho real cause of tho nerv
ous breakdown is unknown.
All Work Guaranteed
u lon't in it
p vc
to buy a farm
furnished rooms
to buy a house
to rent a house
to build a house
to move a house
ul ti i.t-
H. D. Graves
Feel your chickens ground oyster
german I aholls. Buy them at the Fish Market,
corner, unnennu nnesireois. m o
a follow loves a girl tint's his busi
ness ;
If tho girl loves him that's her busi
If thoy want to got mariied that's
their business ;
But if they want tho best coffeo that's
our business.
One half-pnuud f reo from the 6th tq I
13th. Kkdsk & Nkwlasd. 45-lt
All Kinds of
One Door West of Rice & Rice's Furniture Store